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Notes for Women

By Phillida

PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Lady Stringer, of Wellington, is staying at the Grand Hotel. - * » * Mrs and Miss Orbell, of Waikouaiti, are the guests of Mrs John Cook. * * * Mi’s J. E. Eitchic left yesterday, en route for England. * « * Mr and Mrs Neill Rattray, of Waimate, are visiting Dunedin. * * * Mrs L. R. Ellis is a guest at “ The Hermitage,” Mount Cook. «■ * * Mrs Thompson and Mrs F. Armstrong left yesterday, cn route for England. * * . # The Misses Greenslade have been guests at the White Star Hotel, Queenstown, Mrs Denny gave a bridge party for Mrs Thompson and Mrs Frank Armstrong. * * » Miss Diana Allan, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs H. S. Fenwick, Musselburgh Rise, for race week. ■» » # Miss Dorothy Herbert, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Stanley Batchelor, London street. * » * Miss- Gladys Crossan lias returned to Dunedin, after spending some time in Wellington, * » » Mr and Mrs Frank Bell, of Shag Valley. are the guests of Mrs IV. Laidlaw, Pitt street. « * » Several small parties for Lady Stout have been given by bridge hostesses during the week. * * * Miss Joyce Nevili has gone to Walter Peak Station, where she will be the guest of Major and Mrs Peter Mackenzie. * » ■* Mr and Mrs A. D. Bell, with Miss Brenda Bell, of Shag Valley, are staying at the Grand Hotel for race week. « ■» « Miss G. M. Patridge will leave .by this morning’s Central Otago train for Ida Valley, where she will stay for a few days. * * * Mr and Mrs V. Murray, of Invercargill, who have been guests of Mrs E. V. Kennedy, Trafalgar street, Timaru, passed through Dunedin on their way south by car on Tuesday. « » * The engagement is announced of Miss Rani Bennell, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Reginald Bennell, of Wellington, to ■Mr Frank Hyde, of “Timburn,” Tarras, Central Otago. • * * Mrs Ibbofson gave an enjoyable bridge party on Monday for Mrs Thompson and Mrs F. Armstrong. Present were Mesdames Easther, Niven, Thompson, Armstrong, Denny, Martin (Christchurch), Stenhousc, and Logan, *. « « Miss Moyra Todd is in Switzerland for the winter sports (says our London correspondent, writing on January- 5) Hot (Dr K. M. Todd), who has been in the United States for a year, is arriving next week by the Bcrcngaria, and will join her. » * * Recent visitors at Lairg House, Papatowai, have been: —Mr and Mrs J. F, Thomson, Taicri; Mr K. J. Wardeli, Omarama; Miss M. MTherson, Mosgiel; Mr G. M'Lood, Owaka; Mr and Mrs Wardell, Miss M. Puechegud, and Mr Paul and Madame Snldaigne, Dunedin. » * * Mrs P. J. Priest gave a tea party for Mrs Innes-Walker, sen., of Kenya Colony, at her residence, St. Cljur, on Wednesday afternoon, when the guests were Mesdames Evatt, Guy Tapley, Saunders, Dick, Rutherford-Patterson. Stuart .Stevenson, and Jamieson, and Miss Ensor. . .< » » * On Wednesday evening, on the occasion of the birthday of her daughter, Miss Helen Fenwick, Mrs H. S. Fenwick gave a * dance at her residence, Musselburgh Rise. The house was a bower of flowers. Magnolias and gladiolias adorned the ballroom, hydrangeas filled the hall, and in the _ dining room, where supper was laid, pink roses in crystal vases lent colour and fragrance to the tables. Outside, stillness aind warmth made the evening perfect for dancing. Mrs Fenwick received her guests in the hall. She wore a robe of black georgette ’ banded at the hem with grey fur, and having a V-shaped panel of steel embroidery let into the front. Miss Norrie Fenwick was attired in primrose georgette trimmed with bands of pale gold diamente, while Miss Helen Fenwick wore the frock in which she was presented at Court last season—a beautiful model of cream georgette with diamente relief. Miss Diana Allan, of Christchurch, who is staying with Mrs Fenwick, was in turquoise blue taffeta made with an uneven hemline. The other guests included Mrs Rattray, who wore turquoise bl«e_ georgette and silver diamente: Mrs Neill Rattray, of Waimate, pink floral ninon; Mrs Irvine, silver lame with touches of emerald green; Mrs Terence Bridgeman, gold lame: Mrs Stanley Batchelor, black and pink floral ring velvet; Mrs George Ritchie, black jetted georgette relieved with silver; Mrs W. o. Maokellar, pale blue georgette; Mrs Leslie Mills, floral ring velvet with a black sash; Mrs Frank Bell, pale pink tulle with a jewelled bodice; and Mrs Norman Haggitt, black charmeuse; Miss Cheeaeman, reseda green taffeta; Miss Callaway. mother-of-pearl spangled frock: Miss Neill, black georgette with a petalled skirt beaded in pink flowers; Miss Rei floral ring velvet; Miss Phillips, early Victorian frock of cream taffeta; Miss htronSch, pale pink taffeta; Miss Letty IVilhams, pale green georgette; Miss Roberts, heliotrope shot taffeta; Miss Mathcson, fuchsia-coloured silk lace; Miss I inch, red lace; Miss Orbell, blush-pink georgette; Miss Rogers, moss-gre'n lace; Miss Ritchie, apricot georgette; Miss Barbara Williams, gold lace; Miss ActonAdams, mushroom-tinted tulle; and Miss Irolove, cream lace; Dr Stanley BatchcHodge, and Messrs I’. k. beiil, Sydney Neill, Mackellar. Be 1 Haggitt (2) Bridgeman, Rattrav. Irvine. Laidlaw, Edmond (2), Cox, Ritchie, Wilson, Macpilerson, Batchelor, Riley !!■ and others. '

