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Burnside, Wednesday, January 10. Fat Cattle.—There was a fair yarding of 203 head, a good number of prime quality cattle being forward, but the bulk comprised mostly well-finished, light-weight steers and heifers. Competition was rather slack at the early part of the sale, but improved to, last week’s prices as the sale progressed. Towards the end, however, prices eased again to the extent of 15s per head. Quotations: Prime heavy bullocks realised up to £l4 10s; prime, £ll to £l2 10s; medium, £9 to £lO 10s, National Mortgage and Agencv Co. sold: For J. Muir (Kaitungata), 2 bullocks £l4, 2 £ll ss, 2 £lO 7s Gd, 2 £lO os; Charles Carnie (Mataura Island), 2 bullocks £ll 2s 6d, 4 £lO 7s 6d, 2 £lO 2s 6d; W. Lindsay, ji\n. (Allanton), 1 cow £6 15s. Todd Bros sold: For J. C. Renton (Mosgiel), 1 bullock £ll ss, 1 £9; Walter Blackie (Mospiel), 1 bullock £lO 17s 6d; T. J. Gawn (Mosgiel), 1 bullock £lO ss; Wm. Lindsay, jun. (Allanton). 1 bullock £6 10s, 1 heifer £4 15s; lan Lindsay (Allanton), 1 heifer £6 los; Charles Goodman (Kaikorai), 1 cow £4 15s. -Otago Fanners’ Co-operative Association sold: For Thomson and Co. (Wairongoa), 2 bullocks £l2; a client, 3 bullocks £ll 17s Gd, 2 £lO 17s Gd; Mrs Kirk (Mosgiel), 1 bullock £ll ss; J. C. Renton (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £lO 17s Gd; Thos. J. Gawn (North Taieri), 2 £lO 12s Gd: J. M’Leod (Maungatna), 3 bullocks £lO 12s Gd, 1 heifer £9 10s, 1 £9, 2 £5 12s Gd, 1 £6. 1 £5 17s 6d, 1 £3 15s; W. Lindsay, sen. (Allanton), 1 bullock £10; Walter Blackie (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £9; T. il. Pugh (North Taieri), 4 bullocks £7 10s, 1 £3 ss; W. Lindsay, jun. (Allanton), 1 heifer £5 7s Gd.—Stronach, Mbrris, and Co. sold: For Executors late AVm. Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £lO 17s Gd; Thomson and Co. (Wairongoa), 2 bullocks £lO ss; J. C. Renton, jun. (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £9; lan Lindsay (Allanton), 1 bullock £B, 1 heifer £5 15s; W. Lindsay, jun. (Allanton), 1 bullock £8 7s Gd, 1 heifer £5 2s Gd. Donald Reid and Co. sold: For Arthur Wilks (Longridgc), 1 bullock £l2 15s, 3 £l2 2s 6d, 3 £ll 17s Gd. 3 £l3 15a, 3 £l3 10s, 3 £l2 17s Gd; a client, 2 bullocks £ll, 2 £lO 10s, 2 £lO ss, 2£9 12s Gd; John Royds (Glenesk), 2 bullocks £ll 15s, 2 £lO 17s Gd, 2 £ll 15a, 2 £9 15s; John Campbell (Momona), 1 heifer £6 7s Gd. 1 £4 ss, 1 £4 15s; executors late W. Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £lO 15s; Thomson and Co. (Wairongoa), 3 bullocks £9 7s 6d; Jas. Renton (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £lO 10s; W. Blackie, sen. (Lochend, Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £ll 7s Gd; a client, 2 bullocks £lO ss, '2 £lO 7s 6d; Geo. Ford (Mosgiel), 1 heifer £6 2s Gd; Mrs John Lindsay (Mosgiel), 1 heifer £5 12a Gd: T. J. Gawn (Mosgiel), 3 bullocks £9; W. Lindsay, son. (Allanton), 2 bullocks £ll, 2 £9 17s Gd, 2 £9 15a. 1 cow £7 ss. Dalgety and Co. sold: For R, Acton-Adams (Wilden Station), 3 heifers £9 15s, 1 £8 10s, 2 £7 15s, 1 £7 Robert Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £lO 7s Gd; Alex. Douglas (East Taieri), 2 bullocks £lO 17s Gd, 2 £lO 12s 6d; Wm. Lindsav, jun. (Allanton), 1 bullock £8 15s. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Co. sold: For Kain Bros. (Stirling), 2 bullocks £ll ss. 2 £lO 17s Gd £lO 15s: Thomson and Co. (Wairongoa), 1 bullock £ll, 1 £lO los; Angus Campbell (Wyndham). 2 £lO 17- Gd, 2 £9 15s, 2 £O, 2 heifers £7 10s; James Renton (Mosgiel), 1 £lO 12s Gd, 1 £lO 7s Gd; Walter Blackie (Mosgiel), 1 £lO 15s, 1 £lO 12s Gd; Wm. Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 £10; Wm. Lindsay, jun. (Allanton), 1 heifer £6. 1 £5. Wnght Stephenson, and Co, sold: For Walter Blackie (Mosgiel), 1 bullock £l4 10s, 1 £l2 7s Gd; Thomson and Co. (Waiiongoa), 3 bullocks £l3; J. Moloney (Burkes), 3 bullocks £ll 15s, 3 £lO 7s Gd; W. Lindsay, sen. (Allanton), 2 bullocks £ll ss; Mrs W. Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £10; W. Lindsay, jun. (Allanton), 1 bullock £7 17s 6d, 2 heifers £6: A. Stevens (Otokia), 1 cow £7 17s Gd, 1 £5 2s Gel, 1 £3 15s; lan Lindsay (Allanton), 1 heifer £6 2s Gd; George Stevenson (East Taieri), 2 cows £5 7s Gd. . Store Cattle.— Stronach, Morns, and Co. sold; For J. L. Clark (Leith Valley), 2 cows £3 IGs: F. J. Kcast (Middlemarch), 1 calf 245, 1 14s; W. G. Warren (Middlemarch), 1 22si 4£l. Todd Bros, sold: For J.C. Renton (Mosgiel), 1 vealer £1 16s, 1 £1 Gs, 1 £1 10s, X cow £3 2s Gd, 1 £2 15s, 1 £2 12s Gd; clients, 2 cows £5 3s; James Thomson (Maungatua), 1 vealer £1 15s, 1 cow £l, 1 bull £2 2s Gd. Donald Reid and Co. sold; For a client, 1 cow £6, 1 £4, 1 £1 4s, 1 £1 ss; Pyne, Gould, and Guineas (as agents), 1 steer £5, 1 £1 ,16s, 1 cow £3 ss, 1 £3 Is, 1 £1 7s, 3 heifers £3 7s, 1 £2 9s; J. Orlowski (Middlemarch), 1 vealer £1 Gs; Geo. Ford (Mosgiel), I heifer £1 12s Gd, 1 vealer £1 3s, 1 18s; Wm. Harvey (Mosgiel), 1 cow £1 Gs; S. Robinson (Mornington), 1 cow £3 5s. ——The Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association sold: For a client, 5 bullocks £5 la, 4 cows £3 15s, 1 bull £2 12s Gd; J. M’Leod (Maungatua), 1 cow £3, 1 £1 6s, 1 £1 ss; a client (Allanton), 1 cow £1 6s, 3 £1 ICM Mrs J. M. Steel (Middlemarch), 1 heifer £2 12s, 1 £2 Is; W. Craig (Mosgiel), 1 steer £1 12s Gd, 1 bull £2. Wright Stephenson and Co. sold: For J. O'Connell (Mornington), 2 cows £G 2s Gd; S. T. Robertson (Maheno), 8 steers £4 16s, 3 £3 4s; A. Kennedy (Fairfield), 1 cow £4, 1 £3 ss; A. Steven (Otokia), 1 cow £3 16s, 1 £3; Ford Bros. (Pine Hill), 3 cows £3 15a, 1 £3, 1 £3 15s, 1 £2 10s, 2 £2 los, 1 bull £2 ss; T. Murphy (Pine Hill), 1 bull £2 ss; Mrs J. Richards (North-East Valley), 2 steers £4 Ss,' 1 £2 Cs, 1 calf 13s Gd.

