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NORMAL. A start, was nnule with tho brepkup of tho Normal iiahool at a fairly early hour yesterday morning, and' was continued during tho afternoon and evening. In the aitoiTioon tho school gymnasium was filled with friends, iur! tlio proceedings were of a l>right and interesting' diameter, thero beinp an abundance of eniertainmont by tho children. After tho National Anthem., a prayer

wus offered up for our solders. Then camo tho songs "Christmas Eve," "Where Did You. Come from?" "Lullaby." '"lh© Happiest Day," "Golden Slumbers," " Children's Hymn," and a number of Christmas carols. In addition there were eight or nino recitations, and other forms of entertainment. Mr J. H. Wilkinson, who presided, roferrod to tlio necessity for diligence, and eaid that things not worth working for wero not worth having. If people worked they won. Childrens' success therefore depended very largely upon tho efforts they made. Ho related several fables for tho amusement of tho youngsters, and congratulated tho school on tho good work done during the year. ' Tho Head Master (Mr W. M'Elroa) briefly thanked parents for their atte.ndanoo and for tho interest thoy had evinced in the school, and wished all tho compliments of. tho season.

Tho prizes m certain standards were presented. and tho afternoon function closed ■with, tho singing of the National Anthem. In tho evening, when, the higher standards assembled in Knox Church Sunday School Ilall, Mr J. Wallace presided. Largo as the building- is, it was well filled. Mr Wallaco mentioned that the school had contributed £716 to tho patriotic funds, £133 coming from tho children. Tlio school had also done well scholastically. It had gained a number of scholarships ajtd had put through a good many matriculated students. This year tho school had gono higher, having entered one student for a junior University scholarship. .Addressing tho .parents,, ho said that in times of stress liko these, it was duo to the children that parents' should asoertain a® far as possible tlio natural bent of their children, so that they could do tho work best suited to them, and of which they could ro&ko tho greatest success. Avenues of employment were staring them in tho faoo, and ho thodjjht it became a parent's duty to see that children wore put into tho proper piath, where they could 1 do the best for themselves and for the nation. He was a Presbyterian, but he had no time for Presbyterian schools. Ho thought it was well for every child to go to a primary national school till it passed the IV Standard. -It would bo then built up educationally, and equipped to pursue its studies further.

Tho Rev. Clarence Eaton referred to the groat educational advantages which boys and girls in New Zealand enjoyed. Speaking of the war, ho said it was giving a great fillin to education. Tho geography, history books, and languages wore no longer uninteresting. When the war was over there would ho keener competition among people, and they would require ,to have all their faculties well tmined in order to make them successful. It might become necessary to keep boys and girk at school lon. pre r_ in order that they might meet tho requirements of tho future. Ho urged tho children to make tho brst of their present splendid opportunity, and to oa.rry away as mucL knowledge school as they could. The programme of music, recitation, and drill was gono through exceedingly well. One strikingly good iterr* was tho singing of Joseph Maroella, a boy years of age, of tho " Toiler®,"but there wore a, lotfof clever boys and_ girls on the platform. The names of the individual performers were Edith Paterson. E. Ruff ell. Jack Thomas, D. Hayward, Tod Bolvcell, Dorothy Howes, W. Tarmock, and C. Marcella. The pupils in Standards 111, IV, V, and VT sing, and ■vent through physical exercises. The evenjug's gathering closed with a few remarks bv tho hcaxlmaster _ Mi' MTSlroa,), votes of • hanks, and tho singing of tho National Anthem. ' 1 The following is tho prize list: —

Secondary Department.—Fonn III: Dux o£ class, iirst in La*in aud hygiene, earaiL Roster; first ju mathematics, Mary Melville; second ju ciaes U»taJ, ik-carid in Latin, Olive Atiuru; first in English, ■iccoud in hygiene, Joyce Smith; history and geography, NoraJi Puthi-e; second in mathematics, J. uawcridge; diligc-nco prize, Margaret Ford. Form iV: First in aggregate marks and first in Latin, J. A. Evans; firjjt in English, science, aud mathematics, Bessie Hcndra; first in history and geography, Lena M'Cutcheon; second in Latin and science, Phyllis Homan. Form V: First ill mathematics and science, .o'. C. Holler; second in EngEthel R. Ross; second in history and geography, Alioe Richdale; first (equal),in Latin,

jt-coud in mathematics and science, 11. L. Smith; dux of secondary department (first in every subject), 0. 0. Form vl: Especial prize lor general excelltnue, H. J. Finlay. , Standard Vl.— Dux (medal), Isabella Knox Caslue. Proficiency: Doris 0. GiUam, Leonard Satterthwaite, Elma A. Crawford, Edith J. Clark. John E. Jarvis, William A. Hayward, Leonard Arthur, Ernest Logan, Arthur Harrison, Alired Jenkins. Cookery: Mary Oockburn. Knitting, Paterson.

