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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. BATTERSBY & CO., LAND SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. 25 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. OR. YOU WILL REGKET IT ALL YOUR LIVES. &?~l Kt\ DEPOSIT, BALANCE ARRANGED, purol'iMS IbOO ACRES SG RUN; rent £40; long lease; well watered; in 5 pideloekx; will crrv cJO cmi.; Situated 4 miles from rail, school, etc. Theic is .i Jloux" about ,i chain from tlio gate, which can ho leased tor .a. long term at a \en *n\A\ C\LL Oil \\ Rl 1 K .FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS OF THIS RK \L I'll \NCE TO GET INK) \ SHEEP PROPERTY ON T EXCEPTIONAL TERM OV* NEI! WOULD HE PREPARED TO TAKE OVER A MOWN HOUSE IN EXCHANGE. Tf?'UR EXCHANGE, 110 ACRFd (noith line), a,oil fenctd, with good House and all A' ouilmiKiings (in fhst-cLisw order); grows fo°il wheat, oats, and root oiops; 1 iinlo from iail, etr. Price, £27 per acre, Will Exch.inKo for Smaller Piopeity, up to £1000. IACRE FREEHOLD, with good 6-roomod House (noilh line); euit retiicd faimer Price, £300. 3 ACRES FREEHOLD (heavy land); well watered; with good House (electric light), stablis, lnre, woll lai<l out'in garden; close, to rail, etc. Price, £1250. THIS IS A VERY FINE PROPERTY. J?Qf"A CASH reqiiiiod to PURCHASE 5 ACRES FREEHOLD, well w.alored; 3wO«Jl" 7 loomed washhouso, outbuildings, stable, cowbjro, orchaid. Puce, £1100. Owner will lent at PSs weekly. Qtr/-\ ACRES LEASEHOLD (rental £73>; in 10 paddocks, well watered; good 6 /C h\r loomed IIous", ?ostalled byre, shed, \ards; 33 head stock (20 cows), eamos in addition 200 ovos; full set agricultural linprnionts, 2 miles rail, 1 mile school Puce, £500 '"• goin? concern; terms Qt*i\ ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASEHOLD (convertible freehold); cood dairying Aiiif Lind when denied; 4-roomed House .-lied; 1 mile mil. Price, £200; teims f4 fk ACRIiS L.1.P., rolling downs; wheat an: fattening land; 10 paddocks, -well iH'tf-U watered; 30 acres turnips; 4 ioomeel Tiouse, ttables. 'mplcmenl shed; 700 sheep; 5 ra'l. £3100 going concern; only £1?CO cash required ACRES fhorp coui.try, 700 ncici no«v under cultivation, with about 150 tJ'vX/ll irirs turnips, balance graf-- and . carries 3500 sheep; the owner turned off his lambs and surplus fat; first-ch's hemestnad woohhed, cottage, dip, and jarrK Price, £3 prr acre; \ery easy terms ran bo arranged for purchasing property as going concern. Arr ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRY X\RM (rental £50); buildings, 22 cattle (12 -ur) cous), and full set ii'iplements; 3 acri-s tmnip-, chilf Puce, £280. go'ng con ctur. f- ACRES FREEHOLD, all level and in glass- splendid 5 roomed brick House (return e~J \eraii(l'h, h and c. water, steel coilir,g~;. £1150, terms "?17E have Bujers .'or Fir-t class LEASEiIOLD DAIRY FARMS. Send us particu V V I α-s HOUSE .PROPERTY FOR SALE. HOUSE PROPERTY FOR SALE. GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR PRIVATE SALE. COMPRISING a sjpenor-constructed unglo-btoroji-d RESIDENCE of about 9 looms. \J including particularly attractive dining room; ehetiic light, h.e. water, sr-wi ted drained; tunerior manlelpico's and b"a itifullv til(>l hca'ths; large section, met 1\ I i,ci out; also up-to date motor garage. Tln't-pmp it\ v ,-r, < toited undc auhiteit , '. <=unit •\is,<jn, and cost coi aid< l'dblv more than Ihe pine ' 'ul foi it Tt n wiih>n a f»w miiiul. sof the trp.m PRICE £1750 IURTKMI PARTICULARS OF TKI.i VERY ITNE HOME ON APPLIC \TION JOHN REID & SONS (LTD.), AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN. REAL ESTATE. FINANCIAL. ANP Telephones 190. INSURANCE AGENTS. . Telephone 359 i VALUATORS, SURVEYORS, MONEY, SHARE, AND LAND BROKERS. CORNER LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS. Wo make a SPECIALTY of the Management of Properties, the Colli ction of Rent s , and act as Attorneys for Ansente<s wqaa .4CRES FREEHOLD; 40 paddncks ; 2000 nci ee under cultivation; 1000 acres OOulf \ouni- tn j rs ISO .