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RAND NATIONAL MEETING STURDEE WINS STEEPLECHASE. 3LIFOEM SUCCESSFUL IN WINTER CUP. (From Gun Speuax. Reporter.) . .. CHRISTCHURCH, August 12. Tho Grand National meeting was opened i She weather and tho attendance appeared )• be one of tho largest ever seen at Ricarton. The track was in good, firm order, nd Sturdeo clipped six seconds off Lochiiai’s record for the Grand National teeplechase. Lochson looked as if his run i the Jumpers' Flat, would improve him in ia race in the Grand National Hurdles, and r the same race Nukumai and Oniahu will Iso run well. The Grand National Steeplechase was eally only a one-horse. race, as a circuit rom homo Sturdee was showing the way to well-strung ‘lilt field. Oakleigh wis under tfong pressure going along the bank' cm he last time, and although the winner niahecl a very tired horse nothing could get ear him. Carawock did not jump with ny freedom, but perhaps he might have roubled the winner if ho had stood up. iaai Forto had the bad luck to break a tirrup leather early in tho race, and jmigig by tho way Galway shaped Pamplona rould have hold a good chance as ho is much superior to his stable-mate. Firelight could not paoo it with them and ted Cent failed to got tho distance after oing closest to tho winner for tho bulk if the journey. Tigerland ran better than ras expected and managed to beat Master ?oter, who stopped to a walk in tho run Lome, Oakleigh possibly might have inished close up as on the handicap ho ookod sure to finish in front of Master r’etor, whom he was meeting on 111 b letter terms than when ho beat him last rear. This would have surely made him »eat tho St. Petersburg gelding if there is my thing .in handicapping. All due credit mist, however, go to the winner, who ran i very solid race and made tho othors do heir very best during a fast-run race. Broadwood always looked to hold a good vinning chance in tho Winter Gap, but Sol if or m worried him out of it in a fightng finish. Yoma ran a good race, and so lid Red Wink, Bonnie Winkie, Ravenna, ind Bqadicea. Sunart and I.os Ambus failed o stay on after being always well placed in he early stages. Wapping ran a good race, is ho came from tho tail of the field to iniah close to tho placed lot. Prompter ran a good race in the final svent as he came from the ruck, and, get;iug, a lucky inn from tho false rail, was intitled to second money. Sartist, however, valked in and displayed a marked improvenent on the form ho displayed at the xhristchuroh Hunt Club’s meeting a. week igo. Riiby Ring failed to stay out the ourney. ; but King Sol was coming on at he ’end. The totalisator handled .f)68,128, com pared vith £65,921 last year. Buliford was elected an odds-on chance dr thq Hunters’ Hurdles, and justified the :onfidenco by taking charge at the first mrdle and winning all the way. Ho had to bo (shaken up at the finish to stall off who under hard pressure got viliun a length of the winner and put up t good performance under his load of 12.13. Cairnmuir was up with the winner for part of tho way, but faded out, and Grim Joke 'an an indifferent race. Nautibov dropped lis rider at the last hurdle.

