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PHASES OP THE MOON. January. Full Moon 3rd 2.3 p.m. Last Quarter *.. .. 10th 0.24 p.m, New Moon 17th 2.11 p.m. First Quarter 25th 3.29 p.m. THE SUN. Rises to-day at 4.40 a.m.; seta 7.53 p.m. Rises to-morrow at 4.41 a.m.; sets 7.53 p.m. THE WEATHER. January 12._ —Dull, but bright later. Light southerly to' south-west wind, veering to north-east in the afternoon. Sam. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 29.70 29.65 29.60 .Thermometer .. ~ Min.,49; max., 60 WEATHER REPORTS. (Pm Unrrau nuras association.) WELLINGTON, January 12. The following aro the official weather reports at 4 p.m. Bar. Ther. Weather. Cape Maria ... S.E., light 29.00 71 Pine Russell S.W., light 29.85 74 Cloudy Maimkau 11. ... 9.W., fresh 29.84 67 Cloudy Auckland ... BAV,, light 29.87 69 Fair Tauranga ... W., light 29.69 76 I air Gisborne S.E., light 29.76 67 Pair Napier N., light 29.78 79 Fair C'nstlcpoint ••• W., light 29.74 60 Fine Wellington ... N., breeze 29.75 67 Fair New Plymouth W., light 29.78 68 Fair ■ Capo Eguiont... W., light 29,79 71 Cloudy Wanganui ... W., breeze 29.87 72 Fair Farewell Spit.. W.. fresh 29.79 09 Cloudy ' Cape Foulwind S.W., light , 29,75 67 Cloudy Oreymouth ... 8.W., light 29.78 71 Fair Stephen Island W., fresh 29.80 62 Overcast Cape Campbell F... light 29.75 09 Overcast Kaikouru ... E-, light 29.70 Cl Overcast Akaroa light... N.K., fresh 29.70 57 Cloudy Nuggets N.E., light 29.60 60 Cloudy Bluff E., light 29.57 60 Candy WEATHER FORECAST. Following is the official weather forecast: —• Present indications are for strong northwest to south-west breezes and the weather cloudy and unsettled at times with scattered showers, The baromoUv has a falling, tendency, but is due to riso everywhere after 20 hours. HIGH WATER. - January 13— a.m. p.m. At Taiapoa Heads .. .. 11.32 12. At Port Chalmers .. .. . At Dunedin 0.13 12.42 January 14— At Taiaroa Heads At Port Chalmers 0.40 1.6 At Dunedin 1.10 1-36 ARRIVALS. January 12. Maimoa, s.s. (7.40 a.m.), 6011 tons, Gnskell, • from .bluff. Dalgoty and Co., agents. Moeraki, s.s. (10.55 a.m.), 4421 tons, Doorly, from Melbourne, via Bluff. Union Steam Ship Company, agent. Passengers ;—lntercolonial : Saloon—Misses P. Bagge, Halligau (2), M'Bride, Maid, Flett, Timbs, Crowther, j. Anderson, M'Owen (2), Stokes, MTnncs, Ellis, M’Keliar, Dunn, Patman, Maliood (2), Dane, Reece (2), Mosdames Halligan and child, Crowther, Spry, Nicholas, J. Miller, A. Allford, Stokes, Ellis, Lane, Curphy, Johns, Tandy, Messrs Thompson, Merrick, DuUon, M’Donaad, Halligan, Ball, Drew, D. C. Barrington, Crowther, M’Govorne, Nicholas, M’Gregor, Miller, Allford, Smith, Lloyd, Martin, Ellis, Keane, Longden, Phelan, Lane, Curphy, Barber, King; and 30 steer- * age. Coastal: Saloon—Misses Cunningham and;, Ferguson, Mesdames Cunningham and • Finch, Mr Fail. DEPARTURES. January 12. Maimoa, s.s. (5 p.m.), 6011 tons, Gaskell, from Bluff. Dalgety and Co., agent. City of Newcastle, sa, (noon), 6021 tons, Parnngton, for Melbourne and Sydney. Messrs Turnbull, Martin, and Co., agents.

