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A Press Association message states that in tho Houso of Representatives yesterday Sir James Allen (Minister of Finance) made a statement sotting out tho terms on ■which tho Victory Loan of £10.000,000 is being raised. Ho appealed to members to help to make tho loan a success. Sir Joseph Ward associated himself with the Minister's appeal. It was absolutely necessary that tho money should bo raised, and he agreed with tho Minister in raising it freo of incoms tax. Lord Jellicoe -will leavo Dunedin for Oamaru and Timaru at 8.15 a.m. on Thursday, staying a few minutes at Waikouaiti, ' Palrnerston, and Hampden, and arriving in • Oamaru by 1 o'clock. At Oamaru he -will . dedicate some trees to the memory of fallen soldiers, and after lunohing with the Mayor ho will prococd to Timaru. The general secretary of the New Zealand Workers' Union advises tho local I agent that Mr J. E. MacManus (Dunedin). ; Mr Middlemiss (Gore), and Mr Stevo Bore- . ham (Dunedin) have been appointed to ro , present tho Otago and Southland Threshing Mill Employees' Industrial Union of i Workers in tho dispute with th© Otago and Southland Farmers and Threshing Mill [ Owners. It is probablo that a conference , will bo _ held in Goro at an ea-rly date, and it is hoped that a settlement of tho i trouble will bo effected. > In tho House of Representatives vestert day Mr Scott asked tho Fostmnrrter-g'eneral . for what reason tho settlers and others in _ Middlemarch district were deprived of " both inward and outward mails for a period of five days—from August 19 till August ! 20. • inclusive. Tho Postmaster-general re- . plied that tho interruption in tho Middlemaroh mail servico was due to a landslip on tho railway line. Every possible en- • tlfavour was mado by the department to • maintain 'the service by using the road. 1 Tho road was impassable for motor traffic ( from August 19 till August 23 owing to floods and heavy rains, and no cars° got ! through. Tho frequency of tho Middle- : march mail servico was three weekly, and • during the fivo days referred to there' were , only two mail days. i Tho Postal Department advises that the j mails which were despatched cn July 17 arrived in London on the 4th inst. Dr Thaoker, M.P., stated yesterday (says ' a Press Association telegram from Chriss- > church) that it was h;s intennon to sug- ■ gest to the Government the appropriateness . of endeavouring to secure Lord Jellicoe . as tho next Governor-general of tho dominion. Messrs Sargood, Son, and Ewen (tele- • graphs our Invercargill correspondent) have : decided to consult their employees for su"- ! gestions regarding tho possible furtherance of tho firm's interests. The suggestions , * avo to L»o handed in every Monday morning, and a reward of £1 is given in each • branch to tho man making what is con- ■ scored by tho management to be the host , suggestion. Tho sciiomo has now been , carried out for two weeks. "Wo have got the men thinking, said the manager of I tho local branch when questioned rcgardi ing results, ' and we have Eccurcd quite ; a number of thoughtful suggestions." i In tho Legislative Council yesterday the , Hon. D. T. Fleming had something to say , about education. He urged that it was t-imo that school teachers were paid as well as workers in other branches of the public . service. How wove tho schools to be sirit- , ably staffed, ho asked, unless tho present handicaps upon tcaohers were removed' lief ore tho schools could bo staffed as thev ought to bo staffed and tho classes reduced as they ought to be reduced greater inducements to enter tho profession must bo ' offered. There was at present a considerable amount of <ksconttnt ajnong teacjiers on account of tho sloavdcss of promotion and tho smallness of the salaries. Ho , contended that it was desirablo for tho inspectors to devote their timo chieflv to assisting teachers in the smaller schools instead of visiting schools tlwit were known : to Ik> doing excellent work and to be , c:ipablo of continuing that work without the of the inspectors' visit. Ho vi.ihcd to fco more adequate provision for l the education ot children in the outlving ■ districts. Referring to tho proposed nbolition of education boards, he expressed the | opinion that tho country would not stand : any greater degreo of ccrLfxrvlisaiioa than 1 it had a.t present.

In tho course of r. speech in the Legislative Coujicil yesterday tho lion. l>. T. Fleming said ho thought that tho farmers' income, tax should be abolished and that the amount at present raised by this tax should l>o placed dirrotly upon tho unimprov«] valuo of tho lintl. A Press Association rric£=a<jo from Christ-chuix-h state* that tho Board of Agriculture had agreed to cb-o.)erato with the Canterbury Ayriculturiil College, in tho briscdj ing ol seed wheat and oats. A plea, for epecdier suburban railway Eervieee was made by Mr l'arr in Use Hou*3 of Kepresaiitativea ytstr.-rd;\y. lie insured tho Minister of Hallways t!i;-t thcro was a good dial of grumbljig about tho irregularity and slowness of the time-table. This was especially so in Auckland, but ho believed tho complaint was general. Tho reason for tho deiaya was the irequent and unnecessary stopping oi trains at wayside Ktitions. Ho asked the Minister to look inlo tho matter. Tho public did n;:fc at present ask lor moro trains, but aanply for tho speeding up of the, present services. Mr Massey said ho would bo very glad to look into the matter. lie was well aware. of the importance of tho question, and awaro how important it was that thoro should be good suburban services to encourago people to live in tho suburbs rather than in tlio congested centres of population. Tho quietnosa which prevails at Port Molyneux during the off season lias evidently como to an end for tho year (sajs ; our correspondent). Already a number of !

