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PROFICIENCY AND COMPETENCY RESULTS. The Otago Education Board has supplied the following further list of the result of school examinations: George Street. —Proficiency: Anderson, Leonard Chas. ; Anderson, Stanley Arthur; Bortcnshaw, Norman; Bingham, Arthur Ed.; Hotting, Stuart II.; Brown. Alfred E. ; Buchanan, Finlay; Burgess, Jack M. I). ; Clark, Frank Robert; Currie, Robert D. ; Gray, William David; Harris, Leonard Win.; Hobbs, Eric Arthur; Hornal, —lex. Mamie; Lake, Donald A.; Lake, William G. : Lawson, Stanley; Meldrum, Frank K. ; Meikle, Colin Blair; Miller, Rdbert G.; Nevvißan, Francis Win.; Russell, Leslie J. ; Smith, Lindsay G. ; Starkey, Stanley; Stone, Frank W. W.; Tinker, Win. Lloyd; Thomson, William; Varcoo, Stanley E.; Williams, Owen M.; Wilson, John James; Bannerman, Eveleen D.; Crooks, Phyllis M. ; Doig, Marjory W. ; Hancock, Dorothy S. ; Legg, Marion E. ; Lindsay, Esther I. ; M’Kenzie, Dermice L.; Al’Kersoy, Ellen K. ; M’Leod, Jessie M. A. ; Pearce, Emily G. ; Skene, Jean I. H. ; Sprague, Myra L. ; Walker, Agnes H.; White, Hazel G. Competency: Rogers, William Ed.; Brewster, Olive F.; Jewiss, Ivy M. Moray Place.—Proficiency: Edwards, George W.; Edgar, Frederick; Gumpatzes, Edward; Gale, Philip; Gunning, David J.; Hall, Harry; Hyder, Fred.; Kinnaird, Jas.; Mort, William E. ; Mann, Wallace; MTvechnie, Arthur; Murray, John F.; Quin, Edward N. ; Rodgers, Richard; Russell, Alex.; Shallish, William J.; Stanton, Gordon; Tingey, Murray; Ybung, W’ilJiam ; Bachop, Florence; Baxter, Rita Jane; Drew, Marina Avis; Kilgour, Edna; M'Kenzio, Vida; Shepherd, Jean; Stanton, Joy; Williams, Gladys; White, Grace. Competency: Meek, James M.; Dreaver, Vera E.; Knights, Victoria. Albany Street.—Proficiency : Barton, Charles F.; Crookshanks, James D.; Curran, Reginald M.; Fox, Jack; Frost, Ivan E. ; Graham, Arthur J. P.; Graham, Geo. T. : Gray, Reginald AV. ; Hill, G. Bernard ; Hyndman, Alexander A. W.; Janus, Thos. H. ; M‘Lachlan, U. Gilrnour; Neilson, Lindsay ; Paterson, Leslie J. A.; Ramsay, Cyril J. ; Sinclair, Alex. O.; Simpson, D. Stewart ; Twose, Albert C. • Baxter, Elizabeth 'b.: Black, Eleanor L. ; Black, Marguerite S.; Callander, Lily M.; Downes, Violet N.; Duggan, Aileen V.; Edwards, Helen E. ; Eustace, Ethel M. ; Fleming, Gladys A.; Howie, Winifred L. D.; Hughes, Gladys E.; Jenkins, Peggy G.; Latimer, Doreen G.; Mbore, M. Kitty E.; Martin, Isobel 0.; M‘Lean, Phyllis R.; Simpson, Murna A, ; Shearer, Kathleen A.; Thomas, Phyllis R.; Viney, Gwenda M. : Wallace, Olive; White, Hazel A.; Walker, Marguerite 0.; Wililams, Catherine M. E. ; Wyllie, J. Marie; Brasicr, Doreen; Downes, Winifred ; Frood, Margaret; Graveson, Dorothy; Johnson, Nellie; Macauley, Marjory; M‘Kay, Audrey; M'Lean, Janet; Phelan, Nellie; Stewart, Kathleen. Competency: Miller, Andrew W.; Dawson, Constance E.; Fox, Kathleen; Leo, Irene, Payton, Aluricl. North-East Valley.—Proficiency: Aitchison, Solwyn; Aitken. William; Ansell, Errol; Bell, Arthur; Bell, Basil; Brough, John; Brown, Samuel; Buswell, • Charles; Cheshire, Clarence; Clarke, Albert; Finlay, Martyn; Harris, Sydney; Hayward, Charles; Henderson, Gordon: Horne, Ronald ; Morris, James J.; Jones, Ralph; Medlin, Frank; M'Stay, Samuel; MT.