Standard V.—Close prizes: William Ruifell, Jack Al'Farlane, Violet Smith, Louie Robertson, William Thomson, Robert Simpson, Arthur Barr, Edwin Peuttie, Stanley I'ringle, Mary White. Good work: Susie M'Kinnon, Chrissie King, Lalu Holley. Industry: Alioe Holmes, Gwen Fraser, Sarah yauley, Lena Sutherland. Composition: L. Robertson, W. Thomson, R. Simpson. Drawing: William Ituffell. Writing: William Cunningham. Arithmetic: Neville Newbold. Shooting: Leonard Johnson (Nary League medal). • " Fives: John M'Neill. owimming: Len Johason. Cookery: \iolet Smith.

Standard IV.—Proficiency: Eva Lattimer (dux), Marjory Black, Cicely Wood, Mark Rogers, Leslie. Robertson, Jiunes M'Kane. Writing: Lydia Anrushaw, Arthur Cunningham, James M'Kane, Marjory Black, Mark Rogers. History: William Tannock. Sewing: Annie Munro and Olga*Gardner (equal). Geography: Elizabeth Gensik. Gardening: Boys—Alex Perry, C. Cuthbertson, Alfred Archer; girls—Thelma Christensen, Marjory Black. Swimming: Alex. Perry (medal, 50 yards), Charles Cuthbertson (medal, beginners), Ethd Munro (medal, 33 yards, and thifd diving). Barbara 11'Kay (third 33 yards).

Standard lll.—Doreen Hayward (dux). Proficiency :. D. Munro, H. 'Johnson, S. Greenslade, E. Ruffefl, A. Dalton, E. Watson, J. M'Neill, G. M'LeoJ, E. Harris. Writing: Williamina Buchan, Margaret logon. Brushwork, Mavis. Bla-ckie. Pitigress: Iris Kenny, Nor ah Watt f,

Standard 11. General proficiency: Vera Finlayson, Nellie Warren, Laurel Robinson and Fred Barr, Annie Reast and Carl Moller, Nancy Axelsen, Eric Finlayson, Paula Fredric, Mary Walters and Dolph Mareella, Coreen Browne, Herbert Sims, Robert Rose. Writing: Nancy Wynne, Amy Guy. Drawing and brushwork, Ray Jacobs. Sewing, Nancy Wynne and Doris Wheatland. Knitting: Bert Houlahan, Eric Finlavson.

Standard I.—General proficiency: Gwen Panl, Dulcie Gallimd, Florrie Larkins, Doreen M'Ptay, John Hayward, Frederick Baker, Reginald King, William Meighan. Progress: Daisy Patereon, Catherine Coxi Dorothy Moir, Donald M'Kenzie, Roderick M'Lean, Wiiliam Munro, David Tannock. Long tots, David Penman. Sewing, Louisa Sanderson. Brush work, Artbur_ Bauchop. Drawing, Urie Cuthbertson.

Model I. School .—General proficiency: Standard Vl—Mavis Landlo Davie (dux), Geoffrey Alan Oox 2. Standard V—Margaret Blackie and Bernard Glenny Cox 1, Rodney Owen Davie 2. Standard IV—John Clyde Duthie 1, Doris' Emily M'Elrea 2. Standard lll—Robert Nelson Cox 1, Ernest Ralph MaTystt* 2. Standnrd ll—Frank Kenneth Jiggers 1, W. ' Arthur W. Stevens 2. Standard I—Edgar Jansen Thomas 1, Alfred' Marks 2. Pewing, Joan Elizabeth Macandrew. Gardening: Record Book, Alice Rogers; industry, William Jarris. '

