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CHRISTMAS TOURNAMENT. final games to-day. The Dunedin Centro’s Christmas rinks’ competition was continued yesterday on. the Caversham, Roslyn, and N.E. Valley greens, under weather and bowling conditions that left no ground for complaint. As the competition advanced the standard of play naturally improved, and interest m the tournament increased. The remaining games will ho played on the Dunedin Green to-day, beginning at 9 a.m. In the fourth round of Section A at the Caversham Green, Smeilie (Green Island) had an easy win over Jacobsen (St. Kilda), who went down in the fifth round to Snoeaton (N.E. Valley), 26—18. although the St. Kilda rink were improving towards the end of the game. Tillie (Caledonian) and Lock (St. Clair) were bettor matched. Th© former increased his score from 12 to <io at the seventeenth head, while St. Clair stood at 10, and two heads later the score was 22—11. In the last head that was played, however, the St. Clair rink put five on to their score. Wilkinson (Dunedin) proved too strong for Sneeston, and ran up to 15 at.the twelfth head, while the Jailer was only four.- At the seventeenth head the Valley fink had improved their position somewhat, the score being 17—10. The eighteenth head resulted in a tie, and the game finished with the next end, in which Sneeston’s rink made three. In the fifth round Wilkinson’s rink went down in a surprising fashion to Lock, the score being 42—12. Tills© and Smeilie provided th© best game in the round, but the latter had a little the better of it all through, and finished 17—15 at th© end of the twentieth head. TillieV rink gained one point in each of the last three heads, and die finish was interesting. The fourth round of Section B resulted in very close games between Simpson (Anderson’s Bay) and Piddington. (St Clair), and between Neill (Dunedin) and M’Gillivray (Roslyn), .there being only o»;o of a difference in each ease. Simpson was loading 17—8 at the fourteenth head, but the next four went to Piddington, making the score 18 —17 in his favour at the eighteenth 'head. Each got two out of the next two heads, and the last head gave Simpson the game. The game between Neill and M’Gillivray ran to only 17 ends. The former put six on his score in die last three heads. In the fifth round there wet© two close games between Simpson and Lindsay and Neill and Blackwood, the score being the same in each case, 20—16. Lindsay was leading 14—5 at the eleventh head, but Simpson interested the green by putting seven on to his score in the thirteenth end, and tied with Lindsay in the next one. The score then ran 15—14, 15—15, 15—16. leaving Lindsay leading again, with .hree heads to play, but all these wont to Simpson. Neill kept in advance of Blackwood all through their game, but the latter went up five in the last three heads. The play-off between Smeilie and Simpson for the title of . the green resulted in a win for Simpson by 21—18. At the ninth head Smeilie led 15—3, and at the twelfth head 15 —8. In the next two ends he increased his score' to. 18, but after that Ins rink lost their form, and the Anderson’s Bay rink, who had been bowling with great accuracy all through the game, won the last seven heads, bringing up their score from 8 to 21. ; The North-East Valley Green was again in good order yesterday when the tournament was continued there in the morning and carried through into the evening. In the afternoon, however, play_ was affected to some extent by an erratic wind from the north-east, which had a detrimental influence on the judgment of those of the players whose rinks were more exposed than some of the others. The B Section was first finished, there being no need to play-off, Silver’s West Harbour rink coming victoriously througn its remaining two games, although wi.iiout a great deal to spare when it met Campbei’ (Roslyn). -The • Roslyn rink began to pile up the points early, and had notched 13 to its opponent’s three when Silver, winning one or two heads, kept the position almost level to the twentieth end, when the scores stood at 26—24 in Silver’s favour. In the fifth round Silver’s rink got homo with six to spare after leading most of the way from Forrester (Caversham). In the fourth round Morrison (Kaikorai) had his work cut out to pill down Forrester, not improving his position to any extent after the seventeenth head. Nelson (Dunedin) had one of the easiest victories of the