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The Misses Shand, of Timaru, are the guests of their mother, Mrs Shand, Pitt street. • * • Miss Benita Bridgeman. who has been for some months in England, has returned to Dunedin. * ♦ * Miss I jetty Williams is the guest of Mrs Arthur Nichols in Oamaru. * * * Miss Napier, who was visiting Mrs Donald Reid in Maori Hill, has returned to her home in Waimate. * * * Mrs Marshall Macdonald gave a small bridge party at the Otago Women’s Club on Tuesday in honour of Mrs Evans, of Melbourne. « » » Miss Elsie Nimmo is visiting Christchurch where she is staying with Miss Lorna Herdman in Fendalton. * * * Miss Laitllaw, who is paying, n short visit to Mr and Mrs Bell, Shag Valley, will return to Dnnedin to-morrow. * * * Miss Rua Milne gave a luncheon party at the Tudor Hall on Tuesday, when Miss Mary Thomson, of Pahiatua, was the guest of honour. • » * Mrs T. G, Tait and family left by yesterday’s second express for their new home in the North Island. » * * Mrs Arthur Pratt, of Musselburgh, left Dunedin on Tuesday, en route for Auckland, where she intends spending a brief holiday. * * * Miss Kathleen Spence gave a tea party at her parents’ residence, Regent road, on Tuesday afternoon, in honour of Miss Mary Thomson, of Pahiatua. The engagement is announced of Mary, younger daughter of Mrs and the late Mr Peter Thomson, of Pahiatua, to Reginald, eldest son of Mr and Mrs H. Livingstone Tapley, of Dunedin. « • • The engagement is announced of Winifred Margaret, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs T. Knowles, of Whangarei, to Roger B. B. Squire, Bank of New Zealand, Kaikohe, younger son of Mr and Mrs C. Sqnirc, of Palmerston South. * • ♦ Miss Nevill gave a birthday tea on Tuesday at the Savoy for Mrs Stanley Arthur. Those present were Mrs S. Arthur, Misses L. Williams. N. Fenwick, ,T. Halstcd, B. Fitzgerald, ,1. and V. Stronach, G. Hislop, B. Nancarrow, and J. Oram,

Mrs J. R. Hislop gave a bridge party at her residence, Itoslyu, on Wednesday afternoon for Miss Huia Rai-gooff. The guests were Alesdamos Rnrgoo'l. Brower, Stock, Rise, Moore, AVilson, and Matheson, Misses Sargood, Rlia.ul (2, Timaru), Cook (St. Leonards), and Stock. The Play-reading Circle of the Otago Women’s Club met on Monday evening, when Airs Alorroll was in the chair. The play read was “Advertising April,” by Herbert Far jeon and Horace Horsnell. There was a good attendance. The play was much appreciated. Those taking part were Alesdames Eastgate, Begg, Wilson, Williams, Gard’ner, Oakden, Wakefield Holmes, Morrell Stephens, Gilkison, Kogerson, and Hervey, and Misses Watson and ■Woods. • » • Miss Greta Finch gave a morning tea party at her mother’s residence. Royal terrace, on Tuesday, in honour of Miss Huia Sargood and Aliss Colvin. The guests were Airs M'Kellar, Misses Sargood, Colvin,- Stock, Roberts, Gallaway, Vallnnge, Reid, Milne (2), Thomson (Pahiatua), Hartmann, Barr, Fenwick, Batchelor, Williams, Ulrich, Bridgemau, Cook, Stevenson, and Macdonald. Mrs Godfrey *’hara*zyn, of Now Zealand, and Mrs Barton Alills give a dance at 50 Pont street, London, on Alay 2G for their daughters, Aliss Ruth Pharazyn and Miss Violet Mills, There were over 400 guests, including a great many persons of high rank. » * * Airs Acton-Adams gave a dance at her residence, Roslya, on Wednesday evening in honour of her daughter. The hostess wore a handsomely-beaded blue gown, while Aliss Actou-Adanis was in bronze paurc velvet. The rooms were arranged with bowls of chrysanthemums. The guests present were