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Atlantic' salmon in Lake Te Anau are very numerous this season, Arid, with few exceptions, are in excellent Condition, giving good sport (says a Southland exchange) . Anglers: have,: secured. good baskets right from the commencement of the season;

■ Stay .at the.'Prince of Wales. Hotel Good accbpiiuodaUbiiV -fbest' brands of liouors. ■ ■ "'Phone • 10-721.—C. .Hinchclifi. proprietor.;’ -f ■

The growth m the Waipukurau district is abnormal at present, arid as a matter: of fact the feed is getting away too fast for. sheep feed : (reports the Napier Daily -Telegraph) . Good drying winds would be appreciated to check the growth.- f-,.--V'tDurjn'g 'the month of. November just, ended.: 27- building permits, to the, value of £25,756 were issued by the.’ Wanganui City- Council (reports .a. Wnhganm exchange)/.. They represent An: -increase of £15,304 on',the figures for the corresponding, month of last year. : Doctor, Flannels, Navy of Shetland, 6s lid. . Twist Shirts, ss-6d. Extra Heavyweight, 8s 6d; ;sizes 14| to 17. Posted’ anywhere for cash.—Kilroy and’. Slither- ■ land,. Ltd., 192. Princes street. Dunedin.. ~ ;.;;A,novel "claim was made:,to the; Auckland :Oity {Council the other evening in a letter front a-man who asserted that’with the-council’s .assistance he could Eradicate all the noxious weeds ‘within a radius of 12 miles of the, city in- three years.. The man was ’ invited to attend the next, meeting of the Harks Committee.-, ,'.

' Conn’s. one-day developing and printing service. Films and prints posted same night as they, are received.—Conn’s Pharmacy. Ltd;, ■ High street. P.O. Box n 0... y . •, _;■ ... Returns of. traffic oh the Bay of Plenty section of the - East Coast Main Trunk Railway for the four weeks , ended November 10 show that. the total, revenue earned, amounted to £10,686, 'compared ■ with £9857 for . the previous four weekly period’, (states; the New'Zealand Heralds Tauranga correspondent) . Outward trains carried 5505 passengers. The total number of‘Cattle, calves) sheep, and pigs : carried was 7103. ■

Pigs, ■ Figs, Pigs.—We are cash buyers of Porkers and Baconers, any "quantity, .highest ruling price given;-cheque return' mail.—Barton's.- Manse street, -Dunedin,.. With' l the ■ object of. .ascertaiiiing, if- a supply -of ,artesian water is obtainable- for the Greymputh Municipal. Swimming Baths sonic . boring wa'a.doqe' a short tittle ago ;in .the vicinity ' (reports the Grey. River Argcis). ■ This, however, 'did not go below, the pan formation, but it is now intended To, bore deeper in order tp make a thorough test. Should a supply thus be found, it will mean an improvement in the quality of the water at the baths. Ladies’ Frocks and Hats, all at Special Prices for this week - only, See Window Displays.—A. F. Cheyne and C 0... ... The - aeroplane- that , was recently in Napier has -been transported to church, where it is now . undergoing", repairs'following the damage it received iri fence , at the Napier‘ landing ground- (says, the Napier. Daily.,. Telu- ' graph) - - In the , meantime,'' three' new 1 planes of the same tj-pe have‘been landed by the same agents and: are now ; being assembled at the Wigra'tn aerodrome , at! Sockburu; It is reliably reported,, that a well-known Takapan lady will shortly be the owber of ,an aeroplane. . . Despite' the difficulty, in procuring supplies of fat stock to sustain the reputation, built • up, ’.by Barton’s, 1 they 'are' enabled .toretail the; pnmestttu tflity•; if all .kinds "bf ■; meat at -bedrock prices. Manse street hud’,all; branches... ... : - A 'Tauranga correspondent of the Aucfc-? land Sun- 1 tells; a- good tale:—"Mr Williams, a local launch owner, • took , out a fishing party, a-- few. .weeka agbi ’A. fish got away with a hook, sinker‘and three yards; of line: Recently he; had another party out, and- one; of the; party' landed a fish. .with , a piece of line attached to the head. On. examining it, Mr Williams identified it; as his dost tackle)”. The cPrii'esppndcnt does. nptmenUott; it, but the .reason why:.the ,fish, l was 'so' foblish aa 'to' be taken inTwice was thist Hdving-swal-lowed the. sinker,: lie was: finding swimsung difficult. 1 Also, lie had a. wife and family to keep; and the 'bailiffs were allready in the bungalow af 7 Fathom-line, Maunganui. So he was ready to tackle anything. Have you tried our house whisky, 11s per bottle?—Hotel Carlton, phfine 11-716. Box .106.. .

