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ANNUAL PRIZE-GIVING. His Majesty's Theatre was well filled last night when the annual break-up anti prize-giving ceremony of the Otago Girls’ High School was held. Dr G. E. Thomson (chairman of the Hoard of Governors) presided. The chairman, in his opening remarks, stated that the past year had been fairly uneventful, and changes in the staff had been very few. Anyone who had read the report of the principal must be struck by the breadth' of the work in which large girls’ schools must now indulge. He referred to the rapid rise of music in education. As a result of the researches of great psychologists, ideas with respect to education had been broadened, and great value was attached to music. No two people agreed on matters of education. An eminent authority had stated that wherever one went one would find that educational bodies were divided into two parts—those who favoured the cultural side' and those who rdfearded the vocational side as the most important. The’educational system.of the Dominion was on the verge of a great change. A commission had sat to revise the primary •;chool syllabus, but the Government which had been in power had not made its policy known. It was not certain what the present Government would do, but the deliberations of the commission might' bring about a great change both in primary and secondary education. The Navy League prizes were presented by Mrs S. M. Park, who congratulated the school on its work, of which the examiner had spoken in such high terms. It would have been noticed that Queen Mary had found time amid her great anxiety to unveil a memorial to men of the merchant marine, about whom one of the essays had been written. “Our memories last only to the end of _ our lives,” Mrs Park continued, “ and it is with the purpose of providing a permanent memorial that we give prizes for essays. It is done so that posterity will honour our heroes. The essays bring before school pupils the deeds of those who have made our Empire worth living in. and worth dying for." In conclusion,' Mrs Park stated that she hoped that the navy would never be required other than for purpose, of vindicating the liberties of all nations.

The school prizes -were presented by Dr Emily M'Sinnon, whom the chairman described as one of the most prominent ex-pupils of the school. Dr MTSinnon referred to the stress and strain of teaching. Teachers had a heavy task, she said, in keeping the week’s work up to date, and in fitting in all the subjects for which the education system provided. Teaching was harder than learning, and she ■wanted those pupils who were entering the teaching profession to remember that fact. Miss King should be congratulated on her report, which showed how comprehensive the scheme of work was. Many new subjects belonging to the lighter and more enjoyable side of life had been introduced, and they should make school work a delight. The prize winners would have that feeling of satisfaction which the knowledge of work well done always brought, but there were many who were just as ambitious and just as keen, and who did not receive the public recognition of a prize. They were disappointed, but their parents and teachers were not disappointed. _ Fifty years ago parents’ advice to their daughters was, “ Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever,” but now women desired a more active life, and, in addition to being good and sweet, a girl had also to be efficient. If a girl, started properly in life she would be able to do her work thoroughly. Many avenues ,o£ employment were now open to girls, and they should think of which one would suit them beqt. One factor which helped to make a girl successful was good health. One’s health was one’s greatest asset. Every girl had the opportunity of doing something fine. She could be a good citizen. A girl’s personality left an impression on those around her. Dr M'Kinnon concluded by congratulating the prize winners.

Dr Marion Whyte expressed tlic thanks of the pupils to,the teachers.

Prior to the presentation of prizes girls of the school provided a very entertaining concert programme. The school orchestra contributed "The Toy Symphony (Romberg) and “ Buckingham ialace (Milne). There were also marching and dancing items, and a feature of the programme was the excellent singing of the school choir, which was heard in skilful'renderings of “Vespers” (Fraser-Simpson). “Jerusalem” (Blake 1 O Beautiful Violet” (Reinecki), “A Lake and a Ferry Boat” (Hood). "Evenmg Song” (Ireland), and “Worship” (Shaw).