Model H School.—Standard H: General proficiency—James Howes, Franktyn Gertfiik, Stanley Fogg, Mabel Johnston, Anettn ChrisTensen. Standard I: General proficiency—Leonard Angell, Marjory Frascr, Bovd, Mina Smith, Annie Woaid. lower I: General proficiency—Stnart Da 1ton, Doreen Whocler, Lydia Holmes. HIGH ■ STREET. Tho cercmoiiy in connection with tho anniad prizo-giving at the High Street School took place yesterday. In the morning the First, Second, and Third Standards were assembled, when a pleasing musical programme was rpndercd. Mr J. B. MaoEwan gave an t address on "Santa Claus" and presented 'the prizes. Standards I, 11, arid 111 were dismissed £t 2 o'clock, when tho ReV. Canon Small addressed the children and handed on the prizes:—

At 3 o'clock the upper standards filled the body of the hall. There was a good attendance of parents. Uhe chair was ocoupicd by Mr D. Wishart (chairman of the committee), and seats on the platform were also taken by the Rev. Canon Small, Dr Harrison, Mr C. E. Statham, M.P., Mr C. Speight, Mr W. J. Strong (an ex-teacher of the school), and Mr M. Cohen.

The Chairman said that as recently as last Monday it was reported in tho Daily Times that our State schools were extracting tho religious susceptibilities from the children. If the reverend gentleman who said so had alleged that tho secular, free, and compulsory ' system _ of education did little to develop the religious susceptibilities of children .he would have been nearer the mark. Tho watchword of a section of the Presbyterian Church seerryd now to be, "Our adversary is our enemy; our adversary is an evil-doer. To fight him is a little matter; wo must dishonour him and fwt-ablish primary schools of our oflm." The duty of everybody who _ realised tho 'true state of affairs was active oounter-action. x 'Die setting up of schools wherein a thin" veneer of culture was gluod_ over human naturo was not the Christianity taught by Jesus Christ. What became of a building that was minrs a solid foundation? So it was with religion. Unless there was a revival throughout Christendom of pure unadulterated home life, with all it should represent and stand for, the day was not far distant when the churches would bo empty, and the people would not know tho alphabet of a lost faith. Instead of bailcSng primary ecboola. let tho Presby-

toriau Church join hands with tho other churches, and tho union of churches would becorno a power for good in .the dominion. l)r Harrison presented tho sports prizes, lie read the reiwrt for tho year, which showed that tho yarious outdoor games had received duo attention, for which great credit was duo to Mr Lockhart, whose energy and enthusiasm had been unfailing. —(Applause.)

Mr Mark Oohen, after presenting' a section of the prizes, said ho wished to address a few words to the parents. In tho course of a vigorous speech, ho eaid ho stood for tho puhlio schooj service of the dominion. He had been associated with it for over 40 years. Ho knew its good qualities, and he was not blind to its defects. Tho defects, however, must bo cured, and could with tho assistance of tho people,'and not in Spite of them. He dhl not know that tho author of the present agitation had the authority of his church for stirring up tho dust, but if there was to be a stir-up ho (Mr Cohen) was going to bo in tho thick of it, and tho agitation would bo stopped once and for all. —(Applausw.) The jirimary school system in New Zealand had much to its credit. A system that produced men of tho stamp of Mr Statham, M.P., was surely on the right linos. —(Applause.) Sir Thomas Mackenzie, an ox-Prime Minister of tho dominion, was also educated in our public schools. There wore judges of tho Supremo Court, magistrates, doctors—in fact, all tho professions teemed with the products of tho public school. Let them look, too, at tho eomparitive absenco of crime in Now Zealand. Remembering these things, he advised the parents to stand by tho present system of education and not allow sacrilegious hands to bo laid upon it. —(Applause.)

Mr Statham, M.P., congratulated the school on tho success of tHe year's work. He complimented the writer'of tho essay on "My observations of Nature on my way to school, and on the way home." Thero was a tendency in the education of

'rrn to neglect tho faculty of observa-t'->n. Children should remember that all around them—in the trees, in the flowers, in the bird-life—thero was much to observe and enjoy, and if they trained their habit of observation they would find life much more enjoyable than if they walked along with their heads down and saw nothing of the beauties of nature on all hands.—(Applause.) A programme of recreations and 1 songs, with items by. the band, was greatly appreciated, and the meeting closed with votes of thanks to the committee and the,headmaster and staff. Tho following is the prize-list:—s Standard Vl.—Marks—Arthur Bimoe 1, / Henry Don 2,> Denis Wise 3; Gladys Can' (dux ol 'school), Ruth Hardie 2, Moar;i ilacaulay 3; merit, James Lennox, Reginald Hanson, Prudence Collier, (Doris Winkel; progress, Oaroline Henaie 1; drawing, Thomas Jjurt 1; cookery—Mabel M'Donald 1, EShcl Sanders and Frances Haig 2; compositionGladys Carr, Mabel H'Jjonald, and Hugh Nimmo; English and history, Hugh Niinmo; mental arithmetic, Hugh Nimmo 1; writing, Max Levy 1; oomnwrfcial iarithiiißtic~-I>ong'!<is At' George and Hugh Nimmo 1; composition, Gladys Catr 1; woodwork—Douglas H'George and George Harper (equal); singing, May Brown. .

