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ING. Following 13 a nominal list of tho men 'returning by a hospital shu> due at Auckland on tho 4th inst., Wellington on tho 6rh, L>ttolton on the 7th, and Port Chalmers on the Bth, with tho next-of-kin appearing after the namo of tho returned n-an:—

Major Looming, Charles Victor, clerk (Mrs Margaret Leeming, 39 Korth Avon road, Bt. Albans, Oliribtohurch, wifo). Captain Haughion, Vivian Palmer, draughtsman (R. Si Haugihton, 78 Pirio street, Wellington, father).

Captain Holdgste, Grnest Arthur George, ironmonger's assistant (James H. Uoldgote, 11 Butler street, Timaru).

Oaptain U'Xab, Peter, medical practitioner (Mrs 3. J. M'Uab, Normanby road, Mount Eden, Auckland, wife). Lieutenant M'Dougall, Joseph Henry, jeweller (Allan M'Dougall, li Beta street, Eoslyn, father). Lieutenant' Milne, Alexander Smith, accountant (Mrs Ulßio Milne, Ashburn Hall, Wakari, Boslyn, mother). Lieutenant Scoon, William Hudson, truant officer (Mrs W. II .Scoon, 143 The Terraoe, Wellington, wife).

Lieutenant Scott-BUgginson, William, clerk (Mrs Anna Scott-Higgirison, cure J. B. Higginsan, .—cuwhata, Waikato, Wife). Lieutenant BUeiuou, iiarold John Drummond, farmer (Jamea 0. Sheldon, Mount Somers, Canterbury, father). Lieutenant Thorn, William Michael, clerk (Mrs Annie., Thorn, 4 Spohr street,' Addington, mother). Second Lieutenant Aitken, Alexander C., student (William Aitken, 71 Albany street, Duncdin, father). Second Lieutenant Bongard, Stanley, clerk (Mrs E. Bongard, 15 Vauxhall road, Devonport, Auckland, mother). Second Lieutenant Garden, George Edgar Henderson, 111. re or (Mrs 11. A. Garden, 5 young street,Duucdin, mothir). Second Lieutenant Gasparich, Joseph George, Bchooi teacher (A. Gaspanch, Banner's avenue, Kingaland, father). Second LUutenaut Gendall, John William, clerk (Mrs Agnes W. Gendall, 104 Majoribanks street, Wellington, wife). Sccond Lieutenant Hancox, George Gilbert, teacher (Mrs Ethel M. Hancoi, 102 Queen Btreet, Dunedin, wife). Second Lieutenant M'Clelland, WUJiam Wallace, draper (Mrs M. H. M'Clelland, 376 Gloucester street, Linwood, Christctmrch, wife). Second Lieutenant Monris, Guy Norman, civil servant (Mrs G. N. Morris, Palmerston South, Otago, wife). Second Lieutenant Petrie, Edword Uobcrt Victor, auction clerk (Mrs Annie Y. Petrie, 23 Epuni street, Wellington). Second Lieutenant Signal, Hamish Allen, oabinetmaker (Mrs E.izabcth Signal, Bulls, mother).' Second Lieutenant Turner, Archibald Bay Hoyte, commercial traveller (Mrs M. E. G. Turner, 14 Russell street, Devonport, Auckland, mother). Second Lieutenant Vial, Rob. rt Forster, warehouseman (H. Vial, Eelbnrn, Wellington, father). Rifleman Abel, Douglas, draper (Mrs W. Abel, Hunterville, mother). Private Abington, Arthur, shepherd (Mrs 0. M'Pherson, Sea View Terrace, Timaru, mother). Driver Aldrid-ge, George, plasterer (Mrs Alice Aldridge, 6 Purdie street, Christchurch, wife). Rifleman Allardyce, Ivtvn Douglas, form worker (W. M. Allardyce, 69 Fisher street, Beckenham, Christchurch, father). Rifleman Alomes, William Robert (Mrs A. Newstead, Coolgardie, Western Australia, sister). Private Anderson, Andrew, cook (Mrs Sophia Kansanaja, Ulaburg, Finland, sister). .Private Anderson, John, cabinetmaker (David Anderson, St. Mary's road, Ponsonby, Auckland, father).

Gunner Andrew, James, labourer (Mrs A. E. Andrew, 1050 Colombo street, Christohurch, wife). Bifleman Andrew, Bobert, clerk (Mrs E. Habgood, Patutohi, Gisborne). Corporal Anthony M., labourer (Mannertv Avqtua. Earotonga, father). Privato Armitoge-M'Elwalne, Basil G., wool chwer (3Xrs B. Armitage-H'Elwain, G.P.0., Wellington, wife). ' Private Arns, Charl-ea, labourer (Mrs P. ama Davy street, Thames), Private Arnold, George, farmer (James Arnold. Balclutha, father) Private Ashby, Maurice Q., painter (Mrs Mary Ashby, 21 .Biccarton . road, CJhristchurcli, mother.) R, S. M. Ashwull, Leslie, shepherd (Joseph Ashwell, Temuka, father). Bifl< man. August, Cyril H., cabinetmaker (Mrs E August, 23 Walton avenue, Masterfcon, mother). Private Babbage, Charles H., steward (Mr 3 M. E. Babbage, Tanhine road, Miramar, Wellington, mother). ,

Private Backholm, Benjamin A., etomnan '(Benjamin Backholm, Alexandra South, father). Corporal Bagley, Eric Alexander, joiner (Benjamin Bagley, Queen Alexandra Btreet, St. CLair. Dunedin, father). , Corporal Bailey, Chrys., labourer (A. Bailey, 904 Singer street, Pittsburg, U.S.A., father). Gunner Bailey, Tom, electrician (Henry Bailey, care Messrs Bailey and Co., Tottenham Court road, London). . ,

Private Ball, Francis Alfred, saddler (Arthur Bedford Ball, care Ingram and Co., Woodmen, London, E.G., brother). Private Barclay, Rodriok, bushman (Mrs Wingate, Riversdale, mother.). Rifleman Barnetfc, Horace Walter, farm hand (Mrs Sarah, 128 Peterborough street, Christchnrch, mother). Corporal Barras, Wray, labourer (John Barras, 7 Collins street, Geelong West, Victoria). Corporal Barrett, Antliony Christopher (Mrs Mary Ann Barrett, 425 Brighton placc, Pemberton, Wigan, En pi and). Lance-oorjiral Barrowman, Marriott Fergus, railway cadet (Mrs Susan Barrowman, care Railways Ohakune Junction, mother). " ' Private Eartlett, Alexander Wm., blacksmith (Geo. Bartlett, Waitahuna, Otago). Private Beecham, William, labonrer (Mrs Williams, Wingsfield Hotel, Llan Bradaek, S. Wales England, sister).

liance-corporal Bell, Harold Douglas, mechanic (Horace B. Bell, 31 Cumberland street, Richmond Christchnrch). Private Belsham, Thomas James Colis, plnmber (Mrs Harriett Belsham, 6 Arthnr street, Wellington, mother).'

Rifleman Berry, John, miner (Sergeant S. Berry Ayrshire Constabulary, Ardrossan, Ayrshire. Scotland, father). .

