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Tho regular meeting of tho City Council, held last evening, was attended by Urs Douglas (Deputy Mayor, in the chair), Bogg, Clark, Hancock, Taverner, Wilson, Scoti, Sinccok, and MaoManua. RESERVES COMMITTEE. Cr Hancock, in mowing l the adoption of the Reserves Committee’s report, said several tenders had been received in connection with tho proposed building on tho Oval, and ho suggested that these be referred to tho Reserves Committee. Tho Deputy Mayor asked if tho city engineer had commenced work on the Fountain, to which Ci' Hancock replied that the work had not been started tho previous day, and there had not been any application made in connection witrh the Fountain from Ihe Exhibition directors. Tho report was adopted. GENERAL COMMITTEE. Cr Sincock, in moving the adoption of the General Committee’s report, pointed out that some slight alteration had been made in tho license fees for tho storage of dangerous goods. Tho alteration was .practically for tho small holder. The report was adopted. WORKS COMMITTEE. Cr Wilson moved the adoption of tho Works Committee’s report, and said, with regard lo the acceptance by Mr J. A. Roche of £IOO compensation in connection with land required for widening Cargill io:ul, that it would probably mean that tho whole block would he dealt with by tho corporation. With regard to the danse relating to tho Highways Act certain representations had been made about highways legislation. It. was proposed to send a remit to next, municipal conference in the matter. Notice had been served upon the Kaikorai Tramway Company as to the removal cf (ho bell at tho junction of tho Kaikorai cable and the Maori Hill electric tramways. Cr AlacMnnns pointed out the tyre tax went towards tho upkeep of country roads and nothing was spent in the city. There were a large number of motor cars in Ihe city, and the fees they paid were used by (be Government for the exclusive benefit of county councils. The Government proposed to levy a tax on private cars, and he was glad that a Conservative Government had at last decided to carry into effect what, members of tho City Council had refused to do. Cr Clark: The council never refused to do it. They had not the power to do it. Cr MaeManua; They had the opportunity of_ getting the power. Continuing, ho said ho was glad to see that the Government had decided to limit the tax upon cars used by those as a means of obtaining a living. Cr Taverner said he was glad to see that, there was to be no more tip at Glen avenue. Although it hail heon cleaned up, carts had been tipping there again tho previous day. The report was adopted. TRAMWAYS COMMITTEE. The Deputy Mayor moved the adoption of the Tramways Committee’s report, ana said that they would notice that the management hoped to have the Opoho trams running on September I. A lime-table had been drafted, but it was just a try-out. They had had to increase the fares on the Roslyn service. With regard to tho engineers’ award, they had had reports from, other centres as to what was done there, and a conference would be held shortly between the different tram managements of the dominion. Tho matter was held over in order to get something uniform. Some had given the concessions. Until the conference was held matters would remain as they were. It was unfortunate that, there should have been any objection to tho lino going clown Frederick street. It was the proper place for it lo go. Tho curves were more suitable. They had met, with opposition in connection with going clown Union street also. Passing tho Hospital the line could bo a single one with a loop, and Bio trams could go very slowly. They would move as quietly as possible. Cr Hancock asked when the gang of men that had been put off were likely to bo put on again. They were hoping to be reinstated. Cr Clark said that Ihe jigger service on the Opoho line was only a temporary service, and there was no objection to that, for a week or two. But there would be objection if U were continued for longer than a very brief period, Cr Rincock moved that the clause dealing with the Roslyn service be referred hack to Ihe committee for further consideration, and also on account of a put>lic mooting being called for the next night in UjC Kaikorai Valley to discuss the wellbeing of the Valley and surrounding districts, lie understood that this question would corao up for discussion. They should treat all parts of tho city alike as to trams running on Sundays. There was no seconder for the amendment, which lapsed. Cr Scott said that there was only one consideration that kept the committee from running a through son ice to Opoho, and that was lack of patronage. He favoured a, middle course, which was to run ri"ht through from the Exchange during the busy period, and during the off hours u jigger service from the Gardens. Cr Mac Mantis moved that the clause having reference to the engineers’ award be referred buck, with a recommendation that the council avoid being mixed up in private industrial disputes and follow the precedent established in Auckland and ■Wellington of not entering into a separate Jigrcement with their own employees, but granting holidays on full pay. He a Iso moved as a further amendment that the clause dealing with the Maryhill service be referred hack for re-consideration with a recommendation in the interests of public safety and humanity to permit gnp- _ men and conductors time off to eat their meals; also to grant the users of the Maryhill car the concession ot It rides for Is, and Mornington residents six up rides for 3 s. . There was no seconder to the amendments, wbicli therefore lapsed. Cr Ecgg said he. was still of opinion that tile running of a jigger service to Opoho would lie satisfactory. He had intended to move an amendment that the clause he referred buck, but hearing that the department was going into the matter very carefully lie would refrain from doing so. The Deputy Mayor said instructions had been given to lay the rails down George street, but the city engineer hud stater* that it would be useless to do so in the meantime. They had been blocked in going on with that work. They had been very sorry to put the men off. It was the intention of tho committee to have a through service for the residents of Opoho. They would be forced to provide an adequate service to Opoho residents as soon as possible. The report was then adopted. LIBRARY COMMITTEE. Tho adoption of the Ilibrary Committee's report was moved by Cr Clark, who drew attention to tho amount of pilfering that had been going on in the magazine section of the library. Some people had evidently determined to save themselves expense in this way, and certain of the magazines disappeared almost ns soon as they were put down. Indications were that the guilty persons were (hose w*ro should know better. The librarian had received instructions that no matter who the persons were or what influence they could exert he was to hand them over to the police for prosecution for theft. Ho had been looking through the complete and valuable tiles they had of the local newspapers, and it was deplorable to see the way pieces had been cut out of them. They were determined that, any person found destroying the property of citizens* in this way should be severely dealt with. Tho librarian had ticen sent to Invercnr* gIR to one of the most important, sales of hooks ever held in New Zealand, and unfortunately for them the competition had been very keen, and in ninny cases the price went beyond what they were prepared to give. Nevertheless, they had secured some 30 books, some of which from their great rarity would bo n great, attraction to their library. Cr Hancock seconded the motion, which Jvas carried. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER. The adoption pf the Electric Power ami Lighting Committee’s report was moved By Cr Soofcfc. Cr Begg asked about the department's policy in taking on employees. There were many young men desiring to loam electricity as a mean a ol livelihood. Was -the department at any thne taking on appretioeß to begin at the beginning and loom the work? Or MacManius asked whether tho chairman was prepared to take tho necessary action to co-operate with local bodies in the north to prevent officials from time to time asking for increased wages. There ‘ 'was competition for these officials going on amcnf? different power boards. The ■ fdgber mncialo ought to bo bound in the mkw way ae Ihe men to a fixed wage by award of agreement. Or fiootfc eaid, m reply, that tho electrical ; engineer made the appointments. It was Jtm dcsty to get the beet men he could, f nad he found the most suitable were those t.wfao bad bad previous mechanical engineertying So fax as ho knew there r V» no JSBKVDtaceo. Mr Henderson was

