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PHASES OF THE MOON. October. Full Moon 6th 12,28_p.m. Last Quarter >. .. ... 14th 9.25 a.m. Now Moon .. ..i .. 21st 1.10 a.m. First Quarter ... ... .. .. 2Stb 0.56 a.m. THE SOT, Rises to-day at 5.44 a.m.; sets 6.11 p.m. THE WEATHER September 30.—Fino; moderate northerly wind 8 a.m. Noon. 6 p.m. Barometer ... ~ .. 29.98 30.01 30.05 Thermometer .. Min., 48; max., 64 October 1— Barometer .. .. ... 30.01 30.51 30.09 Thermometer .. .. Min.,so; max., 66 WEATHER REPORTS. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. O. Bates) supplied tho following af 9 a.m. on Saturday;— Bar Ther. Wthr Wellington—E.N.E., 1 .. 80.29 58 ■ B C Groymouth—E,, b .. 30.24 52 B Christchurch—E., f b .. 30.23 67 O Timaru —E., 1 .... 30.24 54 O Oamaru—N., .. .. 30.25 54 O Dunedin—N.E., 1 .. .. 30.26 52 BC Queenstown. —Calm ... .. 30.30 52 B Nuggets—N.E., 1 .... 30.19 48 F Bluff—NAV., 1 .... 30.03 53 BCE. Wind.—L, light; br, breeze; f b, fresh breeze; m g, moderate gale; g, whole or heavy gale; w, galo of exceptional eeverity. Weather,—B, hluo sky, bo tho atmosphere clear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy; G, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; 0, overcast, tho whole sky covorcd\ with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, continued rain; S, snow; T, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. HIGH WATER. October 2 . a.m. p.m. At Tniaroa Heads .. .. At Port Chalmers .. ~ 0.24 12.47 At Dunedin 0.54 1.17 ARRIVALS. September 30. Rira. ketch (3.10 a.m.), 105 tons, Himainen, from Lyttelton. Dalgety and Co., agent. Kakapo, s.s. (7 a.m.), 1521 tons, Knowles, from Oamaru. Union Steam Ship Company, agent. October 1. Breeze, s.s. (2.45 p.m.), 553 tons, Robertson, from Lyttelton. H. L. Tapley and Co., agents. Ilolmdale, ss. (2.20 p.m.), 810 tons, Holm, from Wellington. Keith Ramsay, agent. Corinna, s.s, (10 p.m.), 1319 tons, Edge, from Wellington. Union Steam Ship Co., ogont. DEPARTURES. September 30. Erroll, s.s. (12.15 p.m.), 4465 tons. Hunter, for Melbourne. New Zealand Shipping Company, agents. Wingatui, s.s. (3.40 p.m.), 2378 tons, Paul, for Oamaru. Union Steam Ship Company, agent. Whangapo, s.s. (5 p.m.), 2931 tons, "Williamson, for Bluff and Sydney. Union Steam Ship Company, agent. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, September 30. —Arrived: Eastern Planet, from New York. Sailed: Katoa (1.30 p.m.), for Wellington; City of , Dunedin (5.20 p.m.), for Wellington. ' AVELLINGTON, September 30.—Arrived: Mararoa (S.lO a.m.), from Lyttelton. October I.—Arrived: Maori (7.20 a.m.), Kaiapoi (9.30 a.m.), and Calm (10.40 a.m.), from Lyttelton. September 30.—Sailed: Paparoa (9.30 a.m.), for Auckland; Corinna (noon), for Dunedin; Tahiti (3 p.m.), for Sydney; Mararoa (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON, September 30.—Arrived- . Koromiko (6.5 a.m.), from Timaru; Maori (6.50 a.m.), Holmdalo (12.5 a.m.), from Wel- ■ lington. Sailed: Kaiapoi (1.30 p.m.), Calm (2.50 p.m.), Wootton (4.15 p.m.), Maori (5.35 p.m.), for Wellington; Breeze (4.25 p.m.), Holmdalo (4.40 p.m.), for Dunedin. Octo- ■ her I.—Arrived: Mararoa (8.35 a.m.), from Wellington. _ _ f HULL, September 29. —Arrived; Moixnoa. LAS PALMAS, September 29.—Passed; Port Victor, from London, cn route for Australian ports. The Wingatui left Dunedin oa Saturday N afternoon for Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. The Corinna, from Wellington, _ arrived • -here late last night, and is to soil to-day . for Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth. The Kakapo, with coal from Greymouth, via Lyttelton, Timaru, and Oamaru, arrived here on Saturday morning. The Waikouaiti, from Sydney, via Bluff, is due here this week, and will return to . Sydney, via Lyttelton. j. , The Timaru dredge is expected to go . under overhaul at Port Chalmers soon. She , is about to deepen the overseas berthage at Timaru. The Kamo, from Greymouth, via Timaru and Oamaru, is due here about Wednesday. After completing discharge of her coal cargo she will load for Westport and Greymouth. . Tho Kini, • from Gisborne, is due here today, and