-can, Noirnan; Luckman, Lewis; Peart, William; Reid, Robert; Robb. George; Turner, Charles; Turner, Fred.; Watt, Alexander; Warlick, Ralph; Budge, Lorn a; Carmen, Daisy; Drake, Dora; Fowler, Gertrude; Ferguson. Dorothy; Grace, Olwen; Hamilton. Dorothy; Hamilton, Jessie; Letts, Elsie; Marshall, Noeline; Mason, Hazel; Mil low, Cecilia; M'Laren, Emma; Marks,’ Elizabeth; Munro, Jessie; Ogg, Ethel; Pettet, Aland; Pearce, Eleanor; Rigby, Emily; Stuart, Margaret; Shepherd. Millicent; Terry, Elsie ; Wilhelmson, Doris, Competency: Baxter, Thomas;, Crutchley, Frank; Robb, Jack; Alcorn, Elizabeth; Bunting, Grace; Hutchinson, Jean; Wills, Ena. Kaikorai.—Pioficiency: Allan, John; Bews, William; Brough, John; Cayzer, Sidney; Cook, Robert; Dowio, Tasman; Dawson, Robert; Didham. William; Ecoles, John Ellis, Ernest; Fitoliett, Allan; Gourley, Scoular; Holden, Alan; Hopper, lan; Haigh, Herbert;- Johnson, AVilaon; Lorimor, David; M‘Laren, James; Miles, F. Robert; Miller, AVilliam; Morrison, Harold; Morrison, Kenneth: Paterson. Stanley; Pybus, Arthur; Spiers, Hudson; Stevens, Colin; Strickett, Kenneth; Shekloton, Athol; Venables, Leonard; Walden, Edward; AVcotton, .John; Youngman, Frederick: Allen, Francis;' Anderson, Alary; Bailove, Alary; Benzoin, Norma; Clare, Edith; Chappell, Dorothy; Chisholm, Susan; Cohen, Eileen; Dallas, Gwendolen; Green, Gwendoline; Hunter, AA’inifred; Jameson, Mary ; Jones, Eleanor; Lee, Constance; ATGuire, Evelyn; MTutosh, Vera; AlLllor, Nancy; Mitchell, Helen; Morton, Olive; Scott, Dulcio; Sinclair, Una; Sinclair, Alariorio; Southey, Rua: Stewart, Iris; Stoddard, Joan; Stokes, Lorna; Wardrop, Elizabeth; AVatt, Alay. Competency: Brown, Thos.; Cooper, Campbell Scott, Owen; Gordon, Flora; AA’ood, Cora. Normal. —Proficiency : Arthur. Clive M.; Eowron, Harry Johnston; Carson, Wm Matthew; Cbisnolm, Wm. Leslie: Foster, Harry C.; Froggatt, Alex. E.; Graham, Archie; Grant, David R.; Howes, Russell A.; Hunter, AA’iLliam; Larkins, John S. N. ; AFElrca, Frederick AA T .; Al'Farlane, Duncan A.; Al'Farlane, John R. R.; Miohio, George M.; Nisbet, Arthur E, : Osborn, Henry C.; Palmer, John; Powell, Walter; Roberts, John M.; Sanderson, Walter ,E. ; Silver, R. C. D.; Smith, AVilliam J. I.; Smith, AVilliam D.; Strachan, W. N.; AValker, Hugh A.; AVilson, Thomas A.; Wills, Stanley AV. G.; Wood, William; Anderson, Jessie A.; Bannatyne, Agnes D, O. ; Blamires. AA 7 inifred B.; Burns, Elsie Catherine; Buckland, Lorna G.; Campbell, Elizabeth A.; Cox, Evelyn Rose; Etheridge, Alarguerito E.; Farrell, Ethel T.; Fraser, Georgina H.; Gemmell, Thelma; M. E.; Howie, Eleanor F.; Isaacs, Noreen L. J.; AUCabe, Rylvia G. W.; Powell, Nora L.; Robertson, Edna S.: Thompson, Ruth AI.; W-uien, Margaret I'.; Hnsaack. Jack F.; Alaskall, Reginald W.; Eggers, Davina J.; AValker, Almnie. Competency : Blee, Samuel J. ; Knowles, Ellen J.; M‘Queen. Isobel AT St. Hilda’s Collegiate.—Proficiency : Burton, Rena; Brasch, Lesley; Cotterill, Margaret ; Drake, Betty; Hammond, Florence ; Napier, Alary; North, Jocelyn; Pickerill, Kathleen; Rowntree, Phyllis; RowntfeS, Nancy; AVilkinson, Beatrice; Conn, Chrystobel; Upharn, Esther; AVrightson, Patricia. Competency: Braithwaito, Rua; Dreaver, K’ora; Kenwick, Helen; Hanlon. Eileen; Nelson, Ailsa; Smith, Prudence. Tokomairiro District High School.—Proficiency : Burn, Leslie; Chalmers, David; Elliott, Wilfred; Gordon, George; Hawke, William; Mpjyille, George; Michelle, Alan; M'Donald, John; M‘Keohnie, Adrian; Murray, Henry; Russell, Leslie ; Smith, Walter; Bedford, Emily ; Coombe, Gwenda ; Corston, Marjory; Krept, Alary; Littleiohn, Lucy; Lochart, Isabella; Lockhart, Moira; Logan, Thelma; Martin, Edith; Martin, Pearl; Murray, Elizabeth; Savage, Grace; Scott, Mary; Sutherland, Alargaret; Thomson, Margaret; Thornton, Ellen; Vidal, Gwynedd; AA’ilson, Competency; Begg, Norman; Brown. Raymond; Kennard, James; APElrea. David; Strain, William.

