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NEW ZEALAND TOURNAMENT. CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS. PLAY INTERRUPTED BY RAIN. The Dominion of New Zealand Bowling ’Association’s annual tournament entered upon its second week yesterday, when the Championship Pairs Competition was started. This competition attracted jes entries, and 16 greens were required for the games, two sections being played on each green. Fourteen Briti-h pairs entered, but only 11 of thorn took part in the competition. .For the greater part of the day the con(fitions as far a.s weather was concerned left little to be desired. The sun shone brightly, and the greens were exceptionally kebn. but the wind proved somewhat perpiexinEf p.t times. About 5.50 p.m., wlion the third round was about half finished, rain fell heavily, and most of the greens ■were soon partly under water. This pm a-rtop to play for the day. and the games in*the third round will be continued to-day. On the Taieri and Green Island gieens however .the rain was not so heavy, and at these places the third round was completed. In cases where the games were tuifinisbed the skips retained their cards, and the players will go 10 the preen arranged for to-day. and start at 8.30 n.m. to complete the third round. Dn those gpeens on which play is not commenced till 9 o’clock the tune limit will be reduced from 2? hours to 2). hours J o as to ’bring them into line with those that start art. 8.30. i DUNEDIN GREEN. In the first round of Section A MacDougafl (British party) scored twice as rapidly as Beer (Riverton) in the first 10 beads," when tlie former was leading by J& point to 5. After that, however, the Riverton pair did nearly all the scoring, the overseas players getting in on only three heads. MacDougall retired at the nineteenrh end, when Beer was leading by 25* points to 13. Edwards (Temuka) ran into a commamlipg lead against Frisk lOpa-wa) after a few beads had been played. With 10 heads globe the former led by 13 points to o, arid ho finished up a winner by 27 points to 12. .'Eorstet (Cavershatn) led West. (Edgeware) bv 7 points to 2 with five heads gone, but the seoree were 10 all with eleven heads played. With two heads to go T> est was leading by 29 points to 20, and he won the game by 29 points to 23. Banders (Kaituna) took the lead against Johnson (Lower Hutt.) at the fifth head, and retained-it throughout. Sanders was leading by 18 points to 10 when sixteen heads had been played, and although Johnson Baade up some of the leeway he was ■defeated by 22 points to 19. In the second round MacDougall and "West had a keen contest for the gi-eater part of the game. Tlie scores were 12 altafter 14- heads had been played, and four heads later West was leading by 3 points. A six to West on the nineteenth head settled the issue, and he won on the twentieth bead bv 24 points to 15. Foster took the lead from Beer at the seventh head, and after that the__ latter ecored on only four heads. At the nineteenth head Boer, who was 14 points down, retired, Forster winning bv 23 points to S. .Saunders led from Edwards from the start, and gradually assumed a strong lead, winning comfortably by 20 points to 14. Brisk ran up eight points bx'fore Johnson scored, and with 14 heads gone the former was leading by 15 points to 7. Johnson reduced the lead in the closing stages, but finished three down. In the first round of Section B Robson ’(Otago) led Barnard (Kaiapoi) by 8 points to 1 at the end cf fire heads, but at the fourteenth the latter was only three down, the scores being 12 and 9 respectively. After the fifteenth head Robson did all the scoring, and ran out a winner by 22 points to 10. ’ Gray (Kelburn) had a very easy win against Black (Palmerston). The former led by 16 points to 1 at the end of nine heads! and the latter scored on only four more heads, the final figures being 33—0 Jn favour of Bray. A seven to Campbell (Cromwell) on the third head against White (St. Heliers) gave him a good lead. The former kept in front for the rest of the game, and won by 22 points to 10. ! With seven heads gone M’Cullough (Dun- ] fedin) led Bead (Anderson’s Bay) by 10 1 points to 4, but seven heads the latter had I reduced his deficit to one, the cores being | 13 and 12 respectively. Anderson's Bay were too good in the final stages, and won bv 21 points to 18. ‘in the second round M‘CuHough piled np 16 points in the first seven heads, while Barnard failed to score. With 18 heads pla-ved M'Cullough was leading by 32 points to 6, and the final figures were 32—17 in favour of that player. Hobson was leading Bead by seven points to six when eight heads had been played, and the former then drew away, having a majority of IS to 10 at the fourteenth head! Bead drew up towards the finish, but suffered defeat by 24 points to 19. Campbell and Black scored nine points each in the first seven heads, but after the fourteenth head the former got a strong lead, and eventually won by 24 points to U.’’ , „ The game between White and Gray was «yenlv contested throughout. The scores were seven all at the ninth head, nine all at the twelfth, and 15 all at the nineteenth. "White got two singles in the last two Iliads,'and won by 17 to 15. BALMACEWEN GREEN, high wind had an appreciable effect on p(sy at the Balmacewen Green. Good form was shown by Jones (Boslyn). Ills opponent in the first round was Hardhsy (West End, Auckland), and the hill nian encountered no stiff opposition, llitli sjx heads gone. Jones was 11 up, 1- rom there, the scoring was low and evenly distributed, but Jones for 7 up after the penultimate head, on which liar IK-y retired, beaten by 23 to 16. J. Turnbull (Sydenham), who played lead for W. Spider when tlie pair won the championship in 1920, was associated with Mitchell. They were, however, well beaten by a Taranaki pair, Maslm and M'Donald (Manaia). The latter skip played a brilliant game, running out cleverly. The latter were 10 up after sixhead? had been played, and the Sydenham pair could only reduce the lead by two at tl»g‘« finish. Mitchell made a late run. scoring seven on the last three heads. The .scoArig totals were high, M'Donald winning by 30 to 22. Xxlrk (Maitai) and Balk (Balmacewen) •wdre evenly matched. A remarkable feature of the game was the runs of scores to both pairs. Balk did not get in front till the twentieth head, when he led 19—li. Kirk then scored a two, and the tic resulted an.extra bead being played. Kirk won In the second round, M‘Donald was beaten from the tenth head by the tricky -wind" iji his game against Balk, and a loss bv 29 to 24 points was recorded against him -M'Donald was in front- til! then. A eevsq was counted against him al tlm fi>teentfa end. Although 12 down with thre° Redds- to go. he held out. prospects, but die scored only seven. A fine grime by the lead, lurnbml, gave the ■ Sydenham pair a win. by eight poini-. against Horcßev. Mitchell was seven down with eight Reads played, and with four to go', was still down 15—12. He took them, and won easily. Jones did not have much to spare at any stage against Kirk, who quickly established a. lead’ that called for carcftd play on the part of Jones, who ultimately won’ by 24 to 19 . '-Good bowling was seen in .section U, rn.fhe first round, but the wind in the aftcrBooii played havoc. TSo 1924 champion pair. J. Angus and J.>A. Redpath (Canterbury), proved too strojig for Laws and Morgan (Beckenham) in, the first round. Morgan held the lead to the ninth bead 7—4. In the 'allowing five heads Redpath had a sccrimr rim to 16 points, and ran out a winner by 19 to ,16.