Private Best, Arthur Joseph, farmer (J. Best Longburn, father). Corporal Best, Charles Isaac, traveller (Mrs Aileen Best, Bletsoe, avenue, Spreydon, wife).' Private. Billings, Archibald, bnshman (Christopher Billings, Dargaville, father). Bombardier Bird, Randolph Churchill, clerk (Frank Bird, Stent street, .Westporb, father). Private Bishop, "William John, driver (W H Bishop, Korn, via New Plymouth, father). Private Blaikio, Alfred James, clerk, N.Z: Hailways (Mrs B. Blaikie, Vincent street, Auckland mother). '

Private Blanehard, Arthur, farmer (Mts G C Blanchard, Croydon road, Waipnkn, Taran'aki' mother). } - *

Private Bland, Raymond, farm labourer (Thomas Bland, 122 Hawkshnw road, King Cross, Halifax, Yorks, England, tothe^). Private Boler, Athelston, carpenter (Mrs J. S. Boler, Rata street, New Lynn, Auckland, mother) .Private Bolstad, Chris. Jonarlram, architect (Mrs H H. Bolstad, 183 Main street, Palmerston North mother). '

Rifleman Bonrko, Lawrence Arthur, farm hand (J Bonrke, Shetland street, Kaikorai, Dnnedin, father). 1

Private Bowell, Frederick Tliomas A., chemist assistant (Mrs Jean A. Bowell, CO Brighton road ParnoTl, AncTcland, mother). ' Rifloman Bowers, Thomas, gardener (Mrs J E. Bowers, Richmond ;!hristehnrch) Private Boyd, Leslie Bnrnard, clerk (William Boyd, 40 Picton street, Ponsonbv, Auckland, father). '

Private Brndshaw, John Eohert, ploaghman (Mrs A. E. Bradshnw, Mataura, Southland, mother). Private Brain, John Charles Wm, farm labourer (Charles Wm. Brain, Kaiaopi, Canterbury, father) ■ Private Bray, Leonard C.. carpenter (Mrs John! Bray, The Lizard, Cornwall, England, mother) Private Brewster, John Thomas M., survevor's chftininan (A. J. Brewster, Tinamba, Ginnsjand Victoria, AiiPtralii father) , Rifleman Briggs, Thomas Robert Henry, baker (Miss Violet Briggs, care Howard Mellon, Rowan via Kaponga, sister). '

Private Brittain, Noel, : attendant (Frank H. Brittain, care Stock Department, Blenheim", father). . 1

Private Brooks, Robert George, labourer (Mrs M. E. Brooks, 250 Armagh street, Christchurch mother). '

Private Brown, George, labonrer CGoo. Brown. To Hapara, Gisborne, father). Private Buchanan, William, farmer • (J. Buchanan, Patetonga, Thames, father). Corporal P.urkc, John Ernest, labourer (Mrs E Bnrke, 22 Gondor Gardens, London, JT.W., mother) Private Burnes, Adam Allan, sheep fanner (Mrs Burn en, care High Commissioner for N.Z London, mother).

Lance-corporal Burnet, Oswald, carpenter (Thomas J. Burnet, Woodend, Canterbury, father) Rifleman Burrell, Percy, oa«Tier (Mrs Jean Burrell, Kimbolton, wife). Private Byers, Arthur, labourer (Arthur ByeTS, " Plumber Hamlet," Henderson, Auckland, father). SeTgeant Cahill, Robert, express proprietor (ifrs Agnes Cahill, 50 Glasgow street, South Dnnedin wife). '

Private Campbell, William, jeweller and watohmakor (W. Campbell, Woodhill, via Auckland father). Rifleman Candy, Augustus Alexander Frederick butcher (Mrs L. Candy, Box 51, To Awamutu, motßer).

Private Cannell, Prank, farm liand (Mr Cannell, Thergy .Wreck, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, father). Rifleman Carr, Joseph James nnholsterer (Mrs M. Carr 9 Tyne str»efc. Invercargill, mother). Private Oarrick, Patrick Michael, saddler (Mrs K. Gnxrick, 58 High street, Tim am, wife). Gunner Carrigan, Philip James, grocer (Miss Alioo Carrigan, 2 Warwick street, Feilding, sister). Acting Corporal Oarrington, Lawrence Westoote, storeman (Samuel K. Cnrrimgton, 93 Brittomnrt street, Wellington, father).

Private Otirroll, Patrick (Mrs T. Carroll, Dnndenong, Victoria, Australia, mother). Gnnner Carter, Allan Burgess, seaman (Mrs Alice Onrtor, 100 Maple road, Anorley, S.E., Loodon, mother).

Lance-corporal Catchpole, Percy Wilfred P., former (Joseph Catchpole, 16 St. Mary's road, Ponsonby, Auckland, father). Biflwnan Chandler, HnTold Byron, Inhmirer (S. W. Chandler. care,W. Walker, 'll St. Hill street, W.inga.Tini, father). Hiflcmnn Chapman, Herbert John L., railway porter (C. T. Chapman, King street, Temufai, .falJier).

. Private Childs, George, news agent (Mrs Henrietta Cliilds, 11 Parliament etrcct, Wellington, mother).

Private fliinlin. Thomas Walter, driver (Joseph C' l,;,l 'ui. Whimsrnrnta. Auckland).

Private Glmrch. It., farmer (Mrs Wilkes. MakiriHvi, Wnn.fnmii, stepmother). Private Clnrke. John Stanley, farm labonrer (Miss Ethel T). Clarke, Technical School, Afihburton, sister).

"Rifleman 'Hiomas Oeorce. farmer (T ClarMcc. Ponanni.' Christehnreli. fathpr). Private Cl: l '*. "John Owen, railwnv emplovee Wrn T.enn Pl:iv. Owen street, N'ewtown, WeJliii"ton. cHer-in-lnw).

PrivMe CTlnttoThiiek. William. InbenTer (Mrs P. E. Clntterbnek, oare Mrs Laweoo, Longridge! Kingston Cro6sing, wife).

Rifleman Oodlin, William Charles N„ farmer (/Mrs 0. 0. Child, Maungofcaramea, Whangarei, North Auckland).

Driver Cockburn, Horaoo CamDboll, locomotive en S™ eer ( iLrs F. E. Oookburn, care Kirkoaldle uiiu buiius, WcUingiau, wiie). Kifleman Cockhoud, Arthur Iftoderiok, labourer (ilxa iiatecr, Niiou street, liamUtou, sister). lUtlcuian Cocking, JoaepU liichard, plumber (Mnj A lx Oockuiy, oaro V. Slater, builder, Douoaster, JiugUmd, mother). liillemon Collins, Christopher Feck, hairdresser I 3 XT C!olUlls . lay llanyiteki street, l'alinerfitrou .North).

Private Collius, Froderiok William Janxw, clerk (Mrs M. I''. Collins, oaru (U'.o_ llotorua, mother). '

l'rivato Cooper, Henry, draper's assistant (G. Oooper, Lindistaauo ro:id, Invercargill, laUicr). llobert Bond, lead glazier (William Cooper, 'J George 6treet, Ponsonby, Auckland, lather). Corcoran, Thomas Patrick, larmer (Patrick Coroorun, Junction, Oamaru, lather). Private Coutts, Bobert, sawyer (Mrs Mary Coutts, Taiori, Otago, mother). Corporal Crane, Ljrnest Laud Held, labourer (Mrs ran0 ' ®® Kimberlcy, Stockwell, mother). Driver Crotty, Maurice Aloysiue, labourer (Mrs Saruli Crotty, Uiverbunkl. Private Crowther, Hoy Mansel 8., farm hand (Mrs S. Crowther, Mount Edwi, Auckland). Private Coylc, Dillon, bushnuui (Mrs J. Lawrenson, Olive). Kifleman Cumberland, G-eorge, cook (James Cumberland, London.). Uiiluman i'Javidson, William IXenry, draper (W. Davidson, Otorohauga). Bifleman Davies, Egbert, gnm dagger (Mrs K. Davies, Queen street, Otahuhu). Lance-oorj>oral Davison, lienry Hunter, labourer (Mrs E. DaYißon, Marua). Private Davy, H. 0., bootmaker (C. Davy, 12 Grov utreet, Private Deery, Edwin Hugh, coaclimaai o£rs E. Deery, Hill street, Otahuhu). Lanoe-corpoial Dentioe, Albert Leopold, brass moulder (Albert J. Dentioe, Wellington, father). Lanoe-corporal Delivers, Benforth, Silvey, larmer (Miss Kathleen Denvere, Auckland, sister). Private Devon, Ajigus Kenneth, farm labourer (Mrs M. Devon, Gimmerbnni, Otago, mother). Kifleman Dewj William Leonard, labourer (Mrs J. Dow, Dannovirke). Private Dev, Frederick Henry, labourer (G. C. Dey, Spax Bush P.o.>