The Kaitengata, which is undergoing overhaul at Port Chalmers, goes into dry dock on Monday morning. The Maimoa, winch arrived at Port Chalmers yesterday morning from Bluff to load wool, etc., for America and United Kingdom, left again at 5 p.m. for Lyttelton,. . The Waitomo, from .Lyttelton, will berth at Port Chalmers this morning to discharge about 2000 tons of Nauru Island phosphates. The Makura, from Vancouver, via Suez, is due at Auckland on Monday afternoon, and is to sail on Tuesday for Sydney. The Wanaka, from Auckland, via ports, is due here on Tuesday, and is to sail that evening for Auckland, via ports. According to reports from the Westmoreland, the steamer Culna, en route from Texas to Auckland, is four and a-half days behind her and should arrive at Auckland to-morrow.

Tne Corinna, which came up from Port Chalmers yesterday after being cleaned and fainted, is to leave early this morning for Nelson and New Plymouth, via usual ports. The Katoa, which also camo up from Port Chalmers yesterday morning is to sail to-day for Auckland, via ports. The Waitemata, Irom Calcutta, via Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Timaru, is duo hero about to-morrow, and is to sail on Tuesday for Bluff and Newcastle.

, The Ngatoro, from Napier direct, is duo here about Tuesday to load for Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, and Gisborne.

The Storm is now to leave Lyttelton on Monday night, and is due hero on Tuesday. Sue is to sail the following day for Tunaru, Lyttelton, Picton, and Wanganui. The Breeze, from Lyttelton, via Timaru, is due here to-morrow, and is to sail on Monday for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Picton, and Wanganui. The Whangape is to leave Bluff to-day for Sydney and Newcastle, where she will load for Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff. The Holmdale, from Wellington, is due here to-day, and is to sail tho same day for Gamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui.

The Kawatiri and Kaikorai are to leave Auckland to-day for Newcastle.

Ihe Kamo, from Greymouth, via Lyttelton and Timaru, is due here on Monday to complete discharge, and to load for Westport and Greymouth.

The City of Newcastle left Dunedin at noon yesterday for Melbourne and Sydney, where, she will complete discharge of her American cargo. The Devon is to sail from Wellington tomorrow for London, via Montevideo and Teneriffe. CUMBERLAND DUE TO-MORROW. ■ The Cumberland, from Port Pirie, is duo at Wellington to-morrow, and will load there and at Lyttelton, Bay, and Gisborne. She is to sail from Wellington early in February for London, via Montevideo and Las Palmas. WAIHE-MO’S MOVEMENTS. The Union Company’s trans-Pacific steamer Waihemo sailed from Sydney on Sunday, December 31 for Honolulu and Vancouver. She is duo at Honolulu about January 20, and will load at Pacific Coast for New Zealand and Australian ports early in February. WANGARATTA TO LOAD. The New Zealand Shipping Company’s liner Wangaratta is duo at Auckland from jiiistralia about February 4 to commence loading for London. She will complete loading at Whakatane, Tokomaru Bay, and Wellington, and will bo despatched from the latter port about the beginning of March. MA RAMA’S CARGO. The Manama, which arrived at Auckland on Tuesday morning from Sydney, disembarked 297 passengers, and discharged a largo shipment of mails and about 1600 tons of cargo, including about 800 tons of transhipments for the Western Pacific Islands and the following items for Auckland:—23-') bags pearl rice, S 3 cases wine, Go halos paper bags, 50 cases whisky, 04 kegs white lead, 525 cases canned fruit, and 580 bars lead. She brought transhipments from the following vessels;—Hangarland, Canowna, Woodonga, Eastern, Ormuz, Wyreema, Balranald, Houtman, Taiyuan, and Dimboola. She left on tho return voyage yesterday. MOERAKI, FROM MELBOURNE. The Union Steam Ship Company’s fine intercolonial passenger steamer Moeraki, from Melbourne, via Bluff, berthed at tho cross wharf shortly before 11 a.m. yesterday to disembark passengers. Her cargo, which amounted to 558 tons from Melbourne and two tons from Bluff, includes 400 cases of fruit, mostly oranges. She has transhipments ex the Ormuz, Trelyon, Time, Matoppo, Janus, Anclromedes, Kanowna Naldera, Macedonia, and Re d’ltalia. Captain J. G. S. Doorly, formerly of the Paloona, is in command, and has associated with him tho following officers: —Chief, Mr W. A. Gray; second, Mr C. C. Waters; third, Mr O. G. Bray; fourth. Mr E. J. De Carteret; chief engineer, Mr J. M'Lean; second, Mr W. S. Smart; third, Mr G. Monaghan; fourth, Mr O. Anderson; fifth, Mr J. A. Petrie; sixth, Mr H. MacMillan; seventh, Mr F. W. Ross; wireless operator, Mr F. Duggan; purser, Mr E. Sherson; assistant purser, Mr A. Lancaster; chief steward, Mr G. M’Donald; second, Mr H. Eldred. Tho Moeraki is to sail at noon to-day for Melbourne, via Lyttelton and Wellington. REMUEBA’S SAILING ALTERED. An alteration in tho sailing of tho New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Remuera has been announced. Tho vessel, which is due at Auckland from Southampton on tho 23rd inst., will discharge at Auckland and Dunedin, and after loading in tho south will be despatched from Wellington for Southampton on February 17, instead of tho 21s*.