Standard V.—Profieienoy : Girls—L. Briton 1, E. Brickell 2; boys—C. Jetis 1, B. Tyson 2, A. Waits 3; progress prizes—J. Martin, Maurice Kain; merit Ellis, A. Young, Bona Minn, Nita Winkel, E. Miller, D. Medley; drawing, Thyra luiight; writing, Doreea Medley; mental arithmetic, Alexander Watts; recitation, Winnie Beck; oookery—Bettina Collier 3, P.ona Jtinu 2; woodwork, Ray Butler; composition. Cyril Je.fls.

Standard IV.—Class prizes: Jeffrey Laing X, Stanley Nicol 2; Clarice Feltiham 1, Kathleen Martin 2. Mabel Lane 3; merit—Frank Dawson, Ronald Blair, Walter Roberts, Florence Eustace, Annie Dow; composition, Jlossie Pickard 1; writing, Meda Butler 1; recitatioy, Flora Lennox 1; drawing, Hilda Bunce .1; mental arithmetic, Charles ; progress—Burton Trainor and Flossie Taylor.

Standard lll.—Class marks—Allan' Hairier 1, Fred Barton 2, Forsyth Barr 3, Stella. Mangan 1, R.ima Knight 2, Mary Simmons 3; merit — James G-iltison, Alfred Sinclair, Robert Watson, FJorrie Fleming. Rita Cantwell, Nellie Barton; special prizes—Leslie M'Carrigan (mental arithmetic), Gwenda Burk (recitation), P.oy Frapwell (writing). Louis JE'Laren (drawing and brnshwork), Jack Williams (conduct), Kathleen J)ebenham (conduct.), Nessie Niooll (progress), Gwynu Lane (progress), Eric Lye, (progress), Rena Wilkie (composition)..

Standard ll.—Class marks—Noel Frye 1. Willio Pickard-2; Ida Tyson 1,, Mary M'Arthur and Jessie Payne 2; progress-—Cyril Sew Hoy, Teddie Blomfield," Willio Syme; mental arithmetic— Teddie Blomfleld and Gonlden Brickell (equal) 1; nompOi-Wion. Noel Frye; writing, Mima Beveridge; drawing, Mina Beveridge; sewing, Jessie Payne: conduct —Willie Pickard and Jessie Payne; recitation, Hine Drumm.

Lower Standard I.—Class marks: Jack M'Tigue 1. Arthur Eustace 2, Innis Allan 3/, Isabe.rßobertson and Eva Moss 1, Eva Carr 2; merit—Catherine Milburn, Kathleen Miller, Clements Wontton, Alex. Walmsley. Special prizes: Writing, Hilary Collier; mental arithmetic and bnishwork, Catharine Milburn; drawn?, Clements Wootton; progress, Raymond Harris: recitation, Alex. Walmsley.

Class s.—Class Bedford EoKhoff, John M'Lachlan 2; progress, William Ties; writing— Jrimes; M'Kenzie and Frank Greenfield, Winifred M'Nau'ghton, Roberta Williams; progress, Nancy Haraer; writing, .Tean Pickard. Ckiss 4.—Edward Creed 1, Stnart MTCernan 2, Clarence Cheshire 3; Clarice Matthewson 1, Olive Fleming 2, Baa Prapwell 3; progress, Constance Manning.