Items of social interest and topics relating to the home are invited. Communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Notices of engagements must be signed by one at least of the principals, or Dy some responsible person, as a guarantee of genuineness.

Mr and Mrs S. Spragg, of Milton, celebrated their golden wedding bv a luncheon party at the Tudor Hall on Wednesday; when / some of their old friends met to wish them continued .health and prosperity. The guests included Mr and Mrs Spragg’s daughter (Mrs H. Beattie, of Milton, with her husband and son), their niece (Mrs Edgar HazIctt), and Mrs Sp rngg's sister, who had been bridesmaid at the original wedding (Mrs W. M. Bradley, with her husband and daughter). Many cablegrams and telegrams wore received.

St. ■ Matthew's _ Church, Dunedin, was the scene of an interesting ceremony on Tuesday evening last, when a double wedding was celebrated, the officiating minister being the Rev. W. A. Hamblett. The contracting parties were the daughters of the late Mr Joseph Biggins, and Sirs Biggins, of St. Clair, Ruth Henrietta to Archibald Kennedy, of Dunedin, and Leila Isabel, to Edwin D’Arcy, of Timaru. The church was tastefully decorated by friends of the brides, while Mr Newton presided at the organ. The brides entered the church on the arms of Mr M. J. Biggins, cousin, and Mr E. Buchanan, unde. The cider woi'c a gown of pink georgette trimmed with silver lace, a pink taffeta bow. and long streamers, down the buck. Her veil was of pale pink tulle edged with silver ribbon, and her bouquet was of pink carnations. The younger sister wore a gown of lavender taffeta and georgette with guipure lace let iu and bow with long streamers down the back. Her veil was of pale lavender tulle edged with silver ribbon, and she canned a bouquet to match.. The brides were attended by their sister, Mrs Gustafson, as matron of honour, who wore a saxe blue georgette gown of uneven hem line, with a tulle hat to match, and carried a bouquet, and two dainty dower girls, Marguerette Gustafson and Peggy Lawrence. Messrs J. Kennedy and Max D’Arcy filled the roles of best men for their respective brothers. The wedding breakfast was held at the Strand Salon, the guests being received by the brides' mother, who was attired in black lace and beige georgette, with a hat to match. After the usual toasts were honoured a dance followed.