Moyes (Timaru) had a win by one point only over Hutchison (Dunedin! Yitn 10 heaths gone, Moyee was 10 up. 19 —9. Hutch Lson ' played a good chasing game, and with, a head to play was leading by 23 to 22. F Moyes won by getting two counters.

an even fight, in which both pairs scored regularly, Konnington (Lower Hutt) hea|.Carman and Rhodes (North-East Yalley) t try two points, 16—14. A 'complete lapse from form by Smith fCaledoraan) nearly cost him his game against; Smith (Hokomii). The Caledonian players were not troubled up to tho six-

teerrth head, ■when they Jed by 24 points to 11. Their margin was reduced to 24—26 at the finish.

Redpalh had an 18-point lead on Rhodes with five lioads to play, and as Ik- was in form he took matters easy. The margin of six points at the finish was no indication of the game, for Rhodes was outplayed. His second win was scored by Kennington when he met Moyes. The Timaru pair were not caught by the winners until the sixteenth head. Kenninyton then had matters all his own way, and on the nin-teent-h head Moves retired, being seven down, . , A. 13-point win was recorded for Smite, who bas not challenged by Smith (Hokonuil, after the eighth head. Small (Caledonian) was beaten by a firstround loser in Hutchison. It was a great battle. Hutchison scored two on the twentieth head, making the scores 16 all, and in the final end he drew the winning shot. CALEDONIAN GREEN. Sections E and F were played on the Caledonian Green. The green was in line order and very keen. Hardie (Morningtou) led Nelson (Dunedin) 19—7 in the first round in Section E, after 10 heads had been played, and 22—10 after 14. Nelson notched 12 points On the next- four ends, bringing ihe- scores to 22 all. Hardie. (hen scored two on each of the next two. ami ihe best Nelson could do on the last was a brace, Hardie winning by 26 to 24. Hunt (Wairere) and Farnham (Kaiapoi) had :ui iniei csting finish. Farnham was leading 14—7 ■ after 15 ends, and althougn Hunt scored On all the remaining heads but one he just failed to get there, Farnham winning 16 —14. Hardie was too good for Willett in the second round in Section E, Willett going down to the tune of 22—11. The game Nelson v. Lowry was a very even go up to the seventeenth head, but then Lowry drew away to win by 20 to 17. Farnham scored his second win by defeating Colville easily. Keith led Porteous by 12 points to 5 after 11 ends, and by 18 to 12 with three ec is to play. Porteous however, notched four ami three on the nineteenth and twentieth. and wa- one up with one head to play. Ke' tie did not manage to score, and Porteous won by two.points. Wright showed belter form than in, the mormnaf. and won easily by 22 to 15. Doherty exhibited good form in the afternoon round, <iefeating Todd easily by 22 to 11. I T , Section F Fraser (Temuka) was leading Kettle (Caledonian! 17 —6 with 15 ends lilii' ed, but Kettle then got 1,4, 4,2, on the next four heads, making tire score 17 all, Fraser scored a single on the next but Kettle scored two on the last, •'.mi won by the odd point. K idyiads (Clyde) established an, early lend over Porteous (Wellington) 17 —6 and IS—S with 15 ends played. Porteous scored well in ihe latter part of the game, but made Ills effort too late, the Central Otago pair winning by 19 to 15. KAIKORAI GREEN. . , The. conditions, were excellent for howling at Kaikorai, where Section G was commenced. Hadlee (West End, Auckland) was set a hard ta-k to caroli Wade (British party) in the first round. The English pair had sccreu on each of the first seven heads, being 14 up. Two fours helped materially in bringing Hadlee to 10 in the next four heads. A.three to Wade gave him another nice lead, but yet Hadlee played strongly and six heads later was two up, the scores being 21—19. The game was one of changing forkmes, for Wade, then scored a three and a four, leaving Hadlee to score six on the last head to win. The Aucklander scored only two on the end. The Ilarcfloy Brothers (West End, Auckland) had a comfortable win over Seelye (Kaituna). winning all the way, and finishing eight up. Stvvoll (Canterbury) won by 28 to 17 from Boy land (North-East Valley). At the twentieth head he had the game won by scoring .three and being 16 up. Boyland got five on the last, the Canterbury pair not worrying over the result of the head. In'the second round, Hardley met defeat at ihe hands of Hadlee. It was a great finish, for Hadlee was loading 26 —9 at the eighteenth head. Hardley made a fine recovery. his card reading 4,5, 6 He was two do wn on the totals. At. tlie twentieth head, Beyland retired, Wade having a wanning margin of 14 points. Wade’s play was beautiful. Sewell also obtained his second win by beating Seelye by 6 points. The Kaituna plavers held a slight advantage when five, heads had been played. Sewell overhauled them, and from the sixteenth head did not look a likely loser. Because of the vast superiority of Scott (Caledonian) his match with Mazey, who played as substitute for Brodie’s British ]>arty pair, was a poor one. Seed* opened with a six, and maintained good form throughout, the others retiring on, the nineteenth head. when. Scott- was leading by 34 to 15. Another easy win was secured by M’Kenzie (Sydenham) against Bishop (Hokonni). With the exception of a seven on the eighth head, making the scores 9 all. Bishop was outplayed. The finish was ■at the twentieth he&d, where M'Kenzie’s score was 27 to 14, but on the last, end Bishop got five. A game of fluctuating fortunes was that, between Ferguson (Balmacewen) and Beyuon (Petonel. After catching Beynon on the eleventh head, Ferguson increased his score from 11 to 16. A five on the eighteenth gave Beynon the lead again bv one. Three singles on the last heads gave Ferguson Hi's win by 2 up. First away and first home would be a good description of the win by Bentley (Dunedin) over Finnan (Beckenham). The former was 14 up. after eight heads, before Firman open ml his account and was 20 to 5 with 13 beads gone. By adding eleven in the next five ends. Finnan reduced the margin, but the Dunedin pair were too strong -and won by 24 to 18. Scott and M’Kenzie were the only first round winners to win . in the second series and thov had wins by big margins. Scott beat Firman by 17 points. M’Kenzie played Mazey and beat him by 27 to 17. Bentley’s chance was spoiled when Beynon stored seven on the eighteenth head, when Bentley' was four points in the lend.' After being 17 down with two bead- to go, Bentley scored, two fives, and lost by 24 to 17. CAVERSHAM GREEN. Arthur (Tuapeka) had a big majority over Stewart (Edgeware) at the eleventh head, leading by 17 to 5. Thereafter, however, be failed to score, while his opponent added 17 to his tally. Duncan (Wellington) and Bardsley (Duneclinl had a close finish. The local man needed 3 to tie on ’the last end, but could get only a brace. Til lie (Caledonian) and Lewis (Alexandra) had another even finish, the Central Otago pair getting a single and a- three before going down by a single shot. Forrester (Caversham) got a five on Casey (Carlton) on the last head, but was still a point in arrears. King (Otago) was one down on the last head against Stevenson (Invercargill), but a brace gave him victory. ANDERSON’S BAY GREEN. Soclons K and L were played on the Acderson’e Bay green, which was fast and keen. In both sections there were some wide margins between the contestants in the first round. In the afternoon in the second round in Section K Hinton (St. Kilda) and Kirkwood (Dunedin) had a good go. Pirkwood led 14—7 after fourteen heads, but 3,1, 5 to Hinton on the next three saw the latter in front, 18 —14. Kirkwood came again and led 20 —18 on the twentieth head, but Hinton notched 3 op the last head, and won bv the odd point. Another good game was that between Young (Kia Toa) and Newby (Rotorua). Young led 10—3 after five ends, but 2 and t> on the next two heads saw Newby in fx-ont. 'JTie load changed hands again seve'-nl times. Yonng led 21—19 on the eighteenth, but Newby notched 1,1, 2 on the last three heads, and won by two points. In Section L the winners were far superior to the losers, the margins being wide. ROSLYN GREEN. Perfect greens at Rosiyn resulted in fine bowls being played. Despite the heat and drying winds of the last few days, the green was in great order, being neither keen nor dull. The English pair. Bean, defaulted, having decided not to play in the uairs following a strenuous week of singles ami rinks, Bentley (Kelbtmi) had a runaway victory 1 from Davies (Edgeware). ' Davies opened well, scoring a four, but Bentley scored 3, 5,5, 3in the successive heads. Another two to Davies, a single to Bentley, and another single to Davies ended ihe Edgeware pair's scoring. Bentley took the next head, and after the seventeenth Davies retired with a score of 37 to 7 against him.

