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Of the sum required for the erection of a new Sunday School for St. Mary’s, Timaru, £3OOO is now in hand, but it is not proposed to let a contract until £4003 is in sight or in hand. Notice of a claim for £2OOO under the Workers’ Compensation Act has been served on the Southland Electric Power Board by the solicitors for the widow of John Arthur, who was electrocuted at Lochiel on July 12. Send your Prescription to Waters’ Pharmacy, 20 Princes street, medicine comes return mail...

Oil-boring operations are being continued at Murchison. The bore is now down to a depth of 1484 ft and the strata being penetrated are reported to be similar to those of the most productive oilfields. Although there have been several delays owing to wind and weather, work is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible with the Ratana Temple (reports the Wanganui Herald) in an endeavour to have it completed by Christmas. Later on it is intended to have coloured glass memorial windows, with figures of Maori celebrities who were prominent in the Ratana movement.

Althing to equal our tatnous sugar rrcii bacon. Burton and i'rengrovc.

The Mayor of Wanganui has a playful habit of nodding his head in the direction of the press table when he imagines any matter before the City Council should not receive too much of the white light of publicity. If good reasons for the suppression are apparent, the pressmen are generally ready to oblige (remarks the Chronicle), but evidently the Mayor has not always found his method of unofficially going into committee satisfactory. We ale taiiu.ii:- . u saveloys.— Barton ii- 1 l‘> I'liaTove

Five head of pedigree cattle from Canada vere brought to Auckland by the Union Company’s steamer Waihemo. The animals included two Jersey heifers, two Jersey bulls, and one Holstein bull. Two heifers and one Jersey bull were landed at Auckland, the other animals being for Wellington! Stay at the 1 mice ot Wales Hotel. Good accommodation: best brands of liquors ’Phone 721. —C Hinchcliff proprietor.. It is claimed in the Now Zealand Railways Magazine that as the result of the introduction of what is known as the schedule system into the railway workshops, “the systematic moving of the various parts of the engine to the departments concerned and the prompt return of the completed work to the erecting gangs,, has reduced the number of days that engines are in the shops by over 30 per cent.” “Oh, yes, he’s a very careful driver.” “It’s a very peculiar thing that when accidents happen, all the witnesses say that the driver is a very careful one,” was tlie reply by the magistrate (Mr E. D. Mosley) to a witness in a motor collision 1 case at the Timaru Magistrate’s Court. The highest quality uiuoleums are produced in Kirkcaldy. We have just landed a fine range direct from the works. First quality, 9s 3d per yard; second quality. 8s 6d yer yard. Patterns on application. —Otago Farmers’ Crawford street... The unemployment situation in Auckland, which improved last week, has again reverted to a position similar to that of midwinter (states the New Zealand Hehalr). There were 621 men registered at the Labour Bureau at the end of last week, employment having been found for 62 men during the week. On the previous Saturday the total was 582, and then in the last week of October the aggregate fell to 555. The latest kind of betting on horses in England is by means of numbered tickets, on which is also minted the total number of tickets sold, say, 6893. The tickets cost 6d for the week, and the first prize is £7 each day. To win that £7 the -nitial starting prices of the horses at the racecourse are taken and divided by 6893. Thus 267,435 divided by 6893 equals 38, with 5501 over. The holder of the 5501 card wins the £7. There are also other prizes.

Country Shopkeepers.—vVe supply the finest Smallgoqds obtainable, at special rates. Inquiries’ solicited. -Barton and Trengrnve. Manse street. Dunedin..

A doubtful compliment to the medical staff of the Napier Hospital was passed at recent meeting of the Hawke’s Bay Hospital Board by Mr \V. J. M'Grath, when the matter of uniforms for the porters was under discussion. The speaker raised a genera] laugh by stating that he had often mistaken the porters for doctors under present conditions. After Mr H. Hill had strongly urged that uniforms should be provided for the permanent porters, it was decided that the matter be kept in view. Make your own soda water this summer. Buy a Sparklet Syphon from Gray’s Big Store, Milton...

