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PHASES OF THE MOON. Deoembbb. Full Moon 4th 10.54 p.m. Last Quarter 12th 4.11a.m. New Moon 18th 11.60 p.m. First Quartw .. ~.' .. 26th 6.23 p.m. THE SUN. Riaea to-day at 4.17 a.m.; seta 7.18 p.m. THE WEATHER, December 13. Showery all day; light southeast wind. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. "Barometer „., ... 29.63 29.66 20.70 Thermometer .. Min., 42; max., 50. ; .-.-, WEATHER BEPOBTB (Pib XJsriTiD v*mm AaaooiA.nov.) WELLINGTONS", December 13. ...The following are the official weather reports at 4 p.m.:— H»r. Ther. Wether Cape Maria ... N.W., light 30.11 72 Hazy Hussell Jf.W., fresh 1(0.05 78 Cloudy Manukau H. ... IV., light :i0.04 67 Cloudy Auckland ... S.W., fresh 30.02 72 Fair Tanrunga ... N.W., fresh 29.92 71 Fair liisboruc N.W., light „ 2!).82 85 Fair ■Kapier N.E., fresh ' 29.87 SO Fine . Castlepoint ... W., light 29.86 71 Fine Wellington ... "SAW, m. g. 29.80 68 Gloomy STew Plymouth S., light 29.94 71 Fair Cape Rgmont.. If., Iresh 29.93 70 Cloudy Wanganui ... "W., breeze 29.91 TO Fair Farewell Spit.. N.W., Iresh 29.95 65 Misty Cape Fonhvind N.W., freah 29.75 63 Showery Greymouth ... Jf.W., light 2U.71 6,1 Hain 'Stephen.lsland Jf.W., Irtsh 29.91 62 Overcast •X'upe Campbell S., Iresh 30.00 65 Cloudy .luiifcourii ... 8., light 29.75 60 Overcast Akaroa light... K., light 29.63 53 Rain Kuggets E., liysh 29.76 51 Sain Ulufl E., fresh 29.79 60 Haiu WEATHER FORECAST. Fojlowing is the official weather forecast Present indications are for variable strong north-westerlies to south-westerlies prevailing, and dull misty weather, with rain probable. The barometer is unsteady. HIGH WATER. December 14— a.m. p.m. At Taiarou, Heads .. .. 10.53 11.23 At Port Chalmers .. .. 11.33 A$ Dunedin ARRIVAL. December 14. Wanaka, s.s. (10.35 a.m.), 2423 tone, Watson, from Tirnaru. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. DEPARTURE. 1 'Calm, s.s. (12.15 p.m.), 892 tons, M'Lach.lan, for Bluff. H. L. Tapley and Co., •agents. . . i» SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUOKLAivD, December 13.—Arrived: Mo'eraki (3.30 p.m.), from Sydney. Sailed: Inga (0 p.m.), .for Greymouth. WELLINGTON, December 13.—Arrived: Wakatu (2.20 a.m.), from Kaikoura; lnvercargill (5.25 a.m.), from \7anganui; Maori i (7.35 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Putiki (8.80 a.m.), j from Napier; Storm (8.45 a.m.), from Vva- I nganui; Nikau (8.15 a.m.), from Nelson; i Corinna (3.55 a.m.), from Nelson. Th© Uli- ' maroa, which was delayed by fog, arrived at ! 9.45 a.m. from Sydney; Holmdalo (11 a.m.;, j from Lyttelton; Wairau (8.30 p.m.), from Blenheim. Sailed: Wainui (noon), tor Pic- ' ton; Wakatu (* p.m.), for Kaikoura; Kent! (1.20 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Echo (4.40 p.m.), j i'or Blenheim.; Ripple (6 p.m.), for Napier; i Nikau (6.30 p.m.), for Nelson; Putiki (6.30 { p.m.), for the East Coast; Komata (7.30 j p.m.), for Westport; Maori (7.45 p.m.), for ] Lyttelton; Holmdale (9.50 p.m.), for Wa- j nganui; Corinna (10.10 p.m.), fox Dunedin; j Storm (10.20 p.m.), for Picton. : : GISBOENE, December 13.—Arrived: City j of Winchester (5.10 p.m.), from Auckland. | -»..'IIULL, December 12. —Arrived: Zealandia, i •from Brisbane. '■ TABLE BAY, December 12.—Sailed: Borda, for Australian ports; Baradine, for London. SEATTLE, December 12.—Sailed: Roxen, for Sydney. Owing to the rain, the Kini -which was to have sailed last night for Napier and Gifeborne, via ports, was delayed, and will leavo to-day. The Rama, which was also ready for sea last night, will Bail to-day i'or Wellington and Napier. The Canadian Conqueror is to leave Dunedin at 9.30 a.m. to-day for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland, where she will continue discharging her Canadian and Australian cargo. Aa there was no labour available yesterday to work the Calm, she was despatched for Bluff, and will return here to-morrow morning, and will sail that night for Timaru, Lyttelton. Wellington, and Wanganui. » 'The Storm, from Lyttelton, is duo here on Sunday, and will leave on Monday for Oaiharu, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and -Wanganui. The Breeze, from Lyttelton, is due here on Tuesday, and will sail the same day for Onrnani, Timaru, Lyttelton, Picton, and Wanganui. The Holmdale is due hero on Sunday from