model of: 1 the coachbuilder’s, U S ( ; secotfd: bhe-maii' :: ' tra’^car, 11 is nearing ‘completion im the- 1 local ? '.tram workshop,‘and • it -i is’ expected " that the first tests will I>g made this week. ' The Wanganui ;• Chronicle says:—" Equipment for two other cars of this type is on order, and in all probability, will be fitted to .the, two cars purchased from the Takapuna Company. These latter cars will be eight feet 'longer than tKe Wangauiii trams, will seat S2 persons, and will boast fitlpenbr 'Tidins qualitiefi. - They will- 'bo' ' i “ sc '4 ; a ? bttc-maii' cars for ordinary traffic,' i but iu .rush . peripds it ■may- be necessary ; to earry a v conductor^, Tii'c city’s Rrst s oneman car,: which was put on the ty.ack'.on July IG last, - has. proved ■-most''successful.” ■

Coffee for breakfast! Without a doubt coffee stands supreme as a breakfast beverage. Knowing this, the wise housewife always orders the “ Bourbon " braid of coffee and chicory from her.grocer.;. It has been decided by the New Zealand Federated - Sawmillere’ Association-* tp havesuitable.: samples .of the native timbers' prepared for distribution:.■to.>ail secondary' .and . technical- schools:- in the :Dominion >yith a view to" future timber; users gaining a real knowledge- of;, the appearance", and qualities of, New’ Zealand timbers'. When the trade outlook .being discussed at ■ an executive meet* ing on Thursday, it was stated (says the Evening i Post.) . that only a very slight .improvement, was being shown,'but; hopes were expressed ■tliat 'in; the new year.thcre would be a revivaf iu the industry: .. • •

___Best ’ of■ all mail -order- services, at '' atevs. Pharraacy, 20 Princes . street.. ,A--remit that the .constitution of the - Highways Board .should, he altered and that the board should be an entity separate from the. Public Works Department n’aa carried at the half-yearly conference of'. the . chambers of , commerce ■in the Franklin -district last week. . In proposing; the remit. Air; Hi Curd- said, that although the funds of the board were provided by ‘ taxation; on motorists, there was : only. one. motorists’. representative; on theboard; . There, were ..two country representatives, and all the .other .members, in-’ eluding the chairman, were, representatives of .the Public Works Department. This gave the department the deciding voice in- the work of the board. The speaker contended that better results could .be obtained if the constitution of tlie jjpbard ’was altered to give better representation to the people who provided the money, . ■• Hundreds of bathing caps to select from, beautiful-soft rubber, orange, red. rose, saxe, green, and : purple, with contrasting strides, floral and other emblems, from Is ebch. Diving caps, from 2s sd. Beach sunshades, Chinese glazed waterproof, 45,6 d: cretonne, 6s lid.—T..Boss. T3O Princes street... , .

The death has occurred of another of i i the fine old Maori chiefs, Haimona Piraka | ! ICgai, aged 75, one of the paramount 1 chiefs, of the, Hgatiwhatua tribe (states I; a Dargaville correspondent of the Hew 1 ■ Zealand Herald); He was a descendant of a great Maori giant and warrior, | “ Kawhaiu,” and-Piraki Kgai,, the chain- | i piou MaoriTnarksman of the Kaipara dis- < i trict, who, on one occasion, avenged the death of Hongi Hika at Waiwhatawhata (Hokianga), The deceased ''was . a nephew of Parore To Awha, Haimona Piraka was a man of powerful physique 1 and in 'his younger days was a great athlete and warrior, He 1738 formerly a member of the Wesleyan Church, and was a great Christian worker. He Was' re-A sponsible for the visit of Katana to the’ district, and advised his people to become members of the Ratana Cliureh. However, it was his last wish that in fairness to the# other religions bodies, his family should consent to his burial under the Wesleyan rites. The chief, in conjunction with Parore, owned several properties in this district, and was the’first Maori .to take up cattle and sheep rearing and dairy, farming. It'was his ambition to faiiu all his lands anti leave good assets to his children. His creed was “goodfellowship ami hospitality,” and his homo was always open to both European and ; Maori. He is survived by a widow and I five children- (

. Deet>-sek fish are; shoaling well .in the vicinity of Cape Brett. and several large mako sharks have been seen by whalers andthelighthoUse keeper (says the. New' ;■ Zealand Herald}.; /One enormous shark wag seen in the'vicinity, of Bhrd Rock. , * Do you know that with our New Tailor*, tow Department we can save, you £2 . o.n your next spit? Call or write for pattern. Suits' from £s.’—"Ascot." corner . ■aud -Rattray rtreetß,.,. i:. :i ,