_ private Dickson Pnhert Rutherford, baker (Bobt. B. Dickson, Jedburgh). \ Private Dingle, iieroert Hingston, butcher (Mrs Dingle, Bealey avenue, Christchurch 1. Private Dortwell, James, steward (Mrs Mary Dodwell, London, mother). Private Donaldson, Robert Marshall, driver. Private Doolan, lliomas, farmer (John Doolan, Totara Flat, Greymonth, father). ' PViyt® Dower, Harold Ralph, bushmnn (John W. Dower, Rochester street, Christchurch, father). Liuioe-oorporal ■ Doyle, Charlte, labourer (Mrs Morv A. Doyle, 25 Halswell, Dominion road, Auckland). .

Sergeant Dnnhar, John, carrier (G. H. Donaldson, Biggax street, Invercargiin. Private Dnncnn, James farming (ilrs J. Buncan, Karaanea, Westport). Private Dunn, Edward, labourer (Mrs H. Dunn* Hnntly). Corporal Dunn, Leo, labourer (Hrs L. Dntin, Customhouse street, 'Gisborne, Private Dwycr, John, cook (Mrs Julian M'lnnes, Molon?, New South Wales, sister). Private Bwyer, William Bdward, timber worker (J P. Bwyer, Tutanckai street, Eotorua, father). Lance-corporal- Edwards, Edward, railway? (Mrs E. Edwards, 14 Barbadocs street, Sydenham, Christchurch, wife). Lanoe-corporal Edwards, Edword John, farm hand (Teddy Edwards, Whangarei, father). Bifleman England, Clarence, clerk (Mrs Fanny L. England, 15 Severn Bt. Albaiw, Christchurch, mother). Private. Erikson, Karl Wtlhclm Jamee, labourer (Andrew. Er : kson, 20 Sumnec street, Spreydon, Christchurch, mother). Private Evans, David Josiah, miner (itrs Louisa Thomas, .7o Alliugton road, Bristol, En-gland, sister). ' Gunner B%'crrfct, Prank Gordon, farmer (Albert Everett, Pokororo, Kelson, father). Private Fahey, Patrick (Patrick Curtain, Brunnerton, Westla&d). Bifleman Fahey, Percival Matthew, clerk (Mrs 0. 0. Pahcy, 37 Erin street, Boslyn, Dunedin, mother).

Private Fahy, Frederick George, farm hand (T. Fahy, care P. Mossmnn, Tiniroto, brother). B'fleman ,Fentou, Howard, farm hand (Arthur Fpnton, "London, England, brother). Bifleman Ferguson, George, engine-driver (George Fercuson, Shag Point, Otago, father"). Driver Fernando?, John Aloysius, dental mechanic (N. Fernandos, 137 a Thorndon quay, Wellington, father). Private Find!ay, Allen James ,disprnser (James Findlny, draper, Denniston, West Coast). Staff-sergeant Fisher, Franris Vivian, thcoloerical stndont (T. B. Fisher, St. Olata*, Drnedin, father). Servant Fisher. Will'ara Jamos, labourer (Daniel Fisher, Middlenwroh, Otaco, father). Fisoen-dcn, Frederick, farmer (Mrs P. Blind Biver, Marlborotigh, mother*. Private Fitzg' raid, Thomas Bobert D., elertricJil fM'ss Shaw, P!O., Toloira Bay). Private Fitzpitr'ck, Edward, blackpm f th (Edward Fitjjntiek, ]G Wilkie road, South Dune-din, father). Private Flynn, John, BarmT (Mrs P. Flvnn, Turua P. 0., Thames Biver, mother). Driver Fogarty, Dani 1, contractor (Mrs Fogarty Sfeudholme Junction, Waimate, mother). ' Private Forrest, G-rorge Banry, golf professional (James Forrest, 20 Trinity road, Brechin, Forfar Scotland, fathpr). Private Forrester, Robert, wire worker (Bobert Forrester, 9 Burns street, Sydenham, Christchurch, father").

Gunner Forsyth, William James, clerk (Miss E. T<v=?t}\, care B. 0. Fcnton, Luke road, Frankton .Junction, sister). Private Francis. Athur Cyril, labourer (G. Francis, Sprig House, Abbesforth, Hants, England, nctfe). TrooTwr TYnnois, Lwrencc, m 3 c lLiiet ftfrs -Aciia Fnnnia. Owhflnsro, Main Trunk, mother). Bifleman Friend, John, brshman (Bert Watkins, 105 Campbell street, Wansanui). Private Friis, Ernest, mUI hand 'Mrs Hsik Txis Dann<-virkp., mother). ' . Private 3?!ryer, John Whichells, oompositor (Mrs Annie A. Fryer. 14 Mat-son street, Svdenham, Chrstchnrch. wife).

Funnell. Gordon Henri E., carpenter (H. K. Fnnnell. Mannw-ra, Auckland, father). Corporal Fyfe, Robert Arthur, steward (Mrs Evelyn B. Jyfe, Volley road, off Dominion road, Anckland, wife). Private Gallagher, Patrick, bnshman (0. Galla-g-her. Patntahi, Gisborne, father). Rifleman Gamble. William, bnshman (Mrs S. Gamble, Jf.inentu, North Auckland. "nolh-c-. V Private Garwood, Ernr>=t James, labourer (Daniel Garwood, Fraserfcown, brother). Private Gawler. Robert Gcorse, farmer (Mrs R. P. Sawler. -17 Buchanan road, Upper Biccarton. Crr'.stohnrfh. mother). Private Gee, Lwrpnce William, law strident (W. Gee, 0.P.0., Nelson, father). Rifleman Gentle, Art-hnr, labonrer (TV. Gentle, Wrayfield Cottage. Stnrfolft, Bedford?, England). Bombardier G ; bb. Donsrlas clerk (Georce P. Gibb, 44 Central Terrace, TO'bnrne, Wel'instoh). Lance-corporal G : bbons, Charles Francis, farmer (Mrs Olive 0. E. Gibbons, Kopu, mfe). Private Gibbs. EJward, commercial traveller (Mrs J. Gibbs, 16 T:;rnbnll street, We'liiu:ton, mother). Private Glee son, Frederick, contractor (ifrs 'Gleeson, Ohau, Manawatu, mother). Lance-corporal Godley, P>upert, gardener (Mrs Lena Gcdley, care Mrs Mushen, Kaitoki, New Lynn, Auckland, mother). Private Geordge, Charles Newton, farmer (W. L. Geordge, New Plymouth, father). Kiil.-man Graham, Albert Conroy, fencer (Ifrs J. Monk, Lower Kokata, Westland, sister). Private Graham, George, labourer (Mrs Lena Graham, oare Mr A. Paulenc, Maybe street, Bomtola, N.S.W., wife). Private Graham, Robert, labourer (Ngainanga Mare, Ahipara, sister). Ihiver Granfield, Edwajd Anthony, painter (E. Granfield, Otaki, father). Rifleman Grant, Albert, Givirqo, railway clerk B. Grant, Ravensbourne, Dnnedin, father). Private Grant, John Vincent, ploughman (J. B. Grant, Rveusboanie, Dnnedin, father). Trooper Gray, Donald Freeman, fanner (Mrs John 'l'ippctt, Maoes road, Bvoralcy, Christchurch). JJriver Green, Thomas, labourer (E. p. Green, Greyinonth, South Island, brother). Private Grey, Arthur Phillip, Bailor (Alan 11. Grey, Arvika, Sweden, father). Lanoooorporal Grieve, liobcrfc Glendining, farmer (John S. Grieve, Waianiawa, Southland, tather).