Sports Prizes.—Fives: Singles Cup, H. Johnson; doubles, J. Finlayson and V. Ellis. Football and cricket (hest all- round player), J. Finlayson; special prize for football, T. Robertson; five-a-side football medals—J. Finlayson, T. Burt, J. Baillie. H. Johnson, T. Robertson. Shooting, A. Robertson; Standard VI, 1 J. Carline; Standard V, E, Thwaites; Standard TV, I. Hardie. Swimming certificates: R. Paul (2| miles), J. Carline, J. Matheson, G. Fleming, J. M'Kenzie (one mile), R. M'Gregor, D. Wise (half-mile). T. Burt, W.. Dielcson, 0? Jeffs, B. Tyson (quarter-mile), 0. M'Kenzie (100 yards). Standard VI: 66- yards Handicap (medai), J. Carline 2; Standard TV, 33 yards (girls), H. Miller (medal); girls' dive, H. Miller (medal); boys' open dive. S. Chirnside 1 (tredal) H. Hood 2 (medals). Band Prizes.—Roy Butler, drum-major, medal for special merit: .T. (leaving this year), first for special merit; Percy Gilchrist, for special merit. MORNIN GTON. The breaking-up ceremony of the lower division of the Mornington School, including the infants and the first three standards, took place yesterday afternoon m the presence of a large number of parents and friends. 'Mr J. Thompson (chairman of the school committee) presided. The infants, under Miss M. King, gave a clever and entertaining programme, and then adjourned! to their own room to receive their prizes. The prizes were distributed to different sections of the children by Pastor Robertson, the Rev. W. Greenslade, and Messrs R. Bentham and C. Smith. Concerted songs were excellently rendered by each of the three standards present, and individual items that were keenly appreciated were given by Vera Smith, Leila Grcenall, and Molly Carolin. Hie break-up of the tipper school took place in the gymnasium in the evening. Mr Thompson again presided! over a large gathering. He read a letter from the headmaster (Mr W. Davidson), who was absent owing to ill-health, and referred to tho changes in staff that had taken place during the year. Three old pupils of the school—H. Lainchbury, H. Morrison, and Herbert Simon—had won tho Military Medal. Prizes were presented to Standard IV by Mr M. Cohen, to Standard V by Canon Small, to Standard VI by Mr C. E. Statham, M.P., and special prizes by the Rev. W. Greenslade. Mr Cohen referred to his long association with Mr W. Davidson in the cause of education, j Teachers, he said, would never be able to repay the debt they owed to Mr Davidson for the manner in which he had carried through the scheme for staffing, iand laid the foundation of tho supprannuation scheme that teachers to-day enjoyed. He paid a glowing tribute to the excellence of the results obtained from our present education system. An entertaininent of hiph quality was given bj; £he children, comprising songs by the various standards, selections by the school band, and a recitation by Dolly, Johnson.

A beautiful basket of roses, donated by Mr J. H. Seidelin, was put up to auction by Mr J. W. Patton, and brought in £3 9s 2d for the Halifax Disaster Fond, in addition to the ordinary collection.

During the evening Mr Patton, on behalf of tho boys of the band, presented their instructor (Mr H. D. Campbell) with a framed illuminated photograph. The C Grade association football banner was formally handed over to tho winners. The following is the prize-list:—

opic following is tho prize-list:— Standard YL—Dux, Mavis Hobbs. Class prizes Gordon Skene 1, Ernest Bump 2; Miwis Hobbs 1, Hope Kane 3. DrawinG, Hope Kane; writing, Olive Spain; cookery, Lilian Watson; woodwork, Clifford Muir; Athenasum prize, Mavis Hobbs; mental arithmetic, Gordon Skene. Merit: Boys— Firet class—Gordon Skene, Ernest Bump, Max D'Arcy; spcond class, 16; third class, 0. Girls— First class—Mavis Hobbs, Hope Kane, Ramsay, Ruby Black, Nellie Smith; second class, 7; third class, 2. Swimming, Bert Hope; football, Win. Ga-rsido; basket ball, Ruby Black; band— \Vm. Garside, S. Boat-wood, K. Qnawiord, B. Morrismi, E. Bump. Standard V.—Class prizes—Dorothy Black and Irano Rawnsley 1, Margaret Mirams 2; Jack Mirams I,\ Waiter Scott 2. Writing—Vera G-ripg 1, Peggie ' Finnic 2; cookery, Dorothy Black. Merit: Girls—First class—Dorothy Black, Irene Rawnsley, Marganjt Mirams, Vera Grigg, Florence M'Krnnon, Vera Hamer, Catherine Pouparfc, Myrtle Henderson, Peggie Finnic; second class, 12; third class G. \ Roys—First class—, Tack Mirams, Walter Scott, .Taines Charteris: Eecond class, 15; third class, 6; woodwork, Wilfred Gardner.

