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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. I " Y OIJ CAN BUY IT CHEAPER AT MAESHALL'S.'-' HOT WATER' BAG MONTH': APRIL 5 TO MAY 5. APRIL 5 TO MAY 5. SPECIAL OFFERS. BIGGER AND BETTER VALUES. GET YOUR NEW HOT WATER BAG HERE THIS WEEK. This is the tisxw r, J j,mes to secure greatest value in a good HOT WATER BAG. r now from our FULL STOCK of NEWLY ARRIVED, FINE QUALITY, ,m,^ H " MADE BAGS, and be sure of QUALITY and VALUE. „ a his year we liave had our BAGS FITTED WITH A PATENT NECK CONoI It uCTION, that prevents leaking and breaks where most hot water bags giro waj \ v ' , T y arc also equipped with a PATENT NON-&OALDING VALVE. The seams have been specially reinforced—no weak places anywhere. Every BAG is made of the Finest Selected Para White Rubber, strong and tough made to last a long time; smooth/sanitary surface. ■; i fniT ll MARSHALL QUALITY BAG, and you'll get greater satisfaction. SEE . THE DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOWS. This year wo have imported a SPECIAL CHILDREN'S SIZE. A Hot Water ffag for the children is a great convenience; a real necessity sometimes. We have _.. then l- Just as useful and practical as the larger sizes. > V REMEMBER! WE GUARANTEE EVERY BAG THAT BEARS OUR BRAND. 1 ij FRIGES vary according to the sizes—our quality does not vary. Last season we sold all our Hot Water Bags in ten weeks, so come early before th 9 (best sixes. ■ are picked out, and avoid disappointment. ■ MARSHALL'S PHARMACY, THE POPULAR CASH CHEMISTS, ' .

86 PRINCES SI TO LET. SHOP (Id section), storeroom. 19 Ihomaa Burns street. 12ap Q-ROOMED HOUSE; 4 box windows; all r conjeniences; rent. moderate suitable tenant.—B9 Forth street. lOap R 0S ™ : HOUSES . to LET and for SALE this district.—Washer, auctioneer. Roslyn ('phone 1376). 16a 9li Canongate street: 7 ROOMS; "7 , electric light; every convenience.— Apply at House this (Saturday) afternoon, aftor 2 - Map f? U ANSDALE.-To LET, 4-roomed Furnished HOUSE; all conveniences; 7s -° r term - — Particulars Moss (Ltd.), Prmccs street, Dunedin. Map T° S^^ S r -- To LET, Sound Country ■*: BAKERY BUSINESS in good dism- : "O opposition; easy ingoing.—X., Times Office, or telephone 5801. il2ap late advertisements ADVERTISEMENTS of 16 Words under the Headings Situations Vacant, Wanted, For Sale To Let, Lost and Found, Jliscellnneonß Wants, Etc., One Shilling per insertion; 3 insertions, 2/6; 6 insertions, 5/-. Strictly Cash in Advance. Extra Charge il Booked. TF your bootmaker has temporarily sold out his stock of- WOOD-MILNE RUBBER HEELS, write to BOX 873, Wellington, and ask for a pair. T A NETS RASPBERRY is tbo purest and -B-* -best money can buy. 10n LADIES: Make a point of demanding " HAYWARD'S FLAG BRAND PICKLES," which are made with best selected vegetables in pure malt vinegar. Sold everywhere. 1 29m UR FACTORY MEASURED SUITS; best in Dunedin; 45s to 60s.—Herbert, Haynes. 22m WANTED KNOWN—Natty Gift Presents; Rings, Watchcs specialty.— Thomson, jeweller, opposite Knox Church. UR FACTORY MEASURED SUITS; best in Dunedin; 45s to 60s.—Herbert, Haynes. ' 22m WE Recommend DAVID ROBERTSON, Sign Writing, House Painting, Paperhanging.—Corner Stuart and Cumberland streets. Telephone 1703. lCja Y>RESSMAKING.—Miss HARTY (late Miss Hall) "wishes to announce having taken up business at No. 5 Temple Qourt, Lower . Stuart street. 12ap "OHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS; new season's stock now arriving; Cameras from6s; fresh Chemical and Sundries; TpHOTOGRAPHIO Plates and Papers,' -fi- all makers, best varieties, always in stock; price-list on application. mRY our One Solution DEVELOPER; X once used always used.—H. J. GILL, II and 15 Frederick street ('phono 1144). LADIES: Compare 1 FLAG . BRAND" PICKLES with any other brand, and you will know why they are the best that money can' buy. Insist on, having Flag Brand. 29m OUR range of 51-inch Mercerised Downproof QtTILT SATEENS are unequalled, from Is 6d. —Herbert, Haynes. Fyour horse is run down, off colour, get '' Health for Horses"; fine tonic.