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. GOULBURN (N.S.W.). SYDNEY. NORTH UNLEY (S.A.). MORTLAKE (V.). DOCKVILLE (S.A.). 1 B' ff—ff lIIP DISEASE CURED. CATARRH OJ? THROAT AND MIDDLE SIX YEARS' lIIP DISEASE CURED. EPILEPSY CURED. TUBERCULE BONE DISEASE CURED " Hoskins street, Mold, N.S.W. EAR. Salisbury street;, North Unlcy, S.A. Woorndoo, via Mortlake. Dockville, Port Adelaide. Mr Kugeliiiiiii cured my son of Hip N.S.W. Bush Mission, p or s ; x years my daughter suffered from 28/2/09 Disease, from which he had been suffering 242 1 itt street, bydnoy. jj. |, isoa - s(> aIU [ although under doctors' Our son was 3i years old when he was I was one day taken with terrible sharp, ■in |/|{AP| laa'tnA IfICIT fm " tu '° y ( ' ins ' iliri leg growing shorter and j ] I(u j |, oon j]] f or three years with attention all' the time, and twice iu hos- taken with Epilepsy in a very severe form, shooting pains in foot and ankle, and had NIK. IVUbCLIVIAN W Vlwl I • shorter. The boy was 14 years of age when Q ltarr |, „f 'J'hroat and Middle Ear when pital, she continued to get worse. I and we had hiiri under various treatments to crutches. A doctor treated me for ;. we look him to Air Kugeunan, under whouo jj' v j s j^ of { ]\/j r Kugelman, arid h<ul had visited Mr Kugolirian, who informed in o for so von or eight months, during which a week, and sent me to the hospital; and Herbal ltemedie-s the pain dissippoai od, and abandon niy duties of speaking iind read- that the disease was really Consumption of time ho got continually worse. At this the end of mx months the doctors > jmetk. HI Rk BHMB EBfc. m B ■ n, n jgMk. ■■ the leg grew once more to its natural i) n( ] er Mr Kugeiman's Herbal tlio leg. I had .such faith in what he .said time we read some striking testimonials as unrated upon me, and out a 1 hole in my HI H HI" H ■ _ as Ba _ — RAI Si AHrHI HP" length. Very soon tne boy was completely j l)!|llot |; os my complaints gradually gave as to curing her that I placed her under to Mr Kugeiman's Herbal Remedies' sue- leg, after whicn operation the .wound wcnld i'lß a HBIHIIBH B M SS B ra H ilnl 1111 ii II II 6§L cure(1 > aml ,mw nllls ,ll)oul ' I,ku illly oUu ' r way and I can now hear well, read aloud, Mr Kugeiman's Herbal Remedies, and m cess in the cure of Epilepsy, and wo put not heal. In a second operation th-ey tuik 'film K■ wi wtm ■■ II Jl Sff ISi M KVlffl MMI is I lad. . „ c ( „ T ~7 T, n , m r and address four or five meetings a day, if one week she was able to take her leg out our boy under his treatment, with the away some bone from my foot, and after In In | WF*- Mr* Br" I Ira IB wM B E3 H BP™ IHIgBM I I BP (Signed) (Mrs) MARY R. LAVERIY. rpquirwl shows thoroughly the ell'cc- of splints, and discarded her crutches, result that ho was cured before ho had another operation, they finally decided to §BI Hill I WS IJM BH WS S|L_ |$ ij mMB Hi TOffl nl TO US IM Sworn before me at Goulburn, May 17, t.iveness of Mr Kugeiman's Herbal which she had constantly to use, at the end finished taking the second course of treat- t"'ce my foot oil as 1 was suffering from fM| Hjm H H ml BagBSH Erar W ISffl IBS Si g|g ?§gg BMffl mfadm BfflßgHß 19 g g (Signed) P M'SHANE, J.P. Remedies (Signed) F. F</'AY. of six months. There lias been no recur- , rncnt. The boy is now 14 years old, and -tuberculosis of the bone. Twelve months ; M B& BS.'.BR HB WM WBB& B®B ® SSS BH9B b Sworn before me at Sydney, N.S.W., rence of the complaint, and sho is now is strong and healthy. afterwards nagging pains in my legs recom- , ~ „ well and strong. menced, and 1 visited Mr Kugelman. He April 9, 1908. (Signed) JOHN CAMERON. told mo that the foot should never have During recent years a number of impostors liave attempted to imitate Mr. Kugeiman's BO ne. «*""» j.p. «•"« ** F " ™noua. — ISASJ, advertisements, and fraudulently announce that they can cure Catarrh. They cannot do thought hu would lose his . YAgs (N sw} 27 5w i904. bt ' foro mo at A(lc,aitlp ' Ft ' bruary wangaratta. Serba^R^iis^hc 1 pafns g °imcniS d and hl i "so. The fact is that not one single case of Chronic Catarrh has ever yet been cured by nose. ten years , heart ' (Signed) h. bone, j.p. chronic asthma cured; four Q r av ° id " o^ any method of whatsoever, except by Mr. Kugeiman's Treatment, and the di J^ v ® f S r bonTof\ho"fXVaSri by disease. ~ doctors failed. biWor'horseTs'wxii as^nyone. public is hereby warned of the danger of so-called cures. Slore 1 wS'a Sealed'bS't mfnos"! CUEED FOR ° VER 21 YEARS " POS t and of l lXn y a a by b rng U M d r JOHN HENRY moore. : hot. held out no hope of my getting better, The ITall, near Yass, N.S.W. „.m»T>T>TT Kugeiman's Herbal. Remedies. _ I suffered Sworn before me. S2nd Fohr,,arv Iflflß and I was alarmed lest I should lose my T sustained a shock to the system, in- u.\J lor eight years, and consulted four doctors, •" V „ nose. I put myself under Mr Kugeiman's juriously affecting the heart, about 17 years SAVED PROM OPERATION. each of whom pronounced me incurable. (Signed) CHARLES NEIL, J.P. 44 PATADDU '' TUP fSi» ABE Herbal Remedies, and day by day the run- ago, while fencing. A few days afterwards. ■ As I have not been troubled for seven UM I HimSl, I EICi l»lUIOLI!\ Ul nLIL UlvLnOUOl n j nK from my nose and heavy headaches through the internal injury, I began to spit Mr Kugelman cured my son from Post- years with any symptoms of the above comv 7 > disappeared and finally I was completely a great deal of blood, and suffered great nasal Growth and Catarrh 12 years ago by plaints, however. 