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The next wool sale for South Canterbury will be held in Timaru on April 20. The use of wireless sets in hotel bars on race clays was com plan.ed of at last week’s meeting of tho Ohinemuri Licensing Committee, and the chairman declared the practice would have to stop... Martinborough is now officially & borough. This was decided at a poll of ratepayers of the Martinborough Town Board taken on Thursday. There were only a score of objectors, and the proposal was earned by a comfortable majority. Quality, Quality, Quality, Quality, Quality, Quality—all the time. —Barton and Trengrove. Manse street... A lily remarkable for its height and large number of blooms is to be seen. in the garden of Mr A. Burrows, of East Gore (says the Mataura Ensign). It stands 6ft 6in high, and carries 150 b’< nns. The Riverton correspondent of the Southland News says that the Maoris are busy at present making preparations for the mutton-bird season which will open shortly. The majority of the Maoris will leave Colac Bay by the Water Lily on March !5. , Greymouth is shortly to be the scene of a kinsma production (reports tha Grey River Argus). The producing company will be a local one, as also the scenario writer, and the kihematographer. The piece to be produced is a comedy. Conn’s Effervescing Health Salta for adults ana children. A blood purifier and liver stimulant. Obtainable only trom Conn’s Grand Pharmacy, price Is fid. posted Is 9d... After a full discussion. . the following motion was carried unanimously by a meeting of representatives of tho commercial interests of Timaru;—“ That the oil companies be asked to meet the dele gates of tho bodies here represented, with a view to discussing tho matter of their making Timaru a mam port, so far as their shipments are concerned. At the annual meeting of the New Zealand Accountants’ and Auditors’ Association in Auckland it was pointed out that there was urgent necessity for the revision of the Companies Act. The subject was referred to the incoming executive with instructions to take whatever action was thought advisable regarding it. For real tailor-made suits we recommend MacLeod MaeGilli.vray; prices moderate: best workmanship... The policy of the New Zealand Manufacturers’ Association in seeking further tariff protection for secondary industrieswas endorsed by delegates (o the New Zealand Federated Ironmasters’ Industrial Association -of Employers. Delegates said further protection would enable them to employ more workers, thus helping to overcome the problem of unemployment. It is a foregone conclusion (says a correspondem of rno Auck and Star) that -there will be a triangular contest for the Waitonio scat at the next election, the Labour Party having decided to put forward a candidate. Mr J. C. Rolleston is the present member for Waitomo. Over £IO.OOO worth of Russian and Canadian Purs are being exhibited in Dunedin to-morrow; watch this column for address... A fearsome sight attracted a crowd of thirsty-looking souls in front of the New Zealand Hotel in Christchurch a few days ago. A largo cask of beer, when being unloaded from a lorry, bouuched on to the roadway, split its full rounded sides, and spilled on the roadway in an amber, frothy flood. Tho cup promised ,to the Kelso A. and P. Association by Messrs H. and J. Smith, Ltd., Gore, has now arrived from England. It is a handsome piece of work standing Wbout Isin high, the top being surmounted by the form of a cow. The trophy should prove a valuable adjunct to the Kelso Society’s list of trophies. Stay at the Prince ot Wales Hotel. Good accommodation; best brands of liquors. ’Phone 10-721. —C. Hinchcliff. te '•■>! ictor.. Work on the construction of tho Addington workshops is proceeding steadily. All tho ironwork for the five main shops has now arrived. It was all assembled ready to be put in position before it left tho contractors’ hands in England. Each set of ironwork for the different shops was painted with a distinctive colour beforo it left the factory, so as to avoid confusion and delay at the place of assembly Tho oldest woman in New Zealand, Mrs Frances Webb, celebrated the lG3rd anniversary of her birthday in Feilding on Friday, March 2. Mrs Webb is wonderfully active for her groat ago, is in possession of all her faculties, and has a splendid memory. She was