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First quarter __ _ Bth • *-5* P- 3 ”* , Full moon 14th < 8.6 a-m. Last quarter _ _ ™; 20th 5.30 p.m. Hewinoon M _ _ _ 28th 11-18 amu ' ,' " • XHH SUH. Bon today at 4J3 am.; seta at 7-88 pan. THB . "WEATHER. . December 5-—Fine; moderate to strong nortto caat wind. 8 a.m. Noon. S pm. Barometer Thermometer _ _ _ Min.,-53; max., 68. HIGH -WATER. December 6 , am. p.m. At Talaroa Heads At Tort Chalmers _ _ ... „ 8.58 9.25 At Dunedin WHATHBE ESPOBTS. (PXB X7OTTBD PBMS ASSOOIATIOjr.) Following are tee official weather reports at 4 p.m.:— Bar. Ther. Weather. Cape Marla „ N.E., fresh 30.03 63 Cloudy Bussell ... _ £., fresh 30.07 73 Cloudy Mannkau H. _ E.NJ3-, br. 30.10 74 Fine Auckland. _ N.K., Ught 30.10 73 Fair Tauranga _ N.H., light 30.10 84 Fair / ' Gisbomo... NJE., light 30.08 70 Pair Naplir-iU N.E., light 30.17 80 Fine Costlofoiilt ™ E., Ught 30.12 60 Fine Wellington'... N., breeze 30.08 70 Fair / New Plymouth N.W., light 30.04 72 Fair Cape Egmont... N.N.W., light 30.10 72 Fine Wanganui - S.W., light - 30.13 74 Fine Farewell Spit. N., fresh 30.15 67 Cloudy Cape Foulwlnd N., light 30.15 70 Cloudy Greymoath ... W., Ught 30.12 75 Fiho Stephen Island W., fresh 30.02 67 Clondy Kaikoura ... E., Ught "" 29.95 69 Fine Akaroa Ught-. N.E., Ught 29.95 72 Pine Nuggets... _• E., Ught 29.91 59 Hazy Blufi.„, „ Calm 29.86 66 Cloudy - . • WEATHER FORECAST, v • - The following is the official weather' forecast; — Present indications are for .north-easterly to north-westerly winds, increasing strong to a gale. Warm and hnmid conditions, with increasing cloudiness, and rain, following later may be ,ex- ( pec bed. She barometer wiU laU everywhere.’’" ARRIVALS. I ,< ■ January 5. Breeze, sa. (11.55 e.m.), 553 tone, 1 Venn, frojp, Wanganui, via ports. Tapley andjOo., , , DEPARTURES. January 5. . . Karma, sjs. (8.20 p.m.), 1948 tons, Ranfcin, ; ’ for Lyttelton. Union Steam Ship Company, agent. Storm, bjb. (6.30 p.m.), 405 tons, M’Lachlan, for Timaru. Tapley end Ox, agents, : • > ' ■ SHIPPEfWJ TELEGRAMS. NEW PLYMOUTH. January s.—Saflod; TieVolan, ■ for Sydney. WELLINGTON, January s.—Arrived: Maori (7AO a-m.), from Lyttelton; Rnahino (8 ana.), from Lyttelton.; Woimate (0.50 p.m.), from Naoicr; Ulimoroa (3.40 pan,.), from Sydney; Otarama (6.15 pan.), from ,'Gtabarnia—•—Bailed: Westmeath (0.15 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Komato (6.15 pan.), for Weatport, . QAM A RTT, January 5. —Arrived; John (6.30 o.mJ, fromlDunedin- ; BLUFF, January s—Arrived: Kaiapoi (OAS pan.), from Dunedin. MEKROURNIE, January 4. —Arrived; Biia, ketch: from/ Greymouth. SYDNEY, January s.—Sailed; Manuka (3.30 p.m.), for Wellington: Wiltshire, for Melbourne; Verontia, lac New Zealand. SAN( FRANCISCO, January I.—Sailed: Tahiti,' for Wellington; Waikawa, for Auckland. ' NEWCASTLE, January A—Sailed: Kaitangata, for Sydney and Melbourne. , The Rteeeo arrived at Dunedin, yesterday moming from Wanganui, Pictori; and! Lyttelton. She is expected to leave this evening ' for' Trmaru, Lyttelton, Pioton, and Wanganui. ' The' TOm-no, which left Dunedin yesterday afternoon, ’ ia due at Lyttelton to-morrow from Timam to take in cargo for Auckland. She is to leave that and will call at Wellington en route. : \ The Wanaka, which'will go into dock at Fort Chalmers to-day for oleanfhg and pointing, ifi expected to leave about Friday next for Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, and Gisborne. f The Comma, from Wellington, is due here on Sunddy, and should sail the next day for Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Nelson, Wellington, and New Plymouth. ' The Union Steam Ship Company has received a wireless message from /the captain of the mail steamier Marama to the effect that the