Santiago was mad© a strong favourite for tho Trial Hurdles and good support lisp. oamo for T'enterfield, Goldpioce, and Royal Star. Agnolo, Fort Regal, and Gliquot were showing the way at Cutts’s Hurdle when Agnola fell and brought down Clip not. Fort Regal opened up a gap of about 50 yards from the others as they ran along the back, where Santiago moved into second place. Fort Regal rapped the second last hurdle, and Santiago' got within two or three lengths of him at tho last flight. Santiago came on and won by eight lengths from Fort Regal, who was stopping badly, but managed to finish three lengths in front of Goldpioce. I’enterfield came down at the last hurdle: Royal Star shaped badly and T’enterfield was not jumping at all well in the race. It was run in slower time than the Hunters’ Hurdles, and any of the National Hurdle candidates in tho field will have to improve a great deal to win on Thursday. Fort Regal probably obtained lus big load by the others steadying their horses to ivoid trouble when Agnola and OJiquot Fell. Sun Up was made a strong favourite for the Cashmere Plate despite tho fact that he drew No. 16 at tho barrier. They got away to a fair line, and Ilka was first so become prominent, while Escarpment, Thickwheafc, Rawona, Sun Up. and Bonita were close up. Ilka was in charge at tho rtraight and finally stalling off Sun Up in<d Bawone won by a neck, whilst tho :hird horse was a head away. Coe hoy Bondhu was close up fourth, with Escarpnent and Te Anau Lad next. Logic, who vent out second favourite, seemed to begin sadly from his place on the rails. The v inner is a shapely black filly and ranks is a half sister to Duo. Sun Up’s rider >roke a stirrup leather at the start, and itherwiso tho horse would have won. Boomerday was tho popular pick for he Jumpers’ Flat, and backers also went itrongly for Merry Singer and Tinokaha. Ihey got away from a fair line except Tinocaha, who had been placed behind tho ield. Petunia, Likelihood, Nukumai, Capain Sarto, Boomerday, and Merry Singer vas tho order out of the straight, with Maunga lying last. Tho order was unhanged along the back where Petunia and likelihood were still in charge. Likolilood led Nukumai into the straight and the atter, resisting a strong challenge from Merry Singer, beat him by a short halfongth. Penury Rose was a neck away, hird, and Loch son was over a length away Followed by GSmecook, Boomerday, and iaptain Sarto. Lochson was finishing on veil, and Omahu seemed to have a chance it the distance. Tinokaha, who had Gray n the saddle, never looked dangerous in ho straight. Vagabond was outpaced in het.early stages, but ho was moving up as hey rounded the fop turn. Carawock was always showing good avouritism when the belting, opened on he Grand National Steeplechase, ami Oakeigh came next in demand. Despite the act that Loohella had bceu under a cloud le was elected third favourite. Red Cent md Sturdee were tho first, to show out, iml they led over tho stand double. They ill cleared Cutis’s fence and San Forte vas evidently in touble and dropping back ,nd was afterwards pulled up. IV transpired that his rider had lost a stirrup eatbor. Red Cent. Sturdee, Tigerland. Polthogue, Master Peter, First Lino, and larawook was the order going along tbo Jack. Dick stopped at tho Kennels Double, they were all standing up bar San Forte md Dick when they came at tho stand loublo for tho second time, and Sturdee vak showing the way to Rod Cent, Master Peter, Tigerland, and Carawock. who fell it the first of the double. Sturdee was 20 engtbs clear at Gutts’s of Red Cent and

faster Peter, with Tigerland, First Lino, Galway, and Fireblight well back. Soirig at .the sod wall Red Cent made a aul’ty jump. At the kennels double Oakeigh fell through interference by First bine. Lochella also came down at the ante feneo. Sturdoe led Master Peter and figorland round the top, and coming on Ifcurdeo won by six lengths from TigeraniL who drew up and beat the very ired Master Peter by three lengths. First lino was 20 lengths away, fourth, followed ry Galway and Red Cent, who were the inly others to complete the course. .Fireflight fell at the second fence and > olt.hogne' was pulled up. Loohella broke lown badly in the off hind leg. Bed Sol and Sherlock showed the way ver the first fence and stand double in the Dnfield Steeples. Koria tipped out at lutfs’s, and Red Sol’s rider seemed to he a trouble, as his mount commenced to rop back, A lost slimm proved to be the ause of the trouble. Charlatan led Shersek to the Kennels double, of which the Tst jump brought down the latter. Chariton out off the homo corner, whilst Paid T ry ran a wider course. Iti the run home Jharlatan won by throe lengths from Paid ’ry, who boat Bine Hall by about 15 sngtha. Red Sol lost third place in the un from the last fence. Wassail. Cuncase, and A vispado were hie only horses figuring on the card for the Vinter Cup that did not go to the post. Ifoadwood went out favourite, with Rod Vflrtk ’ and Yoma next in demand. They :ot away from a good line, and the first tj' show out were Boadicoa, Los Ambus, lolfform, and Broadwood, whilst Paddy’s lope and Wapping were Inst to leavh. iO» Ambus and Broadwood led the way long.4hp • back from Soliform, Red Wink. Toma, Sunart, and Bonnie Winkie, all mining in fairly close order. Los Ambus aid Broadwood lad Soliform and Yoma

into the straight. Los Ambus dropped out shortly after straightening for homo, and Broadwood took charge from Soli form and Yoma. A good finish home saw Solifonu wear down Broadwood and beat him by half a length, whilst Yoma was a nock away third. Red Wink was about a length away fourth, and then came Tussore, Sahara, Wapping, Mountain Lion, and Ravenna in a bunch.