Private Gritten, Edward James, labourer (Miss Mary Griffon, one Mr Martin, aocountant, Tiuiaru, 6ister).

Rifleman Griffiths, Arthur Ivan, teamster (A. S. Griffiths, 136 Brougham street, Clivistchnrch, father).

Corporal Griffiths, Ernest, oarter (John Griffiths, 32 Clarenoe street, Ponsonbv, Auckland). Gunner Grondrn, Alexander Bellcome, fitter (Mrs Margaret Grondin, 71 Cambridge terrace, Wellington, mother). Sergoant Grover, George, gardener (Henrv P. M. Berry, Min<lialloi, Burwood, Christohurch). •Private Haberfield, Joseph, labonrer (Mrs Lucy Haberfield, 47. Leet street, Invcrcargill, mother). Corporal Hale, Maku, labourer (Sonny R. Hale, Tuparoa, Tokomaru Bay, son). • Gnnner H<ilpin, Henry Edflc, machinist (John Halpin, 78 street, Palmerston North). Private Hampshire, Fred T., horee driver (Frank W. Hampshire, St. G-eorges road, Avondale, father). Private Harding, Albert John, farm hand (Albert E. Harding, Carrington road. Pimiko, Taranaki, father). Private Harris, Tihi, (vl.tler (James Harris. Motnkanntei. Hokianga, father). Rifleman Harris, Arthur, bnshman (P. W. Harris, oare Mrs Ttevight, Anglesoa street, Ponsonbv. Auckland (father). Rifleman Harrison, Pcre, steward (Mrs J. ConBett. Albert street, Thuncs, mother). CorTwral Hart, John Ashley, elech-icinn (John A. Wart. Rnoklands avenne, Monnt Roskill, father). Corporal Hart. William, slaughterman (Mts T. Hart. 10 Howard street, Belfa/st Christehurch). Rifleman Hartree, Jack, fanner (Henry Hartrec, Kgaroto, Napier, father). Lance-corporal Harwood, John, wagoner (Mrs Tfanma Pease, 44 Sheldon street, Radley, Woolston, Cliristchurch, sißter). Private Hawken, Harding Alexander, farmer (Mrs P. Fallon, Maunn, Whangarei, mother).. Gnnner Hav, William, olerk (Alex. Hay, 383 Selwyn street, Christohnreh, father).

Private Heap, Ernest, flremrm (Krnret Heap, 9 Carrington street. Grey Lvnn. Aneklnad, father). Private Heberley, Cyril I.lewellyc, law clerk (Mrs S. Heberley, 54 Thorndon quay, Wellington, mother).

■Rifleman Henderson, Charles Edward, carpenter (W. Hpnderson, builder. Balclntha). Tlifieman .Henderson, Thomas Jnmes P., railway porter (James Henderson, Te Hanka. via Balclntha, father').

Private Herbert, Sidney, seaman (Mrs Sophy Herbert, care of Mrs Brookmim, Liardet street. New Plymouth, wife).

Privat; Heskett, Arthnr, pas inspector (Mrs Mniv TC. Heskett, Huia road, Otahuhu, Auckland mother). ' Private Hewett, William Henry, seaman (Mrs M. Arthnr, Monnt Eden road, opp, Boston road, Auckland).

Private Hitchman. Henry Patrick, farmer (Mrs L. Hitchman. Te Hehnnga, Dannevirke, mother). Driver HirtJ, William, farmer (Mrs J. Forbes. Contes Island, Kaiupoi. sister). ■Rifleman Hodgson, Tioval D'Arcy, draper (Mrs Emma J. Remnant, Tollemacbe "road, Hastings, mother). *

Trooper Hogan. George Godtrey, carpenter (Miss Charlotte 0. Hogan, Cambridge street. Levin sister"). '

Private Hogan, James, labonrer (Tames Hogan, eare nf Mrs R. Morrisey, Campbell street, Port \hnriri, Vanier. father).

Private Hokai, Ttimnmon, labourer (Hokai Auckland, lathexX '