Dairy Cows, —The Otago Farmers’ Cooperative Association sold: For a client, 1 cow X‘s 17s Gd: T. Maxwell (Dunedin), 1 cow £5 Vis Gd; J. Douglas (Wylie’s Crossing), 1 cow £5, W. Geary (Ravensboume), 1 cow £4 17s 6d. Todd Bros. sold; For a client, 1 heifer ill.——Donald Reid and Co. sold; For S. Robinson (iiornington), 1 cow £6 ss; Thos. Maxwell (Princes street), 1 cow £6 15a. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold: For F. Pitts (Portobello), 1 cow £5 10s, 1 £5; J. P. Gardiner (Burnside), 1 £5 10a; J. Paterson (AVharo Flat), 1 cow '£s 10s; AY. Lindsay, jun. (Allanton), 1 £1 10s, 1 £3; J. Dickson (Portobello), 1 cow £5 12s Get, 1 £3 15s. Calves. —The Otago Fanners’ Co-operative Aseocialion sold: For A, Cowan (Waitati), 1 20s, 1 12s, 1 13s, 1 11s, 1 7s 6d. Todd Bros. sold: For lan Lindsay (Allanton), 1 18s; John Allan (East Taieri), 2 4s 6d, 2 4s, 1 15s. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Company sola: For Mrs A. M’Dona.ld (Mosgicl), 2 calves 17s, 1 156. Stronach, Morris, and Co. sold: For J. AV. Graham (Mosgiel). 1 calf ISs; Miss T. M’Lean (North • Taieri), 1 19s, 1 15s; AV. M Hattie (Allanton), 4 calves to Gs Gd; AV. H. Dorant (Mosgiel), 1 calf 18s, 1 12s; J, K. AVilson (Saddle Hill), 1 245, 1 15s. Donald Raid and Co. sold: For'J. E. Jones (Brighton), 1 calf 21s, 1 20s, 1 18s; a client (Pine Hill), 1 30s, 1 155,. 1 12 s, 1 11s; AV. Lindsay, jun. (Allanton), 1 17s. 1 IGs, 1 14a; Mrs J. Hodge (Mosgiei Junction), 1 calf 18s Gel; J. Thomson (Green Island), 2 calves 16a Gd, 1 16s; AV. L. Wilson (Mormngton), 1 calf Bs, 1 4s Gd ; T. Maxwell (Dunedin), 2 calves 7s; Geo. Ford (Mosgiel), 2 calves 4s, I 3a 6d. The Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association sold: For A. Anicich (Milbiun), 1 calf 18s, 1 IGs, 1 14s; M. M’Rao (Milton), 1 calf 16s, 1 Its; AV. Duncan (Milburn), 1 calf 16s, 1 10s, 1 10s, 1 8s; J. Stewart (Hcicnsbrook, Milton), 1 calf 13s; O. S. Shale (Berwick), 1 calf 13s, 1 13s, 1 11s 6d; Miss Rosie Gamble (AVylis’s Crossing) 1 calf 7s, 1 ss, 1 4s Gel; Chas, Harris (Leith Volley), 1 calf 13e, 1 lls. AVright, Stephenson, and Co. sold: For Mrs Peter AVilkie (Allanton), 1 calf 255; C. H. Hal] (Portobello), 1 calf 21a; F. Murphy (Pine Hill), I Jss; D. M'Millan (Brockvillo),, 213 s. Fat Sheep.—An average yarding of 2109 head was offered. There were very few woolly sheep forward, the yarding consisting mostly of medium to pn'me shorn wethers, with a good sprinkling of ewes. Prices at the Commencement of the sale opened on a par with last week’s rates, but toward the close “competition became rather lifeless, and values depreciated to the extent of ,2s to 3s per head, it being apparent that butchers hud a fair carry-over from last week. Quotations: Kxtra prime heavy-weight, wethers made up to 47s 3d; prime heavy-weights, from 41s to 445; medium. 