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WELLIN'GTON MEETING. LUOULLENT WINS WINTER HURDLES. (Per United Press Association.) WELLINGTON, July 12. The Wellington races were concluded on Saturday. There was a large attendance, and interesting racing was witnessed. The totalisator handled £59,776, making a total for the three days of £133,145, against £109,526 for a two days’ meeting last year. Results:— TALA VERA HURDLES, Of SOOsovs. One mile and a-half. I—Many Colours, 11.2 (A. M’Donald) 1 4 Glenidlo, 10.10 2 5 Haligan, 9.2 3 Also started: 3 Trespass 10.7, 2 Peter Maxwell 10.0, 9 Kendal 9.13, 6 All Bind 9.13, 10 Eonmark 9.8, 12 Pukotoi 9.2, 7 Rippling 9.2, 11 Gluemont 9.0, 18 Treadwell 9.0. Won by two lengths. Time, 3mm 7osoc. NOVICE HANDICAP, v Of 20050v9, Six furlongs. I—Captainl—Captain Wai, 9.5 (R. Mackie) 1 3 —Town Oier, 10.3 2 s—Kilmiss, 9.0 3 Also started: 4 Relic 9.7. 2 Kilonim 9.5, 2 De Luxe 9.0, 8 Axle 9.0, 6 Enthuse 9.0, 10 Panorama 9.0» 9 Matu 9.0, 7 Panchillea 9.0. Won by a length anu a half. Time, lmin 25isec. OROFTON HANDICAP, Of SOOsovs. Seven furlongs. 3—Blue Peter. 9.7 (L. G. Morris) 1 B—Gardant,8 —Gardant, 9.4 2 1— Adi Vunivola, 9.6 3 Also started: 2 Anticipate 11.0, 4 Jubilee 9.11, 7 Bright Eyes 9.0, 6 Whariti 9.0, 8 Revel 9.0. Won by a length. Time, Imin 46s ec. > WINTER HURDLES, Of lOOOaovs. Two miles and a-quarter. B—Lucullent,8 —Lucullent, 9.2 (N. Rowe) ... 1 2 Comical, 11.2 2 1 — Penury Rase, 9.0 3 Also started : 3 Nukumai 11.13, 9 Lochson 11.10, 4 Omahu 10.5, 5 Vagabond 10.4, 7 Gold Piece 9.6, 6 Captain Sarto 9.5. Won by half a length. Time, 4jnin 59sec. WINTER OATS, Of 400sovb. One mile. 3 Alario, 10.8 (D. Watts) ... 1 2 Passionate, 9.12 —2 I—Arch Salute, 10.2 3 Also started: 8 Income 11.8, 4 Kilfane 10.5, 6 Zircon 9.10, 10 Rose of Athens 9.8, 5 Potoanui 9.6, 7 Lady Ben 9.0, 11 Wootea 9.0. 9 Crossfire 9.0. Won by a nose. Time, 2min O^sec. .JULY STEEPLECHASE, Of SOOsovs. About throe miles. s—Peter Amans, 10.1 (S. Walls) 1 1—’Tuki, 9.10 2 4 .first Line, 9.2 3 Also started: 6 Puwhero 10.3, 2 Bonibrook 10.3, 3 Dick 10.0. Won by five lengths. Time, 7min 15jsoc. ONSLOW HANDICAP, Of SOOsovs. Six furlongs. I—White Comet. 9.12 (A. Tinker) 1 B—Koodoo, 11.2 2 5 Kuhio, 9.11 3 Also started: 10 Lucius 10.6, 4 Lady Fingers 10.3, 2 Killocra 10.0, 6 Ecuador 9.4, 7 King Cheops 9.0, 3 Lava 9.0, 11 La Reve 9.0, 9 Tinoha.ri 9.0. Won by two lengths and a-half. Time, Imin 26isec. KIA, ORA HANDICAP, Of SOOsovs. Five furlongs. 3 Beaumont 10.7 (W. Bowden) 1 4 Padonna, 9.12 2 6 Highflown, 0.13 3 Also started; 2 Olympic 10.10, 1 Rob 10.6, 5 Starshell 10.6, 8 Lucrative 10.5, 11 Gardenia 9.13, 10 Ardfinnan 9.5, 7 Modern 9.4, 9 Miss Odille 9.0. Won by half a length. Time, Imin lOijsec. NOTES ON THE RACING. • (From Odb Special Reporter.) WELLINGTON, July 11. The weather was dry but cold for the last day of tho Wellington Racing Club’s winter meeting at Trentham, and the going, though better than on the two previous days, was still very bad. The attendance was good, but not ns large as tho club expected it to be. Tho public mode Many Colours a strong order for the Tnlavera Hurdfics, but Glenidle, who had run well in both his previous starts at the meeting, was not backed as, well as his good showings suggested that he shoulct have been. Puketoi, Kendal, Rippling, and Treadwell set out to make the pace, while Glenidlo was pulling hard in the ruck, and Trespass and Many Colours were bringing up the rear. Trespass and Many Colours gradually improved their positions through superior jumping, and both wore looking dangerous live furlongs from home, but Puketoi