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OOMMEBCIAL cablegrams. Fross Association—By Telegraph— Copyright. »no N.Z Cable ABsoeiation ■ M LONDON, Mav 18 The ▼*loe of the imports into Britain in April b^hi2s,3^l^ an , i &at 01 «Ports P by while re-erparta decreased by £6,348 443 were *«*'. hßrt *** 3s; w2S an ? *? *5 demana ; !29 bales of damaged

HIGH COSQOSSIONEB'S CABLE, (Psr CaiTBD Pbess Association.^

__ _r VV KLLINGTON, May 20 33ie High OBznmisstoer't market report. daf«i London, May 18, states m aJUed " nd p 7 iees Rre '"'hoot change, lslimited inCreaSine ' bnt Nation Cheese; Am thera f* a small supply of English »» supplies axe available'the ment revised the maximum price, whioh is now m 2f n «i i sS C *~ pp T ßt ro PP Ue « «r« sufficient bo meet tho reqmren*»ta. Stocks, May 1, 63 731 K™ V^i, a^ mst 188 bales on 1 last y4ar. New Zealand conditions unchanged. p I^ at aßd oatB: Oflering» small; no change in


Hetsta IhOgetgr »nd Co. report Oats: The bulk ol fcho ofiexi&gs erf late have lien comt>rifled nf Brirflt 6 '? 11 ' iar * hkll demand is alack. SP^J} o ?* 7 nes witable for milling are not so plentiful ,and meet more ready sale at quotar Pr ™ milling, 4s 4d to 4s 6d; go2d to 48 Sd to to 4dj light to tteditufZcT 3s 6d tu ia per bushel, sacks extra. Wheat- All qnaUty *** taken up by rnJlers at Government rates. Fowl wheat is i£ short supply, and meets roady sale on arrival. CSioico quality lines are In most re-qurat-Tho market baa been well supplied, principally from Canterbury, and northern district/but many of the oonsgnmenta frotn these districts we more or less faulty, badly gS™? 0 ?, medium quality. The demaad forthese ifnot keen, and sales can only be effected at lower rates. Choice tables, £9 to £9 6s; others acoor? tog to quality, £6 to £8 10a per trnTidSta market continues to be well supplied • medium to fair quality, the demand tor which is not so strong. Bayers are showi™ a preference for choice quality, which meets u m q^^ tati( f 3 - st oaten sheol, £6 : to B<x>J. £6 to £>; iQs per Messrs Donald Rwd and Co. report Oats • Tho market is unchanged. Prime milling lin«i' am,. tone to mwt with good demand, and the same may be said of best feed lots, but the quaS 2K»i 8115 on thls aocouS , is n , ot much business to report. We have good inquiry for clean heavy Duns and other x *Si BIU j or socd. Prime milling, 4s 4d to t BOod „ to te*. is 2d to 4s 4d; inferior to TOdmm, 3s Od to 4s per bushel, sacks extra. W^eot. All kinds are soaroe, and meet with ' Btrong inquiry. Potatoes: W market in a quiet state. Buyers are holding off, pendinc the F 11 * oi an Australian ehipmcnt whioh has now n Con6 J£ aa > eilts have been coming forward from Canterbury, but only a proportid erf these can be considered prime quality The w" 0 ?® th * Taieri and soatii^a disWcts hare already been majrketed. These reoCert:d h€r 9 tWs season. Bert table potatoes (Taien grown), £D to £3 fismedium to good, £8 6s to £8 15s; otW £7 to £8 per ton, sacks Included. Chafl: There is 1 local demand for prime oaten sheaf, Md aU -- rfi-S 11 ? 05088 meet ready sole. Most **• P"®®' is of onlv medium " " £ iL 004 i?, £aVOTr ' oate «J sheaf, _ aus to £6 15s, medium (o mod £& uo u j}a fa; light and « to £S ito- <*•«, £4 to U 10b per ton, «tr?'