1 regard Mr Kugeiman's u i, n , ~, ~ T , ~ r ., „ i tl • . i . pm'od bv Mr Kugeiman's Herbal Remedies, pain in the stomach. I was treated by his Herbal Remedies. This developed from Herbal Remedies as effective. NUNDAH (Q.). Ah, that S Catarrh, said the Doctor, Chronic Catarrh. It IS quite incur- (Signed) J. EYEARS. various well-known doctors, but kept bronchitis, .which he had when six weeks (Signed) (Mrs) CLARE VONARX. nivrK-rrr dahatvctc m- , . t. - jl f • n Declared before me at Bangalow, in the getting worse the whole time. My whole old. Two doctors advised that his only Declared before me at Wangaratta, Vic- PARALYSIS CURED, able; there IS 110 cure lor Catarrh known to the Medical Profession. NwCt Vales Janiarv 4, lm. svstem became deranged, the spitting of chance was to be operated on, and I took toria, April 4, 1899. w . , m , ~ ~ SUt fe? riJOBB-nT fMP KIL TP blood continued, and I also passed blood, him to Adelaide to have the operation per- (Signed) A. PINKERTON, J.P. ™iL^ u frp Wa . 8 , * ,°^ o. • l t f ti +>, 1 "nrl t> i- , , ... , (Signed) ROBL ' ' I paid away hundreds of pounds to doctors formed. A friend, however, told me to see '. '. .• Paralysis of the left Such is only too frequently tho kind Remedies get down to the constitutional fo .. mpc ii cin p s nni i and finally gave Mr Kugelman, who assured mo ho could f lc > f n , d ' IPI lo & r : from the knee downwards, Of consolation offered w cauiL'rtial sul- iuttucing causes and by completely eJimin- ACTS "FROM ORIGINAL SWORN up hope. I then saw Mr Kugeiman's ad- cure tho boy without operation, and he CiYWTFT (O) m a Sl 9° ' n a Perfectly ferers, and it can bo provea mat tne ating out of the entire system the con- , vertisemcnt. and him in Yass. faithfully fulfilled his promise, as the boy rxT , . * . a " I nor, 1 One doctor wanted to numuer of people of all ages who sulfer stitutioiw.l taint which is the fundamental , CERTIFICATES. Under his Herbal Remedies, in a short has been quite freo from above complaints DEAI'NESS AND CATARRH OF P nnr?"fn 1-° C ®' 1"" ul no _jL coljiroin caturni, or lrom its correlated cause of catarrh, ensures an absolutely time I regained my strength, the spitti'nor of ever since. MIDDLE EAR. ni . in ' under th I maladies and troubles, is smip.y legion, permanent cure. Sworn certificates Ot any blood and pain d'sappeared. I conld eat (Signed) (Mrs) M. A. DAY (wife of Mr . 0 b-gan to got stouter and stroneer and at Muiions oi tho limaoiUnts are guppecl number of chronic catarrhal sufferers can The following short' extracts are merely a few out o{ thousands of testimonials and digest my food which I had not, been R.Day). One Mile, Gympie, Q. 18 months tho child could walk. She is now by the nose with P 10 ] d T d that f el^{' s received by Mr Kugelman from erstwhile chronic and incurable b o< £ mc ° completely o 'V^ed,'"have all Sworn before me, February 8. 1908. by Catarrh, ™°s? wa's Kh both 108 1 tho Ihmts whicTaffJ manKind, and is Juccesiuland TOPBOui' s »" eiers have been completely cured by the Herbal Remedie:s■ «roni kind of work sinco and am as (Sig ned) DAVID CHAPMAN, J.P. f Without KugdWs the forerunner of r almost every other „ it has been found that in giving evi- him, even after they had been declared hopeless by the best Australian medical •" my life. from t ;atarrh! my deaf^ SS got £ r n ba i ? o °'"[^ 0s our daughter, would have disease —so that "Take of your (fence it is necessaiy for the deponent to men< at u ' month. I paid Mr Kugelman a visit, fol- a helpless cripple. nose, and your nose will take care of swear to the truth of his assertions, such , f . , : . c „ a!nonc that bv Mr Kugeiman's Herbal oworu at bydney, March, 1900. BRISBANE. lowed out his instructions, the feeling of (Signed) MRS F GOHDES you" has become one of the most vital an oath rendering him liable to imprison- , A car^'1 L ' C USal convinc anjone tnai oj ' " .„ ' J pn ™ MA „, T pa T apt?i and tightness m nose gradually went away, 1 ° truisms of human life. Chronic catarrh mojlt if faUe . if ow< this is exact i y wha t R en,cdics sufferers from any form ol Chtomc Disease may be restored to Prime POST-NASAL " J AIsD and I can now hear perfectly. Sworn before me, at Nundah (Q.), 13th has indeed a tignt grip upon its victim, has been done by these thousands who Health without the use of Mineral Drugs, Poisons, Operations, or the practice of SOUTH YARRA (V.). DEAFNESS. (Signed) J. P. ATKINSON. February, 1908. always makes i£eii felt in huu- have been cured by Mr Kugeiman's Medicine or Surgery all of which Mr Kugelman imperatively condemns as being EPILEPTIC FITS FOR SEVEN Commercial road, Valley. Brisbane. Sworn before me at Gympie, Q„ May (Signed) GEORGE J. WALKER, J.P. dreas ot ways. It grips the nose ana Herbal Remedies of every supposed-to-be- opposed to Nature. These testimonials are necessarily abbreviated to save wartime YEA«RS. . 24 1908 causes polypus, or growth, incurable disease on earth; they have space, but full text can be supplied on application to Mr Kugeiman's Chief Executive 0,, , . . ,_,, , T For 12 monihs boforo T .aw Mr Kugo - (Signed) THOMAS T AYFIFTT) TP adenoids ozena, thickening ot the bones sworn to tho truth of the statements thev An- „ . , , . , Tr , . , ... . . , r . „ . 2 Malcolm street. South Yarra. man I was sufleiing from Post-nasal (oignea; IJrIUiVIAb LA Yi.'ILIAJ, J.i . or . terminals of cavities, hay fever, etc., havo madc , so that all may know that offices . for Australasia, 106=108 King street, Melbourne, \ictona. The fuller My c]a „ (Thtcr suf y orrf i from EpiWrtic Kit« Catarrh, Deafness and Diseased Kidney ROSEBANK (N.S.W.) rl»™v .nf thp liones of the nose and *,„» On thia mrvctt inquiries solicited. for seven years, tho first occurring when My nose was choked up, and 1 suirciecl w lth invnTm < t,t n „ T M Scu^Mtotzi —, j'.