most generous in giving young fellows all tho training possible. With regard to Cr MaolVlanus’ point it was a question of supply and demand. Ur MaeMaiius should not take exception to anyone trying to get as much out of the employer as bo could. There was to be a conference of Power Boards at which the council would be represented. The report was adopted. FIXA NCK COM MITTEE.

, The adoption of the Finance Committee's report, was moved bv Cr Taverner. He said that, without interfering with any larger scheme they wished to n;: ... .. able to the people the 46 allotments in the Mamo township referred to in the report. Ho mentioned that the council's Year Book was in the printer's hands at. the present time. When it was available be, would be able to refer to various matters about which questions had been asked.

Cr Clark seconded the motion. Cr Mac Mantis moved as an amendment that the clause about, the sale of leases at Marne township be referred back with the recommendation that it bo left in abeyance until such lime as the Citizen's Committee had had time to report on the advisability of constructing houses on these allotments. The amendment lapsed and the report was adopted. OTHER REPORTS. The report of the Water and Gas Committees were adopted without discussion. TENDERS. Tenders for the erection of a pavilion on the Oval recreation reserve were referred to the Reserves Committee for report. . . For the cartage of poles in the Taien district the tender of Foote and Co., at an average price ov Gs 1 l-3d per pole was accepted.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19250, 14 August 1924, Page 11

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CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19250, 14 August 1924, Page 11

CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19250, 14 August 1924, Page 11