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FINE SHEEP DISPLAY. CATTLE SECTION STRONG. (From Oue Special .Reporter.) WYNDHAM, December 9. Tbs forty-seventh annual show of the VV yndham A. and P. Society was held oh the recreation reserve at Wyndham to-day. the weather, although threatening, was though a strong wind blew trom the nortn. The grounds on which the show was held are, however, well sheltered Ihere was a large attendance, £94 being taken at the gates, compared with £75 10s last year. ' Ihe side-shows, which were absent from the Gore show were present in force to-day, and appeared to be well patronised. Die personnel of these institu turns is considerable, and it is estimated that there will be quite 150 attached to the various shows when they open in force at Invercargill on Tuesday. One of the features of the show was the appearance of Mr Donald M'Donald’s imported Clydesdale stallion Cowden Pearl. This was his first public appearance, and he was the cynosure of all eyes This horse is by Parkhall Rhondaprint from Fogong Eva. He is just two-and-a-hall years old, and is a beautiful black with white jegs. He is unusually well grown, and will be a massive horse when he is fully developed. There were some critics who were inclined to think he is a trifle but in this connection it has to be remembered that he has not yet recovered frc*n the long sea voyage, and it will surprise not a few if he does grow into a first-class horse. Mr M‘Donald was generally congratulated on his purchase. *' HORSES. There ■ was quite a good display of draught horses, although there was not very keen competition in any of the classes. The championship was easily annexed by Mr A. Wilson’s imported hbrse Marengo, the reserve ribbon being allotted to Mr C. Milne’s yearling colt by Myroe Footprint. Tha female championship went to Mr David Caldwell’s two-year-old filly, also sired by Myroe Footprint, from Vi Silver Crest mare, the reserve being awarded to Mr James Becu’s brood mare by Baron Everetts, from a Baron Fyvio marc. Some good mares and fillies wore shown. The thoroughbreds were not numerous, but there was a fair display of trotting or pacing horses, indicating that the lightharness sport has become popular in this part of the district. Mr J. A. Kirby was the most prominent exhibitor in thorough breds, and took the championship and reserve championship in females. The championship honours were well divided in the trotters, and all were of good quality. To Mr Alex. Chisholm, Otautau, was entrusted the duty of allotting the awards in roadsters, but he was not given a heavy task, as the entries in most of this class were lighter than usual. Mrs N Dawson showed her well and favourably known Paddy with which she was so successful at the Gore show, and she achieved a similar success to-day. He secured the rod ticket in the lady’s hacks, harness geldings, for the best walking horse, and for roe best hack and harness horse in the show Later his owner and rider was given the premier award for the best horsewoman, thus repeating her Gore performance There were some good ponies, and the competition in some of the classes was par ticularly keen. Mr A. Lindsay’s _ Prince Charming was awarded the championship in the male division, and Mr J. M'Mullan repeated his Gore successes with harnos o and saddle ponies. CATTLE. The cattle section is invariably an inter esting one at a Wyndham show, wtiich is not to be wondered at when one realises that the town is the centre of a largo dairying district. Added interest was given to the Jersey section on this occasion by the appearance of Mr S. Dale’s hero from Fairlie They were successful in every class shown, Mr Robert Gibb paving to be content with a bunch of blue tickets In Ayrshire* Messrs R. S. Weir and A M. Weir were the most successful exhibitors. In the female division the Former gained the championship with Miss Gillies 111 of Inglewood, and Mr A • M. Weir the reserve cham lionship with ja two-year-old heifer, Ivanhoe RoselJa. In ’bulls the competition wm Dot to keen, . /but some fine

