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_ PROPERTIES PQR SftLß AMD TO LET. \ ALBION CHAMBERS, 41 BOWLING STREET (Cutting.) /fl! P V. /> Established ™ 1861. TRUSTEES, __ VALUATOR* ESTATE AGENTS, ACOOUNTANTa Telephone 380. BARGAINS. BARG AINS. BARGAINS. C) N f„£P RK (moro or leEs) of Freehold QT. CLAIR: Attractive modern 6-roomed r „ , nd ' l" Fenny tram section; sunny, O BUNGALOW RESIDENCE; electric lino. cni/P 0 i S -'i lO i ' go ? d soll; frontln e light, bathroom, hot and cold water; i-acro P7?X splcndltl bargain; very easy tcrm& freehold; splendid ga.-den. £750. 1125) ™ , , ¥T IGH STREET (CITY): Attractive JM. RKstt : u C j eap 5 - roomed -tS- Modern RESIDENCE of 6 rooms; all h™ri<T « i . anc * very conveniences; fine outlook: freehold see- ;™ ,ri central position; easy terms for tion; £1050 ARE 4 anrmr am rm H .i,n, QT. KILDA: Attractive BUNGALOW of QnK-V;,,?<■?<• 7' 5 rooms; all modefn conveniences, laj-irn rnnma' 6- roome d RESIDENCE, electric light, f.p. ceilings; a model home; finrT Qi'fn •] ic ? verandah, washhouso; freehold section. nice tnrden; £775. .83) t",.'!;' I'alF-acre freehold; garden; handy /TIANONGATE STREET: Very Cheap UMNE rf Least-hold PROPKRTY. containing "s -IP vwv i PROPERTY m the rooms; bathroom; drained; handy posi tpr nn T n 4- e 'u P ar^ the city; full quar- tion: wei! 'ft: pasv terms. £375 (5) dcncM /nll S - • v two roomed Resi " (North End): Two Substantial 6Reddence • Cn '% nC ? S \ and an groomed roomed Brick RESIDENCES (freeshow i r ° fi rs t' Class tenants; rents hold); bathrooms, h.p. boilers; very handy to trim nnA n° + OVer r.J2cP er cen^ » handy situation: convenient; tprms £950 (32) Jnrrv • q ce ? tT % £165 °- niTY (near Cathedral): Two Fine 50 ? u P Grior . 8-roomed RESIDENCE; U roomed HOUSES; all conveniences: ™d„„ 2!S? id J®° W 6 ~ •-* N°fere? > wirr d hSsn,2S CITY: 6-roomed RESIDENCE; bath- £275 (15) h ', and c - wfltc , r ' ps- wash 5-roomed HOUPE Vinr»/4 frce hold; good view; very waahhouse; drained; large freehold /Onßrcß-T? llO E^w^on? T P is . h Schonl £550 corner section; suit taxi driver. £460. « IUKJNJiK FREEHOLD, in penny tram (280* w ,', th 6-roomed RESIDENCE; "jl/TUSRELRURGH: Modern 6-roomed washhouse, sciiHery; substantial property; lVi RESIDENCE; bathroom, h.p. boiler; trnr£f£ u ? r: •, modern drainage; ex drained; in good order; easy terms. £630 e,y b ™ r ' v situation. £525. HIOI (183. O odern , 6-roomed RESI jOLEN: Very Chrap 5-roomed PRO rmnj r, " ' . modern conveniencesPEßTY; all conveniences; electric , ap P£Y ance; 1 corner; handv to light; tomato house; freehold soction; on«v tram. £775. (125) terms. £465. (220. BURTON & PATTERSON, 41 Dowling street, Dunedin. Box 29i. Telephone 1397. E. L. & CO., LAND AGENTS, 148 RATTRAY STREET, DUNEDIN. rf"|N RISE, KEW—Modern 6-roomed HOUSE; h. and cvgrthmhuk„ electric light, drained; glorious view; sun all day; nearly i-acre Freehold. Price, £750. N ol r™ PH C o~£365 mCd HOUSE; h ' and °- & as ' drained; freehold section; on IyrORNINGTON (close car)— Almost new broomed HOUSE; h. and cvgrthmhuk„ electric light enamel bath, drained to sewer; freehold section. Price, £390. -foTORTH END (On Rise)— Thoroughly sound 6-roomed RESIDENCE; h. and c., gas, etc