day over Langley (Otago), the scores standing at 25—10. In. his fifth round game Nelson had a much more difficult opponent in Campbell, who was only a couple of points behind in a very closely-contested game. The honours in Section A were fought out between Hutchison (Dunedin) and Tilburn (St. Clair), each having had four wins and a loss. In his game in the fourth round the former vanquished Barclay (Momington) without difficulty, but Tilburn, who mot Claridge (St. Kilda), did not have a walk-over. Tilburn led by 20—16 at the eighteenth head, and Claridge put another couple on before the finish. When the final of Section A was begun shortly after 4 o’clock it was in a drizzle which became more thick as time advanced, making the green even heavier. The play that ensued was, nevertheless, highly interesting and close. Dunedin drew first blood with a three in - the first head, St. Clair making a similar score in the second. When 10 beads hud been played the score was 12 —12, but in the next Dunedin put on two more, followed by another two in the thirteenth end, and St. Clair responded with a one, followed by a three. At the fifteenth head St. Clair had 17, and. Dunedin still stood at 18. The last head saw St. Clair lying two. Tilburn sent' down his last ball and protected the kitty. Playing, th© last shot cf the game Hutchison came nicely through the, other bowls to nestle beside the white, giving the win to his club. The Roslyn Green was again in good condition yesterday, and some of the games wore very keenly contested. In the tourth round, section A, Amtman (Caledonian), with mi ’ unbeaten record, established an early load over Coull (St. Clair), and the score ■ was 18—5 in his favour at the thirteenth head. Coull failed to show any improvement, and the Caledonian player eventually won by 24 to seven. The contest between Hurraway, Dunedin (also unbeaten), and M’Curdy (St. Kilda) was much closer, and the scores were equal, 12 all, at the thirteenth head. Harraway then drew ahead and won by 21 to 15. In section B Foster (Caledonian) was 12 up (17 to 5) on Pioterson (Dunedin) on the thirteenth head. 'Pietorson then greatly improved his position, and scored nine m the time that Foster scored three, the latter thus winning by 20 to 14. There was probably more interest taken in the meeting in the fifth round (section A) of Harraway and Amtman than in any other game played on the Roslyn Green. Both rinks were unbeaten, anil the result mount that the winner would contest the final game to decide the green winner. The anticipation that the game would produce a tine contest was fully realised—at least up to the closing stages. On the seventeenth head the scores were level—--15 all—but the next two heads added six points to Dunedin’s score, giving them a winning lead, as the bell announcing that time was up wont as the twentieth head was being played, which meant that Caledonian had to score five to tie or six to win. Ha.rravvay’s generalship was equal to the occasion and the head was built up in such a manner that Amtman could score only one point. The Caledonian players, with the exception of the skip (Amtman), failed to reproduce the form shown in their earlier games and they were outplayed by their opponents. In the same round the game between Marshall (Kaikorai) and M‘Curdy (neither of whom had any wins to his credit), for bottom place in section A was one of the closest of the day’s play. At the second last head the score was 22 all, and then Marshall, by scoring two on the last head, lost the “wooden spoon’’ to the St. Kilda player. In section B Rigby (Valley) was eight up on Pieterson on the thirteenth head, but on the next two heads the Dunedin player scored seven and two respectively, and placed himself one point in the load. Rigby equalised on the next head, but did not score again until the twentieth when ho added six to his total, which was then 22 to Pieterson’s 21. On the last head Pieterson scored four, winning ' by 25 to 22. In the. gome between Foster and Portman (West Harbour), the latter gained a load at the start and maintained it until the sixteenth head when the former was one point in front. Foster did not score again, however, and Portman won the game and the section by 22 to 16. The game to decide the green winner was easily one of the best contested on the Roslyn Green throughout the tournament. Harraway started well, and was seven to Portman’s two on the fifth head. Portman then showed out, and was 10 to Harraway's eight in the tenth head, Harraway’s only