Foster (Caledonian) won by 20 to 14 against. Amgen - (Christchurch), hut had to fight hard io keep his lead. The pairs wore level. 13—13, at the sixteenth head, but a four to Foster to beads later gave him tin; winning margin. Kingsland (Mailai) did not have any worries to ensure a win over Morgan (Port Chalmers), winning by seven points after easing off. •

The first round winners had easy wins in the second, round, Btntley beating Morgan bv 5 points, and Kingsland winning from Davies by 10 points. Foster won by default. Ainger had a narrow win over Weir, who played excellently in the last ■ three heads, in which be scored 11, and finished only two down. In tlie first round of Section N Bremnor (West End, Auckland) had a narrow scrape home against Anderson (Rosiyn). He appeared to have the game safe at the eighteenth head, when he was in front by 24 to 12. It war not all over bar shouting for Brenmer, as the home pair outplayed thorn, scoring 1,4, and 4 on the last three heads. „ The prospects of Tonkin (North-East Valley) were considered bright, yet he must be given the credit of luck to have beaten Hewitt (Alexandra). The Otago Central pair played nicely, three heads to go were seven up—ls to 8. A single and a 1 wo only to Tonkin dulled his chances, but in the last head his lead (Eigby) drew two shots and Tonkin lay with his four bowls as scorers. Hewitt drove and missed. Tonkin winning by 17 to 15, after an excellent game. The Wellington skip (Frost) was drawing much better than Dobbs (Christchurch) from the outset, uud before the Christchurch pair got going he had scored 13. At the sixteenth head Frost led by 20 points, and finished 14 up. Davies (West End. Timaru), who bad his rink lead, Ellis, with him, went down badly, by 31 to 11 against Buchan (Balmacewen). In the second round the winners of the first round met the losers, and all added to their lists. The closest game was between Tonkin and Anderson. The Valley pair led by 18 to 12 with two heads to go. Anderson got two on each of the last two heads, Tonkin winning by 18 to 16. All the other pairs had comfortable wins. i ST. HILDA GREEN. Waugh (Invercargill) had a great win at the expense of Parry (Seatoun), who scored on only four heads and finished 19 do.wn. i Mathieson (British Party) was two np with two heads to go against Mnllenger (West Harbour). The Ravensbourne pair then came to light and finished off with a four and a three. Pilkington and Preece had a fairly even go in the first round, and at the sixteenth head the score stood 18—14 in the fobmer’s favour. A single and a six to . the leaders materially . altered the complexion of the game, which ended at the twentieth head. Hey (Invercargill) completely outclassed Parry (Seatoun), the winners establishing a big lead in the first few heads. GREEN ISLAND. Only two games were played in the first round of Section Q, Thorn (Mataura) winning from Malcolm (British Party) by default. Hayward (Christchurch) and Rowley (Leith) had a fairly even game, but the former was five up at the linisti, the respective scores being 23 and 17. Gordon (St. John’s) had a comfortable w in against Williamson (Dunedin), beating him by 21 to 17. In the second round Williamson and Rowley had a good fight, and there were only two points between them at the finis!), the former winning by 22 to 20. Thorn had an easy win against Gordon, running out a winner by 25 to 11. Thorn met with his first defeat in the third round, in which lie went, down to Rowley, the respective scores being .16 and 14 points. * Hayward had a comfortable win against Williamson, whom he defeated by 24 points to IS. In th# first round of Section R Hosking (Carlton) proved too good for Crawford (Kaituna), but there were only four points between them at the finish. Mitchell (Phoenix) beat Smellie (Green Island) by five j oints, and Jacobsen (St. Kilda) had seven points in Ills favour in his game against Ilurson (Linwood). Main (Sumner) had no difficulty in defeating Roll (Havelock North), the scores reading 26—11 in favour of the former. In the second found there were three close finishes. Main was only one point ahead of Jacobsen, and Mitchell had a majority of two against Hosking, while Bell had a similar lead from Smellie. Burson had a comfortable win against Crawford, whom he defeated by 19 points to 11. Main and Mitchell went through the day without losing a game, the former beating Ilurson by 17 points to ; and." Mitchell 1 defeating Bell by 25 to 20.' Smellie put up another good fight against Hosking, but suffered defeat by one point, the respective scores being 26 and 25. Craw-ford got hir first win against Jacobsen, and ran out a winner by 30 points to 20. NORTH-EAST VALLEY GREEN. Anderson (Timaru) and Abbott (Caledonian) had a very keen contest in the first round of Section S-. The scores were level at the twenty-first head, but Anderson got a single on the extra head and won by 19 points to 18. Adess (St. Kilda) just managed to beat Ryan (Papanui), the' scores being 18—17 in favour of the former. Law-son (British Party) was not good enough for Thomson (Southland), who ran out a winner by 24 points to 17. In the second round Adess and Law-sou had a keen contest, and there were only two points between them at the finish, the former winning by 21 points to 19. Abbott and Ryan also had a good fight, but the former finished up with a lead of 21 points to 17. Anderson won easily against Thomson, and their game ended up 23 —12 in favour of the former. Most of the games in the first round of Section T were closely contested. Maher (West End, Auckland) beat Culbert (North-East Valley) by 21 points to 17. and Wright (Balmacewen) had a lead of IS points to 15 over Potter (Wellington) at the conclusion of their game. Edwards (St. Kilda) defeated Logan (Maitai) by 20 points to 15, but Becconsall (Sydenham) had an easy win over Edington (Bluff), the scores being 29—20 in favour of the former. All the games in the second round were won fairly easily. Logan beat Potter by 26 points to 20, and Maher finished up with 22 to Edwards’s 10, while Culbert defeated Beceonssall by 32 to 20. Wright ended up 17 points ahead of Edginton» the scores being 28 and 11 respectively. TAIERI GREEN. All the games in the first round of Section U were closely contested, the biggest win being secured by only two points. Fleming (British Party) beat W. B. Allan (Taieri) by 23 to 21, and M'Donald (North End) was one point np against Allan (Kaituna) the scores being 20 —19 at the finish. Henley (Sumner) also secured a one point victory, defeating Armstrong (Pukekohe) by 21 points to 20, ' Fleming scored another win in the second round, in which he finished seven up against Allan ('Taieri), the respective scores being 24 and 17. M’Donald beat Armstrong by 20 points to 16, and Allan (Taieri) hod a similar majority against Henley, the scores in their games being 21 and 17 respectively. Wyatt (Dunedin) put up a good performance in the first round of Section V by beating M‘Curdy (St. Kilda) by 21 points to 20. The other games in this section wore fairly close. Billcliff (United) beat Broad (Phoenix) by 24 points to 19, and Wilson (Leith) was also five up against Manson (Rotorua), the scores being 20 and 25 respectively. , Cooper (Karon) had a majority of eight against M’Dougall (Christchurch), whom he defeated by 27 points to 19, Wilson secured another win in the second round, but his majority against Broad wacnly two points, the scores being 18 and 16 respectively. M‘Curdy boat Manson by 24 points to 19. and Cooper also finished five up against Bikdiff, the aggregates being 28 and 23 respectively. ‘Dongall defeated Wyatt comfortably, being nine points up at the finish. KAITUNA GREEN. With the scores 17 all at the last head, Dewar (West End) just got homo against Wylie (Island Bay), The game was a neck and neck one until the fifteenth head, when Wylie was loading by 16 -10. Dewar took the next five, and a one by Wylie saw both pairs lying level at the twenty-first. An extra head w-as played, which went to West End by three, the game thus ending by 20 —17 in their favour. The British Flirty pair scheduled to play in the section did not appear, their place being taken by a St. Kilda pair skipped by Smeaton, who had rather a runaway victory against Calvert (Beckenham). A close tussle was witnessed between Lindsay (Kaikorai) and Comes (Mt. Eden), the game veering from one to the other right up to (he last head, when Lindsay got home by the narrow margin of two, the scores being, Lindsay 16. Comes 14. M'Laren (Dunedin) and Marks (United), although separated by a wide margin at the finish (36—18 against the latter), played a much closer game than the scores would indicate. >t‘Laron’s drawing w»s a 'treat

to watch, and though Marks at times played some beautiful draws his shots at times appeared to Ire a trifle heavy.' Although it is doubtful whether he could have won, it is certain that he was unlucky to lose by so many, as at one period of the game, a drive which just missed its objective, left bis opponent lying six. MORNINGTON GREEN. Pastier (St. Clair) had the measure of Clarke (Rockynook) throughout the piece, and although the latter made a strong effort in the latter stages of the game the final scores read: Pastier 22, Clarke 17. The contest between Stewart (Dunedin) and Pollock (Newtown) was anyone's game up till the seventh head, after which the Newtown pair were completely outclassed, the game going against them with the scores 26-12. .Smith (Kaituna) got a severe drubbing at the hands of Chegwin (Beckenham) , and took the mat only four times throughout the game. Like many other competitors, he was handicapped by strong gusts of-wind; nevertheless, at no part of the game did he look like winning- . Although Batchelor (Te Rangi) opened well against Nisbet (Balmacewen) by notching a six in the first bead, be immediately lost the mat the succeeding five, during which time Nisbet registered 2 From then on the game was even till the seventeenth head had gone, after which a brace of singles and a two put Nisbet in the lead. Batchelor took the shot in the next two and again drew level, but a' three by Nisbet in the last head gave him the game with the score at 24-21 in his favour. . W. Dee (Maitai) made up for his defeat in the first round by gaming an easy win over Nicol in the second. He seemed to have gauged the strength of the wind, for which he made fnil allowance. and at the twentieth head was 22 against Nicol’s 11, the latter retiring. ST. CLAIR GREEN. Harraway (Dunedin) had a couple of easv wins, scoring at the expense of Smith (Temuka) and Bragg (Caledor.ian). who was substituting for a .British pair. The latter game was tinged with a touch of burlesque. Murie, who led for the substitute pair, seemed to treat tne whole matter as a huge joke, much to the annoyance of his opponents and of those on the adjoining rinks. _ . , HineHcliff had a morning out against Bra< r " scoring 24 before his opponent started. In spite of this big win, the Anderson’s Bay man met Ins match m the afternoon, when he played Eftord, of Edgeware. the ‘ score at the' nineteenth and showing 34-7 in the visitor s favour. The two unbeaten pairs m this section skipped by Harraway (Dunedin) and Eftord (Edgeware) were m action when 1 FAcmnn^(Otago) obtained three easy wins in third, game being * plelesl just as the heavy rainstorm came on In each match he established an