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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. JOHN UE ID & g°N S. (Jj T D.). AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN. ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. CORNER LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS. DTTNEDIN Branch at Cargill’s Corner. 112 King Edward street. (Also at 45 EBK STREET. INVEBCARGILL). TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES MANAGED. FOR STRAIGHT-OUT LEASE. FINE FARM; splendidly watered; 3i .miles from Wyndham: no buildings; good gravelled roads; would make a great Dttiry Farm. Sections 18. 27 i 33, and 34, Block 2, and Section 13, Block 6, Wyndham District; 361 acres 2 roods 07 poles. Further particulars and conditions of Lease from us. JOHN REID AND SONS (LIMITED). ’Phones 190 and 3391. BRIGHT, gTEPHENSON,’ ft C°’ <L T D -)» STOCK AND STATION AGENTS. HIGH STREET, DUNEDIN. ACRES FREEHOLD (Central Otago); 4i miles township, 4 miles dairy jtvl vf factory; cream lorry calls at door; BUILDINGS comprise modern Eightroomed .House, telephone and outbuildings, 6-stalled stable, chaffhouse, men’s hut. up-to-date 8-slalled oowbyre, engine shed, concrete floor, - and water supply; 4-cow Gano milking plant, milking machine,- 90-gallon separator, cream cans, etc.; yards and motor shed; subdivided into 14 paddocks, clear of rabbits, and boundary netted: plentiful supply irrigation water, enabling close on 200 acres to be irrigated; CULTIVATION : 100 acres irrigated permanent English,, grasses, 13 acres lucerne. 11 acres oats and tares, 1Q ; acres Algerians, 10 acres Western Wolths ' and red' clover, all sown for spring ■ feed. 15 acres turnips. 41 acres fallowed, balance native grasses and tussock suitable for sheep and dry cattle: CARRYING CAPACITY: 50 milking rows ■ and young stock,- 150-200 ewes; 75 acres cropping; PRESENT STOCK: ’42 first- ■ class jested cows (spring calvers. in crtlf to pedigree Jersey bull; all cows dehorned), 16 heifers (spring calvers, 12 of which are half bred Jerseys in calf to pedigree Jersey bull).-12 Imlfbred Jersey heifer calves, ! pedigree Jersey bull, 1 two-year-old Jersey bull, 1 Friesian bull, 4 draught horses, 1 hack, 5 breeding sows, 1 Seacliff-bred ■ Berkshire boar. ■. : _ PRICE, AS A ■ GOING CONCERN, with 5 stacks lucerne hay. full set farming implements, harness, etc., £l2 per acre. This land is specially adapted for barleygrowing, the grain always bringing highest ruling prices. pARK, JJETNOL DS, £IMI TE D, FARM SALESMEN, AND AUCTIONEERS. MANSE STREET. DUNEDIN. 10 cows, 28 99 211 *>QQ ACRES (Balclutha District); 340 acres level and 48 acres hilly, 000 gross, 68 acres bush and natural stater, - plenty water; . sheep-p ACRES (SUBURBAN RAIL); 100 apple trees, potato patch, lucerne, 2 tons hay6-roomod Dwelling, bathroom, etc.; dairy, fowlhouses. 3-bail byre; 4 20 pullets. Price only £BSO. £2OO required. ” 862 ACRES (SUBURBAN), GOOD LAND; 3 acres turnips, 2 acres fruit trees and vegetable _ garden; small Cottage (absolhtely sound and comfortable), stone outbuildings,. 6 milking cows, 20 fowls, dogcart, harness, plough, separator, cans, churn, all tools,. etc; plenty winter feed. Price only £I2OO for the lot; or would exchange for good town property. 878 ACRES (NORTH LINE); 6 acres oats, 4 turnips. 3 hay; S-roomed Dwelling, h. and c.- water. 16-bail • regulation byre, stable, loft,‘hayshed, hut, piggery, fowlhouses, 15 cows, 1 Friesian bull (two-year-old), full set implements. Only £2IOO as a going concern. Cash required, £750. One mile from township and school. Splendid value. 