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TAPANUI SPRING SHOAV. The Tapanni Horticultural and Exhibit Society licld a very successful spring show on Saturday Inst, when the weather was perfect, being quite summerliko afternoon and evening. The feature of the show was the splendid collection of narcissi blooms, which made a pretty' display. Air T. D. Lcnuie (of Invercargill), who judged the flowers, expressed the opinion that the allow was a long way ahead of last year. The standard ot varieties was raised considerably as compared with last year, and most of the highclass varieties, moderate in type, were to bo found in the show, noteworthy varieties in the trumpet section being Peter Barr, H. J. Voitch, A’aro-Waveren’a Giant, Lord Roberts, and King Alfred, In the Incomparabilis section the best varieties were Bernadino, Great AVarlcy, AHclory, Noble, and Lady Boscowen. Both those sections _ provided close competition. The best varieties in the. shorter cut sections, which were not nearly so well represented, were Kithwake and Ainggie Alny (Leedsi). Cossack and Albatross (Barri), Dante and Horace (Factious), and Erini, Silver Phoenix, and Red and Gold in doubles. The bunch flowers were well represented by the old polyanthus section, hut the newer Poet a z are hardly shown at all. and deserve more attention. The decorative and floral work were excellent, and there were some very flue exhibits in the industrial section. A’egetables and dairy produce elicited very few entries, but the children’s section was a very strong one, and the children displayed considerable taste. _ Airs J. Campbell had a very fine collection of hyacinths and primroses for exhibition only, and Airs AV. F. Sim had on new a freak primrose, with 110 blooms on cne stalk. Air J. J. O’Dowd had an exhibit of basketwork. Messrs Lonnie and Sons (Invercargill) showed a nice exhibit of springy flowers, which attracted considerable attention. The president (Mr A. fit. Jenkins), secretary (Air J. Clonston), and a good working committee ably conducted the show, and received a fair measure of public support. The judges during the day were: Air T*,D. Lcnnio (flowers and vegetables), Miss Sim, Crookston (produce), and Airs Clifford, Tnpftmii (industrial ana school sections). Alusic was snpnlicd by the brass and string bands in evening, and the Picture Syndicate’s electric lighting plant enabled the exhibits to be shown to the best advantage. Refreshment rooms were conducted by the local branch of the Red Cress in aid of the Armenian !■’und. The following is the detailed prize-list: CUT FLOADERS.

Collection of narcissi, 12 varieties, three blooms of each (one entry)—Aliss Ferry. Col lection of narcissi, not exceeding 30 varieties, not more than five stems of each (two entries) —J. Clouston 1, A. S. Jenkins 2. A arieiics narcissi, Trumpet, named, three of each (two entries) —Aliss Perry 1. Three varieties narcissi, Trumpet, named, three of eacii (seven entries) —Miss T. Sheddan 1, Alliss Perry 2, L. Grant 3, Three varieties. narcissi, Truinnet. one of each (four entries) Mrs Dele 1, Aliss Perry 2 and 3. Three varieties narcissi. Trumpet (seven entries)--Miss Clark J, Airs Dale 2 and 3. Six varieties narcissi, Incomparabilis. three ol each (five entries) —J. Clouston 1, Miss Perry 2, Airs J. Fleming 3. Six varieties narcissi, Incomparabilis, one of each (two entries) Aliss Clark 