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TENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION. The tenth annual show of the Young’ Bird Specialists’ Club was opened yesterday afternoon in Fuller’s Hall, situated at the rear of His Majesty’s Theatre, and will remain open till this evening. The exhibition covers a great deal of ground so fur as the feathered and fur flock is concerned. In young poultry there is a really fine exhibition, and it may be suggested that purchasers who want new blood for their fowls may have a very good chance o, obtaining it through the medium of the Young Birds’ Specialists’ Club exhibition, now tn full swing. The olub seems to be growing in strength; the entries this year being 200 in advance of last year, and the total entries being a bit oyer 600. The increase for this year is mainly accounted for in utility Leghorns, and black Orpintons, in poultry (the other breeds of poultry remain very much the same) and in pigeons, in blue and red checkers; the increase being about SO. Canaries do not show an increase, but the quality of the birds is generally regarded as superior. In eats shown, there is a big increase, which is to be accounted for by the springing into existence of the Oat Club. This dub is responsible for an additional 50 entries. In this department of the show there is ample to amuse and interest the juveniles, and also these of more matured years. Included in this particular section of the show, and coming under the class known as “Children’s Pets” are two turtles; a very unusual exhibit. It is probably the first occasion that turtles have been exhibited under similar conditions, and the pair have been attracting a great deal of attention. A word of commendation is due to all the officials of the club for the way the show is being run, but without wishing to single out the names of anybody in particular, those of Messrs W. V. Sturmer (secretary), T. A. Brown (a very active member), and W Esquilunt (president) may bo specially mentioned as carrying a great deal of the burden. There is also a lady member of the club—Mrs Laurenson—who is amongst the most earnest and energetic workers. The judges of Utility poultry were Messrs B. Coombes and J. M‘Donald; of fancy poultry, Messrs P. Cardin and H. Sprosen; of Bantams, ■Mr W, Omand; of canaries, Mr A. Oursoy; of pigeons, Mr P. M. Paterson and Mr T. M'Lean; and of children’s pets, Mr H. Brownlie; the judging of cats being left to Mr and Mrs Radford. The show will be open again to-day and this evening, and those who take an interest in fowls, pigeons, canaries, and children’s pets might do much worse than spend an hour at Fuller’s Hall. Following are the results of the competitions ; POULTRY. Ormr Classes. WHITE LEGHORN'S. Cockerel. Three entries.—James Souness 1. Pullet. Five entries.—James Souness 1, A. C. Goodlet 2. RHODE ISLAND BEDS. Cockerel.— T. Crozier 1. Pu'let Two entries.—Airs J. Fallowfield 1, T. Crozier 2. White Opington Pullet.—John J. Jowecy I. Barred Rock cockerel.—James Wilkins 1. Barred Rock pullet.—Jas. Wilkins 1. Any other variety Cockerel.—ll. Frew Any other variety Pullet.—H. Frew 1. Utilitt Classes. White Leghorn cockerel. Forty entries.— Mrs J. Egglostone 1 and special, and beet bird in the show, G. A. Beardsmore 2, Frank Martin 3, *v. Spence v.h.c., Chas. Stokes h.e % White Leghorn pullet. Fifty-eight entries.—J. Mills 1 A. 0. Goodlet 2, P. F. Bennett 3, J. Mills 4, Jas., Crooks v.h.c., A.. C. Goodlet h.c. In connection with this data Mr J. Mills took first for best bird in the show and for best prepared bird. Black Minorca cockerel.—O. Horten 2, F. O. Gil lam 3, Black Minorca pullet.—L Irvine 2 and Brown Leghorn cockerel.—H. Jackson 1 and special. Brown Leghorn pullet.—Mrs V. H, Ueazlewood 1. Rhode Island Red oockerel.