PRIZE LIST. Dux °£ schooL- Edna Winifred Wilson (Board of Governors gold medal). Form YI-Al.—E. Wilson, first English, Latin, French (Dunedin French Club’s prize), botany (equal), second, mathematics, heat; P. Martyn, first mathematics (Messrs Brown, Ewing, and Co.’s medal), heat, botany (equal), second English, Latin, ranch, physical training; A. HannlES, physical training, third Latin, mathematics, French; M. Wills, second botany (equal), third English, physical training; M. Bell, first geographv. Form VT-Bl.—E. Soil, first home science, I 1 tench, physical training, second Latin, mathematics (Ex-Girls’ Association .prize); D. Trevena. first English, botany,, hygiene, second French (equal; . Buln memorial prize); W. MNaughton, first Latin, second English' home science, French (equal); V. Davidmathematics, third home science; h. Wilson,second botany (equal), physical training, third mathematics; M. Woods, prize. Form Vl-N.—D. Groves, first mathematics (equal), second English, French (Dux Association prize); E. Labes, first English, second science (equal), geography- third French (equal; Alexander Wilson prize) r B. Robertson, first inathematms (equal), third science; I. Bennett, first ,French (ex-Pupils* prize); I. Cruickshank, first science; Y. Lamb, first physical training, first Dalrymple prize; M. btewart, second Dalrymple prize; D Lrasier, third English, third Dalrymple prize; C. Tewsley, second science. lorm V-S.—E. Joss, first English, Latin, hrench, home science, botany (Fergus memorial prize); .J. Trownson, first mathematics, second English, Latin, home science, third French; L. Paigan, second i' rcnch,_ third 'English, botany; G. Wilson, third Latin (equal), French, home science; N, Bsnzoni, second mathematics, third Latin (equal); N. Thomson, first physical training, second botany; M. Sutherland, first Dalrymple prize; M. Clemens, second Dalrymple prize; J. Marshall, third Dalrymple prize. Form V-Al.—N. Wallace, first English history, second science, Latin (equal)C. Wildey, first French, second EnglishA. Biackie, first science, second history; J. Cameron, second 1 French, Latin (equal); H. French, first Latin, third history (Miss Downes’s prizej • I Young first drawing, third French; B.' Cairns! farst algebra, arithmetic (equal-) • D Ramsay, first arithmetic (equal),' third drawing (equal), N. Jupp, first physical training; E. Hamilton, first Dalrymple prize, second drawing, third English; A. Shileoek, second Dalrymple prize. Form V-k-M Williamson, first drawing, second English (equal), home science, geometry (equal) French; L. Coleman, first home science, history (equal), second geometry (equal), algebra (equal); P Jenkins, first English, second French, third history; M. Brewster, first dietetics. geography (equal), second anthD ‘ Jlor ? an ’ first Posies! training third geography; A. Ferguson, fust arithmetic (equal), first algebra (equal); M. Reeves, first Dalrymph* prize, history (equal), second English (equal); G. M Cormack, second Dalrymple prize, arithmetic (equal) ~eoMirams. first French; M Bennett, first geometry (equal). FrenX Ba ? Wel! > English; I-iench, history, _ shorthand, physical training, third science; D. Drake first bookkeeping second English, arithmetic; f; first geography, second science, third French (equal) ; M. Stewart first housecraft, drawing; T. Burke firsi science second typewriting, third short-' hand; D. Jolly, first arithmetic. iorm V-i-E. Lawson, first English, geography, dietetics, second French third history, arithmetic; K. first French arithmetic, second dietetic (equal), tlnrd home science; 11. Camp, bell, first history (equal), second home silence, third geography; A. Simpson, second shorthand, typewriting (equal) third French, physical training; D.-Wat-son, first history (equal), third English; M. Fish, first home science, housecraft, drawing, second arithmetic; I. M'Gregor! first typewriting, physical training, second