35s to 38s; light sorts, from 29s to 325; woolly owes realised up to 44a ; prime shorn, 33s to 35s 9d; medium, 26s to 295; light-weights, 19s to 225. The National Mortgage and Agency Company sold. For B. Throp (j_>uncdin), 22 wethers 35a, 19 32s 9d, 53 ewes 29s 9d, 23 26s 9d, 21 255; G. Symonds (Clinton), 6 ewes 33a, 15 255. Donald Reid and Co. sold; F«.r M. Malay (Clarksville), 27 wethers--43s 3d,’ 12 47s 3d, 8 41s. 4 ewes 38a Gd; Arthur Jones (Waikoma), 11 wethers 395, 16 29s 3il, 7 owes 24s 31, 19 26s 9d; southern client, 5 ewes Ills 9d, 7 wethers 38s; Finch and Forrester (Milburn). 9 ewes 325. 7 wethers lls 9d; G. Craig (Mosgiel), 3 wethers 295; C. Taylor (Milburn), 5 wethers 44. s 9d, 4 ewes 295; Alex. Lockhart (Clarksville), 9 ewes 20s 9d; J. H. J affray (Milburn), 16 wethers 335, 15 32s Gd, 9 ewes 295; Executors of the late Win. Kirk (Mosgiel). 31 ewes 29s Gd, 10 27s 9cl, 25 33s 3d.- Stronach, Morris, and Co. sold; For A. S. Holms (AVaimahaka), 13 wethers Its, 18 39s 3d, 25 ewes 36s 9d, 5 35a 9d; J. A. Mathcwaon (Green Island), 29 wethers 38s, 18 355; Gibson Bros. (North Taieril, 20 wetheis 35s 9d.— —The Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association sold: For Jasper Clark (Lovoll’e Flat), 23 wethers 395, 18 27s 9<l ; Jas. M’Klrca (Milton). 27 wethers 3Hs, 12 35s lid, 25 37a; P. AVilliamson (Milburn), 5 owes 395; J. D. Edgar (Tapanui), 26 wethers 39s 9d, 28 38s, 15 3na 9d; Chas. Clark (Clarksville), 1 pen ewes 325, 1 31s 6d, II 26a, 7 255; J. Christie (AA’arepa), 27 ewes 28s 3d, 9 28s, 32 27s 9d ; P. J. Scanlan (Milton), 19 wethers 31s, 7 2Ss 9d, 2 ewes 27s Gd ; a client, 7 wethers 27s 3d, 21 ewes 24s 9d, 1 19s Gd. D-algety and Co. sold: For Alex. Cameron (Tapanui). 67 wethers to 43s 3d. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency sold ; For a client, 18 shorn wethers 41s 3d, 15 41s, 35 40s 9d, 33 395, 33 38e 3d, 30 37s 3d, 36 36s Gd; J. A. Mathewaon (Dunedin), 16 wethers 41a Gd, 13 38s 9d, 11 35s Gd; Richd. Mitchell (Ouiram), pen wethers 40s 3d, 13 270 3d; Hugh Cameron (Glenore), 30 wethers 35s 3d, 32 35?; Gibson Bros. (North Taieri), IS wethers 34s 9d. Todd Bros, sold: For A. Donaldson (Gore), 16 wethers 44e, 9 395,

22 woolly owes 14s, 8 39s 3d; R. Cullen (East Tiileri), 9 wetheia 38s; R. Milcliell (Outram), 5 wethers 31s 6d, 4 ewca 31s 9d, 21 255; J. \V. Graham (Mosgiel), pen ewes 25s Gd; Dillon Bros. (Hcrioi), 30 wethers 3Cs 3d, 18 31s 9d', 17 ewes 28s 9d; Joseph Todd (Heriot), ■ll wethers 36s 3d, 24 34s 3:1; Gibson Bios. (North Tiileri), 30 wethers 35a 3d. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. a old: For W. J. MTnfyrc (Waikaka), 34 wethers 39s Gd, 33 36s 3d, 32 355; T. Matbewson (Herbert), 15 wethers,. 38s 3d, 32 37s 9d, 29 375; M. F. Roberto (Vuiinrahaka), 21 wethers 37s 6d, 34 965, 27 31s, 1 ewe 31s Gd; F. and A. Price, 32 wethers 36s 3d, 37 35s 3d, 33 355, 23 33s 3d; R. T. Jenkins (Pukcrau), 20 wethers 35s 9d, 22 35s 6:1, 32 S2s 3d, 34 31s 6d; John Black (Kelso), 20 ewes to 245. Lambs.