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More commercial candour; An Auckland suburban shopkeeper announces in his window that it requires “nerve” to charge the prices displayed. Mitchell’s Imperial pints Irish whisky, 10s per bottle. Special invalid port wine, 8s 6d'.—Orossan, Waterloo.... The rainfall in Otaki for November, 7 05in, was a record for the district. Last November 4.11ia fell, and the average November fall for the past 18 years was 3.86 in. The goodness of a whisky endears it and makes unassailable the exalted popularity of Buchanan’s “Black and White.”,.. If is reported (says the. Waikato Times) that £200,000 worth of potatoes have already been sent out from the Pukekohe district, but from what a visitor saw the main crop is likely to affected by blight. Coffee connoisseurs! We still have some Blue Mountain Jamaica, 3s 6d per lb, the finest coffee grown on earth. —“ Durie's," coffee specialists, 32 Octagon, Dunedin.,..’ Tho Mannwatu Standard has entered upon the forty-third year of its existence. The journal was founded by the late Mr Alex. M'Minn, and it was the first daily paper published between Wellington and Wanganui. Never were whisky qualities so satisfyingly represented as in the recognised supe rionty of Buchanan’s “Black and White.’’... There appears to be an eager desire on the part ot Germans who resided in New Zealand during the war to become naturalised British subjects, and even in Wanganui quite a number of these applications for naturalisation have been received of late. A first-class tailor is MacLeod MacGillivray, Rattray street, opp. D.1.C.... The housing shortage is still very acute in Greymouth (reports the Star), and dozens of people are eagerly following up every clue that may lead them to the possession of a residence. Bigs- Pig% Pigs. We are cash buyers of baconers and porkers. Send your pigs to Barton and Trengrove, Dunedin..., The Lyttelton Times reports that motor thieves have been operating in the vicinity of tho Industrial Exhibition at Christchurch. Large numbers of cars are left under the trees at night, and there seem to be particularly good opportunities to take them with French leave. It> proved a boon to farmers all, its merits are Supreme. So ere I close allow me wish good luck to Faterine.... “I reckon I’m good, enough for another 20 years,” said the Prime Minister at the JJannevirke Town Hall the other night, Equating his shoulders iir typical style ac the same time. He added, as an afterthought: “Of course, one never knows. Lou have to take things as they come.” For a really high-class dessert at dinners or suppers procure a packet of pure and freshly-made Bon Jelly Crystals from your grocer. _ Specially recommended to invalids and children ■ needing a pure nourishing f00d..,. William M’Millan, a schoolboy, was drowned in the Granity Creek last Thursday afternoon (says the Westport Times). It is reported that after school he went o gather some gigies, and evidently fell into the creek. The body was found at 4.45 p.m, _ Deceased’s parents are fesidents of Millerton, Obanism (452): The thread of our life would he dark, heaven knows, if it were not with friendship and love intertwined (Tom Moore). For the spirit of friendships. Oban H0te1.... “Some ono has had the impertinence,” said his Honor Mr Justice Reed in the Supremo Court; Wanganui, “to write to me in an attempt to influence me in one of the criminal cases.” His Honor produced the letter, and handed it to Mr F. W. Nolan, Crown Prosecutor, asking him to hand it to the police, with a request that they should endeavour to trace the author. Country stores supplied at special rates with our famous small goods; freshly made daily. Barton and Trengrove, butchers and pork butchers.... A party in a sailing .boat sighted four large sharks Sulphur Point and Mount Maunganui, Tauranga, on Sunday (reports the New Zealand Herald). One of tho sharks was estimated to be about 15ft long. Although efforts were made to hook it, the fish proved too wary and refused to take the bait. Attention is directed to the advertisement in this issue of Hawora Borough Council sale of leases of hotel and shop properties.—Advt. Fire blight disease is still rapidly spreading in the North Auckland district. The Agricultural Department at Auckland has received information that the disease has made its first appearance at Port Albert, in the Rodney County. It is also prevalent in Kaukapokapa, Huapai, Kaumou, Helensville. and Parakakau, as well as at many other places previously notified ns infected. Even prohibitionists should always have it in the house to meet emergencies I W. Orossan, “Waterloo,” Caversham, for best brands.... “You can’t die cheap,” remarked a memiber of fho Pahiatua County Council when social matters were under consideration, and assistance had been asked for funeral expenses of a former resident who died in another district. Then there a little discussion on undertakers’ fees. Not only was the cost of living high, but also tho cost of dying. Someone said that £25 sufficed for only an ordinary burial. The request for financial aid was referred to tho Hospital Board "in the district where the funeral took place. There are many brands of jelly crystals on the market, but you can’t afford to take risks. You must be sure of the ingredients. Buy Marshall’s; every jelly wrapped in paper first to keep dust 0ut.... The two French warships which are to visit New Zealand are expected to arrive at Wellington on January 16. Provisional arrangements regarding the entertainment of the crew's of the vessels were discussed by the Wellington Navy League, when it was decided to write to the Mayor (Mr R. A. Wright) stating that tire league would be glad to co-operate in any arrangements for the entertainment of the French sailors while there. This month special value _is offered in ladies’ hosiery, which comprises lisle, silk, and all wool cashmere. We have all shades, and you will find the prices right. Fast colour black hose, fine quality, 2s lid pair. A- F. Cheyne and Co., MosgieJ....