A very pretty wedding was celebrated at Dundas Street Methodist Church on January 30. when. Mary Burnside, eldest daughter of Mrs Duncan and the late Joseph Gilkison, of Waitati, was united in marriage to John, only son of Mr and Mrs W. Morrison, of Otokia. The Rev. Mr Hocking officiated. A friend 'of ihe bride decorated the church artistically with a bell—pink and white streamers and flowers. While Miss Armour, who presided at the organ, played the bridal march, the bride entered the church on the arm of her uncle, Mr Colquhouu who gave her away. She looked very pretty in her gown of cream georgette and radium lace with pearl trimmings. Her embroidered veil arranged as a mob cap was held iu place with sprays of orange blossom, and her shower bouquet was of white roses, gladiolus, lilies, maidenhair fern, and asparagus, tied with white streamers. Miss Margaret Gilkison, sister of the bride, attended as bridesmaid, and looked very dainty in her frock of pink georgette, with, headgear of orange blossom. Her bouquet consisted of pink and white carnations and ■ maidenhair fern tied with pink streamers. She also wore a dress ring, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr Frank Smith, nephew of the." bridegroom, carried out the duties of best man. The bridal party left the church to the strains of the wedding march. The guests, numbering 64, then adjourned to the Strand Salon for the reception, where they were received by the parents of the bride and bridegroom. Mrs Duncan, mother of the bride, wore a frock of navy chenille and a navy charmelene coat, and hat to match. She carried a posy of pink and lavender sweet peas and asparagus, Mrs Morrison, mother of the bridegroom, wove a frock of black velvet relieved with white, and a navy coat and hat to match. She carried a posy of red sweet peas and roses and asparagus. During the reception telegrams were read and the usual toasts honoured. The bride and bridegroom were the recipients of many useful and handsome presents. Later iu the afternoon the bridal couple left for tJio north. The bride’s going-away ; frock was a two-piece suit of rose beige charmelene, with hat and slices and stockings to match, and a brown fox fur, the gift of the bridegroom.

A wedding of considerable local interest took place at Stirling on Monday in the Presbyterian Church (writes our South I Otago correspondent). The contracting ! parties were Miss Ailccn Constance Boyd, second daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel Boyd, old residents of the district, and Mr W. H. Beath, eldest son of Mr and airs G. Beath, Royal terrace, Dunedin. Rev. Mr Roy Alley, of Balclutha, tied the nuptial knot in the presence of a large assemblage of friends and relations. The bride was dressed in a simple frock of ivory satin, with daintily embroidered veil and wreath of silver,leaves and side posies of orange blossom. She carried a shower bouquet of cream roses, carnations, and gladiola, with asparagus and maidenhair fern. The chief bridesmaid, Miss Gladys Boyd, sister of the bride, was becomingly attired in a frock of deep rose crepe clc chine, and she carried a bouquet of glvdioli. roses, and asparagus, tied with ribbon streamers to tone with her frock. The second bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Beath, sister of the brideg room, wore a dainty frock of hclio crepe de chine, and carried a bouquet of pretty helio flowers, with ribbon streamers. Both maids wore silver shoes and stockings and dainty tulle caps to tone with their frocks. " The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr Peter Beath, of Dunedin. Mr A. Frazer presided at the piano. After Hie ceremony a' reception was held in the Presbyterian Church Hall,.Mr and. Mrs D. Boyd receiving the guests. Mrs Bey cl wore a frock of navy satin 1 marocam relieved with beige georgette, and hat to tone, and carried a bouquet of shaded rink carnations. Mrs Beath, mother .if 4ie bridegroom, wore a frock of black luce and georgette, black hat to tone and carried a bouquet of scarlet carnations. During the reception many telegrams were read, and the usual toasts were honoured. The bride and bridegroom .were the recipients of a large number of presents, including cheques. The bride’s travelling' frock was of cedar satin mylesta, with repp coat, and smart hat to tone. She also wore a handsome Mongolian fox fur, the gilt of the bridegroom.