Mrs Donald Reid, Misses Batchelor, Throp, AVilllams, Fenwick, Hislop, O’Neill, and Reid (2), Messrs Reid, Solomon, Hodge, Williams, Colbeck, M‘Lean, Shiei, Barnett, and Ramsden. • « • On Thursday of laat week the Y.W.C.A. was responsible for a concert given from station 4YA. Tho first part of tho programme consisted of items provided by senior girls representing different departments of Y.W.C.A. work, and Mrs Sutherland Ross gave a short speech explaining the work and aims of tho movement. The last part of- the programme was given by Girl Citizens, and consisted of some community singing, the recitation of the code, the purpose and slogan of the Girl Citizens, and one or two items, closing with the chanting of the Lord’s Prayer. Tho experience was an interesting one to the girls, and the programme they produced was really good. * , * » A pleasant overling was spent at Coluinbn College, when 40 girls were enrolled as Girl Guidos by Miss Carpenter (staff captain), assisted by Aliss Sellwood (captain). A number of officer? wore present, including tho District Commissioner, Aliss Colvin, the captains and lieutenants of Ist Dunedin (St. Hilda’s), 2nd Diuiedin (St. Paul’s), Knox, and Alornington Companies, who later on in the evening listened to a most interesting and instructive talk by Miss Ross, on the spiritual side of Girl Guiding. Quite recently Dr Irwin (Provincial Commissioner) and Dr Marion Whyte had spoken on otherphases of Girl Guiding. » * • On Saturday evening last a largo dinner party was held at tho Carlton Hotel, when those present were Mr and Airs C. Miles, Mr and Mrs B. Lake, Mr and Airs D. Reid, Misses Sargood, Colvin, Thomson (Pahiatua), Higgins, Bissett, Milne (2), Lo Cron, Spence. Reid, and Hazlett; add Alessrs Solomon, do Castro, Coull, Taploy, Reid, Mills, Evans, Laidlaw, Park, Halstead, and Reynolds. After dinner tho party repaired to the Tudor Hall Cabaret for dancing. ♦ * ♦ Mrs Al'Kollar gave n children's party at her residence Pit t street, when almost thirty tiny lots were present. Gaines of all descriptions and HUle dances were indulged m, while tho pulling of bon-bons at the supper table added groat enjoyment to the fun. Among the adults present were Aliss Aiarjorie Blomfield, who had arranged tho party, Mosdamos E, Hazlott, J. L. Macassev, C. Gilray, H. L. Taploy, Marshall Alacdonald, C. O. Al'Kellar. and R. Tulton; Misses N. Barr and M. AVilson. * * * On Thursday of last week, at Ashley Downs, Mr and Airs John Anderson celebrated their golden wedding. They were married at Thurso, Caithness, Scotland, on July 2, 1816. and havo resided in (dago since October ’of that your. The golden wedding was celebrated at their residence, “Dolangdale,” at Ashley Downs, and took tho form of a family gathering, only near relations being present. There was a full attendance of all surviving sons and daughters, and a largo number of grand-children were also present. Tho toast of Mr ami Mrs Anderson was honoured at the breakfast with many congratulatory remarks, and was suitably responded to by Air Anderson. The bridal cake was prettily set-off with gold leaves. • • • Air and Airs Norman Hayes, of Knrow, and their son, on their way to England, spent an enjoyable month sightseeing in the United States and Can ado, where they havo relatives. Air Hayes is representing tho New Zealand Shcopbrocders Association at the International Conference to behold at Chaster, and is attending the Royal Show this week. Later, a short time will bo spent on the Continent, and their homoward iournoy will bo mado via