Pr!ce£s4o worksho P and lar S G garden; situated close to car; fowl runs, E X^ E F9 R HOUSE AND JEW ACRES—Stylish modern BUNGALOW n 0 . ro . oms j every modern convenience. Price. £850. Mortgage, fS, .Tu?o,o„ s wf up lau", """"" S '* c ™ Con " T " olion ' N°assßMrt "OOSLYN 5-roomed RESIDENCE; h. and c., gas, drained; large workshop- good garden, fowl runs, etc.; facre freehold. Price, £650. P ' good M l7B ® 1 ®- HOUSE; h. and c., drained, gas. D P A * RM (Dea n Punedin)_LEASEHOLD, 80 ACRES; rent £65; 5 years to run. Price, as a Going Concern, with 26 head stock, all implements etc £400 A pRES FREEHOLD; good land, in 4 paddocks; 5-roomed N Ol S'i A J T Mc?ISr 4 ,r > F/«h3d° tISE; '■ " J "•* >»'i and £50 ekotrio iiEht ' '•° mhi « h " h . £50 D P f °- Sl r fi 11 ? u r ch f° Ne ? Modern BUNGALOW in Roslyn; h. and c electric light, drained; good section. Price, £650. ' M AO l^ice H £32^ s D°op™sit £ 3 ° USE; bathroom ' ete.; drained to sewer. £25 P®E?, 51 £265; ROO^S and conveniencos ( Sout k Dunedin); good section. W E if* UvS G oS i ihed PURCHASE a ffoodSOTmd GROCERY BUSINESS, W A wl E &AY| rt BUYER°S FOR SAME ro ° med H ° DSES * Dunedin or Subujbsi,? L ° lIC1 ? - 5 5 00 ms (north end); close car at penny sec3 ' ' water ' -Sas, .drained; style, bay -window and verandah. Price, B A T T E R"S BY & CO., LAND SALESMEN. REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENTS* Telephone 2141 25 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN. Telephone . 2141. HOUSES FOR SALE. FARMS FOR SALE. £1250~V TTLE ? C 59 l O^M^ 200 ACR ES, leasehold dairying land; 7 roomed RESIDENCE, with suitably subdivided well watered * i ground; splendid home. INQUIRE with good 5-roo™^«LrS: <nn'f\r-' ST TTTTDa. n, • c u oUse; 25-stalled byre (concrete floor), looseSTrvPArSw 3lo^ ' S " u°s 011(1 6teble : stock—23 cows and , roomed BUNGALOW; fibrous heifers, 6 vearlinge and calves 2 horsesceiling, built-in mirror wardrobes; every harness' all imnlpmnn+a PPTPT? flßfMi' bedroom tiled gratea and kerbs,' lovely GOING CONCERN TORIVTS ' ' mantelpieces; tiled roof: corner site . iJiKJVIb. DON'T DELAY INSPECTING THIS. 50 « EREEIIOLD (Taieri; no COULDN'T BE BUILT FOR ANY- • . .floods); well fencad and subdivided -THING LIKE THE PRICE. mto 6 Paddocks; all flat land; 26 acres 4?K»7K—MUSSELBURGH: Good 6- ne T S rass > 17 -cres old grass, 9 acres rape it? roomed HOUSE; all conveni- f ll grass; good 6-roomed House, wash•ences; lovely section. Dirt cheap. ■ house,_ dairy, cowbyre, and fowl runs; the S?OQA —ST. CLAIR: Lovely New 5- I? 13 Jn g°°d heart, and reasonable at o&OOHJ? roomed BUNGALOW; built-in tho money—£4o per acre. TERMS, wardrobes (with oval mirrors) lovely recep- "| ACRE FREEHOLD; with modern 7tion hall; fibrous ceilings; splendid home; J. roomed House (h„ c. water); close citv good section. Can get .immediate posses- House alone cost £1000 to build PR/TOi?' £Q 7 k-fT. CLAIR: New Beautifully- £l °° Sniteb^ 3feO«(J designed BUNGALOW, 5 rooms; <n"FNFPAT c4tapt? ,t -u h ■extra choice papers, panelled hall, tiled (tow c t>J-ORX! (freehold premises), hearths, grates, lovely mantels; pantry, h,_J™^ P >scsS, omed House, outbuildings; scullerv DON'T DELAY ABOUT THIS Scnn 4.