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A schoolmaster at Wellington, who is retiring from the service this month, remembers tljo time when, as a pupil teacher, ho was paid 2s per week, the quarterly cheque amounting to £1 6s. The membership of the Wanganui Automobile Association continues to increase steadily (says the Chronicle), and it was reported at a recent meeting that no fewer than 1067 of the road booklets issued by the association had recently been distributed to members of the body. We simplify vour Xmas shoppingInspect our range of seasonable gifts. Special attention to country inquiries.--Conn’s Grand Pharmacy...

The warmer weather experienced during the last few days has made a great difference in the appearance of small fruit such as currants, gooseberries, and cherries (says the Southland Times). In many gardens these should be ripe by Christmas if the sunshine continues. The kitchen garden has also benefited greatly. Captain Brass, M.P., of England, who is attached to Mr L. S. Amery’s party, has been spending a few days fishing in the district (writes a Taupo correspondent oi the Wellington Post). Seven excellent trout, weighing up to 81b each, were caught on the fly. Captain Brass secured a number of kinema films and photographs of many places of interest, and those will be used by Captain Brass when he gives lectures on his return to England, For Special Tours of Great Southern Lakes and Mount Cook, ring 13-444, White Star Tourist Services... A freak specimen of an orange lily grown by an Invercargill amateur gardener was on view in a Deo street florist s window on Saturday (says the limes). The stem measures two Inches across, while the number of blossoms approximates 70. While freaks of this description are not uncommon in the lily auratum family, they are a rarer occurrence among orange lilies. “ Vi-Oatta" completes the end of a perfect shave. 2s 6d posted. —Waters Pharmacy (under Savoy)... A little drama was enacted in Market street north, Blenheim, the. other afternoon, when an irate-looking woman accosted one of a party of three girls and administered a heartily-slapped face, accompanied by the remark: ” That will teach you to go out with my husband ! (reports the Express). Virtue triumphant then retreated with an air of duty nobly done, while beauty in distress fled in tears. Tennis players requiring smartly cut,, high-grade white tennis trousers should forward their size and 12s 6d to the “ Ascot,” corner of Princes and Rattray streets, Dunedin. The troupers will be forwarded by return mail... The flightiness of other things besides women was illustrated on Saturday evening in Invercargill when a crowd of interested spectators assembled in the roadway to watch the upward career of nballoon which had slipped its moorings (says the in its composition hydrogen or some other gas lighter than the atmosphere as it continued airly on its way until it became lost to sight. Wednesday being the last day for the payment of rates in New Plymouth before the penalty of 10 per cent, was levied, a considerable sum passed into the municipal coffers. The sum received for the current year was £53,616, leaving only £2122 to bo collected. We solicit a trial of our .famous sugarcured hams and bacon, after which you will reject all others.—Barton and Tiengrove. Manse<■ street, Dunedin... For the guidance of southern motorists visiting Auckland during the holidays, about 15 signposts will be erected in conspicuous parts of the city (says the Herald) The posts will indicate the outlets to the city and the accesses to the Town Hall, Post Office, and vehicular ferries. The signs will bo supplied by the Auckland Automobile Association and will bo erected under supervision of the City Council Stay at the Prince >1 W ales Hotel. Good accommodation; best brands ol liquors. 'Phone 10-721. —C. Hinchcliff proprietor... , , . The classes of instruction in ambulance work which have been carried out by the New Zealand Government. Railways Department have been the means of disseminating a knowledge of first aid to the injured amongst several thousand employees, and as a result railway divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade are being formed at a number of places (states the Auckland Star). Teh divisions .have already been organised in the Dominion, and it'is expected that as many more will be instituted before the end of the year. We simplify your Xmas shopping. Inspect our range of seasonable gifts. Special attention to country inquiries.— Conn's Grand Pharmacy... As a finale to prize-giving at on e of the Auckland secondary schools the other night some of the homeward-bound students celebrated the occasion by joyously ringing every suburban firebell. The long-sustained clanging of one bell disturbed all the neighbours, who gathered in the streets to search for a supposed fire. Youthful voices singing concertcdly “ For They are Jolly Good Fellows” was an indication that it was, however, merely an occasion for rejoicing, but a fairly big auaience in the distance was left to wonder whether the words of the song referred to teachers or the students themselves. ISave your eyes. Consult Peter G. Dick, D.8.0.A., F. 1.0. (London) optometrist. Peter Dick, jewellers and opticians. 490 Moray place (opp. City Hotel)... When the Mayor of Wanganui, Mr W. J. Rogers, was making a comparison of schools which ho attended, and the pre-sent-day system, at a breaking-up gatherin" recently, he stated that ho went to school very early, when he was three years of age (states the Herald). The boys as well as the girls were given articles to sew, and he remembered that the first thing handed to him was a red handkerchief. He did not know whether this was prophetic of the interest he later took in Labour movement. Christmas Gifts now obtainable in great variety at Laidlaw and Gray. Big Dolls and Toys for the girls, Meccano and Wireless Sets for the boys, Dainty Handbags and other beautiful articles for mum, Shaving Outfits, etc., for dad. Father Christmas has now' arrived, bringing girts for all boys and girls accompanied by father or mother. Come and see him at the big store. —Laidlaw and Gray, Rattray street...

