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Daily Times Office, Saturday morning. An advance has taken place in th© price of seedless raisins, which are now quoted wholesale at 8d per lb. Eastern goods landing are firm in price. Haricot beans, of which good stocks are held locally, are quoted at 30s per cwt. A sharp increase has taken place in the price of Sicily almonds. The price is now 2s 6d per lb for bale lots, with higher quotations for smaller quantities. Supplies are limited. Several Australian lines are short on the market owing to the lack of shipping facilities. :Cocoanut is still practically unprocurable, and for the small quantity availablo 1065 per lb is askea. Canary and hemp eeed are firm at 6*d' per lb. Prunes are in short supply. Silo banking powder has been reduced te 13s 6d per dozen. Diadem plug tobacco has arrived to a bare market. Bunnah candles are firm at lOid por lb. Sunlight soap has been advanced 3s per case. 30 - - Mediums are practically unprocurable, and customers have been obliged ? pt I 0 *B*,8* , sizes - nfla is quoted! at lljd, wholesale, and tasty at lljd. Mildura sultanas have been withdrawn from sal© from Australia. Advice has been received from Smyrna that there will be none comnng. from there this y«ir. SCARCITY OF KEROSENE. A ship bringing kerosene is now 82 days out from San Francisco; another sailing enip is about due, and a steamer should be here within the next few weeks. In tho meantime local supplies of kerosene are quit© exnausted, and merchants' have been endeavouring te obtain email lines from Timaru iiiese lifld not come to hand on Saturday but they may probably arrive by 'to-day It is understood that tho Vacuum Oil Company is unable to obtain freight to brin°supplies from Wellington to relieve tho tenv porary shortage. LONDON MARKETS. Press Association—By Telegraph— Copyright. r, , . . LONDON, June 17. Bank of Australasia, £i3B; Union Bank of Australia, £63; National Bank of New Zealand, £6 ss; Bank of New Zealand £13 ss; ftew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, £71 (£lll ex dividend). —o- _ SOUTHLAND MARKET REPORT. (From Oun Own Correspondent.) INVERCARGILL, June 21. In tho present state of the oats market it being almost impossible to do business at remunerative prices, buyers. are almost entirely refraining from operating. Farmers' ideas of value are still about 4s on trucks for A grade Gartens. Northern buyers- refuse to do business at anything exceeding 4 3 4fl to 4s 5d for A grade Gartens, price depending on delivery. This is little better than the equivalent of 3s 7d to 3s Sd at sidings more or less remote from Bluff I understand that sales have been mad© at as low as 4s 3d, f.0.b., sacks in, for delivery later on. Prime quality chaff i 3 now' saleable at from £5 10s to £5 15s per ton, the latter price at handy stations. Unfortunately « good deal of low quality chaff is offering some of which has changed hands at £5 Whether or not this will have a depressing effect on the; market remains to be eeen butj taking into consideration the chance m buyers ideas it is not unlikely that chaff will come back to, some extent There lias been fairly strong inquiry in the ryegrass market during th© last 10 days ' It^ aa and h perennial, but though prices have not eo iar advanced materially a number of sales havo been made, and mWante have rather a better opinion of the future prospects of tho "ft »d. "» *ow asking higher rates, wnile there is more disposition to buy from SI 0 ™ 513 - Decently milled lines o f £ibtb while 251b eeed, of which there has been practically none offering/for somo time past would probably bring up te 4s 3d ■Merchants' ideas of the value of hemp are t^^ 1 m truoks for !