CANADIAN PIONEER DELAYED. Messrs H. L. Taplcy and Co. have received advice that the Canadian from Adelaide, has been delayed at Blulf owing to a shortage of labour and trucks, and will now leave the southern port to-day for Port Chalmers, where sho is duo tomorrow. She is to sail on Monday lor Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland, where she will complete loading for New York, Boston, and Montreal. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tho following vessels were expected to bo within range of the under-mentioned wireless stations last night:—Auckland: Mukurn, Waiotapu, Culna, Government s.s. Tutanekai, Boveric, Navua, Kuiow, Jules Michelet, Maramn, Manuka, and Kaimanawa. Wellington: Maori, Wahine, Ngaio, Maunganui, Biloela, Wingatui, lonic, Otarama, Carpentaria, Ulimaroa, Port Lincoln, Cumberland, Iron Chief, and Port Hunter. BEMBRIDGE TO LOAD WOOL. The steamer Bembridge, which is to load wool in New Zealand, is due at Wellington on Tuesday from Newcastle. The vessel has a part cargo of coal to put out at Wellington. Tho Bombridgo will load wool at AVollington, Wanganui, Napier, and Lyttelton,

and is to leave Lyttelton during tho first week in February for London. Tho Bembridge recently arrived in Australia from Bombay. Sho is a steel screw vessel of 5242 tons gross, and 3161 tons net, classed 100 A 1 at Lloyd's, and built in 1919/ by Caird and Co., Ltd., Greenock. The Bembridge, which was formerly the War Anchusa, is owned by tho Tomperley Steam Shipping Company, London. WESTMORELAND, FROM LIVERPOOL. Arriving from Liverpool early on Wednesday morning, the Westmoreland, 9512 tons (Captain G. F. Deilh), berthed later to discharge a largo quantity of inward cargo, including 100 kegs of copper sulphate, 1326 cases and 4 casks whisky, 90 kegs paint, 40 kegs white lead, 77 cases sewing machines, 1000 boxes cornflour, 76 drums and 20 casks putty, 85 drums linseed oil,' 320 kegs red lead, 140 cases cyanide of sodium, 298 bags nitrate of soda, 77 cases caustic soda, and a large shipment of galvanised iron, steel bars, tinplates and wire netting. The cargo was loaded at Bristol, Glasgow, and Liverpool, tho steamer eleo-rmu from Liverpool on December 2. Sho mot with fair weather until tho 6th, when it began blowing a gale fropt thb south-west, backing to tho north-west until tho 9th. The steamer was reduced to half speed, and on the morning of tho Bth was hovo-to for four hours, with heavy seas continually washing on deck. Only minor damage was caused, a few steam pipes and steam pipe casing being bent and twisted. Good weather followed, and tho Westmoreland arrived at the Panama Canal on the morning of tie 18th, and bunkered at Colon, continuing tho voyage on the I9th. A moderate. breeze was exnerionccd all tho way across the Pacific. It is expected that the Westmoreland will complete discharge of her Auckland cargo and sail for Wellington about Monday, thence to Lyttelton and Dunedin