Standard IT.—Class prizes—Wm. Asheroft 1, Jajnes 2; Adeline ll'Nay 1, Vera Henderson 2. Writing, Maggie Sinclair; shooting, meo. Oapstack (Navy League medal). Merit,: Bovs— First class—Wm. Asheroft, Jnmes Ci-aik, Theo. Capstick, John Cunningham, Wm. Ratnsden, Bertie Dreever, Don Robertson, Kenneth Grinling, 800. Siooook, Star.. tlThyto; second okisß, U;

third class, 3. Girls—First doss—AdftJluc M'Nay, Vera Henderson., Kathleen Davidson, Molly Wilkinson, Maggie Sinclair; strain! class, 15.

Standard lll.—Class prizes—Gordon Crichton 1, Roy Johnson 2; Nellie Cunningham 1, Amy Fraser mid Lir/.io Tuit 2. Writing—-Tamos Brinsdon .1, Tui Cro-iJonl 1. Merit: Knit class—Cordon Criihtoii, Hoy Johnson, Gordon Rump, Nellie Cunninghi'.m, Annio Adam, Anjv Fra.ser, I'hyUis llanlic, Vida Holland, Mercy Padman, Isabel Quaile, Mary Swift, Lizzie 'fait; second class. 43; third class, 3.

Standard ll.—Class prizes—Willie Hiiliker and Arthur lambourne 1, Thomas Kilpa-trick 2; Ella Rodger nnd Uartxira Sinclair 1, Molly Hunter 2. Writing—Wiliorrt Smaill and Elsie Capstick;' conduot—Walter Chart,cris and Rosalie Trotter: —i-gen-cc—Hugh Prarce, Doris Service, Olive "Wills; arithmetic, Arthur Lambourne; handwork, Olive Morris. Merit; First, class B —Hugh Pearoe, Thos. Kilpatrick, Ernest- Evans, Leslie M'Coll, Erin Aitn'luson, Wrn. Ililliker, Arthur Lamlxmrne, Russell fiyfiekl, Douglas Skene, Walter Charteris. GirlsHazel Garsuie, Ella Itodger, Holly Hunter, Barbara Sincliiir, Elsie Capstick, Rosalie Trotter, Olive Butler, Katie Brinsdon, Enphomin Bennett, Ivy Siinsluiry, Olivo Wills, Arenin Henderson, Eve.lyn Aguew; second ela,ss, 30; third class, 8. Standard T.—Colin Lindsay 1. Carl Dixon 2; Marion Thomson and Boriji Nicolson 1, Kyra Payiw 2. General proficiency—Tom Whaley an<l Kathleen MathcKon; writing—David D'Aroy nnd Lily Ellis; good conduct. Jean Caldow; arithmetic. David ]>'Arcy. Merit: Fireb class —Rona Nioolson, Miirion Thomson, Km Payne, Kathleen Matheson, Vera Smith, Olive 'Davidson, Lily Smith, Charlotte Chartoris, Edna Wilson, Jean Ilocking, Isabel Watson, Mon-a Pearson, Violet Rtehan, Greenall, Philipa Mason, Frank Brinsdon. Tom Whaiev, Wm. Woodcock, AVm. Smaill, Kenneth Riddle, Len. Logan, Colin Lindsay, Goorge Henderson, Carl Dixon, Wm. Henderson, Rioharil Davidson; second class, 28. Txiwer Standard I.—Class prizes—Geoffrey Shortt 1, Ronjihl M'Fadyen 2; Constancy Barclay 1, Ethel Barker 2. Writing—R-eginaM Lamb and Violet Scales; diligence, Kathleen Whelan.