Sergeant Hollingtou, Stephen George, enginedriver litre D. M. Hollington, oaio ol D. G. Maclean, Mamgapiko, W-aikato, wife). Sergeant Ilomun, Harold Herbert, labourer (0. Hoinan, Mnrchison, Nelson, father). Gunner Hood, Leslie John, farmer (W. Hood, Lichenham, Bristol, England, brother). Frivate Hooper, Ormond lUmdolph, chemist (Mrs L. Hooper, 76 Dixon street, Masterton, mother). Corporal Hooton, Kenneth Alfred, farmer (Wm. Hooton, Albany, Auckland, lather). Rifleman Horsnell, Wm. 0. D., engineer (Mrs Mollie Hoi-shell, 115 Powderham 6trect, New I'lvrnoutli, mother). Kill email Houston, Arthur Bobert, labonrer (W. J. Houaton, Grove QUI, Cftstlo Dawson, Ireland, lather). Lance-corporal Hoy, Joseph, gardener (Mrs Eleanor M. 11. Hoy,' 4G Grafton street, Lin wood, Ohristc.hnrch). private Hughes, William, labonrer (Mrs B. Hughes, South Rivertan, Southland, mother). Rifleman Humphrey, Thomas Stanley, labourer (Mrs H. Humphrey, Gordonton, Tanpiri, father). Private Hunter, J., labourer (Harry Squires, Hastings, Tasmania). Sapper Tnnos, William Ashley, electrical engineer (H. S. Jnnee, Union Steam Ship Company, Auckland, brother). Private Irwin, Thomas Gordon, teamster (P. Irwin, 2 Alpine terrace, Douglas, Isle of Man, father). Rifleman Isaacs, Samuel, jeweller (Mrs M. Isaacs, Occidental Hotel, Auckland, wife). Rifleman Jack, Alexnder Harry, farmer (David .Tack, Silverdale, Waitcmata, Auckland, father). Gunner Jardine, James, farrier (John T. Jardine, Brydono, Southland). Private Jeffery, Charles Field, labourer (Mrs A. Jeffery, North-East Valley, Dunedin, mother). Rifleman Jeffery, John, cowboy f" • Larkhall, Lanarks., Scotland, mother"!. Private John, Thomas Antonio, oarpenter (Mrs 0. L. John, Dunsandel, mother). Lance-corporal Johnstone, Harold, farmer (Robt. Johnston, Hamilton, fathrrV I?rivato Johnston, Thomas Willmott, motor driver (Mrs Davidson, Brongham sheet, Wellington, mother). Rifleman Johnston, William Adam, shearer (Mrs W. Johnston, 8 Crinan street, .Erwood, Inveieargill, mother). Private Jones, Edward, farm labourer (Mrs Marv Janes, Tnrakina Valley, mother). Rifleman Jones, Edward, bushman (Mrs K Jones, B5 Alexander street. Auckland, wifel. Corporal Jones, John, packer (Mrs R. M. Jones, Hernia, Nelson crescent, Napier, wife). Rifleman Jones, John Raymond, labourer (Franeta Jones, Van Walfcham road, Sydenham. Ohristchureh, uncle). Private Jones, Robert Thomas, labourer (Edward Jones, Lnmsden, Southland, father). Rifleman Josland, Frederick Wm., shunter. railway (F. Josland, 134 Tennyson street, Christchnreh. father). t Private Kaveney, Patrick Svfll, painter (13. Kaveney, Burlm street, Inveroar'gill North). Corporal Kawhareu, John Mokan. sheep farmer (Mokan Kawhareu, Awa-liohonu, Pelorons Sounds, father*. Lance-corporal TCeast, Robert Francis, teamster (Richard Tteast, Makarewa, Southland, father). Sapper Kcat, Leonard Tvey, engine-driver (li. I. Keat, Upper Symond street, Auckland, father). Private Keen, A., baker's assistant (Mrs J. P. Keen, Regent, street, Hawera, mother). Private Kelly, Charles Stuart, journalist (John L. Kelly, Devonport. Auckland, father). Rifleman Kelly, William Samuel, painter (Mrs E. Kelly, care if D. Jones, Head, Wairoa, wife). Private Kent, Ernest William, saddler (Mrs R. A. Kent, Aitken terraco, Kingsland, mother). Rifleman Kent, Walter Atkins, farm labourer (G. Kent. District road, Milton, father). Private Kidson, Alfred Benny, clerk (George Kidson, Tipahi street, Nelson, father). Private King, Alfred Alexander, cook (A. King. Milton road. Monnt Eden, Auckland). Private King, Edwin George, fanner (E. King, PohokuTa l ). Private Kiirita, Paki, labourer (Rangi Karutua, Muripara, Rotorna). Private KippenbergeT, Howard Karl, farmer (K. Kippenberger, West Oxford, Canterbury, Miter). Private Kippenberger, Leslie John, striker (Mrs Fanny Meadows, 45 Lawrence street, Mornington. Otago, mother). Private Kirk, John, labourer (Mrs W. Rennick. 7G Frederick street, Dunedin, sister).' Rifleman Fjrshaw, William, labourer (Miss Kirshaw. Plimmer street, Wanganni, sister). Rifleman Kitchen, John William, farmer (Andrew J. Kitchen, Herbert, North Otago, father). Rifleman Kjestrup, William -Edward, farmer (Jas. E. Kjestrup, Rangitnman, Masterton, father). Private Klenner, Alois William, telegraph cadet (Alois Klenner, Kaimata, Inglewood, father). Gunner Knowles, Percival Jack, tailor (J., Kno'wles, West Oxford, Canterbury, father). Rifleman Knutson, Walter Leonard; carpenter (Mrs Matilda Knutson, Victoria street, Carterton, mother). Rifleman Krehs, William John Frederick, tailor (Mrs J. Gore, Purcrll street, Foxton, sister). Private Laing, Millar, brass moulder (Mrs E. Laing, 103 Neidpath road, Mornington, mother). Gunner Lamb, David Charles, compositor (Mrs A. S. Lamb, 505 Worcester street, Christchurch, mother). Gunner Lane, Arthur George R., cook (Mrs A. A. Lane, Harper street, Gonville, WanganuT, mother). Private Lansre, James Frank, ■ labourer (Arthur E. Innge, 64 North road, Papanui, Christchureh, father). Privafo Le'Grvs, Cecil Thomas P.., marine engineer, William B. Le'Grvs, Kcrisdaln, Eskdalo avonr.e, Ohesham, Bucks, En-gland, father). Private Lewis, Gwyinie James, agent (Mis W. J. Lewis, Eltliam, Taraixiki, mother). Troonnr Libeau, Arthur Geor?e, labonrer (Mrs J. J. Dod-d. Puketntna, near Pularnxu, mother). Private Lima, Jos' ph, farmer (Mrs Polly Lima, oare P. 0., Otaki, mother). Private Lindsay, James, labourer (Mrs Mary Lindsay, Otiknra, Balc'utlia, Otago, mother). Rifleman L'ttle, Jame«, sh'-pherd (W. Little, Cardrona, Lake County, Otago, father). Rifleman Lloyd, Charles, engineer (Miss ThoraM. Rafe, Makuri Hotel, via Pahiatua). Private Loma», Henry, botcher (Mrs H. Lomas. Sandes street, Blook 27, Thames). Private Long. John Henry, farm hand (Mra Mangarct Lone, C.P.0., Okoroire, mother). Private Loper. Will'am Joseph, labonrer (J. Loper, Coronation street, Waimate, father). Prvste Lonrelly, Leonard William, labourer (H'isrhie Lorgelly;" 14 Hi'llvue street, Linwood, Christchrebh.' Private Lowe, John Garrett, labourer-' (Mrs G-. Lowe, Irewell street. Gore, mother). Troopar Lowry, John Edward, driver (Mrs Mabel Kirby, care Constable Kirby, Wairoa, Napi-er, sister). Private Alfred Dnncan, warehouseman (W. G. Lumley, " Te Ore Ore," 20 Gladstone road, North-East Yallev. Duo-edin, father). Trooper M'AnfifEe, Joseph Horace, hairdresser (James M'AulifEe, 18 Surrey street, South Dunedin, father}. Rifleman M'Anley,. George, painter (Mrs -E. M'Auley, 7 Leeds street, Wellington, raoth r). R'fleman M'Bratney. John Cuthbert L-, labourer (Mr 3 Lilian Wilks, Winchester, South Canterbury, Filter). Private M'Callum, Archibald,, farm labourer (Mrs A. Baxter, 33 Bathgate road, South Dunedin, aunt). Private M'Ckirthy, John Benedict, clerk (Mrs K. L. M'Carthy, 82 Dundas street, Dunedin, mother). Private M'Carthy, Lawrence, labourer (Mrs E. M'Carthy, 12 Crawford Terrace, Wellington, wife). Private M'Clutchie# Joseph William, labourer (Henry G. M'Clutchie, Tuparoa). Private M'Dennctt, Rory, motor mechailio (Mrs James M'Dermott, care iMrs Brooking, Malvern road, Momingside, Auckland, mother). Corporal M'Dortald, William, customs officer (Mrs W. M'Donald, 50 Rover street, St. Albans, Christchurch, wile). Private M'Donnell, John, public servant (Mr David M'Leod, Mental Hospital, Soacliff, Dunedin). Lance-corporal MDowell, Herbert, surveyor's assistant (A. ITDo well, Upper Matakitaki, Nelson, lather). Private MDowell, William John, carpenter (W. J M'Dowell, Bargaville, Auckland, father). Lanoe-oorporal M'Evoy, George Edward, tobacconist (Mrs Elizabeth M. M'Evoy, Harris street, Pukekohe, wife). Private M'Faiill, Jas. Erio,- engine cleaner (Miss ClarretU; M'Faull, 15 Royal orescent, Musselburgh, Dimedin. sister). Private M'Garry. John Henry, farm hand (Felix M'Uarry, Cambridge). Private M'Gill, John Bamsay, faun labourer (Thomas M'Gill, oare W. Robertson, Ellesmere Station, Canterbury, brother). Private M'Grath, Patrick Louis, seaman (Mrs S. M'Gratli, Lower Queen street, Onehunga, Auckland, mothei). Private M'Gregor, Allan, bushman (Mrs O'Brien, hotelkecper, Klliildlii). Private M'Kendry, John-, labonrer (Mrs J. 1L Artney, Clyde street, Gore, sister.) Trooper M'Kenzie, Donald, farmer (William M'Kenzie, Marton). Private -M'Kenzie, George Alexander, engineer (Mrs L. M'Kenie, Domain, 6treet, Devonport, mother). Private M'Laoghlin, Daniel, Hfter (P. L. M'Tjaughlin, Te Kuiti, brother). Private M'Lean, Alexander Robert, farmer (Mrs M'Lean, 12 Hawker street, Wellington, mother). Rifleman M'Lean, Finlav, 6hephei-d (Roderick M'Lean, Inveralligan, Ross-shire, Sootland. lather). Sergeant. M'Lean, James A_, builder (D. MT«an. 12 Hawker street, Wellington, father). Private MMlillan, Archie, carpenter (Mrs Jfarr M. M'Millan, Tapu,, mother). Riflezman M'Millnn, Dougal, ploughman (Donald MacMillan, Dalgramlich, Croy, Gollanfield, Inverness, Scotland, father). Private M'Pherson, James, fanner (Mrs D. MacPherson, Waianiwa, Southland, mother). Private M'Sponan, Dunoan, ploughman (1£ M-Sponan, CampbeUtown, Argyltehire, Scotland! father). Private MTaggart, John Angus, clerk m M'Taggart, Waitaiuna, Otago, latter). Private M'Vey, Robert, labourer (the Superintendent Boys' Institute, Wellington). Private Mab&i, William Jofhjn, carter (Mrs Maggie Maben, Daviot Maine, Inverness hire, Sootland, motlier). Private Maka, Pediinni, labourer (Tazapiniirf Tupu, Morrinsville, nephew). Private Maloolm, Nathaniel, ophoteterer nils N. Maloolm, naro W. Tonks, Melrose, Wellington, WII6 ) • Sergeant Malthns, Cecil, teacher CE. V thus, Timaru, father). Private Marcussen, WlDiam Martin, diemist (Mrs Agnes Marcussen, Onslow street. Bluff, mother). Private Man&all, George William, cheesemoier (A. J. Marshall, Oaonui, Taranaki, father) Private Martin, Frederick Kent, butcher (3 E_ Martin, Toradale, Napier, lather). " Rifleman Masson, Neil, farmer (George Gavr>cr Tikinui, N. Wairoa). Riflj man Vernon Richard, dork (Mrs G. W. E. Matthews, 189 Nith street, Irrvercargill wife)' Private Matthews, "William Philip,' conductor mother) Matthcws ' 188 Walker street, Dunedin, Sapper Mayes, Percy Arthur, catfcj- (Arthur J. —ayes, Victoria street, Hamilton, father) Temporary Sergeant Hays, James Ernest," oarpenter (James Mays, 19 Buchanan street, D°vooport, Auckland, lather). iiavon-Lanoc-oorporal Weihana, Ganeba Otene, wool clascer (Wamgarangi Otene, Hastings, sister) Private Messenger, Frank Robin (J. M. Thomas, M.-immiuru, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay) . Private Millard, Matthew, labonrer fA Mil. father) 8 Tralalgar Btroet ' st Al bans, CSiristchnrch, Private MiHigan, Henry Hugh, sawmffler (Mra W. -ulhgnn, box 40. Mnrohison, Nelson, mother) Private iniligan, John, labourer (Thomas Milligan, Heretaunga, Uper Hutt, brother) Private Miller, Andrew John Thomas, farmer (Andrew Miller, Honipnpa, Ofcogo, father) Private Miller, Willinm Brovrn, motor mVchanir (Pnmnel Millrr, Portobrllo. Dnnfylm, Prirnte Mitchell, John, grocerß assislflnfc fMi<«i F€rn Hifl, GUmcrton, Midlofcliian,

