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CEOUWELIi BAOES. Tho following are the results of t!he second day , * r.v>cs:—

15HVDIG0 HANDICAP.—Leaping B-arn 1, Dorothy Verkuu 2, Wingform 3. Also started: CoppiT Boy and Laviiiia. JuOJCEI OLUJi HANDICAP.—Hornbeam 1, Burun .Norlhbtini U. The oniy starters. HA-SfMOCKUUKN Ti:oT.—Dynamo l< Muriimtry 2. Uim , hoit-cs started.

STEWARDS' HACK HANDICAP.—LochoIIa 1, Arthur George 2. Kivo horses storted. OKA SI) STAND HANDICAP.—Dina Bold 1, Wingform 2. i'o'jr hordes uturted. HII'PONVALK THOT.—Bell iliU 1, Pasairood 3. Ten horses started. I'AIIEWEIiL HANDICAP. —Borodino 1, HsrtigiKM «'. Kt« horysa fctartcd.

During the evening iir Armour woe presented with a silvt-r cup, an J Lu the course at his reply made some very sensible suggestions reuiiniiug country racing, -which wtre tavouxaWy received.


AIiCILLAJN'D, Deoember 28.

The balance of ihu larat day's iroU look pmoe to-uay in hue wu.iliier, mid there waa a very largo attMidauoe. 'ihu touilisalor haaidkil £2'l,i>oi IDs. Lena Patch iimshed trst ia the I'arueii Eandirai), bat wiu disqualified for the raoa for interfering with Lieutenant, Mki her driver (ijiiricerj was disiiuaUti<*l lor two ytara. Uβ6olid: —

KDBJJ HANDICAP.—I Panl Haoo 1, 5 Kirikiriro,i J, 2 HacwoiAl 3. Also startod: 6 Uio U-RUide, 3 QcMULii Uuimo.-, 4 llova. ttou by iui 'Xjiiio, iinin 6o 1-oac-o. liova iiiushed second, but win Uiiiquaiilivd ior iuteiicreMe. lAiiAiiiiL UAJ.'lil.LJi-i'.—li Lieutenant 1, 4 KoxoordioEi 2, i ikirotuy Uiniplo J. Also storied: 1 liu.>iiciiild, 7 Lieiiit. l'atoli, 2 Uoria Wiii*3, S Weruroa, 'i Tiin Doohui. Won by Uali a length. Tiiiie, kinui o&oc. JJKilUl.—l Chid 1, 2 Jliss E«l£e 2, 3 Vice-A-dmiral 3. The only starters. Won by a length ami a-half. Time, iiioiii iiti 2-ssec. GJIAAT NOJiTHEiiil HAifIJIOAP.—2 Soda 1, 5 Sandrdt 2, i Sauumnder 3. Also swrtcd: 6 Huia Urey, 3 Jfrince liulns, I Ludski, 1 Minstoa. Won by "th.ree-qoarr.cX3 oi ft ltugth. Time, 2min IB i-ssto. ■

dr. HELIER'S HANDICAP.—3 Vice-Admiral l, 1 Jiiss liolia 2, 2 Stone Beldou 3. Also started: I) ♦Wildfire, 4 Jil Rosa, 5 August Child, 8 Phyllistina. Won by throe lengths. Time, 2niin 24 1-Ssco.