Wiugatui racecourse was crowded with visitors ysterday on the occasion of (Jnp Day, A chill wind towards noon mndc the wearing of coats a necessity, tint beneath them could be seen light, diaphanous frocks, which, in many cases, were matched by summer-like hats. There was a general air of liveliness and zest which would not have been possible on a sidtry day, and everything went with a briskness very gratifying to those present. Among the visitors were seen Mrs Hanlon, wearing navy blue lace and georgette, with a large navy blue bat and a fur coat; Mrs Harty, navy blue suit and felt hat; Mrs E. Reynolds, navy bine coat over a grey frock, and a navy blue hat; Mrs W. O. Mackellar, navy blue coat and a small navy bine and white straw bat: Mrs C. Rattray, bine ring velvet frock with a blue velour bat, and furs; Mrs Neill Rattray fWaimate), fawn costume with a cape effect, and a light straw hat; Mrs A. Orbcll, royal blue coat and velour hat: Mrs R. Hudson, black georgette ensemble and hat; Mrs Finlnyson, bind; crepe do chine coat with a fringe trimming, and a large black hat; Mrs Beaumont, squirrel fur coat over a silk frock, and a black bat; Mrs Marshall Macdonald, wine-coloured laee frock, with coat and hat to tone; Mrs Edgar Harl.ett, floral crepe de chine frock, with a black coat and hat; Mvs'T. Russell, fur coat and brown hat; Mrs-Leslie Wilson, black frock relieved with beige, and a small black hat: Mrs Friedlandnr fAuckland), royal blue coat over a spotted skirt, and a blue velour hat; Mrs Sumpter Qlilton), beige crepe do chine frock and coat, with a bangok straw hat; Mrs Finch. light summer tweed ensemble, and bat to tone; Mrs Hogg ( Christchurch), black georgette, relieved with beige, and a black hat: Mrs Mathewson. pink frock, with a light coat and a black bat: Mrs Phillips, black silk coat and bat; Mrs R. Fulton, black and green silk frock, with a black coat and hat; Mrs ('hceseman, navy blue silk coat and hat; Mrs A. Barnett,' black georgette frock, with Oriental trimming,