Miss Minerva led out from Barn Owl, Lady Gay, and Sart Ist in the Avonhead Handicap, anrl they ran in that order until reaching the straight, where Sartlst camo on and won easily by two lengths. I’rompter came up with a good run on the rails and appeared to beat Barn Owl by a nock for second place, but the judge put up The Polymnian in second place. Lady Gay, King Sol, and The Polymnian were next. There was a demonstration against the judge, and after a discussion ho placed Burn Owl second and Prompter third. This was obviously wrong. Even on the judge's original verdict the mistake was not between Prompter and Barn Owl, but between The Polymnian and Prompter. After Mr Aldworth left the box he had a discussion with Mr J. Grigg, and then went back and changed the numbers, thus making two mistakes instead of one. Reliable racegoers sitting in direct line with tho box claim that there was no doubt about Prompter being second. This was rather an unpleasant ending to the first card of the meeting. Results:—

HUNTERS’ HURDLE HANDICAP, Of 2Cosovs. One mile and three-quarters. 1 — Air E. W. Watson's oh g Buliford, by Strovvan—Dreadnought Links mare, aged, 11.8 (M’Donald) 1 2Mr C. Hazlett’s Adjnlor, 12.3 (Ellis) 2 s—Air A. G. Hill’s ch g Cairnmuir, 10.13 (Ruthvon) 3 Also started: 3 Grim Joke 11.9, 4 Nauliboy 10.7. Buliford was soon in charge, and racing along tho back had Cairnmuir and Grim Joke as his nearest attendants. Two furlongs from borne Adjutor raced past Grim Joke and Cairnmuir, but he could not thoroughly extend Buliford, who won by a length. Ten lengths back came Cairnmuir. Nautiboy lost his rider at tho last fence when trailing up the field. Time, 3min 22 l-sseo.

TRIAL HURDLE RACE HANDICAP, Of SOOsovs. One mile and three-quarters. I—Mr1 —Mr C. W. Wilson’s hr g Santiago, by San Fran—Dolly Fisher, aged, 10.7

(L. Morris) 1 7—Air G. Kain’s Fort Regal, 9.0

(11. Andorton) 2 2—Air J. Hardwick’s Goldpiece, 9.6 (W. Bowden) 3 Also started: 4 Royal Star 11.2, 3 Tenterfield 10.13, 5 Agnola 9.1, 6 Cliquot 9.0. Fort Regal was just heading Agnola at the stand jump, with Cliquot in third place. At Cutts’s Agnola came down, and Cliquot fell over him. This left Fort Regal well clear, and with half the journey gone he was quite £0 yards clear of Tenterfield, who was followed by Santiago. The leaders still had a useful load as they turned for home, but, tiring badly, Santiago had his measure at the last hurdle. From this out matters were easy for the favourite, who won by eight lengths. At two lengths’ interval camo Goldpiece, followed by Royal Star. Tenterfield fell at tho last fence. Time, omin 24sec.

CASHMERE PLATE (FLAT), Of 250sovs. Six furlongs.

&—Mr J. A. Taylor’s, blk f Hka, by Fin-land-Gold Bound, 3yrs, 9.0 (Roy Reed) 1 I—Mr Theo Russell’s Sun Up, 9.0 (11. Gray) 2 9 —Air J. Porter’s Ravvene, 9.0 (E. Ludlow) 5

Also started: 7 Weeta 10.0, 10 Bonena 10.0 16 Travella 10.0, 13 Queen Balboa 10.0, 15 Markie 10.0, 4 Winkle's Best 10.0, 2 Logic 10.0, 6 Escarpment 9.0, 11 Cocby Bondhu 9.0, 14 Kilcannich 9.0, Hyperion 9.0, 3 Chickwheat 9.0, 12 Bonito 9.0, 5 Te Anau Lad 9.0. From what appeared to be a fair start the colours of Hka, Bonito, Escarpment, and Chickwheat wore the first to show out. Hka was first into the straight, with Escarpment, Sun Up, Coch-y-Bondhu. and Ravvene handy. In tho race to tho post Hka stayed loti" enough to win by half a length from Sun Up. A length back came Rawene, followed by Escarpment. Time, Imin 15 4-ssec. JUMPERS’ FLAT RAGE, Of 250sovs. Ono mile and a-half.

6—Mr S. G. Davicjson’s Nukumai, hy Manchineal —St. Clements mare, 6yrs, 10.9 (W, Bowden) ... ... 1 2—Mr Vallance’s Merry Singer, 9.13 (E. Warner) 2 11—Air Knox’s Penury Rose, 9.0 (F. Corlett) 3