drawing; H. Price, first Dalrymple prize; G. Woodward, second Dalrymple prize, second English; J. Guthrie, third Dalryraple prize (equal), second dietetics, third housecraft; F. M'Kinnon, third , Dalrymple prize (equal). Form IV-S.—J. Scobie, first English, I home science, botany (equal), history, cooking (equal), second Latin, French; P. Barrowman, first Latin, mathematics, botany (equal), second home science, third French; P. Davies, first French, second English; B. M'Lean, first physical j training; J._ Ramsay, first cooking i (equal); I. Nelson, second mathematics, | third history, Latin; N. Ainge, third > mathematics; M. Grant, first Dalrymple j prize, second history, third home science: E. Allan, second Dalrymple prize; E. Duckworth, third Dalrymple prize. Form IV-Al.—H. Johnson, first I algebra, geometry, home science, physical | training, second French, cooking; G. j Smith, first English (equal), drawing, second geometry, third arithmetic, history | (equal); A. Newton, first French, Latin, i third geometry (equal); P. Benzoni, first English (equal), arithmetic; L. EamilI ton, second French, Latin, home science, I history; L. Cooper, first history, second drawing, third English (equal), Latin; I H. Sinclair, first,arithmetic (equal), third algebra, geometry (equal); D. Hamblctt, first cooking, second algebra, third history (equal); E. Armstrong, first needlework, third English (equal), arithmetic, geography; M. Macdonald, first Dalrymple prize, third home science; I. Wither, second Dalrymple prize; J. Ballard, third Dalrymple prize. Form IV-Ac.—N. Isaac, first arithmetic, algebra, geometry, bookkeeping, second English (equal), third home science; I<. M'Lachlan; first home science, second English (equal), shorthand (equal), thh’d arithmetic, drawing; N. Minnoch, first history, geography, typewriting (equal); S. Robertson, first home science, cooking, second history, third bookkeeping; B. dc Beer, second arithmetic, .algebra, geometry; S. Humphreys, first English, second drawing; J. Cooper, first French, third algebra, arithmetic; J, Reid, first phy■ steal training, third book-keeping, geometry; R, Alcoek, second typewriting, bookkeeping; E. Barnes, second shorthand (equal), third French; R. Hunt, first S^n« tl M nd ’ri first typewriting (equal); G. Rowlatt, first drawing; D. j f ■ Dalrym P l ® P rize > second French, third history. Form IV-81.-C. Palling, first French, algebra, .Latin, second geometry, third arithmetic; M. .Ashton, first English; M. Rhodes, first drawing, second English, . thn T d French (equal), geometry (equal), J. Hazelwood, first cooking, ?®“ e science, second drawing, third bistory (equal); D. Murdoch, first history,’ physical training; K. Wilson, first arithmetic, algebra.' third physical F?cneh g; h« L Francis ' Becond arithmetic, luench, home science; C. Lang, second Latin, physical training; J. M ee first Por't!f WOrk ’ j rS r» . Dalryin P le prize; E. Gorton, second Dalrymple prize. - Crawford, first bookkeeping, shorthand, third English, French; S. Aimstrong, first history, second home science, geography, typewriting hLfTn’i Fn S lish > third shorta.ndj G-.Orlowski, first geometry, physical training; R. Wilson, first cooking, second book-keeping (equal), third physical training; M. M'Ewin. first typewriting, second English, shorthand; Li Pa"e fii-st arithmetic; H. Portman, first home science, third history; .M. Galbraith second arithmetic, book-keeping (equal)! third algebra; M. Turner, second'history thud homo science, Dalrymple prize; i,! UEt < second geometry liiltm 111 IV ' Cc -—Eichun, .first English, Instoij, geography, home science,' nrithf ol t e 7' book-keeping (equal); M. RJair, first book-keeping (equal), second arithmetic, third geography; E. Fogarty, first French, shorthand; M. Kindle, second English, history, third arithmetic; N. Bowie, first physical training, third Enghsh, book-keeping (equal); N. Stewart, first drawing, typewriting, second shortJiana; D. Leftwich, second geography, typewriting, third shorthand; P. Brown, Dalrymple prize, second French, physical training. Form 111-S. J. Reid, first French, Latin, geometry, home science, physical training; I. Herrick, first arithmetic, history; E. lattersHeld, first algebra, second Latin (equal); M. M‘Noil, first English; N. Fastier, first botany; E, M'Stav, second algebra, physical training, third geometry (equal); J. Southern, first needlework (Mrs S. M. Park’s prize), second home science (equal), history (equal), third botany; A. Connor, second gcometry, needlework (equal), third algebra; E. Marett, first Dalrymple prize; E. Marshall, second Dalrymple prize; J, Robertson, third Dalrymple prize. Form 111-Al,—F. Mac Donnell, Ist EugJisli, Latin, French, history, home science (equal), physical training, 2nd geometry; N. Rutherford, Ist arithmetic, Algebra, ■ird English, Latin, geometry; R. Wither, Ist geometry, 2nd Latin. French, needlework, 3rd arithmetic; M. Craig Ist home science (equal), 2nd history; M Cumberbeach, Ist needlework (Douglas Memorial prize), 2nd English, drawing; R Griffiths, 2nd arithmetic. Algebra: M. Fish, Ist drawing; M. Grovott, Ist Dalrymple prize, 3rd English (equal), French; H. Andrews, 2nd Dalrymple prize; J. Huddart, 3rd Dalrymple prize. Form 111-Ac.—l, Allan, first English, Algebra, geometry, book-keeping. French (equal), home science, second arithmetic, h ]s ßu - y (equal), third shorthand; D. Johnston, first arithmetic, French (equal), second Algebra, third book-keep-ing (equal); D. Cole, first homo science (equal), second English, book-keeping, history (equal), third physical training; O. ■1 (ftriuian, first drawing, needlework (Douglas Memorial prize), second geometry, third arithmetic; K. Langley, history, third home science; R. Clarke, first shorthand, physical training; E; Cole, first Dalrymple prize, third English, French; M. Walker, second Dalrymple prize, shorthand; C.Lunam,second drawing (equal), third geometry, Dalrymple prize; R. Wight, second sewing, fourth Dalrymple prize; R. Sanders, second drawing (equal), fifth Dalrymple prize.