1, J. Clouston 3. Three varieties narcissi, Incomparabilis, three of each (seven entries) —Airs 1, A. S. Jenkins 2, Airs Fleming 3. Three varieties narcissi. Incomparabilis, one of each. Seven entries—Airs Dale 1 and 2, A. S. Jenkins 3. Ono variety Double Incomparabilis, three blooms (If)" entries)—J. Clouston 1 and 2, Airs Pinckney 3. Six varieties _ narcissi, Band, three of each (one entry)-vAliss Perry. Three varieties narcissi, Band, three of each (three entries) —Aliss Perry 1, J. Clouston 2. Three varieties narcissi, Barri, one of each (two entries) —Miss Clark 1, Miss Perry 2. Six varieties narcissi (Leedsi), three of each (five entries)— Aliss Perry 1 and 2, A. S. Jenkins 3. Three varieties narcissi, Leedsi, one of each (seven entries) —Aliss Clark "1 and 2, J. Clouston 3 Three varieties narcissi. Pocticus, one of each (one entry)—Miss Perry. Ono Poeticns. three blooms (five entries)—Alias Perry 1. A. S. Jenkins •2, Airs Date 3. One Trkuidus Hybrid, three stems (one entry)—Airs Dale. Three varieties narcissi, Redcups, three of each (one entry)—Airs Arnold. A r aso Emperor or Empress (12 entries) —Mrs A. Alnnvard 1, Miss Perry 2, A. S. Jenkins' 3. A’ase Lucifer, three blooms (three entries)—!. Clouston 1, Mrs Sheddan 2. A T aae Barri Conspicuous, three blooms (six entries) —J. I, Miss Perry 2. Airs Arnold 3. One variety bunch-flowered narcissus, three trusses (10 entries) —Alias Perry 1 and 2, Airs Sheddan 3. Premier bloom. Incomparabilis—Aliss Clark (A’ictorv). Premier bloom, Trumpet— Aliss Clark (H. J. A’eitch). Premier bloom, Barri—Aliss Clark (Cossack). Premier bloom,

Poeticus—Aliss Perry (Horace).’ Hyacinths, varieties (ono entry)—Aliss One vase violets, vase not to exceed three inches, own foliage (two entries)—Miss Quin 1, Aliss Murnev 2. Three anemones, varieties, one of each (six entries'—Airs Edwards I,_ Aliss Rosa Robertson 2.” Five primroses, varieties, 12 of each (seven entries)—Aliss Perry 1 and 3, Mins M. Robertson 2- Four polyanthus, varieties, three stems of each (eight entries) —Aliss Perry 1 and 3, Airs Alunyard 2. Two auriculas, varieties, two trusses of each (two entries) —Airs Alunyard 1. Two wallflowers, varieties, two spikes of each (four entries) — Aliss Pern- 1. Collection of cut flowers (two entries) —Airs A. Alunyard 1. Collection of ' Hardy cut flowers (one entry)—Aliss Quin. Three, camelias, white (two entries)— Aliss T. Sheddan 1. Airs Alunyard 2. Collection of pansies, three varieties, two of each (three entries)—Aliss AL Robertson "1. Airs Sim 2. Best minsy (three entries) — Aliss T. Sheddan 1, Aliss AI. Robertson 2. Collection of violas, three varieties, one of I each (three entries)—Airs Sim-1. Aliss Perry 2. Mos: points in cut flowers—Miss Perry. DECORATIVE AND FLORAL AVOBK. One vase narcissi, own foliage (12 entries) — Airs Munyard 1, Aliss Stuart 2, Alias Alurnev 3. One bowl narcissi, any foliage, bowl not to exceed bin in diameter (six entries) — Airs AA’. A\ r . Alackie 1, Aliss Stuart 2, Airs J. 11. AA’hite 3 One bowl'wallflower, r.nv foliage (four entries) —Aliss AI. Alackie 1, Aliss At. Robertson 2, Miss Aiurney 3. Decorated floral basket (four entries)—AHss AV. Stuart 1. Airs J. H. AVhite 2, Alisa Robertson 3. Bouquet bridal shower (two, entries)— Aliss Stuart 1, Aliss Robertson 2. Two dress bouquets, one lady’s, one gentleman’s (throe entries)—Aliss AI. Alackie 1. Aliss Aiurney 2. Eocrcnc of