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An early visitation of exceptionally largo and ferocious mosquitos is one of the seasonable accompaniments in Levin at present (says the Chronicle). The cooking of a full course dinner for a family of five will only cost 4d to consumers of current in the Central Hawke’s Bay Power Board district, according to a statement made by the Mayor of Hastings. 1 What is apparently a freak in the flower world was brought into the Eltbam Argus office the other day. It was a double arum lily. Inside of "the bell of a large lily there is a duplicate on a smaller scale. The tramcar at present has become a favourite place for loud voiced political opinions, but the other morning journeyers to the city (says the Auckland Star) received unusual enlightenment from an occupant of a smoking compartment, who discoursed at length on the iniquities of what he called the “bastick wage.’ Come and see our Show To-night. We are open till 9 o’clock Friday nights.— Scoullar and Chisholm (Limited)....

The solidity of New Plymouth and district is shown by the fact : that the amount in arrears to the New Plymouth Savings Bank, which holds 74 mortgages on town properties amounting to the . value of £71,975, and 58 on farm lands in the surrounding districts, amounting to £100,300, is only £2O, and that in only one case. Some men get drunk on very little. Evidently a husband whose wife sought a separation order at the Magistrate’s Court at Auckland is such a man. He admitted drink was his trouble and added, “I don’t come home and knock my wife about. Out cf my wages I get two shillings every Saturday, and 19 times out -of 20 I give her Is back.” Waters’ Chap-Lotion guaranteed to soften the roughest hands; 2s posted.— Waters’ Pharmacy (under Savoy).... The warm, moist, weather erf the past ;week has had a stimulating effect upon the growth of grass, and every dairy factory’s supplies has bounded up (stqtes the Taranaki News). It is the opinion of some of the Taranaki factory managers that, if the increase continues, the leeway of early spring will be made up before Christmas. Some time ago about 250 goats were liberated in the swamps at Miranui, with the idea of eradicating the blackberry (states the Pahiaftia Herald). After a fair trial, however, it was found they werfe doing no good and that they were becoming a nuisance, so it was decided to eradicate them. They have since been destroyed. Sawmillers in the Southland district, and to a lesser extent in the Catlins, are complaining of a lack of orders and some of the mills are closing down. The increased railway freights, says an Invercargill paper, make timber from the Pacific Coast of America a better proposition than the locally-grown article, and the position will become accentuated as time goes on. Lovely New Dress Fabrics—light, and summery —for Milton ladies are now being shown. Latest styles. “The Big Store. The owners of omnibuses in many parts of the Dominion are complaining bitterly that they have to pay heavy traffic fees amounting to approximately £35 per annum a vehicle, while proprietors of cars who are running passenger services m opposition to them are allowed to escape with the payment of £2 for each vehicle. The conference of county councils which was held at Hamilton last week unanimously decided to suggest to the Government that the regulations required amendment to deal with such cases. ™ Spring cleaners are reminded that A. r. Cheyno and Co. can supply all their-wants for renovating the home. Floorcloths, . hearthrugs, curtains, and casement cloths. Everything to make things. look fresh tor the Exhibition. Inspection invited.... A peculiar after-effect of the war exists in Austria to-day. That once powerful empire now finds itself over-supplied with medical practitioners, and is anxiously seeking an outlet for them. It is understood that the New Zealand Government‘has received an official communication inquiring whether it would be possible for these medical men to be admitted to the Dominion, and, if so, whether they would bo eligible to accept public appointments in this country. The matter is at present receiving the attention of the Government. Now that the bowling and tennis season is commencing we advise all sportsmen and women to have a look round Laidlaw and Gray’s great stock of bowls and rackets. As these lines are only seasonable ones, the firm sells at most reasonable prices to avoid carrying over surplus stock until the next season. At any rate, a look round will cost you nothing, and you will surely tee something that will interest y0u.... . There is every prospect that strawberries will bo plentiful during the coming season (says the New Zealand Herald). A few crates have already reached the markets, but they will not' come in any quantity for two or three weeks. Last season the strawberry crop was very poor owing to floods and the extremely severe spring. Although the weather conditions have not been good this season to date the plants in most cases are bearing well and look verv healthy. Wc are cash buyers of porkers and bacon pigs at highest current market rates—Barton and Trengrove.... “I can’t help thinking what a great benefit the National Park will be to the people of New Zealand when they realise what a really beautiful place it is,” said the Mayor of Wellington, who had just returned to the city after a visit to the park. Mr Norwood said the Board of Control was exerting its best endeavours to- increase the comfort of visitors to this great national playground. Further accommodation, he sa'd, w.a.s being provided almost immediately, and it was hoped that n hostel worthy of the National Park would be provided at no distant date. “It may be that private enterprise will have an opportunity of providing such an establishment,” he added. The decision of two farmens at Inglewood to convert their dairy farm into a sheep run owing to the prevalence of ragwort points once more to the widespread extent of the pest. It is well-known that there are manv farms infested with ragwort in the heart of the rich dairying country of South Taranaki. It must bo assumed that in these cases it would not pay to take the same action, but it would surely be good policy to vo in for a number of sheep to run with the cows when they could be concentrated on the weed paddock. Whether or no, it is generally recognised and has been stated bv men of excellence that a few sheen on ©verv- dairy farm are a good asset.—Hawera Star.

