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IlkS M UN-i'l Y'S 'I ,!!' ■> 1 KI * Tin u< in 1 , , f,i| nomi > of Inc W mi Sim i m> .ippi.iiing ,i 111-. M i]i -t\ s '! In Hii lojni', .Hi >iltra<tnm ill gv iiiip.iht ii d. i'lii\ mil .' ■ i> nor lik. h ti> In ii pi it< il fni i .inv .i <i i/ 11) till, ( ll\ 111 .111111 l 0,l tli till <|.' llllus "f tllllllt.MK ( , 111 .it IK >, lilli,ll .1111 l I tl nl-il Illf,- IIIIIOMHIK 111"-,, lOlllhllHl! V.lill K" I' f-ti 'i";tii. tiicre ', ihr .uld"d (I) ii:u of nil 111 lh(> .111,1 fMsllll. ~ t'» Inn . follo.Mii ,1 Cdlllpl" II f'lilllL" 1 IIVIIII w'l't < '!<• «. i.i.ilK s, . ,n llk % mi). vnl< ft <'. <>', i: ili e<l m j>\mn '-' > v<,>! .it .nl !»■ r< :- 0 tin ,il <1> d\ oi tumbling. I at it IP o , i|'iili> i dilli H nt -' mi,) t(i III" ,im il, .mil iiiliniti ly siipdioi ''lie i j I. i .1 fe i tllle Till e ,), Mil '. llil\y( ii". .11l Hot tl! onl,' zn )<| tlim ; n,i ill" (it-01-i .irii-i,' II ii .1 l,,nti< I'.iU sin lull, .mil MKrit-. the lu'l I I 1 ■■-(~( is (|i , . my; ( \ ( i \ I 'lonioii nv thi' i mp.iin Mill ift'iin to thr 'i h.v'K, wliet, t!-e op su & perform me* will be tl , " in.'tin' e in th • <;ft( l niioii. THE riNK D'.NDIES. The versitJe m'riibei> ot tlie Pink Dindif. Coti.ninv {fa\o auollur bi <-,! I lieilorinamc .a til" Jv!ii r n ''b '1 liejtrc I'. t I'M'jiing. A of picif. him ic v.i- pie'■'iihd, ,"(1 pio\id qii le ,i>> hU<v< '•-I'll <iS Uiu ]jh\ioi". ( \ 1 l J'oid Wciltl'd'n'a li,ic l.a&io niici' was liL.inl to y; .'.clv.intij't. J It lijs .i touch of lianioiir, .Hid i,i the (tmcertul items he pioM.d riott •imn.jiig h\ his Jitlli- etc .itricitii ... .!<)■-( ph IJictuuu, J,iurente C mipbeli, .Hid e u'h (outribu'i d d'.stim tue ix, lii-t, .aid received lu.tify iccoi;n tion fioin the .ludiPiic \ 'J he lady meinh'.rft <rf the com p.uij — Mire'/ Riti diid Li'ij Kil/.lj'ihmlil .ukl -\l'ts Idi jNcv\ton— <ue .loooniphMH d .ut'sl*, b ins paiticuLul} tffect've in eonnrK wolk. 'J ho conceited woik ff the conipaiiy is iin oiit"(iiiu3iii4 fe.iture. 1 he wliolo per fur'uaii 'e, ia t,i<_t, h of a n.ost enjoyable oh,ir,ictei A iiKitniee -will bo j;r.rn on Saturday j'tcrnoon. HAVW UU)S PICTURES. The nrfiptibly .uhii-hik ligure <.i "Da\nl Il.iruin" b pro*. i,ig i btixng,;ttr..ction tXt'io ( v I lyi-ii 'Ihe.itie t ti !-> -.\olK. 'J he deJiglitlul stdiy ib vt'iy <-l. \nly and efk\li\tly pioducwl, tho n<inie p,at L'>ni!j .ui"i'iiili.,v iill(d In Vdliam II 'j tie suppoil wg piituris aif fully worthy of iht nuun subject, including Jb they Jo !,oino u\rell' i»i WJI pictlUCc QUEEN'S TIIIiWRi:. A wuku-ilivi ibiiicd pio o n<mnne I , * bem'; shov.'u at the Quoliis '1 liL.ilrL <_li,.ilij ■Chaplin, ill " llio I'rcdiduiiLUt," has .iniplo oppoituuity to evploit h's otylu 01 huiiiuui, ami t<iiuos many htaity Uuyas. Among tSio other picture s l-, one wluth f-ho«s Australians and Nt v Zeal,iu>jei& maichi,iK to V. t Albjy on tno annivtreaxy of liivi Jamliug ,it Gallipoli. PLAZA THEATRE. j In a well &J( ctod ■ rre--ei)te'l for tho hist time tiiu Plaia. Tlt atro _vcs, tcrday ttuiu ia j. pic tonal version of \\ iik.e Collins's iio\i-l "lhe Mooii'-tono.' , Jt is the chief pictuic sho'.n, and telL lion a valuable diamond ib stokh b> <ni Ei'y'ish man from the eye of an Indian .clol. 