—There was a small yarding of 306 head. As butchers had a surplus on hand, competition was not keen and exporters were able to buy a fair proportion of the yarding. Prices were slightly easier than those ruling last week. Quotations: Extra prime lambs realised up to 30s 6d; prime from 26s to 28s; light sorts from 23s to 245. The National Mortgage and Agency Co. sold: For a client, 16 lambs 28s; G. Symonds (Clinton), 20 lambs 265, 1G 24s 9d. 19 24s 6d. The Otago Farmers’ Cooperative Association sold; For trustees T. Lowery (Clarksville), 7 lamba 31s 3d; a client, 6 30s 6d, 9 265; a client, 1 lamb 29s 6d; T. G. Bods (Table Hill, Milton), 10 lambs 2Ss 3d; a client (Milton), 6 28s Bd, 4 265; P. Williamson (Milbnrn), 5 25s 3d. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. eold: For Hugh Cameron (Glenore), pen lambs 30s. Donadd Reid and Co. eold: For R. J. Wilson (Milton), 16 lambs 30s 6d, 5 30s 3d; executors of late W. Kirk, 16 lambs 29s 6d, 13 27s 9d; a client, 14 lambs 28s 3d; K. Mitchell (Outram), 13 lambs 22s 6d. Stronach, Morris, and Co. sold: For J. A. Mathewson (Green Island), 16 lambs 28s; J. W. Graham (Mosgiel), 9 lambs 27s 3d. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold; For M. P. Roberts (Waimahaka), 5 lambs 28s Gd, 12 28s, 2 255; J. Cross (Otakou), 1 lamb 27s 9d, 221 s 3d; W. Atkinson (Pukegau), 33 lambs 25s 9d, 12 25f1. Fat Pigs.—The National Mortgage and Agency 00. sold; For J. Mahteson (Otokia), T pig £3 10s; a client, 1 pig £3. Todd Bros, sold; For George Donaldson (Leith Valley), 1 £2 16s, 1 £2 14a.-—The Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association sold: For a client, 4 pigs £4 6s; A. .(West (Brighton), 2 £4 ss; a client "(East Taieri), 3 £3 Is, 2 £2 19s. Stronach, Morris, and Co. sold: For J. Leyden (Saddle Hill), 1 pig £2 17s; a client, 1 £4 6s; G. H. Craig (Mosgiel). X, £2 I2s; Wm. Blackie (Mosgiel), 1 £2 7s, 1 £2, 5 to £1 18s; Wm. Christie (Allanton), 1 £2 17s, 1 £2 14s, 1 £2 9a, 2 £1 14s; J. S. Blair (East Taieri), 1 £2 10s.-—Donald Reid and Co. sold: For Chas. King (Mihiwaka), 4 £4 4s; J. H. Jaffray (Milton), 1 £4; a client,i 2 £4; R; P. Fowler (Middlemarch), 2 £3 2s; A. S. Booth (Leith Valley), 1 £4 9s, 2 £3 14s; Geo. Westwood (Brighton), 1 £2 16s; G. Donaldson (Leith Valley), 2 £3'Ts; a client, 1 £2 14s, 1 £2 lls, 1 £2 10s. Dalgety and Co. sold: For James Caldwell (Hampden), 1 pig £3 7s; Mr Young (Hampden), 4 pigs £4 12s, 1 £2 ss; Mr Hunt (Hampden), I pig £3 3s, 1 £3 15s; G. E. O. Donaldson (Leith Valley), 2 pigs £3. Wright, Stephenson, and "Co. eold: For T. Murphy’ (Pino Hill), 3 £4: J. Thomas (Balclutha), 3 £4, 3 £3 18s; D. S. Booth (Leith Valley), 1 £3 18s, 2 £3 16s; J. S. Blair (East Taieri), 2 £3 13s; D. M’Call (Brighton), 3 £3 ss; 3. A. Dickson (Portobello), 2 £3 Is; J. W. Laing (Sawyer’s Bay), 3 £3 4s; Chas. Mathieson (Anderson’s Bay), 1 pig £2 19s, 2 £2 16s; J. A. Dickson (Portobello), 2 £2 17s; Geo. Hughes (Wyllie’s Crossing), 3 £2 13s. Store Pigs.