"cribs" and cottages are occupied by visitors. Tho weather, which wa3 very ccld and wintry until recently, has given placo ;o summer conditions. The fishing fleet cannot work steadily unlil the radway restrictions are removod and a daily service reinstated to carry away the fish. In tho_ House of Representatives yesterday Mr Sidey asked the Government whether it was intended to establish a postal air service in any portion of the dominion, and whether any step 3 had been taken to secure suitable aerodrome sites in the large centres. The Hon. Mr Coatcs (PostmasterKcneral) replied that tho question of establishing a po3tal air service in the dominion was receiving full consideration, and that the question of securing suitable aerodrome sites was also under consideration. As a result of an advertisement which appeared in this paper on Saturday, stating that tho Western Taieri Drainage Board intended to petition Parliament to put through another Empowering BH?, some 20 or more ratepayers of Eart and North Taieri mat at Mcsgiel yesterday afternoon to discuss the matter, and after the Bill had been explained by Mr W. E. M'Lcan (clerk to tho board) it was unanimously decided to oppose the - passing of such a measure as it reads at present. . A meeting of all interested in the matter on tho East Taieri side of tho district will be called at an early date. Speaking at the conference of Technical College Directors (says a Press Association message from V/eliingtonj Mr George (Director of tho Aucldand Technical College) said he had never known so many boys to faint after drill as ho had this year. He had questioned them ns •to what they had had • for breakfast, and ho was satisfied that the pinch had been felt to a greater extent by tho working classes owing- to the high cost of living then ever it was before. He was moro than ever convinced that tho solution of tho problem was tho State maintenance of all school children. He had never noticed so many poorly nourished children before since be had been in Auckland. Fivo pupils of St. Patrick's College, Wellington, who wero not permitted to travel home by rail for their vacation left Wellington recently by the small steamer Kipple for Akitio. They were to land by surf boat, and when they had left tho ship a heavy southerly arose, and the boat was in danger of being thrown against an old jetty. Seeing th'eir danger, Captain Carlson, of tho Ripplo, signalled for them to return to the ship, but this was found impossible owing to the heavy sea, so lines

were thrown out, which, however, failed to reach the little boat. Finally, a lino with a canvas buoy attached reached them, but somo two hours elapsed before the boys got alongside tho Ripple, where they were in further danger of being smashed against the ship's side. Each boy was swung on board in a basket. They wore carried on to Napier after an exciting and not altogether pleasant experience. o A lecttrre by Mr H, T. Trevena, on "Daffodil Culture" will bo given in the Technical College on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Owing to the Ferry Company's steamer Waikana being utilised to convey Lord Jellicoe on a trip to the Lower Harbour thero will bo no .9.30 a.m. trip to Portobcllo to-day, but there will bo one at 2 p.m. You don't realise the pleasure of a motor ■ cycle till you have ridden a Harley-David-son. —Otago agonts: W. A. Justico Co., 290 Princes street, Dunedin. —Advt. Ladies' 2-domo pure, silk Gloves, double tips, grey, black, white, all sizes, 4s lid pair; fully guaranteed.—Mollisons Ltd.— Advt. Many Dunedin grocers would make cxcol- . lent of Parliament, but it would be a distinct national loss to take them from • their present positions while they are so busy supplying families with the puro ! " Go!d?n Itulo" Soap, "Golden Rule" Tea, , "Golden Rulo" "Writing Tablets, "Keep , Smiling , " Boot Polish. "Keep Smiling" Lino Polish, "Keep Smiling" Pumice Soap, and the famous " 2sb Rubbing" Laundry ■ Help.—Advt. 1 A. E. .1. Blakele-, dentist, Bank of Au.» i tralasia. corner of Bond and Rattray street- : (next Telegraph Olfice). Telephone 165S - I Advt ; Eleotrio Incandescent Lnmps, Drawn Wir. Metallic Filamrnt. Philips Manufacture. 16 25, and 50 eatidSopower. Prion j» each. Special terms for quantity orders - 1 Turnbull and Jones (Ltd.). Electrio Enz: nrr>r= —Advt. ' When you -whiskv, make it Watson's No ■ 10. The bosh Scotch.—Advt. - For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods > Great Peppermint Cure.—Advt ' Eyestrain! —Consult Mr IJetcr G. Dick. • D.8.0.A., F. 1.0 (London), corisuitinv and [ oculists' optician.—Peter Dick, lewellor* etc j 4SO Moray place. Dunedin.— Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17726, 10 September 1919, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 17726, 10 September 1919, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 17726, 10 September 1919, Page 4