Also started: 1 Boomerday 10.>3, 6 Vagabond 10.13, 3 Tiuokaha 10.9, 8 Lochson 10.6 4 Omahu 10.5, 9 Gamecock 10.5, 7 Demand 9.11, 10 Maunga 9.9, 13 Captain Sarto 9.0 12 Likelihood 9.0, 14 Petunia 9’, , „ Petunia and Likelihood led Boomerday out of the straight, with Captain Sarto and Nukumai handy. There was little change all the way along the back and round the home turn. On reaching the straight Boomerday took charge, but Nukumai headed him at the distance, where Merry Singer and Penury Rose also moved up. Nukumai held his place, and beat Merry Singer by a length, Penury Rose being another length away. Four lengths further, back came Lochson, Gamecock, Boomerday, and Captain Sarto. Time, 2min 41 3-ssec. NEW ZEALAND GRAND NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP Of 2000sovs. Three miles and a-half. 10— Mr C F. Vallance’s br g Sturdee, Advance—Roslyn, aged, 9.4 (E. Warner) 1 11 — Sir Charles Campbell’s oh g Tigerland, aged, 9.11 (W. Scobie) ... ... 2 4 —Mr J. S. Talbot’s b z Master Peter, aged, 10.3 (H. M'Sweeney) 3 Also started. 2 Messrs G. and F. Peach’s Oakleigh, 12.5 (J. Roach), 9 Mr L. C. Hazlett’s br g Galway (A. Ellis), 1 Mr C. Boyle’s Carawock 11.2 (A. Wormald), 3 Mr R. Acton-Adams’s Lochclla 11.0 (E. Dawson), 7 Mr E. Joyce’s San Forte 10.3 (A. J. M’Brearty), 6 Mr H. Stanbndgo’s First Line, 9.13 (W. Bowden); 12 Mr W. A. Fuller’s Dick, aged (A. Thomor), 5 Mr F. Armstrong’s b m Firoblight 9 2 (A. M’Donald), 8 Mr T. E. Welch’s Bed Cent 9.0 (R. Thomson), 13 Mr D. J. Hughes’s Polthoguo 9.0 (R. MTCie) Red Cent, led oyer the first fence, followed by Tigerland and Carawock, but at the stand the order was Rod Cent, Sturdee, Tigerland, Polthogun, Master Peter, Carawock, and First Line. At Cutts s, Red Cent was eight lengths clear of Sturdee. Polthoguo, and Tigerland, but at the sod wall Sturdee had joined Red Cent in the lead. Sturdee was out in front at the post and rails, followed bv Red Cent, while six lengths away came Tigerland, Polthoguo, First Lino, Carawock, and Galway. Dick refused at the first of the Kennels double. There was no change in the order ever the sod wall and into the straight. At the stand double Sturdee was three lengths clear of Red Cent, while 10 lengths further back came Tigerland, Master Peter, and Carawock. the last-named falling at the first of the stand double. After this lot cams First Line, Polthogue, Lochclla, Galway, Oakleigh, and Fireblight, strung out. Sturdee was 20 lengths clear of Red Cent at Cutts’s and 12 lengths in front of Master Peter with Tigerland two lengths away. Red Cent made a bad jump at. the sod wall, and at tbo post and rails Sturdee was leading him bv 16 lengths, with Master Peter.six lengths further back, followed by Tigerland, First Line, Lochclla, and Oakleigh. At the first of the Kennels double Oakleigh and Lochclla fell. Sturdee led Master Peter by 12 lengths over the sod wall and into the straight, but at the last fence his lead had been considerably reduced. Once on the flat Master Peter commenced to tire, and Sturdee won bv six lengths from Tigerland, who beat Master Peter bv four lengths. First Line was fourth, Galway fifth, and Red Cent sixth. None of the others finished. Time, 7min 4seo —a race record. ENFIELD STEEPLECHASE, Of ZSOsovs. About two miles.

3—Mr J. S. Barrett’s Charlatan, by Winkie —Devins, 6yrs, 10.7, inc. 71b pen. (R. Thompson) I—Mr J. C. Stewart’s b g Paul Pry, aged, 9.7 (D. Hall) 6—Air W. R. Kemball’s Blue Hall, 9.3

(C. Bracken) 3 Also started: 2 Kovno 10.13, 5 Red Sol 9.13, 4 Sherlock 9.7. Red Sol and Sherlock led over the first half-mile, with Kovno, Charlatan, and Paul Pry handy. Kovno fell at Cutis’s, and at the sot! wall Charlatan jumped to the front, followed by Red Sol and Sherlock. Rod Sol tell at the first of the Kennels, where Paul Pry took second place. Charlatan easily held his place in front, and beat Paul Pry by three lengths. Blue Hall was 40 yards away third, and Red Sol fourth. Time, 3rnin 57 l-ssec. WINTER CUP, Of SOOsovs. One mile. B—Mr A. M'Donald’s br g Soliform, by Solfcrino—Adour, 4yrs, 9.8 (13. H. Morris) 1 I—Mr1 —Mr W. H. Wackrow’s Broadwood, 9.7 (L. G. Morris) 2 3—Mr A. W. Bridge’s Yoma, 9.4 (H. Gray) 3 Also started : 22 Duo 10.9, 6 Arch Salute 10.9, 8 Sunart 10.7, 5 Boadicoa 10.6, 20 Deucalion 10.5, 4 Winning Hit 10,4, 7