Class 6.—Jack Evans 1, Ernest'Bennett 2. Jack Sutherland .nnd Duncan Trainor 3;. Alice Randle 1, Phyllis Frame 2, Alice Patton and Frances Meiklejohn 3. Writing—Co-oil Rntherford and Eileen Sharpies. Class s.—Jack Seofield 1, Stanley Rodgers 2, Fen ton Greer and Jack Joynt 3; Emily Service 3, Tiorna Duthie 2, Doreen Crichton and Marion Barlow 3. Writing—Don Lc Pine -and Gretai -'iiiir. Class 4.—Frederick Pearson -1, Sidney White 2; Clare Minims 1, Mavis Soinsbnry 2. Writing— Ravtnonr] Padman and Eileen Burgess. Class 3.—Wm. H'Queen I, Louis Moir 2; Grace Gaul I, Mary Davids 2. Writing—John Bell, Annio Wallace, and Given Driver. CAVERSHAM. Tho annual breaking-up ceremony of tho Caversham Sohool is invariably one of the most pleasant iunctions of she kind in I'unedm and the gathering "held in the school gymnasium 'yesterday was no exception to the rule established in previous years. Mr J. M. Brown (chairman of the committee) presided, and was supported by several members of the committee, as well as by a number of clergy. Tho Chairman leferrcd to the progress mado by the school during the year, and complimented the teachers on the high state of efficiency bring maintained. The attendance had kept up well, and the school bad been unusually successful at the annual examinations. Tho results showed •that the staff was one of the best in and around Dunedin, and that the head master (Mr J. Hardy) and his assistants entered into their work with true enthusiasm and zeal. The scholars deserved all tho praise that had been bestowed on them, and in particular Mr Robinson's work with the choir was worthy of thej highest commendation.—(Applause.) / The Rev. t). Dutton emphasised the fine reputation possessed by the Caversham School, as shown, by tho positions occupied oy. its ex-pupils in the civil service and in copiinerciai life up and down the country. lha.t was tho 30th year he had taken part in the annual breaking-up ceremony, and he had mado a "point of never missing these, except when he had been absent on activo service.

At the close of ■ the ceremony Mr Hardy (head master) expressed his thanks to the parents for the interest they had shown in the children and also in tne school during the year. He also thanked the staff and the committee for much help during the year. He concluded by addressing a few words of advice to the boys and girls of the Sixth Standard. On the call of Mr Dutton a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded the staff, the motion being carried by acclamation. The distribution of prizes was shared by (he chaii—ian, Ensign Sawyer, and the Revs. D. Dution, C. Dallaston, J. B. Suckling, and J. L. Mortimer. Prior to receiving its prizes each standard contributed a number of musical items, and all of these,, which wer© of a very high order of merit, were greatly enjoyed. In particular, the efforts of the infants, under Miss Given and her staff, and of Standards V and VI, under Mr E'obinson, gave special 'pleasure, but the whole of the items were extremely well received. The prize list is as follows: — Standard Vl.—Dux •of school (gold medal), Ralph F, Wilson. 1 Class marks: First classMabel E. Ray. Second class—Arnold G. Thomas, Elma P. Tnrner. Special, Thelma .Wheeler. Highly commended: Mary E. B. Sutton, Sydney E. Bridger, Charles E. Baines, W. Stanley Jefferson, Arthur J. Lung Ley, James A. Ross,"Bitai L. ltcndel, Robert W. Murray; writing—Robert \V. Murray, Marion J. Bamsay,; drawing—John M'M. Brown, Mary E. B. Sutton; recitation—Leslie 11. Stubbs, Blanche D. Dempster; sight reading—Gordon B. Passmore, Yida E. M'Curdy; industry— Elizabeth M. M'Math, W. Stanley Jefferson, Freda Fraser, Findlay A. Nelson, Bita I. Bendel, Sydney E. Bridger, Charles E. Baines. Arthur J. Lufigley. Bita G. Stovens, Stanley G. M. Yeoman, Francis H. Wilkinson, Jame-s A. Boss; consolation prizes—Myra M. Grimmett, - Evelyn Pqine, Margaret- E. Hardy, Bita H. Grimmett, Phyllis N. Ingram, John B. Wedderepoon, Axel M. J. Oram, Kenneth Wilili&mson; Athemenm prize, Arnold,G. Thomas; good conduct, Melville A. Tye; shoot-> Ing—W. Stanley Jefferson, Balph F. Wilson, Edward J. Kerr; Victory. Shield and gold medal, Ralph F. Wilson. Thirty of the above prizes were donated by ex-pupils and by present pupils of Standard VI.

Standard V.—diss prizes: First class—Margaret Campbell, Fred Graham; second class—Jack Davies, Jessie Walker, ' Muriel Lvons, Winnie Rutherford; highly commended —"Minnie Tait, Doris Matthewson, James Brown, Josephine Todd, Arthur'Frye, Blwyn Francis, Grace Martin, Muriel Bennett, Francis Macdonell, Leslie Duncan, Rita M'Farlane; English, Doris Hatton; proficiency— Dorothy West, Cecil Thomas, Dorai Wilson, Vera Jefferson, Stuart Anderson, Winnie Storer; drawing—Edwin Garchow 1, James Brown 2; writing, Olive Hsre; knitting, Doreen Wyrnan; sewng, Julia Ramsay; shooting, Stuart Anderson.

