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Tlie Waipukurau District High School roll call now totals. 466. *

The. first big game fish, to'.be. caught at Cape Brett on the rod and line this season has been .landed by Mr H. P. Hobson, of, Auckland, who, fishing from the launch I 'Reliance, secured a make shark ;weighing 2061 b. ' : -. Stay at the Princef ot Wales Hotel, uood accommodation; .best; brands of -honors .‘Phone 10-721.—C. Hinchcliff. proprietor... ... Rather- niore than 3,250,000 feet of timber .was shipped from the port of Greymouth during, the. four weeks ended mi November , 10. (says; the Grey .River Argus),.* the actual figures being 3,270,601 feet.', ' ' .

■ A_S°- od many, dry sheep are now shornm South .Canterbury , (says the Timani Herald)/ but owing- ,to- .the- • changeable nature of the ; weather and the frequency or cold snaps, the shearing ofewes ■is* not-proceeding-as quickly .as it would do . under more settled Weather conditions. ; , Navy v or Shetland's ild. j Twist Shirts, 5 S 6d. Extra Heavy; weight, Bs.-fid;-* sizes, i4J to- 17= V Posted anywhere lor cash.—Kifroy and - Sutherland, Ltd..-192-Princes street,-DunedinV. ' . Open-air schools in Christchurch, which have, been built. tO;obtain. the- maximum - - amount Of sunlight, have more than fulhlled their purpose of late,' the pupils haying-complained of the sun beating in upon their backs (states the Christchurch i ress). - Consequently the, Education «oard has received, numerous applications tor- screens to protect them. ■ ; . Pigs,' Pigs, Pigs.—We are cash buyers oi JPorkdrs ana r Baconegs/ •any; quantity, ronijß price given;; cheque return Barton’s: Manse- street, Dunedin.;. ■ .• hough f steam-'. has ■ practically ■ ousted saus as a - , mediuni’, for, the propulsion ■ of seagpmg Ycaßela,. the tonnaud of vessels which arrived at’the ‘port of ’Wellington during-the year , just ; ended shows that an increase took place during’ the period ton uage .of sailing i n sa^i 3 ’ 805 m ons a 1 compared with 1 10,863. tons. The . number of vessels also increased, from 150 to 203. Steamship vusitors decreased in number from 2957 a onP®* 1 to linage increased fri .3,499,538 tons to 3,529,417. p_Y ad,e ? . ?^c ks and Hats; all .at Special DfcnW See Window Cheyne arid C 0... - V ; When a.* steer -was killed by . Corbetts at Suva, Fiji, it was fouM tw o complete kidpeyg lying alongr C vs ther ° n ? ne side, -while there was no kidney on the other side of the a "’ (aa . l - . The butcher says that- in all his haa .s n «ver,, fpund such freak condition before. , The kidney was plaged in, the freezer until the GovernS : T C ° uld ins P ect i* and ro

nli?« eß £fH o f be * d) i® c 1 U,ty in procuring suption bniU* • oc y; to aastain the; reputa“UV* «P „V- Barton’s, they -are to retail the primest quality of cf meat at bedrock K Wnuae street and all branches P ton lr s A ‘ w Jes > Mayor of New Brighton, speaking at a luncheon held by tIL Council mark the opening of the, new concrete SS 'rw“£.lf' ! "l r the .Siiri). "T’m"* ora 90, ->iid Mr .Owl^ sa,y » «>• » th, s^ . The return of the god wits to New >7oi triftSpSS tbn k- a* Prewa last week. Since April ih sSia ha and be +b • BpCndipg the -winter ate the i he,r ."Juratory habits fiTwLTi® t?,7 ec ‘ ?f keen interest amonk the S F^ Ol .children in the north. ; tne tPi^ tla Sn' ;i v wor . !d : famous for its linoleums. We have just landed, direct frommanufacturers, a fine ; ran£. and the ?«’nj are Tery attractive... First quality 7s ed d n fr er / Un " lng yard ; second Sna ity! running Jard.-The Otago .P^ faS? b b oach ’ protected fimm the sun,;ia-eJmftßA4 V* ap’illness from which a young woman is; suffering, as the I result i recent visit to Castleciiff WnLurn paper) . . There i 8 affi treasure, obtained whilst enjoying" the P d « tia n. aoupttui 1 1 the pleasure compensates for en?. risk of sunstroke which is ever p/es--911 £ oven ; bathing ‘ dresses just opened. Navy p an t 8 , with bright 7« ildr^ 8 ’ 68 ladies’ ' 7s od and 12s 6d. ' New Zealand-made pure wool ditto, navy, with orange; pink Idfed 1 p 8 Beach;d’re P ses! 14 \mT‘ Boss, 130 Princes street..; -When the steamer Clan M'William caught fire and sank in Vav a u Harbour nearly a year ago the wreck settled on l x a ? u P r >gbt position with about six feet of water covering one of the masts. As this, was a danger to- navigation steps. were taken to shift it. tTe method being described by Dr H. M. ® - Auckland,, who returned by the Tofua on Monday ’ after spending several years, at .Vavau in. a professional capacity. A fuse was lit. and inserted nu ™ker of plugs of gelignite tied in a bunch. Seizing the explosive, a native boy dived, atid while beneath the water attached it to the mast. In this v?ey the mast was blown off the vessel; which is still there in deep water, but no longer a menace to other shipping. .Have you tried our house whisky, 11s per bottle?—Hotel Carlton, phone 11-716. Box 106... • f . Conn’s one,-day 1 developing and printing service. Films and prints posted same night as they are received.—Conn’s Pharmacy. Ltd., High street. P.O. Box 146... •;

