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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. LEX. UAft RI S & C°" AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS. ESTATE AGENTS, FEOBATE VALUATORS, ’Phones 1711, 1200. 221 PRINCES STREET. Evening ’Phone 9571. SMALL TANNERY BUSINESS TOR SALE; easily worked; electric power and light installed; suit couple practical men. Ingoing about £ISOO. Present owner, who is a tradesman and understands the business thoroughly, will remain on it d quirad. Financial assistance arranged. ' O6 01 A Dpt—MAORI HILL •XtlUOp c. etc.; |-acro, session. Select 6-roomed brick Villa, lovely order; gas, h. and nice garden; gloriously sunny; cheap home; early^poslITTLEBOURNE —Splendid 9-roomed RESIDENCE (one flat); splendid order; wide J reception hall, with expensive leadlights, oak venesta dado, fibrous plaster ceiling, o.L, gas, porcelain bath, basin, h. and c. water; storeroom, washhouse, wi, B a j* under copper, hot water on to tubs; lovely grounds, over i-acre; rose bods, bulb ana flower plots, fruit, ornamental trees; large workshop, full-sized garage; modern poultry house. Immediate vacant possession, buyer financed. (om; UNE of the finest positions in Dunedin, being slight!v on _ the rise, only dbluDU 4 or 5 minutes walk from Octagon: Sound 7-roomed VILLA, with modern appointments; CHOICE i-ACRE FREEHOLD, laid out in flower borders, shrn • bery, etc.; nice orchard; sunny, healthy position, and commanding lovely view, (o-tao) ’Phone 2409. rp OD D BEOS., LTD. HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS 71 LOWER HIGH STREET, DUNEDIN, Thaase £409 Q ACRES ORCHARD PROPERTY (Denger District); all flat; 5-roomed Dwelling; O 900 apple trees, 300 cherry plum trees; all necessary implements; miles from school and' post office. Call for particulars. F. 1468 Q 1 ACRFS LEASEHOLD (KELSO DISTRICT); stock on land-26 cows, 2heifers. 0.1 1 bull; all necessary implements, milk cans, etc.; 4-roomed House with outbuildings, stable, 5-stalled cowbyre Price. £BOO gou:g concern. Terms cash. Ingoing tenant could purchase freehold of land at any time for about £lB per acre. qa ACRES (TAPANUI); subdivided into 6 paddocks; new 5-roomed House, dairy, On coalhousc and outhouses, 4-stalled stable, barn. PRICE bare £22 PER ACRE. Easy terms. F - 1511 rn ACRES LEASEHOLD (handy to Dunedin); carrying 20 cows, 1 bull, young OU stock. 2 horses; full set of implements; 4-roomed House and scullery. £650 GOING CONCERN. A bargain. F - 1503 WA ACRES LEASEHOLD (handy to Dunedin); carrying at present 15 cows, 1 horse. • 'O’ full set of imolcmonts; 4-roomod House, cowbyro f PRICE GOING CONCERN, £550. Call for particulars. pianuy LO UUIICUUI/, ctiii.yiUK «ai> inonouv w full set of imolcmonts; 4-roomod House, cowbyro for 15 cows, go to purchaser. !E GOING CONCERN, £550. Call for particulars. I*. 1504 QOX ACRES (MILTON DISTRICT); 6-rooraed House, telephone, all conveniences. 0-JO 8-stalled stable, large barn, implement shed, piggery, and cowshed; all buildings and fences in good order ; A good place. ' 1 mile from rail and post office. Goodwill, £550. F. 1510 ’Phones, 925, 2852. ’Phones. 925. 2852. rjTE^NEM 1 , ORBELL, & rpiTCHENER LAND, HOUSE. ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENTS. - 24 WATER STREET, DUNEDIN (Corner Bond and Water streets). Upstairs. WARRINGTON SEASIDE RESORT; a bargain; owner leaving; 5 large Rooms, semi-bungalow, scullery, pantry, coal and washhouse, copper and tubs; large shed 25 x 8; garage; tent for sleeping out, 4ft wood sides, floor, and door; 2 sections, 6-acro each; on rise; handy'beach and train; lovely position; house was let last holidays £3 10s, tent for £2. For QUICK SALE, £575. Easy ingoing. JptlTY SUPERIOR BRICK RESIDENCE, 8 largo Rooms, beautifully,panelled red V 7 pine large entrance hall, fibrous plaster ceilings (hand-painted), every_ latest labour-saving appliance; large workshop.; without a doubt the finest residence in city; excellent locality, sunny. Further particulars on application. OwrkA—KENSINGTON, 5-roomed DWELLING; bay window, nice verandah, ofe 6 v'"./ bathroom,-wash and coal house, h.c., every convenience, solidly built, recently