and a hat to match; Mrs Acton-Adams, black coat over a black and white spatted frock, and a mustard-coloured hat; Mrs K. Bell (Shag Valley), brown georgette frock and coat, and small brown felt hat; Mrs E. Fitzgerald, black embossed chenille coat over a black lace frock, and a small black hat: Mrs J. Cook, navy blue suit and red bangok hat; Mrs C. M. Greensi ado, navy blue crepe do chine coat and frock, with a bangok hat; Mrs Leslie Mills, lace ensemble, with a small straw hat; Mrs Donald Reid, light tweed coat and a blue hat; Mrs de Clive Lowe, black ensemble and black hat; Mrs M'Kellar, black dross and hat, with a squirrel fur coat; Mrs K. Ramsay, navy blue coat and frock, and navy blue hat: Mrs A. Hudson, black coat over a pink frock, and black hat; Mrs W. Wilson, navy blue Irock relieved, with beige, and a navy blue hat; Mrs Williams, navy blue coat and bat; Mrs (J. M. Grcenslade, brown frock, with a red hat; Mi’s Lce-fsintUi, lace frock, and hat to match; Airs Napier, black coat and black hat; Mrs Stuart Stevenson, navy bine dross, with a grey hat; Mrs Hislop. black coat trimmed in white, ami a black hat; Mrs GotoNichols (Mnhcno), fur coat and a black hat; Airs Crow, embossed velvet coat and a black hat; Mrs Meek, tweed coat over a scarlet frock, and a black hat; Mrs K. Ross, black ensemble, and black hat; and Mrs Blues, black suit and furs, and a small black hat; Miss Hanlon, navy blue silk frock, with a fur coat and a velour hat; Miss Acton-Adams, beige crepe-de-chine frock, with a brown coat and felt hat; Miss Orbell, light coat and a bangok straw hat, touched with red; Miss Bell (Shag Valley), black silk coat, over a red and black frock, and a black hat: Miss Fitzgerald, royal bine silk frock, with a black coat and hat; Bliss L. Williams, floral crcpc-de-chine frock and beige coat, with an almond green felt hat; Miss Phillips, beige ensemble and hat to tone; Miss B. Williams, navy blue spotted silk frock, with a large hat and a fur coat; Miss H. Fenwick, lace frock and pink hat. with a fur coat; Miss X. Fenwick, yellow frock and straw hat, with a fur coat; Miss Oram, black and white frock, with a black hat and a fur coat; Miss Gailaway, grey and blue frock, with a grey hat and a squirrel fur coat; Miss Grcenslade, floral georgette frock and navy coat, with a yellow bangok hat; Miss K. Gow, tweed coat and felt hat: Miss B. Farqnhar, black silk coat and saxe bine straw hat; Miss Farqnhar, deep wine coloured ensemble, and hat to tone; Miss K. Hazlett (Invercargill), pale blue georgette frock, with a bine coat and light hat; Miss Clieesciuan, beige georgette and velvet frock, with a beige felt hat and coat: Miss F. Deuiston, navy blueensemble, and hat to tone; Miss Martin, tweed suit, and a fawn hat.- Miss Hart, red crepe-de-chine frock, and hat; Miss Macpherson, navy blue coat, and hat to match; Miss Milne, blue suit and hat; Miss B. Milne, brown ensemble and a light velour hat; Miss Williams, navy blue’silk' coat over a navy blue and white frock, with navy blue hat; Miss D, Williams, black coat, with a skunk fur and a blade felt hat; Miss Mill, green frock and hat: Miss B. Gleudinning, navy blue spotted dress. with_ a- black hat and a fur coat; and Miss N. Gleudinning. black georgette frock, with silver panels, and a black hat. Among the men present were Mr Justice MacGregor, Drs Batchelor, Macdonald. Hall, Grcenslade, M'Kellar, Speeding. do Lautonr, Tpeahy, J. Fitzgerald, R. Fitzgerald (Oamaru), Ross, and Harty, Messrs R. Gilmour (Invercargill), G L. Denniston, P. C, Neill, W. 1. Hazlett, Edwond, Phillips, C. W. Rattray, N. Rattray (Waimate), Hanna, Brewer, C. W. S. Gox, M'Phail, A. Barnett. R. Hudson, Robert Hudson, Cook, Holland, Payne, Mitchell, Hart, Cutten, Oldham, Evans, Irvine. J. S. Sinclair, A. Sinclair, Laidlaw, F. D Bell. Black, J. A. Roberts, Ansell, M.P., W. F. Meek, J. H. Meek, Salmon, Galloway, A. N. Haggitt, B. Haggitt. Cotterill, Oram, Anderson, 0. C. Cox. Flavell, Divers, Reynolds, Spodding, Hobbs, and Hislop.

