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Notes for Women




No. 5464.—-Daintiness is portrayed in this simple and effective style for the bride s trousseau. The skirt is tucked where attached to the yoke, and the fullness falls gracefully to the bottom from where the tucks are released. Material required; 24 yards crepe de chine, Byds insertion. 4yds lace.


No. 5449.—This girlish costume is cut on smart tailored mannish lines with a wrap over one-piece skirt. A coloured scarf would add a bright note. Made of Faire Isle tweed. Material required; syds, 54in, and 24yds 28in for lining coat. The price of each pattern is Is. Patterns supplied on application to “Patterns,” Otago Daily Times Office. The price of the pattern must accompany the application. In some cases the supplies of patterns are sold out almost immediately, and as a consequence fiesh stocks have to bo ordered. Applicants for patterns whoso orders are not fulfilled at once are asked to note that two or three weeks must elapse before fresh supplies are available.


Mr and Mrs C. C. Miles arc on a visit to Queenstown. • » • Miss Mlntosh, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs J. A. Johnstone, Maori Hill. * • * Mr and Mrs G. Withers are making a trip to Queenstown. * * * Lady Hosking has been staying in Dunedin this week. She will return north tomorrow morning. , * * * Mr and Mrs J. Dun are enjoying a holiday at Queenstown. » * * Miss Bond, of Timaru, is paying a visit to friends in Dunedin. •* ; * Miss Bessie Paine spent the week-end at the “ Oaks,” Palmerston. * * * Miss Grace Park is visiting friends at Lawrence. »* - * Mrs Slock, who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs Falla, in Wellington, will return to-morrow to her home at Mornington. * ft * Mr and Mrs W. W. Hogg are staying at the Mount Cook Motor Company's White Star Hotel, Queenstown. " ’ •. • * Mrs Moffat 1 and Miss Daly are guests at the Mount Cook Motor Company’s White Star Hotel, Queenstown. ,K • * Mr and Mrs Hall, of Sydney, spent a week’s holiday at the “Oaks,” Palmerston,

Items of social interest and topics relating to the home are invited. Comtnmicationa must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Notices of engagements must be signed by one at least of the princ pals, or by gome'responsible person, as a guarantee of genuineness..

Miss Mary Hagan has gone to Moa Greek Otago Central, for a fortnight’s holiday.

Mrs Aeton-Aduins and Miss Actou-Adnms are visiting Tiinaru for the “Craighead'’ Girls’ School sports.

Mr and Mrs M’Kinnon ami Miss M’Kinnon, of Mosgiel, are spending a month on holiday at the “Oaks,” Palmerston.

Mrs Finch and Miss Greta Finch left yesterday for Timnru to' be present at the “Craighead” Girls’ School sports.

Mrs Michael, who has been staying in Dunedin, returned yesterday to her home hi Wellington. **

Misses Ivy and Doris Souness spent Labour Day week-end at the “Oaks,” Palmerston.

Mrs Prank Fitchett, and Mrs George Maclean left yesterday for Timaru to attend the “Craighead” Girls’ School sports.

Miss Johnstone gave a tea party at her residence, Driver's road, yesterday afternoon, in honour of Miss Gwenyth Pulton.

Miss Oram gave a small bridge party at her parents’ residence, Rosijm, last evening, when the principal guest was Miss Gwenyth Fulton, whose wedding will take place next week.

A very successful afternoon’s musical recital by Mrs C. Shaw’s pupils, assisted by Miss Anna Matheson (violinist) and Mavis Shaw (pianist), both of Dunedin, was held at Middlemarch on Saturday last.

Mr and Mrs Kem/edy, of Honolulu, have returned to Dunedin after spending several months in Australia, where they motored through New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, and South Australia.

The Misses Hartmann gave a tea party for Miss Gwenyth Fulton at their parents’ residence, North-East Valley, on Wednesday afternoon; when the guests were Misses Fulton, Reeves, Bond (Timaru), Reid, Johnstone, MTutosh (Wellington), and Halsted).

Mrs Sargood gave a bridge party at her residence, Newington, on Wednesday evening, whim the guests wore Mr and Mrs M’Kellar, Mr and Mrs Oldham, Mr and Mrs G. Sinclair, Mr and Mrs Sim, Mrs Shires (Te Kuiti), Miss Stock, and Mr Macpherson. » * •

Mrs W, Vivian gave a bridge party at her residence, Cumberland street, on Monday evening, when the guests were Mesdames Strong, Denny, Pringle, Urquhart, Martin (Christchurch), Leech, James, Shires (Te Kuiti), Stephenson, and Hill, Misses Hutchison and Ensor.

