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PROPERTIES FO.t SALE AND TO LET. N. PATPTtsnw Stjrvetoe AKD Q P A T1 E - S. PATERSON, Civil Engi- ° ' +7? Finance Agent & nbeb b Lamd & STOCK DOMINION CHAMBERS, " tl £ Bbojusb. 142 RATTRAY STREET. " O * (Opposite Wood's Private Hotel). House & Land Agents. Land, Surveying a. Specialty. * "W^rARRINGTON.—Summer RESIDENCES, near the beach and handy to railway rl m^ a nTrlTrP??^T,/ U1 ' n - shcd - J" roo 'T d BUNGALOW, good section, £210; also 5-roomed BUNGALOW, nico section, bargain at £275. "WJEAR DUNOTTAtt.—Choice BUNGALOW, 6 rooms; wide hall, artistically finished , . . .?","' OL 't, while dados, fibrous plaster ceilings, porcelain bath, h. and c. water, electric light; large freehold section, moo garden, fruit trees, shrubs, etc. £300 (or otter considered). QITY.— Nine 6-roompd modern Brick VILLA; nicely fitted, h. and c. water, bath, gas,, drained; within penny section. Cheap, £550. M AOR I HILL top Driver street): Practically New Brick BUNGALOW of 5 r iTt ? nls / v , a most up-to-date modern conveniences; anamel bath electric light, freehold sunny section; asphalt paths and yard, lawns, etc. £80 deposit. 13 oSLYN.—Charming BUNGALOW of 6 rooms; sunroom, bathroom, hot and cold • , ua -. ! e :c gjjs griller, best of grates, papers, and friezes, casement war £ A llbrol,s Plaster ceilings, nice ' bathroom, mirror-door wardrobes, bookcases, etc.; tile grates, and attractive appearance, with good Freehold Corner Section; sunny position. Just on the market, and a great bargain. (on rise close Howe fitrcet).—Comfortable COTTAGE of 4 rooms, with fine good g t n de r n. S l2rj4osit. al (o°r P ° Siti ° D ' finC ™ W; HlLL—Almost new BUNGALOW (latest design), .of 5 rooms; right upwt, V' t ! r L ? moflern conveniences; fibrous plastered ceilings, enS6Ctlon; Wlthm ' OW m ' nutCS ° f tram; good view. "OOSLYN (on car line).—Practically New Brick SEMI-BUNGALOW of 5 room*- , bathroom (enamel); electric light, gas cooker, expensive papers and friezes n m O M Piet;PS, i " astererl ; wash no use (copper and tubs, and all under one roof and very easily worked); good level section; garden, flowera and slirubs trelfis work; asphalt paths and yard. Owner leaving next month for camo. Terms to suit Inspection v.-ill induce you to become the immediate owner. °hl Forb .pomer).—Practically new SEMIBUNGALOW 0 f 0 rooms; bathroom, scullery, hot and cold water, electrio -ight tile grates and hearths; concrete foundation; wide hall, front and side baV windows; splendid garden; beautiful view, and exceptionally warm and sheltered post tion. To wind up an estate. £100 deposit. Cheap, £675 1)031 H'Kh School Rectory).—Fine Brick RESIDENCE of 7 /r rooms (bungalow design), with alt modern conveniences; exceptionally sunnv t>osiOrdy £9M: 10W - £125 °" M " St b ° 6old to up anVtX* £1W C<T. KILDA (Close Boach).—Protty BUNGALOW (latest design), four irood O rooms bathroom, scullery, hot and cold water, electric light, tile grates hearths, washbouse (copper and tubs ; concrete foundation; wide freehold sednS? Cheap " r,rd ' Sh ™' d " '"KT lil «» !»■»' f« lo» £70 dSX. PARK, REYNOLDS/LIMITED, I * AUCTIONEERS AND LAND SALESMEN, MANSE STREET. !" ... -' 1 00 _A^ DERS ? N ' S BA Y: MAGNIFICENT SEMI-BUNGALOW; oriel win--11 Y l ? W f' l irn , y cranda1 !' 