'J he Uiiof is puisurd bj liidUn priests—tlneo in number, -who e mission it is to letover the stone at all cobte; failure to do so means to them lo's ol caste. The Englishman is found drowned under suspicious ciiuimsraucea, but thj diamond lu.s been p.i-oed on to hib friend iilake, tho result that Blike becoiißb a peioon of great interest to tho three Indians. He is toliowcd. b> thorn, tho tno assuming the co tiimn of musician". BlaLe presents tho stolen jl-ucl to his betiolhed, and fi oni her it is stolen by yet anoth / partj', and a detective s assistant e is called in. Another young leuh, who e.i«ts fcnouiing eves oa B'ake, commits smode. and she is susperled of the thelf, oniiig to <i mysterious note she leaves ior Blake. After a gicat many happening Biake ultimately finds the diamond in the potscsoion of a moneylender. Blake's hancoc diseover.s the attachment the dead woman had for Biake, and this leuls to a breach between the t«o, further complicates matters. The diamond is stolen fiom Blake. -,\h'lc he is asleep. Tho thief is, hovr\pr, found, and confesses his crime before lie dies. Theieaftcr tii'iifri go more smoothly with U'ako and his ii<iri':e, and terminato just as everybody dcsur«. 'J'hc suppoiting pictures include: "Views of Ireland," "Pieluicsquo Rome," and "Too Much Turkey.' , the last named a comedy of a very mhthful character. king mv\r.n thk\trk The usual m:d week change oi programme w<lß made at the King Edward 'llitano last evening, and in poii.t ot quality ttie new acnes should serre to piovnte pictuie loveis in South DuriLclm witii adequate entertainment during the novt couple of days. 'Ihe programme is headed by a bushiranging sabjuct that recoiinfi, amuir-t many stimulating ihiills, come further ad\ entities m tho (dreei of tho redoubtable iStingaree. lhe iilm is a stirriri" one, and cuinot fail to (ire the imagination, while, at the sjrao time, creating and sustaining a powerful degree of interest, "lo the Vile Dusf" is the name of the fresh episode, which opens with tho rescue b> btingarec arid Howie, of Yinhcimcrt. v,ho is on tho veige of death. Dunng the process of iccovery Vanhcimeit /earns the identity of his rescuers, and fosters tho utiworthv design of beUaving them in order to obtain the rewaid offered lor thc.r appre-hensicn. Th's lAot is di a co\ ered by the builnaii'iers; btu thev keep the secret until Vanhemiert discloses his hand l.i unmibtaknble ta-hion. Thore could be only one punishment for tieaeherv of this kind, but the .lppe-irancp of Ethel (Stingaice's former owed heart) saves him from nnmed'iite dejth. Hie bnrfirangeis a;e resohed, liowever. justice shall Lu done, so they take Vanheimert back to the , deseit and leav" him to lii« f.i*-c. 'Because Ho lioved IIci" is a thoioughlv diverting comedv. and there are sever, 1 1 other t,ooil pictures, jjiomincni amongst which .no a remukably fine s"iirt of tnapshots taken in Fluiirlcis and a now "Australian GizcUc." l!R\Mi THKAIPvE. 'I his allei ruviit and (veniii" the p'-o-giainme of v hie h " Coi il"' tho i",Htiii'-c leariire, will l>e shot n .t tiio t.iapd for the list time "t'o-al " is .i r _ii) who is the mnoanl t ms" of much bitt r jcilousy and doine.stn' unhappiness, but m the ei'd i!ie rituition Is eleai 'd up b\ tho ri'*Uh of the ii- wife. Elinor dram is ,mk| cornodi's and some lino war piiLuus find a pi ice in tho piog'dinmo EVRRYWnyrt IHI-: A TRK. '"Ih" F.UiiiK <'i:pl oa - ('," tho leading pi< • tw at i;\crvboj\ The. tie, continues tc rlra,v Liig" <itte:ul<in<r. The story his to do with the vuikrn.