Naples ana Australia. Now Zealand should be reached about the middle of October. * * * On Sunday afternoon a Girl Citizens’ service was held at the Y.W.C.A., followed by a church parade in the evening. Iho service at tho rooms was carried out by the girls themselves, about 20 taking part, led bV Aliss Driver. Tho theme was “Comradeship.” Each girl had some thought to contribute about friendship—its privileges and its joys, its depth and its nobility, loading up to the central thought of the greatest Friend of all. Three or four hymns, each developing naturally from the words and thoughts were interspersed in tho service, which was very impressive, and to tho girls themselves was so much more real because it was their own expression. At five o’clock tea was served, and several members of the board and friends remained to share it with tho girls. This was followed by ’the singing of favourite hymns until church time, when 60 or more Girl Citizens proceeded to Trinity Methodist Church for tho evening service. * * * A most gratifying condition with reference to the sale of tickets for Airs Hudson’s concert to assist tho Rest ’ Room and Women’s Section of the Exhibition has been reported to tho executive. Everything promises a most successful evening and a crowded house. A number of very delightful and original turns is lo bo staged. * * » Tho many committees of the Women’s Section are now making splendid progress, and if enthusiasm merits success, there should be no need to worry over the final result. Now that entries are being received from intending exhibitors in America and England, the members are being spurred on to further effort to make their section a creditable one. An erroneous impression has been given in some of the outlying districts of Otago that the section is no longer in need of financial help—this must be corrected, as the Women’s Section has, up to date, collected only ono-half of the sum needed for the layout and carrying on of the activities of its Court. • • • Mr and Mrs B. R. Sargood gave a large party at their home in Newington last evening, in honour of their daughter Huia, who has recently written a liook of songs. The house was arranged with pot plants and bowls of exquisite flowers, while the collection of rare antiques and pictures which belongs to the family afforded much delight lo tho guests assembled. The hostess was beautifully gowned in black and crystal. Miss Sargood was in white lace, trimmed with cherry-coloured velvet, while Aliss Colvin wore a graceful frock of yellow pleated georgette. Miss Afeda Paine, accompanied by Miss Ida White, sang six songs of Miss Sargood’s composition, after which the evening was spent in bridge and dancing. Among the guests were Sir Lindo and Ferguson, Air Justice and Ladv Sim, Air and Airs Birch, Mr and Airs Aloore, Air and Airs Thoomin, Air and Airs Dodgshun, Air and Airs Hislop, Mr and Airs G Sinclair, Mr and Airs Bcherek, Mr and Mrs Oldham, Mr and Mrs Clieosoman, Air and Mrs S. Neill. Air and Airs Gallaway Dr and Airs Batchelor, Air and Airs Tapley, Mr and Airs J. S. Roes, Air and Mrs Leslie Alills, Alesdamos .Stephenson, Stock, Al‘Master, Ritchie, W. 0. Al’Kellar, Wilson, Roberts, Clapperton, and Cook, Alisses Clapperton, Theomin, Gilkison, de Beer. Vallange, Roberts, Ross (2), Ulrich, Williams, Barron, Neill, AlT.ean. Gallaway, Lambert, .-eming, Reynolds (2), Stock, Scott, Bridaemnn, Webster (2). Stephenson, and Sister Spellman. Messrs Reynolds, Maepherson, Wright, Taploy (21, Wilson, ATallange, Edmond, Holland, Sinclair, and others.