Owing to: erratic arrival of equipment; the installation of telephones in ORemuera and Mount Edca has been. de!ayed. (su.vs the Auckland Star). In some •cases ' material required first has arrived' last, , and vice versa., Extensions to the Rijimiera and Mount Eden ■ exchanges are,‘now in progress, although it is understood ■there is not a great .number. of applica- = tions for services-involved. ' T . ■ For real bespoke tailoring, latest styles/, heat workmanship, try MacLeod Mag;.' .Gi’livray, Rattray street... ; ‘V“ :

A suggestion, has-been made that pri-i." vate wards’ be-provided in the Grey Ho** 1 ;. pital .{says an.exohapge).. y The proposal '• .does not - find - favour either . with the medical superintendent, or the board. aa . a whole. The opinion expressed-by the if' acting-chairman was "that there shoiiddbe. no discrimination in public Hospitels^'Tlio}., board intends to.go fully jnto 'the' matter’ later. In the meantime., it has been ,BUg< v f gested that if ; patients'-require a separate .. • .room at -the hospital they ' should bh ■ charged £5 6s per week, .and "understand that .if a more serious case.than theittC’. needs special privacy they will have to - ; move out into -the public ward. , , ; 1 Only a few more days left of the “ New Management Sale : at' the <f New LpW T-ices.” This startling sale, which hag» enabled hundreds to. purchase , gifts at‘ ‘ .vefy low -prices, will, end f definitely •bn Tuesday/ December 4. . Drastic' reduo : tions have been made, to’ clear for new' stocks; Crockery, glassware, hardware., tools/, cutlery, etc,,, everything for gifts ’ ■ —gifts for everybody.-v-Laidllaw and»Gjay ' " (late Ritchie’s, George street..... •. .■ V_, Speaking oat the: St.;Andrew’B Society’s concert at Invercargill recently. Chieftain W. Ronald .referred;-; to a ’journey made' by several members of thet society to; visit, the Gore Highland,Society (says' a southern exchange). ..When the visitors' arrived at the hall where, they were to., be entertained they. cntcred\a cold'ante-’.'.' room/and as the tmieplace.was filled witji, straw and wood one member of tlje party J applied a match -with a, somewhat- startling ' result; 'A( member of Ahe .Gore ciety dashed into the room exclaiming: '■/ “ Who lit that fire?:’The whisky midden. in there!-” The speaker concluded Tiy saying thkt he, was. then convinced’.that the - Gore Highland Siciety ’ contained ,m great - many .very promising , firemen.: A. ■ have; not. already’purchased Gold ' Leaf Tea.: write .now ■ for ' free 'sample. Box 163,-. Dunedin... .- 1

. The touring rmanager of: the .- Auckland ■ Automobile, AsOTciatibn-, (states the (land Star) ,'onhis return from a‘ tour pP' ■ jinspection■•pf 'the vNDrth - Auckland'Toai,’ 1 ' remarked that: in. the north, where, a : roll;.ing_ snrftt'ee- is / beiisgij maintained, a- .th’jti .film of fine metal provides easy .travellirig,'''' and forms a' marked contrast to the looser '■■■. |' heavy - metal ■ and deep, softsand which ,id‘- v I a,,feature bf 'tbe/thuntenrace'methods'ojr':'' the Great South, road.

Try a bottle of our draught brand}’, 9s per bottle.—Hotel Carlton. - Photo' 11-716. -Box 106,.,