Lake Wanaka is still attracting many visitors. Included in the guest list at the Wanaka Hotel during the past week were the following:—Mr and -Mrs F. \ ickcrinan and Miss M. C. Firth (Wellington), Miss M. 0. Stoddavt (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs J. M'Kinney (Toowoomba), Mr and Mrs C. A. Ferguson fChristchurch). Mr H. Macintosh and Miss Macintosh (Brisbane), Dr and Mrs Mullm (Dunedin), Mr J. W. De Luen (Auckland), Judge Hamilton and Dr Mane Hamilton (Sydney), Mr , and Mrs Joseph Lee (Timnni), Mr and Mrs George lies and Mr E. Thompson (Christchurch), Mr Ward and Mrs Brown (Melbourne). Mrs and Miss Waldron-Ham and Mr and Mrs Hamilton (London). Mr and Mrs W. Corcoran (Waikaka), Miss Lawlor (Gore), Mr R. Maider (Hakataramoa). Mr A, J. Cooper/Miss F. E. Cooper, Mrs Pizcy. Mr A. W. Sutherland, Mr and Airs (J. J. Pugsley (Dunedin), Aims Henry (Loudon), Air T. L. Watson and Aliss L. F. Watson (Invercargill), Airs Turtou (Woodbury), Airs W. B. Wilson (Edinburgh), Air R. ARKem-ow (Warepa), Alessrs J. Farquhar, R. Bassett, S, Bassett, T. Scott (Waitepeka), Mr and Mrs A. Buckingham (Rangiora), Alessrs J. Dougherty, J. AV. Hart, J. Hannav, J. Duncan, Hewitt, J. Gladstone, and Alisses M. Lawson, J. Scott, and H. Keddell (Alexandra), Mr T. S. Burgess (Adelaide). Mrs J. R, Gorton, Gebbie (two), and Weld (Christchurch)', Alessrs W. A. Harlow and Warhurst (Clyde), Air and Airs Hewitson and Aliss E. Hall .(Aliiton), Mr and Mrs Willocks (Ealcluthn) , Messrs J. Cunningham ami W. Hawke (Riverton), Mr R. AI. Greenslado, Alisses AI. and E. Greensladc. Alastcrs AI. and J. Greenslade, Mr and Mrs Douglas Ramsay (Dunedin), Air J. Gaut (Svdnev), Air and Mrs de St. Alars (Paris), Captain and Mrs Hudson (London), Mr and Mrs W. Gngson-Stevens (Johannesburg), Air and Mrs Selby (Australia), Air and Airs H, A. Vezey (Ashburton), Messrs R, Clare and W. B, Beattie Mr and Mrs ?Cairn, Mr J, r* Baxter (Inver“Win). Mr D. Hall (Sydney), Air and Mrs H. 1. Stecnson (Hyde), Airs and Miss Diamond (Christchurch), Air and Airs E. L. Platt 'Cheshire, England). Air "5? Mrs D. P. Beenian (London), Dr Wilkie and Air AI. S. Spence (Napier), Mr and Mrs W. PI. Adams. Professor T. D. Adams, Air and Airs P. Y. Wales (Dunedin), Misses Bell and Armstrong 1 . 1 (Auckland), Mr and Mrs P. R. BailHe and Aliss Baillic (Wellington), Air and Mrs Gardner and Air and Aliss Pilcher (Invercargill), Air and Aliss Cope (Dimock, U.S.A.). Air and Airs W. Hogan un, l B. 1. Aloore (Melbourne), Air and Airs James Hislop (Dunedin), Airs Dr Barclay and Master Barclay (Invercargill), Air AV. H. Hyam (London), Air and Airs R. Wreaks and Air and Airs W. D. Johnston (Christchurch), Dr hud Airs J. fs. Church (New Plymouth), Aliss Armstrong (Sydney), Air and Airs T. AI. Thompson (Balclutha), Alisses AI. and F. Thompson (Dunedin). Air and Airs'Amos Al'Koge (Levin).

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20643, 15 February 1929, Page 16

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Notes for Women Otago Daily Times, Issue 20643, 15 February 1929, Page 16

Notes for Women Otago Daily Times, Issue 20643, 15 February 1929, Page 16