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PHASES OF THE MOON. Mat. / First Quarter M ... .. .. Bth 0.26 a.m. Full Moon ... ~ 11th 5.36 p.m. Last Quarter' New Moon 27th 5.34 a.m. THE SUN. Sun rises to-day at 7.11 aon.; sets 4.57 p.m. • ’ THE WEATHER. May 2. —Dull, with shower in the after- I noon. Calm till noon; followed by cold and strong north-east wind. 8 a.m. Noon. 6 p.m. Barometer .. .. .. 30.06 80.01 29.09 Thermometer .. Min., 64; max., 62 HIGH -WATER May 8- a.m. p.m. I At Taiaroa Heads .. 7.21 7.50 At Port Chalmers' .. .. 8.1 6.30 At Dunedin 8.31 9.0 WEATHER REPORTS. (fu Unrxn Bases assooiatiot.) WELLINGTON, May 2. Following are the official weather reports at" 4 p.m.: ' ■ . " Bar. Tber. Weathe* Cape Maria ._ 6.E., fresh 23.30 63 Cloudy Bussell' ... ... SJ3., fresh 29.93 65 Cloudy Manukas H.... &, fresh 29.98 60 Fine Auckland ... S.W., fresh 29.97; 63 Fair Tauranga ... Calm 23.95 66 Fair Gisborne... ... S., fresh 30.04 64 Fair Napier S., light 30.12 62 Overcast Caetlepoint ... N.E., light 30.09 50 Cloudy Wellington ... S., light 30.07 67 Fair New Plymouth 5.8., light 29.35 63 Fine Cape BgmootM. E., fresh 29.94 54 Fine Wanganui ... S., light 20.95 58 Fine Farewell Spit.. S.E., breeze 30.05 54 Fine CapeFoolwind S.E., Iresh 30.10 53 Fair Greymonth ... S., breeze 30.10 57 Cloudy Stephen Island Calm 30.10 53 Cloudy Cape Campbell W., light 30.10 56 Fine Kaikoura ... N. 8., light 29.95 53 Fine Nuggets ... Calm 29.98 57 Cloudy Bind... N.W., light 29.95 55 Misty WEATHER FORECAST. Following Is the official weather forecast: Present indications are for moderate _ to strong south-easterly to north-easterly winds northwards of Farewell Spit and Kaikoura, wth northerliee to westerlies elsewhere. The weather will be changeable with scattered rainfall, ■ particularly in northern and south- > ernmoet districts. The' barometer' is unsteady . "with a rising tendency everywhere Boon. ' ! ARRIVAL. , : May 2. "Storm, 8.8. (2.50 p.m.), 405 tons, Sharps, from . Lyttelton. H. L. Tapley and Co., ’ agents. . . departures. ; - n May 2. ; -City of Winchester (10 a.m.), 7381 tons, Hoppins, for Oam are. Turnbull, Martin, . and Co., agents. .Calm, sjs. (9 a.m.), 890 tons, MtLaohlan. for Oamaru.' Tapley and Co., agents. Karori, s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 1868 tons, Williamson, for Timaru. Union Steam Ship, Co., agept r SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. V AUCKLAND, May I.—Arrived: Mberaki (M 0 a.m.),- from Sydney; France (8.25 a.m.), from Noumea; Tekoa (9.30 a.m.), from LiverMay I.—Arrived: Devon (2.20 a.m.), from Newcastle; Fort Deiqson (4 a.m.), from Sydney; Mararoa (7.35 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Wanafca (9.20 am.), from Auckland; Komata (11.20 a.m.), from Westport; Wakatu (U. 30 p.m.), from Kaikoura. Sailed: Wanafca (6.15 p.m.), and Mararoa (7.45 ’p.m.), for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON, May 2.—Arrived: Maori (6.50 a.m.), from Welli“gf? n ; Breeze (7-25 ' a.m.), from Timaru. Sailed: Moon, for Wellington. BLUFF, May I.—Sailed: Paloona (6.50 ’ pm.), for Melbourne.-*—May 2.—Sailed: Canadian Spinner (12.5 p.m.), for Melbourne. NEWCASTLE, May I.—Arrived: Maindy Lodge, from New Plymouth; Trematon, from •SYDNEY, May a.—Arrived: Ulimaroa (H am ), from Auckland. , ~, , , POET SAID, May I.—Arrived: Abbakerk, from Rotterdam; Halifax, from Baltic porta; Honcaleiri, from Genoa. LONDON, May L—Arrived: Borda, from Sydney. . . , _ ' , HULL, May I.—Arrived: Toney, from ’’ Shanghai. FALMOUTH, May I.—Arrived: Glenranda, ■ from Sydney, , _ PEEIM, May • I.