Rifiemaji MltoJiell, John, shepherd (fi/ Fchell, R<>idstOD, via Oamara, lather). Mitchdl, John Angus, insnnmcc clcrk (Alexander C. Atitohell, M'Maater street, Invcrcargill, lather). Private MofQtt, Duncan, shepherd (Georgo Molfitt, box 20, Balfour, Southland, futher). Private Mollisor, Richard Phipi>a, labourer (Wm William Mollitson, Dunollie State Collieries. West Coast, mother). % ' Sergeant Montgomcric, Archibald William, farmer (Mrs Emily M. Barrott, Hanmai road, Bulls, inothor). Private Morgan, John, labourer (Miss Gertie Morgan, Tuakau, sister). Private Morgan, John, miner (Mrs Morgan, No. 8 Wlwynmaloc, Craigwcn, Pontyprivrd, South. Walps, mother). Rifleman Morton, Harold Castle, farmer (Mrs Clara Morton, Bnlltown, Waipi, mother); ■^ r * va^'e Moynihan, Thomas James jbootmakcr (P. Moynihan, 16 Winward street, Southi Dunedin, father). Rifleman Murray, James, farmer (Wiliam H. Murray, Carlisle Farm, Aha urn, Weat Coast, father). Private Neal, Bertram Frederick, carrier (Mrs A. J. JTeal, Mntawai Post Office, mother). Privato Neame, Walter Henry, farmer (Mrs F. Aoame, Kumara, Westland, mother). Trooper Nelson, John Smith, school teccher (James Nelson, Owaka, Otago, father). Private Neville, Jamea Francis, driver (Mrs J. F. Neville, 90 Trafalgar , atroet ,St. Albans, CJhrifctchurch).

Rifleman Niool, Alex. Stfven?on, flour mill packer (James Nicol, 24 Archer street, Timaru). Private Nicholls, A., motor mechanic' (H. W. Nicholls, Belgrove, Nelson, brother). • Nicolsoti, William D r o, sheep farming (Mr 3 Pmdence Nicolson, U3 London street, Dunedin, mother). Privnte Northcote, Wilfred Cecil, shepherd (Mary moth Murphy street, Wellington.,

Nottingham, Thomas Craven, labonrer (Joseph Nottingham, E. Cottincwith, near York, England).

Rifleman Nye, Herbert, labourer (Mrs W. 0. Harrison, Cofctelrille Terrace. Thomdon, sister). R : fleman O'Brien, labonrer fMrs E. Smith, Tarnack street, Rockhampton, Auckland, mother). Private Ogilvie, John M'lntosh, farmer (A. N. Ogilvie, Pingarra, West Australia). Private Oldb' ry, George Edward, farm labonrer fMrs J. C. Oldbury, 63 Belleview read, Mount Ed-on, Auckland, mother). Rifleman Olds, Will. Keefe, clerk (Mrs Rebecca Olds. 121 Bell street, Wangamri, mother). Private Oliver, James Victor, butcher (James Oliver, Hilctaia, Thames, father). Trooper O'Neill, Walter, farmer (Mrs P. M'Uoy, Doyle-ston, Christehrreh, sister). !- Private Ormsby. WilHam, b'ackpmith (Mes?rs Ho wcrth and Airrowsmith, solicitors. Otorahanea Auckland). ».•—*»

_Pn v atie Padget, Xeslie Tnrnbull, npholsterer (Samuel Padget, Tnvercarfrill, father). Private Page, Albert Michael, sailor (Mrs A. Biulen, Hotel Mansion, Svdney, mother). Private Palmer, Hartley Valentine, farmer (Henry T. Palmer, Bright-water, Nelson, father). Private Paora, Tauri, farmer (Tami Paul, Tokaanu, Lake Taupo. * Private Parkins, Charles Arthur, clerk (H. B. Bridge, Router's, Cathedral square, Christchurch). Corporal Paterson, Henry, .labonrer (Alex. M. Paterson, 4 'Vernal street, Kensington, Dunedin, father).

Private Patterson, Alfred Henry, dentist (Geo. Patterson, 7. Hayes terrace, Dunedin North). Private Peterson, - -Tames Lawrence, contractor (Henry Bateman, Tauranga). Peterson, Peter, labourer and sailor (Harry Smith, storekeeper, Foxton). Uifleman Petherick, Onslow George, plumber (Mrs F. J. Petherick, Hunterville, mother). Gunner Phillips, Dayid, miner (James Phillips, Puponga, West Coast, father). Private Phinn, Rohert Gray, carpenter (J. Phinn, 5 Prestwiek street-, Maori Hill, Dunedin, father). Private Pinel, Oswald John, bank clerk (O. H. Pinel, Government Life Insurance, Dunedin, father).