Lawrence District High School.—Proficiency: Brown, Arthur; Cluloo, Charles; Dwyer, Walter; Gray, Lawrence; Hore. William; Marshall, Allan I 1 '.; Simpson, William; Woolford, Clarence; Asher. Marjorie; M'Kinlay, Mary; Rudd, Stella. Balclutha District High School. —Proficiency : Arbuthnott, Richard A.; Dawson, George S.; Kallowliold, Leslie ; Gould, Gilbert Horace: Guest, Francis W.; Guest, Ronald J.; Hurring, Alexander; Jory, Thomas II.; Middlemuss, William L.; Muir, Linwood M. ; Roy, Alan B. N. : Watson, Bryce W.; Hislop, Irvine; 8011, Lorna M.; Bozett, Doris I.; Catroris, Mary J. ; Duckworth, Winifred; Gillespie, Nooleen M.; Gormack, Elizabeth ; Hair, Desdcmoua J. ; Keach, Emma F. ; M'Cutcheon, Hazel G.; MTCay, Margaret S.: M'Kinlay, Alice M. ; Renton, Lena P.: Ryan, Ellen T.; Sinclair, Amelia P.; Sloan, Edna B. F.; Smith, Ellon C.; Smith, Lillian Y.; Sutherland, Maud E.; White, Lillian J. Competency: Johnston. Eileen 11.