Form 111-BI.—A. Armstrong, first English, Latin, French, third physical training; T. Duckworth, first arithmetic, second Algebra, geometry (equal), physical training; J, Butler, first home science (equal), second French, needlework (equal), third Algebra; T. Minehan, first home science (equal), second Latin, third drawing; A. Woodward, second history (equal), third English (equal), arithmetic; _ R. Larking, first history, second drawmg; T. Green, first Dalrymple prize, third home science; H. Dodd, second Dalrymple prize, third French, Latin; T. Maddox, first physical training, second history (equal); I. Johnstone, first drawing; V. Wingfield,, first needlework (Douglas memorial prize). Form 111-Bc.—M. Jol'y, first English, history physical training; A. Sinclair, algebra, geometry,, third history; M. Kirk, first arithmetic, home Science, book-keeping '(equal), third shorthand (equal); D. Lisohner, first geography, second arithmetic, home science; E. Wilson, first drawing, second geography; A Lmnane, first needlework (Douglas memorial prize), third geography (equal), shorthand; P Griffiths, first shorthand second Eughsli first book-keeping (equal); M. Collins, first French’ P Jory second French (equal), thud home science, book-keeping; B. Randle, Dalrymple prize. Special Prizes.—A. Hanning, Anna P. Logan Stout cup; I. M'Gregor, first Shakespeare reading (Dunedin Shakespeare Clubs prize); W. Hunter, second Shakespeare reading; A. Hanning, Sidey medal for physical culture; D. Utago Art Societys medal; L. J. Trowuson, W. MfNaughton, D. Trevena, Athamcum prizes (senior) for Sd K Ke^r h At°h y: P - Da - is ’ M * Grant > I n Athcnreum prizes (junior); J. ScobL David Baxter memorial • bursa o y: r Armstrong, design (crafts). Sports Trophies—Lawn tennis; Intcrforin Cups—Senior doubles. Form VT.N junior doubles, Form 111-Bc; School Championship Singles—Senior Pearce junior, M. Jolly. Swimming:’ Schoo! Championship, D. Murdoch; interRum relay, Form IV-81. Athletic sports: Senior cup, Form VI-L; junior cup, I’orm IV-S; Mallard Cups /mterfonu relay)-Senior, Form V-Am; junior, loun IV-S. Hockey (mterform); Senior, T °, £ . m A J uniol ‘, Form IV-AC. Netball (mterform): Senior, Form V-S----HI Be Et,loC>! ’ Porm junior, Form

wvf'T Prizes.—Vl-L Upper, M. VT \? 1 ]■? t! L L . ower -- U r Woods 1; Form *?. c , Br ;’ 1 , sle >;. E. Labes, equal, i; Form \ IS. L. Joss 1; Form V-A] F. Vtallace 1, E. Hamilton 2; Form V-All "!■ Cathenvood 1; Form V-Am ‘ V Stewart 1; Form Y-R, I). Watson 1: I’orm IV-S, E. Wheeler 1, P. Barrowman 2; Form IV-Al, M. Armstrong I, E.

Hamilton 2; Form IV-Ae, N. Minnock 1, M. King 2; Form IV-81, K. Wilson 1, A. Pearce 2; Form IV-Bc, R. M'Kay 1; Form IY-C, M, Hindle 1; Form 111-S, N. Fastier 1, J. Reid 2; Form 111-Al, A. Griffiths 1, R. Wither 2; Form HI-Ac, Hv R°E e , rs J- Thompson 2; Form 111-81, M. Macdonald 1, F. Green 2Form 111-Bc, M. Hall 1, J. Hutton 2.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20591, 14 December 1928, Page 3

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GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20591, 14 December 1928, Page 3

GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20591, 14 December 1928, Page 3