vessel, which has been delayed by heavy weather in (the Tasman_ Sea, should arrive at Wellington this morning. The 'schooner Bianco, which has been discharging scrap iron from Delagoo Bey at Port Chalmers for some' weeks, has ooinr plcted. unloading, and will go into dock for cleaning and painting on Monday. It is expected that during the week she will proceed in ballast to Newcastle to load cool, for San Francisco. Messrs Turnbull, Martin, and Co. advise that the. Kaikoura, from West of England porta, via Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttelton, is duo hero on Tuesday. T]ie vessel, which heu» about 760 tons of general cargo for discharge at this port, will load here for West iCoost of England porte •The New Zealand Shipping Company reports that, transhipmentai ex the Ruahirie liav© oprived here per, the Kaiapoi and the Wanaka! The Buamite. which left Lyttelton on Wednesday for Wellington; will continue loading for London. /Her final pert of call will be Auckland. The Westport Coal Company's Canopus and the Union Steam Ship Company’s Kaituna, which were plated in the dock at Fort pbalrnera on Wednesday for painting and X, repairs, will be floated out today. The Show, Savill, and Alteon steamer Mariana, from Lyttelton, should reach. Dunedin on Thursday next. After discharging tho balanoe of her Home cargo she will procoed to Port Chalmers to. load for Great Britain. The Weirirarino, from Sou Ftaooieoo, with general cargo and oae© ail, arrived at, Auckland on Monday, and is due at Wellington today. She is due at Lyttelton cm January 8. instead of January I°- » The Fort Albany is due at Wellington ’from Auckland tomorrow to discharge the . Wellington portion of her London cargo, V after' which she will load at Nelson, Now J Ply mouth, Wanganui, and Wellington. The ! Fort 'Albany is jto sail finally on February 4 , i<h Londoti, via Capo. Horn and Montevideo. , .»■■ The Wairuna ia now expected to arrive at 'Auckland' from Calcutta, Singapore, and Samarang on Sunday) and should reach Wellingtdn joq trio 15th inst. She is due here about .five-days later. :Port Bowen (which has replaced the Jport ( jNioholson on the loading berth at .- Home); is to leave London on January 11 for Lyttelton and Dunedin. , : Duo at Wellington on January 11 from > Harrier, via Tokomoru Bay, the Maimoa will bo, despatched seven days .later for London, via 'Gape Horn. . The Waikouaiti is to soil from Lyttelton v to-uterrow for Sydney and Newcastle,' laden , with general cargo and produce. After" diseharge shb will load for Bluff, Dunedin, and 'Lyttelton. , / Cable advice received in Greymouth states th'pt - Ctiptain D, McDonald, formerly of the Wrecked e.a. Perth, has been appointed to ’ elommand. the Melbourne Shipping loompony’s new steamer Hobart, which is about ' 1000 tons greater displacement than the v ;, Forth, The new steamer ( will probably trade ■ to West Coast porta. 1 Watmana arrives homes. CjabTefl. advice has been received by the Sbaw-Savill Company to the effect that the . "'Wainawta: which left Wellington on Novem"ItS. arrived at Londlon on December 30. ' WAIMATETS MOVEMENTS. The Now Zealand Shipping Company advises' that the s.s. Wadmate is expected to leave Wellington .on Tuesday next for London,' via Panama and Newport Nows. lONIC AT WELLINGTON. The S.S. and A. liner lonic, which reached Wellington from Port Chalmers on Sunday, .ia- to- .'sail at daybreak on January 8, for . Southampton and London, via Montevideo ■ and Tencriffo. _ ' MAHANA AT WELLINGTON. / The Mariana arrived in the stream at Wjel- ■ Jington on Tuesday from Auckland. She has oargo to discharge at • that port, and will proceed today to Lyttelton and Dunedin, at both of which porta she is to discharge. The Mohan* will ffab- ■ sequently