Bonnie Winkle 10.3, 2 Red Wink 9.13, 10 Ravenna 9.9, 11 Prince Femur. 9.6, 14 Rose of Athens 9.2, 'l2 Mountain Lion 9.1, 15 Ihapbtoa 9.1, 17 Dame Straitlaco 9.0, 21 Los Ambus 9.0, 16 Wharfodalo 9.0, 19 Paddy’s Hope 9.0. 13’ Dominant 9.0, 25 Wapping 9.0. 18 Tussore 9.0. Won "by half a length, with a neck between second and third. Time, Imin 43 5-ssec. AVONHEAD HANDICAP, Of 250sovs. Seven furlongs. Mr G. Fulton’s h g Sartlst, hy Sarto—Love Token. syrs, 9.13 (J. Beale) ... 1 Sir G. Clifford’s Barn Owl. 9.13 (F. E. Jones) 2 Mr H. Aker’s Prompter, car. 9.5 (E. Thompson) 3 Also started: Tho x olymnian 10.11, Kilfairo 10.3, Star Ranger 10.3, Tiff 10.2, Kuhio 10.1, Mountain Signal 9.9, Miss Minerva 9.8. Wuetea (inc. 71b pen.) 9.7. Warseer 9.3, Lady Gay 9.2, Glament 9.0, Heraldry 9.0, Votist 9.6. Won easily by two lengths. Time, Imin 30J(Scc. SECOND DAY’S HANDICAPS. The following are the handicaps for the second day of tho Canterbury Jockey Club's meeting: Hunt Club Steeplechase, of 250sovs. About two miles and a-half.—Charlatan 12.11. Eireblight 12.9, Kovno 12.8, Cassells 12.2, Red Sol 11.5, Sherlock 11.2, Blue Hall 10.13, Taralga 10.9, Blue Streak 10.7, Kauwhero 10.7, Nautiboy 10.7, Mataipukc 10.7. Woolston Handicap, of 250sovs. Six furlongs.— Kukume 10.5, Barn Ow| 10.5, Star Ranger 10.2, Enaro 10.2, Knooklyn 10.2, Ruby Ring 10.1. Kuhio 10.0, Ma Boughal 9.13, King Sol .9.12, Miss M inerva 9.9, Waetea 9.7, Lady Gay 9.3, Rivalry 9.0, Markie 9.0, Winkie’s Best 9.C, Bonoinel 9.0, Weota 9.0, Heraldry 9.0, Bonena 9.0, Jack Kilrain 9.0, Angelica 9.0, Sunny Mac 9.0, Eapada 9.0, Moisolle 9.0, Bonnywood 9.0. Frilford 9.0, Squint 9.0. Beaufort Steeplechase Handicap, of OOOsovs. About two miles and a-half.— Oakleigh 12.5, Pamplona 11.13, Carawock 11.3, Loohella 11.0, Sturdee 10.13. Glenotus 10.9, Passing Through 10.9, Master Peter 10. S. Tigerland 10.6, Palencia 10.6. San Forte 10.5, Mahuru 10.5. Silverton 10.5, First Lino 9.13 Whipcord 9.9, Red Cent 9 9 Galway 9.5. fens 9.4. Fircbhght 9.5, Kiplinn- 9.3. Mettle Drift 9.3, Ore Ore 9.3, Buckeye 9.2, Bustler 9.0, Gang Awa 9.0. Paul Prv 9.0, Polthogue 9.0, Red Sol 9.0, Rirkonella 9.0, Blue Hall 9.0, Sansalmo 9.0, Silver Fish 9.Q. Summer Handicap, of 250sovs. One mile. —Sartist 10.9 Tussore 10.2, Kilfairc 10.2, Enare 10.1. Till 10.1, King Sol 9.13, Incursio 9.12. Dominant 9.11, Prompter 9.9. Mountain Signal 9.5, Waetea 9.4 Warseer 92, Dot Ia mi coo SI, Gluement 9.0. Rivalry cj.o' RotJ Cborrv 9.0. Bnn Skirl 9.0, Winkics Best 9.0, Cairnmuir 9.0, Logic 9.0, Sunny Mnc 9.0, Snynnora 9.0. August Handicap, of 400sovs. Six furlonc’s.—Soli form 10.11, Sonpbirfl 10.11, Broadwood 10.9. Wassail 10.9. Boachcea 10 8 Red Wink 10 7, Yoma 9.13, Rose of Athm? 9.9. Kerb 9.8. Aviapado 9.6, Kcnrnoro 9.6, Wharfeckle 9.6. Will Oakland 9 5 Los Ambus 9.4, Ihapotoa 9.2, Clarcina 9 2 Counter Attack 9.0. Haupv Warrior 9o’ Mountian Lion 9.0. Pnddv’s Hope 9.0. Prosperity 9.0, Giantkiller 9.0, Moorland 9.0 Barn Owl 9.0. Sprcydon Hurdle Handicap. of_ 250sovs. One mile and three-quarters.—Santiago Royal Star 11.1. Tenterfield 11.0. Silent King 10.11 Adjutor 10.9. Cartoon 10.6 Bonibrook 9.13. Athens IT 9 11, Demand 911 Goldpiece 9.10, Fort Regal 9.10, Roval Fame 9.4, Agnola 9.4 9.4, Birkonella 9.3. Radiac 9-3. Grim Joke 90, Crown Coin 9.0. Hiero 9.0 Camel Amble 90, Clicquot 9.0, Ccurcelette 9.0, Miss Garance 9.0. , ... ~ Islington Handicap, of 400sovs. One mile and a-quarter— Palestrina 10.9. Sunart 10.6 Duo 10.3, Arch Salute 10.3, Deucalion 10.2’ Winning Hit 9.12, Boadicea 9.12, Bonnie Winlde 9.11. Prince Femur. 9.0, Guncase 9.0, Dame StraiHace 9.0. Kukume 9.0. Kilfairc 9.0 Wharfedale 9.0, Lucmette 9-0, Stream 9.0, Wapping 9.0, Dominant 9.0. trotting. METROPOLITAN TROTTING CLUB. SECOND DAY’S ACCEPTANCES. (Pee United Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, August 12 The following are the acceptances for the ecoond day. of tho Metropolitan Trotting Club's meeting: Improvers’ Handicap, of TWsovs. One mile and five lurlongs.-Proud Ata, Duke Bingen, Sister Beatrice, Burnie, Moneyenider, Grey wood scratch, Grattan Chimes Oueen Ida 12yds behind Dillon S. 36, Wild Hebe, Nelson Bell, Little Logan The Toff 48. Bluewood. Wonder Why GO, Pieter Timmerman 72. _ . .. Dash Handicap, of SOOsovs. One mile. Nelson Fame, Coroncl, Vera Logan, Hydasnes. Pearlie Chimes scratch Downcast Coil, La<iv Embrace, Prince Derby, Phi! Smith, Latona. Bellfashion, John Pointer, Betas Greeting 12yds behind. Star Queen, Ben Dillon. Nellie Scott 24, Tobermory, Landlord. Escort, Waitaki Girl, Ben Ohau 36. Kinv George Handicap, of lOOOsova. Two miles —Grand Denver, Child Pointer scratch, Hid Junior. Loganwood 12yda behind, Sherwood Whispering Willie 24, Tatsy Dillon, Aoron 48, Snowshoe, Vilo 60, Realm 72. Belgium Handicap, of 400sovs. Two m ,l e3 _Albert Logan, Transport, Stunt Artist, Quiver. Kate Thorpe, Talero, Holly Boy, Dandy Rose scratch, Away, Prince Swithin Avenue, Golden Sun, Tarzan, Becky Logan, ’ Harewood, Percy Dillon 12yds behind Saint’s Bell, Menember 24, Ivy Audubon, Jack Potts 36, The Rook, Bell'Harold 48, Colchester, Pinevale, Dalnahine 60, Golden Devon 96. Lincoln Handicap, of 500sove. Two miles. —Hayseed, Indra, Silver Shoe scratch, Dolly Dillon 12vds behind, Willie Logan, Logan Lou 36, Harry Audubon, Harbour Light 48. Avon Handicap, of oOOsovs. Two miles. Lackiewood. Lady Irving, Tiny Moon ecratch, St. Anthony 12yds behind, Our Lady, Merry Bingen, Kola Boy 24, Bundaberg,’ Marietta. Peter M’Kinney 48, Mangoutu 60, Lee Norris 72, Peter Swift 96. Canterbury Handicap, of SOOsovs. Two mllfifl.—“Prospflci scratch, Peter King, h lorrie Bingen 12ydn behind, Countryman 36, Lincoln Huon, Princess Foe, Fashion Queen, Lady Joan 72. Speedway Handicap, of 400aovs. One mile anrl a-quartor. —Adair, Elite, Chid, Emperor scratch, Bonny Logan, All Bell 12yds behind, Vilo, Sheik, Alto Chimes, Tarairo, Albert Cling, Great Bingen, Man-o’-War 36, Realm, Don Wild 48, Onyx 69. FORBURY PARK CLUB. The following nominations have been received for officers of the Forbury Park Club, to be elected at the annual meeting on August 26:—President, Mr B. S. Irwin; vice-president, Messrs J. Goldsmid and J. \T Samson; committee —Messrs G. J. Barton, A, W. Brown, W. J. L. Goughian, Thos. Fogg, H. Halligan, J. Mitchell (King street), J Mitchell (Burnside), It. Mayall, A. G. Neill, J. Richardson, R. Telfer, and W. D. Wyatt. As there are more than the required number for positions of vice-president and committee, a ballot will be taken at the aunuai meeting.