Sapper,'Pirret. William, coachbnilder (John Pirret. 37 East Side, Kirkintilloch, Dumbartonshire, Sootland, father). • Private-" Platz, Joseph, bushman (Mrs T. A. Higham, Union street, Hawera, sister). Private Plummer, John Hohert hairdresser (It. Plummer, Tapu, Thames, father). Private Pohaiu, Pineamine, shepherd (Papu Maru, Opomtaewa, Gisborne). Private Pope, William, butcher (Fred. Davenport, Wesletta, Feildiug). Bombardier Prebble, Edward W. H., clerk (Mrs Ellina Prebble, 3GO Worcester street, Christchurch, mother). Private Prendergast-, Nicholas I'M win, surveyor's assistant (filrs Wilcock, Sandon, Feilding). Private Presland, Leslie, road contractor (J. Presland, Onetca, North Wairoa, father). Bifieman Prior, Oswald Archibald, labourer (BenPrior, Swansey, Cambridgeshire, England, Private Pritchjtt, Delebere Gcofirey, farm cadet (Rev. I'. N. Pritchett, Mount Somers, South 'Canterbury, father). Private Quin, James, miner (Mrs E. M. Harris,140 Tasman street, Wellington, sister). Lance-corporal Quirk, Lawrenoe, auctioneer's assistant (Mrs Norma "Quirk, Motu, Gisborne, mother). Sergeant Raleigh, Thomas 0. S., fanner (S. K. Baleigh, Eketahuna, father).' "• Driver Range, William, sraman (Mrs Leah M'Bretney, dVaitaaer, Chatham Islands). Private TlSpson, Harold Arthur, bushman (Mrs Ellen Itapson,, Kaukapakapa, Auckland, mothcc). Lance-sergeant-' Rankin, William, clerk (John Bankin, ' View road, Moirat Eden, Auckland, father).

Rifleman Raven, Charles Money, labourer (C. H. Raven, Hapulru, Kaikoura, father). Corporal Ray, Robert Marshall, gold miner (Chas. Ray, Bannockburn, Central Otago .father). , Private Rayson, Edward Charles, farmer (Mrs Rayson, South Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, mother). Rifleman Redfi arn, Hairy, seaman (Mrs Christina Redfearn, 17 Waverley street, Auckland, wife). Lane'-corporal Reeve, Edwin, farmer (Mrs Ellen Reeve, Tanranga, Bay of Plenty, wife). • Private Reilly, Reginald Herbert, farm hand (Mrs A. J. Campbell, Mangaweka, sister). Privato liere, K., labonrer (Yaine Maki, Avarua Earotonga, wife).

Private _ Reynolds. Lewis Barter, railway porter (Mns Marian Reynolds, The Hill, Langport, Somerset. England? mother).

Private Richmond, Thomas Orr, general hand Richmond, Boundary road, Ha=t'ngs, father). . Private Richardson', Harry labour r (Mr RichardBon, Rixlev, .Bedford, England, father). x Trooper Roberts, Albert, seaman (George Roberts, 11 Bastol avenue, 'Cardiff, England, father). Private Roberts, Albert Henry, farm lotourer (James Roberts, care Sam Thomas, Mara, Masterton, father). Sergeant Roberts, William Leonard, engine-driver. (Mrs M. E. Roberts, Rosalie street, Stratford (wife).

Sapper Robinson, ' Fredf-rick, fanner. (Mrs A. R-obinson, Aramoho, WangajraH. Bnel<r Roche, Edward Joseph, printer (L. Roche, Gisbonie, father). Rifleman Roger?, Bernard, labourer (Joseph H. Borers, Mangawjiare, North Wairoa, father). Private Rogers, Harold Arthur, carp nter (Henry E. Rogers, Manakau road, Epsom, Auckland, father). /4 -.' . . " • Lanoe-corporal Rolleston, Johm G., Bheep farmer (Mrs Elizabeth M. Ro'leston, care F. J. Rolleston, solicitor, Timaru, mothfr).

Lance-corporal Roscoe, Victor Emanuel V, photo, engraver (Mrs Elizabeth A. Roscoe, Manakau road, Epsom, Auckland, mother). Private Boseveare, Harold, draper (Thomas Roseveare, Waiwera S., Otago, father). Sergeant Boss, William Wadman, butcher (Alexander J. Ross, Huiroa, Stratford, New Plymouth, father).

Rifleman Ryan, Leonard, plumber (George Ryan, Richmond street, Thames, father). Rifleman Russell, Robert, labourer (Mrs Mary .Harding, Fairlie, South Canterbury, mother). Private Rowntree, Edward Alfred S., warehouseman (Miss Toto Rowntree, 6 Onslow terrace, Wellington, sister).

Private Royal, Huke, farmer (Tnrca Royal, Thames).

Pivate Saics, Albert, mill hand (J. H. Sales, Totar.i N., North Auckland, father). Private Raieg, Frederick, mill hand (J. H. Sai-es, Totara N., North Auckland, father). Private Sanderson, Percy, cheesemaker (J. W Sanderson, 83 Auckland road, Hillsborough, Sheffield, brother).

Corporal Saunders, Thomas Louis, labourer (G. Saunders, Carterton, father). Private Soott, Leonard Browne, shepherd (W. B. Soott, 725, Christchurch, father). Lance-corporal Searle, Walter St. Clair L., clerk (Mrs M. C. Searle, 250, Armagh street, Christchuroh, mother).

Lance-corporal Semple, John Norman, railway clearer (J. F. Semple, Trigmouth street, Abbotsford (mother). Private Sheehan, William, bushman (Michael Sheehan, Winton, Southland, father). Private Sheppard, Altx-rt Edward, labourer (John Sheppard, Woodend, North Canterbury, iather). Privato Silk, Gerald Thomas, rider out (H. Silk, care Government Printing Office, Wellington, father). °

Driver Sim, John Anderson, judge's associate (Mrs Francis H. Sim, Musselburgh Rise, Dunedin] mother). Private Simpson, Joseph Edward, expert linotypist (Joseph Simpson, City road, Bradford, England, father).

Bifleman Sdmons, Hoorl Tarawau, farmer'' (S. J. Simon 6, Poroto, father).

Private Sinnott, Patrick, labourer (Miss E. Sinnott, William steret, Wexford, Ireland, sister). Private Skillen, Daniel James, steward (M. D Began, Woodleigh, Waikato). Trooper Small, Henry, farmer (Mrs H. Small, care Mrs Brankin, Ashburton, wife). Private Sipif-h, Albert Sidney, harness-maker (Mrs A. S. Smith, 85 Adelaide road, Wellington wife).. *

Private Smith, ■ Arthur, mechanic (A. Smith East Gere, Otago, father). ' Private Smith, James Henry, bushman (Mrs E J. Smith, Brown street, South lirvercaririn! mother).

Private Smith, Raynor Conrad, farm hand (Mrs Bridget P. Smith, 9 Acton street, Christchurch mother). v '

Driver Smith, Stanley Broughton, draper*a assistant (Edwin Smith, 20 Tweed 6treet, Richmond, Christchurch, father). Private Solomon, P., labourer (Poki Pold, Manihiki, Cook Islands, father).

Private Sorton, John Thomas, labourer (Mrs Ellen Soiton, 21 Perth street, Bichmond, Christchurch, wife).

Private Souter, Douglas, clerk (David Souter, 25 Tinakori road, Wellington, father). Lanoe-corporal Stanley, Alan, wood turner fF. Stanley, First avenue, Kingsland, Auckland, father). Temporary Lance-corporal Stanton, John Arthnr. teacher (Wm. Stanton, Green lane, Auckland! father). Sergeant Stenberg, Harold Waiter, ironmonger (Mrs Crissy Stenberg, Brandon btreet, Johnsoaville, wife).