specimens of the breed were displayed. Mr T. Dobbi© secured the championship with Ivanhoe Clear the Way, the reserve going ti Mr Frank Hall’s Ivanhoe Prince Charlie. There was a fine exhibition of FnesiansMr T. R. Eadea was prominent in the prize list and secured the female cham pionship with Waverley Maid, a daughter of Hinemoa Beauty, who was decorated with the reserve ribbon. The latter was shown at a disadvantage owing to her not having lecovered from calving trouble. _ In bulls Mr J. G- Oates got the championship honours with his aged bull, Barnfield Clover King, A notable absentee from this section was Mr Eades’s Barnfield Laddie Le Kol, who met with a slight accident when returning from the Gore show the previous day. SHEEP. The sheep section is generally a good one at the Wyndham show, and to-day’s exhibition was probably the best seen in this district. Messrs Peter Campbell and J. H. Dunlop were the principal exhibitors. and showed some excellent sheep, honours being fairly even. These two exhibitors gained a championship each, but Mr Campbell annexed both reserves. The Romneys were a good lot, the honours being distribued among some five breeders. Mr H. Stirling gained both championships with two beautiful sheep, both of which carried fine fleeces of wool The fat sheep section was the best ever seen at Wyndham. Messrs Geo. Hunter, Peter Campbell, S. T. Evans, and J. C. Ronald brought forward sheep of good freezing quality. DAIRY PRODUCE AND BAKING. In dairy produce that noted dairy woman Mrs Roderick MacDonald, of Woodlands, took every first prize in the section, with the exception of fancy butter, where she | was beaten by Miss G. A, MacDonald, j There was a magnificent display of baked ' goods, ihe quality of which could not be denied. . | The following is the prize-list: i HORSES. DRAUGHTS. , ' 1 Judge: Mr David Coubrough (Kelso). | Entire horse, four years and upwards, j Three entries —A. Wilson's Marengo 1 and • ehamipon, J. M'OonalcTs Bruce of Broadlands 2, Colin Goodlet 3. Entire horse, three years. One entry C. Milne. Entire colt or gelding, one year old. Four entries —C. Milne 1 and reserve champion, David Caldwell 2, John M'Kenzie 3. ■ . . Brood mare, in foal or with foal at foot. Four entries —James Beck 1 and reserve champion, C. Milne 2 and 3. Dry mare, four years and upwards, two entries —John Mackenzie 1, C. Milne 2_ Filly, three years. Two entries —A. M‘Donald 1, T. Dobbie 2. Filly, two years. Four entries —David Caldwell 1. James Beck 2 and 3. Filly, one year. Six entries—H. E Clarke 1, David Caldwell 2, C. Milne 3. Gelding, three years and upwards. Three entries —C. Milne I. 2, and 3. Gelding. years. Four entries —H. E. Clarke 1, C. Milne 2, B. Parker 3. Colt or filly, two years or under, bred by cxhibitoi. Twelve entries —D, Caldwell 1 and reserve champion. H. E. Clarke 2. C. Milne 3. . _. Pair of mares or fillies, an.v age. Five ; entries —James Beck 1, D. Caldwell 2. i Group of three mares or fillies, any age. Three entries —Jas. Beck 1, C. ■ Milne 2 and 3. ! Brood mare and two of her progeny. 1 Two entries —C. Milne 1 and 2. Pair of working horses, three years and upwards. Three ontiies —C. Milne 1,2, and 3. Working team of three horses. Throe rears- and upwards. Two entries —C. Milne 1 and 2. Spring van horse, up to one ton. Three entries —J. Mawdsley 1, C Milne 2. THOROUGHBREDS. Judge: Air A. Chisholm (Otautau). Brood marc, in foal, or with foal at fet. One entry —J. A. Kirby ] and champion. Gelding or dry mare, three years and upwards. Five entries —H. Stirling’s Bonnie Jean 1. Miss Stirling 2. J. E M'Kay o. Colt or filly, two years. One entry—J. A. Kirby 1 and reserve '-hampion Colt, fillv or gelding one year. O no entry—J. A. Kirby 1, TROTTING OR PACING. (Judge; Mr A, Chisholm). Entile, three years and upwards, best calculated to breed harness horses or weightcarrying hacks. Two entries —Roland Kennedy 1 and champion.

