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HOUSES AND PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. TAMBLYN, \f‘K.ENZIE, & RHODES Phone 13-608. ' ’* ,■ , LV Phone 22-442 BRAITHWAIiEb BUILUINGb, 42 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. ulfilQb6rß OI tu6 • Cv93l llistitiitfi of * OTshta 46-tSrW FREEHOLD—NORTH LI NE: A u in g rL? Cotta K e; 10-stalled byre, stable, separator room, 3 fowlhouses; going concern, witli 200 fowls, 7 cows, horses, spring .dray and harness, an implements, -price £1150; easy- terms, or. exchange, fruit and confectionery busin GSS - . . . * 405* 300 FREEHOLD: Adjoining school; good wheat country; 6-iroomed' , ~ , House; washhouse,'large-barn, 4-stalled ■ stable, lodsebox,. chaffhouse, ,8stallcd byre, with dairy and engine room; going concern,!with ,320 ewes and their lambs, 5 cows, 5-horse team, complete ee t implements, price .£l4. per .here.; 4836 150 . ACRE£ L FREEHO . LD AND LEASEHOLD: .Rental £2l yearly; carry 20 cows; 30 acres ploughed for crops, balance grass; ,4-roomed House, shed, cowbyre; going concern, with 15 cows, 8 other, cattle, 2 horses, implements, harness; separator,_dojcart etc., price £750.. Government mortgage £4OO. 4824 1 Til AyRES FREEHOLDAdjoining school and-railway; 12-acres oats;, 7, acres , turnips, balance grass; will' carry 18 cows; 6-robmed House, pantry, wash8t cowbyre. Price, £lloo.' Terms'arranged! 4811 ■ 250 AERE ® FREEHOLD: Carrying 15 cows' and'lso ewes,' with 50 acres in _ crops; handy school and railway; 6-roomed House,, stable, cowbyre, barn. Price, £6 per acre. Easy terms. 4806 245 ACRES FREEHOLD AND GOVERNMENT LEASEHOLD: Low. rental; .. .■ 100 acres oush, balance grass; carry 25 cowsarid 40 or'so ewes; adjoining railway; 6-roomed House, cowbyre, large-ehed. Price, £700. : Terms. , 4847 40 A j?® LEASEHOLD: 'Rental £l9 yearly; rich-river flat; handy rail, school,: and factory;"carry 20 'cows; 6-rodmed-House; electric light; all outbuildings. Price £7OO, going concern. ’ 1 ■ 4G84 ft2 ACRES FREEHOLD: Mostly rich river fiat; free from .floods;. last year < T carried 33 cows, 2 horses, 1 bu11,.30 ewes; cows..returned £2l 13s per head' at Is. 7Jd for butter-fat; land-al| been top-dressed; -4-roomed House, byre (with machines) , stable, chaffhouse, pigstyes. ■ Price, £2600, going concern, with 34 cows, 2 horses, -all implements. Good terms : arranged. 4814 44 —CENTRAL OTAGO, (adjoining railway, school, and, store) : Carrying ooiewes, 4 cows, 3 cattle, 2 horses; 5-roomed House (hew), bathroom, h. and c. water; hut, separator room, 2. looseboxes, chaffhouse. --Price, £llOO. ■ Largo- Government mortgage can be taken over. ’ 4835 95 ACRES FREEHOLD: 40 acres grass, balance bush; carrying IS. cows; -4* '.roomed House.,stable.-cowshed; -i mRe school and factory. Price,‘£7oo. Terms. £l5O deposit. 4841 135 A 9 RE ® FREEHOLD; handy- large town, safe yards, high school; very suit-' i ablejof milk run; 7-roomed Housei dairy,-washhbiite, large hothouse, cowbyre, stable, barn-. implement shed, pigstyes,;- QoiagVClohcqrni'r.wlth 22 cows, 3 ■boners,'!'bull, horse, gig and harness,' spring cart,.clod ctusher, harrows, separator, cream cans, 8 pigs. Price, £23 per acre. Mortgage £I2OO. • Consider Exchange House few acres, Oamaru. Thpani, or Christchurch:, 4816 95 , • ,P, 1 Milton district); carry 10 cow„ and 100 ewes; 5-roomed House, electr'£ light, stable.' loosebos, barn; J-raile rail and school; all in grass. Price. £I4OO. Terms, £4OO cash. • 4263 110 A CRES FREEHOLD; rich river flat; close school !.and factory;. will carry 50. cows; 6 acres oats, 13. acres turnips, balance splendid pasture;-6-roomed, House washhouse, storeroom, electric light, cowbyre (tvith' machines)', stable, gar-' age— Price. £3O per acre. Terms. £IOOO cash. Or -"ould Exchange for town property. 4756 106 AERE S FREEHOLD; all level land; will carry. 30,cows and a few ewes; all m g ra ss; wintered 20 cows and 150 ewes without growing winter feed; 4roomed House, 7 r stalled byre, hut, Price, £I6OO. 1 " 4692

