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I HOW HAS BEAUTIFUL HAIR |;• Wonderful experience of Mrs. S. Golden th v 1;-with "CRYSTOLIS," the Genuine Haii» v % |!' - Grower discovered at last. \ ' ,U \ p Great American Treatment Grows Hah* in | 30 days. Stops Falling Hair, Dandruff, | and Itching Scalp. Restores Grey and Faded 5- | : ' 'Hair to Natural Colour and Brilliancy. .. f"" * ' s J V-C£ v < "" I Reward of £200 if we Fail on our Guarantee. | Try it at our Risk. Post Coupon To-day. | ; . (George F. Morse.) 5 'yten I Btartod using 'Qrjßtolis' my hair was lalling cot bo last "I lost my hair 18 wears' aeo. Hav« $ Vta M mO !LJ )a ? ' ?*£.■ i hall aandrnl |. 60 b ?, d ttat st 1156(1 to need less than one troiiiment. Where % SS, an J"t b £ * tried many remedies without success; but I was entirely bald at the Winning 4 using 'Crystal,s' my hair stopped falling out, .. my head is now entirely covcml with $ n 1 8 1 ? y f I? 1 ' E0 ?- n 11 " t0 ti-ow rapidly; a thick growth of fine "hair ol natural «" s I * -~' l - *■ - *'/ beautiful head of hair, Yoiu-svery truly, . oolour. No moro itchillg( IJO n , ore U<\ r f> +$ tl inis s - GOLDEN." falling hair, no moro dandruff. The N \ x £| ■ treatment is clean, and there is nothing ,1S Hero at last Is a truo hair grower, distributed on trial on a positive disagreeable in its use. I have tried *» * >t $ guarantee of satisfaction or Its use does not cost you a farthing. "Crystolis" many dificrent so-called hair growers, / r . A \f, If guaranteed to grow hair on YOUR head however thin-haired; to ston a -? cl Hiey lulve all faile <t to produoe . < \ 'N.-* ,■„ '>? W • hair trom falling out, to drive out dandruff, to make thin, short, scant hair results claimed for them." > h*'* * " 6 prow .thick and long; to make oily, matted, stringy hair, or dull, dry, dead- DR J s RILEY * V, ?>&>>*£? fi $ looking hair soft, glossy, fluffy, and beautiful. It must do this or it is free. ' „ JV.5 Y C ,' LAR f; 3 C , A" $ And hundreds and hundreds of people-men and women-living all over „f a mtientan?find it stop nil the // '' " y fytX v X' <3 A s sgwsss>rjsw" ,h,n "" r * h ™' - st vzsaz* fa• « a I ■ I j2jrur&tr , j»ws&sresur«sa "™" «'«• ««• »«™.- tW I ® Bom# exhibitions; and we have been amazed at the glowing reports our "Tour 'Cirstolis' has grown hair on % T" »? f a-j % patrons have given. People say they wero bald for years, but now glorv In m T bead, which was shiny and bald % ,{. n,5„ f II r'l b „ ea " ,l!ul ' abundant hair. They tell how, with a fow applications, for 40 years." § J ?Js, //)/Y?7 /fjS/T" 1 ttw M daf.?®' h#W ha,r # toPPe« l tal "n» out, and new halr'cama in lets STOPPED HAIR FALLING. NEW t -. J No mßtt ?r w i iat Y° un ,orm «' hair trouble; how long you have been (Miss Beulah nrciosklv't IT* f ® bald; n# matlw how badly your hair Is falling, or how many treatments you .. R elnn.fl t- , Jf).fg/f7/9/ it® ma V have tried, we want to send you state of these wonderful letters to read stopped my hair from &/&&/ JgJ gJJU/M % ywirsell-we want you to try "Crystolis" yourself at our risk. N 0 oommg out, cured the itehmg, and " V I * ... We (I've you a binding guarantee, without any "strings" or red tape that see hair^rew 06 1 ca " falrly J "Crystolis" must produce a new hair growth for you—make your hair grow OTOr 1 l«nf. thick, and abundant, and give ?ou entire or "CrwtoU." b wccks * ;S will be Ireo. We are a responsible, reliable., and established concern, and MEN OF MEDICINE RELIGION & have plenty ot money to back up this guarantee, and have deposited £200 in ... RELIGION, # ou , r B y dn °y hank, which wo will forfeit If In any instance we tail to comolv OTHERS, ALL v PRAISE !| with (he plain terms of this contract. V 0 19 ' k I DONT PUT THIS ANNOUNCEMENT ASIDE. YOU MAY LOSE IT LKYSIO! IS \ 3 I OR FORGET IT. CUT OUT THE COUPON AND POST IT, AND LET ViU&UI il ?! U8 PROVE WHAT "CRYSfOLIS" CAN DO IN YOUR OWN CASE. DO These are but a handful out of j THIS AT ONCE—TO-DAY! I thousands of splendid testimonials— ' convincing evidence from the personal s Cr 5 GREY HAIR ASSUMES NATURAL. hundreds of cases. "We regard it as experience of people who seriously felt s. < n.' , * g3 (Mrs Jennie V Wrlston.) °f decided service."—Dr J. T. Jackson the need of beautiful hair in social or Jg "My nair was fuling out, and in one Pj M'iturtry, College of business lives:— * v&Ju, plaoo lb had become bald. I used Physicians, Columbia University, New GROWS IN ONE WEEK ws 'Crystolis' as directed, and in four iork City. ._ . ' <. a Pa weefrs' time a new growth of hair had COVERS HIS BALD HEAD WITH «<rxJ f v', 1 Han^i .ck.) v s?) I ffij begun to oome. lam still using 'Crys- HAIR IN THREE WEEKS. ft Crystolis started my hair growing [ 5 talis,' and my groy is assuming its (C B Allen) after the first week s treatment." ... 7 >'>f 1 ?(W I Sji.J? 0l S ar " , J ®l., y ?i rs 01,1, "I hayo used' 'Crystolis'' three weeks, CLERGYMAN DELIGHTED. g nn»' ? nair ffi d tho results are fine. I have been < (Rev. F. 18. Campbell.) I « foct treatment." °1W 1 * PeP " eetHn lly baW for fl a number of rears. "I cm delighted to sav 'Crystolis' | §» °Y • a w °rso every year. has stopped tho itching, and a fine W-I WAS BALD FOR FIVE YEARS. I bavo tried a good many remedies growth of new liair lias appeared." % tW-fa s'<• * c .\''h -n^l\ $ SCALP SHINY. without results, and now, after three „. ID , < M I\ ci; (George Klump.) weeks' use, my head is covered with NEW rare SPnTS H ¥"V; \ "ft N\ C- .™„ tv. j 1,, . small, fine hair, and not only that, mv BARE SPOTS. ? >'i/A fr 5 \v •* </ \a e $, KA" spo hair is in a far healthier condition (Mrs Fannie Covenhoer.) ~\tf I Wed than for years. I shall surely use "When I began using 'Crystolis mv J®« % rffitorere reS beneflL It l°° T re ™ etly , al 7 ayS ' just t6 k6e P the hair was 80 thin 1 do noiiin S $9 v\ | after «alp healthy." ' with it. Now the new hair i, froiS A g: using 'Crystolis' for somo weeks that INCH OF NEW HAIR IN 42 DAYS. t hreo lnc ' lcs long which covers 'M* O iS~ «S tho shiny, bald spot was gradually dis- (Miss Cora Simpson). tho bare spots, and there is hfe in <&i t £i appearing, and I discovered a fuzz al) "For several yeara I was troubled '?v ' , belorenand I had to crimp f' V >/ Vv>>? | over the bald spot. This fuzz has now wit i dandruff, and close to tho head my hair to do anything at a.l.wn-h it. \ A' v<T 4 -r.' 5 '* i developed into real hair. I shall oer- 016 hair seemed very oily, while DR CHARLES LYNDON STATES:— ygW Ikr O «f< if'/\ tainly continue tho uso of ■Crystolis.'-" towards theendsit washarshand "To-day I have twice as much hair 0? I* <=» $5 NOTED SCALP SCIENTISTS EN- hiihlv S r,olrm n » T / s* 60 on the top of my head 'as vrhen I <-v 1 DORSE "CRYSTOLIS" _JL ? decided to try it, oommenccd nsing *y° nr remedy. You / K P ob [ ® ESSENTIAL. y j Sa 7 ,\ b '} oes have unquestionably solved the problem ✓ <b>' t vt ■c 5 )", if »n 1. «. , . , , exactly as recommended, in 14 days oi crowintr new hair" O?' sS>i « .4 1 vf*&wV<\A, i f|- ■ It b the only product, os far as my head was free from dandruff. In growing new hair. «^ N <A< 8 ■k , w ® knoTr ; l nso has been known six woeks I had new hair growing > ' > & A V 3 ii to promoto hair growth. It seems to mora than an inch in length. The ? ■ „ 0 \ $ • ?. Bpcoifio action, and we have old, dry, dead look had gone, and the ✓ &«<?"*> * I it with good effect in many hair was soft and silky-looking." N o° o^ o v '