\cr°s + iunips, imiorifv of tussock n ; teneo* first clnss, Iprge nronorl'on r lbliit-; iocf: 7 nvlos fro'i r ill 4 ink-, from . p _ l office; building* con=i=t of H loomed House (li and o. water, telephone evorv coi venionce), 5 roc-nod Colt'.?! ih. and c. wat'r); SL-.eiil large plantation- Pi'co. per pere. Torn.s. £SCOO r'o' n Fol. :,59 r/* f*f\ ACRE* FREEHOLD and ffOO V'RES , rent. £20 per annum; ~J)_i-Si>lJ,>i Mf ,|i f elK o] i rrrratji portion v/iie n-tted ; MiMo%rd irto 20 Works fnr faim=; fionts r-ilw u fo>- tliu ■ !"!■>-; oily 1 nrlo from (own ;>nd inilv/ay tuition. There aie nbou , - acrei <isi'cultural lan ', bahnco w 'l'-clad tus=ock. r.ipontv. 3&10 tues 2O?0 dr\ sheep, ?00 -MttV; ni fs-nt stock—4 Coo sheep, 1500 lnmhs .<tle \pw Z loomed D workmanship thropghout) Oulb'rkl'ngs copimke 12 c t o]ed ptablf, loft mid imnlnnrijt shed, wool and "lumihit °li"d foi =hnpp yard' cMid con rote d>p; 4-roomed Cottage for mairi, d couple; men' l , hut. laid on to "i'h'S" Pi ice of freehold. £5 12s 6d. !.ensr> hold c-ivfii in. Terms to appio\ed Fuller particulars on inquuy. ow'ng to old !igo. Fol 53 r > -ifiXCi ACRES FRI'ETTOLD; CCC -r,"«_rr.dor cultivation; 2 Dwellmsrs (both _ 5 J-X-TtJs3 ronn 10 ) ; full rqu.pment outbuildings; handv 'chool and po=t office. Prico. £5 ner acre. fiITOC down. Balance 51 per cn { for 5 yrais. Fol. 431 1 P~§ P" ACRES SGR.; rent. £40; l" 13 years to go; right renewal; can b" .6_*3J_O frp'holdcd; Snjddocks; 800 a res plouirhablc; good road; will cariv 1209 shtep; 5 miles fiom rail. Price. £1600 Terms. £500 cash. Fol 510 iwi FREEHOLD; 20 paddocks; 6-roomod Dwelling (first-class order): jlO> iJL 9-"t,>l!"d stable and loose box; loft to hold 700 sacks chaff, implement c 'ied, woclshjcl; S-roomcd House (out camp); 50 acres turnips; 1 mile fiom mil Price, .•Fβ 5s Terms ps arranged. Fol. 512 1 (fj ACRES; IIouso; handy Di.nedin; splendid view; 10 m'nutes from rail; J- -5 school and post office hpndy Pnc>, £900 Terms, £200 down. Fol. 5?0 Af\ ACRES; handv to rail, school and creamery; 2 Dwellings Price, £65-3 ytU T'ims. £150 down. Fol. 5',5 O- A ACRES, Portobello; 6-roompd Dwelling (built 3 vears) Price, £10CO. Ternn rZ\) ' Fol. 503 r* ACRES, Rosljn; Freehold; 6 roomed Dwelling (good); all necessary ron-*oni-O dices. Price, £1150. Teims. . Fol. 50? THE OTAGO FINANCE & AGENCY CO. (LTD). EXCHANGE. fjrvrv ACRES FRl'-EHOLD ; well subdivided; ploughing going on ; balance in crrnss ; r'tl\j\j all nccrsMiy buildings, including Residence. 11ns is in a deceased estate, and must go. Trustees willing to take CI'IY PROPERTY in Exchange. Pi ice £8 10s p^i_ SUPPLY DATRY FARM, WITPI GOOD SOUND MILK RUN, worth £40 per month; tip-top herd; implements, caits, harness. EVERYTHING AS A GOING CONCERN. SUIT ABLE FORA FAMILY. Ample feed; good buildings. Furthci particulars on appliSHEEP. SHEEP. SHEEP. SHEEP. -a jf>AA ACRES; handy to Dunedin; carrying 500 to 600 owes all winter; Res'doneo JLlyUl/ and other buildings; good water supply; good roads and close to rail, school, and saleyards, etr. Price £2 10e per acir. IQAA ACRES FREEHOLD; 16C0 ACRES LEASEHOLD thrown in; good bu.ldiJu" ings, with Residence of 5 rooms; handv to rail ar,d school; last season about 2000 sheep shorn. Prico for Freehold, P5 10s per acre. This should find n ready sale. 1"22 W' E HAVE FOR SALE A NUMBER OF COMFORTABLE HOUSES ON EASY TERMS, CITY OR SUBURBS. THE OTAGO FINANCE AND AGENCY COMPANY (LTD ), 15 EMPIRE BUILDINGS, DUNEDIN. rjpHE IMPERIAL LAND AGENCY COMPANY 'Phono 787. COLONIAL MUTUAL BUILDINGS. DUNEDIN. 