£ $ STREET COWLING .8 (Cutting.) - EsUblUaed ft ft o IBSI TRUSTEES, VALUATORS ESTATE AGENTS, ACCOUNTANTS. Telephone 11-080 (CENTRAL FREEHOLD—'Right in the heart of the. City, in good pects. ' Well Let" to good tenant- " Brick Building, Shops, ■- ' Offices, and strongroom.- . Full particulars" oh application. / ■ Substantial modern .Brick BUSI-:,-■,V* NESS' PREMISES, situated George street; Renewable Lease. Building all well*let to -first-class tenants.:-bringing-in a steady . . ' return of 10' per cent on purchase price. £16,600.' .. . 7 ' -■ - . TNVBSTMENT. PROPERTY.—City FRErJHOLD.corner section, •• ■ * 38ft by 64ft; good BUILDING,.-well let, bringing in over£2oo. per annum; • 10 per" cent return oh Price, £I7OO. . v • ;* :■ , XTICE LITTLE SPEC.—FREEHOLD PROPERTY, close to •*T Gardens; BHOP and 4-ROOMED DWELLING: gas, electric light, washhouse, etc. Rentals £B4 pe- annum. £860... ORIGHTON—FIVE-ROOMED RESIDENCE; veranda, electric , light, etc.; furnished throughout; Quarter-acre Freehold Section; nest part, sun all day Price,£soo. •\TAORI HILL-WELL-BUILT SIXtROOMED RESIDENCE;;* i "A veranda.and bay window, electric light, pantry, scullery, bathroom, h. and ■c. water; nice-sized Freehold:;close to tram and» : bus, . in best part: first-class brder £1250. • ‘7 •■' ' : CJT., CLAIRE-MODERN containing 5 rooms, bath- _ •h-. / room; hot and cold water, electric light, gas, and all modern -----■. , conveniences; fine Freehold; lovely . view; close to tram; very at- : ’ tractive property £1450. ~ .. . : ■■ 1 piTY^—INVESTMENT. PROPERTY; corner freehold,'withsub- ! L 1 stahtinl Brick . Building;’ well let to good tenants; showing a: ■ ■ *' , rental return of over £387 per annum; . splendid ■ future value. '/"•: prospects. A good spec and revenue producer. £3OOO. , " INVESTING AGENTS, ' ' CURST-CLASS INVESTMENTS ..found for Capital in-Bonds, Debentures, Mort-‘ A gages, Property, and Investment Stocks. Fullest possible' information and reports supplied. Satisfactory Valuations made. Our long and varied experience . ,in-the Investment of Capital enables ns. to advise clients-to the best-advantage. BURTON & PATTERSON, 41 fowling street, Dunedin, . . ,:* ■ JOB N. El D &.gO NS, LTD., - AUCTIONEERS, 'LAND SALESMEN; ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, CORNER LIVERPOOL, AND BOND STREETS, DUNEDIN, 1 TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES MANAGED. / - i . * - \ ... . Members, of the Real Estate Institute, of Otago (Incorporated) . W E have FOR SALE, on the FAMOUS TAIERI PLAINS, a really good FARM of about 108 ACRES; in several Paddocks, and are prepared to'give very easy TERMS to a good and reliable man. Full particulars, on application to us. *E have also a FARM in the WAIKOUAITI DISTRICT Of 40 ACRES FREEHOLD. TOR SALE AS 1 GOING CONCERN AT £6OO. The owner S retiring solely on account of advancing, age? Arrange with us for inspection. W “ REIDS ” FOR REAL ESTATE, ■; Phone 12-539. , Evening Phones 22-240 and 20-662. SURVEYORS and CIVIL ENGINEERS. ' . & s . P A TER so ft. PATERSON’S BUILDINGS; 163 RATTRAY STREET, , • „ , (Branch Office; Cargill’s Corner;' South Dunedin.] Auctioneers, House and Land Agents; ' FINANCE AGENTS. LAND & SHARE r brokers ftp ft /'JLOSE CATHEDRAL and RATTRA Y. STREET—Attractive, BUNGALOW, 4 rooms; porcelain bath and basin, gas, electric light, scullery, copper, tubs. , slab grates,-Empire papers, higb-waisted 'doors and casement windows;-sunny freehold section. £9O ’ deposit. It’s a bargain. Immediate possession. . TiTORNINGTON (just off tram); New 4-roomed, BUNGALOW, latest-design, kitchenette, bathroom, hot and cold water, electric light, l fibrous