to put out the balance. Cajitain Deith has with him; Mr B. M*.*sh, chief officer; Air J. A. Koney, second ; Mr R. O. Davis, third; Mr J. S. Baton, fourth; Mr W. R. Roddick, chief engineer; Mr J. Kemp, second; Mr E. Jones, third; Mr W. Moxham, fourth; Mr A. M'Harg, fifth; Mr W. Ooodall, sixth; Mr I. Aitkcn, seventh Mr W. Turner, chief refrigerating engineer; Mr J. Wilson, second ; Dr W. Bain, surgeon; Mr E. D. Barwick, chief steward; Mr J. Bastabie, wireless operator. She is due at Wellington on Wednesday, and will then conic to Byttelton end Dunedin to complete discharge. MARAMA’S PASSEKGERS. The following passengers arrived at Auckland on Wednesday from Sydney:—Saloon: Misses GuilfoyLe, Webb, Short, Sayers, Papp, Peach, Hardwick, Cathcart, Constantine, Hardy, Osterburg, Baird, Andrews (2), Bray, Wenke, Beatty, Rushwcll (2), Rawlinson, Palncr, Knight, Haven, Cross Mosham, Cishraore, Lodge, Mountain, Williams, Piggott, Abbott, Barnett, Lockwood, Miller, Lehy, Femes, Castles, Doan, Morton, Baster, Moore, Mcnzies, Kearney, Halcrow (2), Watson, Vyner, Carter, Mosdames Grieg, Meoaon, Murrano, Granger, Tindal, Smith, Moore,

Clay-Smith, Webh, Matthoar, Newburgh, Blake, Gifford, Webb, Young, Cos and infant, Schmidt and 2 children, Speight, South, Constantine, Hardy, Fairbrother, Dolphin, Glasgow, Ford and 2 children, Campbell and family, Mayo, Palmer, Hosier, Cook, Ryan, Fix, Craig, Morginie, Lawrie, White and child, Harris, Wilson, Menzies, Kearney, Caldwell, Stafford, Temby and 2 children, Halcrow, Little, Mercer, Careek, Conn, Harrison, Hatherley, Vila, Messrs Greig, Reilly, Hancock, Bonner, Webb (2), Banks, Smith, Tuckey, M'Adam, Pain, Grant, Shcrnell, Hudson, Ashman, M'Farlane, Parker, Short, Sinclair, Lister, Allen, Pearson, Taylor, Kcdly, Peat, Musson, Davenport, Ikawl, Matu, Kakuda, Hardy and boy, Murfane, Grainger, Tindal, Moore, Stichbury, Dinrose, Clay-Smith Matthews, Webb, Newburgh, Fairbrother, Dolphin, Glasgow, Constantine, Slapoffski, Campbell, Dalton, Richardson, M'Caig, Crook, Mitchell, Mouly, Dean, Foy, Devitt, Duncan, Fitzsimmons, Stafford, Blood, Dowd, Neill, Vila, Capron, Haven. Fulton, Keilly, Clay, Brimmer, Caldwell, Little, Ryall, Watson, Jury (2), Mercer, Broughton, Robertson, Krone, Askham, O’Shea, M'Lean, Mooy, Clark, Garkeek, Mitchell and son. Conn, Buckle, Moi'pan, Harrison, Sefton Beck, Julian, Thompson, Hatherley, Sayigh, Murdoch, Harris, Lee; and 90

steerage-. WIRELESS DIRECTION FINDING. APPARATUS ON TUTANEKAI. TESTING ITS RELIABILITY. The importance of aids to navigation in thick and foggy weather for steamers on the New Zealand coast has been recognised by the Government, and a new set of wireless direction finding apparatus has been installed on the Government steamer Tutanekai (reports the Auckland Star). To test the efficiency of this apparatus some experiments were carried out during the trip of the Tulanekai from Wellington to Westport re-

cently, and next week further experiments in wireless direction finding will be made off the Three Kings during the steamer’s round trip of the northern lighthouses. Commander G. Hooper, Government Nautical Adviser, Mr A. Gibbs, the Assistant Telegraph Engineer, and Captain W. Whiteford, examiner of masters and mates at Auckland, will leave Auckland on Tuesday next by the Tutanekai. After tho tests have been carried out the data will bo collated, and it is expected that if the results prove that tho apparatus is effective and 1 reliable tho Government will adopt a system of automatic wireless signalling equipments at various points on the coast of both islands. Each shore station would send out fixed code signals that could bo distinguished by mariners from those of other stations, and these, it is stated, will be as readily identified as the lights of tho principal lighthouses. The apparatus on the Tutanekai is tho same «a that in uso on tho coasts of America and England. It has an "ear,” which is revolved until facing the direction of the wireless signals sent out from a shore station, and by that moans the bearings of the shfp can easily be ascertained.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18760, 13 January 1923, Page 8

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18760, 13 January 1923, Page 8

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18760, 13 January 1923, Page 8