— Thomson's, Stuart street. 14ap S'ECOND-HAND BOOKS in all departments of Literature superabundant and cheap.—Driver's Book Emporium, Octagon. . * " mHE WOWSER."—A tale of New ZeaJL land bush, by Chaplain-captain Guy Thornton;- 4a 6d,—Driver's Bookroom, Octagon. 14op TjYYFE'S ECONOMIC STORES.—Grey •■fi- Flannella Cotton Flannel, 6s 9d dozen; Children's Underclothing l , etc. The stores that aid economists. YFE>S ECONOMIC STORES—DoubIe Bed BLANKETS, silk bound, 15s lid; Roslyn BLANKETS, 22s 64 The stores that aid economists. YTCYFE'S ECONOMIC STORES.—ExtraII I ordinary DOWN QUILT bargains; old urices—l7s 6d, 21s, 22s 6cL The stores that aid economists. 14ap "|V/g~RS TOWLER, Arcade, Dunedin.— Open daily, usual shopping hours. Saturdays closed from noon till 7 p.m. M ANSA VITA PILE OINTMENT is not pretended to be according to the prescription of a bogus medical man. rpRY Mrs Towler's Mansavita PILLS for JL Females; 3s 6d, 5s _6d post free (registered).—Arcade, Dunedin. ANSA VITA PILE OINTMENT; pre.paxed by Mrs Towler, a registered specialist, is prescribed by some doctors. ANSA VITA OINTMENT heals, and cures all wounds; box Is 6d; Enemas, 6s 6d. All surgical rubber goods post free. Soap, cake Is. ADDRESS: Mrs TOWLER, 14 Royal Arcade, Dunedin. Private Address: 37 Ferguson street, Anderson . Bay. Advice free; stamped envelope secures prompt attention. 19ap SCOTTS' Best Second-band CYCLES and MOTOR CYCLES; all overhauled; inspect.—Scott, George street. <Pl ENT'S Matchless OYCLE; in good VJT order; real bargain at £4 10s. —Scotts. GENT'S ROVER; fitted dutch and two brakes; good value, £4,155. Gent's Massey-Harris, £2 10s. RENT'S PATTERN CYCLE; fitted VJT coaster hub; in splendid order; £4 10s. —Scotts. GENT'S PACIFIC; fitted Eadio coaster; new machine; shop-soiled; bargain; £7.—Scotts. LADY'S Raglan CYCLE; £2 10s. Lady's OSMOND; fitted clutch brakes; £4 10s.—Scotts. LADY'S Juno CYCLE; fitted clutch and two brakes; good order; £4 ss; good machine.—Scotts. ADY'S PACIFIC; fitted Eadie coaster hub; new machine; slightly shopsoiled ; bargain, £7. —Scotts. mRIUSIPH MOTOR CYCLE, Q h.p.; i fixed engine; in good running order; only £20.—Scotts. i5R^Sm - MOmi™^CYCT^™^h!p3 |JL fixed gear; £15. Kins Dick Motor; fixed gear; £18. —Scotts. i EW HUDSON MOTOR; V s h.p„ 3speed gear; in good order; £35.— Scotts. George street. EW HUDSON MOTOR; Big See; 3speed gear box; quite a new machine; bargain, £75. KING DICK MOTOR; 3-specd gear; good condition; £30. NORTON MOTOR, 4 h.p.; £20. —Scotts. IVEW HUDSON MOTOR, 2i h.p,; 3- . speed gear; free engine; splendid condition ; £25. CJdLATER LEA MOTOR, 6-7 h.p.. TWIN J.A.P.; fixed g«ar; good order; £25. Scotts. RADBURY MOTOR CYCLE, 4 2-speed gear; in splendid order; £35 — Scotts. OELET SIDE-CAR; coach-built; vy perfeot condition; £14. Turner SIDECAR; coach-built; good condition; £13. W A. SCOTT & SONS, 183 Ggotrq • street, Dunedin. t 24f LADIES: A great help in the pantry is the Delicious MILITARY PICKLE tor the quick lunch or supper. Everv lfc - Every particular person oaia iu Eooe 29m

rREET, DUNEDIN. .T OL LY'S WATCH INFIRMARY.— " Brooch Pins, Joints, and Catches* 3d ' ■iach. Repairs greatly reduced prices. i TOLLY'S WATCH INFIRMARY.— duced Prices. Watches thoroughly [ cleaned, 3s 6d; Mainsprings, 3a 6d.—6 i Moray place. • ' TOLLY'S' WATCH INJTRMARY~6 rf Moray place (opposite Choral Hall).— Clocks Cleaned—striking, 3s 6d; silent, 2a "OEAUTY of Form and Contour are won- - ■ jy derfully developed by "SPIRELLA" - CORSETS.—Miss Clough, agent. ! 1%/|TSS CLOUGH has just opened Ship. -LTJL rnent of Latest FANCY WORK; special designs in eyelet new transfers. | "OLAND'S VEGETABLE HAIR STAIN ; , true to shade; no trouble; 3s 6d a bottle.—Miss Clough. ■ * T ADIES' Hair dressing and other Toilet rS C o a^ fully attcnded to at Miss CLOUGH S, 62 George street. ' 24£ ' "WANTED KNOWN - Helmkey and v » * Son, Pastrycooks, CLOSE 6.30, ex- ■ •®' rlda y s an d Saturdays.—Telephone f 054 - ■ I In. marveHonsly snccess- „ ful Egyptian remedy for removing superfluous hair.