™-»rsanrfe?M woodside(s - a) - rATATO „rr ■ and homole odours usually put down that there are innumerable cases of /WANG \R 4TTA (V) M ARRICKVILLE (NSW) 'he'^ot^"no better ' Throe' other' doctors at- leross loins from kidneys. Ordinary EPILEPTIC FITS-BRAIN DISEASE - RRH AND ASTHMA CUBED. .to "bad breath or disorcferea stomach deeply-seated, obscure intractable, and ITAES CHEONIf' 1 ASTHMA FMT without success, and nt last, T medicines had no effect but after two CURED Two years ago I saw Mr Kugelman at by mistaken people. It grips the eusta- supposed-to-be incurable diseases, which r H CHRONIC ASTHMA CIIRONIC ASTHMA: DOCTORS FAIL foolc to tllQ ] losp j ta ] t w hnre she was weeks of Mr Kugelman s Herbal Remedies ■ Lismore, after suffering continuouslv and caian tube and inner ear, and causes baffle the whole medical world, and yet CURED. • IN EUROPE AND SYDNEY. under treatment as an out-rati"nt for two I was considerably relieved, and three j was j n t]lo va jj ey Q f t h e shadow of badly from Asthma for six years. For frightful head- noises and deafness. It suc h cases ave now being cured in a per- . vars. but onlv got worse all the t.imn. T months after was completely cured not f or two vears, suffering from weeks at a time I could not leave tho grips tho throat and causes diseased and manent manner by Mr Kugeiman's Myrhee, near Wangaratta, Wardell road, Marrickville, Sydney. t.hanlc God T r,lr, P od her under Mr Knrrel- only of tho catarrh and its effects, but also Q a t iarr h ) Liver, and Brain Disease, and house. I could not even go to bed, but IrnSged tonsils. It grips the uvula, Herbal Remedies. tt * ' JUly A laU °' Til 0 . C .°"; H-rbnl R. r mod,V,. «s. „fw taking tbn of the kidney trouble I now feel splen- Epileptic Fit j was treated by six doc- j llll ' |- 0 sit up day and night in order to and makes it soft and too Jong, causing t i . Pi" 1 ' • .r, tinent from tho worst form of Asthma, and nr=t dosn 0 f his mer?icmo. she has never did, and can hear perfectly. torS) an( ] too i;. quantities of patent medi- breathe. I often coughed until I collapsed a tirklinp' of the throat witli constant i° m " cil P^ easuro m testifying to the consulted two medical doctors, who told mo ' In d anotW attack of fit-, nor even a sign (Sicned) RASMUS NIELSEN cines, but they did me no good. When lon the floor. I could only eat occasionally, Jli ft tbß aTKi \r I,oV t° fronl lfl l°"!: th f was quite incurable. I con- of otle . Shc is now perfectly cured. (b,gn<?d) KAbMUb :MLljbL - N ' sa w Mr Kugelman I was nothing but a then was so weak I could not digest. g , J J t f ] law k THE MfAD { ' Remedies. I had been a su_ . suited another doctor 111 Austiaha, who told (Signed) (Mrs) A CASTTES Sworn before mo at Brisbane, Q.. Feb- bag of bones, and wanted to die, and after [ S ot temporary relief from two doctors, causes hoarseness and a constajit hawk- OUkIwIS THE WAH, from asthma for about 15 years. When Imo the same as the doctors_ in Europe. I (hi b ned) (Mrs) A. LASILLb. o to , t. the epileptic attacks I thought I would pass but soon was as bad as ever again. I took mg of phlegm or trying to cleai the heurcl of your wouderf ul- skill 1 was detci- could get no rest either lying or sitting, Sworn before mo at Prahan, February 28, TTI away. I filled up one of Mr Kugeiman's dozens °f bottles of so-called "Asthma throat." It grips the lai-ynx, and causes mined to visit you, which I did about nine suftered from headaches, lost flesh, became 1907, (Signed) WILLIAM A. CARSON, J.P. charts, and sent it to him Mr Kugelman Cures," but they did me no good. Then H to become inflamed and painful. years ago. \ou told mo that 1 was sutler- y or y weak and was continually choking ,o ilTnprn pttOT?PF TT replied, telling mo he could cure me by 1 placed myself in Mr Kugeiman's hands, Catarrh also grips the bronchial tubes TERMS FULLY EXPLAINED. from chronic asthma, and that you during the fits o coughing. I looked upon (signed) GEOKUL H BROWN, his Herbal Remedies, and I started with his and within a month I was completely and chitis It enpT the nerves of the lungs ??' k fn 0 m °f iT 0 W under your my case as hopeless; but when Mr Kugel- Commissioner for taking Affidavits. PI,AINL AND (0) treatment at once by mail, and was cer- cured and putting on flesh rapidly. Sinco • ana exu ib. T n-ri™. +li« Herbal Kcniechcs, and lam very glad that man saw mc he said it was most certainly > JrijAiiNJjaiMJ tainlv saved from tho rompfprv or tho rmd then I have never had the slisrhteSt sie*n . and causes asthma. It grips the eniue Idid 1 lost many nights' sleep through curable. The b.-neficial effect of his Herbal "INCURABLE" BRIGHT'S DISEASE j berame wof and stronc- mv ur touch of asthma in any shape or form lung struct^ and OVER NOTE CAREFULLY AND AVOID not being able to lie down; but lam Remedies was .soon felt, and I rapidly im- GOYURA (V.). CURED. memory returned, the fits ceased Tho cure was thorough and quick. tion. DuKUNb- 1/Aol xJiiAlt UVX-«iC xtto uiudptjpmctam thankful to say that I have never lost one prc.vcd, until I was able to throw off the 1 u-uxuka (v.j. • , j fiinrnno-hlv nnrod ' ' a\ n r» ua^t ONE THOUSAND AUSTRALIANS MISAI PREHENSION. hour's sleep through asthma since I went Asthma, and get back my normal health TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EPILEPTIC Plainland via Laidlcv Q ° " (Signed) G. F. MARTIN. r.hrs3 D iS°?n:™ j <z.» ** "»<»»»>• F», ».v f?ra „fssss-t—--rt £ w - 1 »«• ~ ,y ' «.« » many doctoes failbd ' ftsswste! James "■ un Catarrh, even when only limi {ee of . This 20s fee does not (Signed) JAMES PATTERSON. (Signed) It. G. BRERETON, J.P. Goyura, Vic. -loctors and obtained medicine from (feigned) R. P. KEDDIE, J.P. latent form » the ino]lulR -> any Herbal EcmedieS; aild is Prcsont add 157 charlos st Foots . Chemists and Storeknnpers; but obtained sariiirsfasj.'i® m*** •«*-«- LILTDIIE TO owoomba «. ***. °<».»—. w.Tr'.rzv-rss »»»«««»i«o. »» tale «•»• colonise or propagate and thence ex- SU J- Remedies Slipplie d must be rireONir PATARRH \ND \STHMA "INCUR\BLE» HFART DISEASE C °" rt > Decemblr. 