“There are only 2000 Maoris in the South Island, and they are not Maoris,” said the Rev. J. T. Mac Willi am at the Anglican Synod in Auckland (reports the Now Zealand Herald). The South Island Maoris, he continued, lived like pakehas. At the time of the visit of the Prince of Wales to Rotorua he gave a sermon in Maori and in English. A party of South Island Maoris showed no interest in the Maori version, but followed the translation. They later admitted that they knew very little Maori.

Mosgiel for timekeepers, dainty jewellery, fancy goods, chinaware. Repairs of all kinds. Country orders receive prompt and :areful attention.—S. S. Harvey, watchmaker and jeweller, Exchange Buildings, Mosgiel.... * Gold and silver cigarette cases, pip*, tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes were llung down by more than XOOfi men. on the Moderator’s table in the Assembly Hall, Belfast, during an address. A great pile that would have stocked a tobacconist’s ouickly rose. The cause of this was rn address delivered by the Rev. W. P. Nicholson, the noted evangelist, on ‘.‘Prevailing Vices of the Day.” The audience was composed entirelv of men, and his ad/ice to them was; “Don’t make chimneys of yourselves!” Practically the whole of the assembly rose in response to the preacher’s appeal to have done with the things he had condemned. Old men even threw down their supplies of chewing tobacco. An Kltham farmer, who had been much worried by ravages committed by dogs amongst the sheep on a farm in the Toko district, lay in wait for the destroyers and accounted for three of them with a gun. He did not know whom the dogs belonged to until he was served with notice of a claim for £SO, the alleged value of the dogs. This gave the necessary clue to the ownership, and now a oontra claim, amounting to £IOO, has been made for the value of the sheep destroyed (states an exchange). j Cotton and wool mixed makes for solid wear. We stock the natural and red drab shade in Merino Undershirts and Underpants. Men’s size, 6a lid; O.S. size, 7s 9d. Heavy Ribbed Brown Cotton Pants, men’s size only, 7s 6d. Posted anywhere for cash. —Kilroy and Sutherland (Ltd.), 192 Princes street...-

While not expecting any payment for their services, members of county councils, many of whom -have to travel long distances to attend meetings, naturally consider that they should bo reimbursed for out-of-pooket expenses. The matter was discussed at a conference of county councils held in Hamilton recently, when it was stated that the whole trouble, lay in the face that there was no uniformity between the amounts which can be charged by the various classes of local bodies without the danger of a “tag.” After discussion, in which allowances of 10s a day and 9d a mile for travelling were' mentioned, it was decided to recommend that the standard bo that provided for power boards, ill Is a day and Is a mile (one way) for travelling. We make every provision in our pork department for clients who consider weather too warm for cooking. Delicacies to suit all tastes ready for the table. Late night Friday. Close on Saturdays at 6.15 p.m.— Barton and Trengrove.... The legends relating to the appearance of spectral figures at Westminster are not generally known, even to our legislators, hut the Mother of Parliaments can compete with any of the “stately homes of England” in the matter of ghost stories. Tlie most fearful of these spectres is that of Bellingham, who assassinated Mr Spencer Perceval, the then Prim® Minister, in 1812. His ghost, according to tradition, sometimes appears on the terrace of the House of Commons, and, with a dismal shriek, throws itself into the river. Still more eerie is the story of how, on one occasion, Mr T. P. O’Connor was seen sitting in his usual place in the House of Commons by a fellow-member of the press gallery. And at that moment T. P. was in Ireland.