is to sail to-day for Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Napier, and Gisborne. The Calm, from Bluff, is due here about October 7 to load for Wanganui, via ports. The Storm, from Lyttelton, is duo hero bn Wednesday, and is to leave on that day for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. The Holmdale, from Wellington, which arrived here yesterday, will complete discharge to-day and go down to Port Chalmers for annual overhaul. Sho will return to Dunedin about Thursday to load for Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. Tho Koromiko is to leave Lytelton today for Wellington, Napier, and Auckland. After discharging 1200 tons of general cargo liere, the Whangapo left on Saturday even„_iug for Bluff and Sydney. The ketch Rira, from Auckland, via Wellington and Lyttelton, arrived here early on Saturday morning and berthed at the powder-hulk to complete discharge of her explosives.' She will come up to Dunedin late this afternoon, and will probably Bail to-morrow night with cargo for Auckland direct. Tho Erroll left Dunedin shortly after noon on Saturday for Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, where she will complete discharge of her Canadian and American cargo. The Breeze, which arrived here yesterday from Lyttelton, is to sail to-day for Oamaru, ; Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Picton, and Wanganui.

RUAPEHU AT SOUTHAMPTON. The New Zealand Shipping Company has received cabled information that the liner Ruapehu, which left Wellington on August 12 for Southampton, via Panama and Kingston (Jamaica), reached her destination on September 29. WITH NEW YORK CARGO. The A. and A. Line steamer City of Dunedin arrived at Auckland at midday on Wednesday from Now York, The- vessel is to put out part cargo at Auckland, and will then come on to Wellington, where she :s duo to-day. She is later to proceed to Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Melbourne, to complete discharge. THE TUTANEKAI. The Government steamer Tuf-anekai is at present engaged attending to tho buoys in Kaipara Harbour. She will return to Wellington about tho end of this week. H.M.S. VERONICA TO CRUISE SHORTLY. The H.M.S. Veronica, which is anchored at the Sheerlegs wharf, Devonport, is to leave Auckland on October 11 on a cruise round the New Zealand coast. She is expected to arrive back in Auckland about December 4. ■ OIL FUEL FOR AUCKLAND. Tho motor tank Hermes, 373 S tons, sailed -from Singapore on September 18 with a ,jhrgo' v L)f oil for Auckland. She is dne at Auckland about Saturday. THE LOUIS THIERAULT. The Louis Thiorault, which has heen lying idle at tho Gladstone pier, Lyttelton, for several months, was placed in the dock on Thursday morning for cleaning and painting. It has been rumoured that negotiations are in progress for tho sale of tho vessel. OVERSEAS SUMMARY. City of Dunedin arrived at Auckland from New "York on September 27. Otaki loft London for New York on September 22, where she will load for Auckland;. Paparoa arrived at Wellington from Loudon on September 27. Waih-emo arrived at Vancouver from Lyttelton on September 25. DRIFT BOTTLES. Sincci January', 1920, when the liberation cf' bottles off Otago Heads was commenced, <l6l bottles have been set free, states the annual report of the Marine Department. Of these 60 have been picked up, and their contained paoora have been returned) to tho secretary of the board. This represents 12.9 per cent, of the whole number, and. considering the fact that all bottles liberated more than six miles from tho heads drift north (as far as Wellington) and north-east (three having boon returned from tho Chat-