Standard IT.—Class prizes : . First class—Leslie Will, Ruby Esperson; second class—Bay Jackson, Edward North, Eva Graham, Leslie Williamson; highly commended—Maud Petric, Irene Hastie, Ernest Page, May Brook, Reg. Malthus; design, Ernest Paris; conduct—Ara Winton, Leslie Will;, shooting, Wiliam Warrngton; ndnstry—Mary Fraser, Emily Boss, Altee Snowhall, Leslie CaTdno, Alice Mills, William Warrngton, Phyllis Anderson, Edith Baker.

Standard 111 Upper.—Class prizes: First class— Joyce Sanderson, Clara Fraser and Christinai Pmith (equal); second class—Janie Campbell, iTy Anscombe, Errol Hamilton; commended— Rita M'Craeken, lan Maekay, Agnes Johnston, Grace Wylie, John Warwood, Ethel Bhickic, Olive - Rutherford, Doris Bonnet, Wiliam Titohener, Emie Nelson, Anderson M'Lintock, Harry Racklev, Hugh Russel, Betty Andrews, Rena Thomson; spelling—Joyce Sanderson, Janie Campbell; knitting and drawing, Leonard Thompson.

Standard 111 Lower. —Class prizes : First class— Raymond Parker, Isabel Scarfe'and Ethel Wilkie (equal); sceoud olass —Charlotte, Haig, Leonard Read, Phyllis Watson; recitation —Edgar Flirrant and Vera Galvin 1, Rowland Johnston and Phyllis Watson 2; brushwork—Rowland Johnston 1, Raymond Parker and Maud Mowat 2; physical drill, Maude Kirkwood; special mention, Reginald F&ris, Vera Galvin, Frank Denford, Hilda Cardno, Annie WalkeT, Andrew Ramsay, Norman Hamilton, Alice Brierley, Charles Kenny, Robert Dick, Rowland .Johnston, Robert Hanning, Edgar Farrant, Osmond Melville, Lono Wyman. ■

Standard ll.—Class priws: First class—lnez Riddell. Flora Noble, Stephanie Peaioe; seoond' class—Rhoda Brooke, Evelyn Watson, Nelly Harper, Jean Warrington, • Christina Gilbert;' highly commended —Edward Wilson, Ronald Burreil, Ima Rein, Freda Kennard, Elizabeth Ritchie, Allan Cardno; progress, Joan Warrington.

Standard I.—Class prizes: First class—Donald Campbell, James' Ifathcson, Alien Woodfielrl; pceond class —Walter Scotc, Henry Brooks, Charles Warwood, Leslie Kouness, Winifred M'Cracken, Irene Isaacs; highly commended—Lionel Homer, Evelyn Parker, Pagmar Heddell, Edwin Briggs, Kuby Simpson, Clarence Pringle, Eva Haywnrd, Margaret. Caird, Chrissie Rosevear, George Boss, Edith Eitchie, Lexie M'Kenzie. (

PORTOBELLO. The annual presentation of prizes at the Portobello School took place on Wednesday afternoon in tho presenco of a large number of pupils. Mr Anderson presided and distributed the prizes. A programme of songs and reoitations was very acceptably rendered by tho children, and addresses suitable to the occasion were delivered by Messrs Andersoii, Captain Hanning, and R. Fergus. A collection in aid of tho Halifax Relief Fund resulted :n £2 4s 6d being received. The following is tho prize list:— Standard Vl.—First class: Roland Habershon, Leslie Croft, Chisholm, Lottie Wilson.

Standard V.—First claas: William Hanson, William Ford, Phyllis Morrifion, Isabella Dougall, WHliam M'Cartney. Second class: Alexander Seaton, Susan Barwell, Graham' Dickson. Standard IV.—First class: Margaret Anderson, Eosinu Gill. Se'oond class: William .Clearwater, Clande Brown, (ieorge Wilson, Mary Ford. Third class: Ernest Geary.

Standard lII.— class: Gladys Croot, Mavis Wright, Minnie Uark. Second class: Bessfa Hyder, Otopfiane Bingham, May Hall, Olive Morrison, Samuel UoiTis. Third class: Jim Cro«a,. Harry Cross, George M'Cartney, Alfred Harwood.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17193, 21 December 1917, Page 8

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SCHOOL VACATIONS Otago Daily Times, Issue 17193, 21 December 1917, Page 8

SCHOOL VACATIONS Otago Daily Times, Issue 17193, 21 December 1917, Page 8