Brood mare, in foal, or with foal at foot. Three entires W. Ryder 1 and champion. J. A. Kirby 2. W. H. Johnstone 3. Trotting or pacing bred dry mare or gelding, three years of over. Seven entries —F. M‘Kay, jun.’s Mona 1 and reserve champion, J. A, Kirby 2, Christie ’Bros. Colt, filly or gelding, two year’s. Five entries—H. Hunter’s Baldy, Sun 1, E. O’Neill’s Dolly 2, J. A. Kirby 3. Colt, filly or gelding, one year. Two entries —Bruce Soott 1 and reserve champion. W. J. Johnstone 2. Colt, filly or gelding, two years or under. Seven entries—H. Hunter 1, Bruce Scott Troting dr pacing bred foal. Three entries—W. Ryder 1. J. A. Kirby 2, W. H. Johnstone 3. ROADSTERS. (Judge: Mr A. Chisholm.) Fifteen stone hack. Six entries—Andrew Cartwright 1, A. G. Bain 2, C. W. Hughes Thirteen stone hack. Six entries —Mrs -■< Dawson 1. Adam Jack 2. A. Harne 3. Eleven stone hack. Twelve entries — Addam Jack 1, G. W. Wayte 2, H. Stirling 3. Cob, 15 hands, or under. Seven entries— F. Steel 1, Adam Jack 2, F. F. Leckie 3. Lady’s hack. Eight entries—Mrs N. Dawson I, Adam Jack 2 and 3. Best lady rider. Four entries—Mrs N. Dawson 1, Miss C. Stirling 2. Dogcart horse, 15 hands or over. -Six entries—A Horne 1, Andrew Cartwright 2, A. G. Bain 3. light horse or gelding, over 15 hands, to be driven in harness. Four entries —Mrs N. Dawson 1. J. W. Wavte 2, J. E. M'Kav Harness mare or gelding, under 15 k® driven. Six entries—J. M Millan 1, F Steel 2, Adam Jack 3. Best hack and harness horse in the show, to be saddled and mounted in the ring. Six entries—Mrs N. Dawson 1 and champion, Adam Jack reserve champion and 2, F Steel 3. Best walking horse, to be ridden Eight entries—Mrs N, Dawson 1, Adam Jack 2, G. W. Way to 3. PONIES. Judge: Mr J. J. Green (Gore). Pony stallion, any age, 14 hands and under. Two entries.—A. Lindsay’s Prince Charming 1, John Crosbie’s Silver Page 2. Pony brood mare. Two entries—John Crosbie I, A. Botting 2. __ F° n .Y colt, filly or gelJing, two years. Four entries—W. Muir, junr. 1, Thomson Hunter 2, E. Rabbidge 5. Pony, 14 2 hands or under, to he shown in -addle Twelve entries—P. A. Thomson 1, J, M'Mullan 2, A. Horne 3. Pony, 14 hands or under, shown in saddle, Nine entries —J. M'Mullan 1, J A. Hedley 2, John Craig 3. Pony. 13.2 hands or under. Ten entries -J M'Mullan 1 and 3, P, Campbell 2, John Craig 4. Pony, 12.2 hands or under, shown in saddle. Tan entries —P. Lawlor 1, E Rabbidge 2, J M'Mullan 3. Pony, 12 hands or under, shown in saddle —A W. B. Paddon 1, P. Lawlor 2, A M. Wier 3. Harness pony, rnaro or gelding, 14.2 hands or under. Seven entries—]? A Thomson 1, J. M'Mullan 2. R. Wylie 3. Harness pony, mare or gelding, 13.2 hands or under. Five entries —J. M’Mullan 1. Shetland ponies, colt, filly or gelding. Four entries—E. Vf. Beangc 1, Bob M’Kav 2, A. I. Stirling 3. CATTLE’. JERSEY. Judge: Mr C. Portis,- Oamaru. Cow in milk. Five entries—S. Dale (Fajrlie) 1, Robert Gibb 2. Cow and two of her progeny. Four entries—S. Dale 1, Robert Gibb 2 and 3. Heifer, three years, in calf, or in milk. Five entries —W. A. Archer 1, S. Dale 2, Robert Gibb 3. Heifer, two years. Seven entries—S. Dale 1 Robert Gibb 2 and 3. Heifer 15 months and under Four en fries—Robert Gibb 1 and 2, W. A. Archer 3, Heifer, calved since November 1. 1925 Four entries —S. Dale 1 Robert Gibb 2 and 3 Bull, three years and upwards. Throe entries S Dale 1 and champion and 2 and reserve champion, Robert Gibb 3. Bull, two years. One entry—W. A. Vvcber’s Waipiko Jocund 1. Bull, 16 months or under. Four entries —Robert Gibb 1, R. Clark 2. M. F. Gorman 3,