MERIT In Fountain Pens, as in everything Jjk |j M\ > else, it is merit that tells, and that is Hi \|j why the "Swan" has for a quarter frj| ||| of a century gained more users every HI 11 M year. When you buy a "Swan" ||§ |lj| 111 you know you have a guarantee of Mm fjrl iA excellencem workmanship, perfection 111 §11 fcl of detail, and that absolute reliability ' 'Ml If J mi,. which has>been the consistent keynote feflj Mf',! Iffesl of "Swan" manufacture for a Bf §p generation. ' HS Ej® lit. , _ . _ , m m (Wt BIT (I Bj || ■ ' i ■ li M ft li Sold b s Stationers and Importers Everywhere. lUI M ffiksM iSH |b| Standard Pattern with Safety Pattern with fStf Iffl vsbM Slip-oil Cap, from 12/6 Screw-on Cap, from 15/- |||j i j Iff ifj PSi' Illustrated Catalogue free on request. |fe| j|f MABIE, TODD & CO., LTD., ' fi I I'f 111 79-80, High Holborn, London, Eng. I I gfl W Manchester, Paris, Zurich, Toronto, &c. 1 if 1 lm 3 °o S w°? y) c- sa 'c 7 f- orgeSt - London Factory- fi|| 11 IfLi psg < r I , Associate House—Mabie, I&LAj fells rodd i. Co., Inc., New York and \SSaigrj J/ REMEMBER! §|l f| WLL OUTWEAR THE — rr= jjl I HEA^„^ KES "TOROCKSES- 1 ©J THE oest RAW MATEniAv SUBSTITUTES . ON fit XONE6T MANUFACTURE, SELVEDGE