The New Zealand Trotting' Association last evening decided That, after carefully reviewing all the evidence of the previous .statements by Bennett, and the fact that he voluntarily corrected his false statement before the ease was heard in the Supremo Court, this meeting is of opinion that justice will be met by inflicting upon Bennett a disqualification of two years from August 1, 1924. “Charles Ireland and Hastings Ireland were disqualified for life for corrupt practlC“ James R. Devcreanx was disqualified for five years for corrupt practices.’’ AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. INCREASE IN STAKE MONEY. (Pbb United Press Association ) AUCKLAND, August 12. The Auckland Racing Club has allotted £65,150 as the stakes for the coming season, compared with £65,300 allotted last season. The stakes for the Great Northern Hurdles have boon increased to £2OOO and for the Winter Steeples to £IOOO. BILLIARDS. FALK INERT FINE, BREAK. Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. SYDNEY, August 13. (Received August 13, at 7.35 p.m.) Playing Walter Lindnnn, the English billiardist Claude Falkinor made a break of 985, establishing a record for a visiting player. ATHLETICS. CROSS-COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP. OTAGO’S REPRESENTATIVES. The members of the Otago team for the New Zealand Cross-country Championship, to be contested at Wellington on Saturday, will leave this morning, and during their stay in the northern city will be quartered at the Albert Hotel. The team consists of J. W. Tapp (captain), J. B. Bibby, AY. H. B. Hobbs. B, G. Cox, accompanied by Messrs B. K. M'Kornan (manager) and J. Crawford. E. L. Brown, the remaining member of the team, left on Monday.