Bull, calved since- November 1, 1925. Three entries—S. Dale 1, Robert Gibb 2, R. Clark 3. Bull yearling, of the most promising type for butter-fat production. Four entries—Robert Gibb 1. BREEDERS’ GROUP. Bull, any age; oow in calf or in milk; heifer, three years; heifer two years; and heifer, 16 months or under. Three entrie.—S. Dale 1. Robert Gibb 2 and 3. AYRSHIRES. Judge: Mr T. Lewis, Palmerston. Cow in milk. Six entries—R. S. Weir 1 and champion, A. M Weir 2 and 3. Cow, visibly in calf. Five entries —A. M. Weir 1 and 3, R. S. Weir 2. Cow and two of her progeny, Two en* M. Weir 1, J. Dobbie 2. Heifer, three years, in calf or in milk. Six entries —A. M. Weir 1, T. Dobbie 2, R. S. Weir 3, Heifer, two years. Nine entries—A. M. Weir 1 reserve champion, and 2; T. Dobbie 3. Heifer. 16 months and under. Eight entries—A M. Weir 1,2, 3 and 4. Heifer, calved since November 1, 1925. Eight entries—A. M. Weir 1 and 2, R. S. Weir 3. Bull, three years and upwards. Two entries—T. Dobbie 1 and champion, A. M. Weir 2. Bull, two years. One entry—Frank Hall’s Ivanhoe Prince Charlie 1 and re serve. Champion bull, 16 months or under. Three entries—A. M. Weir 1, T. Dobbie 2,, R. S. Weir 3. Bull, calved since November 1, 1925 Two entries—A. M. Weir 1, T. Dobbie 2, R. S. Weir 3. BREEDERS’ GROUP. Bull, any age, cow in milk or in calf, heifer three years in milk, or in calf, heifer two years, heifer 16 months or under. Four entries—A. M. Weir 1, T Dobbie 2, R. S. Weir 3 FRIESIANS. ‘ Judge: Mr J Gibb (Clifton). Cow in milk. Four entries —T. K. Fades’3 Hincmoa Beauty 1, Robt. Wylie 2, L Udy and Sons 3. Cow, visibly in calf. Two entries —T. R Fades 1 and champion, R. K. M'Donald 2. Cow and two of her progeny. Two entrus—l •{. Fades’* Hincmoa Beauty 1, and reserve champion, R. K. M'Donald 2. Heifer, three years, in calf or in milk. Four entries —R. K. ’ M'Donald 1, Robt. Wylie 2. Two cows, throe years and upwards. Three entries —T. R. Fades 1, R. K. M'Donald 2, Robt. Wylie 3. Heifer, two years. Four entries—T. R Eades’s Plantation Olga 1, Robt Wylie 2, R. K. M'Donald 3. Heifer, 16 months and under. Seven entries—T. R. Fades 1 and 2, R. K. M'Donald 3. Two heifers, 16 months or under. Two entries—T. R. Fades 1, R. K. M'Donald 2 Heifer, calved since November 1- 1925 Two entries—T. R. Fades 1 and 2.^ Bull, three vears and upwards. Five enn .j cs __,J G. Oates 1 and champion, I. Udy and Sons 2 and reserve champion, Robt, UM,V 3. Bull, two years and upwards—l. Udy and Sons 1. Bull, 16 months or under. Three entries -Fred Muir 1. T. R Fades 2 and 3. Bull, calved since November 1, 1925. Two entries —J. A. M'Donald 1, T. R. Eades 2. BREEDERS’ GROUP. Bull, any age; cow, in milk or in calf: heifer, three years, in milk or in calf; heifer two years: heifer. 16 months or under. Three entries —T. R. Eades 1, R. K. M’Donald 2, Robert Wylie 3. CROSSBRED. Judge: Mr R. J. Anderson (Kauana). Cow, in milk, best adapted for dairy rnfrposes. Six entries —D, K. M'Donn 1 1 John Smith 2, Peter Cam. j all 3. Heifer, three' years, in calf or in milk. One entry—John Smith 1. Heifer, two years. Five entries—A. H. Dmkic 1 and 3, Rolf Clark 2. Heifer, 16 months or under. Nine en tries —I. Udy and Sons 1 and 3, R. H. Dieki 2. Two cows or heifers, or cow and heifer. Four entries —I) K. M'Donald 1, John Smith 2. R. 11. Dickie 3. Best type of crossbred cow or heifer, showing most dairy points. Six entries —D. K. M'Donald 1.