—The Otago Farmeis’ Co-opera-tive Association sold; For J. Fraser (Berwick), 1 pig 18s, 1 17s, 1 12s; Wm. Craig (Mosgiel), 3 18a; A. Baxter (Kim Bush), 3 15s, 1 12s Gd; a client, 212 s, 6 8s. —- Stronach, Morris, and Co. sold: For Geo. Scun* (East Taieri), 2 pigs 15s;' Wm. Blackie (Mosgiel), 2 235; A. Ralston (Allanton), 4 18s; a client. 219 s. Todd Bros. sold: For Haggart and Forayth (Mosgiel). 3 £l, 3 17s 6d, 1 16s. Donald Reid and Co. sold: For T. Palmer (Taieri Beach), 4 £1 14s, 4 £1 9s 6d; W. Harvey (Mosgiel), 1 £1 10s 6d, 7 £1 6s 6d: M. Hackett (Momona), 5 £1 5s 6d; Mrs J. M’Neill (Momona), 4 £1 Is, 1 16s Gd; R. B. Fowler (Middlemarch), 1 boar £l. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold: For C. H. Hill (Portobello),. 2 pigs 28s, 214 s; Haggart and Forsyth (Mosgiel), 1 19a, 5 17s Gd. CHEAP MEAT.

Salisbury Butchery. Stuart street, also at corner George and Hanover street—• Cheapest shops in town for prime ox beef, wether mutton, and dairy fed pork. —Advt. ADDINGTON MARKETS. (Per United Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH. January TO. There was a general all-round improvement recorded in values at the Addington sales to-day. Fat cattle and store eheep were keenly sought after, end the demand for the latter woe unusually strong, ewes in particular selling well. Prices all round showed a tendency to rise. Forward four and six-tooth wethers', 26a to 27s 3d; ordinary, 22s 9d to 25s 6d; two-tooth wethers, 20n to 21s 6d; cull two-tooth, 15s to Ids; forward lambs, 24a 4d to 26s sd; ordinary, 20s to. 23s Gd; small and inferior, 16s 7d to Ifls 6d; good four, six, and eight-tooth gwcb, 31s to 335; ordinary. 26s 3d io 28s; failing-mouthed ewes, 18s Ip 235; aged owes, 13s 9d to 18s 7d; failing-ipouthed ewes and lambs, 24s 6dFat Lambs.—There was a yarding of 3430, compared with 2650 last week. Heavy - weights went to the butchers, who paid up to IOJd per lb Graziers got a good proportion of tho inferior sorts. .Extra prime, 33s Gd to 365; prime, 29s 6d to 335; medium. 26s 9d to 20a;. light and unfinished, ■ 23a lOd to 255. Fat Sheep.—The entry was a small one of between seven and eight races, a largo proportion being ewes. The quality generally was indifferent, and the bidding throughout was fairly brisk, practically a total clearance being effected. On tho whole, values were Is 6d to 2s Gd per head above late rates. The average prices per lb ranged from Gid to 6jd for butchers’ wethers, and 5d to ojd for ewes. prime wethers, 34s to 3»s 3d; prime, 30s to 33s 9d; medium, 28s (o 29s 6d; light and unfinished, 23s to 27s Gd; extra prime owes, to 36s 3d; prime, 2Ss to 29s 6d; medium, 24s 9d to 27s 9d; light. 22s 6d to 24s 3d; aged and inferior, 20s 5d to 225.