—Particulars Box 179. ''"OGYPTUS" Treatment restoring preT, Ui matu F el y < erey hair; an Egyptian - \ herbal remedy (not a dye).—Box 17& g"|UR FACTORY MEASURED SUITS* „ best m Dunedin; 45s to 60s.—Herbert 22% ""O ASTER BRIDES r-Please mafaj - your appointments for WeddW Groups as early as possible.—Pattillo, bridrd photographer. ! "COUNTRY VISITORS t"—While Dunedin arrange' for an Enlarged Photograph of your Soldier Son.—At Fat- * tflilo S, • • "T.ADY VISITORS 1"-Be sn™ to ' -"-f pe lovely Draped Bust" "Photographs m vestibule.—PATTlLLO'S Bridal Studl °- 2ap mRUST MONEY FOR INVESTMENT -*• ASLIN & DAWSON, ' Solicitors, N.Z. Express Co. Building, Bond street Branch Office: Palmerston. 1 ' |? DINBURGif Chemist's Secret Prescn> r 1 ' 10 ™ gaining great renown—Tonio, I Ointment, Cough Mixture, Pile Cure! ' Child s thanks: Edinburgh Ointment made toothache better. Mother, let me kiss Mrs ' T} Ed i nburgh Proprietary Company, Wedderburn. 14-ao ' MON E Y : LEND." We have servers! SUMS of MONET fe Lend on FIRST-CLASS FREEHOLD 'i SECURITY at £5£ per cent • FRASER, SINCLAIR, & -WOODHOUSB, ' Solicitors, ' m 80 Princes street, Dunedin.- < OOUNTRY CLUB MODEL. D The OVTiIU.AND' .COUNTRY CLUB ROADSTER is attracting an extraordinary : amount of attention. - A limited number are arriving shortly. Get particulars of this snappy little oar. Light, compact, powerful, and comely. ; WIMPENNY BROS. & REID (LIMITED^ROVED CUKE FOR DRINK.—A Napier woman says: "Blindly foiv ward another packet of DRINKO POW- '■ DERS. My husband is doin« fine, thongfc " he_ has been a heavy drinker for years. ' Drinko can be given secretly. Booklet with < full particulars of this splendid remedy post free in sealed envelope.—Addrek Lady Manager, Drinko Proprietary, 212F Lamb- " ton .quay, Wellington. ' I3 ap rgIHE 1917 HUPP IS TO The stage of perfection which was reaehed ■ by the 1916 typji allows of few improvements, and the newcomer has just the FEW LITTLE DETAILS added to claim a dis* 1 tinction from any other cat. WIMPENNY BROS & REID fr.TMrnrpfc p ; X N O & HEW PIANOS By HOPBJNSON (LoodaxdL BEALE (Sydney), CRAMER (London), GILBERT (London), HICKS & SON (London), PAYNE' (London), HOWELL & CO. (DasecEz^ . F. HOWELL & CO, OCTAGON, DUNEDIN. Workshop and Stores: Bath street Telephone. 325. 'OROWN'S EXCHANGE TEA ROOMS.'., PRINCES STREET, "dunedin. VISITORS to DUNEDIN dioald never MISS SEEING BROWN'S TEA ROOMS. They are ono of tbo Our PASTRY and PliSij ass for and zvmy - tho finest in quality baked in the dominion. Only High-grado Factory Butter used. ,FOR OUR BOYS AT THE FRONT: We wfll bo pleased to make CAKES TO YOUR ORDER—your own design (if required), and address written on cakes. W2l see to them being securely packed and : ■ posted, and the receipt sent to' tne buyer. - Send to Brown's Exchange Tea Rooms for -' : CAKES and CONFECTIONERY. They • make the best that money and brains om produce. ' • - BROWN'S EXCHANGE TEA ROOMS. PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. ,rjJO MOTOR GARAGES. WE HAVE THE VERY LATEST MACHINERY FOR MAKING ALL BUNDS OF GEARS, ' | And Use the Very Best AHoy Steels, " I And give Special Attention to CASE-HARDENING. , Samples Submitted Free on Request ! OXY" ACETYLENE Welding and Gutting l . 1 Piston Heads and Rings, and afl Gaxago Requirements. Motor Boat PropeHecs, eto. f - v : Aluminium, Phosphor Bronse, and Other ' s Castings. JOHN M'GREGOR & CO. (LTD.% Mining and General Engineers, " OTAGO FOUNDRY, DUNEDIN, 1 ' X " L A S T O W"' ■ IS THE BEST CEILING. " Plastow " for Material, " Plastow" for -' Finish-the BEST. . , ' ~ Particulars and Samples from Sola 1 < Mauufacturer: - .•"-■-■v..-, cv W. H. ALLEN. Moray place (next Municipal Baths). Telephones 1978 and 2875. , > ANE'S GINGER BEER and HOP V _ oxo tho talk of tho town, ii)n

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16978, 14 April 1917, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16978, 14 April 1917, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16978, 14 April 1917, Page 9