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NEW ZEALAND CASUALISES. (Peb United Peess Association.) WELLINGTON, Juno 23. The following- list was issued' to-day. Where tlio rank is nob specified the soldier is a private, trooper, sapper, gunner, or rifleman, as tho case may be. The names of the next-of-kin are given in parentheses:— Killed in Action. AUCKLAND INFANTRY. (Juno 9.) PETRIE, GEORGE CHARLES V. (Mr D. Petrie, Creswick, Victoria, father). CANTERBURY INFANTRY. (June 7.) BROWN, JAMES, Lance-corporal (Mrs Daisy Brown, Linwood, wife). OLARKSON, BENJAMIN, Corporal (Mrs B. Clarkson, Port Robinson, wife). DAVIDSON, MATTHEW FRANCIS (Mrs W. M. Davidson, Lismore, mother). HIBELL,* GEO. GORDON (Miss R. Cox, Moorehouse avenue, Christchurch). M'QUILKEN, ARTHUxt (Mr John M'Quilken, Macesanin, Coleraine, Ireland, father). RAYNOR, JOHN (Mr Tasman Raynor, Wakapuaka, father). ' SAUNDERS ALBERT EDWARD B. (Mrs L. Saunders. Rakaia, mother). TAIAROA, GEORGE (Mrs T. K. Taiaroa, Southbridge, grandmother). OTAGO INFANTRY. (Juno 8.) CURRIE, JOHN ALFRED (Mrs Christina Currie, North-East Valley, mother). DIVISIONAL EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. •' - (June 9.) GUSSY, ANDREW THOMAS' (Mrs F. Gussy, Bayswater, mother). STAN-BRIDGE, GEO. (Mr John Stanbridge, Puka, , brother). Died from Wounds. FIELD ARTILLERY. (June 14J NEWMAN, LAWSON CHARLES (Mr Chas. A. Newman, Dunedin, father). AUCKLAND INFANTRY (June 14.) MIDDLETON, JAS. (Mrs W. Middleton, Mcthven, mother). SULLIVAN, EUGENE FRANCIS, Sergeant (Mr J. Sullivan, Dannevirke, father). WELLINGTON INFANTRY. (June 10.) DATH, CUTHBERT (Mr Frank Dath, Herts, England, father). (Juno 11.) M'GRATH, JOHN (Mrs K. M'Grath, Wellington, wife). SIMSON, FREDERICK GEO. 0. (Mr Fredk. Simson, Taihape, father). (June 13.) HART, HENRY ERNEST, Lance-ser-geant (Mrs H. E. Hart, Masterton; wife).' CANTERBURY INFANTRY. (June 7.) GUMMOW, ERNEST (Mr Richard Gumniow, Lesheard, Cornwall, England, father). , (June 8.) GIBBINS, GEO. WM. THOMAS (Mrs G. W. S. Gibbins, Paddington, Rushcutters Bay, Sydney, wife). (June 9.) CLARIDGE, BENJAMIN SAMUEL (Mr Thos. Claridge, Papanui, father) M'COLGAN, WILLIAM (Mrs Catherine M'Colgan, Old Kilpatrick, Scotland; mother). (Juno 11.) ANDREWS!, JAMES, Lance-sergeant (Mr John Andrews, Hokitika, father). WOOD, CLAUDE LANCELOT (Mr Walter R. Wood, Woolston, brother). RDJLE BRIGADE. (June 10.) BRAY, JOHN (Mrs E. Bray, Feilding, mother). PYKE, JAMES (Mrs Leady, Kaiwaravrara, sister). Died from Sickness. FIELD ARTILLERY. (June 19.) NEWSTEAD, SYDNEY HENRY, Sergeant (Mrs Alice Newstead, Wellington, wife). Previously Reported Missing; now Reported Joined Unit. CANTERBURY INFANTRY. . (June- 3.) EDDY, DAVID NICHOLSEN (Mrs A. K Eddy, Dunsandel, Canterbury, sister-in-law). Reported Wounded, (June 14.) SEXTON, ARTHUR CLIFTON. ALFORD, Lieutenant (Mr Charles H. Sexton, , Karangahake road, Newton, Auckland, father). MACHINE