1899. g At 13 year! of age 1 carried out Mr Kugeiman's FLOATING KIDNEYS-TORN LIVER HEREDITARY CHRONIC ASTHMA s; ~" D ABIDIBEASE cause's 3 « S Pechy's Siding, Crow's Nest Line. £ JTo of tho eye, cataract, granulation, and then be purch.iised e thei per eacJi 10 Jn chos( . and ho cQugh gr?idlHllly got I overstrained myself lifting a log and also.lips. I tried numbers of doctors, and ® badly. My kidneys were displaced, and a propped up in bed because of my terrible blindness. The method adopted by some weeks set, ? J ? worse. I then visited two leading doctors suddenly felt a terrible pain at the heart, tned also S. B. Nibblett s medicine from Sworn beforo me at Plainland, September Portion of my liver torn. I suffered ter- coughing tits. I was always sickly and medical men of drilling a hole through Agreement is entered into for a lump sum in Mclbo urno, but their medicines did me no For 12 months afterwards I was a helpless London; but during all those long weary 2 5, 1907. rib epams which prevented me sleeping, could o nly go to school on and oif If I 'the iawbone and inserting a tube to m each instance. • _ 0(l j docided to visit Mr Kugelman invalid and spent 10 weeks in Toowoomba 25 years I got no good from any of them. (Siirnod) A W M DONN JP the day I could only sit about did a little light work on the farm in half J. ' fllf , qntrlim r-ivitv into the mouth All letters regarding cases not yet using ! w h o told me that my trouble was located Hospital, where the doctors could do I passed a most wretched and miser- (bigned) A. ■M. IJUJNIM, J-f- m a helpless state. My relatives thought a n hour I would have to go to bed I , W tr sTromrlv' ed as Mr Kugeiman's Herbal Remedies must ji„ nose and throat, and not in lungs and nothing for me Bystanders could both able existence and was worn to a I would soon be in the grave My wife at derived no benefit from the doctor, and cannot be> too strongly condemned, as it b& ac<x) - lied b a sta ,j note OT I chcst , and also that I was suffering from heai and see my heart beating, and it o ten skeleton; then I heard of Mr Kuge man, last persuaded me to visit Mr Kugelman accordingly went under Mr Kugeiman's -never effects a cuie. It also causes fee of 20s, and if 20s fee Chronic Catarrh and Asthma. I got im- seemed to stop altogether. I went to Bns- visited him on one ot his visits to TWO WELLS (S.A.). and , 1 bo § an » c better after the first Herbal Remedies. I soon improved, and .neuralgia, and makes the teeth decay. ,1 in anv such letter a renlv mediate relief from Mr Kugeiman's Herbal bane Hospital but, came home again in Mui'toa. He at once told rne the cause of week under his treatment which was finally was completely cured. Now I am ;Sufferers who are gripped by the nose Is ." ot enclosed m any sucn lewei a lupiy , Remodi and b sticking to it completely same state, and still another doctor told me the fits, and said ho would cure me. I SEVERE GOITRE CURED WITHOUT especially remarkable, as nothing had done j n excellent health, and, if necessarv can by this disease are nearly aways what wl |i not be ®f nt - . , „ , „ eradicated tho complaint, and was I might drop dead at a moment's notice. M there and then agreed, and went under his OPERATION m - l k an / g before. Soon I could eat do a day's ploughing or other farm work. 'are > termed "mouth-breathers"—rthey Formerly Mr Kugelman .s fee was 40s, I thoroughly cured of the ' Catarrh and Kugelman told me I was not so near death Herbal Remedies, and I havo not had one OFEKAIION. without pain, and sleep regularly, and in r " ™>flrlv ahvavi have the mouth open, but during tho war it will be 20s, 111 order : Asthm r i . (Signed) W. HUSTON. as I believed, though bad enough, and ho sing o fit since but have ever since enjoyed „ several months I suffered with a V 4 , wh j o all the pain in the stomach (Signed) G. H. MEWES. Wing ithard bvthe "lose: to ensure that only those call him who are | before me, It lilydale, August 20, could pull me round After a few weeks best of health. I hope this will be well G J.« ThS Ld th™& ,^ d 1 ™ „ , f ' v , , A ~ , •s? ® 1 „ nA „i- '11, T eMT > A reaJlv desirous of obtaining his Herbal IQO6 11S Herbal Remedies I felt much better, published. i n , O „: vo I]n wnr u nlfno-otW T fell been lifting weights ever Sworn before mo at Emu Yale (Q.). 7th throat " and however Remedies and continuing it until abso j (Signed) DAVID KING, J.P. and the bad turns gradually disappeared (Signed) (Mrs) D. MLEAN. away to a shadow. I consulted a doctor, L u never felt the slightest September, 1907. _J 1 mav Vio exriecto'-ited durino ' iu tely cured. altogether. My heart disease was com- NOTE.—The proof of tho permanent who told me no euro was possible, except y ° complaint. . fSitrned) PATRTPK" fAPMOnv TP the 3 da?^Ld white awake during slee Mr Kugeiman's Herbal Remedies havo £ synwtom's foJ velrT' 0 " ? a V ,r °t» ° f A , romarka "° c , uro 'f tho H 1 operation. I heard of Mr Kugeiman's (Signed) A. H. SCHONROCK. (S J CARMODY, J.P. ' !lL LfXl find the! wiv effected hundreds and thousands of the IPSWICH (Q.). JOHN ATKINSON TP If +on not returned during Herbal Remedies' power to euro without these catanhal matters hnd tneu waj remnrknble cures in inodevn historv rT-r.c rTorrro" A Trvni?A7i?r a.J, 1 f AIKIiNbOJN. J.P. the past 20 years. Doctors cannot cure operation, so I placed myself under his Sworn beforo me, June 15, 1907. down, as a, matter of course, into either f • aatq ArFTTTfYn Oi USELES& AND UNDEVEI.OPE . Sno-n before mo at Toowoomba, Q., Epilepsy at all, and tho bromides and other treatment, and his medicines commenced to fSie-npdl NTT TT ANT FV TP GOULBURN (NSW) the lungs or else into the stomach. No v J rp EE n iTrrl\-? rVn rr-n .1 f f,„r mv octobcr , Q 5 .' A^T , T .. C^.T T _ drugs and poisons which they prescribe to dissolve tho Goitre from the verv start, (S,gned) N " H ' HANLEY, J.P. wonder, then, that so many suffer from S ARE Til the age of! years my(Signed) Jo'lL\ ATKINSON, J.F. try and prevent tho attacks only ruin the and to improve my general health. Finally EPILEPSY RADICALLY CURED. . indigestion and so many stomach dis- NOT NECESSARY, as tumours, growths, «as unable to' walk—liei legsjvere useless system. the lump melted away without leaving orders. In children particularly this in- gall stones, appendicitis, fistula and ' c n j at ail „ (Signed) HERMAN EMIL KUGELMAN. mark or stoin and lam well and strong. BRISBANE (Q.). Walker Street Goulburn (N.S.W.) duces worms and other gastric and in- tubercular bone disease, hip disease, and . , a