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' is.’T THE MOON. March. last Quarter .. .. .. 15th 2.50 a.m. New Moon 22nd 7.59 a.m. First Quarter .. .. .. 28th 11.21 p.m. THE SUN. Rises to-day at 5.51 a.m.; sots at 6.42 p.m. Rises to-morrow at 5.55 a.m.; seta at 6.40 p.m. THE WEATHER. March 9.—Bright and fine. Light northeast wind. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer ..• •.. 20.92 20.02 29.90 Thermometer .. .. Min., 50 ; max., 66. WEATHER REPORTS. (Pfiß U.MTEU PRESS ASSOCIATION.) WELLINGTON. March 9. Tlio following are the ofiicial weather reports at i p-m. :

V/EATHER FORECAST. The following is tho official weather forecast: — The pressure Is still rather low over the North Island, and it has also been falling 3n the south, with the advance of a slight depression over the South Tasman Sea. Indications are for variable winds, but southerlies will prevail soon, moderate generally, but fresh at times south from Cook Strait, and seas will be generally moderate, but rather rough in the Cook and Foveaux Strait region. Moderate to fresh west to south-west winds and moderate to rough seas may be expected in Central and Southern Tasman Sea. The weather will be cloudy and changeable, with scattered rain in most districts, and cooler temperatures. HIGH WATER.