GUN CORPS. (June 7.) KERNOHAN, JOHN JAMES, Lieutenant (Mrs Katherine Kernohan, St. Kilda, mother). (Juno 10.) •■ ■ . KILLAIN, LOUIS (Miss M'Mahon, Gloucester street, Christchuroh). WELLINGTON INFANTRY. (June 14.) FLETCHER, WALTER HAROLD, Lieutenant-colonel (Mrs Elizabeth G. Fletcher. Wellington, wife). BROWN, JOHN. Lieutenant (Mrs Ellen Mary Brown, Wellington, mother). (Juno 4.) BROOKES, HARRY GASCON (Mrs D. M'Donald, .Newman, Ekotahuna, mother). CANTERBURY INFANTRY. (June 6.) FEE, LESLIE HAROLD (tho Rev. Thos. Fee, St. Albans. father). LINDSAY, WM. ALEC, Lance-corporal (Mr James Lindsay, Waimate, father). (June 7.) ALBON, ARTHUR (Mrs W Collins, Worcester street, Christchurch, sister). ALLEN, SIDNEY GEORGE (Mrs Alice Allen. South Geelong, mother). ALLEN, WM. JOHN (Mrs Mary Amelia Allen, Killinchy, Canterbury, mother). f ARROL, JAS. (Mrs Jas. Arrol, Linwood, wife). BEARDMORE, ALBERT (Mrs Elizabeth Beardmore, Lower Takaka, mother) BLAZEY, RICHARD HY. R., Lancecorporal (Mr Wm. Robe. Henry Blazey, Linwood, father). BREWERTON, CHAS. GEORGE (Mrs G. Brewerton, Motueka, mother). BROWN. JAS. HENRY (Mrs Elizabeth Brown. Rangiora, mother). CANDY, FREDK. SAXBY (Mr Fredk. Chapman Candy, St. Albans, father). CHISBSMAN, LEWIS (Mr H. C. Cheesman, Blenheim, father). CLARKSON, JOHN STANLEY (Mr F. C. Clarkson, Timaru, father). COOK. ROBT. ERNEST (Mr Robt. Leslie Cook, Victoria street, Christchurch, brother). CRAIGHEAD. LESLIE (Mrs David Craighead, Templeton, mother). CRAIGHEAD, MATTHEW LAURIE (Mr Hugh Clark Craighead, Ashburton, father). DENT, BERTIE (Mrs J. W. Shaw, Wallaceville. Trontham, mother). DOCHERTY, WM. JOHN ALEX. (Mrs B. Docherty, Sydenham, mother). DRYBURGH, ALKX. (Mrs Janet Dryburgh, Scotland, mother). EVERETT, HERBERT (Mr Louis Everett, Umukmi, Nelson, father). FINDLAY, JOHN HERBERT (Mr Wm. Findlay, Jackson street. Dunedin, brother). FLOOD, (Mrs J. Flood, St. Albans, mother). FOREMAN, FRANCIS ROY (Mr Henry Foreman. Wellington, father). FRASER, ALFRED HUGH (J. Fraser, Malby avenue, Tiniaru). FRANKS, GEO. ALFD. (Mrs S. E. Clark, Yaldhurst road. Christchurch, cousin). GAFFNEY, i?ATK. JOHN (Mrs J. Gaffney, Waimate, mother). GAUDIN, CJiCIL DAVID (Mrs Mary Gaudin, Fairtpn. Ashburton, mother). GARNETT, GEO. EDWIN (Mr John Garnett, Wilbournn. South Australia). GLENDINING, CHRISTOPHER, Lancesergeant (Mrs Ellen Lindsay, Dobsou street, Ashburton. mother). GRANT, WM. (Mrs A. P. Grant, Nytnegen, Holland, mother). GREGG, ROBBIE MURRAY (Miss L. M. Gregg. Blenheim, sister). GUNNING, ROBT. JAMKS fMrr. Curling Gunning, - Barbadons street, Christchurch, wife). HAMMOND, LEWIS BENJAMIN (Mr W. B. Hammond, German Bay, father). HAMPTON, FRANCIS MOFFAT (Mr Joseph Hampton, Southbridge. father). HARDING, ARTHUR EDWD. (Mrs Kiizabnfii Harding, Waltham. mother). JIASLOCH. PRTTCR ALEXANDER (Mrs i'arks Meir, Stoke-on-Tivjnt. England). IIEARFIELD, LESLIE Wivi. (Mr Hy, , Hcartiold, Claristoliurch, father).