Miss Betty Reeves gave a tennis party at her parents’ residence Park street, on Tuesday afternoon for Miss Gwenyth Pulton. Tlie guests were Misses Fulton, Hartmann. MTntosh (Wellington), Halsted, Fitzgerald, O’Neill, Blomfield; Johnstone, Maunsell, Bridgeman, Williams, Featherstone. Stephenson, Barr, Holmes, Roberts, Bond (Timaru), and Oram. :

Mrs Pringle, of George street, gave a bridge party at the Otago Women’s Chib on Wednesday afternoon, when the guests were Mesdames Fisher, Lo'Cren, Vallange, Vivian. Easther, Cantrell. Greenfield, Barclay, Shires (Te Kui(i), Stephenson, Hammond, Taylor, Durant, Martin, Burnside, and Oallis, Misses Ensor and Stenhouse.

Miss Flora Niven, of this city, went on to Norway after a very pleasant tour of Scotland. In Oslo (formerly Christiania! the most striking features, she says, arc the simple courtesy and dignity of the people and the groat numbers of students to he seen. “In my opinion,’’ says Miss Niven, “for glorious scenery and open-handed hospitality Norway claims the palm. Here are the most canning and most lovable people I have yet met.”

Mr and Mrs C. Franklin Smith, of Dunedin, have arrived - in England after a tour of Switzerland and the Continent. They will see something of Scotland before returning to the Federated Malay States. Mrs Franklin ’ Smith was formerly Miss Marjorie Dumsday.

Another rendezvous for outdoor folk! Many people walking from Anderson’s Bay towards Tomahawk will have noticed on the sea side of the road the spacious red house sot amongst the trees. This property *has recently been turned into a tea house, at which, seated in the large dining room or at tables disposed amongst the trees, pedestrians may rest and enjoy an expansive view of coast lino and ocean.

On Wednesday afternoon the Kindergarten Committee members entertained Miss Cray to a little farewell party at the Caversham Kindergarten. During the afternoon Mrs Phillips, in the unavoidable absence of the president (Mrs T. K. Sidey), presented Miss Gray with a pewter teapot from the committee members, speaking with appreciation of the services Miss Gray had rendered to the association during the 11 years she has been connected with it, and wishing her much happiness in her married life. After tea, tennis was indulged in, the use of the adjoining courts having been obtained for the afternoon. Among those present were —Mesdames Wright, Evans, Ewing. Hutchison, R. Hudson, M'Loan, Batham, Cameron, Callan, and Smith, Misses Kelsey, Ulrich. Scott, Dutton, Glendinning, Hancock, Macdonald, d’Auvergne, Croft, Fraser, Saunders, Malcolm, Begg, Burton, Dawson, Johnstone, Shell, Mickelson, Wilkie, and Sykes.

Miss Beryl Smith, of St. Kilda, was tendered a. party at Mr W. Rowland’s residence, Macandrew Bay, last week on the occasion of her twenty-first birthday. The house and lawn were prettily decorated, and a pleasant evening wag spent in dancing, music, song, and, games. The decorations were in heliotrope and gold. Miss Smith received a number of valuable presents. Among those present were—Mrs Gardiner, wearing a grey knitted frock with jazz effects; Mrs Smith, black knitted frock; Mrs Blackburn, blue morocain; Mrs Rowlands, blue frock; Miss J. Rowlands, blue credc-de-chine; Miss H. Clarke, blue velvet with ermine fur; Miss L. Jarman, pink georgette; Miss J. Ducry, brown frock; Miss D. Budd, blue velvet; Miss Byri Smith, blue brocaded morocain; and Messrs W. Black, Rowlands (2), Lambert, L. Duncan, Callender, Gardiner, and J. Barclay. ♦ • *

A most enjoyable social evening was spent at the residence of Mr and Mrs R. Hall, “Allandale,” Tuapeka West, last Friday evening, when about 40 coupleg were present. Songs were rendered by Mesdames Williams, Atkinson, Bellamy, and Messrs Chas. and Norman Young, while Mrs Young accompanied at the piano. Messrs Sheehy, MTntosh. and Leary entertained the company with humorous recitations, and Mr Fahey contributed to the evening’s entertainment with a dance . The latter part of the evening was spent in dancing when Mr Wethorall made an efficient M.C. Visitors were present from Lawrence, Evan’s Fiat, Blue Spur, Tuapeka Mouth, and Cl.vdovale. Dancing was kept in full awing until the early hours of the morning, when the gathering was brought to a close with the singing of “Auld Lang Syne” and “They are Jolly Good Follows,”