bumped his rider off, am* Trespass, meeting with some interference, lost a good 10 lengths. Then Haligan took up the role of pacemaker, and streaked for him at his best speed with Many Colours and Glenidle in hot pursuit. Many Colours had collared Haligan, who was lame, in front at the last fence, and ran home a comfortable winner from Glenidle, who finished strongly and beat the tiring Haligan in the last few strides for second money. Had Glenidle been allowed to stride along freely all the way he would have troubled the winner. It looked a suicidal policy to pull him about as much as was done. There is very little to say about the Novice Hanndicap. Captain AVai and Town Crier led a strung-out field to the course proper with Kilmiss next, and they ran in that order to the. post, all throe being very tired. The leaders run wide at the home turn, and Beale on Relic skimmed round the rails, but, although lie saved a lot of ground, tho Calibre gelding had no chance of getting the leaders. Anticipate was backed almost ns well as Adi Vunivola in the Crofton Handicap. He stripped well, and looks a horse of good class, but he is useless in mud, and was a beaten horse before going a furlong, and Adi Vunivola could never get nearer than third. Blue Peter, who won. was the first to show out, but he was steadied after going a couple of furlongs, and Bright Eyes took up the running and led into the straight. Blue Peter again took command, and after a great battle with Gardant got home by a narrow margin, the two being clear of Avl Vunivola. Anticipate finished a very bad fifth. The scratching pen was freely used in the Winter Hurdles, and eight of the 17 on the card were withdrawn. Nukumai stripped well, and so did Comical, but Lochson was too big. Nothing stripped better than Vagabond and Omahu, but Gold Piece looked mean. Lucullent, Captain Sarto and Penury Rose also looked fit horses. Comical was first to land over the initial jump, and he set out to win all the way, but Ellis, on Penury Rose, was always pressing him, with Captain Sarto and Nukumai handy, while Lochson was some way back, and Omahu last. Comical made a bad jump at the hurdle entering the straight, and Penury Rose, taking the load, set out to make the rest do their best for tho last 10 furlongs. Comical, Nukumai, Lucullent, Captain Sarto, and Vagabond crossed on tho leader six furlongs from home, and Comical, making a great jump at the next fence, got clear, and raced away as if the race was all over, but ho had gone out rather too soon, 'and, although he was still in front at the last fence, he ran down and hit it hard, thus enabling Lucullent to head him off. Although he struggled on gamely the chestnut gelding could not catch the brown again. Penury Rose struggled on and beat Vagabond on the post for third money. Captain Sarto was a fair fifth, well clear of Omahu, who was followed homo by Nukumai, a very tired horse. Lochson broke down in front during the race, and was very lame afterwards. Three things were responsible for Comical’s defeat. First, Penury Rose made him do his best all the race; second, Burt was in a little too much of a hurrv to reach tho distance post; and. third, the Merry Moment gelding made two bad jumps. Comical was easily the best of tho tonweights, of whom Omahu appeared to be outclassed, and ho would certainly heat tho field he met, on Saturday eight out of 10 times at the same weights. Kilfane got away well in tho Winter Oats, and, after being well placed, he took charge entertaing the straight, but it was only on sufferance, as when Alaric, Passionate, and Arch Salute