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Daily Times Office, Saturday morning. Parcels of oago and tapioca are expected to arrive by the Wiartma, ,dne frota Singapore about the middle of the month. The Wairuna will also bring a cube pine apples. TMse are quoted at about 12s 9d te 13s per dozen, according to quantity. ' 1 . v A line of threo-m-one oil has just been landed. ‘ * Advice has been received that new season’s hulk dates should arrive od the loesh market in about a fortnight. The quotation works out at about 6d per lb. Jam manufacturers announce that the price of jars of jam haa bean advanced! as from January 1 by,6s.6d per dozen, liire advance has been brought about'by the increased cost of- glasa jars.'' 'Tinned jam prices are unaltered, ! A parcel of Sicily 5 almonds has arrived; to a bare market. - Player’s cigarettes, whKh were short on the market, are again available. The market ia now fully supplied with wax matches of all brands. _. Brown and Poison’s corn flour is again on the market, i Cube sugar has been advanced by_. id per lb, consequent on the altered Customs tariff with Australia. ; Figs, ia 7lb boxes, are off tho market, but 28lb mats are still available. / . Rex cheese is now being put Up in 4oz sizes. The quotation. is 10s per dozen. , •A shipment of Laurel kerosene is due about tho middip of February. To-day's mice is 17s per case, ex wharf. ' Evaporated apples are at present in short supply. o - LONDON MARKETS) LONDON; January 14, (Received Jan. 15, at ,6.5 p.m.) Wheat: Cargoes generally .are steady, except Australian, which are offered rather more freely. ’ January-February is quoted at 50s, with par eels ofloat at 49s 9d. Cotton: February shipments, 10.50. -’Rubber: ‘Para, 13Jd; plantation, smoked,, 10j,d- ' ~ , \ Copra: Dull. Jtmuary-Maroh shipments, 24d. ■ , Jute: Slow. January-February, £26. Hemp: Dull. January-March shipment, £36 10s. ) Linseed oil, £3O. ; ‘ . Turpentine, 728. ; Sheep.— Canterbury: Light, 6Jd; medium, 6di heavy, 6|d. Southland, 4Jd. North Island, s|d to 'sid. NeW Zealand ewes, s id, Australian; Firsts, 5Jd; seconds, sd. South American: Light, 6d; heavy, 51d. Patagonian; Light, 6Jd; : heavy, 6d; owes, 4Jd. Lamb.—Canterbury: Light, 9d; medium, BJd; heavy, Sid; seconds, B|d. Southland, Bgd. North Island: Selected, ordinary, B|d. Australian: Best, SJd; fair, 8d; inferior, 7id. South American: ' Light, Bd. Frozen Beef.—New Zealand' (nominal): Fores, Sid. Argentine: Hinds’ sid. > Chilled Beef.'—Argentine:, Fores, Sid; binds, 6id; i others unchanged.—A. and N.Z. Cable. ’ • The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company has received the followirlg 'cablegi® lll frean ite London house, dated January ll;-»-“Tallow; We quote present spot values for the‘following -descriptions:— Fine mutton,! £2 2s 6d per nwt; good beef, £2 per cwt;'mixed, £1 14s per cwt. <Phe market is dull. 1 New Zealand frozen meat; Lamb, Bd* per lb; wether and maiden ewe, light 6|d per lb. - heavy fijd, per lb; ewe, light 44 ppr lb, heavy 4Jd per lb. Beef is unchanged. ■ , LONDON MBTAL\ I&ARKET. Preea Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON, January'l3. Copper: Spot, £65 8s Od; forward, £66 7s 6d. X^ad; Spot, £24‘ss; forward, £24. 1 Spelter; Spot, £26 10s; forward!, £26 17s 6d. Tin: Spot, £167 7s 6d; forward, £l6B 17s 6d. Silver, 2a ll|d per oz.—A. and N.Z. Cable. LONDON WOOL SALES, Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright LONDON, January 13. The wool sales have been postponed owing to a fog.—A. and N.Z. Cable. / The National Mortgage and Agency Company is. in receipt of the following cablegram from its London office, dated January 13: “Wool: j The auctions' are proceeding at tho love! .of the opening day. The following, prices are current: —Greasy merino, best Is 9id» fere as y merino, average. Is 6Jd; scoured merino, average. 3a 8d; greasy fine halfbreds, 60b-56's, la 4id ; greasy , medium threequartorbredfl, 46’s, 9d; greasy coarse crossbred, 36-40’s, 6id; greasy pieces, s|d; greasy bellies, Bid.” ■■ _ . AUSTRALIAN WOOL SALES. „ Press Association— By Telegraph—Copyright. 1 SYDNEY,. January e l 4. The wool friles at Albury attracted a largo attendance. 1 Yorkshire and America 'ob- ' ’ tained the hulk of tho offerings. All lines appreciated from 5 to 25 per cent. Experts declared that it was the best show ol wools ever offered at,'Albury. • THE OAMARU MARKETS. (From OUB Own Correspondent.) OAMARU, January 14. . ’ There is practically nothing doing in the local grain and produce market, and those concerned are looking fojward to the incoming harvest to infuse activity in business, fox there does not reinaia any great quan-