ceilings, slab grates, Eirtpire papers, sun porch; p»ood freehold .section* drying- green, concrete paths and wall in front;, £4O deposit Owner leaving. Sacrificed price, £920: QT. KILDA (close Beach arid Tram)—Substantially tuilt four-roomed S33MI- ■ ..BUNGALOW, with kitchenette, bathroom, hot and. cold,.gas, electric light, scullery, copper, tubs. Empire papers, panelled hall; fine- large freehold. section! laid out in garden and lawn; large workshop;, plenty of garage: room! £BO. deposit. Cheapest property in St.'Kilda. Price has been considerably reduced to be sold within one,, week. £875. MAORI HILL (iu choice position, beside Driver’s, road and close Town • Belt) • Splendidly built 5-ropmed BUNGALOW (2 years 'built), with- all modern conveniences; hot and cold, gas, electric light,’ fibrous ceilings, slab grates, wide entrance hall (panelled) casement windows,,concrete foundations; choice freehold corner sunny section, with fine outlook; £IOO -deposit; cheapest home -in district* owner leaving.;. Worth £1250; to be sold this week at, £IOSO, IJOSLYN (City road, 1 fronting ear line, with:magnificent Harbour view; Choice • if ve l Building SECTION, laid out in garden and surrounded by hedges; ideal site for bungalow. ■■■■■“■ B * T l 3 18 good and cheap; just above; George street (with glorious. view over dty^and-.Haxbonr); an attractive and well-built HOME in r fine order: 6 rooms bathroom,: scullery, not; and-cold water, gas, electric light and range, fibrous ; ceilings,-.Empire; papers,. panelled hall and leadlights; over 1-acre freehold mcely laid out, asphalt paths/ etc.;;. £IOO deposit; owner left Dunedin and, price reduced.-front.-CISOO to £1050; ■ for immediate sale; keys on application. 'Phone 13-496. 1 Evening ’Phone 13-397 w. TIMLIN & C 0.. HOUSE, STATION, AND FARM SALESMEN, WH I TCOMBE &. TOMBS BUILDINGS, 76 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. £llBO“ MUSSELBUEG; ? R^ SE: New BUNGALOW, 5, rooms; kitchenett sun room; exceptionally well finished throughout; nice freehold! Fc I . sun j n uuisueu mrougnout; nice treenoid. at office 610 18 D 0^ lnE Reiter offering. See this before purchasing elsewhere. Ke; £ISOO- -ANDERSON’S BAY (Sunny Rise) —Choice brick.BUNGALOW, flvi rooms, kitchenette, sun porch; nice freehold'section. A'lovely home £7BO~ NEAR BAILWAY WORKSHOPS: Splendid 4 ROOMS, kitchenette every convenience; nice freehold; easy terms; owner transferred. THRESHOLD SECTIONS in good locali ties. "Worth the money asked. Kew; 3 poles, £280; Anderson’s Bay: 20 poles, freehold, £3OO, £250, £275; Calton Hill £165; St. Kilda: £290; Valley, sunny side, half-acre, £l6O. ■pURAKANUI (£3OO) —Furnished, BtIN GALOW, three rooms; boat and electri light; j-acre freehold; splendid position, near beach. Others from £IOO. rpHE hirst Utility 'ot frequent and A regular Advertising consist* in thi»; ’’’here is at all times e large class of Parsons, both iu country and town, who have no fixed places for the purchase of certain necessary articles, and are ready to be swayed and drawn toward any particular place which is earnestly brought under their notice. Indifferent to all. they yield without hesitation to the first , who asks. rpHE First Utility, of frequent and A regular Advertising consists in this: There is at all times a large class of persons, both in country and town, who have no fixed placee for the purchase of certain necessary articles, and are ready to be swayed and drawn toward any particular place which is earnestly brought under their notice.' Indifferent -to all, they yield -without hesitation to the first who asks.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20582, 4 December 1928, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 20582, 4 December 1928, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 20582, 4 December 1928, Page 12