A minor point in- connection with the defeat, of the Government (says the New Zealand Herald) is that five members of the Cabinet—Messrs Hawken, Young, F. J. Rolleston, Wright, and Williams—not having been Ministers for three years, will relinquish the title “honourable” when the Government goes out of office—that is, assuming that it does so this year, and the general • expectation is that it will.. Messrs Hawken, Young, and Rolleston were appointed to the Ministry on January 18, 1926, Mr Wright on May 24, 1926, and Mr Williams on June 12, 1926. Coffee Without a doubt coffee stands supreme as a breakfast beverage. Knowing this, the wise housewife always orders the “ Bourbon " brand ot coffee and chicory from her grocer Found in the toe of the boot of a'man who was arrested at Marton, an engagen’en‘ llas been restored to its owner at Feuding. The man was arrested on a charge of fraud at Palmerston North ■ and on being searched the ring was found as stated. When asked about it, the man said he had seen a woman at Feildhm drop it in the street, and he picked it up, intending to return it. He changed his mind, however, and kept it. The woman informed the police she had not been wearing the ring, but kept it in a jewel box at home, and had seen it there the day before she was supposed to have ost it. W hoever took it out of the box left some other valuable pieces there. u gh -?. n,y 13 wiles from London the Kent'sh village of Kcston suffer from an overdose of foxes, the inhabitants beTtirinSS; ■* ” ißlt * ““ ho< " ii "'

Foot, rot has rarely, if ever, been so prevalent in Canterbury as it is this year (says the-Press)Farmers whose flocks have not been 'affected, with the trouble in the past, and who, therefore, did hot take mueh, notice-of it ini the initial stages, nad to pay . the' penalty of. their - laxity. -Lno primary cause was the" rains and . rank grass in the winter and also the soft, condition of: turnip fields. However, there ,®*-. similar seasons. in the past, only a degree of this year’s infection, !eft to speculate if a minor cause is the more general use of the: half- ? D + h P ea 7 J land « Place, of/ the more ffi “ *• tl K ; ij pi i l - son ; of most teachers that when a child displajrs a “natural bent” •rfLIST Particular .subject; or calling ;it should be encouraged to the fullest extent. There are hundreds of little girls who f'k® tosew, and who would appreciate »s % • ,-PSrffi? 8 . l?ox one. of Laidlaw and Gi-nys New Home Midget” sewing machines. These portables sell for 555. He- - posit and small payments... : . stated at : a meeting of the Auckland -Acclimatisation Society by Mr MKenzie that-negotiations were progress,uig - for ■ the. Hberatifth's' opossums-‘in the . Auckland district.* last year the Wei- - Socl had gained l a revenue of £2OOO from this branch-of-sport.' “Sucha revenue,-’ he said, “would enable us to do a. lot for. Auckland sportsmen.” .The opening and closing dates for the opossum season were fixed at June 15 and July 31, .hor real bespoke tailoring, latest styles, best iWprkmhiiship, try MacLeod Mac--Gilliyray, Rattray, street.... ...... , P* Te Araroa recently a wild htfrse. being chased by two Maoris,,took to the sea anfi swam straight put to sea(states nV 1 ve . r *- v , Ray Herald). It continued SJ I **i9l *wht. -fhd. witnesses - .went home WesteAJn Xt T r v? lnK f h e People-in--10 the .catching of -the animal.' he a . »»«“• *orth the chase, saw the horse swim ashore at O o’clock. The ” as tr, J y j n the water all night PeOnle 6 hnd for had the.glasses on a, dark object ’ n the moonlight out to sea. It - 3 d some miles down the d?tion, and 18 n ° W ln a wild and lively ;C on- : ,/ Do you know that With our New Tailor!, mg Department we can save you £2 m your, next suit? Call or vSf^^^y r - \t° i^h? 4 ; .formation ofV,“ nna^f S, f h^ lev ed to' be ’ the only one of its kind in England. The qualS 1 the applicourte^^fnv4t.bA' e 'vi one course in a rouhd, while a member, and that he has satisfied the committee* he has earned out the ancient and' traditional * whTskv Slbl Tl^ro° f 6tan 4 in s a bottle of ri.U - are 28 oners , “ the •