narcissi, anv foliage (one entry)— Airs AA’. AV. Alackie. Table decoration, narcissi. anv foliage (five entries) —Aliss Alackie 1. Alias Stuart 2, Alias AV. Stuart 3. Floral bat (five r-ntriesl-'-Misa ; Murnev 1, Aliss Alackie 2, Aliss AI. Robertson 3. VEGETABLES. One broccoli (one entry)—Mrs Heudrie. Three beet (one entry)—Mrs AV. Sim. Three parsnips (three entries)—A. Alunyard 1,2, and 3. Three carrots (two entries)—A. Alunyard 3, Airs AV. Sim 2. Ono dozen spring onions (two entries)—Geo. Jarrold 1, A, Alnnvard 2. NEEDLEWORK. ' Specimen eyelet embroidery, modern (three entries)—Airs J. Duff 1, Airs AV. Grainger 2, Airs Hendrie 3. Specimen eyelet embroidery, old English (two entries)—Airs W. Grainger 1 and 2. Specimen Alonntmoliick embroidery (one entrv)—Mrs AV. Grainger. Fancy tray cloth (one entry)—Alia A. Fraser. Specimen crochet, fine (one entry)—Aliss Sim. Cuslnon cover or table cover (two entries)—Mrs Sim 1 and 2. Embroidered nightdress (oneentry)— Airs AV. Grainger. Child’s frock, embroidered (one on try)—Aliss Sinclair. Bosf specimen of needlework not otherwise scheduled (one entrv)—Mrs Sim. Pair knifed socks, ribbed (one' entrv)—Airs Sim. Best knitted or crochet hat or cap (ono entry)—Airs AI. Robertson. Best knitted frock (three en--1 rics) —Aliss Quin 1, Aliss Mona Davies 2. Best knitted jumpier, wool (two entries) Mrs A Smith 1 and 2. Best specimen leather work (three entries)—A. Gee (Alontccillo) 1 and 2. Most points in needlework—Airs Grainger. COOKERY. AVhifo broad (one entry)—Airs Hendriq. Plain oven scones (three entries)—Aliss Aleade 1 and 2. Fancy oven scones (three entries)— Miss Aleade I’nml 2. Three pics (two entries) —Miss Aleado 1. Seed cake (three cntrjcs)_Miss Aleado 1 and 2. Butter sponge (three entries)—Miss Aleade 1,2, and 3. Coffee cako (three entries)—Aliss Aleade 1,2, and 3. Spoimo sandwich (three entries)—Atiss Meade 1 and 3, Airs AV. Grainger 2. Sponge roll (three entries)—Aliss Aleade 1 and 2. Gingerbread (three entries)—Aliss Aleade 1 and 2. Marmalade (two entries)—Airs Alunyard 1, I Airs A. S. Jenkins 2. Bottled iruit (five entries)—Airs AV. AV. Alackie 1, Airs AV. Ala son 2, Airs J. Akirrison 3. Most points l-Aliss Ella Aleade. CHILDREN’S SECTION. Three carrots (one entry)—Bert Alunyard. Three parsnips (one entry) —Bert Alunyard 0 Gentleman’s buttonhole (29 entries)—C. Jackways 1, A. AVhiteley 2, J. Quin 3. Lady’s spray (five entries) —Lena Fleming 1, Marion Thomson 2,. D. Clabburn 3. Basket of ferns (two entries)—Edna Howat 1. Decorated ‘floral basket (seven entries)—Grace Shanks 1, Lilly APColl 2, Alnrion Thomson 3. A’ase of narcissi, any foliage (26 entries) Alaurice Robertson 1, Alarion Thomson 2, Doris Jenkins 3, Lena Fleming 4. Bowl of wallflowers (nine entries)—Frank Shanks 1, John Cloghorn 2. Heather Clouston 3. Plain hemmed - handkerchief (seven entries)— .Deris Jenkins 1, Winnie Fraser 2, Jean Ewart 3. Cocoanut ico (one entry)—J. Bradlev Toffee (four entries)—Rita Alolaghan 1 ’ ’ Sewing, Standard 1 (nine entries)— Alarsio Fraser 1, Jessie Gray 2, Ena M Leod 3 Sewing, Standard II (seven entries)— Winnie Fraser 1, Ilona Kyle 2, Jean Ewart 3 Sewing, Standard 111 (four entncs) r F. Howat 1, A. Grant 2, L. Rodger 3. Sewing, Standard IV (six ontnesj-J. Qum 1, L. ' M’Neil 2, L. Clabborn 3. Sewing, Standard

V, collection of patches (six entries)—Rita Alalaghau 1, Angelina McDonald 2, Doris Dacker 2.