~HILL, CHAS., Corporal (Mrs E. Hill, Twickenham, England, mother). HISTEN, THOS. JOSEPH (Mr Dennis Ilisten, Toniuka, father). HODGSON, RICHARD (Mrs 11. llodgson, Runanga, mother). HOWATSON, FREDK (Mr Wm. Hovvaton. Soiithbridgo, father). HUNT, VICTOR JUBILEE (Mrs J. W. lobinson, Hnnistnad, Ashburton, mother). HEENAN, VINCENT J AS. (Mr T. Iconan, Hokitika, father). KEENE, WALTER RASHBROOK (Mr «eo. Kccne. Sjnithfiokl, father). KELLY, .JAS. JOS. (Mr Jeremiah Kolly, -'imam, fnlhor). KELLY, TIMOTHY (Mr J. Kelly, "ounty Clare, Ireland, father). LASH, SAML. HEYWOOD (Mr I. Lash, lockvillo, Nelson, father). LEE, HY. JAS. (Mrs D. G. Lee, Hamilon East, mother). LENNOX, ERIC (Mrs Sarah Lennox, iawera, mother). LLOYD, I-li'ZROY (Mrs Marion Lloyd, Jannevirko. mother). . LYNCH, OWEN JOSEPH (Mr Chas. jynch, Murchison, brother). M'ARTNEY, GOYD CLARK, Lanccorporal (Mr Angus James M'Artney, Welington, brother). M'DONALD, THOS. WM. (Mrs Ellen H'Donald, Nelson, mother). M'DOUGALL, CHARLES MORTON Mrs M'Dougall, Timaru, mother) M'GRANE, LEONARD (Mr R. M'Grane, areymouth. father). M'KNIGHT, SAMUEL JOHN (Mr G tf'Knight, Islington, father). M'LAOHLAN. NELSON MARTON Mr Alick M'Lauelilan, Hinds, Ashburton ather). M'MILLAN, JAS. SCOTT (Miss N. M'Millan, Vino street, Dunedin, sister). M'PHERSON, STANLEY MITCHELL Mr John M'Phorson. Cheviot, fnther) MANNING, ARCHIBALD (Mrs j. L. Manning. Timaru, mother). MARSERS, WM. (Mrs Crowe, Manihestor street. Christehuxch). MTLLEN, ROY GIBSON, Corporal (Mr John Gibson Millcn, Otahuhu, father). MILLINGTON, WILLIAM- (Mrs E. Milington, Marton. mother) • MOODY, lIAROLD (Mrs H. Moody, iYoodend, wife). MORIARTY. CHARLES FRANCIS [Mr Michael Moriarty, Ashburton, father) NELSON, CHAS. HENRY. Corporal (Mrs M. H. Nelson, Reefton, wife). NELSON, JOHN (Mr Allan R. M'Galium, Kaikoura, cousin). NIGHTINGALE. FREDERICK (Mr Wm. Nightingale, England, father). OLNEY, HERBERT PATEiRSON. Corporal (Mrs Annie Ohiey, Cliristchurcb, wife). PATRICK, JAMES STEWART (Mrs Isabella Patrick, Sydenham, mother) PETRIE, CHARLES (Mr Alexander Petrin, Canterbury, father). PLANK. ERIC (Miss M. Plank, Sydenham, sister). READER. FRANCIS DAVID M. (Mr Henry Marsh Reader, Oakle-igh, Havelook, father). REID, RONALD (Mis Arthur Chapman, St. Albans, sister). RHODES. FREDERICK THOMAS S. (Mrs G. Rhodes, Hazeldon road, Christchurch, mother). RICHES. WILLIAM PERCY (Mr Wm. M. Riches, Warrnambool, Victoria, father).' ROBERTSON, DONALD C. (Mr W. Robertson, Victoria street, Christcirarch, father). ROSS, WILLIAM JOSEPH (Mra Johanna Ross, Hawera). SALT. ARTHUR JOHN (Mrs Mary Elizabeth Salt. Woolston, mother). SAWYER, HERBERT WILLIAM (Mrs R. W. Sawyer, Norfolk. England, mother) SCALES, CYRIL GEORGE (Mr Walter Scales, Reef ton