challenged, they soon had his measure. Alaric beat the fast-finishing Passionate hy inches, with Arch Salute four lengths away. The six acceptors went to the post for the July Steeples, and all of them stripped well. Puwhero went, off at a great pace, and ho soon had a very big lead over Peter Amans, who was well clear of 'Diki and Bonibrook. with First Line and Dick tailing right off at the end of the first lan. The lot wore closing on Puwhero. who was getting very tired, and with a mile to go Peter Amans headed him off, which was not a wise thing, as the next fence was tho sod wall, at which he baulked on the second dav, and ho evidently disliked sod walls, as be trisd to baulk again, but,

driven into it, he crawled over at the cost of about 15 lengths, and he was third, behind Puwhero and Tuki. Walls got Peter Amans going again, however, and he soon got the lead, and after that it was only a matter of his standing up for him to win, although Tuki, who had given a fine exhibition of fast, clean jumping, struggled on after him very gamely, and would certainly have headed the Auckland gelding had there been another half mile to go. First Line stayed on, and beat the tired Bonibrook for third money, and Puwhero was distanced. Dick baulked at the log fence the first time round. Rehutai was the only scratching for the Onslow Handicap, for which White Cornet was sent out. a slightly better favourite than Killocra and Lava. The start was good, but Lava, White Cornet, and Koodoo were soon at the head of affairs. Before reaching the course proper Lava was well beaten. White Comet came on with Koodoo at the distance post. Koodoo looked a likely winner, but the weight told in the run home, and White Comet won, while Koodoo lasted only long enough to beat Kuhioi for second money. Lucius, Lady Fingers, and Killocra were never dangerous. Mr Norman Rutherford has purchased Vagabond from Mr W- R. Kemball. The did gelding, whose mission will be the Grand National Hurdles, will go into A. Womald’s stable at Riooarton. When Penury Rose was headed off by Comical in the Winter Hurdles he went back a number of lengths. It looked like a case of interference, but that was not the case. Penury Rose went back owing to hitting a hurdle very hard. One of his knees is badly swollen. Another horse to have bad luck in the Winter Hurdles was Captain Sarto, who cut his stifles rather badly when racing in a prominent position. Rob was made a solid favourite for the Kia Ora Handicap. He drew a bad position at the barrier, but, beginning _ smartly, he led on to the course proper, being well, out in the middle. He was still holding his lead approaching the distance post, but he tired badly in the last bit, and the best he could do was to rim a close fourth to Beaumont, Padonna, and Highflown, with Olympic a poor fifth. OTAGO HUNT CLUB. Although there was a touch of winter in the air, the afternoon turned out fine for the Otago Hunt Club’s meet at Wingatui on Saturday, Notwithstanding the bad weather experienced in the morning, a largo number of spectators journeyed out to witness the jumping. Tno run started from Mr Corner’s property at the junction of the Wingatui and Gladstone roads, and took a zig-zag course through the properties of Messrs Phillips, Munro and Imrio, the distance being approximately about two miles, over a series of jumps .composed mostly of g-orso hedges and a ’There was only one fall during the run, John Bradbury, ridden by W. Cooper, coming down at the post-and-rail, but he was remounted and completed tho course. The hounds, although only a small pack, worked better