Some of the Invercargill corporation tiamcars are sometimes forced to be unlimited in their capacity. Last Friday evening after the High School break-up and the various picture shows, a North Invercargill car arrived at the Post Office crammed to the doors with perspiring humanity. Waiting on the safety zone were about 30 people who were relying on this tram as their only means of transport, and they were riot disappointed, for every man, woman, and child was packed in until the doors were bulging outwards. The shouts of the motorman such as " Pass down the centre of the 'car, please," and "make room for just two more,” were received in grim and eloquent silence by the passengers. However, everyone was crushed in, and the creaking of the overladen car added to the general chorus of protest. Your Holiday? Motor Tour through Otira Gorge, Franz Joseph Glacier, Buller Gorge, Marble Mountains, Pelorous River, Hanmcr Springs. Car leaves Dunedin 24th December. Ring 13-444, White Star Tourist Services... “ It’s a regular ‘ Maori deed,’ ” was the comment of a Devonport councillor when the question of the ownership of a small right-of-way at Stanley Point was involved in a discussion on its repair (reports the Auckland Stark No fewer than 16 owner? are registered as having proprietory privileges over 4ft 6in of frontage, seven of them owning one-eighth each, and the other nine onc-sevonty-sccond part of the area. The ouestion arose out of a lequest from the adjacent residents (hat the council should effect some necessary repairs to the steps on the right-of-way. Search of the title revealed this communal ownership, and it was decided to reply that it was their joint responsibility, and not one for the municipal authorities. Exceptional value: Flannel Unders, the well-known Doctor Brand, in Shetland and navy 6s 6d ’«ch; All-wool New Zealand Flannels—Shetland 6s lid. natural shade (unshrinkable) 8s lid. navy 9s 6d posted anywhere for cash.— Kilroy and Sutherland. Ltd. 192 Princes street. DunOne hears a great deal about the British Prime Minister’s wonderful collection of pipes and the quantity of tobacco that they consume, but the " King’s pipe ” burns far' more tobacco in one year than the whole of Mr Baldwin’s collection could consume if they were all smoked simultaneously throughout the whole of a lifetime. The "King’s pipe” is the name given to a building near the Stanley Tobacco Warehouse, Liverpool, in which all damaged and surplus tobacco is burned under the supervision of Customs officials. Recently some 10.000.0nn ciyructlt’s wove burned there in a few days. The Stanley Tobacco Warehouse itself is the largest in the world. It has a total area of 36 acres on 14 floors.

Superstitions about plants are numerous, tine of the most curious is that golden garlic is the must powerful of all charms against evil. Simply to have it in the garden is said to brmg luck and happiness, while to carry it in your pocket makes up for a great deal of unpleasantness to your f riends. Sage was once thought to he almost as efficacious. Many plants aro considered useful as love philtres. White lilies placed in a cup of crystal and covered with oil, or cypress leaves steeped in oil, are said to be infallible. Verbena, recognised as the herb of Venus, is also among the most potent of love philtres. The superstitious say that all you need do is to cover your hand with oil of verbena and love will immediately arise when you touch your beloved. Christmas Gifts now obtainable in great?, variety at Laidlaw and Gray. Big Dolls and Toys for the girls. Meccano and Wireless Sets for the boys, Dainty Handbags and other beautiful articles for mum. Shaving Outfits, etc., for dad. _ Father Christmas has now arrived, bringing gifts for all boys and girls accompanied by father or mother. Come and see him at the big store. Laidlaw and Gray, Rattray street.. .

Small birds have relatively larger wings than big birds, and insects have relatively much larger wings than birds. In a butterfly of the average size each pound of body weight represents a winged area of three 'square yards, eight square feet, and 87 square inches. - In the swallow this is reduced to four square yards and 13 square inches —and in the larger birds—stork or heron —the decrease is proportionately great. Small birds also move their wings more rapidly than larger ones. The wing of the humming bird vibrates so rapidly that it is difficult to register it. The wing beats of the sparrow are 780 per minute, of the pigeon 480, and of the crow about 120.