Tiie following are the handicaps for the second day:—

Uik Handicap. One milo and a-balf.—Sweet Memory scratch, Black liin scratch, Kharao ficruloh, Scientist 12yds behind, Aibxot Husky Uyda, Black Queen iayds, Tablet 12yds, HighMyer liyda, Bracbycoinbe alyue, Dignity 4»yds, Ootid iiychi, Jaylyn Myds, Xaulca 'Myii, liiui Galindo juvds, Koreone- tipringbok 120 yds. Christmas Haudjuip. Two ruics.—Shanghai scratch, Bronze Patch scratch, JJoriJ Wiitts sciatch, St. l'rceJa scratch, King Capitalist 13yds • behind, Lieutenant 2-lyda, Harold Junior 3Syds, Harold W. 36ytla, Prino, Ituius 4Syus, Futurity 72yds, Waverley 72yds, Jluia Urey 72yds, Bellllow-er lilyd-3. Tramway HamJioap. One mi!e.—Jtifla Chevalier Boiutch, i'lora Anstel 12yds tehiud, Alanoka Psurk 12yds, Sweet Hint 12yds, Adyocatess 12yds, Capsicum 12yds, Glaiiiui 12yds, Kancy itaxwell 12yds, llachaU Tab 12yda, DoUy M'Kinney 12yds, Asturio 12yds, Ingorina 12yds, Sabiaka 12yds, itaunt Alocrc 12yds, Syrine 12yds, Lmbster 12yds, rriso Pearl 12yds, Lord Cecil 21yds, liio Uraud-e Siyids, jay's Belle 30yds, Be.gana 30yds, Belgian yuetn 3uyds, a-eoige Atwood 30yd*, Iwooinia 48yds, Ntliio Cli7e iSyds, Xreanac isydo, tiwtet Lilian dtijUs, Porataa OUydi, tiwoet Prince 72yde, Charley's Auct VJyar. atuiintr Cup. ,IVo milts.—'Derby Dillon ecxatch, Wiveiley scratch, brown's scratch, l<a<iy lialii«i*> Beratch, omiteyy laydo behind, l\tkri d'Of ' 12yds, Jo.m of Arc 12yd5, Eeggie Huon 2-iyds, Tamarisk SBydi, Pnnce Akwood 30yds, Beckon -ifciycU, tlLiidsdale 72yds, Soda 72yds, Jewel Ohimee 72yds, Steel Bell Mydti, Piinca Berlin UOyis, Adelaide Uirect 12Uyds, Author Dillim lo'iycis, Admiral Wood 210 yds Kp-om Ttvo miles. Bloom ECiutcli, Sbra'ai.M' scratch, ilacwood 12yda benind, Hov;i dlyds, i J ddl lluon 36yds, tiriiiriroa UOyde, Auckland Uiri UCyds, Blackthorn 12uyds, lady Wilmington 120 yds. Dominion Handicap. One mUe.-—Bronze Patch ecratch, Samlrift oOyds behind, Silver Black 18yds, Bell Uray 81yds. Dash Handicap. Ono mile—Wildfire scratch, Doris Wiilces scratch, Waterlall 2-lydß behind, llisa Kolf..' 2dyda, Stonu Beldon SljyJs, El ltosa 3Gyds, Wtroroa *3Gyds, August OMld 4Syds, MasKx liam <iOyu«s, Silver Blxn 72yds, Chid 81yds, Eeggie Huon 84yds, Dillon Bell 132 yds. Uanfurly Handicap. One mile and a-quartcr.— Vhyllistina scratch, Derby Dillon scratch, Brown's si-ratjii, Jiuia Grey 12yds behind, Salaniiiuiiir 12yds, Silver Black 12yis, Chid 12yds, pearl d'Or 24yds, Tamarisk 3Gyil9, Joan of Aro oiiyda, Beckuu 3Cyi9 Princs Kafus SCyds, Alf WJiianuy 50yds, Dick l'ly 3Gyde, Ludski 60yds ; Jewel Chimes 72j-.lj, Minston 72yds, Steel Bell 72yds, Prince Berlin 72yds, Dillon Bell 84yds, A'l-iUidfl Direct 06yds.