—Passed: Bosoeki, on xdute- from Sydney to Europe; 01 are Camus, , en route from Sydney to United Kingdom; Tjifcandi, en route from Brisbane to Europe. ' The Waßaba, from Auckland, via Wellington and Lyttelton; is due here ,to-mor-iow to load for Auckland, via Blufl. Oamaru, Timaru, and Wellington, The Oorinna, from Wellington direct, is doe at Dunedin on Friday. 1 She will go into - dock and will sail the. following day for 'Nelson and New Plymouth, via ports. The Waikouaiti is scheduled to leave Sydney this week for Bluff, Dunedin, and Lyt- ■ telton. • The Waihora has been set down to leave f, Newcastle at the end of the week for Wel-lington-and Dunedin., She is to undergo simey %t Port Chalmers on completing v discharge at Dunedin. !; .'The Warama is to leave Sydney to-mor-!OW for Wellington, and is expected there on Monday next. The Wainui, upon her arrival at Welling--ton to-morrow evening from Picton, will return to Picton the same evening instead of s- on Friday. She will leave Picton on Sat- , today for Wellingten. - The Wingatui left Dunedin yesterday for v port Chalmers,"where she will undergo survey. 'She will load here early next week for ■ - Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland. The Karori, which left Dunedin yesterday si morning fo* Port Chalmers, completed the V’. discharge of her Westport ooel, and sailed ’■ last night for Timaru, Lyttelton, Westport, and Greymouth. i-i The Calm, which also left Dunedin yester- ' • day for Port Chalmers, loaded a quantity of machinery, and sailed for Wanganui, via ports. ■ The Federal liner Devon, from Newcastle, ■=■■■ is to load for Home in New' Zealand. The yeMel'is:to leave Wellington towards the end tf of rilWa-week for Bluff, Dunedin, Timaru, ■' ana Dyttelton, to complete loading. She is dtie ’’at Dunedin about May 10. • She is ,o mu'from Lyt.telton about May 19 for Avon- /. dibutK; Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. The Storm, which arrived here yesterday from Lyttelton, is to leave this afternoon tof Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui, * ' The Canadian Government Merchant Marine, which owns the steamers which ware constructed by the Canadian Government during i the war, has, as was'anticipated, sqode -a loss on its past year’s workings. The-actual operating loss was, it is reported, 1,780,000 dollars, or, with interest and depreciation, over 8,500,000 dollars. It is stated that the services showing a l profit T ' were- those to India and Australia. Over " 200,000 dollars was lost on 44 voyages to the United Kingdom^ On completion of the discharge of her New York cargo, the City of Winchester left Dunedin yesterday morning for Oamaru, where she will commence loading for London v under the agency of the . Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company. ‘ From Oamaru she will 1 proceed to New Plymouth and Wellington. She is due at the last-named port on May 12,-and .is to-sail on May 17 for London, Cape Horn. , ’ 5 WEST OHEROW, FROM NEW YORK. ’ " Messrs Dalgety and Co., local agents for thA'UIS. and A. Line, advise that the West ’ Oherow (6188 tons) is to leave New York :•■■■. shortly for Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, and- Invercargill. From New Zealand ehe ■ will’-proceed to Melbourne and Sydney. PORT MELBOURNE FROM NEW- . CASTLE. k , The' C. and D. Line steamer Port Meli>-.- bourse, from Newcastle, which arrived at ’ Napier on Thursday, is also to call at Gis- . borne and Wellington. She is due at the last-named port on May 10, and will leave r* there about May 13 for London, via Australia.