easly lead which bis opponents found impossible to overhaul. , . M ‘Hutcheson (Kaituna) scored his win at the expense of Meynck (Lowei Hutt). securing the four necessary for a win on the last end. OTAGO GREEN. Minto (British party) had the upper hand of Ham (North End) right ihipugh the game, and at the eighth head the‘ latter bad registered two only as against Mmto s i2. From the thirteenth Ham pulled up s £ mi c what, but managed to reach only H jit the final head the scores reading, Mmto 2, Ham 14. The green appeared to b- drawing a little too keenly tor Walker (Auckland), who went down rather badly to .Cooper (Lin wood). Walker led till the third head, and the tally read 4—l in his favour; but a rather lucky six put the Linvyood pair in the lead, which thev retained until the eleventh. Walker then drew all round the lack and, at ihe conclusion of the head, lay four, which brought him level. The fourteenth saw Cooper again take the mat and retain it for the next four heads. A one by Walker followed, and in the two final heads Linwood registered four, thus taking the game with the scores st-andin-g 22—T5. The tussle between Carswell (Taien) and Henaghan (Caledonian) proved a close one, and its ultimate result caused some surprise to a few Taieri supporters. From beginning to end the Caledonian drawing was machine-like, and they left few openings tor the veteran, Carswell. The latter, although some of his running shots were good, was plaving a little heavier than usual, and he altogether failed to reproduce his brilliant, form of Tuesday last. Lntil the seventeenth head be hold Honagban, the scores then reading 17 all The Gale-

donian skip lay all round the kitty for the next three and had 22, to his credit at the second last head. Carswell took the last with one, the game ending against him 22—19. WEST HARBOUR. Tile game between Tamblyn (St. Kilda) and Thomas (British party) in the first round of Section E, was one-sided, the former winning easily by 31 points to 14. Connor (West Harbour) had a comfortable win against Rennie (Christchurch), the final scores being 21—13 in favour of the former at the finish. The game between Jolly (Cromwell) and M ‘Donald Palmerston) was fairly even, but the former had a majority of four points at the finish. The British pair went down again m the second round, M'Donald securing a win against them by 21 to 16. The other two games wore won comfortably, Rennie beat-, ing Jolly by 22 points to 12. and Tamblyn accounting for Connor by 19 points to 10. The closest game in the first round of Section F. F. was that between Sandston (Christchurch) and Stone (Seatoun). Uiere was only one point, between them at the finish, Sandston winning by 20 points to 19. Attyeo (British party) found Fletcher (Kai-. tuna) too strong for him, the latter winning by 24 points to 19. Usshtr (Gore) and Robertson (Phoenix), won comfortably against Illingworth (Sumner) and Beazley (Otago), Ussher being 8 points up and Robertson 12 up. The game between Robertson and Ussher was a close one, but the former emerged victorious by 22 points to 19. Attyeo secured a comfortable win against Beazley. the inargin of points in his favour being 28 to 15. Stone prevailed over Fletcher by 22 points to 17, and Sandston beat Illingworth easily by 22 points to 10. Tile following are the results: — DUNEDIN GREEN. SECTION A. First Round. King and Beer (Riverton) 25 beat Mobbe and MacDougall (British Party) 13. Carpenter and Edwards (Tcnauka) 27 beat Haigh and Prisk (Opawa) 12. Hayman and West (Edgeware) 29 beat Dempster and Forster (Caversham) 23. Halligan and T Sanders (Kaituna) 22 beat Parker and Johnson (Lower Hutt) 19. , Second Round. Forster 23 beat ‘Beer 9. West 24 beat MacDougall 13. Sandtrs 20 beat Edwards 14. Prisk beat Johnson 16. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Sanders 2 0 West 2 0 Beer 1 1 Prisk 1 1 Fid wards 1 1 F’orstor 1 1 MaoDougall 0 2 Johnson 0 2 SECTION B. First Round. Gillies and Robson (Otago) 22 beat Coup and Barnard (Kaiapoi) 10. Smart and Campbell (Cromwell) 22 beat Koefocd and White (St. Heliers) 16. „ • Williams and Gray (Kelbnrn) S 3 beat Cameron and Black (Palmerston) 6. Campbell and Read (Anderson’s Bay 21 beat Siedeberg and M'Cullough (Dunedin) 18. Second Round. M’Cullough 32 beat Barnard 17. Campbell 24 beat Black 14. Robson 24 beat Road 19. White 17 beat Gray Jo. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Campbell 2 0 Robson 2 0 Gray 1 1 M'Cnllongh 1 1 Read 1 1 Barnard 0 2 Black 0 2 BALMACEWEN GREEN. SECTION C. First Round. Whiting. Kirk (Matai) 21 beat Bennie, Balk (Balmacewcn) 19. Maslin. M'Donald (Manaia) 30 beat Turnbull. Mitchell (Sydenham) 22. ’Thomas, Jones (Roslyn) 23 beat J. W. Hardier, C. Hardlcy (West End, Auckland) ie. Second Round. Balk 29 beat M'Dwnald. 21.

Mitchell,23 beat Hardley 15. Jones 24 beat Kirk 19. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Jones 2 0 Mitchell .. .... 1 1 M'Donald 1 1 Kirk 1 1 Balk 1 1 Hardley 9 2 SECTION I). First Round. Angus. Redpatb (Canterbury) 19 beat Laws, Morgan (Beckenham)' 13. Campbell, Kennington (Lower Hutt) 16 beat Carman, Rhodes (North-East Valley) 14. Watldell, Moyes (Timaru) 24 beat Young, Hutchison (Dunedin) 23. Murray. D. Smith (Caledonian) 26 beat Thomson, Smith (Hokonui) 24. SECTION J, First Round. Bolt and King (Otago) 19 beat Israel and Stevenson ( Invercargill 1 18. Thomson and Casey (Carlton) 19 beat Wilkinson and Forrester (Caversham) 18. A. J. Orchard and M. Orchard (Christchurch) 21 beat Thomson and Smyth (Caversham) 14. CTombie and Heeuan (Havelock North) 21 beat Newton and Barnes (Hataitai) 15. Second Round. Stevenson 24 beat Heenan 13. Casey 20 beat Orchard 15. Barnes 23 beat King 19. Forrester 18 beat Smyth 14. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Casey 2 0 King 1 1 Orchard 1 1 Heenan ...... 1 1 Stevenson ...... 1 1 Forrester 1 1 Barnes ...... 1 1 Smyth ........ 0 2 ANDERSON’S BAY GREEN. SECTION K. First Round. Webber and Newby (Rotorua) 22 beat Ballinger and Widdop (Kelburn) 19. Gardiner and Kirkwood (Dunedin) 22 beat Calder and Young (Kia Toa) 15. Sheppard and Hinton (St. Kilda) 27 beat Deare and Morgan (Heathcote) 13. Second Round. Newby 23 beat Young 21. Hinton 21 beat Kirkwood 20. Widdop 22 beat Morgan 15. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Newby 2 0 Hinton 2 0 Widdop 1 1 Kirkwood ...... 1 1 Young 0 2 Morgan 0 2 SECTION L. First Round. Gibson and Allan (Taicri 20 beat Restieaux and Munro (Island Bay) 18. Robson and Hoggan (Papanui) won by default from Ross and Payne (Kaituna). Nicolson and Conll (St. Clair) 19 beat Adamson and Strang (North End) 17. W. and J. Trayes (Mount Eden) 20 beat Ward and Atkinson (United) 18. Second Round. Redpath 24 beat Rhodes 18. Morgan 18 beat Smith (Hokonui) 15. Kennington 26 bent Moyes 19. Hutchison 17 beat Smith (Caledonian) 16. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Redpath 2 0 Kennington 2 , 0 Moyes 1 1 Smith (Caledonian) ..1 1 Hntchison .. 1 1 Morgan 1 1 Rhodes .. 0 2 Smith (Hokonui) .... 0 2 CALEDONIAN GREEN. SECTION E. First Round. Evans and Parnham (Kaiapoi) 16 beat Spademan and Hunt (Wairere) 14. Vance and Hardia (Mornington) 26 beat Don and Nelson (Dunedin) 24. Traill and Willett (Riverton) 22 beat Harris and Lawry (Kelburn) 16. Baines arid Bird (British Party) 21 beat Burgess and Colville (Edgeware) 9. Second Round. Hunt 22 beat Bird 15. llardie 22 beat Willett 11. Parnham 18 beat Colville 13. Lowry 20 beat Nelson 17. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Parnham .. - -. 2 0 Hardio 2 0 Hunt 1 1 Willett - 1 1 Lowry .. .. 1 1 Bird 1 1 Nelson 0 2 Colville .. .. •. ..0 2 SECTION F, First Round. Elliott and Kettle (Caledonian) 19 beat Watson and Fraser (Tcmuka) IS. Moadowcroft and Doherty (Kelburn) 30 boat Crawshaw and Wright (St. Hclicrs) 10. Lloyd and Kennedy (Otago) 21 beat Beecroft and Todd (Caversham) 16. George and Richards (Clyde) 19 beat Davis and Porteous (Wellington) 15. Second Round. Fraser 23 beat Richards 18. Wright 22 beat Kennedy 15. Porteous 20 beat Kettle 18. Doherty 22 beat Todd 11. AGGREGATES. Wins. Dosses. Doherty - —2 0 Fraser 1 1 Kettle 1 ; Wright .... 1 1 Kennedy 1 jRichards 1 1 Porteous 1 i Todd 0 2 KAIKORAI GREEN. SECTION G. First Round. W. Hardley and S. Hardley (West End Auckland) 24 beat Sincoclc and Seeiye (KaitlWright' and Wade (British party) 26 beat Roundhili and Hadlee (West End, Timaru) 22. Lewis and Sewell (Canterbury) beat Shorriffs tnd Boyland (North East Valley) !7. , Second Round. Hadlee 26 beat Hardley Wade 23 beat Boyland 9. Sewell 23 beat fe-eolye 17. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Wade 2 0 Sewell 2 0 Hardley 1 J Hadloc 1 1 Boyland 9 2 Seelyo 9 2 SECTION H. First Round. W. Smith and Bentley (Dunedin) 24 beat Anderson and Forman (Beckenham) 18. Rigby and Forguson (Ralrnacewon) 19 beat M'Bwen and Deynon (Petonc) 17. Ward and MTCcnzie (Sydenham) 27 beat Harvey and Bishop (Hokonui) 19. Jones and J. Scott (Caledonian) 34 beat Dixon and Mazey (substituted British party) 15. Second Round. Beynon 23 beat Bentley 21. Bishop 24 beat Ferguson 17. MTConzie 27 boat Mazey 17. Scott 29 beat Forman 12. AGGREGATES. Wins. Lasses. Scott 2 0 M'Kenzie 2 0 Bishop 1 1 Bentley - 1 1 Ferguson 1 1 Beynon 1 1 Forman 0 2 Mazey 0 2 CAVERSHAM GREEN. SECTION 1. First Rootkl. King and Stewart (Edgeware) 22 beat S. Arthur and A. Arthur (Tuapeka) 17. Davies and Duncan (Wellington) 19 boat Wilkinson and Bardsley (Dunedin) 18. Trothoway and Tillio (Caledonian) 22 beat Shand and Lewis (Alexandra) 21. Collins and M‘Callum (Tenw&a) 24 boat Hargreaves and Yollowloes (Ivajapoi) 14. Second Round. M‘Galium 26 beat Stowan 7. LHmcan 27 beat Lewis 16. Arthur 19 beat Yellowloas 18. Bardstoy 25 iheat TiVLia.,?*

AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Dunoon ... _ ... 3 0 ' MTlalhim ._ ... 2 0 Stewart .~ ... 1 Ttllio _ ... _ ... 1 1 Arthur 1 1 Bonkley • ... 1 1 Yeilowiees 0 2 Low is ... 0 2 Second Round. Hoggan 21 beat Coull 14. Strang 25 beat Trayes 20. Munro 25 beat Atkinson 15, Allan won by default from Payne. AGGREGATES. Wins Losses Hoggan 2 0 W. Allan 2 0 Munro ... _ 1 1 Strang ... - 1 1 Coull 1 1 Trayes ... 1 1 Atkinson ... 0 2 Payne ... 0 2 ROSLYN GREEN. SECTION M. First Round. Lomas, Routley (Kelburn) 35 boat Ives, Davies (Bdgeware) 7. Foster, Kings!and (Matai) 22 beat Peters, Morgan (Port Chalmers) 15. Gillfgan, Foster (Caledonian) 20 beat Dey, Ainger (Bdgeware) 14. Rose, Weir (Otago) won by default from Whitaker. Bean (British j. arty). Second Round. Routley 22 beat Morgan 17. Kingsland 22 beat Davies 12. Ainger 21 beat Weir 19. Foster won by default from Bean. AGGREGATES. Wins Losses Routley _ ... 2 0 Kingsland ... ._ 2 0 Foster ... —2 0 Weir .„ ... 1 1 Ainger Morgan ... 0 2 Davies 0 2 Bean 0 2 SECTION N. First Round. Ingram, Frost (Wellington) 28 beat Horne, Dobbs (Christchurch) 14. Clarke, Bremner (West End, Auckland) 24 beat F. Anderson, C. Anderson (Roelyn) 21. Rigby, Tonkin (North-East Valley) 17 beat Hesson, Hewitt (Alexandra) 15. McDonald, Buchan (Balmacewen) 51 beat Ellis, Davies (West End, Timaru) 11. Second Round. Tonkin 18 beat Anderson 16. Buchan 31 beat Dobbs 9. Bremner 29 beat Hewitt 17. Frost 19 beat Davies 13. , AGGREGATES. Wins Losses Tonkin 2 0 Buchan 2 0 Bremner 2 0 Frost 2 0 Anderson 0 ' 2 Dobbs ... 0 2 Hewitt 0 2 Davies ... ... 