SHOAV AT PALMERSTON. The Palmerston and AVaihemo Horticultural Society held its spring show on AA’cd- | nesday, September 27, in the Town Hall, i The entries numbered ARB, a number of outside exhibitors helping to make the show a success. The decorative work was up to the usual standard, and the needlework and cookery sections were (til of the host quality. Messrs Skene and Robertson, seed merchants, Dunedin, had a very tastefully arranged table of narcissi (for exhibition only) containing aom-s very line blooms and a very good selection.. Following is (he prize-list; SECTION I. —PLANTS GROAVN IN POTS Judge: Air J. P. Johnston (Dunedin). Pot schizanthus (one entry)—R. Diack 2Pot of tuberous plant (one entry)—Airs 11.I 1 . Beckingsale 1. Store or greenhouse plant (two entries’! —Airs Shcat 3. H. Diack 2- j Hanging basket (one entry)—Alias D. APR'*- ( chic 1. Asparagus sprengeri (one entry) | Miss Miller 1. Asparagus, any ether variety j (one entry)-Air J. M’Pherson 1. Aspidistra ; (one entry)—Horticultural Society 1. I’oliage phmt (two entries) —Alisa APRitchie 1, Aus A. llurudill 2. CUT FLOATERS. Judge: Air J. P, Johnston (Dunedin). Collection narcissi, 18 varieties (three entries)—Air 11. L. Gill (Anderson’s Bay) 1, Mrs John Peat (Glenpark) 2, Airs J. H. Preston’ (Goodwood) 3. Collection narcissi, 12 varieties (three entries) —Alias E. Johnstone (Alaori Hill, Dunedin) 1, AA. JJohnston (Port Chalmers) 2. Collection narcissi, six varieties (two entries) —AA’. J. Johnston 1, Airs J. Preston (Flag Swamp) IFour varieties narcissi (three entries)—AV J. Johnston 1, Aliss E. Johnstone 2. two varieties narcissi, Trumpet (two entries) H. L. Gill 1, Alias D. Al’Ritchie 2. One variety Trumpet (11 entries)—Airs G. K. Graham 1 and 2. Four varieties narcissi, Incomparabilis (one entry)—Aliss E. Johnstone. Two varieties narcissi, Incomparabilis (two entries)—AV. J. Johnston 2. H. L. Gill 2One variety narcissi, Incomparabilis (five entries) —Airs G. K. Graham 1. R. Diack One variety double Incomparabilis (eight cntrics)—Airs H. O’Neill 1, Mrs J. Currie 2. Four varieties narcissi, Barrii (two entries) —Hiss E. Johnstone 1, AV. J. Johnston 2Two varieties narcissi, Barrii (three entries) -Airs J. Currie 1, H. L. Gill 2. One varietv narcissi, Barrii (seven entries)—Aliss D. APRitchie 1, Airs D. M’Kenzie (Snag , Point) 2. Four varieties narcissi, Leedsii (one entry)—Miss E. Johnstone 1. 1 I"’° varieties narcissi, Leedsii (two entries) J. Johnstone 1, 11. L. Gil! 2. One vane y narcissi, Leedsii (six entries) F. Beckingsale 1, Airs G. Barclay (Anderson s Bay) 2. Three varieties narcissi* Foeticus (on* cnliy; —Aliss E. Johnstone. One variety narcissi, Posticus (four entries) —Mrs G. Barclay I, , A. Johnstone (Bnahey Park) ‘L O ne Tnandus hybrid (two entries)—Miss E. Johnstone 1. H. L. Gill 1. Three varieties narcissi, red cups (three entries)—Airs G. Bai clav 1, Miss D. APRitchie 2. One vase Emperor (eight entries)—Airs D. MKenzio 1. Airs J. Currie 2. One va» (seven entries) —Airs J. Sutherland ( x ° wood) 1, J. A. Johnstone 2. One vase S AVatkins (throe entries)—Airs J. Currie i, Mrs J. Sutherland 2. One vase Lncifei (three entries)—Mrs J. Cuvvie 1, Airs ->• H'Phcrson 2. One vase Barrii Conspicuous (eight entries) —Airs J. Sutherland 1, RDiack 2. One vase AVluto Lady (four entries)—Airs G. Barclay 1, Alls D, Roes 2. six varieties narcissi, price not to exceed tri (four entries) —Airs D. Ross 1,. Mis J. Sutherland 2. Three varieties narcissi, pi ice not to exceed 3d (one entryl-Aliss D. APRitchie 1. One vase narcissi Gazetta (two entries)-Airs J. M’Pherson 1, Hre JCurrio 2. One vase narcissi, Poetaz (f entries)-!!. L. Gill 1, Alias D. APRitchie 2. One bloom each of Trumpet, Incomparabilis. Leedsii, Barrii, and any other variety (ei o h entries) —Aliss E. Johnstone 1, H- L. Oil 2Premier blooms— Trumpet, Aliss E. J Oll stone (Lord Roberts); Incomparabilis. At J. Johnston (Croeous); Leedsii, H- - 1 - 1 (Lord Kitchener): Barrii Aliss E. Johnstone Zenith)); Poclieiis. AY. J. Johnston (loex). Four hyacinths, varieties (four entries)—H. h. Gill 1, Mrs J. Currio 2, two hyacinths, varieties (six entries)—H. L. Gill 1, J- • Block 2 One hvacinUi (seven entries) xi. L Gill 1, J. Lang 2. One Crown Imperial lily (two entries) —Airs D. APLaroiv 1, Airs JCurrie ° Two tulips, varieties (two entriesT —Airs J. Currie 1, and 3 One case violets (four entries)-Alias Gibb 1, Airs H. O’Veill 2 Thro? pansies, seU (three entries) —Airs H. O’Neill 1, Master J. Black 2 Three pansies fancy (eight entries) All,l. E. Hill (Herbert) 1, AV. J. Johnston -• Three violas, varieties (seven entries) _ A\. J. Johnston 3, Airs J. E Hill 2 monss, varieties (two entries)—Airs J. C'liue 1 R Diack 2. Three anemones, varieties (four’entries)—Airs J. Currie 1, R. Diack 2. Three primroses, single (five entries, Airs u. E. Hill 1, Airs J. Stenhouso (Goodwood) - Four polyanthus (10 entries)—J. A. Johnstons 1, AV. J. Jchnston 2. Two auriculas (three entries)—Mrs J. Stenhouse 1, Miss U. APRitchie 0 Two wallflowers, dark (six entries) —Airs J. H. Preston 1, Miss M. Black o Two wallflowers, light, (five* entries) Miss M. Black 1, Airs J. H. Preston 2. Collection of cut blooms, bulbous or tuberous (three entries) —Mrs J. Al’Pherson 1, Airs J. Currie 2. Collection of cut flowers (two entries)—Airs J. H. Preston 1, Airs J. Currie o Collection of hardy cut flowers (four entries) —Airs J. M’Pherson 1; J. A. Johnstone

DECORATIVE AMD FLORAE WORK, Judge: Airs Douglas tOamaru). One vaaa narcissi, any foliage (eight entries) —Miss M'Ritchie. 1. Mrs D. Ross 2, Miss Hughes 3, Miss M, Black lie. One hovel narcissi (nine entries) —Miss D. Al'Ritchie 1, Miss Gibb 2, Miss D. Cameron 3 One howl wallflower (four entries' Miss M. Black 1, Mrs K. Riddle 2, Miss Diack 3. Decorated floral basket (five entries) —Mrs T. Cameron 1, Miss Adams 2, Mrs Adams 3, Miss D. ■ Al'Ritchie he. Roquet bridal shower (one entry)—Mrs J. Currie 1. Floral hat (five entries)—Mrs J. Currie 1, Mrs Galloway 2, Mrs C. F. Smite. 3, Miss 11. APLaren hc. Floral toque (two entries) —Mrs Galloway 1. Floral design (three entries)—Miss Adams 1, Mrs G. Currie 2. Two dress bouquets (three entries)—Miss D. Al'Ritchie 1, Mrs J. Currie 2, Miss M‘l!itchie 3. Fpergne of narcissi (two entries)—Mrs G. K. Graham 1, Miss D. M'Ritchie 2. Fpergne of flowers (two entries)— Mrs G, K. Graham 1. Miss D. M'Ritqhio 2. Table decorations, any flowers (four entries) —Mrs G. K. Graham X, Miss D. Al'Ritchie 2, Mrs J. I’reston 3. Table decoration, narcissi (one entry)—Miss Hughes 1. TABLE VEGETABLES. Judge: Mr J. P. Johnston (Dunedin).