THE SYDNEY DISQUALIFICATION'S. STATEMENTS BY. JONES .AND M'CAKTEN. Pros* Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. SYDNEY', August 12. Tiie disqualification of F. D. Jones and M. M‘Carten has caused a sensation in racing circles. The result wus qnito unexpected. It is stated that even in the event of the appeals succeeding it is possible that some of the horses in Jones's string will not again race in Australia, but will be sent straight hack to New Zealand, Ballymena and Glentruin will thus be absent from the spring meeting, and Ballymena will not participate in the Melbourne Cup. An inquiry was hold into Royal Despatch’s form at the Moorcftold races three weeks a-go, but after evidence the stewards accepted the explanation given. Jones states that he had a high opinion of Koval Despatch, and expected him to prove a good thing for the Maiden in Australia, and to improve into a good horse capable cf winning a useful race, but over bore he became too erratic, and did not produce his best form. M'Carten says Koval Despatch was running well early in "the Canterbury Maiden Handicap, vhen a horse ridden by an apprentice threatened to cany him off the course. M'Carten therefore pulled in behind the others, thinking it better to wait a run on the inside than to take • the risk of losing all clrinoe through having to go round the bunch of horses ahead of him. He assumes that this action was construed to he pulling Royal Despatch, but he claims he did it with absolutely honest intentions, and in the hope that a run on the inside would savo much ground and enable him to win the race.