y ml th y ere s g carce]y any GYMPIE (Q.). I would not be a ivo to-day but for Mr SEVEN YEARS' ASTHMA IN I was a victim of Epilepsy, and would testinal parasites. There are innumer- internal morbid formations can bt on b ' nos or lcgs> [md her ft> t LUPUS OF EYE CURED. Kugelman s Herbal Remedies. BRISBANE. ttncl Z So" Sute' or'floating kidneys aiTinZml displace 1 : f^ a: lor "S'S'did' her no Horseshoe Bend, near Gympie, Q. KLFPTI^ 1 EFTS V /\ WFFU • (S:gneC,> (Ml ' S) A " STA ° KY ' TEN DOCTORS FAIL - NOW CURED, hold me My friends never left me alone tTihnlir oolonisation Catarrhal ments of' every kind are cared without good. Mr Kugelman told me that all the I was operated upon for a small Cyst or TEN EPILEPTIC TITS A WEEK. Witness: J. F. MILLINGTON. Cambride-e st Rod Hill RrishnrtP T S • m ir 1 trated down the tubes into the lung f ul l After' 1 fc.ur^nonths' 1 0/° Mr" Kugeiman's cheek grew black, andthe eye beeamo"h I can truly say that Mr Kugeiman's SYDNEY (N SW) hospitlr "under ccessfu1 ' s , , h .° completely cured cells, and the patient having come in POSTA \IOIF rOP 9n Herbal Remedies sho walked across tho inflamed and painful. The doctor operated Herbal Remedies cure of Epileptic Fits is 6 B w -'- mo m threo months time. Since then fo. contact with tubercular infection, |NCLOSE POSTAL NOIL lOR 20s d ( , k flll QVer the a•„ but m g sti]l relTla;necl in t complete and permanent. My daughter had CHRONIC RHEUMATISM AND T'if" 'tf in ! y °?f r v,t' C ? ) ° r S6lZUre °'' either by drinking infected milk or from a , n n d r { t0 hls I,Wld pC and her legs are well developed. rible state, and my constitution was her first attack about seven years ago and LUMBAGO CURED hcloLlinl Alltok cvcn tho sll S htcst character. some consumptive person, the germs 106-103 King street, Melbourne, or (Signed) J. BROCKIE. weakened. Mr Kugelman pronounced the they gradually increased until sho had as JL® if ,™ + MRS P WTWMau ■finding such favourable environment, Uj Kueelman is m New Sworn before mo at Ipswich, Q., August complaint to be Lupus or Tuber- many as 10 in a single week. The. least 353 Sussex street, Svdnev. case was incurable, and suggested I should " ■ +i,„ r „K, r rnucinrr the infiam- address to his chief New Zealand office, 23 1907 culosis, for which no knife should have been fright or excitement would cause a seizure. r': c v, iv„ oV, t „ „ui tt '' , « W nrn beforo mo .at Goulburn IKSWI SaK y 'eoSons TtL Tun " and 95-97 Dixon street, Wellington. UNLESS ' Signed) JOSEPH STAFFORD, J.P. used, but told mo ho could euro me. In Her general health and nervous . system For 30 years I was troubled with Lum- JT sai 16?h May 1908 ( ) ' matoiy conditions 01 o . a 90s FEE IS FNCLOSFT) NO RFPTY three months time all inflammation and were greatly affccted, and she received 110 bago, or Rheumatism, m my left hg, lor tnreo periods, ot IU weeks each 1 sat lining of the lung known as pleurisy, ' y,,, SgNT CONSTIT T \TTON pair disappeared under his Herbal good from doctors' treatment. Under Mr which grew worse as the years wont on. an T ? r j lc^ ( \ r , n ? g jan T ay ' ?? VC J (Signed) JOHN O'BRIEN J.P which explains why so many, soon after 'VILL bL ij AiION EUDUNDA (S.A.). Remedies, and mv eye was perfectly cured. Kugeiman's Herbal Remedies tho attacks There, was a gripping, gnawing pain as ™v' m g. J tf I ha,J lam down I would at nca ' JUiliN " J.r. an attack of pleurisy, develop consump- 2 0=. CHRONI^, SUri ERLRS FLO ATING KIDNEY CURED BY But for Mr Kugeiman's Herbal Remedies decreased in violence and frequency from though tho leg was being sawn off and the once havo eh,okeid to death, and I was too tion and die within a year or two. Any- ND r '^ n ' RT C A • i ' ,- R u MFAN o I would havo lost my sight. the very first, and soon ceascd altogether, agony was so great that I wished myself « eak f n d illl to stand.. My weight camo one-will feel convinced how injurious to OR ANY I'ORETGN COUNTRIES, CAN NATURAL MEA . (Signed) (Mrs) E. HANSEN and she became well and strong. She has dejul. My general health was impaired, down to 6st 41b, and it £ now 9st. This is SYDNEY. the o-eneral health catarrh is when it is KUGELMAN be supplied with T „,,(Y ore .i w ; t h Floatincr Kidney for Sworn before mo at Gvmpie, Q., Mav 23 not had an attack for tho last 10 years, and I often fairly collapsed. The rheuma- » I ' 2Sul . t of taking Mr Kugelman s Herbal TIAT __ C , TC , £deS al S'aH^e 1 is Herbal Remedies for their 190 , (Sig „od) J. W. PRIDDY, /p. (Signed) (Mrs) E. DUNIAM. ttor tf weS I'ZdJtS A MA ™ * PARALYSIS AN ° breathed passes over the parts where the duease sent by mail, ttuteearlj. pain, and prevented °[ n sl ° e & Sworn before mo on August 6, 1907. with no result. Mr Kugeiman's Herbai a couple of months I could work. EPILEPTIC FITS CURED. foul deposits are located and over the — _____ and puHetlnic down until Iwl= ma liope- Remedies, however, made a marvellous dif- I havo been quite well ever since, as though . „ decaying bones and tissues, and in this ess condition, being told; fanallj 1 > ouirt TANUNDA , (S.A.). (Signed) JOHN MUNDAY, J.P. fcrence, and in a few months' time my t "ever had the disease, and consider it a 13 Fitzroy Street Surry Hills Sydney. way the poison is earned into the blood TtrrnmvrTt ip rvr ow i l\ a - V °T TCiio-olman whoso Herbal SPINAL CURVATURE AND TUBER- leg was perfectly well, and there has not miraculous cure. , In j.B9i I was taken ill with Typhoid '-lil- \ A. ~ c zi,„ i„„„„ vr„+ BURRINGBAR (N.S.W.). this 1 visited Mr Kugelman, wnoso neiuai uumniunij r ujijjit- & tlm = i;rrl,tnsf r/.lnn=o (Sip-norh PITT APT t t irv Fever in a bad form, with complications through the air cells of the Jungs. Not FLO ATING KIDNEYS CURED Remedies stopped the pain, and freed mo CULAR BONE DISEASE CURED. bcon tho "hffhtcst relapse since. (bigned) OHAIU.Lb J. LACy . no airected> and j bec; J mc para . oply so, but with, every breath exhaled . "of tho distressing and dangerous complaint. BRISBANE. 