Speaking at the annual gathering of civilian blind in Timaru, Mr. Clutha Mackenzie said that two wireless sets had been given to the institute. These had given great joy to the inmates. He hoped as time went on all blind people would become owners of wireless sets. There was nothing which brought so much pleasure to the blind as the invention of wireless. He would like those present to listen-in on Thursday, December 9, between 8 and 10 p.m., to hear a concert by inmates of the institution wirelessed from Auckland. Hands are kept beautifully smooth by Waters’ Chap Lotion. 2s posted, Waters’ Pharmacy...

It costs less to buy a second-hand motorcar than to build a substantial garage to house it- The conseouence (writes Focus in the Auckland Herald) is that scores of cars stand in the streets of Auckland overnight. There are second-hand cars priced between £SO and £IOO in many Auckland salerooms, and it is improbable that their future owners are going to house them in garages and show them the respect accorded a £SOO car.

The Christmas season is now drawing close, and everyone is on the look-out for gifts for friends and relations. We have a nice selection of gifts of all kinds suitable for ladies and gentlemen, whilst the boys and girls are not forgotten with toys, meccanos, kiddy cars. We also have the Rexonola gramophones from f 4 15s up, which can be bought on easy terms.—Laidlaw and Gray...

“I take exception to the inference that because a man is a minister of the Church he is not a business man,” said the Rev. »W. A. Hay at the Methodist Church Synod in Christchurch. “I claim that I know as much about business methods as anyone, even though I have had no experience.” These remarks were evoked by a layman suggesting that the percentage of clergymen to laymen in one of the business committees of the North Canterbury district was too large. Several burglaries in boot stores have been reported to the police lately (states the Auckland Herald), and in each case the thieves, have shown discrimination in the selection of certain sizes of footwear, which suggests that the goods are intended for peronal use rather than for Another such theft was added to the list a few days ago, when the hoot factory of Swinton and Oates, in West street, Newton, was entered and a careful selection made from the stock. , An opportunity: Striped leather back grandrillo shirts, collars, all sizes. 14J to 17, 8s lid each, posted anywhere for cash.—Kilroy and Sutherland (Limited). 102 Princes street. Dunedin... At the Balclutha Magistrate’s court on Wednesday the solicitor for a judgment debtor asked for the adjournment of two cases on the ground that his client was expecting to fall heir to a substantial legacy in the near future, when he would be in a position to pay all his debts. Counsel for the judgment creditor: “But we have heard that story before, your Worship.—The Magistrate; Perhaps he has invested in a ticket in one of these big art unions.—(Laughter.)—The adjournment was granted. “I submit that men who lay themselves out to get drunk on Sunday should pay the penalty,” said Senior Sergeant Fitzpatrick in the Gisborne Magistrate’s Court when two first offenders for drunkenness were brought before Messrs C. E. Armstrong and E. M. Harper, Justices of the Peace. “It is not very nice for the people on their way to cburch to meet men rolling about the streets,” added the officer. The Bench convicted and discharged both men.

“Jones.” —The most efficient and reliable Domestic Sewing Machine ever ■offered to a discerning public is the British-made “Jones,” with beautifullyfinished drop-head stand in Real Oak. Price 14 guineas. N.Z. Agents: Glendermid (Limited), 18 Dowling street, Dunedin.. . “In no other country but a British one can you bring an action for damages for adultery.” said his Honor Mr Justice Ostler, in the Napier Supreme Court. “Other systems of law say that the loss of a wife’s affections and society cannot be measured in money. English law is the only law in the world where such an action is allowed.”

Nothing official has yet been announced concerning the site for the new source of electric current to supplement that from Coleridge (reports the Timaru Herald), out there are persistent rumours that Lake Tekapo finds most favour in the eyes of th© engineers of the Public Works Department.