Fat Cattle. —The yarding amounted to 353. against 325 last week. The entry included an undue proportion of old cows and unfinished a leers. AVell-finished steers were m short supply, and met with better competition, prices showing an advance to about 20s on last week’s rates. Good cow beef also showed an improvement. AVell-finished beef averaged 30s Gd to 33s per 1001 b; medium, 27s to 30s; unfinished, 23s to 265; old cow beef, 17s to 20s Cd. Extra prime steers, £l4 10s to £l6 10s; prime, £ll 15s to £l4; medium, £9 to £ll ss; light and unfinished, £5 5s to £8 15s; prime hedfers, £7 17s 6d to £10; ordinary. £4 to £7 10s; prime cows, £8 10s to £lo7s Gd; ordinary, £5 to £6ss; aged and inferior, £2 12s 6d to £l4 15s, A'calers.—A fairly large entry was forward, the demand being good, and last week’s values were well maintained. Good runners made up to £4 12s 6d; ordinary veal era, £2 OS to £3 ss; small calves, 4s upwards. Store Cattle.—There was a medium entry, consisting mostly of nondescript sorts. A r alues were good. Three and four-year-old steers made up to £7 3s; three-year-old steers, £4 7s Gd to £4'l2s Gd; two-year-old steers, £2 10s to £3 ss; yearling steers, 15a to 20s; good two-year-old heifers, to £5; two-year-old heifers, £3 5s to £3 10s; extra good 18 months’ old heifers, to £4; yearling heifers, £1 10s to £1 15s; medium to good cows, £1 Gs to £1 12s 6d; poor, 13s to 18s. Dairy Cattle. —The entry' was 75 head compared with 50 last week. A r alues were a shade lower than last week. Extra good second, third, and fourth calvere, close to calving, £ll 10s; medium to good second, third, and fourth calvers, close to calving £4 10s to £8; good springing heifers, £4 to £6 se; medium, £2 to £3 10s; inferior, aged, and backward cows, £1 to. £2 10s.

Fat Pigs.—A good entry, which mot with fair demand. Choppers, £2 10s to £4; light baconers, £2 15s to £3; heavy baconers, £3 2s Gd to £3 8s; extra heavy baconers, £3 ids to £3 18e—average price per lb, 6Jd to 6cl; light porkers, £i 18s to £2 2s; heavy porkers, £2 5s to £2 12s —average price per lb, Gd to 7d. Store Pigs.—A medium entry, which met with moderate demand. Good weaners made up to 20s; ordinary, 10s to 15s; slips, 17s to 22a; medium stores, 24s to 30s; large, to 41s.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18758, 11 January 1923, Page 6

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WEEKLY MARKET REPORTS Otago Daily Times, Issue 18758, 11 January 1923, Page 6

WEEKLY MARKET REPORTS Otago Daily Times, Issue 18758, 11 January 1923, Page 6