1 (Signed) JOHN GEDDES. Taken and declared beforo me at Bris- lyscd, all my limbs for all practical pur the surrounding au- is poisoned, and j suffered from Organic Headaches, lam entirely cured. tt, r ™! n J! y ( SOn i ,Va u ! years of age lie was YE -\RS' CHRONIC DEAFNESS o , 1a 1 v, bane, Q., this 4th day of December, 1901. poses being absolutely dead. Epileptic Fits becomes infectious to other persons, so Disease of Liver, and Floating Kidneys, (Signed) (Mrs) M. M ROSS. thrown on to a kerbstone, and this brought IUUK *LAKb UtIKUiNiU UliAi INiibb. Sworn botore me at Sydney, February T then camo 011, and I was subject to theso that a badly-affected case may cause the with continuous pains and lack of appe'-J Sworn before me at Eudunda, February on bpmai Curvature. His body became all Alma street Paddington Q. 15.1909. (Signed) W. J. TROUTON, J.P. two compaints for four years. In addition ■ultimate death of thousands. Parents pass titc. My .whole system was out of working 3, 1909. Tr, "n r V ? s - c , orn P ellctl ou „ ~ n , ' (Sip-nwb THOM\S MITCHELL .TP to the Paralysis and Fits, I suffered from, the disease to their children, a truly hor- order, and I never expected to bo rid of (Signed) JAMES GOSDEN, J.P. cs. One of his logs was doubled up, Present address, Dunwich. B ' an Internal Displacement and Stone in tho rible and irmallino- fact and pass them the fearful headaches. Under Mr Kugel- and an abscess, arising from Consumption I suffered from Deafness for over four ERMINGTON (N.S.W.) Bladder, and also from Catarrh. My whole to in untimelv mw ' The lunn- cells man ' s Herbal Remedies, however, these °1 v- 0n T 0 ' r °ke out between tho knee years, together with a tremendous hum- _ T ttmp riTQWAQi? a xin wvnATma constitution was affected, my digestion was .vnpcnnf t cnirfn/Z raw n disappeared altogether, and ho also cured LEICHHARDT (N.S.W.). , declined to allow any opera- ming noise in the cars, and finally becamo SOUTH BRISBANE. LUNG DISEASE AND HYDATIDS ver y bad, and my Kidneys and Bladder present a surface of over a thousa sq et, floating Kidney and Liver Complaint rfTRONIC ASTHMA OF TWENTY- lr V, i avo "d this danger I consulted "stone deaf. I got no relief from any nT „„ „ T CURED—I 6 YEARS became diseased, and I also suffered from feet to the air, and in this way is auto- by hi 3 Hor fe bal Rcm y pdie3 after doc . tors P ancl WROINIC ASJLHMA Ul IWJ,rviJC Mr Kugelman, as the boy too .11 to bo treatment or medicines until I visited Mr VALVULAR HEART DISEASE CLRED. i=Ml«. Eczema . For some months I was in Goulxemia, or self-poisomng, brought about, their physic had failed. FIVE YEARS SIANUIiNU OUKIA). taken to see him. Mr Kugelman pre- Kugelman, whose Herbal Remedies com- Brooks st anc] Stephen rd Brisbane Ermington, Parramatta River, N.S.W. burn Hospital, and at tho end of that time The catarrhal slimes also find their .way (Signed) (Mrs) M. A. HIGGINS. Mvrtle street Loichhardt Sydney. Shi Herbal Remedies, pletely cured head noises, and thoroughly Mv son suffered from Valvular Disease of My wife was taken ill with pains in right my spine and leg sinews had curved condown into the stomach, duodenum, liver, Sworn before me, at Burringbar, N.S.W., F 2 5 vears I w'as a martyr' to Asthma first T ] lc 4scess sow in threo [ cst:or^ d m ,y so that ever since Ith - Heart, resulting from Rheumatic shoulder and left lung, which got gradually sidorably, which compelled mo to lie on my intestines, and bladder, and in that way January 18, 1908. „ ln d Bronfi! Mv life was one continual Months his leT 3 Wl- wp,-o S have heard perfectly. Fover So ' vernl doct b ors d to tho worse and worse, and gave rise to a bad stomach for seven weeks by day and night, extend to every one of the internal (Signed) W. L. MUxiPITi, J.P. 'vheoze" and I had to bo propped up in straight again after two vears' illnoss T (Signed) THOMAS SHANAHAN. nature of the complaint, and wero equally cough and frequent hemorrhage. She was The doctors finally told my husband there organs. Any number of instances have . bed to'breathe. I suffered also with severe l £ f £ n %£ l^ lo : y s ° al « o bov 7 71 . , certain the case was incurable-one, in- treated by doctors for. Pleursy and Con- was no hope of cure, and I abandoned come under my observation of so-called vn „„„ „ M „ w pu i ns j n the lungs. I got so weak that I , s W pp V m Ar , Sworn beforo mo at Brisbane (Q. , No- t ] e ccl. fixing a time beyond which my son 1 sumption, and took largo quantities of cod myself to despair. As a last hope I went of the stomach which in re;ditv NORTH BOTANY, N.S.W. S not evon crawl, and, though I had (Signed) F. FREYTAG. vember 6, 1901. could not live. The boy was indeed in a liver oil and emulsion, but did not improve under Mr Kugelman s Herbal Remedies, were true cases of mstric catarrh—or SIGHT RESTORED. dozens of doctors, and tried every sort o? Sworn beforo mo at Tanunda, S.A., w - J- TROUTON. J.P. pitiable condition—thin, pale, ricketty- in the slightest. Mr Kugelman was then which completely cured me of no ess than were true cases ot gastric catan 1 01 North Yj N . S . W . c '°J di n o i n ° no relief. Then I went to January 13, 1909. looking, and puny. Ho could not take visited, and stated that ho could cure her, seven different Chronic Diseases, after I catarrhal abscises on the valls ol the My ho()se and lg voai . s , ]aboui . an() sav l f golmanj though j llad no hope; (Signed) F. W. HANICH, J.P. exercise, and was slowly starving to and at the end of six weeks Mr Kugel- had been given up by 13 doctors. lam stomach. Doctors wash out the stomach . wcro swcpt awav j n a hush fire in 10 but almost at once I began to feel better MURWILLUMI!AII (N.S.W.). death, because his body remained un- mans Herbal Remedies brought away a now a strong, healthy women in every for this; but in vain as that is only minutos . j had been fighting the flames under Kugeiman's Herbal Remedies, r rT nrnT7T? PTTPIiTi WTTTTDTTT nourished. Mr Kugelman said ho could quantity of hydatids and hydatid cysts from