tity of last year’s products to handle. Oats have been steadiy reduced, though there ore f>me holders in the country who would be lad to quit their holdings. This, however, is difficult to accomplish, for there are no, outlets available. The; only sale'of tho week was *tmo of a modest lino of A grade Gaxtons, acquired at a country station at 2s 4d net. A few small lots of catensheaf chaff were taken at from £3 10s to £4 per ton net on trucks. These sales about comprise the whole of. the business of tho week. The question now uppermost in thp minds of both producers and brokers is; When will the harvest’ commence and what will it be like? Some millers whoso stocks of wheat are reaching vanishing point are also beginning to wonder when new wheat will become available. Tho question cannot be answered with any certitude. . A week ago 1 mentioned that several really hot summer days had been experienced, and that a continuance of that sort of weather would hasten the ripening with the grain imperfectly developed, and light yields as a natural consequence. I also said . that farmers would welcome a change to milder climatic conditions. The desirod_ ebange came before those lines appeased 1 in print. A light rain fell on Sunday night, and thereafter the temperature fell from summer heat to autumn mildness.- Monday night brought more rain, And on Tuesday evening there was a thunderstorm with a perfect deluge of rain of short duration, followed by further showers during the night and next morning. Some crops were laid to varying extents by the weight of inoisture. The oat crops 'suffered the most in that respect, but a nice wind followed which relieved the grain of its pressure, and helped the cropo to raise their heads, i Whatever harm was done was far outbalanced by the good. .Since then the weather baa been mild, more ram railing last night, and bringing the average .for the district up to about an inch and a-half. Tho result of this change will he to Retard ripening und help the grain ears to fill more perfectly. If .present conditions happily - continue little wheat will be out until February, and tho yields will be good. There is really nothihg new to ba said about the stock market, bnaineoß being Blow in coming, and of small consequence when found. The regular markets were resumed, this week. At the Waiarika yards there waa a good yarding of shorn fat sheep, but no stores. ’Tho best of the wethers sold at up tO 'l6a 6d, and ewes realised as high as 13s and as low as 7a. Lambs, pf which only three pens were offered, 'sold remarkably well, prime bringing from 17a 6d to 19s, and others from 15s to 16s 6d. Fat cattle went cheaply, the highest price obtained for prime steers being £7, while fat cows v touched as’kn^’aa £3. Dairy cows showed a big decline in sympathy with the drop in the (value of butter-fat, the highest price realised’ being £B, At the Duntroon sale, which followed, there was little to note, the" meet interesting points being the eale of shorn store wethers at 10s, forward two and, three-year-old steers at from £3. to £4 17a Sd, and 18-months-old good' steers at As. SoleS of stock by private treaty have been few. A line of 800 sham fat wethers went at 15s 6d, and a line of 250'aged ewes put of the wool with lambs at foot at 6s 6d, all counted. Small lino of fat bullocks was sold at £6 per head, equivalent to about 20s per 1001 b. 1 SOUTHLAND MARKET REPORT. „ (From Orm Own Cornsespokdbut.) , INVERCARGILL, January 14. The market has been brisker during the past few, days. Sales of “A” Gartens have been fixed at 3s per bushel,, and ,“B’s” have been disposed of at from 2s lOd to 2s lOid. Stocks remaining in merchants’ hands and in tho hands of the country people are now iri very narrow compass. The new 'crops are looking very well, and it is anticipated that within six weeks cutting will be fairly general, so the new oats should be on the market some time during March. The outlook for the new crop is somewhat uncertain, as there will undoubtedly be a surplus. The present tßate of freight to the; United Kingdom makes business difficult/tmt it ia hoped in grain circles that there will bo a substantial reduction during itie year. Tho choff market, in sympathy with oats, ia a little firmer. Offerings are, however, light, and in no case ace buyers keen to lay in sfocks owing to their storage accommodation being requited for wool. Prime, quality can be quoted at £3 IDs on trucks. , Ryegrass seed is not exciting much interest .at the present time,, as last year’s crop is practically disposed of. There is likely to be a good crop of the now seed, and it is anticipated that the market will open within the vicinity of 2s on trucks, ; There is only a fair business in (potatoes at presentand *it is difficult to secure any quantity of the new season's crop; the main crop will not bo available until about April. Prices for forward’'delivery are from £3 IDs to £Af on trucks. Hemp is,, exciting little interest in (local circles, as the ruling prices nip not particularly lucrative to the majority of millers. The Home market is inclined to be dull, and the inquiry consequently ia amal). Highfair is ruling at about £26, and good-fair at about £39 to £3l on trucks. s Stock.