innovated, in good order. Easy terms. CANNONGATE (no cars)—£9oo; easy terms; 6-roomed DWELLING, recently built, every modem convenience; large section, facing sun; good family home. See this at once. ■ 00-i Largo COUNTRY STORE; 3-acre freehold; brick building; offices, obwiuU counters, and storerooms, together with eight-roomed Dwelling, electric light, bathroom, and every convenience : 3-stalled stable and cart. The whole as a going concern with stock (approx. £750) at'valuation. .This is a flourishing business in a steady and well-settled district. . pARK, REYNOLDS, LIMITED. PROPERTY SALESMEN. ESTATE AGENTS. FARM SALESMEN. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS. AND VALUERS. P.O. Box 355. Telephones, 100 and 222. Telegrams: "Park, Reynolds.” iERE THEY ARE! JLST A SELECTED FE jWI NUMEROUS OTHERS _ WE HAVE ALSO FOR SALE. ELECT’ ONE, PLEASE,. AND CONSULT US. H % OU WANT, wo shall give you particulars of the VERY PLACE rUU UU REQUIRE. NOW IS THE TIME. , , , A A ACRES (OTAGO CENTRAL); situated about 1 mile from rad, school, and .00 township; all level AND UNDER IRRIGATION; divided mto 6 naddocks: i ACRES IN FULL BEARING ORCHARD, mostly apples; 80 ACRES BESI A FRYING LAND of young grass and lucerne, which will easily carry 25 dairy m-s, present stock 10 cows, 3 horses, etc. ; fuH working clank for orchard and rrn; 8-roomed Dwelling, packing died, stone mens Imitation of beautiful trees, which makesit I THE MOST'SCENIC‘ PKOPLJtI Y HP f'lrv'rnAT, It is AN OUTSTANDING BARGAIN AJ. £3500 as a GOING ONGERN A' SOUND INVESTMENT WITH IMMEDIATE RETURNS ERMS ARRANGED. w'* 4 ' >A ACRES (OTAGO CENTRAL), ALL UNDER IRRIGATION; 20 acres in fruit 10 trees' mostly apples: and SPECIALLY SELECTED by Government Orchard ispecter and nearly all full bearing; 4-roorned sound Dwelling, with necessary outriding. This is an ideal sunny property, all commanded by water, and situated p..-owing area with drainage to the Molyneux River. Price as. a ASY TERMS. ACRES (SOUTHLAND); 5 miles from rail and township; divided into Vllif suitably-sized paddocks, well fenced and watered; 150 m bush, bailee ALL IN GRASS, AND CAN BE MADE CAPABLE OF CARRYING 2000 HEEP AND 200 HEAD OF CATTLE. The lana is of slightly rolling downs, and irtic-uhuly healthy for all description of stock, and is. in one of the best grazing stricts in Southland. Owner sells off large, drafts of fat Uieen and cattle every far PRICE ONLY £6 10 5 PER ACRE, and ONE-THIRD cosh .required. WE AN HONESTLY RECOMMEND INSPECTION. (721) 0,0 ACRES (SITUATED MILTON DISTRICT’); 8 springs in each .93 and well fenced; has wintered TOO SHEEP, and carries iOO EWE* and 12 ATTLE in summer; 7-roomcd modern House, including telephone, dairy, trapsucd, imi hut. garage, 8 stalled stable, loft, cowbyre. nggery. and om rail. PLEASE NOTE, 52 ACRES IN YOUNG GRASS and 110 ACRES 3 and YEAR OLD PASTURES. Grows remarkable ciops of wheat, ana turnips; nw warm land, arid sheep thrive well. PRICE ONLY £l2 PER ACRE, of which ie small sum of £7OO CASH DEPOSIT will bo accepted from a good mam S ACRES SUBURBAN (NEAR TRAM); 4-ROOMKTJ, DWELLING, with every ► conceivable modern convenience; 3-etalled.cone« ted byre, « ogiiorn fowls, incubator, and separator. ONLY i 1650 A* A GOING CON URN. ERMS ARRANGED. CALL, WRItE, OR WIRE TO ’ PARK. REYNOLDS (LTD.), MANSE STREET. DUNEDIN. Office ’Phone 2124. _ „ T _ . _ Frivate Residence ’Phone 2476 P?.AN CI S, jgELL AH S, & Q 0., PROPERTY SALESMEN, 227 PRINCES STREET. DUNEDIN. HANDY DUNEDIN.—STRAIGHT-OUT LEASE; all good land; ideal for market ‘ garden; snlendid House of 6 rooms, outbuildings, cowbyre. etc.; handy school; 1 acre ‘early potatoes; largo portion in peas, cauliflowers, etc., balance good grass land; carry 6 or 7 cows; besides cropping. Rental £125 per annum. Further particulars on application. ’ c , otrA INGOING.—DUNEDIN LEASEHOLD. Price, £650 going concern, with obOOli 12 cows, other cattle, horses, poultry, cart, buggy, etc.; fine opportunity for milk run. Also 30-gallon winter average goes with the property. I. 6030 LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM.—Gift; south line; handy school, rail, etc.; long lease; low rental; good buildings. Price, £750 going concern, with 32 dairy cows and young cattle, four-horse team, implements, new milking plant. Terms: About £4OO cash. This is the cheapest property w e have offered. Now, pace is wanted to catch this, bargain; so you be fastest. - F. v6ol A NOTHER GREAT DAIRYING OPPORTUNITY. A LEASEHOLD, 23 years to run, with r.0.p.; annual rent £5 10s per annum; convenient school and rail; comfortable steading. Price, £I9OO going concern, with 32 cows and young cattle, horses, implements, etc. Terms arranged. Fob 6288 SPLENDID LITTLE FARM, North Line; 20 acres; good buildings. Price, ,£I4OO going concern. Mortgage £6OO. Owner will EXCHANGE, for TOWN PROPERTY Retiring on account of advancing years. A very desirable property. i F. 6340 CHOICE TAIERI FREEHOLD.—ISO ACRES; extra good land; well subdivided, 1 watered, and in great heart; grows heavy crops; buildings in first-class order; verv convenient rail, school, etc.; out of flood area. Price, £55 per acre. Good terms arranged, and owner may consider good TOWN PROPERTY or SHEEP RUN in EXCHANGE. ’ F. 64X) ACRES; part heavy flat, balance undulating; well fenced, watered, and well improved generally; buildings comprise 7-roomed brick House, stable, barn, and implement shed, motor garage, dip, yards, etc.; handy school and rail. Price £8 10s ner acre. Owing to owner desiring change north will consider FARM Oamaru or Timaru districts. Mortgage £2OOO, at 53 per cent. Send us particulars of your proposition. *. 51“1 BHEEP RUNS, DAIRY OR MIXED FARMING PROPERTIES.—We have a most comprehensive selection, and cordially invite inspection _ by jj; oS^^ l XP buyers. Call and see us. It will pay you to deal with us. FINANCE ARRANGED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. 1 4JKA ACRES, heavy, flat, and undulating country, south; good complete steadJLOUU' ing; great ewe and cattle country; conveniently situated ra,il, school, etc. Price, £6 17s 6d. Owner will EXCHANGE for SMALLER FARM. PROPERTY F. 5160 LEASEHOLD HOTEL AND FARM COMBINED: This is a really good proposition; low rental and doing about £SO weekly. There is also a blacksmith s business in connection with hotel, and the net revenue from this source easily pays the rent of hotel properly. Price £I2OO, as a going concern. ACt ACRES (NORTH LINE): Very fine handy dairy or poultry farm; buildings dcO comprise lovely 2-roomed Bungalow (fully furnished), 10-slalled byre (concrete floor) Price £1350, as going concern, with 9 cows and heifer, 1 horse, dog-cart and harness, 3 milk cans, 45-gallon separator, 100 head poultry, 60-egg incubator, and sundries. Ingoing, £550 cash. F. Soil) fp.a ACRES L.1.P., POULTRY FARM, North Otago; i-acre potatoes, 4-acre roan/vrt golds, 21 acres turnips, school, and rail handy; good 4-roomed Dwelling, all outbuildings good. Price as a going concern £7OO, with 4 cows, 3 young Cattle. 2 pigs, 250 poultry, 2 horses, trap and harness. . 3M, W. HARRIS & 00., SS*™** ’Phone 3640. Licensed ’Phone 2419. LAND. ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, 214 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN.

TT EA3EHOLD DAIRY FARM, GOING CONCERN: 53 acres, situated Otago Peninsula, 5 acres bush, li acres oats. 2 acres oats and grass, i-acro ploughed for turnips, remainder in grass; subdivided into 6 paddocks; carries 25 cows; 5-roomed House and wash-house; 16-stalled byre, loft, shed, pig-Styo, fowlhouse, etc.; situated only 5 minutes from school, 3 miles from creamery, and 4 miles from boat. Price £750, as a going concern. Rent £53. This property is well worth inspection. Fob 1095 OWAKA: i-acro, 3-stallcd stable, large cartshed' 2 storerooms; suitable for carpenter, garage, or carrier. Price £4BO Also adjoining, i-acre, 5-roomed Dwelling and largo wash-house, all in splendid condition ; good garden, fowlhouse and run. Price £650. These two properties can bo bought together or separately as required. Fol. 1073 and 1074,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18673, 30 September 1922, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 18673, 30 September 1922, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 18673, 30 September 1922, Page 15