*. y PORT DENISON, FROM SYDNEY, if)-, - The C. and D. Line steamer Port Denison, ii(- from Sydney, for Wellington, is to load at h ■ Gisborne, Tokomaru Bay, and Napier, as 5 < well as at Wellington, and will sail finally d for London from Napier, via Australian sji- ports. WAIMANA FOR HOME. ?, TO© S.S. and A. Company’s steamer Waif mafaa iai to leave Wellington to-day to conptiJme Homeward loading at Gisborne, Napi«; and Auckland. The vessel is to sail ?V. t from Auckland on May 14 for London, via Cape -JSorn. [\v ' WAJWERA LEAVES COLON. r TOe Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company ■ advises that the Waiwera, which left Welt' lington on March 31 for New York, Boston, % and London, arrived at and sailed from Colon on April 26. fe?' ! ’**' “ I I THE PORT DARWIN, - : ~'Thfe C. and D. liner Port Darwin is rej as having left London on April 28 for ‘ MATAKANA’S LOADING. ; ' The - S.S. and A. liner Matakana, from t n -‘ ’ Barry (Wales), is to leave Wellington afbout jj / l£ajr 9 for. Homeward loading at Bluff, £ ' Mapier, and Picton. She fa expected back ft +r ift,- Wellington about May 26 to complete B- -her* J loading, and will sail, from there on l fer London, via Cape Horn.

DURHAM FOR HOME. The Durham, from Napier and Wellington, is to leave Lyttelton on Saturday for the four West of England ports. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels were expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations last night:—Awanui: Kurow. Auckland: Fiona, West Mahwah, Navua, Rakanoa, Tutanekai, Arahura,' and Errolafter 0.30 a.m.,-*Makura. Wellington: Maori, Mararoa, Ngaio, Dorset, Katoa, Kaikorai, Woipori, and Wanaka. Chatham Islands: Raranga, Zealandic, ond Piako. THE PORT PIRIE. ' The C. and D. Line steamer Port Pirie, from Liverpool end Glasgow, vie Auckland and Wellington, will also call at Lyttelton and Dunedm. She will return to Welington towards the end of the month, and is to sail on May 28 for London, via Montevideo. MASTERS AND OFFICERS. The Union Steam Ship Company announces the following transfers of masters and offi-' cers in the service: Mr C. H. M. Long has joined the Karori as second officer, in place of Mr G. A. C. Patience, who has come ashore for instructions. ' Captain J. E. Walker has taken'command of the Rothesay Bay, and Mr C. C. Waters has joined the barque as chief officer for the tow to Auckland. Mr H. A. Brookett has joined the ' Rakanoa as second officer, in place of Mr A. Russell, who waits orders. Mr A. C. Kennedy, chief officer of the i tore, and Mr J. Stewart, chief officer <f the Kawatiri, have exchanged positions. Mr I. A. Luxford has joined the Kittawa as chief officer, in place of Mr C. J. - T. Hatfield, who has come ashore for instructions. Mr G. A. Atwood has joined' the Waihemo as second officer, relieving Mr J. Ritchie, who has come ashore on holiday leave. Mr J. W. Cameron has joined the Waihemo as chief officer, in place of Mr S. Hewitt, who has come ashore on leave of absence. NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO. The New Zealand Shipping Company has received cabled advice of the following movements of steamers:— The Ruapehu, which left Wellington op» March 14 for Southampton, via Panama, reached her destination on Monday. TOe Peshawur, which, left Wellington on March 20 for London, via Panama and Newport News, reached London on Sunday.--TOo Whakatane, which left Melbmmie on February 24 for Gfireat Britain, arrived at London on Sunday. TOe New Zealaifd Shipping Co.’s new steamer Tekoa, which arrived _ at Auckland yesterday morning from Liverpool, via Panama,' is on fler maiden voyage. She has general cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, and should reach this port about May 13. The vessel is running under the charter of the Federal Line. • • i DISCHARGE OF SEAMEN. The following regulations providing for the discharge of seamen during their periods of service in the naval forces were gazetted on Thursday;—(l) for the discharge of men whose services are for any cause no longer required in the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy, and