, That the.time; is: opportune for the for-;/;, ination of an aero' club in Tim.’iru was the; opinion .expressed by Major 'SI-’D. V ; Mason? the -RoyaL: -Air,Force;- to a repreedfitjatiye ■ of'-tho-'i Timaim,* Post,-recently. -**“ There are.. now,* over’3o aero clubs in the Dominion,” hi#-' B3id,; “and> if Timaru. is to keep ahteist' of the • times it should lose no - time in promoting aclub.” It would:not ’be difii-.. cut to -obtain ‘ a . suitable 'landing ground,; and an aero club would'serve a .useful,' purpose in training men for'. the , New.!Zealand Air Force reserve. Another; ex-'• flying-officer, who..was approached- -agreed' wuth '. what had been - said': by r Mnicir - Mason, ‘■ addirig-' that;;it Was quite possilblb - that . the • • ‘Defence a 1 Department • wquiy, ltUisb, the;;-aerq 'dubs-of the: Dominion as' a xneaha-qt dbtainij|gTybung men to trhui for military flying.; . ; 'j ; Sis .Iqyclyjembroidered .Handkerchiefs in ' a nicefancy ' box-for'five ehi]lin®3. Post,' free; from Jaittes- Gray ;ai}d • Sons, 'Milton. _ A delightful Christmas, gift..‘ . . The discoloration, bf water, received jai the filtration' plant ;af Titirangi. v -from Niholupu dam is not paused so, much by sediment; as is .popularly believed,, as by .root; dye; which principally comea froiii kauris', (says the Auckland : Star.). ,'A’ process of. 'filtration, :through sand, both : coarse, and fine,. and ; medium attd eoarse gravel,: however,' removes 96'per cent, of the decoli,' andthe water, when; released ' to the- ; Au6klahd (mams, is -as ■clear ; ’as crystal. The retaining'tanks are! cleansed by means of. compression, which agitates the filter bed; stirring tip .the..waste, which is. discharged by. fresh water- being .poured into., the tanks. ...■ ~ ■ ■ ; ' Chap-p-lo makes' 'rough hands “beautiful afad soft; .'2s' posted.,— From Waters’ Pharmacy.., . .- , ;New- , Zealand foresters may have gnoro ; 11ian : a’-passlnguintcrest- in- the followijjg' by'Mr *D onald Macdonnld, the AustraVinu (says an‘exchange)) “ Reading a good deaf at night, ’and practically in the open,' niany night-flying insects .of different kiuda are. attracted'by my tamp. Latterly, 1 have noticed' very, numerous among them,: one; of : the worst.of the ‘ tim-ber-getters’ in the Phorocanthd ‘ befetlffii. These;' are beetles long : in - proportion;, : to their'width,' with’ conspicuously fli>iigjointed ; horns, aud in colour a chestnut red,: vyith paler markings on ‘ the - vyipg covers; onetqf which: resembles a form,of the letter X - in. Koman. .typ.e. These beetles do a tremendous amount of s damage with eucalyptus, and are-often found in firewood. - One of them got a footing in' South Africa some time ago, and ‘inay be found wherever the bluegum is growing.” , ' ■ : ' ■ ■

' Save,your eyes. Consult Peter G. Dick, D.8.0.A., F. 1.0. (London),/optometrist. Peter 'Dick;' jewellers and opticians,.. '4flo Moray place (opp. City Hotel)... ■ ■ To:shear-.600 sheep, have.the wool ttausported 25 miles by road, and .loaded bh to a vessel , due to sail the same'day'id; no riieaii' feat, but this was accomplished’’.the other day (says - the Poverty Bay HeraW). Delayed last the' wet Vincent Barker, desired to'hare the \Vool from- 600 sheep on the Pukeakura Station lamled in London in time for. the January sale, - and the Port Darwin was the last boat frdm Gisborne that would suit-his purposes. With . perfect weather,' sis shearers set to work full of determination •to have- the job, accomplished .'to enable loading to proceed during the days! As soon, as the wool came'from the sheep it was Classed; pressed, baled, and loaded on to lorries. Arriving at , the Gisborne Sheep Farmers’ P.M. and M. Company’s store at about 1.30 p.m., the 30 bales which comprised tlie clip Were lightered out to the ship, and we re safely below tbo hatches of the Port Darwin by nightfall. The vessel sailed shortly after midnight fdt Napier.

Grandism (577): Here’s the sift of gifts for any man (or woman) this Christmas. Grand Hotel - Wines or Spirits are better, value... . The desire of the refined and cultured Japanese business men to be on'friendly terms wth those of other nations rang true as steel,” said Mr J. F,' Shahly Oil his return to Auckland from the Rotary convention .at Tokio (says an exchange). Mr Shanly saidthis impression was shared by all the visitors who were privileged to hear the Japanese speak and to bo entertained by thfem. The hospitality of the Japanese knew no bounds. All, doors were thrown open to the visitors, include ing j the grounds of the Imperial Palace, and the homes of Baron Tanaka, the Prime Minister, and others. A feature of the round of'entertainments was a ball in the peacock room of the Imperial Hotel, where many Japanese ladies attended their first dance at which there, was .jazzi’'g- .Considerable interest was taken by the visitors in the reconstruction of YokoHama, where a splendid new city was arising from the ruins of the city laid waste by the earthquake. Instead of , tll6 bhVi'ow, winding streets of, ike old days there were now straight boulevards. The people kept the old Yokohama ami „ the new before the public in an earthquake museum, where models of the city before and after the earthquake were oil view. - The ploughman pleds his weary way Home again—dt“ must not stay," For h'-’s expecting for his tea , Some Hitchon’s bacon good to eee...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20583, 5 December 1928, Page 16

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NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20583, 5 December 1928, Page 16

NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20583, 5 December 1928, Page 16