860 ACRES (TAIERI DISTRICT); all low-hill country with exception of 40 acres flat; ,6-roonied Dwelling, cottage, dairy, - 10-stall byre, stable, tfapshed, large bam (well lined inside), chaffhouse, and engine shed. All ' stock sold off, and farm is now showing plenty of feed. Must be sold urgently, and £IECO the low figure asked. Cash required, £SOO. 830 320 acres in .. - ~ , ~ . .. proof fences; will carry 500 ewes and fatten lambs; 8-roomed Dwelling, all necessary outbuildings (some of-brick);- school li miles; property is well sheltered; grows excellent crops of oats,. turnips, and grass. All class of stock do remarkably well hero. Property adjoining sold for £9 per acre. Owner has other business interests, and will soil at cut price of £7 10s per acre, and on easy terms. (877) ACRES L.I.P. (Otago Central): in 7 paddocks, well watered; , 5-roomed 00 4 Dwelling, all necessary outbuildings; 100 acres• in, English grass;-'2OO acres have been ploughed, balance good flat tussock land. Price only £4 per acre, and good terms. • • , (833) OKAO ACRES (Otago Central): 564 acres of Freehold. 1028 acres L.1.P.; rental. A'iMfD £34; 911 acres yearly license (rental £7 10s); 5-roomed Dwelling, all necessary outbuildings, including splendid woolshcd (capacity, 600 sheep). - ’sheepyards, etc.; slock —920 ewes (2,4, 6, and 8 tooth), ±77 ewe lambs, 26 wether lambs. 26 wethers, 21 Romney rams, totalling 1150 -sheep, all, one ear mark, 20 mixed cattle, 4 draught horses, all necessary, implements and working. plant, .25 tons-oaten sheaves. This is a remarkable littlq , sheep run, Jail ; safe, ewe: country, and very easily must.ored-. . All 'sheep bred on and in good condition. Lambing always between 85 and 90 per cent. Our representative made a thorough inspection, and reports it< to be the cheapest run of its kind offering. NOTE the Freehold and L.I.P. * Price only £5500 as a-going concern. Cash required, £2OOO. An outstanding opportunity. /i QiTt/Ti ACRES .S.G.R (Otago Central); rental, £l7O per annum; 5-roomed DwellrroUl/ ing with all necessary outbuildings and working plant; 2200 sheep (1600 owes); lambing 85 per cent. Price, walk in Walk out, £II,OOO. (873) 1 1 KAA ACRES SMALL GRAZING RUN (Otago Central); splendid HomeX I »OvFv stead, with absolutely modern outbuildings and modem working plant; 3300 sheep (half ewes); rental,_ 3d per acre. Wool realised as high as 24jd. Full and further particulars on application, Prido/only £12,000. This is certainly a bargain, and nil worfc is finished and ready for coming season. (857) & RHODES, Private 2442 COMMISfTAMBLTN, TMTEENZIE, •Phone 3608. REAL ESTATE, FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND GENERAL SION AGENTS, BRAITHWAITE’S BUILDINGS, 42 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. WAIKOUAITL— GOOD GRASS DAIRY FARM; capacity 28 cows regularly; easy distance factory, school, aim other conveniences; 5-roomed Dwelling, byre for j.O cows, etc." Going Concern, with 14 cows, 4 heifers (spring calvers), V yearlings, 2 horses, brood sow, poultry, separator, all implements, carts, eic., £2600. (No. 29o0) FALMERSTON.-53 ACRES, VERY CHOICE HEAVY RIVER FLAT . b-roomed Dwelling, all buildings; capacity 50 cows, gi-ows excellent wheat. Will sell as a Going Concern. (No. o^.. NORTH LINE—iOO ACRES; mostly permanent pasture; 10 acres turnips, 3 acres young grass; 5-roomed Dwelling, Datliroom, byre lor 8 cows, etc. Going Concern,'; with -10 cows, 3 ! horses, 7 heiiera, pigs,: separator, all implements, sundries, etc. £2IOO. (No. 52(u) CHEAP DAIRYING OR MIXED FARM, 160 ACRES; 999 years’ Lease; rent 4s 6d; li miles from rail, school, and factory; 15 paddocks; capacity M cows, besides crops. The owner milked 58. 6-roomed Dwelling, o. light, etc. Easy terms. Or would Exchange with Town Property or Motor Business. Price, £l6 per acre. O FOR LEASE, 300 ACRES (Balclutha); splendid Sheep or Dairying Farm; can’ have right purchase; rent 12a; 5-roorne(f Dwelling, .ail other buildings. (No. 3kh) PENINSULA.