possible respect. tampering with the effect: washing out day a f ter day and tho strain and worry and jn six months' time I got free from my TUNGAMAH (V.). cure tho boy, and ho was as good as his off tho lungs, after which of course, she /q: m , of q\ /Af r ,\ TANK WARE the stomach will not Temove out of the shattered my nerves, and took away my ailment and my weight had increased 16 NTNF ™R , pttpomtp xtaq.t OPERATION. word, for he did cui;e him. It is now began to mend rapidly, and is now com- l&>gneci; ( mrs; system and blood the constitutional taint eyesight, which I thought I was going to poun ds.' Mr Kugeiman's Herbal Remedy < t iSAbAb T, , . t somo years ago, and he is still hearty and pletely cured Declared before mo at Sydney, N.S.W., which, ig the true cause of catarrh. The loso altogether. Mr Kugelman restored my cureel me of lironchial Asthma of-25 years CATARRH, HEART DISKASE CURED. T had an unsightly Cyst or Tumour on strong, lifter his case had been given up by (Signed) vV. T. FRANKS. - , August 1908. impure secretions filter downwards to the shattered and nervous system, and as my standing in six months, when all other DOCTORS FAILED. my temple for 12 months. I consulted a the medical profession. Sworn before me, December 21, 1896. _ throat bronchial tubes and lungs Deaf- nerves got better so did my eyes, and I was doctors had failed. doctor, who said it could not be removed PT?rvr?n? wtttt t amg Klo-nndt TP (Signed) A. T. CARPENTER, J.P. wiroap, oroncmai iuoeb, ana iuiigs>. jjeai JJjlv cured. (Sijrned) JOHN FRANCIS YOUNG. Tunffimah VirtnWi without operation, and as I objectod to (Signed) GEORGE WHILLANS. (bignea) JAJVliiio birUliWAx, i e» ness is thus brought about owing to these thoroughly (Signed) T. LUCAS. ' Sworn beforo me at Sydney, N.S.W., lungamah, Victmia, being "carved about," I visited Mr Kugelimpure secretions collecting about the Dpclnred at gydnev \pril 1 1908. r il 30 ISOB November 7, 1900. man , whoso Herbal Remedies caused the Sworn beforo mo at Brisbane, Q., Fobinner car and eustachian tubes, which ' (Sinned)' J W CALL, J.P. (Signed) PHILIP J. NEWLAND, J.P. Mr H. E. Kugelman Tumour to disappear completely in six ruary 15, 1907. PHRnNIP. OF FUFRY KIND CAN BE CURED BY often—too often —results in head noises \ 8 > Consulting Herbal Practitioner. weeks without the slightest pain or mcon- (Siirned) 11. BAYNES. J.P. vHKUmU UIotHOLO Ur CVCItT IVIIIU and total loss of hearing. Insanity, as ' Dear Sir,—You are at liberty to publish venienco. ' ■ im. ■ - is now' well known, is ofteai caused bv , t' lo following facts conccrning the remark- (Signed) (Mrs) E. R. CHAPMAN. MRR If llivolman'e MOPoJSB nfiVTlfifllGfi. catarrh in the head, and by catarrhal Chief Executive Offices for Australasia abl ° cur « of " ly c:l ?? by >' ou so , mc 15 w'" r, ?Tt n'on, Munvilll,nibah - „ mfrnx;r , v,, . .P,, . 811T B WUgClmOll 5 HCIIU'CIB nbiiibui^i abscesses forming in the brain. Eye b " IBT CXBUUI,YB U,,U ' C;> years ago, as I consider a thorough cure N.S.W., December 27, 1907. GEELONG, V. (late of Carlton). ° troubles are also caused by catarrhal Minn Ctmof MPI RHIIRNIF !,'l, tCSt . ° f R ° (Signed) R. C. EWING, J.P. BRIGHT'S DISEASE IS NOT matter collecting above and around the 106~108 KtHg Str6ol, iVI LLpUU sISML. I hal been a sufferer from °a number Ta!}: INCURABLE. (0 S? ICS 1? \%J ATO ¥1& eyes, post-nasal growth, or polypus, ments for a very long time indeed. I tried . TT ,™ /c a \ - t it i 4 s l 88 SI 8 «€ H.WA B\ O serious enough to grip by the noso any a lot of medicines, and kept getting worse rrwr'VTT'v a pr-Drn vi • n' C o /f R'l-u, e , lo< ! M\MLJ ▼¥ * number of sufferers and to consign them , , . u/«nahniioQ • ancl worsc > 1 suffered distressingly from TVVENTY \EARS EC/.EM A CLRED. with Bnghts Disease t e Kidneys, and to a consumptive's grave. All these Chief MSW Zea and Offices and Warehouse. difficult breathing and palpitation of tho . over 20 year. T suflered from locznma was treated unsuccessfully by six doctors growths have 'their in these con- . . iuavam and grc/pain ItL back of the Sd ' M be Will bo Paid to anyone who can Prove that any of these Certificates of Cases . stitutional causes which induce cateiTh. QK.QI OiXOH SttßSt WELLINGTON. the' stwnach fnVct 0 I wis fulf'of scratched myself until I bled. I consulted relieved by injections of morphia. I deter- Cured and Published by Mr kugflman aie not Genuine. Enlargement of the tonsils can only exist 33-JJ / BJIAUII OU COl, ImUmIbIIsW i Vila Cd to foot and not retail n?v several doctors, but got no good. For 10 mined to visit Mr Kugelman, who told me ■ in. sufferers who are gripped by the nose f nn( ! nn t |, f> sf'nmnf.h' T ,i r on,wi +iZ vears I unable to do my work, and my I had Bright's Disease, which was NOT C.mccr in Early Stages, Cataract of the Eye, Granulation of Eyes, Scrofulous —that is, who suffer more or less from • thought of sleep, as it'never afforded tne nf '"' health suffered terribly. I visited Mr incurable. I commenced to get better onllth ., lm ; a ulcers on Eyes, and all other Eye Diseases, Scrofula, Hip, Disease, ■ BRANCH OFFICES AT V.'ANGANtII AND AUCKLAND. f operation, bv cauterization, by medical ■ o win- to the freouent requests of large numbers of Chronic Sufferers in New displacement, and also from Nasal Catarrh, ™ cnt 1 fi ? all [ ,1 ° Urca ' aS 1 incurable Bronchitis, Induration of Lungs, \alvuLii Heait Di.,eas. of every form, ed treatment, or by any merely local treat- 7 P T,H n d aslcin- Mr Ku»elman to visit the Dominion at regular intervals he has and Catarrh of tho Bronchial Tubes. I h;lv0 rC (Mrsf'M A TIAV (Signed) (Mrs) RACHEL M'PHERSON. Liver, Enlarged Spleen, Congested Liver, Ulcerated Liver, Aneurism, H\peitiophj ment is a mistake. The way in which ™„ e d to dowat intervals of about every 16 weeks. Mr Kugelman has had over had consulted several doctors previously to Dpc]ilrcrl b J.' fo *, m V. .Tannarv 20 IPOB q . nrn i„w mr . Nnv™h w PR 1007 of the Liver, Anemia, Hysteria, Epilepsy (or Fits), Cholera, Dyspepsia (or Indidoctors treat catarrh in its many phases is 40 yelrs' experience at Sydney, Melbourne Briskvne -Bal arat, ioowoomba and (Signed) J. RAMSAY THOMPSON, J.P. S ... „'* t. " r ' T gestion) in every known form, Palsy, Paralysis, Locomotor Ataxia, Spdssl e „ti,slv wrong, because the, „1, treat a 5« - ff*"-»! & Sft {SE3 "!f*ss ttT&TiulSt ~ **"* Snpbint, Gr,J, Dkbete, »d »Jl, Disease,, Impaired Vision the effect spraying, douching, burning, ; s our .Empires most famous Heibahso (no a . ; ® for me at all, as mine was too complicated . ATTTT T TTMBTMBY (N SWI ind Memorv Gout Rheumatism, Rheumatic Fever, Soiatioa, Varicose Veins, JaS t ™" - - per 01 date Ma " » sa&rxa? r l »r JW a »? *r\.»