-sis of two or i'ne. l m'mbcj-. ot a i,;nrl\ II i- well n^od a\d n.eel" «l'gtfl '1 hero aie otju r intere ti'"4 pictures m the jio'j'-'iumo. KMI , IRE 'J NKATRK '"Hip Kirk ' is „ lenytir, film, wiih n Tiiv. r\v.itiii2: fituit'ons Mice Bi ielv t' the li'it of Blanche, \'l") tco'Jhlv nl'ov" to bii'oiiie ( ih'm'Oil d in a fani'lv d'yp'i'f , .ti<! onl\ turn si ri mi- i-on-KiueiiPis to hei~elf b\ th" mar'* ehinoe. A inmber of ( ther P'cK'ips die jiiiHull <1 in tin , proqiiiiiii'ie. ai.'i:n doom-; nuipxNv. On V'ed'iivd.'v Mi Doone and !■>- f.ivouulL (oi' he,(led Lv Mis, Rdna K'e','\. iv ,l ! (ommeiii .■ tniir -"i-'in ,'i jlis il. u-h't ThiMtiP. whin thev will rt i"e. in rll its (omplctenis-.. the sp.iiknig I. si toriiodv d'.'in v Y (' " j'e\v ,-><■■) >,-s Inv done '■o mnph to <->lili t «■>■» • t«» tho iiif,'ii)oiifr c t,ige liishinan, villi hi« flam."!,' ipcl hair, gre'Mi wiiti-ers, sirmi'i f.i'-e, antl ridiciilous actions iis Ins Mien Donne .md i'l >-n dciiiii , he li»- c+t ilil'-her' a \inpa thetn bf.'nl betu >!•,) his fellow count' unci »ai ('. I'lip-eif, (he in . ot v Ivi li aie f-o sti -"nc, Hi it Ili'v rna'ii , the ai,'i,>,,;irement " Mien Dornr is coming ' a win , no one. Mr DoO'lP's S'\Pff IOKO, tdft llllilffVf tl d brogue ritural ,'irh-f'c aeinig, gmun" haii.our. ,ini' poison ibty oasilv c taipp him as a !r irle • in hi-~ pjrtirular line. U c ]i > S'U'iouinlei himsrlf vvith an i o"i----p, it Th" piee ,-e!ei led fo>- th" oprn-i",' pioduftiori is one of the cho est of h «■ rereitone T!:e ho\ pli'ns v ill open this morliiMg it th 1 B'lstnl Piano Com|i.iri}'s pi i mi-es. i! \D \IIF. RK.r \Ni':. s The rcsoi! wl'v .JJ.idnm" Ui'j ur is the mot uii.. .'P'l'.-s on the I<>( ,K h e ti T " is because she ls the ,-01111,1t.on of "I , Pai uifi evei'lcdv know- that "la Pansii rme " has .u- iii.ui v mood- as the sea. ISo of human foi'iii' U foreiffil in hir. She 1.111 run thtough thr whole < amu , of passions fiom th • nio't lollifking fun to mtfiiso b foio tlio Miiilo lu's time (o f.ido fiom the lip-, of one of 1"=- impi ctsionibi" sisters AVitrliinir lleiane dropiv» a filuons hi,-ba:,d or cajole an o'-tinate. ill tempnod lover iii>ki« one fo"! tlut lio ha- voti th ineideiit dull" T l to A a lit of moii-y to induce this woildfimod aitrt to act foi the camera. This famous I'arisian aiti=,t wil 1 appear 111 her one and onl\ photo plav, "ALs.tfo," at the Oetagon Theatre on Monday evening. "Akaco" ia an epic of

.v.ii (li'.i'niEj Willi the- conditions wh'c'i • •■('(! \h< n (i> iinariv fliiriovd iln> Fieih'ti p|f > lII' l> (if \U.<C Jiul I/lII.UI'P, .Hid ?IIOW in. , hou ciii , AJoiitii' Hi" <)rl(y wvs hanisliril fi mi r. !v l Hi;;]i'[! tlf beloved anlnrtn of !', no . J/i M -ivilliim " "AKiif" is ■id to in> Ml'' lit I lie pictures Will In. wjii-.ii .ill the o'liiie- are forgotten In on'ir to him t •lie .irilu lp.itod (liniu.r! foi li iil Mi;;, th' t iik nt In , ! .uranj/ed f< r Hi liov l ila.H to In <m i.i>v, tod iy nt tlio i<ll i,I \ coinp-uiv stvltd tho Australasian PhctoVI v .u.ii " \ ,iud( Mile. presenting "Ouo V.uli-''"' .1 ncl pi'notio put'ires is <<.irinienc ii)(, .i tour of 111" smaller towns in Olano r l li s rwiiinfr a performa-nro will l>o ffivin

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 6

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AMUSEMENTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 6

AMUSEMENTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 6