. I Stook Ak® 4 ® (New Zealand Loan j Mercantile Agency Company, Strooaoh, Morris and 00., Wright, Stephenson, and Co., National Mortgage and Agency Company, DoJgety and Oo Otago Farmers Co-operative Association, Donald Reid and Oo.) held tbe monthly rabbtisbin sale at S pjn. on Monday In the presence of a lair number ' «{ u ? m ,. and skins Show a drop Jci 2 J per \ ht and inferior ekins a droo " 1 ta i P®! lb - winter and incoming, 39d to Ud; antamn, 35d to 39d; enrlv antanm " 2M 3M 60 ?*' T^ B an^ Sv» M^V_^?? ar i", n<i "fokera, 12d to 18d; HS M > broken > 1W to 19(1: weevilv to aw- 153 to 19d "> winter black, 62d s a . n l t , nm ? bl »?k, 36d to «W; black rkeks, ll «f? skins . 10d to 13d: horsehair! j Wo.# lerretokin*, 3d to 21d; oatsktos, 3d to Bd.


-J? 6 "" 9 Strooteli Morris, ond Co. report baring PV.' m JS^ mt^°L Eob « rtß «nd Co., Gladprook station, their sfrad Bh«cp, fcoccthcr with * number of horaoa and implements, on Thursday and Friday. TS« ffladbroolc atnd ehoep have alwayg h*d a very good name, and it wag not ■orprWng to aee a very largo attendanoo present Tbe wttokar waa ftw, and tho auction was oonducted in very qnlnk ttmo. T»w buyers r»prownted <01 0i« rrinuipal dlscriote in tho South Island, and oompaUUmi, rapccially for the Oorrieoalea and Bomney flock*. wm very koen. TJi O Oprrlcdales were a very fine lot, and secured ttie adrairatiaj of all breeders present. The (Wlr H.Z.F.B. JTo. 20, wtiieh woa founded in 1881* •howed that no trouble or expense had boen ■pared in tusking it one of tho beet In this distriot. Tho foßowi«g will phow (ho prioes t>aid fcr tka ditaat tkmm -tt <Ma I—ln M