Wellington, and is to sail on Monday for "Wellington and Wanganui, via ports. ,',,-.Weather permitting, the Suffolk will leave ,■ -to-day for Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, .jGisborne, and Auckland, where she will continue discharge and loading for Homo. She should leave Auckland about January 11 for West Coast ports. The Waipori is to aail to-day for Greymouth and Westport. The Kaimanawa, from Auckland, is due at Westport to-day. She will load at Westport for Lyttelton. The Katoa, from Auckland, via Wellington and Lyttelton, i 3 due here about Sunday, and, after discharge, will dock at Port Chalmers for survey. The Wanaka, which arrived here yesterday from Auckland, via ports, is to sail today for Bluff, returning to Dunedin on Sunday. She is to aail on Monday for Auckland, via Oamani, Timaru, and Lyttelton. The Corinna, from Wellington, i 3 due here to-morrow to load for New Plymouth, via ports. The Colonial Sugar Company's steamer itona, from Suva, is due at Auckland about tomorrow. THE CRETIC'S COMMANDER. Captain Arthur Holmes has been appointed commander of the White Star Line eteamor Critic, engaged in the company's Mediterranean and New York service. He is on experienced navigator, having been in White Star employment over a quarter of a century, during which time he has had charge of many White Star steamers. .m. THE CITY O'F NEWCASTLE. ~The New Zealand Snipping Company expects the steamer City of .Newcastle to arrive at Auckland from New York about tomorrow. She cleared Panama on November 21, and is bringing cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia. , KAITANGATA SAILED. The Union Company's steamer Kaitangata, which left Auckland on Friday for Tauranga to complete discharge of her coal cargo from Greymouth, will afterwards go to a West Coast part to load for Port Chalmers. At the latter port she will lay up for overhaul. <b> PORT CAMPBELL, FROM HOME. Messrs J. W. Swift and Co. advise that the C. and D. Line steamer Port Campbell is to leave London on January 24 for Lyttelton direct; thence Dunedin, where she ia due early in March. .«. lONIC'S ITINERARY. The lonic, which arrived at Wellington on Sunday from London and Southampton, will discharge cargo at Wellington and Picton. After loading at Port Chalmers, she will return to Wellington, and is to sail from that port on January 11 for Southampton j and London. «. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels were expected to be within range of the under-mentioned wireless stations last night:—Auckland: Athol, . Kaituna, Niagara, Moeraki, Kauri, Rona, Waitomo, and Cumberland. Wellington: Maori, Ngaio, Katoa, Canadian Conqueror, Wingatui, Kent, Devon, City of Winchester, Koromiko, Australglen, Kaikorai, Port Victor, Middlesex, Mat&kana, H.M.S. Laburnum, Karori, Waihemo, and Arahura. ..-■.. «. . "AN DESPATCH. The coastal steamer Wootton, which arrived at Lyttelton at 4.20 a.m. on Saturday, from Wellington commenced at 8 o'clock that morning the discharge of 130 tons of general cargo (sa>-3 Monday's Sun). This work having been completed she then loaded a similar amount, and steamed out from her berth it No. 4 jetty at 5 p.m. for Wellington, laving handled within the eight hours 260 ■'i&V& : of cargo. This must be regarded as »ii 'extraordinary performance for jo small a vessel with one hold, and reflects due credit not only upon the agents, but upon the* Railway Department and the waterside workers concerned. • TRANS-PACIFIC CARGO SERVICE. The Union Company announces the foi-l-Owing movements of vessels engaged in the trans-Pacific cargo service: 'The Hauraki, from the Pacific Coast, via New Zealand ports, is now at Melbourne. She will proceed to Adelaide and Sydney, and after completion of discharge of inward c ar"o will return to the Pacific Coast to take the" January loading for New Zealand and Australian porta. ... , w •From Pacific Coast, via. Apia and New Zealand ports, the Waihemo left Timaru oh Saturday for Sydney. She will afterwards orooetsd. to Mew Jiwsto tor bunker*,