“Thank God,” said Father Cooney, at a jubilee social held in his honour at Lyttelton, ‘‘that there is no sectarian feeling in Lyttelton. I think that perhaps its people are more broad-minded than in some parts of the dominion. I hone that the Government, at some future date, will pass a law by which mischief makers will be locked up and kept out of the way.” For 22s 6d you can a gallon good obtain; you’ll find your calves each day improve, and Fatorine’s not in vain.... A curious state of affairs was noticed by Mr J. O'Donovan, ex-Commissioner of .Police for the dominion, when he visited Cork last July. Patrick street, the main business thoroughfare, was in ruins, but business in the city was going on as usual. Complete order prevailed, despite the absence of police from the streets, and there was nothing to indicate in the city that anyuiing extraordinary was about to occur. The Xmas season' is well catered for at Gray’s, Milton. Fancy goods, drapery, electroplate, and hardware are displayed at very reasonable prices.... Two black rock cod, each measuring 6ft 2in, with a girth of 4ft, and weighing, when cleaned, 2501 b, were sold recently at 3d per lb at the Redfern (Sydney) fish markets. Each hsh brought £5 2s 6d. They were caught in a net by a fisherman at the Tweed River. A few days previously a black rock cod, an inch bigger than these, was sold at jthe same price at the same markets. “Noxol” is a pure vegetable compound—made from the prescription of a famous doctor. . Its action is gentle and sure. Noxol for all troubles of the stomach, liver, and kidneys. Pleasant to take. Equally good for men, women, and children.... An amusing interlude occurred during an address by the Labour candidate_ for one of the Wellington seats. The candidate was asked : “If you do away with capital, where would we get our wealthy men?’’ ‘Tn a Socialistic State,” was the reply, “there would be no capitalists, and consequently no wealthy men.” “How do you expect any woman to vote for you if you are going to spoil any chance of her marrying a ricn man?” was the next question. The candidate’s answer was drowned, in a roar of laughter. Dad’s roared two score on Faterine, and such a price he got, and when he sent them to the sale his pen, yes, topped the 10t.... Melbourne papers report that Mrs Evelyn fct .barker, wife of Mr Joseph Barker, farmer, of Donald and Avon Plains, lost he life in a terrible manner. A fire broke out in a motor shed and stable at the rear of Mr' Barker’s residence. Mrs Barker succeeded in getting the car out of the shed, but encountered an She changed into reverse gear, and the motor shot back into the shed. Before the unfortunate woman could escape, she was enveloped in the flames and burned to death. Now you have settled the election, how about your now suit? —MacLeod MaeGillivray, tailor.... I,et all birds take warning (advises the Christchurch Sun). Electric transmission wires provide a fine perch, but there are certain drawbacks, to say the least, associated with their use for this purpose. A little bird in Fendalton found a resting place on one, and it was placidly enjoying the sunshine, when a fly settled on a parallel wire. Promptly it stretched out its neck and pecked at the delectable morsel. Something happened! A bird, whose slightly singed feathers tell the tale of a short-circuit, now hangs, head downwards, from its original perch. M'Gavin’s special production; “oat malt stout,” is generous, refreshing, and, strengthening. A superior table beverage.... An example of determination to sit for her matriculation examination, although confined to bfd through illness, is shown in the case cl a young girl at Hastings. This girl was taken to the hospital about a week ago and' operated upon, for appendicitis. Tire Education Department, Wellington. was written to and consented to the examination taking place in the hospital. A room has been placed at, the student’s disposal, and an instructor will sit with her for three hours each day and hand her papers in with the. other candidates’, as if she were at the usual place of examination. Every virtue summoned to perfect a whisky finds fit repository in Buchanan’s “Black and White.’ ... . We are in the habit of complaining of the ignorance of New Zealand geography displayed by people in other countries, but it seems (says an exchange) that there are persons in the dominion whose knowledge of the subject is not as accurate as it should be A publication dealing with New Zealand towns, issued in this country, has, as an illustration, a, view on the Wanganui River, with, the, title “The Wanganui at Taumarunui, Levin.. The picture is placed at the section relating to Levin, which is a good many miles from Taumarunui. Obanism (Xmas): Hamper (No. 3), whisky 3, invalid port, claret, hock, French brandy, sherry 1 each. Speight’s ale 4 —securely packed. Out this out for reference. £4 6s rail free to your nearest station. Oban Hotel. ... , , A serious accident was narrowly averted on Taurangkumu Hill on the/Taupo road last week/(states the Daily Telegraph). A motor caravan containing two men was descending the hill' on the Taupo side. The brakes went wrong, and the caravangathered speed amd rushed towards a sharp bend in the road, on one side of which was a steep precipice. The driver swung the vehicle into the bank, where it turned turtle and finished up standing on its bonnet with the wheels high m the air. Two men riding in the caravan were thrown out without any injury. “What’s the use of worrying?. We cater for the purses of every class m the community. You can be sure of getting the utmost value for your money. Prunes!) quality at lowest possible price is oar motto, go “burry” to Barton and Tree grove s ... It is stated that when a Shannon constable waited on a local resident with a significant piece of blue paper having relation to the recent raid on the alleged two-up school, the latter made the cryptio remark that Ratana was not in it with the officer of the law os a healer. The constable asked for further light on the subject, and his informant said there was one man present who had been doubled up with rheumatism and various other complaints for some time, and only got about ■with difficulty, but when the constable appeared on the sCene none of those present were able to head the sufferer. off,, Clarke’s English Effervescent Liver and Kidney Saline refreshes, invigorates. A pleasant healthful drink. Prices, Is od and 2s 6d; posted, 6d extra. Waters s New Pharmacy, 20 Princes street, Dunedin.... The hard times have not taken that treasured quality, a sense of humour, from the proprietor of one business in Temuka: in fact, they seem to have brightened it (says an exchange). A visitor in the town went into the shop to make a small purchase on his way to catch a train. As the articles wore handed over to him ne caught sight of a clock on a shelf which indicated that the time was half an hour later than he thought it was. Good heavens,” he said (or words to that effect), “I shall miss my train.” Iho storekeeper, however, reassured him. Tho clock had not gone for months ‘T place it there my busines motto, said tn© proprietor, “My motto is ‘No Tick.’ ” The perplexing problem that confronts every young couple when contemplating matrimony is, “How can we accomplish everything, furnish our home. ,etc., on the amount of cash we have?” Come to us tell ua what you have to spend, and we will furnish your‘home throughout to suit your purse and give satisfaction.—Riaoh and » M‘Lennan’s, Anzac Square, Dunedin.... Supplies of strawberries forwarded to the Auckland market " have steadily diminished during the past week as a result of the recent spell of dry weather following on the wintry conditions prevailing a fortnight ago. If the moisture m the beds is not renewed shortly, the market is bound to bo short at Christmas. Strawberry growers predict an unusually s.iorc season. The plants received a severe setback during the previous cold and wet weather, and the succession of several dry days has had a visibly injurious effect on most of the beds. Wholesale dealers state that they have never known the crops to fall off as rapidly.' Through all the changing scenes of life, \nd many breakfasts tried 1 , There’s one that always pleases wife, That’s Hitohon’s bacon, fried....

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18736, 14 December 1922, Page 12

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NEWS IN BRIEF Otago Daily Times, Issue 18736, 14 December 1922, Page 12

NEWS IN BRIEF Otago Daily Times, Issue 18736, 14 December 1922, Page 12