whom it is considered desirable,to discharge prior to the expiration of the' periods of service for which they enlisted, and applications for the discharge of men at their own request, by purchase or otherwise, shall be submitted to the Naval Board, who are hereby authorised to approve or disapprove the-discharge of such men as they may see fit. (2) The discharge of men who are pronounced by a Medical Survey Board as unfit for further retention in the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy shall be approved by the commodore or other officer commanding the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy, or, in the absence of such officer from New Zealand waters, by the Naval Board.” COMMERCIAL. BUTTER AND CHEESE... New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency has received the following cablegram from London, under date 28th ultimo; Butter.—New Zealand, 180 s to 188 s per cwt. Good demand. Cheese, 78a to 92s per cwt. Quiet. THE BUTTER TRADE. IMPORTERS AGAINST POOL. Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON, May 1. TOe Australian Press Association interviewed several leading butter importers regarding the proposed New Zealand pool. They were generally of opinion that the pool would’ not be advantageous to the producers. All the previous pool schemes had failed. Healthy competition was the best means of obtaining the highest prices and the most satisfactory returns -to the producers.—A. and N.Z. Cable. PRICE INCREASED IN MELBOURNE. MELBOURNE, May 2. (Received May 3, at 10.10 p.m.) TOe wholesale price of butter has been increased by 9s to 187 s. \ * : WHEAT CARGOES. Press Association—By Telegraph— Copyright LONDON, May 1. Wheat.—Cargoes are firm, with a good demand from Russia and Germany. Prices generally are well maintained, though British millers are only buying for immediate requirements. The Australport’s and the Athenic’s cargoes were sold to Russia at 57s 6d; West Australian steamer, first half of April, 57s 6d; Victorian do,' 68s; Australrange, Sithonia, Wonganella, 67s 3d; and a parcel per the City of Corinth, 56s 9d.A. and R.Z. Cable. LONDON METAL MARKET. Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright LONDON, May 1. (Received May 2, at 10.10 p.m.) Copper: Spot, £59 13s 9d; forward, £6O 6s 3d. Lead: Spot, £24; forward, £23. Spelter: Spot, £26 17s 6d; forward, £26 16s. Tin: Spot, £lsl Us 3d; forward, £152 18s 9d. Silver, 2s IOJd per oz.—A. and N.Z. Cable. BRADFORD WOOL MARKET. Press Association—By Telegraph— Copyright LONDON, May 1. TOe Bradford market is firm and active, with a hardening tendency. A fair amount of business is passing.—A. and N.Z, Cable. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES. Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright LONDON, May 1. The foreign exchange rates are as follows compared with those last cabled:— London on Par. Ap1.27. Mayl. Paris, fr. to £1 25.?35 47.95 48.10 Christiania, kr. to £1 ... 18,159 23.35 23.60 Copenhagen, kr. to £1 ... 18.150 20.97 28.88 Ptoekholm, .kr. to £1 ... 18.159 17.07 17.11 Berlin, marks to £1 ... 20.43 1260.00 1247.00 Montreal, do. to £1 New York, do. to £1 ... 4.862-3 4.42) 4.43 Hongkong, dol. to £1 ... * 29|d 30§ Yokohama, sfc. to yen... 24.68 26Jd 25J Calcutta, ft. to rps. 10 to gold £1 16id 14J * Determined by price of silver. * CANTERBURY MARKETS. (Peb United Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, May 2. There has been little development in the grain and produce markets since the weekend repprt. The tone of the oat market is weaker, and inquiries are confined to the rinall 'parcels which are easily met by the quantities coming forward. Speculation is lifeless. TOe cause generally is the lack of confidence in the