°w fair for which there has been some inquiry from London. There has been delay in of cables to the extent of even two weefaf so that it is hardly possibl te Ywhat is the current pne© on the London market « h? PaSt ttero haa **** 1 lm p™ement in fat cattle and sheep, also store sheep,, and a less decided improvement m the store cattle markt Prieos may be quoted:-Fat cattle: Prime fat bullighter, £13 to £15; prime cows, £11 to £13 floVll 6 -' £"° **£ three-year-old £10 to £U: 38 months. £5 lOs to £7 10syearlings £3 to £4 10s; oalvee, l ss to «1 w; good dairy cows, £10 to £13. Fat sheen Prime wethers 38s to 40s; medium, ssfto 36 9 6d; to 31s; fat ew es 26s te 28s; extra good lambs, 26s to 80s. Store sheep: Good four and! eix-tooth wethers 07s 6d to 30s; two-tooths, 23s 6d to 255; emalW sorts, 183 to 21s; good four and sSooth ewes. 25s to 27s 6d; good lambs, 15s to i?sT medium, 1& to 14s. '

OAMARU MARKETS. (FllOll OdH OWN OOHIIEHI'OHDENT.) OAMARU, Juno 21. TJio week has been a very quiet oiuo in all clopurtnionte of tho local market. Tho most noteworthy thing to report has been tho unusual shipping business. Half n dozen steimiora have boon hero loading farm, pioduco of all descriptions, tho quantity borne away having constituted a record for a week for many y-oars. Of course, all this produco represented accumulations • ducing several and not recent pui-chascs. There ia littlo demand ior wheat, and a number of fanners axe sending their grain into etoro to <iwoiit a revival of bueinoss. Somo few linos changed hands, tlwee being mostly of very modoriite dimensions, but included in tho transactions wore 400 saclca of velvet and GOO sacks of mixed led chaff and Tuscan. Tho oats market has weakened, and while thea-o is a greater readifless to eoll, theio is little disposition to buy, tho speculative spirit boing a minus quantity. A few sales have been made at country stations at 3s lid for A gixtde Gartons, 3a 5d for eoed Algerians, and 3s -Id for food Algerians, at not to grower. Somo oafeheof chaff has changed hands at £ 5 10s not on trucks. There is somo inquiiv for cowgrass eoed, but thero is very little m tho district, and as holders are asking prices abs<v o a parity of thoso ruling in oth*r ccnties, no business has been. done. The potato market is weaker, and in a condition of uncertainty. Somo h«s boon dono at £6 10s net on trucks, but merchants generally are not disposed to pur clvaso at that figure. There is a better feeling in the t'«]t market, and such sales as havo been mad'a havo been at improved prices. The first indication of recovery was given at the weekly market, when all tho small yarding of sheep found buyers at nn advance. There is an active inquiry from the north for ehcep in good condition, but the number available is very limited. Sales of a lino of good twotooth owes at 31s, and mixed four, six, and eight-tooth ewes at 35s aro reported. A lino of small mixed-eex hoggets changed hands at Hβ. Fat sheep ore in demand, but hard) to get. There has been more activity in cattle. Prim© beef is in request. A lino of five-year-old heavy-weight bullocks realised £20, and another line of a lighter description £18. Storo cattle have been dealt in at the following! rates:—Three-year-old bullocks, m forward condition, £15; two and a-half yearold steers, £11 ss; 18 months' old, mixed sexes, £3 2s 6d; yearlings, £1 10a. Dairy cows, coming to profit, aro in good demand, and sales have been mad© at from £12 to £15, while £16 and £17 has been paid for cows of extra quality. Heifers, just at profit, havo changed hands at £10 and £11. — -&» OREGON TIMBER MARKET. The Bruce Railway and Coal Conrpany, who are the South Island agents for Messrs J. J. Mooro and Co., Oregon and red wood exporters, of San Francisco, are advised by their principals that a new Drice list has been put oiit by the Douglas Fir Company, covering