Christian Brothers.—Proficiency; Austin, Francis; Board, John; Boyle, Martin: Brown, Arthur; Campbell Robert; Deunchy. Bernard; Donnelly, Alexius; Dougherty, Leo; Druurn, Bertram; Hall, John; Harridge, William; Lauren, James; Lowe, William; Mason, Edward; JVPGcttigan, Neil; Miles, Owen; Moran, John; Murphy, ’Richard ; O’Connell, George; Parsons. Joseph; Quill Raymond; Riley, Denis; Russell, John; Si.nmionds, Francis; Smolensk!. Charles; Stapp, Francis: Todd, Leonard; .Whitly, Arthur; Wilson, Robert; Windle, Nicholas; Woods, William. Competency: Daniel, Gabriel; Gallagher, Wilfrid ; Josephs, Joseph. St. Patrick’s.—Proficiency: Cormack, Mona; Gillies, Maureen; Hum, May; Smith, Eileen; Wilson, Nena.

St. Philomena.—Proficiency: Barwick, Louisa; Campbell, Shiola; Isaac, Irene; Mee, Leonore; Toomey, Patricia. St. John’s (Cromwell).—Proficiency; Kavanagh. Norman F.; M‘Felin, Richard C.; Tully, Mabel I. St. Joseph’s (Port Chalmers). —Proficiency;

Albertson. Wilfred A.; Connor, Kathleen; Dougherty, Evelyn E. ; Flynn, Terence W.; King, Eileen V. : Montgomery, Henry J. ; Montes, Denis; Middloditch, William Y. ; M'Kowen, Stanley B. : M'Dowall, George W.; Oswald, Nellie J. ; Oswald, Joseph V.; Shanks, Alice M Waianaknrua.—Proficiency: Craig, Gladys ; Paterson, Agnes. Upper Junction.—Proficiency: M'Donnell, William; Ogilvie, Doris; Ross, Mary. Highcliff.—Proficiency: Aitken, Florence C. ; Pell, Marion R. ; Boyles, Maurice A. ; Donaldson, Margaret E. East Taieri.—Proficiency: Allan, Annie S.; Imrie, Tui; M'Nab, Lexie; Turnbull, Mavis D. Waipori. Competency: Gare, Laura. Romahapa.—Proficiency : Morton, Fergus. Ratanui. —Proficiency: Brown, Thomas W.; Craigie, Christina; Illingworth, Richard ; Williams, Dulcie. Outram.—Proficiency: Campbell, Robert Gibson, Hugh; Walker, Howard; Ferguson, Annie; M'Cnnn, Elizabeth J. ; MT.areu, Mary; Petrie, Constance Louisa; Shuffill, Jean; Snow, Nancy. Waihola.—Proficiency: Sinclair, Archibald H.; Stanger, Eileen L.. Competency: Smith, Eli. St. Francis Xavier’s Convent, (Mornington).—Proficiency : Bradley, Imelcla B.; Stapp, Eileen E.; Stewart, Pnyllis J. ; Pettit. Lawrence T.

Waipahi.—Proficiency : M'Kenzie, Margaret A. ; Whiteside, Thyrza. Competency: Truster, Marguerite A. M. Waipiata.—Proficiency': Darling, Ralph Compton; Jones,' Clayton Edward; Jones, Thelma Drydle; Johnston, Mona Eileen; O'Conner, Rebecca. Button. —Proficiency: Cockerell, Mary; Johnston, Hazel.

Beaumont.—Proficiency: Lloyd, Martha; Welsh, James Eric. Competency: M'Laren, Daniel.

Waitahuna. —Proficiency ; Blaikie, Evelena Jane; Crane, Doreen Elaine Loe; Cutler, George; Hogg, Donald; Macartney, Francis V.; M'Coskery, Jessie Catherine; M'Kenzie, Fay; Ryan, John Joseph C. Competency: Lynch, Johanna. Moa Creek. —Competency: Marshall, Jessie E.