- Pr ,!f e ' £m - Stock, HOME. f b ° ut £800, valuation. Terms: £500 down JPQ7K-KEW: Lovely 5-roomed BUN- balanco arranged. oWO««J GALOW; every possible con- IKA ACRES FREEHOLD (Oamaru) • veniecce; i-acre, well laid out; vegetables, permanent water- suitahlo l'ruit, etc THIS IS A FINE HOME. sheep and cropping; 24 miles from r-„h £?~3 OAA —ST. CLAIR: Fine 6-roomed 4-roomed House, varde, stable PRTPf' &IsSUU Brick BUNGALOW; tiled £10 per acre. Land alonJde is seK roof; on rise; latest conveniences. OWNER £12 to £15. NO MORTGAGE r>WTVT7T? WILL EXCHANGE FOR SMALLER WILL EXCHANGE FOR TOWN ppa HOUSE OR SECTION. I PERTY. DUNEDIN OR OIMARTT °" JPQ Zn-BAYFIELD: Splendid 6-roomed U haa ArRF<5 q n pnw t t , Brick SEMI - BUNGALOW; 1900 A £ HES . S - G - R UN, of which 600 motor garage; electric light; lovely i-acre. - mcp i been cultivated, bal-. well laid out; splendid site; just at the car. n™ state; all good ewe country; «?QQn-ST. KILDA: Perfect 5-roomed cfo,,^ 1 J >u,ld^gs-i>-roomed BUNGALOW; fine appearance; ' i io' l^1 - vards = stock-950 everything first-class order; nice garden; „ i a ,*}' 12 horses, 13 cattle; nil just at the car. OWNER CALLED UP. set implements, and 0/»Qr- ST. KILDA: Good 5-roomed t ° r -PRICE, £4600, going concern. ' aOOi) BUNGALOW; electric light; erms can bG "ranged for purchasing. nice hall; good section; practically new atAA ACRES (600 acres freehold K-l house. i ance L.I.P anH lirv»n c l/. 1 IvILDA: Absolutely first- £50 per annum; 800 acres have boon I!u* class 4-roomed BUNGALOW; vatecT balance h..^^ fine section; fibrous ceilings, latest mantels, roomed House, men's hut wnnkWl " grates, etc. A Perfect Home. sheep-yards; 950 sheep (MO Ro™ ewlt' T. KILDA (close car): 5- 18 head cattle, horses; implements. PnV-i' fi roomed BUNGALOW; elec- £1 16s acre, coT4 n T o^ trie liffht; corner section. J-onub. •Phone. 36r TAMBLYN, M'KENZIE, & WlNTONj'Phcne 3608 HOUSE, FARM, AND STATION AGENTS, AND VALUATORS Eto BRAITHWAITE'S BUILDINGS, 42 PRINCES STREET. DUNEDIN." 1 £»00 AC3 *E S (north line); all the best of sheep country; more than 300 acres , ii ° Jt g° od agriciutural land; carry ewe to the acre and fatten all surplus and allow for some cropping; situated close to main line, school, township etc • S°™ 5-roomcd D welling and_ all other improvements. Price, £9 per acre. The owner will Exchange with an agricultural farm. SOO ACRES Bood flat land (in the Gore district); grows 80 bushels barley, 60 Otru bushels of wheat, and 90 bushels of oats to the acre; run 500 ewes all through; last year had 1000 sheep; took £28 per acre ofif crops of grass seedmodern 6-roomed Dwelling, all outbuildings, including garage. Price £20- and will take larger place in Exchange. ' , ' TIMARU. —280 ACRES; situated close to school, rail, etc., and within 6 miles of the town; all beautiful sweet farming country, well fenced and subdivided ■ at present 45 acres in wheat, 60 acres oats, 25 acres ready for turnips, balance fresh rotation of grasses; carries 2 ewes to tho acre, in addition to cropping; new 5roomed Dwelling, h. and c. water, and all other modern conveniences; stables, men's hut. barn, shearing shed, yards, eto. Farms round this property have "changed hands at £33, £35, and £40 per acre. A bargain offered at £25. Terms, £1500 deposit, balance remain for a number of years at 5i per cent. FOR EXCHANGE with Larger Sheep Farm: 240 ACRES heavy flat land (Southland) ; situated within lj miles of rail, school, etc., and within driving distance of Invercargill; new 5-roomed Bungalow, byre, stables, barn, etc.; well fenced and subdivided, and has all been limed; carries 300 ewes and 100 head of cattle Price, £20 per acre. OKA. ACRES good Freehold land; fronting the coast (Balclutha district); mostly &*J\J practically flat and undulating; carries over 300 ewes and cattle, plus cropping; 4-roomed Dwelling, byre, stables, woolshed, barn, etc Price. £14 per acre Owner will Exchange with slightly larger farm OAA ACRES; bush section (Owaka district); permanent railway siding on the property; a lot of milling timber in it yet, and an unlimited quantity of pine, broadioaf. posts; logs_ for milling can be sold at goou money on truck; between the posts and milling timber and handiness of getting firewood awav a man with small capital could make a fortune. Price, £800. Easy terms arranged. 1 |f? A ACRES FARM (Owaka district); part Freehold, balance Government Lease-J-VJtr can be made freehold any time; 75 acres of the property are in grass, balance bush, and unlimited quantity of posts and other timbers for marketin"- 4 roomed Dwelling, byre stables, dairy, etc. Price, with 3 cows, 1 heifer, 3 horses,"spring-cart 5-horse wagon, gig, buggy, spring-cart harness, sledge, tools, sundries, etc., £650. Easy terms nrraneod. Iztf!) AC . R J? S (TAIERI PLAII4); all splendid flat land, free from flood; situated . J-tarvF within half a nnle of school, factory, etc.; all well fenced and subdivided; new 6-roomed Dwelling, stables, loose-box, hut, implement shed;' barn, dip, vards etc '• ; very handy and oasijy-worked property. Price. £21 per acre. Easy terms'" offered ' QK ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM (Otago Peninsula); handy to Dunedinmilk lifted for town delivery; 4-roomed Dwelling, 23-stalled byre, cart shed i piggeries fowl houses, co:d houses, etc. The owner gets town price for, milk from road end for town delivery. The price, as going concern, with 23 cows, t calves ; bull. 2 horses, crops, pigs, poultry, etc.. £475. TTfcUNEDIN DISTRICT.—S2 ACRES FREEHOLD; within easv distance of rail u i-i po!i - t c !T ICO -.„ anfl all ot hcr conveniences; the propertv is well fenced and subdivided; carncs 9 rmlk cows, plus young cattle; 5-roomed Duelling, separator house, byre, and all other outbuildings; suitable locality for milk run, etc. Price £650. * ' DAIRY FARM, 50} acres L.1.P.; near railway, etc.; rent, • ? s - P er ac re "Pi; 5-roomed Dwelling and outbuildings, complete with milking machinery; all very high quality land; suitable for dairying; thLi Farm is a straight-out money-making proposition for a mr.n with a family. It is very handily situated. Price, including milking machinery, £1000.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17430, 26 September 1918, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 17430, 26 September 1918, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 17430, 26 September 1918, Page 8