street, Christchurch, father) SCOTT, CHARLES FRANCIS (MrSamU Francis Scott, Helensville, father). SCULLY, WILLIAM (Mrs C. Scully, Geraldine. mother). SHIPTON. REGINALD HENRY. C.G.M.S. (Mrs E. J. Shipton, New Plymouth). SKIPPEN. WILLIAM GEORGE (Mrs Kato Skippen, Timaru, mother). STEELE, VICTOR (Mr Roy Steele, Cashmere, brother). STEPHEN, HENRY GEORGE (Mr Charles Law, Westport). STERLING, JOHN CECDL (Mrs E. Sterling. Avonside, mother). STEWART. DUNCAN (Mrs J. Stewart, Spots-wood, Cheviot, mother). STORER, ARTHUR HENRY (Mra Susan Storer, Kaiapoi mother) SUTTON, WILLIAM (Mr s Harriot Sutton, Ash burton). TALBOY. FRANCIS MATTERSON (Mr John Talbot, Teimnka, father) >'■ THOMAS, JAMES (Mrs Martha Thomas, Asnrmrton, mother). TWISS, JOHN FRANCIS (Mr M T Twi'ss SouthbrVtee. father). UTLEY, FRANCIS (Miss Annie Ferlev, West -Dprby, Liverpool;' England). VIRTUE. DONALD (Mr D. Virtue, Timaru. father). WALSH. JAMES (Mr Jphn Walsh, Pananui. father). WAT! NOCK, HERBERT DAVID Sergeant (Mr John Wnrnock. Nolson, fatherl WATTS. ROBERT TTTLLY, Lancecorporal (Mrs Elizabeth Wntts, St. George's roid. Auckland, mother). WESTERN, CHARLES JOHN (Mr Albert Wpstsrn. Nolson. father). WILD. PERCY HERBERT (Mrs S. Wi'd. Wmate, mother). WILLIS, HARRY FRANCIS (Mr H W ; 'Hs. St. Albans. father). WILSON, JAMES (Mrs M. Wilson. Caversham, mother): (June 8.) ARNOLD, JAMES REGINALD (Mr William Arnold, Snringrove, father) BUSTON, TASMAN JAMBS (Mrs .J. Bnxton, Longford, Tasmania, mother) CLARK, CHARLES (Mr Cbas. Clark Double Hill. Waitaki. father). FERGUSON, WILLIAM WEBSTER (Mr John Ferguson, caTe Sir Tom Builough, Island of Ruon and Rhum, Scotland, brother). KERNICK, JOSEPH (Mrs J. Kerniofc, Blackball, mother). KINNEAR. JAMES GORDON (Mr Jas. Kinnear. Scotland, father). M'CAW, JOHN (Mrs Grace M'Caw, Waitham, wife). SfCREA, ROBERT (Mr H. M'Orea, Willowbridsre. Smith Canterbury, brother). M'KELLOW, JAMES (Mrs A. Burling, Linwood, mother). MARSH. GORDON DOUGLAS (Mi Charles Gco. Marsh. Glcntunnel, father) SI/>AN. MONTAGU HAYDON (Mr J. W. Sloan. Nelson, father). TARBARD, GEO'EGE (Mts Katherine Tarbard, Poplar, London, mother). WILT t \ at«. ALTTTJXD LAWT? ENCK fMi John Williams, Hoathcote Bridge Hotel Christchureh, father). (June. 13.) LUCAS. ROBERT BRUCE, Second Lieu tenant (Mrs Janet Lucas, Gloucester street Christchurch, mother). (June 14J CAMPBELL, HERBERT, Captain (Mi William S. Campbell, Reef tony father). FAWCETT, ERNEST JAMES, Captaii (Mr Wm. P. Fawcett, Tadmor, Nelson). BRISTOL, WOR ALFORD, Seconc Lieutenant (Mrs L. H. E. Bristol, Timaru mother). OTAGO INFANTRY. (Juno 8.) LAWRENCE, LEONARD GORDO> (Mr Chas. Lawrence, Tologa, Bay, father) (June 9.) BRADLEY, RICHARD (Mr Willian H. Bradley, Waipukoirau, father). CARTER, .FREDK, JAMES (Mrs