ham Islands), and. that the chances of the bottles being picked up on sandy beaches seem relatively small, -we, consider the results both interesting and] satisfactory. In selecting a site for tho fish hatchery and biological station prior to 1901, a strong reason advanced for choosing Otago H* 11 " hour was that, owing to the occurrence ot a north-easterly current along tho coast, anything set free in the ocean there would almost certainly tend to go up tho coast m a northerly direction. This drift-bott.c experiment has shown the accuracy of the forecast. It is not intended to carry this experiment further. THE LAURENTIC’S BULLION. Tho Admiralty salvage ship Ra-c®* -* lll ® recovered over a million pounds ■worth o bullion, from the wreck of his Majesty s auxiliary cruiser Laurentic, which was mined off tho mouth of Lough Swilly during tho war. when proceeding to America. I' 3 ■bullion is in gold ingots, each worth £IoOU. In order io avoid transporting them o\oi Free State territory, they were taken by tbs sea to Lough Foyle, transferred to destroyer Vancouver, and brought to Ruffland. Towards midsummer, unfavourable ,weather developed and hindered salvage operations, and tho Racer had to proceed to Ardrossan, where she was dry-docked, alter which she resumed her operations (says the Daily Telegraph). Given favourable weather tho divers hope to recover tho bulk of tho remainder of tho bullion still at tho bottom of tbo ocean. Tho Laurentic's original gold cargo is variously estimated at between £‘4,000,000 and £7,000.000 sterling. Up to the present, including this year's haul, nearly £3,000,000 has been recovered. Great however, is maintained regarding the operations. PAPAROA’S PASSENGERS. Tho Now Zealand Shipping Company’s liner Paparoa, which arrived at Wellington on Wednesday from Home, left Southampton on August 10, and experienced particularly fine weather on the voyage to Colon. A call was also made at Balboa and Pitcairn Island. She brought tho following passengers:—Saloon—Misses J. C. Allison, A. M. Collins, M. J. I. Fenwick, A. Gillespie, A. Hamer, V. Jones, C. A. Knott, A. M. Dent, Poynter, A. Pratt, M. G. Pullen, E. Richards, K. N. Sibley, E. B. Stewart, C. E. Ward, G. N. Warner, Mcsdantes Blooa, 11. Fenwick, F. Lane, P. M’Kinley, M. M. Nash, E. Norton, M .Overton, Saxon Skewes, Smith, Stewart, Vickers, E. M. Walton, Wills, Messrs C. Ainsley, L. F. Blood, A. G. Brooks, M. J. Guppies, P. Demetno, Paul Demctrio, B. W. Gamble, E. St. G. CanleBrowne, L. Hawkins, P. M'Kinloy, S. Millar, W. Norton, K. R. J. Saxon, H. Skewes, C, M. Smith. J. Stewart, J. H. Stewart, 1. Wills, H. Wood, Masters H. W. Fenwick, Lane. R. E. Nash, K. S. Nash, Captains G. M. Lovell, D. V. Thomas; 208 thirdCaptain F. Ashworth (late of tho Suffolk) i? now master of ihe 'Paparoa. Tho vessel put out, part cargo at Wellington, and left on Saturday for Auckland to continue discharge. She will then come to Fort Chalmers to complete unloading, and is due here about October 9. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tho following vessels were expected to be within range of the under-mentioned wireless stations last night -.—Auckland: Katna, City of Dunedin, Kawatiri, Dromiana. Hermes, Kaitoke, Scottish Skirmisher. Wellington: C. S. Iris, Moernki, Kaiapoi, Tahiti, Paparoa, Corinthic, Waimarino, Manuka, Waitemata. Chatham Island; Canadian Scottish, Montrose, Durham. THE TAHITI’S' PASSENGERS^ The Tahiti, which arrived in Wellington last week from San. Francisco, brought the following passengers for New Zealand: First, saloon; Misses D. East, E. Keesing, Smith, Mesdamcs P. Cropper, E. J. Shoobridge, W. Grove, F. Oldham. M. Porcival, W Horne, C. Goethe, Nobles and child, J. Smith, C. Fletcher, C. T. Hook, M. Shaker and infant. Messrs P. Cropper, W. F. Grove. A, H, Johnstone, P. M. Oldham, J. C. Maddison, W. A. Horne, H. Stewart, C. M. Goethe, F. E. Buck, H. Nobles, Dr J. L. Smith, J. M’Kay, C. A. Fletcher, Judge Avson. Second saloon; Misses E. J. Simpson M. A, M'Glashan, A. Smith, Mesdamcs I Pringle, J. M'Cluno, A Bedford, H. Stee 1 "', H. Bcnrieft end boy, T. Peck, C. Black, H. Talbot, Messrs W. E Westwood, J Westwood, J. A. M’Clune, A. C. Reed, G. H. Shillito. J. Wright, W. B. Courts, A. G. Cameron, D. A. Curl, J. Chew, T. Bairon, R. B. Steele; H. M Bennett. T E. Peck. A M'Donald, C. Bevins, J. Ml Fleager, J Golfer, F. Baffin, J. Flynn; and 11 thud class.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18674, 2 October 1922, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18674, 2 October 1922, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18674, 2 October 1922, Page 4