shear ewes, SJga to llgs, and 42 two-shear ewes. lOiga to llig», Mr ICdwaril Richards (Woihoo Dowua); 42 turec-shear twcs, 4igs to Bgs, Sir I). M&igUt_ (Uturchua), Wr It. 11. Uimpbell (Cuntcrn. U °A.' m i ?, ur " s | l , tar , ew<!6 ' s iS s to lOrs. Mr it. JJ. Campbell, llr L. Richards.; li five-shear ewes, v. V n i Campbell; 67 ewo noggete, to N ( , Ureta Volley), Mr D. Ross (,I'almereton), Mr li. 1). CUmpoell, Mr E. Richards; #1 rain hoggets, to Digs, Mr li Richards, Messrs aad Son (Waipiata), Mr J. Chapman (Uunbaok) Mr liobert Jopp (Cliatto Orcekj, Mr V , , r J* Cameraa (Glcuore); Corricdalo stud ratus, four and live-shear, Bga to 9gs, Mr K. Jtiohanls, executors ol the late Henry 13uoklacd (Wuikonuiti). Roiuney Marsh.—Two flocks were offered. The iirst, 1t.M.1.8. No. 343, was founded in 1812, and second, NJJ.F.B. No. 211!), in 1316. Thcso were Doth typical Itomney Docks, uiid competition was very Keen. The following were the prioes paid:— fr .°* 0 * 1:j: aG one-shear ewes, 4jgs to 71gs, Mr W. Dowdall (Berwick), Mr D. M. 1). M'Laren (Patearoa), Mr I). Stuart (aa agent); two-shear ewes, jgs, Mr D. Stuart (as agent); I'D threo shear ewes, 4Jgs to Ch gs, Mr Angus Campbell {Wyndham), New Zealand Loan und Mercantile Agency Company (as ngeni), Mr IX Stuart (;lb agent); 30 four-shear ewes, sgs, Mr 1). M. I>. M'Laren, Mr D. Stuart (aa agent); 36 ewe hoggets, 3igs to sJgs, Mr J. Nixon (Killinoby), New Ijonn and Mercjuitilo Agency 00. (as agent), Mr It. Houli&ton, (Kakapuaka); 42 ram hoggets, 2Jgs to 7igs, Messrs 'itirop Bros (To Houka), Mr W. Simpson (Tokarahi), Mr J. Cameron (Ulenore), Mr A. J). Armour (Giinmerburn), Mr J. Muirhead (Aparima), Mr D. M. D. M'Laren, Mr T. Gilchrist (Ofcurehua), Mr J. Copoland (Bat clutha), Mr Thomas Henderson (Green Island). Mr J. TV. Blair (Outram); 1 eix-shear stud ram, r? 3, r Mairsh, No. 229: 15 one-shear ewes, 6 igs, 10 two-shear owes, Cgs, and 11 three-sehar ewes, BJgs, Messrs J. and J. Sheppard (Lauder i; 68 Jour-shear ewes, 3Jgs to Gigs, Mr J. Nixon, Messrs J. and .T. Sheppard, Messrs Heflernan and »«ns (Bock and Pillar), New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (as agent); 11 fiveshear ewes, 4gs, New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agenoy Company (as agent); 43 ewe hoggets, ?^ ss ' w - Simpson, Mr P. J. Wright CMilburn), Mr J. Nixon, Messrs Refferoon and bons, New Zealand I/xm and Mercantile Agency Company (as agent); 31 ram hoggets, to BJgs, Mr (Kakapuaka), Mr D. It. D. M'i/aren, Mr W. Simpson, Mr A. B. Armour, Mr J. w! .blair, Mr Thomas Henderson.; four-shear stud (Suttonf 5 to 7gB ' Mr W " Simpson, Mr J. Ballingall ,„?° r ? er Ldoesters.—The flock was founded In by an importation from Victoria. It has a very good name, tile rams from it always having commanded been competition, acd buyers have been numerous. The competition for this flock was not on a par with tie quality of the sheep submitted. The following prices were obtained:— ra ™ 3 ' 38 s to H&, Mr J. B. Lindsay <°™ mmond ). Mr John Wilson (Lauder), Mr Jas. I ilhamson (North Taieri); 9 two-shear rams. 3crs. Mr John Wilson; 23 three-shear rams. 2Jgs, Mr James Macandrew (PortobeUo), Mr John Wilson; ea J rnm6 ' 2^s ' Mr Wm - Moynihan puna), Mr James Williamson, Messrs Gibson Bros. i Mr l l red ' Moynihan (Stuton), Mr James Macandrow; 91 owe hoggeta, to 3gs, Mr James Williamson, Messrs Gibson Bros., Mr J. T. Tisdall, sen. (Middlemaroh), Mr Wm. Simpson, Mr James Macandrew, Mr Olomas Henderson, Mr id J -,. c ! uttai ? C 0 (Awamangu); 78 ram hoggets, to Jtff'.J :hls .P nce Paid by Miss Jean G. Diack (Waikouniti), and other buyers were—Mr P Undsay, Mr H. J. Cuttanoe, Mr John Wilson, Mr J. Nixon, Mr W. Simpson, Mx Mr w F ' „ Mr Wm. Movnihan, Mr W. Bennett (Sliddlemarch), Mr D. M. T) Mr t w'- Mr i; m<rar ; rams, to Hge, miiii ' • Armotlr > Mr W. Boberteon fl' P ' S f >ratt "> 7 « halfbred and crossbred wethers were sold at up to 28s 9d, the buyers being—Mr J. A. Mathewson, New Z«iland mZL an >r roanfci ' e Agency Company (as agent), Messrs Mathias and Son, Mr W. Bennett. i«t, E 1° ond r^ ay b P e horses ana implements wJ 380 Ot>mpetition for the former was ®? <! , lQ oonseanence the prioes obtained wo? in* !otv side. Draught fillies brought up L «, the bu,k realising l horscs bro "ght from £4 to £9 each. The implements, which were numerous, found buyers at full market valnes.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17320, 21 May 1918, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 17320, 21 May 1918, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 17320, 21 May 1918, Page 4