The Lake County A., and P. Association offered a prize for the largest number of birds’ eggs in the 1925-26 i _season. A youth named Morrison won it with a collection of 3864 eggs. With birds’ eggs selling at 2d per dozen, the boy’s bird-nesting expeditions realised £2 13s Bd. It is not stated,, t-o'.vever, how many pairs of trousers he ...ined in his expeditions. Quick transport of live stock from Canterbury to Waiho, 100 miles below Hokitika, is reported. A truck of Angus stud cattle left Addington the other morning, and reached the railwayterminus, at Ross the same evening. The stock was then taken in " lorrv and reached Waiho at 9.30 next morning, or after about 25 hours’ travelling, including a tour hours., halt for feeding at Harihari. The stock came originally from Ma'terfon. Just Landed—Shipment Harvesting Machinery, made in England, one and two-horse mowers, hay rakes, swathers, tedders, and side rakes. Lower in price and better in quality than any other importations. Get illustrations and prices, from Reid and Gray (Limited), Dunedin,: Oamaru, Gore, Balclutha, Invercargill.: Also light top dressers, lawn mowers,and all farm implements. Terms if required or special discount for prompt: cash—Write to Reid and Gray (Ltd.), Dunedin, to-day... . ’ The West Coast Cricket Association has decided to communicate with the association’s delegate to the New Zealand Cricket Council (Mr T. W. Reese) with a view to. arranging a match against the South Aus-. tralians should they visit New Zealand this season, also to ask him to endeavour to arrange a match against South Canterbury at Christchurch during the Christmas holidays, or, failing that, a game with a Canterbury* second eleven. Those who contend that married women should not be school teachers were supplied with a strong argument by a witness in the King County Police Court raently. In reply to the familiar question: What is your occupation?” he said he had none. “What!” exclaimed the examining solicitor, “do you mean to say you do nothing? , “Oh well,” replied the witness nonchalantly. “I drive, my wife to the school to work every day.” __ . , ~ Oban ism: Our drait Whisky over toe counter or quarts I2s 6d, pmts 6s 6d, flasks 5s 6d, ;; sample size 2s 6<L it s ail one quality griara' teed 75 per cent, malt spirits.—Oban Hotel... _ . Complaint regarding a tax of £0 IPs imposed on the visitor to Tahiti is made by Mr J. H. Rowson, of Auckland, who recently visited the French colony. He landed in Papeete and knew nothing about the tax until he had been there some lays. Then when he left there -as a further tor of £2. ’“This is not generally known to tourists,” said M r Rowson. I J 2 ® - ] tainly think the French Consul here of the shipping company should inform intending visitors of the tax. . . A plan for the‘further , u “P roT^f lt the harbour at Wanganui has been pus forward by the Harbour Board’s engineer Mr H V: Haszard, who proposes a «XMt pier at the entrance to the Castlecbffturointr basin. The estimated cost is £4o,oftt, and six months will complete the worK which, the engineer considers, will Practically eliminate all possibility of sutmg at the entrance to the basin. TheJVorks Committee of the board will give con aideration to the . Next door to the Post Office nnda ua. A. F. Cheyne and C 0... , .. The great increase in the population of the Auckland Hospital district (states theStar) is shown by the fact that dumig the--10 months of the present year which none 700 more patients have been treated ft the hospital than for imr period of last year. Although the VVallace wards have only been occupied for a few months, there is scarcely a vacant bed in the women s surgical J* . not that there has been more sictmess about than usual, the increase being due to m Cr fhe d beverage ib toe: Bourbon " brand of coffee and chicory. Obtainable from the manufacturers, A. Durie and Co.. 32 Octagon, Dunedin, and a * The* Methodist Church was first planed in New Zealand in 1822, but was uprooted, and then formally repUnted m the mission was re-established at Hokianga The Home Missions Board is taking step* to commemorate the centenary ° event. A monument is to erected at Mangunga, Hokianga, and, immediately after the 1927 conference rises, a pd grimage will probably be made by m any of the members and friends to that historic S pot for the unveiling ceremony and Maori demonstration. Another shipment of rubber apro , with bib, lovely fresh goods, new Patterns and colours,P l ® ll1 ,’, T^ofs’prices 3a lid, 4s 6d. 4s lid.