One broccoli (two entries)—!. A. Johnstone 1, Miss IT. Wilson 2, Three stalks rhubarb (three entries) —Mrs D. Ross 1, Miss Fleming 2. Three parsnips (two entries)— Miss D. M'Ritchie 1, Miss T. M'Laren 2. Three carrots (one entry)—Miss D. M'Ritchie ]. Three leeks (three entries)—J. Philip 1, J. Lany 2. Three potatoes (three entries)— Mrs D. Kcss 1 and 2. Three potatoes, not white skin (.three entries)—Mrs D. Ross 1 and 2. Three dessert apples (four entries) —Miss Heckler 1 and 2. ■ Three cooking apples (four entries) —Miss U. Wilson 1, MiSh Heckler 2. Collection of vegetables (open)— J. ii. Johnstone 1. NEEDLEWORK. Judges: Mrs M'Kerrow (Wainuakarua) and Mrs M'Millan (Herbert). Specimen eyelet embroidery (thr:o entries) —Mrs W. Park 1, Mrs W. Marshall (Seacliff) 2. Best fancy tray cloth (three entries) —Airs T. Kcnnard (Goodwood) 1, Mrs W. Park 2, Airs Lane (Pleasant Valley) 3. Two handworked handkerchiefs (one entry) —Alias D. M'Ritchie 1. Specimen crochet, fine (10 entries)—Mrs L. Newson (Dunedin) 1, Airs T Cameron 1 and Alias IT. AVilson 1 (equal), Aliss Cameron (Pleasant Valley) 2, Airs Dyer 3. Specimen crochet, coarse (five entries) —Mrs Pennicuick 1, Aliss D. M'Ritchio 2, Miss Williams (Pleasant Valley) 3. crochet doyloy (nine entries)—Miss IT. Wilson 1. Mrs Houlcston (Southland) 2, Alies 1)., M'Ritchio 3. One embroidered doyley (three entries)—Mrs W. Park 1, Mrs Button (Pleasant Valley) 2, Annie Pullar 3, Collection of doyleys (one entry)—Miss G Wright 2. Embroidered nightdress, white (two entries) —Airs Newson 1. Embroidered nightdress. coloured (nine entries) —Mrs Diack 1. Miss AI Elston 2, Lizzie Forrest J Camisole top (seven entries) —Mrs Button and 3, Alias I. Wilson 2. One cushion (three entries) —Aliss Williams 1, May Al'Grcgor 2 Table cover (two entries)—Mrs Dyer ana Aliss I. Wilson equal. Best specimen of needlework (seven entries) —Airs Houlcston 1, Mrs G. Currie 2 and 3 Pair knitted sox, plain (two entries) —Alias Grace (Pleasant Valley) 1, Airs Al'Donald 2. Pair knitted sox, ribbed (three entries)—Mrs T. Cameron 1, Alias J. Al'Donald 2, Mis John Al'Causlond 3. Knitted jumper (one entry)—Miss Miller 1. COOKERY. Judge; Airs Nyhon, Snndymount. Billy loaf, wheat meal (four entries) —Airs Pennicuick 1, Aliss 0. Wright 2. Yeast loaf, white bread (two entries)—Airs J. Hughes 1, Airs D. Walker 2. Fancy loaf (five enl tics) —Alisa S. Elston 1, Aliss G. Wright 2, Mrs J. Hughes 3. Plate of six pikelets (four entries)—Airs Pennicuick 1, Airs D. Ireland (Pleasant Valley) 2, Airs D.