C Carter, Hillgrove, mother). EVANS. JOHN FOX (Mrs P. Evans Maori Hill, mother). HENDERSON, ANDREW, Corporal (Mr, R. Henderson, Stirling, mother). M'RAE, • DUNCAN (Mrs D. MTUe Moonlight, via Palmereton, mother). , PAULING, WALTER. JAMES, Corpora (Mrs W. Pauling, Wellington, mother). POPE, GEORGE EDWARD (Mrs W. E Pope, Enwood, Invercargill, mother). RAE, JAMES. DOUGLAS (Mrs Rae Glenham, Southland, mother). (June 10.) ALLEiN, WALLACE WILLIAM (Mr Allen, Pipitangi. Teararoa, mother). BURG-ESS, WILLIAM JOHN (Mr Ed ward Burgess, Gore, father). HARNEISS, WALTER F. S. (Mrs Mar; Harneiss, Rcslyn, mother). LAMOND, DAVID WILLIAM (Mr K G. Lamond, Addington). OXLEY, FRANCIS DIVENS (Mr T. A Oxley. Pk.-ton, father). ROBKRTSON, JAMES ALEXANDET (Mrs E. Robertson, East Invercargill mother). RIFLE BRIGADE. (June 10.) MADDEN, ERNEST EDWARD, Secon. Lieutenant (Mrs E. Madden, Stanley Baj mother). (Juno 8.) M'LEAN. ARCHIBALD JOHN WIL LI AM (Mrs Caroline M'Lcan, Wanganui mother). (Juno 9. : STATTE, ERNEST OLIVER, Lance corporal (Mrs E. Staytc.. Pukektjiwi, mother) DIVISIONAL EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. (June 11.) DAWBIN. ROBERT JAMES (Mr K C Dawbin. Mangatoke. father). DOBtBIE, HUGH (Mrs M. Dobbie. Pon eoiibv, -friio).

Wounded; Admitted to Hospital. MACHINE GUN CORPS. (June 7.) LUXFORD., JOHN HECTOR, Major (Mrs L. D. Luxford, Teawamutu, wife). WELLINGTON 1 INFANTRY. (Juno 8.) RAIRD, Frederick {Mr F. Baird, Hastings, fntlicr). BIRKETT, GIiX>RGE HENRY (Mr John Birkett. Lcmingt.on, Cainbridgo, father). GRAY, ROBERT (Mrs D. L. Gray, Hastings, brother). HOBMAN, HERBERT YTVIAN (Mr J. R. Hobman, Kilbirnie, father). HUDDLESTON, HAROLD (Mr Joseph Huddleston, Millom, Cumberland, England, father). HUGHES, GORDON (Mr J. W. Htighce, Maxwell Town, Wanganui, father.) KEMSHED. FRANK MERVYN (Mrs M. H. Nvhon. Peninsula. Dunrdin). LISTER, FRANK (Mrs W. Cooper, Otoko, sister). M'MURTRTE, EDWD. OWEN (Mr John M'Murtrio. Oaraaru, father). NKWBOLD, FRANK RONALD (Mis Grace Nowbold. Ngaio, mother). SMITH, GEO. HAROLD (Mre W. Garbott, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England, mother). SUMMIDRTON, THOS. (Mrs Jane Summcrton, Milo road, Christchurch, mother). (June 9.) COPAS, ALBERT GEO. (Mr Alfred G. Copas, Gundry street, Newton, Aucldand, father). 'MOREY, WALTER. NEALE (Mrs Sophia Morey, New Plymouth, mother). VyiNTER, LEVI LOT C, Sergeantmajor (Mr S. J. Winter, Port Chevalier, father). (June 10.) JOYNT, CHAS. CHRISTOPHER (Mrs Isabella Joynt, Ponsonby, mother). (June 11.) MOLLOY, BERNARD JAS. (Mrs A. Molloy, Koparu, Northern Wairoa, mother). OTAGO INFANTRY. (June 8.) BEATSON, CHAS. DUNN (Mrs E. Beatson, Caversham, mother). BELL, ROBT. WM.. Corporal (Mrs C. H. Olsen, Whetukura, Ormondville, sister). BROWN, ERNEST