'Phone 757. IQp ACRES FREEHOLD; 7-roomed Hous« and outbuildings; 6 stall stable, 12-stall JLI/O byre, barn, implement shed; 8 paddocks, at picsent all m grass; well fenced and watered; lovely grrden, plantation; 3 miles from Gore, 1 mile from school and creamery. Price, £21 per acre. Easy terms arranged Q-§ Q ACRES L.1.P.; rental, 2s 6d per acre; 4-roomed House, 6-=tall stable, chafFulO house, loorebox, barn; well fenced and watered; all ploughable. except about CO acres; 75 acres stubble, 90 a< res turnips : 200 ewe? and 180 lambs. 15 hors n s; will carry 600 ewes; 6 miles from rail, 3 miles fiom school and post office. Price', £3500, as a going concern. fjl«y-8 ACRES L.1.P.; rent, £63 per year; 8-roomed House, stable, and all nccessaiy all outbidding*! 241 acres rich river flat, balance low ridges; all bern ploughed, at present all in grass; stock—looo sheep and 60 head of cattle- J,-mile from rail and rchool. Price, £2500. Easy terms arranged. Off ACRES FREEHOLD DAIRY FARM; 12 acies river flit, the balance gentle ot) slopes; well watered, and subdivided into 7 paddocks; 5-roonW House, in good order, outbuild'nis; 5 ae-res turnips, 5 acres ploughed, the balance gra=s; 1 mile from dairy factory and mil, £-milc from school; present *tock—2l cows, 26 calves, and 4 horses. Price, £29 per acre. Stock at valuation. EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR T IJ N I T Y FOR A GOOD FARMER. FOR HEALTH REASONS. THE OWNER OF \ GOOD MIXED FARM OF 440 ACRES REQUIRES TO SELL PROMPTLY. THE PROPERTY IS MOSTLY IN YOUNG GRASS, AND IS WELL SUBDIVIDED, LIES NICELY TO THE SUN. AND CARRIES GOOD TURNIPS. PRESENT STOCK CONSISTS OF 700 SHEEP, OF WHICH 500 ARE BRETOING EWES AND EWE HOGGETS ALSO 30 HEAD CATTLE AND HORSES. THE BUILDINGS \RE GOOD. THE F \RM IS WELL SUPPLIED WITH IMPLEMENTS, AND EVERYTHING IS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. TO FACILITATE A SALE THE OWNER IS PREPARED TO ACCEPT THE EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICE OF £4500. INCLUDING ALL STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. v EASY TER-MS CAN BE ARRANGED. For full particulars apply WATERS,* RITCHIE, & CO., LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. CRAWFORD STREET, DUNEDIN.

BACK FROM THE WAR TIIR ROTORUA'S PASSENGERS. DUE AT AUCKLAND TO-DAY. {Per United Pncss Association ) WELLINGTON' ,!uh 20 Tho Dofonoo Dorkiittnent st»t<e tli.u (hr> Rotorua is duo from London at Atu-kl mrl to morrow -ttith 56 .nvil'dod soldicis <aboard. It was orifrinally intended soldiers rcidont outride tho Auckland yro\inco would proceed to Wolliußtmi with tlio '(oaiti"r. but as tho ■\O'-'3ol will bo doWvnd for sumo r].us in Aufklind. it hps born drcidod lo sClkl all tho soldiers for tho Wollmqtnii d'strici, and ihu South Island Ik ir.i.r Don't mirho a cold—rout it quickly by taking "NAZOL." Ecady for use when bought—-pleasant to take—always efficacious. Sixty doses for Is 6d.

NATIONAL SERVICE ■ <s* ENDORSED BY WATERSIDE WORKERS. (Peb UNnxn Pbess Association.) WELLINGTON, July 20 The Prime Minister has -ecened the fol lowin" telcram. from the president of the Gioymouth Port Waterside Workers' Union: — We, the members of tho Greymouth Port Waterside Union, endorr.o the action of the Go\eminent in passes the National Service B'll. We consider it the best and fairest method of reaching eligible pei«nni who should serve their King «i.nd KmpiiP.—(Signed) James M'Kinle*, uresideiir." —So glad aro the Port of London Authority to get labour, it was stated at the Bow County Court tho othpr day, that tbej paid a one handed man 11s 5d a day.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 8