Vol^T 1 haVe £. ot ? lr cady purchased Gold o . No informatl6n; haa been , made avail- , .identity -of • ou ■’» PijJan kumaras, imported recently to Gisborne {says the m Herald)-.; A W im% lit be grub will ' have to It. Inca Ptivity and watched: through its metamorphosis before the degree of crops .of kumaras- can; be. determined. In Native" 1 ?? Wi > 4be 4jsedvery of the biig,■ i official* disclaim the credit for locating the grub and iStiatid ? fc l f y its'species,' 4e P Native n by officers of M'tJwi ■ .department ■ concerning , Mr ™Sbte B d§&i° themV the possible to. kuntara plots: in the na St of Ct ’ ~ an iL tlie advisability of leaving no stone unturned; to check the wssiblf ?P No d wJ^v e '£«?■• in ’ the Dominion. rtreri!!' ’ Pharmacr . ot,l - v *' 20 P PriftMSdlSS* P «“fc , * c l' ot " keas in the-Methven district might be considered a novelty if whS! r? not ** Mr destructiveSith ?saW o r- S v and i hmhs “re cooSd i Jossep is not Ikelv wanted by . other farmers. During tbs' ®befti : on. while walking, round b* near a plantation found traces ora,’- ow ®bot finished the ked and " TW’ d i. w ?M 16 a very, rare occurrence ' jF£ teSt SfV «?“” ara bbl dieted! npAwAJf a?”." ijfe’b, Sr as s m *ssstk%si tt£S%ss? seem to he recovering very well fpomfhn ■**ss*s sr^saSiSsS; £SXV l ’.h* w sr “s,lt, «■» I n £ and thtogh th! “F£ az , e and _ brown beetles have * been nibbling at the fruit to some extent tbn ™S?\ -should be%ry fair'ln dißtr^ C toWever, the crops a^ewyhght bebw l^^: ted : to fa » ‘ food Lief le sW nrr th & gift line,-into the hie ft fr James Gray and Sons. Ltd Mittoof 'Joiversal Providers... ■ ■ ’ JaU oteps taken to advertise. New' Zealand Zealand Meat- 1 Control iJoard, had made arrangements for fho of 1 !® 000 S| b f u^°-n in G «at Britain or booklets giving a resume of fei am | ng ;u in ' ;t]l , e »omin“n, and pointing out the qualities of New ZealaPd muttop and lamb. Mr Coop; wife Has just. received a few copies of "the t t h if ee i, COI , 0 i and abundantly illustrated,. the booklet not only points mAf thf k P f nrne , co . nditi " n °f New y Ze P aland b«vino-at contains also some hints on 3 1 "! aD d cooking, useful recipes being catfon 3 P^nent. posit,on in the.pnblicarion. the front cover design is a sheep with a map of New Zealand, with the words Is ew Zealand Meat ”in large ‘4t rS b P r; hlle +l , An al j-,British product The best in the world,!' and " Buy British are also prominent captions. ifvlAri; Home is the immense variety and the remarkable quality of their products. La wn tennis rackets, for instance, are available in a .great ■ number of tnodcls, one differ. Ss : aTwSr‘if b ? with h ’tbe d m COa,pare in that respwt + ore - expenßlve dass of poods a well-known. Gisborne dealer in snortof } reviewed "the retail conditions For the ±T tbe . Povcrt >’ Bay Herald), said to i dca c *V Jt 4 ivas- embarrasinp. lie her of j C ? nfr ? nted , ,vith a large numdfffe?L’ lo i? e i S of rackets, for while the d ‘"irenco betwoen one and another of the fir P d Rht .i* e a PP reci ated by a really r, er { F} 16 average enthusiast was lardly likely to give much weight to the ?ry small divergence between one racket ? t a S'ven class and another of ‘he same traveller Had shown th's re-' tailer no fearer than 70 rackets made bv nis principals, and there arc many makers ot good-class lawn tennis requirements. 1 rices generally arc lower, however, as a result of keen competition ia the trade, which was all in favour of the users of the goods, Wien you rise to greet the day, Drive sadness and all care away; An egg and some of Hitcher.’s bacon Will do this, or,l’m mistaken...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20582, 4 December 1928, Page 16

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NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20582, 4 December 1928, Page 16

NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20582, 4 December 1928, Page 16