G. (Mr Alf Brown, N.E. Valley, father). CAMPBELL, FREDK. NOBLE, Lancecorporal (Mrs Mary N. Campbell, Napier, mother). CORMIOK, MARTIN JOSEPH (Mr Jno. Chas. Cormick, St. Bathans, Otago Central, father). OOSGROVE, ARTHUR STANLEY (Mr J. B. Cosgrove, Lome 'Farm. Invercargill, father). GALLAGHER, JAS. JOHN, Lanctj-cor-poral (Mrs J. J. Gallagher, Kakanui, wife). MEATOHAM, SYDNEY RICHARD (Mrs E. Meatcham, care of Major Hurley, Miramar. wife). MUNRO, GEO. M'LEOD M'K. (Mrs Alex. Munro, Castle street. Dunedin, sister). PATERSON, MATTHEW CAMPBELL, Lance-corporal (Mr Matthew Patereon, Picton, father). THORSEN, ROBT. (Mrs Thorsen, Copenhagen, Denmark, mother). UPTON, OSMOND BERNARD (Mr Thos. Henry Upton, Kaikorai, father). WILSON.. CHAS. EDWD. H. (Mr Robt. Wilson. Kaikorai, father). WILSON, ROBT. (Mrs A. Wilson, Dun das street, Dunedin, mother). .(June 9.) BROOKS, CHAS. (Mr Chas. Joseph Brooks, St. KTida, father). HYDE, THOS. (Mr H. Hyde, Patutahi, Gisborne, father). - (June 10.) ASQUITH, VIVIAN G. (airs Elsie Asquith, Wellington, wife). DIACK. FRANK (Mr Francis Diack, S. Invercargill, father). FRISKY, WILFORD JAS. (Mr Wm. Frisby, Brown's, Southland, father). LEEDER, LESLIE (Mrs W. R.Leeder, Kaikoura, mother). M'NEE, JAS. (Mr J. M'Nee, Collingwood. Invercargill, father). YOUNG, JOHN WM. (Mrs A. Young, Wellington, mother). ' BALLOCK. DAVID (Mrs Annie Ballock, Dunsandel, Christchurch, mother). COLLETT, WM. EDWIN (Mrs Collett, 484- Leith street, Dunedin, mother). CRANNF.Y, ERNEST (Mrs Nellie O'Brien, Rushcutter's Bay, Sydney). DALRYMPLE. JOHN HEU (Mis C. T. Dalrymple, Bulls). . DUIGNAN, OSCAR (Mr Carl Duignan, Walsall, England, brother). EDWARDS, JAS. LAWRENCE (Mrs J. Edwards, Waverley, mother). FARROW, WM. JOHN (Mrs Samuel ■Farrow, Tsmaru, mother). FITZGERALD, EAGER RONALD, Corporal (Miss Elsie Fitzgerald Eager, Wellington). GARRETT, JOHN ALFRED (Mrs Lena Garrett, Wellington, mother). GOING, ARTHUR HERBERT (Mrs B. Going. Onerahi, mother). HEBBARD THOS. HENRY (Mrs J. O'Lcarv. Wellington, mother). JARDINE, GEO., Lance-corporal (Mr J. P. Jardine, Brydone, Southland, father). KER, JOHN HENRY (Mre Freddo Ker, Newton road, Auckland, mother). KING, LEONARD (Mrs Rose King, Pohokura. Stratford, mother). LAW, HENRY SWALLOW (Mrs Jane Law, Mosgiel, mother). LOCKHART, RICHARD ' (Elizabeth M'Nee, Greymouth, aunt). M*GOWAN, .WM. GEORGE (Mr Hugh M'Gowan, Waitoha, Westland, brother). M'GREGOR, GORDON FORBES (Mr C. M'Gregor, Rahotu, father). M'LAREN, PETER ALEX., Lancecorporal (Mr A. M'Laren, St. Clair, father). M'LEOD, WM. PERCY (Mr A. M"Leod, Weymouth, father). M'NEILL, HUGH (Mr Hugh MTCcill, Methven, father). PRICE, WM. (Mrs W. Price, Hastings, wife). RIGBY, HENRY (Miss Emily Fuller, care