6 lovel y rooms, artistically decorated, fitted with all the latest ■up-to-date appointments; choice freehold section, over A-acre meely planted m garden, orchard, shrubs, etc.; nice warm situationtrams. MUST BE SOLD TO WIND UP A DECEASED ESTVTE* TQ aGENUINE BARGAIN. FOR BONA FIDE SALE K THIS £850~ K o^>,nfT? A SX - TPERi P R RESIDENCE; slate roof, plastered throughV oul i> fine appearance; au-y; 7 large rooms, fitted with all the latest WW 11 c ° nveruenc e s ; everything first-class order; largo freehold section, over 4-Sre igbt •» to l s| 10100 £B^o- S^ C lf A I R: , MMSRUTUL BUNGALOW of five lovely rooms- fitted , V'. fch all th f latest up-to-date appointments; fibrous plaster ceilings' bathwSt, POl^ J,am , ena ™ e l bath, basin, shower), built-in wardrobes (mirror fronts) tile hearths and grates, eketne light; drained to D.B. regulations; in fact iust fe pm CHARMING HOME, AND A GENUINE BARGAIN AT THE 10104 met™a h D£pol l iT a!s «** situation, with a glorious panoramic view. This is a great opportunity to secured choice home at a bargain price. OWNER DETERMINED TO SELL 10087 £795~ ST ii KILDA (CORNER SITE): DELIGHTFUL BUNGALOW; practio- • , new; 5 lovely rooms; tile roof; right up-to-date; fibrous plaster ceilwS'rnW U ln enam f l l i ath ' hot and cold, water, tile hearths and grates, mirror-door ' all rooms handsomely ; well fires; electric light; drained to D B A§KFn on wni7Tn a^TT^°S e - OWNER SELLING BELOW COST; PRICE A&KLD WOULD NOT BUILD THE HOUSE TO-DAV mw nmmTxm BUYER TO INSPECT WILL BUY YOUR OPPORTUNITY S mi £480 _NOIRTH END ( CLOSE PENNY SECTION}: SPLENDID HOME of & STn? rooms; concrete foundations;bathroom, hot and cold water, gas, drained ANCIP'AI g RENT S ' t0 Wmd up trust account - £50 DEPOSIT, BAL- " 9094 'Phone 36C- TAMBLYN, M'KENZIE, & WINTON >Pfl HOUSE, FARM. AND STATION AGENTS, AND VALUATORS VfT t I ?^ iLD ,f N ? s - 42 princes mbeet. 1500 (north line); all the best of sheep country; more than 300 «ttm JO|<is,„or,,,i .C P S will Exchange with an agricultural farm. re " Theowner 300 rBO b »» h =b barter, 60 - through; last year had 1000 sheep; took £S3 wr aoa ewes tST, B S; r S?i„ D E w °» tb " iU °"' pS,rfed"Sa at prasent 45 acres in wheaV 60 acres oats, 25 acres" ready for i! SS» iISTL 31. IS A ft St h„d, T s h°"is s ;j £i. I*£g.s™L , id i *„t p sr\e,t™£isTi ■ FVrTTTS ,u ? umhcr ° f years at Si per cent ' 500 detance of Irrvcrcargill : new 5-roomed Bungalow, bvre' stables . {f? Ric,' U S per aere *" b °™ limd ! S °° """ ™ he'il of Sfe , Ping; 4-roomed Dwelling, byre, stable, woolshed Lrn ete PriL fi?A P '" S Owner will Exchange with slightly larger farm ' acre * 200 ACRES ; bush section (Owaka district); permanent railway sidinr- on lh a tween «T^t ""'id £ 100 fh, i J f district); part Freehold, ha ance Government Leaseu " b ,° f. e . freehold any time; 75 acres of the property are in Dwelling, ' byre widows"l'ifer 3 ho^Jprin^rf Bs?wfajg6i fc «'- «■»«■«•* ««=«. 140 (TAIERI PLAIN); aU splendid flat land, free from flood- situated 5^2«,"3!3®. 85 Ra», l JS4n:«siv;. ™ L l i, 'J dehvery; 4-roomed Dwelling, 23-stalled byre cart thS' piggenes. fowl houses coal houses, etc. The owner gets toTO price for Slk- fr™ road end for town delivery. The price, as going concern, 23 cows 4 crops, pigs, poultry, etc.. £475 calves, TQLNEDIN DISTRICT.-52 ACRES FREEHOLD; within easv distance of rail 1,. °jp cc \ TI the" properfcv is well fencprf nr»r7 ' subdivided; carries 9 milk cows, plus younGf cattle* 5-roompd "niuMlinr* £550°' " and 911 ° ther mrtbuildin SSJ suitable locality for milk run, fk Prirc* W A ?p IA^- FINE DAI F FA^ L LJ.P.; near railway etc • rent' . 