AEEITAL. Friday, March 9. Wingatui, s.s. (9.43 a.m.), 2378 tons, Davies, from Auckland, via ports. Union Steam Ship Company, agent. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Coastal and Intercolonial. Ashburton, Wellington, Lyttelton, to-day. Progress, Port Waikato, via ports. Mar. 11. Holmdale. Wanganui, Wellington, Mar. 12. Kanna, Westport, Bluff. March 13. Gale, Wanganui, via ports, March 14. Corinthic, Wellington direct. Mar. 15. Kaikorai, Lyttelton,' Oamaru, March 15. Oreii, Invercargill, Port Craig, Mar. 16. Karetu, Adelaide, via ports, Mar. 16. Calm, Wanganui, via ports, March 16. Breeze, Wanganui, via ports, March 17. Kurow, Auckland, via ports, Mar. IS. Westmoreland. Lyttelton, Mar. 18. Argyllshire, Gisborne, Bluff, Mar. 19. Kahika, Napier, Gisborne, March 19. Corinna, Wellington direct, Mar. 19. Waikawa, Nelson, Lyttelton, Mar. 20. Storm, Wanganui, via ports, Mar. 20. Port Napier, Newcastle direct, Mar. 20. Canadian Highlander, Timaru, Mar. 21. Cassiopee, French sloop, Auckland, Mar. 21. Anglo-Columbian, Napier, Mar. 21. Waikouaiti, Newcastle, Sydney, Mur. 22. Ikala, Wellington, Lyttelton, March 23. Eoseric, Wellington, Lyttelton, March 24. Wingatui, Auckland, via ports, Mar. 28. Manuka, Melbourne, via Bluff, March 28. Herminius, Wellington direct, March 30. Pakeha. Timaru. Bluff. April 3. Port Adelaide, Wellington, April 23., PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Oreti, Invercargill, Port Craig, to-day. Storm, Wanganui, via ports, to-day. Wingatui, Auckland, via ports, to-day. Kaikorai, Lyttelton, Oamaru, to-day. Ruapehu, New Plymouth direct, March 12. Holmdale, Wanganui, via' ports, Mar. 12. Ashburton, Port Lincoln, March 12. 'Progress, Port Waikato, via ports, Mai. 12. Gale. Wanganui, via ports, March 14. Calm, Wanganifi, via ports, March 16. Karetu, Bluff, Sydney, Mar. 17. Breeze, Wanganui, via ports, March 17. Corinthic. Lyttelton, Mar. 19. Kahika, Gisborne, via ports, March 19. Corinna, New Plymouth, via ports, Mar. 19. Kurow, Auckland, via ports, March 21. Argyllshire, Wellington direct. Mar. 21. Westmoreland, New Plymouth, March 21. Waikawa, Westport, Auckland, Mar. 22. Anglo-Columbian, Dunkirk, Mar. 22. Canadian Highlander, Bluff, Mar. 22. Ikala, New Plymouth, Sydney, March 24. Manuka, Melbourne, via ports, March 28. Cassiopee, French sloop, Timaru, March 30. Herminius, London, via Panama, April 1. Pakeha. Wellington direct, April 5. Port Adelaide, London, via Panama. April 25. OVERSEAS STEAMERS FOR OTAGO. Ashburton (duo to-day).—Left New York January 11 fo t Suva, Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton and Dunedin; arrived Auckland February 27 Corinthic (due March 13).—Left Southampton February 3 for Wellington, Port Chalmers and Lyttelton; du e Wellington March 13. Westmoreland (due March 18).—Loft Liverpool January 21 for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Ne.v Plymouth.; arrived Auckland February 28. Waikawa (due March 20).—Left Los Angeles January 31 for Papeete, Napier, New Plymouth, Nelson, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff; arrived Napier February 27. Canadian Highlander (duo March 21). — Left Halifax January 25 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin and Bluff; arrived Auckland March 3. Roseric (due March 24).—Lett Bunbury February 21 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin; due Auckland March 9. Ikala (due March 23).—Left St. John (New Brunswick) January 31 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, New Plymouth, Sydney, and Melbourne; due Auckland March 11. Piako (due March 28).—Left New York February 11 ana Newport News February 13 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttetlon, Dunedin and Bluff: due Auckland March 15. Somerset (due April s).—Left Liverpool February 7 for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff; due Auckland March 18. Mahia (due April 6).—Left Londtjp February 24 for Suva, Dunedin, Lyttelton, New Plvrnouth and Nelson. Kia Ora (due April 10).—Left Liverpool February IS for Auckland, Wellington, Lvttel+ori and Dunedin; d"e Auckland March 27. Port Albany (due April 12).—Left New York February 25 for Auckland. Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin ; due Auckland March 31. Canadian Britisher (due April 21).—Left Halifax Febniarv 2G for Auckland, Wellinfr- *• ton. Lyttelton. Timaru, and Dunedin; due Auckland April 10. Tongariro (due Anrll 281.—Left Liverpool March 3 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, and Dunedin ; duo Auckland April 9. FOR NORTHERN PORTS. King Edwin, left Port Arthur (Texas), January 15 for Auckland, Wellington, Napier and New Plymouth: arrived Auckland March 9. Waitemata, left Los Angeles February 11 for Apia, Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne and Sydney; due Auckland March 11. Ramuera, left Southampton February 17 for Auckland, Napier and Wellington; due Auckland March 24. Port Adelaide, left London February 3 for Wellington, Auckland and New Plymouth, due Wellington March 14. King Egbert, left Antwerp February 9 for Auckland; due April 6. lonic, left Southampton March 2 for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland April 9. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. Tahiti, left Wellington February 28, for San Francisco, via Rarotonga and Papeete; duo San Francisco March 16. Niagara, leaves Auckland March 13 for Vancouver, via Suva and Honolulu; due Vancouver March 30. Makura, left San Francisco February 22 for Wellington and Sydney, via Papeete and Rarotonga; due Wellington March 12. Aorangl left Vancouver March 7 for Auckland and Sydney, via Honolulu ana Suva; du 6 Auckland March 25. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, March 9.—Arrived : Canopus (7 am), from Westport: Hinemoa (9 a.m.), from Norfolk Island; Kamona (4.20 p.m.), from Wellington. , , NEW PLYMOUTH, March 9.—Arrived : Port Bowen (10 a.m.), from Wellington. WELLINGTON. March 9.—Arrived : Orepuki (2 a.m.), from New Plymouth: Progress (2 55 a.m.), from Waikato: Wahlne (6.55 a.m.), from Lyttelton; John (8.45 a.m.), from Wanganui: Gale (1.30 p.m.), from Onekaka; Cassiopee (4 p.m.), from Noumea. Sailed: Arawa (7 a.m.), from Southampton; Middlesex (12.10 p.m.), for Napier; Wahlne (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; I® pja-), for Dunedin.