Weddorburn. Proficiency: Duncan, Evelyn M. St. Balkans. —Competency : Hanrohan, Jack: Wniwera.—Proficiency : Fyfo, lan. Competency : Pannett, Howard W. Greenfield. —Proficiency : Craig, James M'K.; Miller, Gordon; Pitt, Betty. Matea. —Proficiency : Bishop, Thomas S. Hillend. —Proficiency : Park, Charlotte M. PurekirekL Pi^oficienoy; M'Donald, Hugh. West Taieri.^-Proficiency: Harvey, George G. Hyde.—Proficiency : Bruhns, Evelyn.^ Kauru Hill.—Proficiency: Wharton, Elsie. Waihomo. —Proficiency : Bayiy, George D. Competency: Pringle, Isabel M. Owaka Valley.—Competency: Duley, James; Puller. David. Katea —Proficiency : Blaokie, Minnie; Mac Neill, Cathrena. Berwick.— Proficiency: Petrie, Ivy; Shaw, C. Ivan M, , . , . Brighton.—Proficiency: Braid, Dons; Connor, Margaret. Taieri Beach. —Proficiency: Greflet, Fred. ; Joseph, James. Akatore Coast.—Proficiency: Watson, William; Whyte, Ivy. Competency: Whvte, Mary. ‘ . Maungatua.—Proficiency: lorsyth, David; Hore, Robert Launcelot; Leask, William John; Richards, John Wm.; Weatherall. Edna Amelia. . . Hiiyjhina.—Proficiency: Cooper, Marjorie L. Competency: Miller, Margaret W. Duntroon.—Proficiency : Brocket, Herbert J.; Francis, Gordon; Fyfe, Elspeth A.; Hood, Matilda, M‘Cully, John 11. ; MTver, Dorothy A. ; M'Phee, Iheresa J. Competency : Gibson, Alan J. Alexandra District High School.—Proficiency : Anderson. Ada C.; Oarline, Sibena C.; Robertson. Bessie J.; Thomson; Jean A. ; Arnott, James A.; Ashworth, lan A.; Barker, Frank R.; Boilby, Gordon T.; Jamie, John; Johns, William: M'Pherson, James A.; Thorloy, Alfred W. ; Watts, Herbert G.: M'Gmnis*, Cyril E. Com potency; Spear, Catherine I.; Mathias Ronald L.; White, Constance A. Cambrian. —Proficiency; Harley, John; Jones, William. Competency: Swinnoy, George W. Ota-kou. —Proficiency : Ellison, Mori; Kaahu, Peneamino; Hardman, Anniej Competency: Patrick, Hazel. Shag Point.—Proficiency: Dunn, Elsie D.; Hughes, Elizabeth. Competency; ■ Brooke, Rupert. , , . Leith Valley.—Proficiency: East, Lilian Lottie; Hobbs, Richard James; Ryan, Arthur James. Competency: Gray, Arabella Louisa; Kearney, John Thomas; Kearney, iStewart Albert; Ryan, Hazel Ethel.

Purakamii.—Px-oficiency : Baird, John ; Larkins, Richard : Stevenson, Murray A. Competency: Driver, Annie. Dunback.—Proficiency : Prater, Alan; Read, Charles. Mount Stuart.—Proficiency: Bartlett, Myrtle. Souihbridge.—Proficiency : Lyon, Emily; Robinson, Clarence. Spottis Crook.—Proficiency: Harvey, Jean B. Competency : Clouston, John A. Blacks.—Competency: Pitches, John Edward.

Makarora.—Proficiency: Taylor, William. Luggate.—Proficiency : AndersoiT, Morris; Collins. Phyllis H. Bendigo.—Proficiency: Reid, Elizabeth. Moeraki.—Proficiency: Cormack, Myrtle; Pagel, Robert. Competency: M'Kay, Kitty. Portobello. —Proficiency: Arnott, Winifred ; Hanson, Victor H. Competency; Moore, David A.; Peppered, Louis J. Cromwell.—Proficiency; Clark, Tom. E.; Eason, Louisa E.; Jolly, Ralph G.; Kitto, Errol J.; Scott, Olwen N.; Shore, Lucy M. B.; Stokes, Pearl E. Competency : Johnson, Jack R. Teaneraki. —Proficiency : Allan, Thomas R.; Paton, William L.; Walker, LVancis J.; Wilkinson, Robert M.; Yuill, James A.; Johnston, A. Marjorie; Presland, Joyce.

Flag Swamp.—Proficiency: Dempster, Ronald C.; Lee, Steven; Baird, Myrtle; Dempsey, Florence; Thomson, Phyllig May, Competency: M'Gregor, Neil M.

Macraes Flat.—Proficiency: Griffin, Joan; Peddie, Thomastina.

WyllieV Crossing.—Competency: Bradbury, Marjorie; Mitchell, James H. Seacliff.—Proficiency: Aitcheson, Rosalind ; Hughes, Edith M. Evansdale. Competency; Ferguson, Mona

Inch Valley.—Proficiency: Shaw, Janet Thomson. Competency: Jones, Arthur Jas. (Standard V) : Burgess, John N (Standard VI).

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19350, 10 December 1924, Page 4

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SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19350, 10 December 1924, Page 4

SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19350, 10 December 1924, Page 4