born in 1825, 10 years after the battle of Waterloo, at Silverwell, a few miles from Truro, in the County of Cornwall. Barton and Trengrove want Rigs to supply the enormous demand fur their famous sugar-cured Bacon. Highest price for cash. —Manse street, Dunedin.. . That gifts of knives are sometimes sent by friends to patients at the London County Council West Park Dental Hospital, Epsom, was disclosed at an inquest on Walter Grafton, a patient, who cut his throat with a pocket knife. The medical superintendent said he did not know how Grafton got the knife, but that knives did find their way into the institution. On one occasion, actually, a dagger was sent to a patient. A verdict of “ Suicide while of unsound mind ” was returned. Save your eyes. Consult Peter G. Dick. D.8.0.A., F. 1.0 (London) optometrist. Pete: Dick, jewellers and opticians, 490 Mcrav dace (npn Gitv Hotel) According to a missionary who resided 18 years in the Philippines, there is no language that -is common to all the islands, but each canton has a dialect peculiar to itself. All these dialects, however, have some affinity, somewhat like that which exists between the Italian dialects of Lombardy, Sicily, and Tuscany. On the island of Luzon there are six dialects, some of which a,e current in the other islands. The most popular are the Tagala and Bisaya. The latter is very coarse, while the former is more polished and peculiar. The natives make use of but three vowels, and have but 12 consonants, which they express differently by placing a dot above or below them. Grandism (347) —A gay young spark generally leaves a trail of old flames behind him. Poor liquor loaves one with a bad head. The best Grand Hotel Bottle Store and Bars... Is the arcade, that popular feature of some of the great Continental cities, to achieve popular prominence in London? The announcement that when the Grand Hotel at Charing Cross is remodelled there will be an arcade of shops through the ground floor has intrigued Londoners. ‘‘ I have not seen the plans of the proposed development,” said Sir Richard Blomfield, tho famous architect, ‘‘ and, therefore, I cannot discuss them. But as a general rule I am a little doubtful about arcades in this climate. They are splendid for the Sunny South of Europe, where their shade gives a welcome refuge from the hot mid-day sun. It is much more difficult for shopkeepers to make as effective a display in an arcade as they could in th e open street.” The general public, however, think of the arcades as a shelter from rain, as a development of shopping in comfort and as a rendezvous. Pat Waters’ “ Vi-vatta ” on, and your skin won’t age; 2s Od posted.—Waters’ Pharmacy... An expedition to the Amazon to study orchids will shortly set out from England under the leadership cf Mr Cecil S. Garnett, F.G.S., of Derby. Although leader, he will bo the only "Englishmen of the party, which has been commissioned by the National Geographical Society of America. Tho authorities at Kew Gardens have asked for specimens and the Orchid Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society is ren daring assistance. The party is to work over 1000 miles up tho Amazon, and much of the area to be traversed is through forests hitherto untrodden by white men. One 30-gallon “ King ” Separator on stand, with bucket rests, for £B, at Gray’s Big Store Colossal Sale, Milton... “ Greater ingratitude I have never heard of,” said Mr Canceller, at Marylebone Police Court in sentencing John Shatz, 21, cabinetmaker, to two months’ hard labour, and Alfred Wonderling, 19, labourer, to six months’ hard labour, for stealing silver to tho value of £lO from the house of Mr J Bridge Collyns, Bclsizo Park Gardens, Hampstead. It was stated that finding the men down and out on the Thames Embankment, Mr Collyns gave them money and found them work. When they throwup their employment he put them up at his house, but livo days later, while he and his wife were at church, they stole the goods and absconded. “ I was hastening.” said a motorist when charged at Edinburgh Sheriff Court with exceeding the speed limit, “ in order to get some water for rny acetylene lamps before it became dark.” , Well, I suppose,” replied Sheriff-substitute Naish, “ that you have rend the story of the five foolish virgins and what happened to them. The penalty in this case will be a fine of £2.”