LYTTELTON, March o.—Arrived; Maori (0.45 a.m.), from Wellington; Mataroa (7.10, from Picton. Sailed: Ashburton (2 p.m.), for Dunedin; Maori (8.15 p.m.), lor Wellington. TIMARU. March !),—Arrived: Breeze (7 .30 a.m.) from Dunedin. NEWCASTLE, March B.—Sailed ; Gabrlella, for Wanganui. SYDNEY, March 9.—Sailed: MaunganUl, tur Auckland, VANCOUVER, March 7.—Sailed : Aorangl, for Auckland. PANAMA, March 7.—Arrived: Talnul, from Wellington; Northumberland, from Napitt. COLON, March 7.—Arrived : Canadian Britisher, from Halifax; Kia Ora. from Liverpool. The Wingatui arrived at Dunedin yesterday morning from Auckland via ports, and berthed at the Birch street wharf to_ discharge and load general cargo. She is to sail to-day for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland. The Storm is to sail to-day for Oamaru, Timaru and Llyttelton to complete loading for Wellington, Picton and Wanganui. The Kaikorai, which arrived at Port Chalmers on Thursday evening from Port Stephens, Newcastle, Sydney and Bluff, came to Dunedin yesterday morning to discharge the local portion of her general cargo. She is to sail to-day for Lyttelton and Oamaru, The Progress, due here to-morrow fro"' Wellington, will load general cargo on Monday for Wellington, New Plymouth and Port Waikato. The Kurow, which has been delayed at Auckland owing to heavy rain, is to sail today for Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff. The Canadian Challenger was delayed in completing her loading at Auckland early this week owing to rain. She left the northern port on Thursday night for New York, Boston and Halifax. During the month of February, 1928, 150 vessels, aggregating 50,229 tons register, entered the port of Lyttelton, as compared with 156 vessels aggregating 178,101 tons in February, 1927. The Port Bowen should readh Auckland about March 14 from i»w Plymouth. The vessel will complete loading at Auckland and about the end of next week she is to be despatched for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow. Th© auxiliary schooner Piri was to leave Greymonth last Monday with a cargo of timber for Melbourne. After discharge the vessel will load explosives for Greymonth, Westport and Auckland. The Waihemo, from British Columbian ports, was expected to clear San Francisco vesterday for Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth, Melbourne and Sydney. The Hauraki, from the Pacific Coast, via Auckland and Wellington, arrived at Sydneyon Monday last. She will proceed thence to Melbourne, and Adelaide to complete discharge. . . _ , • TO I The K.M..S, Tahiti, from Sydney, via Wellington and Rarotonga, left Papeete on Tuesday for San Francisco, where she is duo on March 16. ■ The Federal Company’s steamer Gambridge arrived at Wellington on Wednesday evening from Timaru for further loading. An endeavour will be made to despatch the ship from Wellington bn Monday for Napier and Auckland, to complete loading for London, Avonmouth, Glasgow and Liverpool.

THE CANADIAN HIGHLANDER. Messrs H. L. Tapley and Co., advse that the Canadian Highlander arrived at Auckland on Thursday night from Halifax, via Panama. The vessel is expected to leave the northern port to-day for Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin and Bluff to discharge the remainder of her Canadian cargo She is due at Dunedin on March 21. NEWBY HALL FROM NEW YORK. It is reported that the A. and A. Line s chartered steamer Newhy Hall left New York on March 3 with American cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Sydney. PORT SYDNEY AT LONDON. Cabled nows has been received by the C. and D. Line that the Port Sydney arrived at London on March 3 from Lyttelton. The wool carried by the vessel is in time for the March sales. The ship left Lyttelton on January 21. CORINTHIO FROM ENGLAND. A radio message received by the SbawSavill Company frem the captain of the Corinthic states that the vessel will arrive at Wellington at daybreak, on Tuesday from London and After passengers have disembarked at Wellington the Corinthic will-come to Port Chalmers, where she is duo on March 16, to discharge part cargo. .She will subsequently proceed to Lyttelton to complete discharge. SURREY ARRIVES AT LONDON. Advice by cable has been received’ By the Federal Company that the Surrey arrived at London on March 3 from Wellington. Tho vessel left the northern port on January 26 for London .and West Coast ports of Groat Britain. WAIKAWA FROM PACIFIC COAST. Th© Waikawa, from Pacific Coast, via Papeete and Napier, arrived at New Plymouth on Thursday morning. She is to pail to-day for kelson, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Westport and Auckland. CITY OF WINCHESTER AT LONDON. A cable message to the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company states that the City of Winchester arrived .at London on March 3 from Port Chalmers. The vessel sailed from this port on January 18. DEATH OP CAPTAIN W. SMITH. Captain W. Smith, relieving master for the Australian Commonwealth Lino, died in hospital at Brisbane last month. He took tho steamer Ferndale to Brisbane, from Sydney, and on the following day he was taken ill. H© was successfully operated on, but collapsed later. The late captain had been in the employ of the line during the last four years.' He was for many years with the A.U.S.N. Company, and commanded a number, of its steamers, including the Levuka and Mcllina. ANOTHER OLD SAILER SOLD. A 41-year-old vessel has been sold for £10,500. » She is the Peruvian iron auxiliary motor tanker Katherine, and she has been purchased by Mediterranean buyers. This vessel was in Sydney during the late war, bu! was then th© full-rigged four-masted ship County of Linlithgow. She was a fast and beautiful vessel, and made many a trip to these ports. The late Captain J. Peters was master of on© of her sister ships. Built by Messrs Barclay, Curie, and Co., of Glasgow, in 1887, she was of 2296 tons gross and 1673 tons net, and as tho Katherine was owned by the Cia Ballenera del Pern, Ltd., (Mr Hans Borge), Tonsborg. PERSONAL ITEMS. Captain R. L. Davies is in command of the Wingatui, having relieved Captain A. B. Sizer, who has transferred to command of the Kaitangata. ‘ Captain J. L. Brisco has transferred to command of the Kaituna, relieving Captain A. H. Howie, who is ashore awaiting orders. ■Captain A. 11. Davey, late of the Maunganui, has gone to New Plymouth to take command of the Waikawa. Captain E, J, M’Clellah, late of the Tamahine, is to take charge of the Kahika, Captain B. Corby, who has been on holiday leave, is again taking charge of the Union Company’s oil tanker Otokia. Captain W. Lloyd, who visited New Zealand last year in command of the Delphic, has succeeded Captain F. Hart in command of the Corinthic, which is due at Wellington on Tuesday from London and Southampton. The West Nivaria, which is at present unloading Pacific Coast cargo at Auckland, is under the command of Captain G. Harberg. Mr E. J. H. Taylor is now third officer of the Waikouaiti. Mr N. Buxton, chief officer of the Kairanga, has joined th© Kaponga in a similar capacity, relieving Mr H. L P. Wilson, who ia on holiday. Mr A, W. Babbitts, second officer of tho Kittawa, has relieved Mr J. Joyes as second officer of the Kamo. The latter officer is awaiting instructions at Dunedin. Mr D. Luokett has relieved Mr E. K. Pate as third officer of the Otokia. Mr J. W. R- Gillespie, of tho Union Company head office, staff, has been appointed to the sea staff as assistant-purser of the Maori. __

WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels were expected to _be within range of the under-mentioned wireless stations last night: Auckland.—Tofua, City of Hankow, Waitemata, Kona, Karetu, Waipalii, Canadian Challenger, Niagara, Yoseric, Ikala, Herminius, Omani. Wellington.—Maori, Wahinc, Ngaio, Arahnra, Tamahine, Plume, Springbank, Arawa, Aorangl, Mahana, Argyllshire, Middlesex, Huntingdon, Iron Crown, Kaiapoi, Cornwall, Poolta, Tntanekai. Awarua. —0. A. Larsen, Sir James Clark Ross, N. T. Nilsen Alonso, Kamo, Kaikorai, Manuka, Tahiti, Fort Hunter, Ashburton. Chatham Islands. —Corinthic, Port Adelaide. WHITE STAR COMMANDS. Various changes In the commanders and officers of th© White Star Line’s *’ big three, the Majestic, Olympic, and Homeric, have taken place with tho New Year, Captain W. H. Parker, 0.8. E.. R.D., R.N.R., F.R.G.S., is in command of the Homeric, which is at present on her annual Mediterranean cruise de luxe of over 10,000 miles. He has already mad© several trips to the inland eea, and has a wide experience In cruise steamers. Captain Parker, who recently commanded the Albertic in the Liverpool-Canadian service, succeeds Captain A. Holme, who has retired. Mr W. H. P. Jackson, late chief officer of the Adriatic, Is appointed assistant-commander of the Olympic, and "Captain R. Hume, fbrmerly assistant commander of that steamer, will join the Majestic in a similar capacity. Mr J. Peters, chief officer of the Homeric, has taken command of the Medic in tho Australian service.

Station. Wind. Wcatbei Bar. Ther Cape Maria, S.W., moderate, hazy ... 29.83 73 Bussell, X.W., fresh, cloudy ... 29.83 71 Manukau H., S.W., slight, fair Auckland. W., moderate, clear ... 29.82 79 ... 29.78 73 Tauranga, 17.W., light, drizzle ... 29.7G 70 East Cape. X., gentle, fair ... 29.So 77 Oisborne, E., slight, fair ... 29.82 70 Kapler, E., fresh, fair ... 29.84 70 Castlepoinc, S.E., gentle, mistv ... 29.87 62 Wellington, S.K., slight, overcast INe-w Plymouth, S.E., slight, fair ... 20.90 29.83 67 73 Cape Egmont, S.S.E., high, fair ... 29.85 69 Wanganui, S.E.. fresh, fair ... 29.81 73 Paxewell Spit, S.E., light, clear Westport, S.W., slight, clear Greymouth, N.W. light, fair ... 29.00 73 ... 29.89 71 ... 29.88 77 Stephen Is., S., moderate, cloudy ... 29.91 07 Cape Campbell. S.. moderate. overcast 30.00 76 Kaikoura. N.E.. fresh, clear ... 29.98 71 Akaroa Light. E.. moderate. overcast 30.01 69 Nuggets, S., plight, overcast ... 29.94 62 Bluff. S.W., moderate, fair ... 29.97 6-1

Mai'cli 10 ft.m. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads ,, ,, 5.00 At Port Chalmers .. 6.10 At Dunedin 6.40 Ufirch 11— a. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads .. .. . .. 5.40 6.10 At Port Chalmers .. 6.50 At Dunedin 7.20

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20354, 10 March 1928, Page 10

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20354, 10 March 1928, Page 10

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20354, 10 March 1928, Page 10