—Prices during the past week have remained practically unaltered, and there is no alteration in prices for store stock, but the beef market has eased considerably, ox beef being worth from 18S to 20s per 1001 b, and extm prime lots up to 22s 6d. ’ The demand for extra heavy fat sheep ia also very poor—butchers' wethers weighing from 60lb to 651 b 'being the most saleable sheep. Owing to the hot weather extra heavy wethers are not wanted. Tho following prices may be quoted:— Fat Cattle.—Extra prime bullocks, 'from £ll -to £l2 5o; average prime from £7 10a to £8 10s; inferior sorts, down to £Si; extra prime cows, from £4 10s to £5 10s; average, from £3 10s to £4 sa; inferior sorts, down to £2. / Fat Sheep.—Extra prime, wethers from 18a to 19s 9d; average prime! from 16s 6d to 17s 6d; unfinished sorts down to 12s;-extra prime ewes from 10s to 12s; average from 8s to 9s; inferior, sorts 6a. Store Cattle. —The market as lifeless, and there is little or no demand for any cites of store cattle. Well-bred yearlings to 18-month-old steers are finding a few buyers at .-very low values, and there 1 is • some v, little ’ demand for yearling to two-year-old heifers. Dairy cows have slumped considerably, extra good sorts being down from £3 to £4 on the prices ruling a month' ago. TMs duo, .of course, to the slump in the butter and Cheese markets. Extra good „cows are making up to £l2; average, £8 to £lO, and inferior sdrta are unsaleable., , Store Sheep,—Two-tooth ewes and wethers from 10s to 12S; small and inferior aorta, 8s; four) six, end eight-tooth ewes, with lambs av foot, from 5s to 6s €d; I. and f. mouthewes, 3s to ( 4s (all counted); extra forward four and six-tooth wethers, from 12s to'-13s. ' THE FRUIT AND PRODUCT! WORLD, Reilly’s Central Produce Mart (Ltd.) report:—An exceedingly busy week with Otago Central stone fruits,, apricots, peaches, and plums arriving freely and selling at reasonable -prices, orate fruit being ’ in keen demand. Peaches, unfortunately, in many instances arrived in over-ripe condition. Tomatoes are , short of requiremente, and prices have improved. Vegetables, especially French beans, are in, good demand. Strawberries, raspberries, black currants are eagerly inquired for, and high prices are obtainable. First consignments of pears ond apples are arriving, choice samples realising good money. Poultry are in fair demand. Eggs

in full supply. Butter: The market is glutted, and sales difficult to effect. Canterbury onions are inquired for. - We received and sold:—Cherries, Is OJd. Strawberries': Very choice, to 2s id; Waimatee, Is Id to la 6d. Grapes, la ild to a» 2d. Black currants; Urgently wanted; to 6Jd. Ijted currants, to 7d. Cherry plfflna, 3d to 3d. Plums; Choice desserts, to 4Jd; cooking, 2d to 2Jd. Peaches; Deeaert, to sd; cooking, 2d to 3d. Apricots; Dessert, to 6d; Cooking, 3jd to *4d. Nectarines; Choice dessert, to 6d; cooking, 3Jd to 4d. Loganberries, to lOd. Raspberries, to 10Jd. Hothouse tomatoes: Christchurch firsts, la 3d to ,1s 6Jd; seconds, 9d to la; locals, Is 8d to 2s. Gooseberries: Green, Ijd to 2d; ripe,, 8d to 3Jd; small, no sale. Green peas: Choice, to 2d. Beans; Butter and French, 4d to 6Jd; broad, Ijd to 24. New potatoes: Bocals, ijd to 2d; Oamaxu, Id lb. Hothouse cucumbers, 7a 6d to 14s 6d dozen- Lettuce :■ Market glutted, to Is per case. Apples: Choice Stunners, 12a to 16s; American choice, to 275; new season’s, 6d to 7d. Pears:” New season’s, 4Jd. Lemons: American “Pscffio” brand, 47s 6d. Oranges; Best navels, 4Bs. Bananas: Choioe, 20a. Peanuts: Best quality shelled, 6Jd; unshelled, CJd to Bd. Preserved ginger, Is Id. Butter; Slow sole; lid to la Id. Beeswax, to «a. Honey: Sales difficult; bulk to 7d lb; sections. choice to 14s dozen. Bofon pigs, 6Jd to 7d; porkers, 6Jd to 7d; choppers, 3d Ip sd. Eggs: Stamped, Is, 4d; cased, Is 2d, la Sd. Cauliflowers, to I2s. Cabbage: Market over-supplied; choice to 2s, Onions': Mejbourne, l?a 6d to Its. Tallow, to 21s; prime, 265. ‘Molasses; In barrels, 18s 6d cwt; tins, 9s each. Wood, '3a 6d per bag, bags in. Poultry: [l7B hens realised 2s 4d to Bs, 116 cookers realised 2s to 6s 2d; 11 ducks realised 7a 6d to 10s 6d; 25 chickens realised 6d to Is 6d /all at per pair); 1 hen 6 chickens realised 7s 6d, ! \ ' E. OSWALD REILLY, Managing Director, - Moray place, Dunedin.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18454, 16 January 1922, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18454, 16 January 1922, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18454, 16 January 1922, Page 4