future, particularly for B grade, supplies of which will probably be increased’ by the bad harvest weather in the south, where the crop is now coming on the market. From 2s €d to 2s 8d for A grade, and 2s 4d to 2s 6d for B grade, ie the average wayside quotation. Fowl wheat is selling freely from undergrade stocks at 4s 4d to 4s 6d. The oowgrass market is about the same (from -10 d to 12d per lb), whilst there Js the feeling in some quarters that there will bo a bare supply. Other reports are that yields and qualify are promising satisfactorily, Local samples to hand are so far good. There is no alteration in the potato market, but farmers are not offering much at £3 10s, the figure ruling at the country stations for several weeks, f PALMERSTON STOCK SALE. , PALMERSTON, May 2. TOe monthly dteok sal© was held yesterday, when there waa a very big yarding of sheep and a small one of cattle. „ Prices for sheep were good, being in advance of those at the last sale, bat the demand for cattle was poor. Figs brought much better money than at recent sales. ALLANTON HORSE SALE. Messrs Donald Reid end Co., Ltd.,.report having held their 25th annual Taieri horse Saix at their Allanton saleyatds yesterday. Chore was a very large attendance of buyers, yffo W 8? yrawnft iroia as tat m Chxisfa

church, Timaru, North Otago, Waikouatii, Milton, Balolutha, and Goto. The entry of horses was not as numerous as in previous sales, owing entirely to the lack ot breeding which has been most noticeable this last three or four years. The entry consisted of 23 unbroken colts end fillies, 43 brokenin horses and four hacks. Competition for all young, sound ■ sorts was most satisfactory, and practically all of this class were sold, any horses passed being mostly aged and stale sorts. The highest prices in the unbroken section was. secured by Mr Arthur Robertson, of Outram, who - sold a big upstanding colt, rising three years, by Wairongoa Footprint, at £49 10s, while Mrs Morrison (Henley) woe bid £SO for a very nice four-year-old filly by Baron Bold, from a .wewton Chief dam. Other good prices were obtained by Messrs C. and X). Scott (Berwick), who sold a four-year-old filly by Caaiabianca for £35 10s; Mr Thos. Oarruthere (MiddSemarch), one colt rising throe years by Maynard, for £35 ; Mr W. Lindsay, jun. (Allanton), a filiy, three years, for £32; and Mrs vVm. Kirk (Mosgiel), a colt, rising three years, sire Bonnie Breast knot, for £3O; account fm, Blackio (Mosgiel), one filly, £36 10s. Others of this class realising from £l9 to £27 10s. Amongst the brokenin horses there were very few of extra merit, but, nevertheless, some good prices were obtained. Account Messrs J.. and C. Campbell (Allanton), four-year-old gelding, showing great substance and breeding, which realised £6O, while Grant Bros, of Outram, sold a massive five-year-old gelding by St. Simon, at £S4, and Mr J. G. Wyllie, of Outram, a very good weighty three-year-old! filly by Bonny Breastknot at £6O 10a. Other prices obtained were:—Account Mr W. Lindsay, jun. (Allanton), seven-year-old gelding, £39; Gmant Bros (Outram), sixt-year-okl mare, £3B 10s; Gibson Bros (North Taieri), four-year-old gelding,. £35; T. Wishart (Henley), jive-year-old mare, £34; J. Kenny (Henley), five-year-old mare, £34; W. Finch (Milburn), six-year-old gelding, £34 10s; J. Lockhart (Maungatua), six-year-old gelding, £37 10s, while a large number of others realised from £2O to £32 10s. Hacks were in very poor demand, and the bulk of . these were passed owing to lack of competition.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18544, 3 May 1922, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18544, 3 May 1922, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18544, 3 May 1922, Page 4