thence Pacific Coast, via Honolulu. She ■will take the late January southward loading. The Waiotapu, from Pacific Coast porta, via Auckland, left Wellington on Friday for Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney. The Wairuna was expected to leave Ocean Falls on Saturday for San Francisco, and is to sail to-morrow for Auckland, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney. The Waipiarino was expected at Vancouver from Lyttelton last Friday to load at Pacific Coast ports for Napier, Wellington, Now Plymouth, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Sydney. The Waikavva left Sydney on Friday for Vancouver. She will load at Pacific Coast ports early in January for New Zealand and Australian, ports. TKEiDENHAM EN ROUTE. Bn route from New York to Auckland, Wellington, Timaru, Dunedin, and Bluff, the Tredenham is reported to have sailed from Panama on December 3. She may be expected at Auckland at tke end of tlio month. EEMUERA DELAYED. The Nsw r Zealand Shipping Company advise that the Romuera, which was to have left Southampton to-morrow for New Zealand with passengers and cargo, will not now sail until Monday. -rnUftT' - -■■■■ POET DARWIN FROM LIVERPOOL Messrs J. W. Swift and Co. advise that the Commonwealth and Dominion Lino steamer Fort Darwin, which left Liverpool on November 2, and Colon on November 19, arrived at Auckland on Monday afternoon Her cargo is for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. She is due at Wellington on December 18, at Lyttelton on December 22. and at Dunedin about December 31. She will load at Dunedin, and Port Chalmers; thence Lyttelton, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington. The vessel is set down to leave Wellington on January 20 for London, via Montevideo. IONIC FROM HOME. THREE HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN ASSISTED IMMIGRANTS. A large number of immigrants arrived at Wellington on Sunday ex the lonic from Southampton. Her 645 passengers, included SU assisted immigrants, nominated by relations, as follows:—Auckland 135, Wanganui 5, Gisborne 4, Napier 11, Wellington Picton 7, Westport 15, Nelson 1, Gisborne 2. Lyttelton IG, Oamaru 2, Timaru 2, Dunedin 18, Bluff 8. Thirteen are indefinite. There were also on board 13 domestics. The lonic left Southampton on the evening of November 2, and arrived at Colon on November 17. At 8.20 a.m. the following day the vessel proceeded through the canal, and while bunkering operations were in progress at Balboa the passengers spent a few hours ashore. The lonic resumed her voyage to Wellington shortly after midnight on November 10. The trip was devoid of incident, exceptionally fine weather prevailing throughout. The vessel brought a heavy Christmas mail, comprising 846 packages of parcel mail and 622 packages of letters. Tho new arrivals, who are described as a fine stamp of immigrant, did not find tn voyage monotonous. Several conceits a. dances were held, and were well attended by all passengers, probably the moat successful gathering being that conducted by the Scottish folk in the third class on bt. Andrew's Day. Armistice Day, November 11 was celebrated in a manner befitting tuo occasion. At 10 50 a.m. all classes, in response to a bugle call, assembled on tne after deck, and it 11 a.m. the customary two minutes' silence was observed, after which the “Last Post”, was Bounded. The gathering then joined m singing the National Anthem. Advantage was taken of tho opportunity to conduct a sale o 800 Flanders poppies in aid of «« L+ £5 Legion, and as a result of the cffoit £-» 10s was realised. COASTAL FREIGHTS REDUCED. Tho Canterbury Steam Ship Company advises that it is reducing its coastal freight from Dunedin to Wanganui as from January 1 1923 by 2s Gd per ton, general cargo; ana 2d per sack on bag cargo. Doubtless this will be the forerunner to reductions in freights to other ports in New Zealand, consequent on the reductions m running expenses. ... , , As a result of tho readjustment of wages of the maritime workers, the shipping companies announce a reduction in coastal freights of general cargo and produce approximating 2s per ton (say's a Wellington Press Association message). The local passage rates will remain unaltered, as it is felt that the whole community will, benefit better by freight reductions than in the lowering of fares, which would affect only those who car afford to travel.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18736, 14 December 1922, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18736, 14 December 1922, Page 6

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18736, 14 December 1922, Page 6