load for Borne at Fort Choi mere, Lyttelton, Pictan, and Wellington. She is duc at. Weilfngtoa on January 25, and will sail ,pn, Febnwry-1 tor London, via Cape TAHITI, FROM SAN FRANCISCO, hhe Union Btoom Ship Company haa re- ( ' ceivod advice stating that the mail steamer ■/ Tahiti,, loft San Fwneieoo on December 31 for, Wellington, via •Papeete and Rarotonga. She is due at Wellington on the 21at inst* and ia expected to leave for Sydney two days - later.. , ' WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE, ‘ The following, ■vessels were expected to be w’ihin range of the under-mentioned wireless ‘ - ' lost night:—Ajwauui; Maheoio, Cxrutaa, Woirtmo. Auckland;i "Wingatui v’ Kawotiii. Trolovan, H.M.S. Chatham,'' ", JJ.M.3. Veronica. After 0.30 a.m., Canadian / / Britisher, Marmiowa. Awarua: Kami a. Wol- ' Boston; Maori, Wahine, Mararoa, Otaiama, iv ti 'Ufeswro®, Mamma, Palocma, Trooithney, S 'ireAtertmcath, Fort Derwin, Port Kembia. ; AftOT oja nm.. Aimm. Chatham Llaade; >. - ' ’A'"./ , ; ■■

/ PALOONA DUB SHORTLY. The Union Steam Ship Company’s steamer Palobna, which left Wellington on Wednesday night for Melbourne, should ’ leave that port on Thursday - next for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Douedin> and should reach this port on January 21. 1 After discharge she will tendargo survey at Port Chalmers. The Faloona is scheduled to leave Dunedin about January 81 for Bluff and Melbourne. WAR SLOOP LABURNUM. The war sloop'laburnum, which has been appointed to the New Zealand station, is now three days out from Aden, and is due at # Colombo on Tuesday. After coaling and provisioning at the port she will sail on January 14, and coal at Singapore, Batavia, and Thursday Island. In order to obviate the risk of plague infection, Oommandter Hotham has ordered , her not 'to call at Brisbane and Sydney, as her provides for, but to coal at Noumea. She is due at Auckland otn March 15. The Laburnum is a sister ship to the Veronica. ■* - ■■ / CLAN ALPINE’S ARRIVAL. The Clan Alpine, a steamer of 'the Clan Line, from Bunbury, West Australia, was berthed at Port Chalmers on Wednesday afternoon. The vessel, which waa launched at Greenock in 1918, and hos been engaged in the trade England, India, and other fereign porta for some time, is paying her first visit to Australasia. She-left England for South Africa, and then went to Weet Australia. The vessel loaded a full cargo of hardwood at Busselton and Bunbury, and sailed from the latter port on December 23. The passage to Otago Heads, which was made in Hi days, waa uneventful. The Clan Alpine carries a lasoar crew, with British officers and engineers. After -discharging over 1,000,000 ft of jarrah, including sleepers for the Railway Department,' she will go to Wellington to complete discharge. The cargo altogether amounts to 6400 tons. Captain W. J. Lennox is in charge of the vessel. WAITOMO, FROM NEWCASTLEAfter a stormy passage of nine days from Newcastle, the- Union .Company’s cargo-car-rier Waitomo arrived at "Wellington on Monday. The Waitomo, which had just returned to Newcastle after delivering a cargo of coal at Batavia, left Newcastle, at 5 o’clock on Christmas molding, and rah into easterly to south-easterly galea, with high south-easterly aoaa, which continued until nbon on Saturday, when conditions soon improved, and fide weather set in. The vessel Was compelled to reduce her speed throughout the bad weather, which thus protracted the passage. The vessef’e cargo, amounting to 5500 tons of ooal and 1500 ton® of general cargo and timber, is to bo discharged at Wellington, Lyttelton, and Timaru. Captain Davies is in command, and his fcfficere are: Chief, "Mr J. Green; second, Mr H. Clare; third, Mr M, It. Tregale; chief engineer, Mr A