—Mrs Pearce 1, W. E. Sleep 2, Rhode Island Bed pullet.—W. E. Sleep I, 2, and special. Black Orpington oockerel.—F. G. Hanson 1,2, and two specials, W. R. Sprosen ST. F. M'Pherson h.c. Black Orpington pullet.—H. G. Hanson 1, and two specials, W. B. Sprosen 2, W. V. Sturmer 3, F. G. Hanson v.h.c., S. Uigman h.c. White Orpington pullet.—J. J. Jowsey White Rock Pullet.—W. Keen 1, J. Jackson 2 and 3. Barred Bock cockerel.—Mrs J. Egglestono 2. Barred Rook pullet.—Mrs J. Egglestone Any other variety oockerel.—A. Williamson 1, Mrs J. Egglestone 2 and 3. Any other variety pullet.—Mrs J. Egglosfone 1 and 2, A. Williamson 3. Variety cockerel, selling class.—F. Martin Gift class exhibits. —J. Robertson 1, W. Y. Sturmer 2. Bantams (Game). Black red oockerel.—W. Esquilant 1 and special, B. H.- Winoherster 2. Black red pullet.—B. H. Winchester 1 and special, W. Esquilant 2 and 3, . Duckwing cockerel.—W. Been 1, J. Fleming 2. * Pair game bantams.—W. Esquilant 1. Bantams (variety). Black rose comb cockerel.—D. Auld 1 and special, B. H. Winchester 2. Black rosecomb pullet.—W. Been 1, ?, and special, B. H. Winchester 3. Sebright • pullet.—T. A. Brown 1 and ■peciaL W. Been secured most points in the rosecomb class. CANARIES. Norwich, plain head (clear yellow).—G. Watts 1 and special, A. Williams 2, R. J. Brown 2. Norwich, plain head (ticker or variegated yellow).—D. Auld' 1 and special, R. Williams 2 and 3._ Norwich, plain head (buff, clear).—R. J. Brown 1 and special, D. Auld 2, B. Williams 3. Norwich, plain head (ticked or variegated buff). —B. J. Brown 1, D. Auld 2, R. Williams 3. Norwich, crest-bred (any colour). —F. Hartley i- and 2, P. J. Neilson 3. Norwich, crested (any colour). —F. Hartley 1,2, and special, W. Exler 3. Yorkshire (clear yellow).—P. J. Neilson 1, F. Hartley 2 and 3. Yorkshire (ticked or variegated yellow).— F. Hartley 1 and special, H. A. M‘Ewan 2, E. J. Ockwell 3. Yorkshire (clear buff).—F. Hartley 1 and 2, P. J. Neilson 5. Yorkshire (ticked or variegated buff). — H. A. M’Ewan 1,2. end special, E. J. Ockwell 3. Any other variety.—R. J. Brown 1 and special, F. Hartley 2 and 3. The best bird in the show, as awarded by the judge, ia Mr H. A. M“Ewan’s entry, No. 459. PIGEONS. Blue checkered cock. Twenty-seven entries.—T. A. Veitch 1, D. E. Strang 2 and 3, W. Harvreaves v.h.c., B. Watson o. Blue checkered hen. Thirty-four entries. —D. E. Strang 1 and 2, A. Stevenson 3, J. A. Casey v.h.c., F. Barnett, S. Hutchison. and T. A. Veitoh o. Plain blue hen. Five entries—T. A. Veitch 1, T. Umbers 2, A. Fraser 3. Red checkered cock. Twenty-five entries. —W. Watson 1, T. A. Veitch 2, F. Jones 3. L. H. Strang h.c., e., and W. Trewern, D. S. O’Connor, A. Stevenson, and W. Esquilant c. Red checkered hen. Twelve entries.—A. Fraser 1 and 2 and special, H. R. Lambeth 3, A. Stevenson v.h.c. Mealey cock. Five entries.—T. A. Veitch I, J. A. Casey 2, J. K. Baird 3, E. Wilkie v.h.c., H. R. Lambeth h.c. Mealey hen. Four entries.—J. K. Baird 1, A F. Clark 2, A. Stevenson 3. Pied or any other coloured cock. Fifteen entries.—T. A Veitch 1, E. Wilkie 2, A. Fraser 3, E. Wilkie and G. Thomson o. Pied or any other colour hen. Eighteen entries.—H. L. Strang 1, Thos. Umbers 2, S. Duncam S. Hutchison v.h.c., J. K. Baird h.c., G. Thomson c. Old bird, cock, any colour. Twenty entries. —T. A. Veitch 1, B Wotson 2. A. Webb 3. A. Stevenson v.h.c.. W. Watson h.c.. W. Hargreaves, G. Thompson, S. Hutchison c. Old bird, hen, any colour. Fifteen entries.—B. Watson 1, S. Hutchison 2, T. A. Veitch 3, B. Watson h.c., A. Webb v.h.c., T. timbers c. Fancy pigeon, cock.—W. S. A. Macdonald 1, Kenneth Ramsay 2. Fancy pigeon, hen.—W. S. A. Macdonald 1, Still Bros. 2. Kenneth Ramsay 3. BOYS’ CLASSES. Best young cock. —Jas. Penman 1, D. Penman 2, J. A. Casey 3. Best young, hen.—D. Fraaer 1, S. Duncan 2. J. A. Casey 3.