The Greymouth Supreme Court was in the depths of a legal argument the other day, and authorities wore being freely quoted by counsel (says the Greymouth Evening Star). Mr F. A. Kitchmgman quoted one case, which, he said, was very much to the point in the present proceeding. Then Mr Justice Adams quietlv pointed out that the authority quoted dated away ba kto 1867. “Is there nothing more recent?” be asked. ihat particular authority was not mentioned again. , , . Another drop in the timber trade of tM Dominion is revealed by figures for 1927, which have just been released. Both imports and exports have fallen, imports by 5,700,000 super feat, exports by 4,900.000 feet. This downdard trend is the continuation of the progressive decrease whiett statistics reveal to havo taken place during the past three years. At the same time the balance cf trade (the of imports over exports) has improved from the New Zealand point of view, each year showing a smaller margin between the lumber brought into the country from abroad and the woods exported. The Corselette is the finest under-gar-ment ever invented for giving dignity and grace to the wearer. Splendid lot just opened, sizes 32 to 40 (bust measure), price 3s lid, 5s lid, up, at T. Ross, 13D Princes street... A rat made a mistake in the Nelson power house about 1,30 a.ra. last Tuesday, stepping on to the 13,000 volts terminals of the main switch and causing a short. circuit which blew the insulators to pieces and burned the wooden connecting rods, besides damaging the switchboard wiring. Nelson was plunged into darkness, but strenuous efforts on the part of the electrical staff effected temporary repairs. The new Tailored Suits can now be secured from £5 15s to £8 8s at Ascot, corner of Princes and Rattray streets, where an up-to-date tailoring department has now' been established. Inspection co”dially invited... The cat is generally recognised as a natural enemy of the rabbit. An incident that points directly reverse to such a belief has occurred recently on an Edendale farm (reports the Wyndham Farmer). A lad on the property in question had caught a young rabbit, which he took home alive. Somehow, it got into contact with the house cat, a female, the possessor of a family of kittens. Nevertheless, maternal instinct was so pronounced in this case that the oat actually mothered the orphan rabbit, and is fostering it along with her own litter. It is surprising the number of people who will buy something they really do not want, when same can be bought at wholesale rates. Perhaps there is a certain amount of satisfaction in doing such but it seems rather ridiculous when you can buy what you really do want at practically wholesale prices from Laidlaw -and Gray’s during their Economy Sale period... There are indications, even at this early date, that a great many people will visit Sydney from New Zealand in order to bo present at the various functions held in connection with the Eucharistic Congress, the biggest thing of its kind ever held in this part of the world. New Zealand will most probably be represented .by Archbishop Redwood (who holds a unique record is the Chnrh), Coadjutor Archbishop O’Shea, and many others of the heirarchy of New Zealand. Just landed, another shipment of Cane Veranda Screens, Bft x Bft, complete with fittings. Free on rail. Send 7a 6d with order.—The Mosgiel Warehouse, A. F. Cheyne and C 0... By the death of Rewi Rangiora, better known as Davy, which took place at Ketemarae Pa, a well-known figure in theHawera district has been removed. Born in Wellington 75 years ago, he came to Taranaki as a boy. He took part in the Te Whiti rising, and with many of bis comrades was sent to Lyttelton after they had surrendered. On returning he settled at Ketermarae and lived there till his death. He was buried in the Normandy Native Cemetery & few days ago. “ Metropolis of the Dawn ” is a new description of Auckland city used in a bookoi on Auckland issued by the New Zealand Tourist League. . Under the international date line regulations Auckland is the first of the Pacific Ocean’s cities to greet the rising sun, and sa T " Good morning ” to Hine, the Dawn 'Maid, as mantled in mist she goes on her daily visit to her home in the sky. Superfluous Hair thoroughly and quickly removed by “Antierin,” 2s ,4d posted.