Mrs E. King, Linwood). . SAVAGE, HEDLEY GEORGE (Mrs H. G. Savage, Tapawera, wife). SIRATFORD, THOS. ALFRED (Mr J. A. Stratford, Mataura, father). TEEHON, WM. (Mrs A. Black, Napier, mother). WILSON, ARTHUR (Mrs J. Horan, Onehunga). WISEMAN, JOHN ARCHIBALD (Mrs C. Wiseman, Dannevirke, mother). (Juno 9.) CORLISS, GEORGE (Mr M. C. Corliss, Wanganui, father). CORNES, PERCY GORDON (Mrs Maud Nankervis, Wellington street, Auckland, sister). DAVIS, HARVEY (Mrs Caroline Townsend, care Mrs Little, Palmerston). FONSECA, ISAAC (Mr R. Fonseca, Timaru, father). FREND, JOHN PERCY (Mrs E. Frend, Carterton, wife). HANSON, SAMUEL FREDERICK, Corporal (Mr Sam Hanson, Paeroa. father). HORROCKS, VIVIAN, Sergeant (Mrs E. N. Horrocks, Eltham, mother). KAY, W. (Mr R. Landless, Manurewa, cousin). MARTIN, F. WM. (Mr John Martin, Eden terrace, Auckland, father). NEWMAN, GEORGE (Mrs Lydia Newmam, Brentford, Middlesex). OSBORNE, HAROLD (Mr. Howard Osborne, Gisborne). REEVES, GEORGE (Miss H. N. F Smith, Petone). RUTHERFORD, JOHN DONALD (MiWm. Leslie Rutherford, Hastings, father) RYANN, LESLIE (Mrs Amelia Ryaun\ Thames, mother). ' SCOTT, WM. (Miss D. Simpson, E. Weymss, Fifeshire). SMITH, ALEX. MITCHELL (Mrs Elizabeth Lockey, Epsom, Auckland, mother). . TOWNSHEND, CLAUD ERNEST (Mrs E. Townshend, Wanganui, mother). TUCKER, ERIC CLAUDE (Mrs S. Tucker, West Clive, Hawkc's Bay, mother). (June 10.) BAGNELL, CHARLES (Mrs E. A. Bagnell, Spreydon,' wife). ' .BAKER, THOMAS (Mrs J. Baker. KohuLohu, mother). CAMPBELL, ERNEST HUGH (Mr John Campbell, Great North road, Auckland, fathc). CARSON, ANDREW MORRISON ' (Mr Andrew Morrison Carson, Kaitangata, father). COGHLAND, CLARENCE ARTHUR (Mr A. J. Coghland, Otahuhu, father). CONSTABLE, WM.( Mrs Payne, Orari). ■ DARVILL, WM. THOMAS (Mrs Murtagh, Gisborr.e, mother). DEVANTEER, ALFRED (Mrs J. Jacobsen, Palmerston North, sister). DIBBLE. VICTOR THOMAS. (Mrs A. Dibble. Ellerslin, mother). DOBSON, JOHN (Mrs M. Dobson, Karangahake, wife). . DORAN, JOHN (Mrs J. Maloriey, JNapier, sister). EARL, ALEXANDER (Mrs Earl. Greenlane, mother). EDWARDS, HERBERT (Mr CEdwards, Feilding. father). ELLIS, EDWARD OARNETT (Mrs Alice Ellis, Hastings, wife). FRANKS. ARTHUR I. K., Corporal (Mr James K. Franks, Maungatareri, father) HAMBLYN, CHARLES JAMES, Corporal (Mrs J. Hamblyn, New Plymouth mother). HAMPTON, HENRY (Mre J.I Sims Penguin. Tasmania, sister) HAYWARD, FREDK. G"i!O. (Mrs M. J. Hay ward. Springburn, "mother). HIGGINS, THOS. JOHN (Miss E. Hicgms Palmerston North, sister). LEE, FREDK LLOYD (Miss L. Lee County Clare, Ireland).

LLOYD, ARTHUR JOHN (Mrs Wilkine. Ceme Abbas, Chigwell, Essex) M'GUIGAN, JAS. WALLACE (Miss Itosina M'Guigan, Glenledi. sister) M'SWANN, CYRIL (Mr M. M'Swann, Epsom, fatlior).