On July 1 more than one young - ;1 0y in Palmerston laid a now boll dress out on the bed and looked at it, then turned nor head with a dubious look in her eyes to gaze out of the window at the teeming rain outside. Rain has ever been the bane of a girl’s existence on the night of a ball, but,, dec}>ito this fact, 120 couples turned out to enjoy themselves at pernaps the most swcoess'lul ball of the season—the annual railway ball. The down Hall had been excellently decorated by the railway staff, and it looked very beautiful indeed with its multi-coloured streamers and balloons. Ihe lighting effects kindly supplied by Mrs Lefevre and Mr fcomorvil e, added an exquisite touch to tho fairy-like scone. r rho success of tho ball must have been very gratifying to the largo and enthusiastic committee, who worked so ham to make it tho ball of tho season. Ino grand march was led by Mr and Mrs New man, while Mr Conroy made a very able M.C. Among those present were:—-Mrs Newman, golden brown erope-do-i-hine and margot lace; Mrs 'JCameron, black yelve. with gold trimming; Mrs D. M Kenzio (Shag Point), black ~anno velvet' Mrs Robertson, French white voile; Mrs C. Wilson, blue ; Mrs W. Murray, black silk voile, with purple beading; Mrs Kiley, black velvet and jazz beads: Mrs Robson, bright blue brocade; Mrs Lefevre, black tnerv, with sequin overdress; Mrs Moodie, flame brocaded satin: Mrs D. Munro. green georgette quaintly beaded in silver . .Mis Gartli, flame morocain, with Oriental trimming ■. Mrs Kennott, navy morocain, with Roman, trimming; Mrs O’Dca, golden brown crspe-de-chine, beaded-Mrs Gili ndeon., mole frock- Mrs C. D. Gillancl, da k silk relieved with red; Airs Claughton, ma.K velvet and pink marabout; Mrs Bam, blaet satin relieved with .scarlet; Mrs W Ali'Kenny, jade green jaqnard velvet, Mrs J M’Gregor, black cropo-de-chine trimmed with green; Mrs G. Johnston, kingfisher rnousollino silk- Mrs Larly, black taffeta, Mrs Pringle, black sdk velvet with ostrich trimming . Mrs Hodgetts, black satin, with no” overdress; Mrs W Park, cm on velvet and a lavender marabout and beads-; Mrs A Craig, tomato velvet, with a georgette scarf- Mrs-Alex. M'Gregor, black beaded “non over black satin;. Mrs SummerveH cherry veloleen with ermine fur; Mrs Janet. M’Gregor, black velvet and gold lace, M Mathoson. silver grey mlk velvet with Spanish flounce ■ Mrs W Johnston, black lace over silk relieved with red; Mrs Tern pro navy blue; Mrs D. ,Munro (Pleasant Valiev), black satin with beaded overdress, Mrs Ingram, brown satin: Mrs Roberts, navy orepe-do-chine; Mrs Torrance navy dress; Mrs Brunton, navy blue Mrs G D. Pain, wine velvet with a UiUiant mount'; Mrs-Passooc, black silk mn,-about ; Mrs. Byars (Oamaru bhio moro; cain with a mrtk ostrich mount; Mrs iJo vino (Oamaru), black crepo-de-chine ; Mrs T Hum del I. shot taffeta of flame andgrey , Mrs I Day. blue silk with .silver lace trimmings; Mrs Mickie. jazz jersey sdk; Mrs J. G. Park, blue morocain: Mrs Cha) lis, apricot and fawn Mm Mayer, saxe blue velvet; Mrs Strode (Kyebun) vollow taffeta with an ostrich and jewelled mount; Mrs, apiu-ot morocain beaded in silver; Mrs Vilhs, black panne velvet faced with white georgette. Mrs A. Taylor, silver and jade morocain with silver tissue panels and feather trimming; Mrs S. Pam, lavender chovelline with silver ace- Mrs J. Pam, black velvet with a pmk floral mount- Mi. G Burrows, block veloleen and georgette; Mrs J Coutt.s, black velvet and steel bends; Mrs James Morrison, Paris model in blac* and white- Mrs Messeis. black satin with gold bonds; Mrs J. Gordon, lemon orepe-Oe-chine trimmed with n fringe; Mrs rhompson, navy blue- Mrs C. Smith, peacock blue crcpo-do-chino beaded in a dark shade; and Mrs Turing, apple green and black crepe-de-chinc; Miss K. APKoime, pmk georgette; Alisa E. Fletcher blue satin chovelline; Miss