s 'To GU.ll—is fiie Voice of the Past. To PREVENT —is the Divine Whisper of the Present.' \ INDOOR WORKERS—When brainwork, nerve strain, and lack i . of exerciso make you feel languid—tired—" blue "—a little ENO'S 6 FRUIT SALT' I in a glass of cold water will clear your head and tone your nerves. I A Judicious Rule. " Ist, Restrain your appetite, and get always | up trom the table with a desire to eat more. 2nd, Do not touch I anything that does not agree with your stomach, be it most agreeable § to the. palate. Ihese rules have been adopted in principle'by all >j dieticians of eminence, and we recommend their use. I A LITTLE ut the SIGHT TIME is better than Much and Running || Over at the Wrong. | ENO'S 4 FRUIT SALT' is sold by Chemists and Stores throughout | the world, I Prepared only by I J. C. ENO, Ltd., Frujt Salt Works, London, Eng.

When sending tobacco to your New Zrnlandbr at tho Front, send him Gold Pouch Aromatic. No other tobacco will remind him so much of home, for Gold Pouch Aromatic is grown in the land ho is fighting for—'tis tho pride of Hawko's Bay Gold Pouch Aromatic is essentially a soldier's tobacco, in that it contains but 1A per cent, of nicotine, and can bo smoked all day without producing dizziness or nausea, or parching the throat. In this tobacco, the smoker will find a totally different flavour and a peculiar smoothness and mellowness. Send your -soldier a bit; bulging 2ioz bag of Gold Pouch Aromatic —one shilling—all tobacconists. If he's a cigarette smoker, send him the Now Zen-land-grown "Three Diamonds'' tobacco samo price. _j2

OTAGO WlTNESS.—Larg'v.t Country Cir- \ culation of any weekly . : n the Dominion. | Fcund in every farmhouse in Ot-jgo and | Southland, and circulating largely it. Can- I terbury and northern rural districts, it offers unrivalled fncili'ies for Advertiaiv oi intcieat to country l'eitdere. ' '

WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS has cleansing action on tho kidneys and bladder-

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16978, 14 April 1917, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16978, 14 April 1917, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16978, 14 April 1917, Page 12