than they have done during tho season. At the conclusion of the run those present thoroughly enjoyed afternoon tea, kindly provided by Mr B. S. Irwin (president of the club) at Mrs Beatson’s house. Before leaving Mr R. Acton-Adams, in a short speech, apologised for the absence of Mr Irwin (who was in Wellington), and thanked file gonial president for his kindly action in providing afternoon tea, -which was much enjoyed, also Messrs Comer, Phillips, Munro, and Imrie for tho use of their properties for the run, and Messrs Goisler, Ware, Reed, Cooper, and the Andorton brothers for erecting the jumps, those present giving hearty cheers for tho persons named. Those taking part in the run wore the master (R. Brunton, on Tahuna), deputymaster (L. Mowat, on Spanker), R. CReed on Galaxy, A. Eustace on Sir Medallist, A. M’Donald on Colonel, H. Andorton on Barricon, L. Waite on Mick, W. Cooper on Bachelor Gay, F. Andorton on Snorting Girl, J. Crawford on Cartoon. D. M'Donald on Agility, G. Austin on Romance, Miss Smytho on Joker, E. Mackio on Prize Rose, F- Thompson on Maghora, H. Merry on Felix, M. Cauldwell on Lone Star, Miss P. Christie on Brownie, and several others. Those who motored or drove out were Mr and Mrs R. Acton-Adams and party Mr K. M. Groonslado and party, Mrs A. Murdock and party, Mr and Mrs 0. Christie, Messrs L. C. Hazlett, E. J, Ellis, T- Fogg, S. Robinson, C. R. Coffin, J. Christie, J. Mowat, C. Geialer, S. G. Ware, L- J. Simpson, C. Hazlett, J. Blair, N. Reid, Sharp, Andrews, Andorton, Hayes, Master R. Rankin, and several others. A qualifying run will bo held on Wednesday July" 15, at Wingatui over the property of‘Mrs Bcntson. Owners wishing to qualify their horses are notified that the throw-off will be at 2 p.m. sharp. PIGEON FLYING. DUNEDIN CLUB. Tho second boys’ race, under the control of tho Dunedin Horning Pigeon Club, was held lost Saturday from Timaru, an airline distance of 108 miles. Tho birds put up a good fly against a head wind and heavy rain. Tho birds wore liberated at 11.30 a.m., and tho winning bird timed in at 3.7 p.m., making his time 3 hours 37 minutes. Tho first throe boys take medals given by Mr L. D. Ritchie and a “Wellwisher.’’ Tho stationmaster at Timaru liberated 26 birds, representing 13 lofts, with tho following results in yards per minute: — , O. Evans’s Redwing. 875, 1; A. TumhulTs Jewel, 873, 2; M; Ponsford’s Realm, 873, 3; J. Ritchie’s Silver Star, 870, 4; S. Piiscoo’s Fastwing, 866, 5. In tho evening a show was held, and again there was a good standard of bird shown. The judges were Messrs S. Lynn and W. Hargreaves. The following are tho results \ — Blue ohequor cocks. ±en entries—M. Pons ford 1,2, and 4, H. Carson 3, Olliver and Simpson 5. Blue chequer hens. f lweivo entries Olliver and Simpson 1, J. I horn 2, M. Ponsford 3, 11. Carson 4 and 5. Red chequer cocks. Five entries—J. Bell 1 and 2, Olliver and Simpson 5, J. Thom 4, Stevens and Jones 5. Red chequer hens. Seven entries—J. Ritchie 1, O. Evans 2, M. Ponsford 3, Olliver and Simpson 4 and 5. GOLF. The semi-finals of the Club Championship were played on the St. Clair Links on Saturday. W. Clayton defeated A. Laing 6 up and 5 to play; W. G. Wight defeated C. B. Wight, 2 up and 1 to play. In the Junior Cup semi-finals A. W. Alloo defeated L. H. Marshall, 1 up on the 19th green, and W. Wrather defeated J. Kilpatrick, 1 up.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19530, 13 July 1925, Page 2

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19530, 13 July 1925, Page 2

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19530, 13 July 1925, Page 2