K. Wileon black Velvet with green feather mount; Miss L. Wilson, scarlet velvet and silver beads; Miss it. Walken, silver and green morocain; Mt«s Penny, jade green merv with feather trimming; Miss D. Cameron, kin gfbhor blue with silver trimming; Miss D. M Ritchie, black brocade and a Paisley shawl; Miss Gilliam! black crcpc-de-chine and gold; Miss Wallace, black velvet and white marabout • Miss Ilurndell, jade green velvet and a while marabout; Miss Dawson, lemon georgette with lavender trimming: Mias Claughton, silver and flame chovollino; Miss Snell, silver and green brocade trimmed with silver marabout; Miss Pittaway, salmon brocaded morocain trimmed with black fur- Miss Fletcher, blue velvet with silver bugle beads. Miss G. Wright. silver .at id green morocain with ostrich plumes; Miss Dyer, old gold satin with a beaded overdress; Miss Hodgetts, blue silk; Miss I*. Hodgetts, lavender orepe-do-chine with black velvet, ribbon trimming; Miss Newman (Hampden), silk and wool morocain with red marabout trimming; Miss Purvis, pink taffeta and gold lace; Miss I,owdcn, apricot duchesse satin and bead trimming; Miss Hunt (Waikouniti), orange brocade ostrich trimming; Alisa E. M‘oi 11 (Waikouniti). black georgette trimmed with bands of silver tissue; Miss A. M'Gill (Wnikouaiti). apricot satin' with a bedurn lace overdress; Miss Block, orange crope-dc-ohino, and marabout trimming Miss Tcmpro, red silk velvet relieved with silver; Miss D. Tempro. rose satin; Miss Pearson, white silk; Miss A. Robertson (Wright's Bush), saxe velvet and a pearl necklace; Miss Bennett., red velvet; Miss Sloan, grey charmeuso with bended georgette; Alias Miller, red velvet with a brilliant and feather mount; Aliss Edwards (Dunedin), peacock blue velvet and georgette; Alias R. Cameron, black velvet with an ostrich mount; Mis,; Moodie, brocaded apricot satin trimmed with black fur; Aliss C. Sloan, black velvet with a white ostrich mount; Aliss I. Coutl,'A.api-icot rnorocain; Miss Watts (Dune,din* blue crenc-dc-chine with pleated panels; Aliss Gilmeur (Wnikouaiti), brick georgette brocaded with blue chenille; Aliss Hughes, pink velvet trimmed witli fur; Aliss J. Gordon, saxe blue morocain trimmed with marabout and a brilliant buckle; Miss J. Al'Gregor, tomato rod silk; Miss Gordon, pale tangerine velvet with an ostrich mount; Aliss Burl (Dunedin), jade morocain with gold lace sleeves: Alias Collins, apple green velvet with gold lace sleeves and a lace panel: Aliss Alewburn (Dunedin), brown brocade, radium lace; Aliss Campbell (Dunback), apricot figured morocain trimmed with marabout; Alis fi G. Thompson, flame morocain with a lace overdress; Aliss Valdn Bain, green silk brocade; Aliss AT. Brunton, silver and green morocain with n pearl mount. Aliss I. 'ihompson, bine shot taffeta with ribbon trimming: Aliss ATorgan (Totara), green orepe-de-chine and a lace overdress; Aliss Simpson, satin with an overdress of laco; Miss Brown, scarlet velvet and gold beads; Aliss Bain, cerise velvet; Aliss Torrance, lavender morocain and silver Iaco: Miss Henderson, green brocaded taffeta;‘Aliss Brunton, duchesse satin with line and silver ostrich trimming and a brilliant mount; Miss M‘Ritchie, black men-; Miss Pasooc, apricot morocain; Aliss Ivy APGregor, old rose panne velvet over a skirt o? Iaco; Miss Bertha Sutherland, pink morocain; Aliss R. Alorrison, flame satin morocain trimmed with fur and laco; Miss Hamilton (Oamaru), green satin rnorocian and fur trimming: and Albs Chisholm (Dunedin), apricot charmeuse over a dross of laco.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19528, 10 July 1925, Page 14

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PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19528, 10 July 1925, Page 14

PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19528, 10 July 1925, Page 14