To Country Stores. —Barton and Trengrove allow liberal concessions for handling their famous smallgoods. Largest output in South Island.—Barton and Trengrove. Manse street. Dunedin. There were some lively exchanges at the other night’s meeting of the Te Aroha Borough Council when the adjourned discussion to inquire into allegations in connection with the driving of piles for the Waihou River traffic bridge was continued (says the correspondent of the New Zealand Herald). The discussion was continued until a late hour, when members of the council started to leave the room. The last remark came from the Mayor, who said: “I thank heaven that this wrangle cannot delay the progress of the bridge. We’re getting it done.” Well-groomed hands always, where Waters’ “ Chap-Lotion" is used. 2a posted.—Waters’ Pharmacy... A Wanganui business man who had a sub agency for an American firm operating in New Zealand, came to grips with the firms and relations became strained. One of the letters from the local man was apparently not appreciated at headquarters, so the latter communicated with the Wanganui man by phone (says the Herald). The Wanganui man replied to a question as follows; “ Have you people ever had the pleasure of being told to go to ? ” “ No.” answered an indignant voice. “ Our agents are only too pleased to hang round our necks.” “ Well, I’m not going to hang round your neck, so you can go to , and I will deal in English goods in future,” replied the Wanganui man. Christmas is coming, and there can be no more acceptable present to a lady than a pair of lovely Silk Stockings. New shades and prices to suit any purse, 3s lid, 4s lid, 5s lid, up to 16s 6d. —T. Ross, 130 Princes street... How should a swimming bath bo appropriately opened? That was a question which perplexed the Rev. James Aitkon, Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly, who performed the official opening of the bath at St. Cuthbert’s College recently (says the New Zealand Herald). “ I discussed the matter with the good lady who usually guides me in these matters,” raid the moderator “ and she referred me to a precedent set recently by the Mayor of Auckland, who, in opening a playground for children, had the first ride down the chute. It was suggested to me that I might, following that example, take the first “ header ” from the springboard. However, I am greatly relieved to be told I will not be asked to do that.” Car leaving Dunedin for Te Anau and Manapouri, returning via Queenstown, departs Dunedin. January 3, has vacancy two or three passengers. —Ring 13-444. Telegrams: “ Whitestar.”.. As the evening shadows fell the other day the meeting of the Grey Hospital Board was held in the dim twilight (says the Star). The reason was that a fault had developed in the line which carried the clectr.c lighting current from the main building to the board’s office. Prior to the meeting the lights had not been tried, and the fault was not discovered till the lights were required. It was amusing to observe the board members lighting matches to read their agenda papers. The chairman did his best to expedite the business, but the custom of another local body in Greymouth, several members had “ just one little matter ” to bring before the meet-' ing, and the proceedings did not conclude until nearly 10 o’clock. Just landed, ex Somerset, a full supply of new season’s Blue Mountain Jamaica. The finest Coffee grown on earth. —A. Dune and Co., coffee specialists. 32 Octaeon Dunedin.. There are considerably more houses to let in Auckland now that there have been for the past five or six years, especially in the outlying parts of the city (says the Star). In the Avondale district, which was recently merged into the city, a revaluation is now in progress, and the number of unoccupied dwellings is fairly noticeable. In the city business area it is reported that there are plenty of offices to let, and the supply has overtaken the demand, so that tenants are now in the enviable position of being able to pick and choose, and practically dictate their terms. Owners of new buildings may not expect more than a 5 per cent, return on their capital outlay for the next two or three years, except in the case of Anzao avenue, where values show a tendency to harden as the result of a probable early start with the building of Auckland s new railway station,_ and there is a keen demand for premises. , We are not responsible for the weather, but we are for the 2s 6d in the £ reduction on all Showroom Goods for tme month. A big saving, and on our usual low prices. Buy now. The Mosgiel Warehouse. A. F Cheyne and C 0... A Westport ” resident made a very interesting find recently (says the Times). When stumping, he found under a stump a ” nest ” of half a dozen fish in the soil. The largest of the fish is about four inches in length, and the smallest about two and a-half inches, and about as thick as a man s small finger. They have large heads and a long, round body, and broad tad. They do no°t resemble the eel very much. When found they were . quite dark in colour, and apparently dormant, but on being put into water became much lighter and almost mottled in appearance. The finder brought those strange fish into the school to allow the pupils to see them, and arrangements have been made to have them sent on to Wellington. We simplify your Xmas shopping. Inspect our range of gifts. Special attention to country' ijinquiries. ■ Conn’s Grand Pharmacy... ‘‘ I should like to say a word or two concerning the Fijian pupils,” said Mr J E. Xewton, headmaster of the W anganui Technical College a t the school prizegiving function last week ” Six have been on the roll this year, including two in their fifth year, two in t;.-»ir third Air, and two in their first year. The two who left throe years ago, ifter having been with us for three years, are doing good service as teachers in Fijian schools. Xo boys aro more industrious students than these, and they are also very keen in their games. The two whe have left this year, Natuna and leli, have just returned to Fiji to take up ’Government positions, and I am sure they will do well No boys display a finer school* spirit than do these. Joeli rccentlv sent £1 as a donation to our sports ’fund, and has intimated a de-nre to assist in the next campaign to r;r e nioncv at his school in Su\a for * assembly hall. Dunns last campaign 1 . school sent, £5.” Some like goose for Christinas, Some like hot roast lamb, Others like stuffed turkey— But I like Ilitchon’s ham...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20287, 21 December 1927, Page 18

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NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20287, 21 December 1927, Page 18

NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20287, 21 December 1927, Page 18