SPECIAL CATTLE CLASSES. Judge: Mr R. J. Anderson. Cow or heifer, any breed, three years and upwards, which has put up the best record under semi-official test. One entry R. K. M’Donald’e Bainfield Sylora 1. Yearling heifer of an approved purebred dairy type. Eleven entries —A. M. Weir I. Heifer calf, any breed or cross, born since August 1, 1926, to be judged on dairy points; reared and exhibited by a boy or girl 15 years of age or under. Fifteen entries —W. Frame, jun., 1, J. Sinclair 2, Bert Dickie 3. Cottar’s cow. Two entries —Joseph A. Kirby 1, Arch. Lindsay 2. * SHEEP. BORDER LEICESTER. Judge: Mr G. P. Johnston (Maitland). Ram, three entries—David H. Dunlop 1 and champion, Peter Campbell 2 and 3. Ram hogget. Four entries —Peter Campbell 1, reserve champion and 2, David H. Dunlop 3. Ewe, in milk. Five entries —Peter Campbell 1 and champion, 2, arc 1 reserve champion, and 3. . . Ewe hoggett. Five entries- Dr/id H. Dunlop 1, Peter Campbell 2 and i Ram, two-tooth or under, shodn. Five entries—David H. Dunlop 1, Peter Campbell 2 and 3. Ewe, two-tooth or under, shorn. Five entries —Peter Campbell 1, David H. Dunlop 2 and 3. Three shearling rams, shorn, best suited tor breeding fat lambs for "export. Three entries—David H. Dunlop I, Peter Campbell 2. ROMNEY MARSH. Judge: Mr A. Murray (Clydevale). Ram. Four entries —Henry Stirling 1 and champion, Allan Galt 2, W. G. Ladbrook 3. Ewe hogget. Eighteen entries—H. Stirling 1, W. S. Andrews 21 W. G. Ladbrook Ewe, in milk. Nine entries —H. Stirling 1 and champion. W. G. Ladbrook 2 and reserve champion, W. S. Andrews 3, Ram hogget. Five entries—W, S. Andrews 1,2, and 3. Ram, two-tooth or under, shorn. Nino entries—W, G. Ladbrook 1, John H. Galt 2, W S. Andrews 3. Ewe. two-tooth or under, shorn. Five entries W, S. Andrews 1, 2> and 3. Three shearling rams, shorn; best suited for breeding fat lambs for export. Six entries—W. G. Ladbrook 1 and 3, W. S. Andrews 2. DOWNS. Judge: Mr A. Murray (Clydevale). - Ram hoggets. Two entries—P. C. Hum- | phrios 1, Geo. Hunter 2. _ j Ewe hogget. Three entries—P. C. Hum- I phi'Rs 1 and 3. Thos. Evans (Longbueli) 2. Ewe. Two entries—P. C. Humphries 1 and 2. Aged ram. Two entries —Ihos. Evans I P. C Humphries 2. CROSSBREDS. Two ewes, strong woolled, with lambs at foot. Four entries —Peter Campbell 1 and 2, Andrew Howe 3. Two ewe hoggets, strong woolled. Ten entries —John C. Crump 1 and 2, George Hunter 3. Two wether hoggets. Four entries — Peter Campbell 1 and 3, Joseph Kirby 2. FAT SHEEP., Judge: Mr Walter Murray (Balclutha). Three fat wethers, shorn. One entry. —S. T. Evans 1. Three fat ewes, shorn. Four entries — Andrew Howe 1, Peter Campbell 2, S. T. Evans 3. Three fat lambs for butchers’ purposes. Ten entries—Peter Campbell 1 and 3, John C. Ronald 2. Three freezing sheep. Four entries — S. T. Evans 1 and 2, Peter Campbell 3. Five wethers or maiden ewes, suitable for frozen meat trade. Two entries —S. T. Evans 1. George Hunter 2. Five fat lambs, most suitable for frozen meat trade. Four entries —S. T. Evans 1, John C. Ronald 2, Geoi e Hunter 3. Three fat lambs, most suitable for frozen meat' trade, exhibitor not to own more than 2000 ewes, oix entries—Geo. < Hunter 1, John C. Ronald 2, Charles M’Kelvie 3. Five fat freezing lambs, exhibitor not 1 l own less than 200 ewes. Eight entries ! —John Smith 1, Samuel Shaw 2, J. Howe i 3. 1 Three fat iambs, suitable for freezing, minimum weight not less than 301 b or i mor ethau 421 b freezing weight. Five „