— 55 ACRES DAIRY FARM; permanent pasture; good part ploughable; large 4-roomed Dwelling, souljory, 24-stalled byre, large loft, separator house etc. Price, as Going Concern, with 12 cows, 3 heifers, 2 calves, pigs, poultry, 70-gallon separator, carts, implements, etc., £1450. (No. oibo) IfufTXED FARM; strong 1and;,,218 ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASE; rent 2s 6d; ItJL 7 paddocks; carrying 200 ewes regularly, m addition to cropping; 50 acres in turnips, rape, etc.; 5-roomed Dwelling, washhouse, motor garage, all other buildings. Price £IOOO. Good terms. All improvements belong to tenants. (No. SUetS) HANDY Stirling Dairy Factory: 80 ACRES BEST DAIRYING COUNTRY available; carries 50 cows; 5-roomed Dwelling, full steading otherwise. Price £4O Terms, £BOO ingoing. Or would take Town House in Exchange. (No 3241) SHEEP FARM, 600 ACRES gdod mixed farming land; warm situation; 8 paddocks carrying at present 850 sheep, 2 cows, and young cattle; 5-roomed Dwelling all outbuildings. This property is being sold to wind up an estate. Price, £6 per icre. OOUND BUYING AT BALCLUTHA.—4IO ACRES; select farm; good part"level* O balance easy undulating; on mam line; grows 110 bushels oats, over 60 bushels of wheat; carry 500 to_600; ewes m addition to extensive fattening; gro ws JM. land; carries 26 good cows; 5-roomed Dwelling, h. and.c.; byre, with machines installed, etc., etc. Price, £2OOO. Owner will take a small property near Dunedin ANTED, DAIRY FARM, in EXCHANGE for 2i ACRES splendid W don, Christchurch, with Semi-bungalow of 5 rooms; every convenience including h. and c„ e. light, , byre, aw.v and garden etc. Five minutes ’from tram. ”£1750. Mortgage £BOO. A ong with 20 acres market garden outside Christ- 1 church, suitable early potatoes, cabbages, tomatoes, etc. Price, £1250. Mortgage, £ * so;- AIMATE DISTRICT.—SEVERAL FARMS, ranging from 40 to 130 Acres. SURVEYORS and CIVIL . ’ENGINEERS. & s. p A T FINANCE AGBNTft, P LAND & SHARE DOMINION CHAMBERS. & o BROKERS. 142 RATTRAY STREET, Q (Opposite Wood’s Private Hotel).. : Hoom and Land Agents. Land Surveying a Specialty. * a r\\Y ROSLYN; —Pretty 6-roomed modern VILLA: in perfect order; scullerv O hot ami cold water, Empire papers, tile grates, electric light, scullery, copper imi tubs, workshop, fowlmns, etc. ; large vinery; i-acr© sunny freehold elevated seciion nicelv laid out in » avden ’ and a i* 6url „°. u '!, de , d V live hedges. Cheapest property in Roslyn. Immediate possession. £IOO deposit, balance rental. Gift, £950. MOENINGTON (nicely situated).— Splendid 4-roomed HOUSE; perfectly sound and in good order; bath, hot and cold water, electric light, and all conveniencesgood garden, asphalt paths and yard; good outlook. £BO deposit. Only £635. ON RISE (close Knox Church).-Comfortable 4-roomed COTTAGE, with conveni enccs; exceptionally sunny and warm freehold section; nice outlook. £BO deposit. Cheap, £450. HIGHGATB (Roslyn, Ideal Position, Close Stuart St. Car Line)—Splendid HOUSE (six large rooms and one small); every modern convenience, electric light, gas for cooking: house in first-class order, and has a nice appearanoe; fine view; garden and lawn- deceased estate; £2OO deposit; compulsory sale. Bargain ££9o. MICHIE STREET (Roslyn, with a splendid view)—Pretty RESIDENCE of 6 large ■ rooms, in perfect order, with every modern convenience; i-aoro, warm section tastefully laid out in garden, lawn, and flowers; Urgent sale. £2OO deposit, QUEEN STREET— Lovely 7-roomed Brick and tiled-roofed BUNGALOW (latest design), with all the_ most up-to-date conveniences and appoi-AsnatiU; j-acre; sunny, elevated section; ideal situation, warm, , great view; large brick garage and a pretty garden. Price low to an immediate purchaser. lONDON STREET (Best Position, Close George street) Gentleman's REST. A T)ENCE of 9 rooms; latest modem'conveniences; lovely - elevated section; suitable for professional man j rare, bargain, . . - ...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18874, 29 May 1923, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 18874, 29 May 1923, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 18874, 29 May 1923, Page 10