- c » to ?- antrum cavity, scraping the diseased DATES FOR SOUTH ISLAND. chancc was to go under an operation. I KIDNEY DISEASE ARIUI Ai PUfel NASAL Growth, Catarrh of the Middle Ear, Jaundice, Chronic Constipation, Piles, uan bone, cutting out the tonsils, clipping ' TT . ~ . „ Tv , 11 IQIA . declined this, as I thought I would rather * GROWTHS. Stones Chronic Affections of tho Spleen, Chronic Headaches, Chronic Biliousness, bits off the uvula, etc., never can be an TIM ABU, N.Z.-At, the Grosvenor Ho,el, Imiaru, on Monday Decembei 11, mo. die than be operated upon In this sad I was brought down, by Kidney Disease , G , , p , Neurd-ia Bri-ht's Disease of the Kidneys, Granular Kidney, Fatty Kidney, offmUvo o,irp Thp 1-PTsmi k th'it nil Hours from 10.30 a.m. until 8 p.m. condition I wrote to you in Melbourne, and so that I could not raise myself from mv Oeorgc street, unley .fark, b.A. i\ciu.j o ui, un ? uu »iy j , . ; 1 +W. onncfitnfiVn'l r* r r a u in 101 r. " reply you nccuratoly told mo what bod, being ;is weak as a, baby. Tho pain My daughter, aged 16 years, suffered for Displacement of Kidneys or Floating Kidneys, Stone 111 Kidney Stone m Bladdei, growths have their ongin in constitutioridl OAMAKU, N.Z.—At the Queens Hotel, Omii<ivu 3 on lucsday. December 12, 1916: m y disease, etc., was, and that vou could in ray back was positivelv unbearable' 1 I years witif Post-nasal Growth 'and enlarged Dror sy Enlargement of Joints, Cv r stitis, Gastric Catarrh, Ulceration of the and morbid mattersi in Uie system. A Hours {rom na m . until 4 p . m . c UI . O mc. I therefore began your Herbal could'not eat or sleep and members of my tonsils, with difficulty of breathing, retarded Storiao h or Bowels Catan'h of the "stomach, Catorrh of the Intestines and all merely local treatment, whethei feuigical . , , . I<z Remedies, and very soon began to improve, family thought. I would not live. Mr Hovolonment etc Under Mr Kmrolman's otoinacn ol i>u c , . t -,, , rr r ~ or otherwise, cannot effect a cure. The DUNEDIN, N.Z. —At the Grand Hotel, Dunodin, on We nesd. y, December , y ou statecl it vvou l r l take somo time, to man treated" mv case in a mnsterlv manner. Herbal Remedies there was a rapid allevia- internal Ulcerations, Chronic Gastritis, Tumours 01 Stomach, Tumours of the fact is daily evidence, and proved by the 1916: Hours, 11 a.m. until b p.m. llinrsd.iy, jjeeemoei i<+, laio: nouia, c fYoc-t a complete cure, and so I persevered after I had consulted other doctors without tion of all painful and unpleasant symp- Liver, Fatty Tumours or Sebaceous Cysts, all Abnormal Growths, Internal Disnumerous recurrences of growths which 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Thursday Evening, December 14, laib: Hours, i.W p.m. „.; t h your Herbal Remedies and your success. The first night lifter starting Mr toms, and her general health started to im- D l ac enients * (without operation), Appendicitis. Rupture, Mercurial and Lead doctors had cut out NOW as to the till 9 p.m. Friday, December 15, 1916: Hours, 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Satmdny, dietary instructions, and finally becamo Kugelman s Herbal Remedies I slept all prove at once. I wish to express my grati- f. . c , , r,• t..,,,,,...,,,, „ii m n , m , rhrnniV TliarrWa C^re—this is absolutely and positivey December 16, 1916: Hours, 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. quite well again and as strong and hearty night, a healthy, natural sleep, and never tude to Mr Kugeiman's Herbal Remedies Poisoning Sunstroke Colic, lapewo in and all other, Chrome Diarrhoea, j LMn ' r „„ 'i TT ,/( .. , _ . 10 inl , TJ as ever 111 my life before; 111 fact, a new looked back from that moment. lam now for the great good he has done. St. Vitus' Dance, Organic Headache, Insomnia (or Sleeplessness), Tetanus (or ffwlJ T!™ P rli l!v his svstcln GORE, N.Z.—At the Southland Hotel, Gore, onJ\londav, December 18, 1916: Hours, creature thanks to your skilful treatment, in excellent health, and recently felled 15 Lockjaw), Deafness, Noises in the Head or Ears, and all Diseases of the Nose, natural Herbal Remedies. 13y ms sy&tcm £ g Tuesday, December 19,-1916: Hours, 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. for which, as the years roll on, lam ever acres of timber. (Signed) J. DICK. J ; ,rr V r» n *.•*.• * of treatment no operation is necessary for L ' - increasingly thankful. —Yours gratefully, ' (Signed) M DRVTNF lhroat, and lonsiis, iLczcma, uastritis, ctc. diseased bones, adenoids, spurs, cavities, INVERCAROILL, N.Z. —At the Grand Hotel, Invercargill, on Wednesday, December (Signed) (Mrs) HANNAH KREECK. „ , r / „ I , Declared before mo at Adelaide, S.A., . polypus, or other post-nasal growths, nor 20, 1916: Hours, 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. yembt^gOO^ 01 " 0 m ° this ?th <lay ot No " N.sfw™ December 30? 1907. Mullumb,mb y' January 14, 1909. | DDTTfQH foL^ratlrrhOT 1 disS®, And at each of the above Centres at intervals of about every 16 weeks thereafter. VCm (Signed) J. M. WARD. J.P. ' (Signed) JOHN WHITFORD. (Signed) 11. J. STAPLETON, J.P. ALL Ol\i i 100.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16873, 9 December 1916, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16873, 9 December 1916, Page 4