entries—George Hunter 1, John C. Ronald 2, S. F. Evans 3. Five fat freezing lambs, live weight * not over 801 b, open to exhibitors owning ; less than 2000 ewes —Peter Campbell 1, John Smith 2, Charles M'Keuzie 3. SHEEP DOGS. Judge: Mr G. P. Johnston (Maitland). ( Rough collie dog. Eight entries—(Norman Peters 1, Miss C. Burrell 2. G. D. Sutherland 3. Rough collie bitch. Two entries—W. MTvor 1. Smooth collie dog. One entry—Stanley Crighton 1. Smooth collie bitch. Four entries—W. Stirling 1, Jas. Lynn 2. Bearded collie dog. Two entries—Adam Laidlaw 1, Harry Anderson 2. Bearded collie bitch. One entry—James Lynn 1 ! DAIRY PRODUCE. ' Judge: Mr F. H. Taylor (Invercargill;. Fresh butter, separator. Fourteen entries—Mrs A. Roderick M'Donald (Woodlands) 1, Miss L. Robertson 2, Miss Isabella Howe 3. Fresh butter, non-separator. Six entries—Mrs Roderick M'Donald 1, Miss L. , Robertson 2, Mrs R. C. Lawrence 3. Powdered butter,' separator. Eleven entries —Mrs R M'Donald 1, Mrs L. Robert- , son 2, Miss Isabel Howe 3. Powdered butter, non-separator. ■ Five entries —Mrs R. M'Donald 1, Miss L. Robertson 2, Mrs John T, Blight 3. Salt butter. Four entries —Mrs R. M'Dopald 1, Mrs John T. Blight 2, Miss L. Robertson 3. Fancy butter. Two entries —Miss G. A. M'Donald 1, Mrs R, M'Donald 2. Two large cheese, white. Nine entries —Edendale Dairy Factory 1, Menzies Ferry Dairy Factory and Henley Dairy Factory (equal) 2. Two large cheese, coloured. Seven entries—Wyndham Dairy Factory 1, Edendale Dairy Factory 2, Menzies Ferry 3. Most points in butter—Mrs Roderick M'Donald. BAKING. Judge: Mrs E. Sewers (Dupedin) Home-made loaf. Five entries—Miss Isa Hall 1, Mrs Thos. A. Robinson 2. Home-made loaf. For exhibitors who have not won a first prize. Eleven entries—Miss M. M'Donald 1, Miss M. Knap, 2. Miss fsa Hall 3. Oven scones. Thirteen entries —Miss Mary Knapp 1. Miss May Hayes 2, Mrs John Green 3. Oven 'cones, lor those who have not won a first prize. Seventeen entries— Miss A. M. Knapp 1. Mrs John Green 2. I Girdle scones. Ten entries—Mrs j Douglas M'Gill 1, Mrs John Green 2. Girdle scones, for those who have not, won a first prize. Twelve entries—Miss A M Knapp 1, Mrs John Green 2, Mis Douglas M'Gill 3. Oatmeal cakes, made with water. Six entries —Mrs Roderick M'Donald (Woodlands) 1, Mrs Douglas M'Gill 2 Oatmeal cakes, made with any other ingredients Eight entries —Mrs Douglas ,M'Gill X. Mrs R. M'Donald 2. Fruit cake, light. Twenty entries—Miss M KiTapn 1. Miss L, Caldwell 2, Mrs A Ireland 3. Fruit oake. dark. Thirteen entries— Miss L Caldwell 1, Mrs Thos A. Robinson 2, Miss May Hayes 3, Sponge cake. Fourteen entries—Miss M Knapp 1. Miss E. I. Smith 2, Miss L. Caldwell 3. Tray of afternoon tea cakes, six vanties. Nino entries.—Mrs Thos. A. Robinson 1. Miss M Knapp 2, Airs Douglas M'Gill 3. ’ COMPETITIONS Judge: Mr A. Chisholm (Otautau). Hunter, over hurdles Thirteen entries —T. Horne’s Echo 1. W. Johnson’s Fairy 2. J. Hedley’s Mac 3.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19970, 11 December 1926, Page 7

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WYNDHAM SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19970, 11 December 1926, Page 7

WYNDHAM SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19970, 11 December 1926, Page 7