• Stay at the Prince of Wales Hotel; firstclass accommodation, best liquors. Tel. 721.—C. Hinchcliff. proprietor.... That the copra industry in Fiji is very good was indicated to a Chronicle reporter the other day, by Mr J. D : Canning, of Suva. Copra, the visitor pointed out. was a safe investment, and always had been, although a pest had done some damage to the plantations in one island. An introduced parasite had successfully combated the disease, and it was probable that coconuts would again be planted in this particular place. In referring to fruit-grow-ing, the visitor explained that bananas ware the only block at the present time. Australia was not now taking Fiji bananas, and New Zealand could. not consume all the fruit grown. The time had come, ho considered, when Fiji would have to grade its bananas, and he believed the Government was taking steps in this direction. At breakfast, lunch, Or alter dinner, good coffee appeals to people of taste. Stocks of the world’s best coffees are held by A. Dune and Co., coffee specialists, 32 Octagon. Dunedin.... A young Polar bear, purchased in London for the Melbourne Zoo, arrived By the steanter Port Adelaide recently. The animal was in splendid condition—indeed, his condition was a source of some anxiety to Captain Hayter, for whereas he was a very easy “fit” in his cage when he was put aboard, the sea. air and abundant feed so stimulated his growth that for some time before the steamer reached Melbourne the bear could only turn round with difficulty. If the voyage, therefore, had been protracted from any cause it would have been necessary to provide the bear with a larger cage. As it weighs between 1501 b and 2001 b, and is fierce like all of its breed, this might have proved an awkward task. Several members of the crew said that if by any chance the bear had got loose on deck they would have immediately “mastheaded.” Stay at the Prince,of Wales Hotel; firstclass accommodation, best liquors: Tel. 721—C. Hinchcliff, proprietor.... “We are all unceasingly advertising from birth to death,” Mr C. E. Miles, of London, told the Drapers’ Summer School at Oxford, “and I am not sure, after having read epitaphs on tombstones, that it does not continue after death.” “It is false economy," he added, “to undergo advertising. The preparation of copy is no job for the amateur, and in advertisements in a great newspaper you are sending out a million or more salesmen to speak for yon. Therefore none but the very best should be sent out. It is probable that advertisements upside clown, silly pictures, and exaggerations have sold goods, but the house that builds on those things builds on sands. The most economical advertisement is that based on sales, and. the keynote must be sincerity.’’ “ Kornbane ’’ is the most effective cornromover known; Is 2d posted. Wators Pharmacy (under Savoy).... Reflecting on the craze women have for bobbing their hair, my thought suddenly flew back to Fepys Diary, writes a correspondent in the Christchurch Press. In my unabridged'edition, which is very rare indeed, he bewails the fact that the girls of that time arc all cutting off their hair, for, as he says, “‘it is woman’s crowning glory.” Again he says: “One and all have adopted the new fashion, but they will rue it.” Some jears later, he remarks that “tiie short : hair fashion with women has gone out of its own accord, as many are finding that they are beginning to go bale; like the men.” The same thing will happen in this' age. The continual cutting will sap the roots and eventually kill them, and so Darby and Joan will both look bright and shiny on top when they attend the pictures. Obanism 1547; Reports from U.S.A. state that the cost of a pint of whisky, plus the medical certificate, costs 10 dollars (£2 10s). W© sell the best Scotch at 2s fid, 5s 6d, 6s, 7s, 10s fid, 13s. —Oban H0te1....

At To Kaha, on the East Coast of Auckland, between Gisborne and East, a substantial dairy factory has been erected under somewhat novel conditions. The district to be served by the factory is to be populated entirely by Maoris, the only resident European being the schoolmaster and his family. The native owners of the land have co-operated find built an'up-to-date dairy factory equipped with all modern machinery, and also a residence, necessary .offices, etc. The whole of the work has been accomplished by the native owners without outside help of any sort, except that of the supervisor and director (Mr W. E. Wyldc). The building is of reinforce! concrete, and, as showing the spirit of the native workers, the ground upon which it was erected was cleared, the foundation of the building made, and the walls built to a height of eight feet within a fortnight. There were '4O . natives employed, in gangs, under the control of their local chief, Waikura, and no better example of co-operation has ever been furnished in New Zealand that the building of the Te Kaha dairy factory. We know who’ll top the coming poll. For sure, a Hitchon’s bacon roll; With Hitchon’s ham an easy second, At least, that’s what the wise have reckoned....

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19624, 30 October 1925, Page 16

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NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19624, 30 October 1925, Page 16

NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19624, 30 October 1925, Page 16