Michie 3. Plato of oven scones (one entry)— Alisa Miller 1. Plate of girdle scones (two entries) —Airs I). Walker 1, Airs A. Hurndell 2. Pound cake, dark (throe entries)—Airs I). Walker 1, Alias Paul 2. Pound cake, light (five entries*—Airs Burrows 1, Alias Miller 2, Airs C. K. Smith 3. Plate of putt pastry (two entries)— ALrs D. Walker I.* Throe pies, one meat, one fruit, ono any filling (three entries)—Alisa Paul 1, Airs 1. Cameron 2. Butter sponge (two entries)— Alias H. APLaron 1, Alias Ci. Wright 2. Sponge sandwich (four entries) —Alisa I). Al‘Ritchie 1. Airs D. Walker 2, Aliss Diaek 3. Pour pieces shovthread (four entries) —Airs D. Ireiund i, Aliss Miller 2, Aliss APLaron 3. Billy sponge (throe entries) —Alisa Paul 1, Airs D. Michie 2 Best cake not scheduled (three entries) : Miss Paul 1, Mrs D. Walker 2. Collection of small goods (three entries) Airs i. Cameron 1, Mrs D. Walker 2. SUNDRIES. Bottled fruit (six entries)—Mrs Chnstio 1, Mrs 0. Dempsey (Goodwood) 2, Mrs DMichie 3. Sauces, pickles, and chutney (three entries)—Mrs J.' Sutherland 1, Miss D. M’Ritchie 2. Twelve hen’s eggs, weight and quality (six entries)—Mrs E. M right 1, Miss Fleming and Miss D. MTutchie (equal) 2. Twelve duck’s eggs (three entries)—Mis D. Michio 1, Mrs H. Wright 2. CHILDREN'S SECTION (DECORATIVE). Gentleman’s buttonhole (28 entrics)-Cynl Cook 1, Kathleen Thompson 2, Jim ** 3 Jack Black v h c. Gordon Morrison h c. Lady’s sprav (12 entries)— Joyce Pittavmy 1. Rachel Lowen 2, Elva Weaver 3, Alice Watt h c. Basket ot ferns’(five entries Hedge Thompson 1, Cyril Cook 2, Peter Cord oh 3. Vase of narcissi (16 enirivtj Peter Gordon 1, Elsie Currie 2. May M'Gregnr 3. DecorrJed floral basket (hyo entries) —Elva AVeavcr 1, Flossie Sm:ith 2 Bowl of wallflower (aix entries)—Jack Black 1 Cathie Hughes 2, Cyrjl Cook and Joyce Pittaway (equal) 3. Bowl of n f u ’e fl owcrs (two entries)—James Watt 1, Ronald Gibb 2 ’ CHILDREN’S NEBDLEAVORK. Pair of knitted sox (one entry)—Elbe Pott 1 Darning, under 16' years (one entry) Marjory Allcock 1. . Worked camisole, Standard VI (three entries)—Elsie Cumc■ 1. Grace M’Gradio 2, Elsie Currie 3. AAoiked camisole. Standard V (one entry,-Lizzie Forrest 1. AVorked camisole, Staudaid IA (five entries) —Maisy Elston 1, Radiol Lowen 2. Vera Upston 3. Brush and comb bag, Standard 111 (four entries)—Annie Pnllai L May M'Gregor 2, Flossie Pattinson 3. P tun camisole, Standard 111 (six entries) May M’Grenor 1, Annie Pullar 2. Hazel Jackson 3. Book cover, Standard II (two entries) AVra Hanning 1, Olive Garvnne 2. Pillow alip (five entries) —Eller. Hodgetts 1 Isabel Drcaver 2, Gladys Currie 3 plain, Standard II one entry)—Clue Gar vane 1. Tea towel. Standard I (four entries)—Charlotte APGrcgor 1. Act tie Pul ar 2. Nellie Cameron 3. Handkerchief, plain, hemmed, with or without lace, Standard I (Sne entries) —Nettie Pullar 1. Marjory Hston 1 Charlotte H'Gregor 3. Fancy Hand kerchief. Standards V and AH (10 |Mncs, Lizzie Forrest 1. Khona Dyei Alaisj Elston 3, Maisy Elston h c.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18676, 4 October 1922, Page 10

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HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES Otago Daily Times, Issue 18676, 4 October 1922, Page 10

HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES Otago Daily Times, Issue 18676, 4 October 1922, Page 10