CATS. The display of cats was the largest yet held at any show in Dunedin, and all classes were well represented. Children’s classes were a feature of this section. PERSIANS. Blue male.—Mrs W. Annison first and special and best cat in the show. Blue female.—M. Laurenson 1, Mrs G. Little 2. Silver tabby (female). —Mrs W. Hunt 1, Mrs S. A. Benn 2, L. S. Hill 3. White male. —Mrs W. Hunt 1 and special, Mrs J. Little 2. Silver tabby, male.—Mrs F. A. Benn 1, Miss A. Tregear 2. Tabby, neuter. —Miss Leonie Tonks 1 and special. Any other colour, male.—Mrs W. Hunt first and special. Any other colour, female. —L. S. Hill 1. Domestic pet.—M. Laurenson 1 and special. Blue neuter.—Luce Avre 1 and special, Mrs P. Barling 2, W. Walker 3, Mrs E. Popple v.h.c. Brown tabby, neuter. —Mrs A. R. Ponton 1 and special. Any other colour, neuter. —Mrs G. Roche 1. Persian Kittens. Blue male under eight months—Mrs G. Waldie 2. Blue female, under eight months—Mrs W. Hunt 1. Blue male, under four months—Mrs F. J. Forrester 1. "Blue female, under four months —R. Maxwedl 1 and two specials, Mrs W. Annison 2. White male, under eight months —Mrs W. Hunt 1. White male, under eight months (class 1161. —W. A. Ball 1 and special, Mrs W. Hunt 2. White male, under four months.—J. Russell 1. White famale, under four months.—M. Laurenson 1. Tabby (male), under four months.—L. Stewart 1 Tabby (female), under four months. —.L Stewart 1 and special.. Any other colour. —L. Stewart 1. Any other coilour, under eight months. — Mrs P. Mason 1,2, and special. Litter of kittens, with mother.—Mrs S. A. Benn 1 and 2. CHILDREN’S PETS. Pet cat, Persian, any colour (owner under 16).—A. Lainchbury 1 and special, F. Campbell 2. Pet cat, short-haired, any colour.—A. M. De Silva 1 and special and 3, E. Roy 2, J. Cranefield v.h.c. Best non-game cockerel.—E, R. Brown 1 and special. Best pair game bantams. —R. and F. Esquilant 1 and special. Best pair variety bantams.—W. Hilliker 1 and 2. Longhair rabbit; any colour. —C. W. J. Brown 2, J. Jenkins 3, Arthur O’Kane and B. Kirkham h. c. Short-hair rabbit, any colour.—Still Bros. 1, A. J. M'Alum 2, C. Bankshaw 3. Best pair of rabbits, any colour.—W. Robertson _1 and 3, Still Bros. 2. Best guinea pig.—Still Bros. 1,2. and special, R. Lamb 5. Best pair homing pigeons.—Still Bros. 1 and special. Best pair fancy pigeons.—Still Bros. 1 end special. R. and F. Esquilant 2, J. Penman 3, F. Baker and R. and F. Esquilant h.c. Parrot, gallah.—Mrs King 1. Collection of pets.—A. Lainchbury 1 and special. Still Bros. 2 Best pet dog.—Mrs S. A. Benn 1,2. and special, A. M. De Silva 3, O. Pope h.c. Best lady’s or child’s canary.—Mrs A. M. Brown 1 and special, D. Penman 2, Mr W. Exler 3. Best talking parrot.—Mrs King 1.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18513, 25 March 1922, Page 7

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YOUNG BIRD SHOW Otago Daily Times, Issue 18513, 25 March 1922, Page 7

YOUNG BIRD SHOW Otago Daily Times, Issue 18513, 25 March 1922, Page 7