The Literary Circle of the Otago Women’s Club brought its year to .a successful close on Tuesday evening, when the annual meeting was held, followed by a party. The election of officers resulted as follows: — Vice-president, Mrs Grinling; chairwoman, Mrs Kwing; secretary and treasurer, Mrs Brickell; committee —Mrs Kastgate, Miaa Howes, Miss Joachim, - Miss V. Reynolds, Miss Burton, and Miss M. Smith. A literary competition followed, to pair characters from classic and standard works, the pairs to bo partners at supper. During the evening. Mrs Evans song, and Mrs Wakehelcl-Holmes gave a musical monologue. A prize was given for the best telegram sent to the Hon. C. E. Statham concerning women’s skirts. This amusing competition created much merriment, and •was won by a very clover telegram from Miss L. Roberts. Supper followed in the luncheon room, and much laughter was created by the reading of nonsense verseparodies and limericks, which brought to a close a very happy evening—the last meeting of the literary circle for 1525.

The engagement is announced of Miss Winnie Robinson, daughter of Mr and Mrs H. A, Robin Son, Dunedin, to Mr Thomas Williams, of Melbourne.

In beautiful weather the girls of St. Hilda’s Collegiate School held their annual sports yesterday. Tea was served on the lawn after the events, and was followed by the prize-giving, an interesting function performed by Mrs Patrick. Among the many visitors present were Mesdames Ritchie, Dodgshun, Maeassey, Nevill, Neill, Fenwick, Crawshaw, Taylor, Priest, Patrick, Brower, Scoullnr, Phillips, Ihbotson, and Pyko, Misses Oram, Halste:!, Priest, Stronadi, Xancawow, Hartmann, Callaway, Vipan, Milne, Peake, Tail, Sadd, Smtih, and others.

Ladies who seek " something different in Electric Lamp Shades should see tho striking window display of Liberty Silk Electric Lamp Shades at C. and W. Hayward’s, 141 George street.—Advt. WEDDINGS. The marriage was solemnised at St. Columbia’s Church, Enightsbridge, London, S.W., on August 21, of Frances Helen, only daughter of Dr and Mrs F.. Hendry Rao, Loraine place, London, and William Somerville, second son of the late Mr J. E. Vernon, M.A., B.Sc., of Palmerston North, and Mrs Vernon, of Mount Eden, Auckland.

A wedding of Now Zealand interest took place on September 9, at Holy Trinity Church, Richmond, England, when Mr John Edward Stewart Semple, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Stewart Semple, of 18 Dryburgh road. Putney, was married to Miss l Janet Elizabeth Casson, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Casson, of 8 Denbigh Gardens, Richmond. The bride is a .younger sister of Mrs E. J. Cooke, wife of Dr E. J. Cooke, of Canterbury.

At Falmouth Parish Church, England, on September 8, Mr Brian George Thompson, M.D., eldest son of Mr J. B. Thompson, Under-secretarv of Lands. -New Zealand. and Mrs Thompson, was married to Mi ss Elsie Wilkio, youngest daughter of Colonel D. Wilkie. Indian Medical Service (retired), and Mrs Wilkie, of “Coolmore,” Albanv road. Falmouth. The rector (the Rev. B. L. Hope. M.A.) officiated, and was assisted by the Rev. J. F. Russell, B.A. The bride and bridesgroom sailed on Sentemher 25 by the Rotorua, for New Zealand, where Mr Thompson is taking over a hospital appointment.

The marriage took place at St. Giles’s Church, Camberwell, England, on September 15, of Mr John Douglas Richardson, of the New Zealand Government Survey Department in Samoa, and Miss Muriel iGladys Masterman, third daughter of Mr 'E. 6. W. Masterman. F.R.C.S., medical superintendent of St. Giles’s Hospital. The Rt. , Rev. the Bishop of Plymouth, uncle of the' bride, officiated, assisted by the Ven. Archdeacon C. M. Barham, uncle of the bridegroom, and the Rev. H. P. Lind;say. vicar of ; the parish. Mr and Mrs .Richardson sailed for New Zealand on October 9, via tho Suez Canal, and after visiting Wellington will go on to Samoa, where Mr Richardson has to complete the remaining year of his Government engagement. (Continued on page 15.)

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19624, 30 October 1925, Page 14

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Notes for Women Otago Daily Times, Issue 19624, 30 October 1925, Page 14

Notes for Women Otago Daily Times, Issue 19624, 30 October 1925, Page 14