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PATENT AGENTS. P»ATENTS.-CONSULT UaTconfidential JL Handbook Free—Explains" everything A J. PARK & SUN, Authrribi-.! I'at.-lit Acr,,t, Kmpiro Building*. l":l I'riuoce etifcf-, T>iiii.<lia' 5:1 Ivsk Klrc-t. liivprraraill. EptaliiivheJ 1S:I5. KOBKUT WALKS, M.I. Moch. i£7 ~ Patent Attorney. F.A.1. V.A., Corner of I'rmees strnet, Entrance 40 Dnwling street. Authorised to Practise by N.Z. Government. Oonsuhiifti; Moch. Engineer. A Book sent Fire of Chargo on application, containing full information about Patents, Trade. Marks, Designs, and how to Procure them. P6 OIiKRT M'LINTOCK, M.l.Mech.E?, &-'& Consulting Engineer and Registered Patent Ascnt. 90 Princo , ! stn-et. PATENTS! PATENT'S! PATENTS I Applied for in All Countries. SHAREBHOKERS. OUICK h SMITH SHARERROKERS. Kstablishod 1888. (E. R. SMITH, Member of Dunedin Stock Exchange). WATER STREET FRONTAGE. STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. P.O. Box 266. Telephone 363. Telegraphic Address: ■' Quickly, Dunedin." g L I G 0 BROS. STOCK AND SHARE BROKERS. MAIN ENTRANCE, STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Only 'iiw celebrated poet has red haii Swinburne.

. ' 1 ; 1 '"-'' "-' ■"■'■ "=■' *"*" wiuiout re- £1 is. 1 Cable. PROSPECTUS oIF Doerrainion of Rlew Ze@,lsi,fiici (FREE OF NEW ZEALAND INCOME TAX.) PE3BCE OF BSSUEs PAR. TEmToF LOAN s 2O YEARS. SUBSCFIBPTIOgvaS COEViPUIoSORV. The attention of the public is specially drawn All moneys invested under the compulsory to the provisions of the Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), clauses of- the Aet will bear interest at the rate of under which persons can be compelled to contribute three per cent, per annum only. ZlrL t*& a ? ° U w equa l llo - three times the y earl ? N?B.—lt must be noted that the amount fixed average ot the land-tax plus income-tax (exclusive by Act is the minimum subscription only. Everv or excess-profits duty) paid or payable by them for person is expected to invest to the Ml extent of his the t nee years ended on the thirty-first day of March, ability. Subscribers to previous loans are -not nineteen hundred and eighteen. ) relieved from obligation to subscribe to this loan. ' > THE SUBSCWTIOM-LIST WILL BE OLOSEO ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1919. Tn HE Loan is authorised to be raised under the the Bank of New Zealand in the Dominion, or in a finance Act, 1918, and Finance Act, 1918 (No. London or Australia as may be arranged. 2), and pursuant to the New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, t minium™ t? * v+- V' as amended by the New Zealand Loans Amendment IsQDG-MESTTS.—Forms of application may be. Act, 1915, and both capital and interest will be obtained and lodgments made at any Postal Moneycharged upon the consolidated revenue of the order Office, or at any branch of any Bank, or, at the - Dominion. " Treasury, Wellington. The Loan will be utilised by the Dominion lor Lodgments will be made as follows:— repatriation and payment of soldiers and other pur- Fully-paid Allotments— , ■ d poses in connection with the War, ATO WILL TAKE Alt'tmpntV" '" ~ 10 ° P er cent- * s£pTbQiS? T f OCK 0B (first instalment); ' 2 FOOT qiniiSSiSS™ * 6 SUbscriber > or 25 P er «**• (second instalment), Monday . 0 ±OoT OFFICE ShGUPoITISS. 10th November, 1919; ' 1 £375,000 of the Loan will be reserved for indi 25 per cent ' ( third instalment), Thursday, ;, vidual persons who desire to invest in securities «~ 18th December, 1919; • * which will be available for payment of New Zealand per c ( fourfil instalment), Monday, 2nd b death duties. Applications for this class of security T +1 1920, 5 4 must be specially marked. These securities will not Instalments may be prepaid, but such prepay- , • s be transferable, but may be exchanged at the nients will not entitle the subscriber to- any additional j : Treasury for other available securities if so desired. *a * u • k Should application be received in ex-cess of £375 000 in case of default in the payment of any mstal- ■■</, is an allotment will be made by the Controller ' and men * a f its cine date, instalments previously paid will.d Auditor-general, and any sums which cannot be be h S - to . i: ° r f A .