Bifleman Stevens, Jacob, railway employee ilrs Alice Stevens, Railway street, Eltham, wife). Gunner Stevenson, Ernest Packer, motor mechanic (Chas. Stevenson, Eoyal crescent, ITusselbnrgh,; Dnnedin, father). Trooper Stewart, Allan Laurence, inechan:«.il engineer (Mrs J. A. Stewart, Kewbridge, Victoria, Australia, mother). ■ . ' Driver Stewart, Alexander, farm labourer (John Stewart, Crookston, Otago, father). Private Stewart, Donald, fanner (W. Stew irt Waverley, father). '

Corporal Stewart, Ivan Angus, eWk (Duncan Stewart, 24 Nelson street, Auckland, father). Private St.itt, John, carpenter Al. Sh-t 6 Manloy terrace, Wellington, wife). ' Bifleman Stocks, William, plongh nan iP. A Stocks, Greneys road, Amberley, :«or:h Cant.: bury, brother). Private Stowcll, Hector Arthnr, miner Oi'ts Grace K. Stowell, care Iffs Parr, wife).

Rifleman Sfcraknr, James, farm hand (Jfrs A. M'Cabe, 16 Codrinptori street, Arch HilJ, ilny lonm, Auckland, mother).

Private Stribbling, Herbert James, labourer (J. Stribbling, 62 Cameron fitrcet, Ashburton, father). • Rifleman Stuckey, Edward, labourer (Mr 6 Ellen Stuckey, Franklin Dairy, JiS Collego Hill, Ponsonby, mother).

Private Sullivaii, Thomas Michael, ironmonger (T. D. Sullivan, Stratford, father). Private Sullivan, Timothy, bushman (G. Sullivan, Ka Ka, West Coafit). Privato Swanson, Gustavo Adolph, survey chadnman (Altb M. IL Swanson, 69 Tasmau 6treet, Nelson, wife).

Private Sykes, Allan, fish dealer (Mm C. A. Sykes, oaro * Mi-ss Williams, Frimley, Hastings, mother).

Privato Tairua, Peter, farmer (Tairua, Matata, Bay of Plenty, father). Private Tomou, Kimi, farmer (Manga Kimi Temou, Waitotara, father). Private Taylor, Donald Norman, labourer (Mrs R. Taylor, Saleyanls road, Otahuhu, Auckland, mother).

Privato Taylor, James Edward, labourer (William Taylor, Otara, Portroae, Inv<_rcargi£l, father). Sergeant Taylor, James Owen, wireless operator (Thomas E. Taylor, Warden road, London, N.W.« father).

Driver Taylor, Thomas Lawrence, baker (Mrs F. Poole, Grant street, Ravensbourae, Dunodin* sister).

Rilleman Taylor, William Huxley S., farm hand ( J - 0. Taylor, Waaongona, Inglewood, father) . Private Teape, Thomas Henry Ford, clerk (W. H. Teape, 28 Mill road, Spreydon, Christchurch, futher).

Private Thomson, David, carpenter (Mrs S. ITiomsou, 22 Leeds street, Linwood. Christchureh, mother). *

Rifleman Thomson. David, farm labourer (David) 'Thomson, farmi r, Bunnythorpe, father). Private Thomson, Richard John J., driver (Mrs M. L. Harding, Grey street, Wairoa. mother). - Lance-corporal Thompson, Joseph, labourer (Mrs Gibson, Powderham stret, New Pivmonth, aunt). • • J Private Tier, Francis Edwin, labourer (M. Tier -Jrl €sfcon<J Wellington, brother) Kifleman TiUey, Eobert John, farm hand (Mrs rwjl" n, y ' Terract', Brithdir, New Trodegar, Glamorgans, Wales, mother).. ■ Private Timms, John, miner (Harry Timmß Gksgow street, Huntly, father). ' Francis . Charles J., suit cutter (lira E. Punnelly, IG2 Waitham road Christchurch, mother). ' Traill, Arthur William, fisherman (A. lather) Daxymple road, Invercargill, bt : rt H «" r y> hand (A. Dalrymple road, Invvtcarg.U li,m riV T te ?! rcveth ? n - Daniel, plumber fWilham Irevethan, liallarat, Victoria, fathTr) ° 'Pnrn burner, Clifford Mortimer, labourer fN 0118 LUl ' e Asters oi the Poo^Au^; bua IV I3 to r^, Urnbu,l> ?° hn ' labourer (Miss G. TurnSro.yenor Bunedin, sister). Dunedin, mother);' ' G «mbtriand street, bnl<i « miw ssg szos &s wSri?„si H Sh t s° i b - Walbce > Bert, shepherd (Mrs-A.'Wal-W Soutt, Nestle. Christchurch, father) x beeth Sydenham, Au&d, wife). G RlChm ° nd road ' Ponsonby, (Mra wfnton? Th ° maS ' labonrer <- G ' Trooper Westfield, Charles Peeinald W (Mrs S. Westerfield, Tg ffiT L Hirt Wycombe, Bucks, England). ' H ' sh r.W fle r»r n George 0., railway Sither) De Wlite ' Wairoa > Mnrray |B treeC WmUm ' PEifleman Williams, Dayid John, bricklayer (Mrs .suga. sss." ks ~P " T ate yilson, Alfred, porter' (Mrs A. Wilson Private Wilson) 'jaS^ 11 & ! I SaJ, aS ™ fe ) Chatham Dominion Corporal Wilson, Ma.rmaduke Charles, tniner earet Miro road, Ohak"n"

■ J)r i vcr Wilson, Thomas Hcnrv. shunter zif w- - 109 Thoradon ™Xis? Pr iX a /'° Wilson , William -Prcdk. G baker t> y ilson ' . Buatoke > 'Whakatane, mother), irzvate Wmnett, William, labonrer TMr Wrnnett, WiMow Tree, New South wili' Rifleman Witliey, Charles James, labourer fMr Cavershan >. Dunodin, brother) Rifleman Woods, Edwin George, shepherd (Miss t. • T Hnx]e y street, Sydenham). Private Woods, John Fiancis, clerk (Mr Albm-t E. Woods, Shillonv, India, father) Ym/'w 1 * m oo ? wa s' WiUiam Arthur, labourer Engl ? r°' S) ' " Go6Pe,and road . Sedgley, Art,nlr , farmer (Miss M. .T~ tton '. durance Samuel, bntcher (Miss Mime! Carmichael, Kia Ora, Oamara) ~f" va . t r c Wo 7 a, '> 'Phomas Charles, salesman (Mrs Mary J Worrall, Lee House, Shibdon Halifax, England, mother) ' T orth ' Y i,linra H cnry, miner (Mr C. land) ernon street, fteeman's Bay, AuckGnnner Wrenn, James "Victor, fanner (Mrs Elizabeth White, Thames (mother). Private Wricht, Albert Edward J., labourer Porsvth, Kaikorai, Dunedin). ' Private Wright, Prank, labonrer, (Mr It Wright, Hirsf.rm>ncean?r. Sussex, England, father)'. CJorpornl Wncht, William Arthur, olerk (f>m>er-nrt-endenfc Wright, Police Department, Diracdin father). '

Rifleman Wrightson, John Macanlay, labourer (Mrs I. Wnghtson, Cromwell. Otago, mother). Private Wvnn-Williams, Herbert, farmer (Mrs M. Wvnn-Willinms, The Parade, Island Bay Wellington, wife).

Private Young, Robert Gill,' farmer (Mrs C. R. Young, Ardmore, Papakura, Auckland, mother),

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16943, 3 March 1917, Page 8

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BACK FROM THE WAR Otago Daily Times, Issue 16943, 3 March 1917, Page 8

BACK FROM THE WAR Otago Daily Times, Issue 16943, 3 March 1917, Page 8