—At i. Koss. l 3 r p TI. ,l &"?} in conversation with a Hawke s Tribune representative, said that it was pretty safe to say that the danger of k a frosts to the fruit crops this aeuop wu past, the crops would be lighter especially pears, in which there would he f P hfavy drop owing to tee. unfavourable weather prevailing at Wossommg time. The early peach crop promised to be heavy, I but apples would be a little lighter. . Thera wopld, however,be abundance for which would be necessary to stabilise the local markets. Strawberries and gooseberries did not hold promise of yields those interested m and Ravine devices should call and see tne IMsappearing Wall Beds at the Wall Bed Po. 95 Stuart street. Dunedin... When the chairman of the Wellington Manufacturers’ Association ooi> gratulate Mr A. Seed, s«re*axy of the(New Zealand SawmiUers’ Federation, upon tea timber contract which had been "laced for New Zealand timber for the new railway workshops, the members of the were surprised when Mr rephed teat the order was embarrassing to theindustry, and it was going to be rather difficult to fulfil as the specification was for heart timber, which only amounts to about 10 ner C6nt. of ths los* n ~ r\, », Save your eyes Consult Peter tx. ptpki U 8.0. A., F. 1.0. (London), optometrist. Peter Dick, jewellers and opticians. 490 \f<«rav nlacp (opo City Hotel) .. On Wednesday Mr A. Williams, on behalf of a meeting in Ximaru, which was addressed by Miss B. E. Baughan, on Pena! Reform, on Tuesday night, sent tee following resolution to the Minister of Justice, the Hon. F. J. Rolleston) -.-“ That the Minister of Justice be written to and asked that as there is no difference m the treatment, while in prison, of those s^ nt .® r ‘ c ®s t hard labour and those sentenced to reformative detention or reformative treatment, the Act be amended by deleting the words 'reformative treatment and reformative detention’ as applied to the ordinary prisoner (not including those sent to a Borstal Institution), and by substituting therefore the word -imprisonment.’ ” x - „ Men! Have you purchased your Mew Hat vet? All shapes and colours m best English makes. See window display. 355, reduced 27s 6d; 2os, reduced 19s 6d. At Watkins and Neilson (Ltd.), opposite City Hotel... According to the preliminary arrangements being made by tee New Zealand Cricket Council for sending a New representative team to England, tee trip Home is to be made via America the Wellington Post). If the team is to travel by the San Francisco route an opportunity is presented for a match m Wellington before the team sails. The trip across the Atlantic is to be made from New York by the liner Majestic. has been received by the New Zealand Cricket Council that 32 berths have teen reserved on that vessel for the team. Evidently the council anticipates that there will be a party, of supporters travelling with the cricketers. . r Lynx Suits! Yes. we stock them. Look us up or drop us a line. Made in 5S sizes; they fit. Mosgiel worsteds. From £6 10s, and English worsteds from £7 10s. Clothing Department, A. F. Cheyne & Co.. Mosgiel.. . Heavy damage was done to the railway tracks on the West Coast by the recent floods. Repairs to tee Blackball bridge will necessitate the driving of 32 temporary piles (reports the Greymouth Star), but it is expected that the work will be co -i* pleted by the end of the monte. At Larry s Creek bridge, two 60-ft spans were lost, and a good length of the permanent way was also affected. About a mile of the track was affected at Westport. To meet the position at the Waiau Bridge, where two piers subsided, the carriages arp shunted across and the train is attached to a locomotive at the other side, as at present the bride is considered too dangerous for engines. It is expected that some months will elapse before the permanent way is restored to its .pre-flood state. A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds.

Said angry Jean to her man , When he forgot her Hitchon’s ham...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19952, 20 November 1926, Page 28

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NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19952, 20 November 1926, Page 28

NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19952, 20 November 1926, Page 28