Oregon pine, and that this circular pute Oregon back in practically the same position it occupied during 1918. By this it would! appear that the demand for Oregon from Europe for reconstruction purposes is such that wo need not expect any material reduction in prices hero for a considerable time to come. —o-> THE FRUIT WORLD. Reilly's Central Produce Mart (Ltd.) ~eport a busy week. Apples from Nolson, Valencia oranges from San Francisco, Ria.rotonga oranges, and Suva bananas. Local tomatoes continue to arrive. Full supplies of vegetables available. Nice consignments of honey forward, Jib and lib pats, j 60lb tins, and bulk. ■ Our consignors have kopt us well supplied with eggs. > The following prices wero secured : — Apples: Delicious, 14s 9d to 17s 3d; Jonathans, 93 ed;, 11s 9d; Esopus, 9s 6d; Cox's Oranges,, 10s 6d; Sturmers, 12s Gd; Rokewoods, 10s 6d; Cleopatras, 9s 6d; Munro's Favourite, 8a 3d; choice cookers, 2d, 2£d. Pears: Winter Nolis, 4id, 4|d; Coles, 3£d, 4d; Napoleons, 3d. Lemons: Mission brand, 425, 445. Oranges: Rarotongas, 223, 28s Gd; "Valencias, 42s 6d. Mandarins, 30a. Tomatoes: Christehurch, 9d; .locals, Is 7dL Is 9d; green, 3Jd. Poattees: Locals, 9s 6d per cwt; northern, £8 ssper ton. Cauliowers: Choice, 12s. Cabbage, 8s per dozen. Onions: Prime, 11s 6d per cwt. Swede turnips, 5s 6d to 6s' per sack. Bacon: Rolls Iβ 3Jd; hams, la 3Jd. Pigs: Baconers, prime, 9id; porkers, 9£d; heavy-weights, Bid; choppers, s*d. Butter: Bulk, Is- Sd; separator pats, Iβ 6Jd per lb. Eggs: Stamped and guaranteed, 2s 6cU; preserved, 1g lid, 2s. Honey: Bulk, 7d; ilb pats, 5s per dozen; lib pate, 9s 6d; 10'b tins, 7s. Tea: Special 2s per ib in 51b boxes. Linseed calf meal" 15a. Cereo caJf food, 30s. Meat 'meal: Cross Keys, 19s per 1001b. Molasses, 9s per cwt; cases 16s Oatsheaf chaff: Choice, £7. Oaten dust, 5s Bd per eack. Oaten straw chaff, £4 10s. Wheat straw, chaff, £3 15s. Wheat: Choice fowl wheat 6s 6d, 6s 9d; broken, 6s 3d per bushel. Oats: A Grade Gartens, 4s 4d, 4s 6d. Peas: Prussian blue, 10s; greys, ss; Stratagem, 12s. Bran, 7s per 1001b bags Wheaten pollard, 14s per 1501b. Farro food 9s per 1001b. Lime sulphur, 2s 3d per gallon m barrels; four-gallon tins, 3s per gallon. Bluestone, 79s per cwt. Beeswax, 2s per lb iugg crates, 12s 6d. Rabbitskins: H>h' prices ruling. Poultry: Hens realised 2s Id to 3s 7d each; ducke, 3s 6d to 5s eachcockerels, 2s 9d te 5s each; turkey gobblers made from Is o£d te Is 2d per ]b; turkey hens made from llfd te 13d per lb. E. OSWALD REILLT (Managing Director), Moray place, Dunedin. —«o . Fraser and Co., produce merchants, auctioneers, and commiseion agents, 146 Craw-ford-street, Dunedin, report:—Eggs: Market firm; fresh, 2s 4d to 2s sd; Egg Circle ©gga, 2s 6d; preserved, 2s. Butter: Separator lib Pats, Iβ sd; milled bulk Iβ sd. Honey Good bulk, 6id to 7d; HP lb tins 6s 6dte ad-Pig*: Good bacon weigJiis, 916 l; over-weights, 6d to 8d Tallow 23e to 28s per cwt. Beeswax, 2s per lb' Southern Oross meatmeal, guaranteed 50 per' oent. protein, 20s per 1001b? Canterbury onions, lie per cwt. Poultry: We held our usual sale on Wednesday at 1.30, and the tollowmg pnoes wer© realised: Hens- 50 at «> »* 2f n W; 23 at 2s 3d; 10 at' 2 s 8d; cockerelcs-10 at 3s 3s; 8 at 3s 3d; 25 at 3s 6d; 2o at 3s 9d; 13 at 3s 10d); pullete--10 at ss; 10 at 5s 3d; 6 at 6s 3d- geese--7 at 5s 3d; ducks—lo at 4s; sat 4s 2d-turkeys-hens, 10d; gobblers, lid per lb, j£e weiignt. -Ca- . Messrs Neill and- Co. (Ltd.) have received ;.that part of the Western S transhipments are coming forward by the Mokoia, due early tjiis week.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17658, 23 June 1919, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 17658, 23 June 1919, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 17658, 23 June 1919, Page 4