COMMENT BY MR KNIGHT. (Peh United Press Association ) CHRISTCHURCH, August 12. Mr H. A, Knight, owner of Royal Despatch, says that he had made arrangements previously to leave for Sydney during the first week of September, and it -was impossible for him to leave earlier. He has not had time to think of the position, of the other horses, whether or not ho will bring them back to New Zealand. If it were not for Ballymena ho would, ho said, have been tempted to bring the team home, but with the Derby winner all right, he did not feel at all inclined to take that course. JONES CONTINUES TRAINING. (Received August 12, at 9.15 p.m.) Pending the hearing of the appeal, .Tones will continue the superintendence of the training of his team at Randwick. MR STEAD’S TEAM IN AUSTRALIA. Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. SYDNEY, August 12. (Received August 12, at 9.15 p.m.) Mr Stead's horses Horoscope, Limerick, Father’s Voice, Bosh, Falladeen, adn an Absurd—Los Vegas filly arrived by the Ulimaroa in good condition. RACING STALLION FOR NEW ZEALAND. Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON, August H. Mr John Donald, of Wanganui, has purchased from Mr J. B. Joel, the tour-year-old stallion Chief Rulor, by Tracery out of Jest—A. and N.Z. Cable. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. SATURDAY'S GAMES. The following is the draw for the Association football matches on Saturday; First Grade. —Northern v. Seaoliff, at Culling Park (Mr F. Rutherford); primary schools’ trial mutch, at Culling Park, 1.30 p.m. Second Grade.—Southern v. Technical Old Boye, at Ovul No. 3 (Mr W. Smith); 1. v. Old Boys, Oval No. 2 (Mr Morwood); Northern a bye. Third Grade. —Maori Hill v. Northern, at Mornington (Mr Preston); Mornington v. Technical Old Boys, Montocillo (Mr Davidson); Ravensbourne v. Post and Telegraph, Oval No. 1 (Mr J. Smith); Old Boys A v. Old Boys B, Littlebourne (Mr Ghent). Fourth Grade (A Section). —Maori Hill v. Mornington, at. Mornington, 2 p.ra. (Mr Preston); High School v. Ravensbourne, Ravensbourne, 3 p.m. (Mr Stewart); Y.M.C.A. v. Technical Old Boys, Oval No. 3,2 p.m. (Mr Moorhousej. Fourth Grade (B Section). —Normal v. Old Boys, at Littlebourne, 2 p.m, (Mr Mann); Taieri v. Northern, Gardens, 3 (Mr Bunn); Southern v. Port Convent, Oval No. 2,2 p.m. (Mr E. Pollock). Fifth Grade (A Section). —Port Convent v. Y.M.C.A. Rovers, at Oval No. 1,2 p.m. (Mr Sutton); Technical College v. Mornington, Montecillo, 2 p.m. (Mr Davidson); Ravensbourne v. High School A, Ravensbournc, 1.45 p.m. (Mr Stew-art). Fifth Grade (B Section). —Y.M.C.A. Swifts v. Southern, at Robin Hood, 3 p.m. (Mr Reay); High School Cv. Northern, Gardens, 2 p.m. (Mr Ritchie); High School B a bye, PRIMARY SCHOOLS’ GAMES. The following primary schools’ Association football matches will be played to-day: A Grade. —Musselburgh 1 v. Mornington, at Ova! No. 2 (Mr RuddLman); Normal v. Musselburgh 2, at Oval No. 1 (Mr James), Bantams. —Musselburgh 1 v. Mornington 1, at Oval No. 3 (Mr Fraser); Mornington 3 v. Mornington 2, at Mornington (Mr Young); Anderson’s Bay v. Normal 1, at Robin Hood (Mr Forbes); Moray Place v. Musselburgh 2. at Montecillo (Mr Hunt); Normal 2 a bye. HOCKEY. OTAGO LADIES’ ASSOOLYLTON. 'I here was a full attendance of members at the executive meeting of the Otago Ladies’ Hockey Association on Monday night, Mrs Nelson presiding. Correspondence was received from toe secretaries of the Tuanoka Sub-association and the Vincent Sub-association. —After discussion it was decided to adhere to the proposed tour. The team to leave Dunedin on Monday, September 1, playing at Roxburgh on Tuesday,-and then on to Alexandra, Clyde, and Cromwell. The matches in those town to be played on days arranged by the Vincent Association.

A letter was received from the Canterbury Association stating that it would he unable to ©end a team to Dunedin this year owing to the low state of the association’s finances. —The letter was received with regret. The secretary was instructed to write to the Southland Association to see if it could play in Dunedin on August 33, when the Southland team was on its way to the New Zealand tournament at Nelson, and also to invite a South Otago team to play in Dunedin on August 30.

The South Otago Association wrote asking for the use of nets for Saturday next. —Tho request was granted. The Girls’ High School Club applied for permission to play its annual match against Ashburton on Friday, August 15, and stated that the Caledonian Ground had been obtained for the match; an admission fee of (id to he charged.—Permission was granted, and arrangements wore left in Miss Loudon’s hands. A Grade Matches.—-It was decided to adhere to the ordinary draw for this Saturday’s matches. Tho question of playing the last round to complete the draw was discussed, and it was decided to await the result of this week’s matches, and also a reply from Southland with regard to a representative match on August 23.

A Jotter was received from tho StrathTaicri Sub-association, asking that the Otago team play a match in Middleiuarch when touring Central Otago. As the tour arranged would occupy a full week, and also as hockey was not very strong in Middlemarch, it was decided that a junior representative team (from B Grade players) bo sent to play Stralh-'faieri on Saturday, September 6. Messrs Long, Fogo, and Henty were appointed selectors. PRIMARY SCHOOLBOYS’ MATCHES. The following is the draw for the primary schoolboys’ hockey matches to-day: Normal A v. Forbury A; Caversham v. North-East Valley; Normal B v. Albany B; Albany A v. Forbury B.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19249, 13 August 1924, Page 8

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19249, 13 August 1924, Page 8

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19249, 13 August 1924, Page 8