Code; second, Mr H. Knewstubb: third, Mir G. Stevens"; fourth, Mr Shorati; chief steward. Mr L. Anderson. A PRIZE SHIP. CASE OP THB OBERHAUSEN. The C&ief Justice (Sir Herbert Nicholls) presided in Admiralty jurisdiction ‘ of the Supreme Court at Hobart last Tuesday to hear an application on behalf of the Commonwealth Government for the final condemnation as a prize of the German steamer Oberhausen, which was seized on August 5, 1914, while lying laden with/ timber at Port Huon (states the Sydney Shipping List under date December d. 6). The name of the vessel has since been changed, and she is now the Booral, trading under the British flag. Mr W. M, Hodgman appeared on behalf of Messrs Brabant and Co., Brisbane, who, soon after the seizure, put in a claim as British subjects for £12,000 for coal and various necessaries supplied by them to the steamer as general agents. Mr Hod-gmari said he did not dispute the right of the condemnation, hut his clients claimed for necessaries supplied to the ship. Mr Dobson, for the Federal Government, questioned whether such a claim could be considered on a motion for condemnation. After , argument i the' case was adjourned for about six weeks. 0. AND I). LINEL Messrs J. W. Swift and Co. report the following movements of vessels:— New Zbalasd-Homewabd. T. 5.3. Port Denison, which sailed from Wellington for London, via Australia, on October 15, sailed from Melbourne on November 9, and arrived at Dunkirk on" December 24. T.S.S. Port Victor sailed from Wellington for London, via Cape Horn and Montevideo on December 8L . T.S.S. Port Kemble., which is loading at Lyttelton, thence Gisborne and Wellington, will sail finally, on .January 15 for London., T.S.S, Port Albany is to load in New Zealand during January foe the United Kingdom. , T-S.S. Port Darwin is fp load at Auckland, Wanganui. Lyttelton during January for the United Kingdom. T.S.S. ■ Port iChahneis is to load in New Zealand during February for Ufiited States Bast Coast porta and United Kingdom. Austbalia-Hombwabd. ' T.S.S. Port Melbpure sailed from Sydney for London on November 3. T.S.S. Port Piri© sailed from" Adelaide for Dunkirk, Hull, London, and Liverpool on December 10, Homeward, via Suez. , T.S.S. Port Hacking sailed from Melbourne for Dunkirk, Hull, and London on December S. T.S.S. Port Augusta, is loading ait Melbourne lor Dunkirk and Hull. Hotted Knronqu-NEw Zealand. T.SR. Port Albany sailed from London for Auckland and Wellington on November 11, and arrived at Auckland on December 2(7. T.SJ3. Port Bowen is to soil from London, for Lyttelton and Dunedin on January 11. Hotted Kingdom-Austbaxja. T.S.S. Port Elliot sailed from London for Mielbourne, Hobart, Sydney at the end of October. T-S.S. Port Chalmers ■ sailed from London for Melbourne, Launceston, 'and Sydney on November 19. T.$.S. Port Sydney sailed' from London for Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney, and Newcastle on December 1. T.BJ3, Pert Napier sailed from London for Melbourne, Hobart,- Sydney early in December. T.S.S. Port Adelaide left London for Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney, and Newcastle on December 25. 11.5A.-Outwabds. i T.S.S. Port Curtis sailed from New York for Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, arid Brisbane on December 6. T.S.S. Port Lincoln was to sail from New York for Auckland, Wellington, i Melbourne, and Sydney on January 3. T.S.S. Port Nicholson is to sad from New York for Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide on January 21.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18446, 6 January 1922, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18446, 6 January 1922, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18446, 6 January 1922, Page 4