point between these two stages was scored oil the ninth head. West Harbour were lying three shots when Harraway trailed the jack and got the shot. On the fifteenth head Harraway had established a threepoint load (14—11), but on the sixteenth seventeenth, and eighteenth Portolan scored two, four, and two respectively, recapturing the lead by five points. West Harbour were lying five shots on the seventeenth when Harraw'ay, after driving without success, failed to draw the shot with his next bowl, and left Portmnn in possession of four. Harraway scored two on both , the nineteenth and twentieth, this leaving Idm one down. On the last head Hatrnway was lying _ shot (if not two) when Portman played into the head, struck another bail, and lay shot. Harraway drove and missed with his last ball, leaving Portman green winner .by two points. Rain started after a few heads had been played, but the game was continued.. Hutton, the West Harbour third player, proved a thorn in the side of Dunedin, his play right through being of a high order. Following are the results: CAVERSHAM GREEN. Section A. Fourth Bound. Wilkinson (Dunedin) 17 beat Sneestou (North-East Valley) 13. Tillie (Caledonian) 22 beat Dock (St. Clair) 16. Smellie (Green Island) 28 beat Jacobsen (St. Hilda] 13. . Fifth Konnd. Sneeeton 26 beat Jacobsen 18. Lock 42 beat Wilkinson 12. SmeTlio 17 beat Tillie IS; Summary.—Sneeston, 1 win, 4 losses; Tillie, 4 wins, 1 loss; Smellie, 5 wins; Lock, 3 wine, 2 losses; Jacobsen, 1 win, 4 losses; Wilkinson, 1 win, 4 losses. Section B. Fourth Round. Simpson (Anderson’s Bay) 21 beat Piddington (St. Ctair) 20. Lindsay (Kaikorai) 22 beat Blackwood (Caversham) 13. Neill (Dunedin) 13 beat M'Gillivray (Eoalyn) 12. Fifth Round. Simpson 20 beat Lindsay 16. 1 Neill 20 beat Blackwood 16. ■ M'Gillivray 17 beat Piddington 12. Summary.—Blackwood, 1 win, 4 losses; Piddington, 2 wins, 3 losses; M'Gillivray, 1 win, 4 losses; Simpson, 5 wins; Neill, 3 wins, 2 losses; Lindsay, 3 wins, 2 losses. Green Winner. Simpson 21 beat Smellie 18. NORTH-EAST VALLEY GREEN. Section A. Fourth Round. Hutchison (Dunedin) 25 beat Barclay (Mornington) IX. Tilbum (St. Olair) .20 beat Oaridge (St. Hilda) 18. Bentley (Dunedin) 21 beat Allan (Haituna) 17. Fifth Bound. Tilburn 22 beat Barclay 16. Claridgo 21 beat 'Bentley 16. Allan 21 beat Hutchison 16. Summary—Hutchison, 4 wins, 1 loss; Tilburn, 4 wins, 1 loss; Claridge, 2 wins, 3 losses; Bentley, 2 wins, 3 losses; Allan, 2 wins, 3 losses; Barclay 1 win, 4 losses. Section winner; Hutchison. • . Section B. Fourth Round. , Morrison (Kaikorai) 19 beat Forrester (Caversham) 16 ‘ Nelson (Dunedin) 25 beat Langley (Otago) (West Harbour) 26 beat Campbell (Boslyn), 24. Fifth Bound. Nelson 21 beat Campbell 19. Morrison 25 beat Langley 20. Silver 27 beat Forrester 21. Summary.—Silver, 5 wins; Nelson, 3 wins, 2 losses; Campbell, 3 wins, 2 losses; Morrison, 2 wins, 3'losses; Langley, 1 win, 4 losses; Forrester, 1 win, 4 losses. Section winner: Silver. BOSLYN GREEN. Section A. Fourth Bound. Amtman 24 beat Coull 7. Harraway 21 beat M'Gurdy 15. Connor 21 beat Marshall 18. Fifth Round. Harraway 21 beat Amtman 16. Marshall 24 beat M'Curdy 22. Connor 21 beat Coull 15. Summary.—Harraway, 5 wins; Amtman, 4 wins, i loss; Connor. 3 wins, 2 losses; Coull, 2 wins, 3 losses; Marshall, 1 win, 4 losses; M'Curdy, 5 losses. Section winner: E. Harraway (Dunedin). Section B. Fourth Round, \ Foster 20 beat Pietersen 14. Fountain 28 beat Portman 21. Rigby 26 beat Carolin -15. Fifth Round. Eieterson 25 beat Rigby 22. Portman 22 beat Poster 16. Carolin 16 beat Fountain 12. Summary.—Portman, 4 wins, 1 loss; Foster and Pietersen, 3 wins, 2 losses; Rigby and Fountain, 2 wins, 3 losses; Carolin, 1 win, 4 losses. ■ ‘ Section winner: A. Portman (West Harbour). Green Winner. Portman 20 boat Harraway 18. TO-DAY’S ,PLAY. Play will resume to-day on the Dunedin Green. Silver (West -Harbour) will play S, Hutchison (Dunedin) at 9 a.m., and. the winner will play A. Simpson (Anderson’s Bav) at 12.45 p.m. Portman has a .bye. Tho final will be played about 5.50 p.m.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18747, 28 December 1922, Page 2

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BOWLING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18747, 28 December 1922, Page 2

BOWLING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18747, 28 December 1922, Page 2