MANING, FREDK. DIGBY (Mrs S. F I Maning, Hobart). MARTIN, JOHN HERCULES (Mrs Hercules Martin, Roxburgh, Otaffo). MORRIS, CHAS. (Mrs A. Thorner, Otaki, Bister). RAWLINGS, LLEWELLYN NORMAN (Mr Reginald Rawlings, Howick, father) RYRIE, JAS. LYNN (Mr John Ryrie, Shannon, brother). SHEPHERD, HERBERT GUTHRIIC (Mr Robt. Wm. Shepherd, Roxburgh) SMITH, THOS. FREDK. (Mr John R. Smith, Petone, father). TABB, WALTER JAS. (Mr Jas. Thos. Tabb, Opotiki, father). TEEHON, EDWD (Mrs Ellen Black, Napier, mother). TERRY, CHAS. (Mr W. Terry, Gore, father). VALLANCE, PERCY ORMAND (Mrs E T. Vallance, Littlebourne, Dunedm, mother). ' WILKIE, CHAS. (Mrs J. Storey, Alexander street, Auckland, sister). (Juno 11.) BATCHELOR, WALTER (Mrs A. S. Snoswell, Aehhurst, sister). . BROWN, JOHN (Mrs Sam Brown, Hastings, mother). CHARLTON, CHAS. (Mr Alex. Buchanan Hikeoran<n) RANGERS. MILTON EDWD. (Mrs Jas. Cooper, Ekctahuna, mother). RICHARDSON, JOHN CHAS. (Mr Abraham' Richardson, Gore, brother). ROSS, FRANK (Mrs C. R. Ross, Opotiki. mother). THIELE, ALBERT LAWRENCE (Mrs A. L.. Barber. Sydenham, mother). MUDIE, PETER WM. (Mrs E. Mudie, Wellington, mother). Reported Wounded; Embarked for England. WELLINGTON INFANTRY. (June 9.) FIRMSTONE, FRANK RONALD (Mr xhomas A. Firmstone, Birmingham, England). SKEATH, ARTHUR {Mrs A. Skeath. County Down, Ireland, mother). CYCLIST CORPS. (June 9.) , MERCER, LAWRENCE ST. VINCENT, Lance-corporal (Mrs W. Groen, Hawera, mother). Slightly Wounded; Remaining with Unit. AUCKLAND INFANTRY. (June 8.) HARVEY, ROBT. JAS. (Mr B. Harvey, Ashwick Flat, Fairlie. father). M'CULLOUGH, THOS. (Mrs M'Cullough, Mataroa, mother). PERRY, LAWRENCE GEO. (Mrs T. Woods. Pukekohe, sister). REID, ROBT. CLARENCE (Mr J. Reid, Mount Eden, father). WELLS, FRANK (Mrs E. Wells, Havelock, mother). WELLINGTON INFANTRY. (June 4.) KEYS, JAS. HENRY (Mr R. Keys, Burnley. England). HOSKINS, HENRY (Mrs Lily Hoskins, ;Foxton. mother). MITCHELL, ALFRED HENRY (Mrs Lucy Mitchell, Wellington, mother). CANTERBURY INFANTRY. (June 13.) BROTHERS, W. FENWICK, Lieutenant (Mrs C. Brothers, Ngongataha). (June 7.) BRIERLY, WM., Corporal (Mary King Brierley, Caversham). HORGAN, CORNELIUS (Miss A. Jubb, Kensington, Timaru). RAMSAY, PETER OLIVER (Rev. Mr Ramsay, Hastings). OTAGO INFANTRY. (June 9.) MINTOSH, JAS. BEVERIDGE (Sirs E. Mlntosh, Castle street, Dunedin, mother). RIFLE BRIGADE. (June 7.) HOLLAND, ERNEST JOHN L. (Mrs J Holland, Grey Lynn, mother). BEATON, ALEX (Mividock Beaton, Novosevrin, Canada). . SHIPP, BASIL GEO., Corporal (Mr R. E. Shipp, Matawai, brother). Troublesome coughs in old and young , are quickly stopped by NAZOL. Take some drops on sugar. Penetrating and soothing. Acts like a charm. 60 doses Is 6d. In Cleveland there is a clock that holds the world's record for accurate timekeeping. Over a period of several months it showed a variation which, in a year's time, would be less than three seconds. For Children's Hacking Cough at night. Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d, 2s 6d.—Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17039, 25 June 1917, Page 2

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ROLL OF HONOUR Otago Daily Times, Issue 17039, 25 June 1917, Page 2

ROLL OF HONOUR Otago Daily Times, Issue 17039, 25 June 1917, Page 2