5d per acre net; 5-roomed Dwelling and outbuildinss. complete with mSg ■ ing . machinery; all very_ high quality land, suitable for dafrving; thi Fr™ k a straight-out money-making proposition for a man: with a familv. It is situated. Price, including milking machinery, £1000. * y nandUy, bargains. bargains. HOSTEL in tho best part of High -trees; a beautiful view ajid within ' minutes v/alk from the Pest Office. This Brick and Concrete BuikW ~ ! recently designed and erected for a GIRLS' HOSTEL, and is equipped with evZrv modern convomenoe. including electric light and bells, gas, six porcelain hot 3 cold shower Daths and basins, .three lavatories, three linen presses » j trunk rooms, washhouse, fire, escapes, etc. Tliere are 16 up-to-date living , a . n ? will accommodate 25 boarders. If further accommodation should be required ' erect an additional 8, 12. 16, or 24 rooms. Price of present Buildinp- in-) t? ' Land is £3500, and easy terms may be arranged bv Tpproved p Urc h!l P r Ereeh ° W .fu^e C r!y h ' al " d the Dalance on mortgage for 5 years at 5 per cent.; interest iwyabTe RKSIDENCE, 3 roomand r.l.out 1 Acre Freehold: cntrMsunny, sheltered, beautiful view; grounds planted and laid ont in fruit ar.d shru>>s; entrance carriage and motor drive; within 6 minutes froM 2d 'certi bruise ?ost £1200 Price. £875. section; jjH ENTT.EMAN'S RESIDENCE. 9 rooms; brick, slate roof; everv modem mr, i venience; 3-acre freehold, nic'.ey ,laid out lawn; beautifui view- 3 4mmutes from 2d section. Price, £1800 (or offer). ncages' TOWELLING, 6 rooms; freehold section. 1 rood 15 pole 3; 145 ft frontageview; 3 minutes from 2d section. Price, £500. ° ' ffreat T. E. SHIEL & CO., LICENSED LAND AGENTS, STAFFORD STREET, p'uNEDIM. A L EX. H A Bf.R IS & CO. AUCTIONEERS; FARM SALESMEN, VALUATORS, ETO * •Phone 1711. - 221 PRINCES STREET. ' 'liono 171 L £950~ B i ELT t jEK^°W;l 'i S on sido of tho hill, commanding , lovely view gloriously sunny position: Solid 7-i.-oomed RESmENCF? pas porcehun bath, hot-water scrvice figured red pino wardrobes, presses aid built, don £950 SSCr ' pantrlL ' s ' workshopjsamtary drainage; very choice !^ £1 AN !| DERS P^" S P£ Y: c Wclt , iTO doomed RESIDENCE, i n first-lass ordor; plastered tliroughout; electric light evervwhere, we 1 firrc wf case 3 wardrobes conservatory or sun room, bath, basin, h." and c. water stable, garage, poultry houso and run; over 3-A CUE OF LAND« h.inHv Z^T- P ' £1250 (or near o(For). ' " And y Position. 1?1 A H Q^ IE TO B E PROUD OF (Hill Suburb)i Oofcn a. ■, !■? j BUNGWII i 1 Mars « llo s i' le <l roof, fibrous plaster trio light, mirror wardrobes, pantiy, bath, basin, h. and o, ivatw stm section You should make this home yours. Price is right. ' °om, corner ■Pi 9A0 —L Fi rL J?°'7 i:rRNE J (I^ minute from car > 1111(1 « minutes* walk in townl Splendid 7-roomed Family RESIDENCE- ,„j town): throughout; art wall papers and friezes; large bathroom, with porcelain imdC? basin, h. and cvgrthmhuk„ muror wardrobes, bookcase, cupboards, storeroom, S,^.Z; drainage; motor garage; i-acio Free-hold; panoramio view. . '

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17426, 21 September 1918, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 17426, 21 September 1918, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 17426, 21 September 1918, Page 11