„ , • ; ■ f accepted for Death Dutv Stock mav be invested in Provisional receipts will be issued for all pay- - *■ ordinary Stock or Bonds, at the oDtion of thp ments, tne case of investments in Bonds these - subscriber. l receipts will be exchangeable for Bonds to Bearer as : » The issue is an investment authorised bv the soon as the latter can be prepared. - Trustee Act, 1908, and Trustees mav invest therein „ r ? 2 1 Stoc ? Investments, Inscription- , Applications will not be accepted for less than certificates wil be posted to investors when the : ; 5 £100, but small investors may subscribe sums of ll amounts J« mllv paid up. ? ,r up to £500, for a period of five or ten years at anv «, S C 1 TV be .™scnbed in accordance with ■ J. Postal Money-order Office J the . New Zealan( i Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 i E ! J3 The Bonds will be issued in denominations of conjunction with the New Zealand Loans Act, 1908), J * £100, £500, and £1000, or such higher denomSion aT&?DoS?r?TW? ° &*** 5° k^ F f ° r "° f £10 ° — °SS3S t in the £16,000,000 1 The Loan will be repaid at par at the Treasury i qTr 1 ' ISSUed , Unde l- Seci ?°? 35 £ the Finance A^> S Wellington, or at any branch of the Bank of 'on bef °? Ist March, 1920. »- Zealand in the Dominion on 20th April 1939 S, On .in writing to the Dominion - s Interest on Bonds and SWk wil V r4d hil* treasury, Wellington, convert into Inscribed Stock, Z yearly, on 20th A P rUaSd2Otsi October " with currency to 15th November 1938. The first interest will be paid on 20th April r»*J i ? T? ? gY&e A to S Uow advances at a ' 3 and will amount to £2 11s 3d per cent, oif fu % paid ,w- fh T ° f i to chent i who desire to ' ■ - allotments (208 days), and £1 15s 3d p4 cent on f^ the Loan but who have not the ready money/ ■ :; instalment allotmerts P to enable them to do so Wlthin Q time prescribed. " ' on fully-paid allotments and on tho first t ftfl^? ang T en ? be ma f e fQr A ? ew z e a l a nd War , S of i^^^^^L^6^^ " C^^ C %xebro tos will be allowed a com- - d^s s of payment shown under ST^^T^^J^^ Interest on Inscribed Stock will be paid by Divi- PostJl th^r easur X throu g n ? ank or: : y 3 dend Warrant, which will be transmitted bv lost SS, i- 3T°5? er v Offi ?? nder ,S OVer of memoi '^~ o! Interest on Bonds will, be paid on\racfuctoi, 7 the No commission will - of Coupon " . / pioauction be allowed m respect of applications on forms which 3 Both Warrants and Coupons will be Davable « nOt v™ 1 }- P rinted b > r Government Printer, - free of exchange, at the Treasury Wellinato P n «+ r a PP llca , tlons not forwarded as aforesaid, or on ! , d any Postal Money-order Office or at a vtl \ applications for Post Office Certificates or Stock, or t y y Omei UmcG, or at a °y br m ch °t on applications made after the closing of the Loan. a POST QFFiOE WAR LOAN AND PC3T OFF3OE S FEU GE?IT WAR LOAN BHSGRSBED STOCK * Loa^.ppS£ S wm °b £ e ™!:£Z TZ Po/w^nV , tho Post Office War Loa* Certifi! I's Office for Post Office War Loan Certificates or p"/st Offic? 5 ner ***** ° nfl P ° St o{R ° e War Ij ° an Inscribcd Stock are obtainable ™ cent. War Loan liisciihed Stock at the option of the subscriber. at any Postal Money-order Office. ;. S pounded! fre" of income-tax, a?th? e "id ten vears C ° m " . Holders of 5 per cent. Post Office War Bonds issued under . v n r 2?nn Of ? Ce Wcr Loa, \ Stock wiU bc inscribed for not h,s al " P " r P oso f L<> . an Act ' 191T ' and secti «n OS, Finance Act, ■ '.lian £100, but not exceeding £500, and will have a currency 191 '' wIU have the right to collvert into 5 per cent. Post OftW - of approximately ten years maturing 20th April. 1929. Anv War Inscribed Stock, with currency to the 15th November ! '"- ; inW^wm I ]/^^! ° £lU ° n V ,St . b ? £i ° 0V » multiple of £ll 1927, at any time after 15th November, 1919 on application ' L"^incoL™' ant the ° f SP« teUt " ™* in to the Dominion Treasury, Welling T^l " ' ' any Postal Money-order Office. APPLIOATIO2TS will close on 25th September, 1919, but the Minister of Finance reserves the riaht S Treasury, Wollin-ton \ Z & i>ri ° r datC ° r to 6Xtend the period ' 6th September, 1919. "' A v - Minister flf JESaamjHk ;;'■■*■■*•■..

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17726, 10 September 1919, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 17726, 10 September 1919, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 17726, 10 September 1919, Page 7