—Waters’ Pharmacy-... Professor EasterfieW, speaking at the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Society’s con--fcroncc in Nelson, said when be first orrivefi in Now Zealand ho was almost convinced that the whole country was run oy men from the north of the. Tweed. Ail the professors who accompanied him on the boat were Scotchmen and they were met by Scotchmen. The countrymen shook hands, and at last one man spoke to the professor, saying, M I voted for you because there was no Scotchman in your chair.” However, Professor Easterfichl found that his fears about New Zealand were ungrounded. Exceptional value: Flannel Unders. the well-known Doctor Brand, in Shetland and navy, 6s fid each; AU-wool New Zealand Flannels —Shetland Ca lid, natural shade (unshrinkable) 8s lid, navy 9s 6d, posted anywhere for cash.—Kilroy and Sutherland, Ltd., 192 Princes street, Dunedin... .. A plan to beautify Cathedral square, Christchurch, is being prepared by Mr K. G. Ell, who will shortly present it to the authorities (states the Press) It aims at the abolition of the present tramway shelter and the removal oi the Godley Statue to its original position at the rear of the shelter, with a view to enabling a clear view to bo obtained of the Cathedral from Worcester street west. The scheme proposes to utilise the present unused spaces of 39ft on either Sides of the present shelter shed by the construction of a hexagonshaped shelter in Gothic style, in harmony with the architecture of the Cathedral, provision being made for six bays for seating accommodation. Space would still Be left for the erection of a tramway observation tower at the side of one of the shelters should this be considered necessary. Madame and Mr Menere, the noted Christchurch Furriers, have returned to New Zealand from Russia and Canada. They will hold a Fur Exhibition in Dunedin commencing to-piorrow. Address in to-morrow’s issue. . ; Most people would consider the Canter bury A. and P. Association too august a body to have its name invoked in the playing of a practical joke. . That someone, however, has hod the" temerity to play tricks with it wap revealed at the last . meeting of the association (says the Christchurch Sun). A week or two before the last annual show of the Canterbury A. and P. Association, Mr E. Parsons, of Kaikoura, received a typewritten letter, on plain paper, purporting to be from the Canterbury A. and P. Association and asking him to act as judge in the cobs and classes at the show. It was signed R- SPeterson, secretary. ’ Apparently Mr Parsons scouted something wrong; for he took the letter to the A. and P. Association’s office, where it had never been seen before. “ A nasty joke,” said one member The meeting decided to write to Mr Parsons saying that the association had no of the letter and that it regretted that ho should have been troubled by what was evidently a practical joke. A cup of good coffee stimulates and vitalises the system. The “ Bourbon ” brand of Coffee and Chicory gives this result. Manufactured by A. Duris and Co., coffee specialists. 32 Octagon, Dunedin... The importance of reading a document' carefully before making any statement concerning it, was’ impressed upon a female petitioner for a dissolution of marriage, who entered the witness box at the Greymouth Supreme Court the other day (states the Greymouth Evening Star)! Her counsel. Mr W. J. Joyce, nroduced a marriage certificate, end asked the petitioner whether she recognised on it the signature of her husband. She answered in the affirmative, almost instantaneously. A few moments later, Mr Justice Adams dryly remarked: “I do not know what you are going to do with this, Mr Joyce, The petition sets on that the oarties were married on April 7 1924. but tl-certificate put in is dated hebruary 1. 1909. Mr Joyce made a hurried search through 1m r>au°rs and discovered that he had mixed up two marriage certificates, and P»fented the wrontr one to the netitioner in the bos at the rime. His Hono.r smilingly commented that it was inadvisable to accept the advice of even one’s own lawyer sometimes ! Whenever you’re sitting in the kitchen. Eating Hiftchon’s lovely bacon Have pitv on those out in the street. Who cannot get enough to eat...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20355, 12 March 1928, Page 16

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NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20355, 12 March 1928, Page 16

NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20355, 12 March 1928, Page 16