0 2 ST. KILDA GREEN. SECTION O. First Round. Waugh and Hey (Invercargill) 28 beat Smith and Parry (Seatoun) 9. Harraway and Tilbum (Dunedin) 28 beat Brunsden and Keen (Bdgeware) 11. Silver and Mullenger (West Harbour) 22 beat M‘Auley and Mathieson (British Party) 17. Second Round. Tilburn 28 beat Hey 18. Keen 25 beat Mullenger 13. Mathieson 20 beat Parry 17. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Tilburn ~ , 2 0 Mullenger ... _ ... 1 1 Hoy ... ._ 1 1 Keen 1 1 Mathieson 1 1 Parry 0 2 SECTION P. First Round. MTnfcyre and Pilkington (Hamilton) 28 beat Percy and Preece (Linwood) 14. J. D. Smith and S. Hutchison (Dunedin) 20 beat Dr Shore and Jolly (Cromwell) 14. Robertson and Buist (Awatnoa) 21 beat Agar and Nichol (Lyttelton) 17. Stark and Kelleher (St. Kilda) 36 beat Kilroy and Moody (Kaitun?) 11. Second Round. Pilkington 23 beat Jolly IS. Hutchison 23 beat Buist 21. Nichol 25 beat Kelleher 22. Moody 57 beat Preece 20. AGGREGATES. W ins. Losses. Pilkington 2 0 Hutchison ... 2 0 Buist -• 1 1 Kelleher 1 1 Nichol ... 1 1 'Moody ... 1 1 Preece - ... 0 2 Jolly ... GREEN ISLAND GREEN. SECTION Q. First Round. Boyd and Hayward (Christchurch) 23 beat Bringans and Rowley (Leith) 18. Jack and Gordon (St. John’s) 24 beat White and Williamson (Dunedin) 17. Buchanan and Thorn (Mataura) beat Livingstone and Malcolm (British Party), by default. Second Round. Thorn 25 beat Gordon 11. Williamson 22 beat Rowley 20. Hayward beat Makolm by default. Third Round. Hayward 24 beat Williamson 18. Rowlty 16 beat Thorn 14. Gordon beat Malcolm by default. AGGREGATES. ■Wins. Losses. Hayward .. 3 0 Thorn 2 1 Gordon 2 1 Williamson .... 1 2 Rowley 1 2 Malcolm 0 3 SECTION R. First Round. O’Sullivan and Jacobsen (St. Kilda) 20 beat Kinvig and Burson (Linwood) 13. Deare and Hosking (Carlton) 27 beat Knight and Crawford (Kaituna) 23. Grenfell and Mitchell (Phoenix) 19 beat W. Smellie and A. Smellie (Green Island) 14. Cother and Main (Sumner) 26 beat Shand and Bell (Havelock North) 11. Second Round. . Burson 19 beat Crawford 11. Mitchell 21 beat Hosking 19. Bell 20 beat Smellie 18. ' Main 21 beat Jacobsen 20. Third Round. Main 17 beat Burson 13. Crawford 30 beat Jacobsen 20. Hosking 26 beat Smellie 25. Mitchell 25 beat Bell 20. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Main .... .... 3 0 Mitchell 3 0 Bell 1 2 Burson 1 2 Hosking 2 1 J acobsen ...... 1 2 Crawford 1 2 Smellie 0 3 NORTH-EAST VALLEY GREEN. SUCTION S. First Round. M'Robie and Thomson (Southland) 24 beat Husband and Lawson (British Party) 17. Brackenridge and Adess (St. Kilda) 18 beat Quigley and Ryan (Papanui) 17. Torlesse and Anderson (Timaru) 19 beat D. Scott and Abbott 18. Second Round. , Adoss 21 beat Lawson 10. Abbott 21 beat Ryan 17. Anderson 23 boat. Thomson 12. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses Adess - 0 Anderson .. 2 I) Abbott 1 1 Thomson 1 1 Lawson 0 2 Ryan 0 2 SECTION T. First Round. Ure and Maher (West End, Auckland 21 beat Duncan and Cnlbert (North-East Talley) 17. and Edwards (St. Kilda) 20 beat Dew and Logan (Maltai) 15. Omand and Wright (Balmacewen) IS beat Grenfell and Potter (Wellington) 15. Langley and Beecmtsall (Sydenham) 20 beat M‘X>ougaii aad Edgraton (Bluff) 30.

Second Rewind. Maher 22 beat Edwards 10. / Logan 38 beat Potter 20. ■ Wright 28 heat Edginton 11. Cuibert 32 beat Becconsall 20. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Maher .. .. .. .. 2 0 Wright - .. •• 2 0 Edwards 1 1 Becconsall - 1 1 Cuibert .. •• 1 I Logan 1 1 • Edginton .. .. ~ 0 2 Potter .......... 0 2 TAIERI GREEN. SECTION TJ. First Round. Inglis and Fleming (British Party) 23 beat Currie and W. B. Allan (Taieri) 21. and M'Donald (North End, Invercargill) 20 beat Held and Allan (Kaituna) 19. Martin and Henley (Sumner) 20 beat Keith and Armstrong (Pukekobe) 19. Second Round. Fleming 24 beat Allan (Kaituna) I<. M'Donald 20 beat Armstrong 16. Allan (Taieri) 21 beat Henley 17. Third Round. Henley 22 beat Fleming 16. Allan (Taieri) 55 beat M‘Donald 9. Allan (Kaituna) 28 beat Armstrong K. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Fleming - -2 1 M'Donald ... -■ 2 1 Henley ' ... _ 2 1 Allan (Taieri) £ Allan (Kaituna) ... 1 " Arpistrong 9 “ SECTION V. First Round. Lawson and Wyatt (Dunedin) 21 beat Dowland, and M‘Curdy (St. KJda) 20. Edwards and Cooper (Karon) 27 beat Pair man and MTXougall (Christchurch) 22. Watson and Billdiff (United) 24 beat Grant and Broad (Phoenix) 19. Rawlinson and Wilson (Leith) 30 beat Loffley and Manson (Rotorua) 25. Second Round. Oooper 28 beat BilclifF 25. M’Dougall 23 beat Wyatt 14. Wilson 18 beat Broad 16. M'Cuidy 24 bea-t Manson 19. Third Round. Wyatt 25 beat Manson 21. M'Ourdy 19 beat' M'Dougall 14. Cooper 26 beat Broad 20. Billdiff 19 beat Wilson 15. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Cooper ... Wilson ... Billdiff 2 1 M‘Curdy 2 1 Wyatt M'Dougall ... Broad 0 3 Manson 0 3 KAITUNA GREEN. SECTION W. First Round. Cornwall and Dewar (West F.nd, Timam) 20 beat Glen and Wylie (Island Bay) 17. M'Kittorick and Cox on (St. Clair) 29 beat Dalzidl and Robertson (Heathootcj 21. Murray and M'Lood (Taieri) 16 beat Griffiths end Kissell (Te Rangi) 15. Second Round. Wylie 25 beat Robertson 16. Coxon 21 beat Kissell 12; M*Leod 18 beat Dewar IS. , AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Coxon 2 0 M'Leod ... 2 0 Wylie 1 1 Dewar 1 1 Robertson 2 i Kissell 9 2 SECTION X. First Round. Mftcev, M'Laren (Dunedin) 36 beat Jones, Marks (United) 18, , Wright, Benefield (St. John s) 22 beat Shortt. Shepherd (Kaituna) 16. . Sunderland, Lindsay (Kaikorai) 16 beat Sherrills, Gomes (Mount Eden) 14. Nelson, Smeaton (St. Kilda) 24 beat Lees, Calvert 14. Second Round. M'Laren 29 beat Shepherd 20. Benefield 31 beat Lindsay 25. Cornea 27 beat Calvert 10. Smeaton 38 beat Marks 18. AGGREGATES. ’ Wins. Losses. M'Laren 2 0 Benefield 2 0 Smeaton 2 U Comes 1 ( Lindsay - ••• J: i Calvert 0 1 Shepherd ® ? Marfa 0 MORHINCTON GREEN. SECTION Y. First Round. Robertson. Craw (Canterbury) beat Harkness. Smith (Nelson) by default Gregory, Stewart (Dunedin) 26 beat Middlebrook. Pollock (Newton) 12.. •Donison. Faster (St. Clair) 22 leat Gladding, Clark (Rockv Nook) 17. Second Round. Stewart beat Smith, by default. Pastier 34 beat Pollock 20. Clarke 20 beat Craw 18. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Stewart 2 0 Fastier 2 , Clarke 1 2 Craw 1 I Pollock 0 - Smith 9 SECTION Z. First Round. Rotting and (Caledonian) 25 beat Winnington and Nichol (West End, Timaru) 19. Hindle and Nisbet (Balmacewen) 24 beat Griffiths and Batchelor (Te Rangi) 21. Williams and Chegwin (Beckenham) 31 beat Robertson and F. Smith (KaitUHarris and Freeman (Sydenham) 26 beat A. Dee and W. Dee (Maitai) 14. Second Round. Nisbet 22 beat Langley 14. Smith 24 beat Batchelor 15. Freeman 26 beat Chegwin 13. Dee 22 beat Nicol 11. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Nisbet ...... .• • 2 0 Freeman 22 Dee .. 1 1 Smith 1 I Langley 1 1 Chegwin ....... 1 1 Batchelor 0 2 Nicol 0 2 ST. CLAIR GREEN. SECTON AA. First Round. Best and E. Harraway (Dunedin) 29 beat White and F. Smith (Temuka) 10. Matson and Efford (Edgeware) 21 beat Mann and Rankin (Cromwell) 19. Walker and Hinchcliff (Anderson’s Bay) 30 beat Murie and Bragg (Caledonian) 3. Second Round. Efford 34 beat Hinchcliff 7. Rankin 22 beat Smyth 17. Harraway 29 beat Bragg 19. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Harraway 2 0 Efford 2 0 Hinchcliff 1 1 Rankin 1 1 Smyth 0 2 Bragg 0 2 SECTION 88. First Round. Ramsay and Monk (Kaiapoi) 20 beat Dunbar and Hewat (Phoenix) 16. Taylor and Page (Lyttelton) 16 heat Porteons and Thomson (Caversham) 13. Patterson and M'Hutcheson (Kaituna) 24 beat Parker and Stewart ((Southland) 14. Telford and Falconer (Otago) 23 beat Keir and Meyrick (Lower Hutt) 16. Second Round. Falconer 51 beat. Hewat 9. Monk S 3 beat Page 19. Stewart 21 beat- Thompson 16. M‘Hutcheson 22 beat Meyrick 21. AGGREGATES. Wins. Losses. Mont ... ... 2 0 Falconer 2 0 M‘Hutcheson 2 0 Stewart 1 1 Pago I 1 Meyrick 0 2 Thompson 0 2 Kmnt ... ... -. 0 2

OTAGO GREEN. SECTION CC. First Round. Al«l and Brown (Kaituna) 22 beat Wad and Stewart (Matouza.) 30. Hutchens and Beckett (Wanganui) 24 beat Nicholson and Johnson (Dunedin) 18. Morgan and Love (Port Chalmers) 21 beat Reed and Thomson (United) 16. Second Round. Johnson 21 boat Stewart 18. Beckett 17 beat Love 16. Tfcomson 2b beat Brown 17. AGGREGATES. Wins. Looses. Beckett w ... Johnson ... 1 I Thomson ... _. ._ ... 1 I Brown ... 1 % Love ... ... ... _ 1 1 •Stewart 0 2 SECTION DD. First Round. Penlington and Cooper (Linwood 22 heal Parker and Walker (Auckland) 15. Chambers and Raphael (Sumner) 18 beat Allnutt and Ellis (Kaikorai) 16. Cr-iwford and Minto (British Party) 2S, beat Thomson and Hain (North End) 14. Hamilton and Henagfian (Caledonian) 23 beat M’Leod and Carswell (Taied) 19. Second Round. Cooper 24 beat Raphael 14. Minto 22 beat Ellis If. Henaghan 19 heat Ilain 13. Walker 22 boat Carswell 20. AGGREGATES. Wins Losses Hetiagbaa _ _ 2 0 Oooper ... ._ 2 0 Minto ... 2 0 Walker 1 1 Raphael 1 1 Ham 0 2 (Ellis _. _ 0 2 Carswell 0 2 WEST HARBOUR CREEK. SECTION EE. First Round." Todd and Tamfalyn (St. Kilda.) 31 beat St. laager and Thomas (British Party) 14. Vtzoce and Jolly (Cromwell) 18 beat Stenhouse and M'Donald (Palmerston) 14. Campbell and Connor (West Harbour) 21 beat Leads and Rennie (Christchurch) IS. Second Round. M'Donald 21 beat Thomas 16. Rennie 22 beat Jolly 12. Tsmblyn 19 beat Connor 10. AGGREGATES. Wins Losses Tam Wyn ... 2 0 Connor ... ._ ... 1 1 Jolly 1 1 M'Donald Rennie 1 1 Thomas ... 0 t SECTION FF. First Round. Frapweli and Fletcher (Kaituna) 2A boat Hawkings and Attyeo (British Party) 19. Brown and Sandstone (Qiristchui%b)2obeag Swanson and Stone (Seatoun) 19. Preece and Uashor (Gore) 21 best Top, ping and Illingworth (Sumner) 13. A. Robertson and J. Robertson (PhcnnijcJ 28, beat Critchfield and Beozdey (Otagcj 16. Second Round. Stone 22 beat Fletcher 17. Bandston 28 beat Illingworth- 30. Robertson 22 beat Ussher 19. Attyeo 28 beat Bearley 13. AGGREGATES. Wins Losses Sandston 2 0 Robertson 2 0 Attyeo 1 1 Fletcher 1 1 Btone 1 1 Uesher ............ I 1 Beaaley 0 2 Illingworth ... 0 2 CHAMPIONSHIP RINKS. Tie following is the draw for the fira| round of the post-section play in the rink.-, which will be played on the Duaedin green to-morrow, commencing oK 9 a.m.: —M'Curdy (St. Kilda) v. Wright (St. Heliers), Anderson (Rodyp) v. P 3» king-ion (Hamilton) Harraway (Dunedin) w Gray (Kelburn), Thomson (Southland) W, Davies (West End, Timern). Stewart (Dun* edinl v. Graham (Gore), Hutchison (Dun, edin] v. Bremner (West End, . Auckland), Malcolm (Balmacewen) v. Casey (CarioonL Gibson (Taieri) v. Dee (Maitai), BeaeSeki (St. John’s) a bye. The remainder of this competition wfll be decided on the two-life system, CHAMPIONSHIP SIN GEES. The draw for the eleventh round of ths chamoionship singles is as follows:—Foster* (Caledonian) v. Carswell. (Taieri), Trethe. way (Caledonian) v. Edwards (TemafcaJ* Foster has two lives, and Carswell, Treihe* way. and Edwards have one life each. Plsvers are reminded that to-day’s play will begin at 8.30 a.m. on all greens, excent Taieri and Kaituna. Buses leave Queen's Gardens!, Lower High street, at 8 a.m. for West-Harbour, Morr ington. Green Island and BaJmacewaa greens, instead of 8.30.—A3rt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19691, 19 January 1926, Page 6

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BOWLING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19691, 19 January 1926, Page 6

BOWLING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19691, 19 January 1926, Page 6