CAJSTETIBUEY PARK TROTTTNS MEETING. I'ht! iollomnt; acceptances havo been received: First AmaUar Handicap (saddle), o£ "osora. One mile and u-hall'.—Pair Puritan ser, Happy Jack ser, Wild Sight ser, Bellona 1 second, Admiral Drake 1, Lady ltuby 1, Imperial Victor l (.inc. 2see pen.), Havcjiswortti 2, Hardwood 2, Lincoln Child 3, Gold Lock 3, My Boy 3, Sherry 3, EataU 3, Oulvtrden 3, flonak-ne 3, .Exeter 3, The Clogs 3, Frontier 3, Qu-ecn 'iuinoey 3, Imperial Ann 4, Kelvin Child 4, Young Quinwy o, Alaccli 5, Stage Whisper 5, Frugk' , 5, Hildawood 5, Wild Son 5, Manila 5, Walltiocna 5. Ineligible: lliroki, Pine Bell, Paddy Lyml, Wild Palm, and Dandy Lyons. Te-mpletoi Handicap of 100sov3. Two miles. —Rorke's Drift scr, Wooddrift 3 seconds, Nancy Patch 3, Cora Dillon 4, Quincey Belle 6, Sclmapps 7, Gipsy King 7, Mystic! Bella 8, Will o' tho Wisp 9, Bri&ge-H'ood 9, Goldstroam 10, Tom Saywa 12, Neigh 1", Foxhill 12, Invictus 12, Albert Wallace 12, Lord Jlinto 12, Agnes W. 12. Champion Handicap (harness), of lOOOsovs. Two milvs. —Oar Thorpe 3 seconds, Cathedral Chimes 3, Tommy 0. 7, ISroilius 0, Uoueymakcr 10, Sunpod 10, Hal 7x>lock 10, Wallace Wood 10, Frandocia 11, Brown Bell ]1, Capriccio 11, Succeed 12. Lyttclton Handicap (saddle), of Ko.-ots. Two miles. —Horke's Drift • i seconds, Chaos 5 (inc. hUrc. pen.), Kin:,' Karri 8, Gold Daft 11, Dora M'Kinney 11, Mystic Bells 12, Bridscwcod 13, Lady Muth 15, Honey Box 17, Koyal Shot 18, Albert Wallace IS, Uopey 18, Lady lienetta 10. Stewards' llanc'.iciip (harnefsV of Vnsovs. Two mibs.—Lord Roanchild scr, Wild Tree 1 second, Madam Shaw 1, Wooilchild 2, Lady Patricia 2, Eruption 2, Marvin .Tun. C, Gay Wilkes 6, Cnubwood 8, Billy Parole !), Bohemian 11, Mayfield 11 Parole Bolls 12. -Arcadian 12, .Tμ. Madison 12. General Grant 13 (inc. 2wc pen.), Harold WilkriS 13, Tlndston 13, PaJAy Lynd 11, To-nigtit 1C Cor.sin .Jpnny 13, Our GflWic 15. Islington Handicap Oiarnes:;), of ISOsovs. Ono mile and a-lialf.—O.l.C. 5 seconds, Annie Dillon C. Bnndnrn 7. Willie Lin<v>ln 7, St. Michael S, Kearraard S, Proud Girl 9, tmnppoy 9, Imperial Princess 10. Elwno 10, Scenery 10, liemo liosa 11, Icicle 11, Nutwood J:m. 11. Itailway TTi>n'li<!ap (satWleV of ICOfovs. One mile.—L-iw Chimo« pf-r, .Tack As' 2 eeoomis, 2, QninaWino 2, Ymras «ihn 2, Cool 2. Abfrfp.My S, First Alarm 3, Win ratal 4, B!o"ipfield 4. Ir\in?wood 4, Treasnre Seeker 4, Korrliei ■!, Plr B!mo 4, Tiranna 5, Salcombe 5, Mar T>mrtn o, Daysrurtn? ">, Hesitation fi. Woodvcr« C, Kin? Lear 8, Galindo Loa C, Sweet Pet (i.

An R-PToir TTaivllrap (harness), of 20teovs. One mite.—.ToT:ti Dillon -a, Boa I)i!!on 2 swonds, Qnimvy Maid 2, Dnhrtrinnie 3. Havoc i, Slnoda 4. Ottawa •">, UP-U Kanri 5, First Alarm 6, Louie Drift G, The Whip G.

A Press Association Mbln mrssaire from Fy<lnny reports that it is stnt«l Hint the Australian Jockey Clnb has flicWor. 1 to Sfrnii a commission to XV;w Zealand to report upon the totalisator machines.

— Canada is giving away her rich soil in free "160-ocre grants at th« rato of an English county per month. Official returns just to hand show that during the month of July 139R homestead retries were made for free- land grants of 160 acres each in the four western provinces of Saskatchewan. Alberta, Manitoba, nnd British Columbia! As usual, the largest total is nnd<--r the heading "American." there being 240 of these, the majority of whom settled in Alberta. One hundred and fifty-eight were English. 50 Scottish, and 21 Irish. Tho number of individuals represented in this totid is 3233. Last year tho total homopi ends for tho same month war. 2032. a falling oil this year of 634. which is hilly accounted for by tnn absence of so many men with the colours. — The Metropolitan Life- Insurance Comp.Tiiv of Now York has civon to tho National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tubr rculosis a gift of £25.C00 to prove that tuberculosis can be controlled like ,ir> v other infectious d''sense. A town or city of about .SOOO inhabitants will be chosen and a campaign started in it. If it can be shown that the disease can ho eradi- j cnt<Vl in one community, a nation-wido j campaign will be inaugurated. | — The purchasnn of ment since the be- j ginning of the war by the Imperial Govern- I mor 1 amount to £60.000,000. eaid Mr Runci-j mm. ) Wanted known — Colds fly before ' " NAZ n Ii." Pore throats . aro soothed h v this tlcpendablo remedy. Is 6d buys 60 [ioscs.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16889, 29 December 1916, Page 3

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16889, 29 December 1916, Page 3

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16889, 29 December 1916, Page 3