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EASTER TOURNAMENT. ] The Dunedin Centre's Easter Tournament ! ■was opened yesterday on three greens— Dunedin, Caledonian, and Roslyn. The weather -was splendid. The entries this year are not .so numerous as in former years, caused: through many players being at the front and through a lessened interest in the pastime in the faoo of tho ravages of tho war, ■which are felt in all quarters of tho globe. The order of play wae that observed in previous tournaments. All contestants took part in a qualifying round, ■winners passing into the Provincial Rinks and losers into the City Rinks. AU the profits of tho tournament will be devoted to the patriotio funds. Play was commenced on the Dunedin Green pretty promptly, and the qualifying round was decided in good time. The green was running a trifle heavy in the earlier part of the morning, but as the day advanced it became keener. Generally speaking, the play was good, and most of the contests were close, but there were a few easy wine. Mr J. R. Glover was green umpire, but was not called upon to exorcise his functions beyond a slight degree. The Roslyn Green was in perfect order, and the play, taken all through, was very good. As some of the players were late in starting it was dark before their games were .finished. The duties of tho umpire (Mr. W. Nieolson) were very light, all the games being contested in tlie best spirit Tho Caledonian Green was in splendid condition. The majority of the games were keenly contested, and some excellent play was witnessed. The duties of umpire were discharged satisfactorily by, Mr Abbott. The following aro the results: — DUNEDIN GREEN. Qualifying Round. C. Leith, R. Laurie, W. J&oobson, J. M"Curdy (St. Kilda) 26 beat S. Wood, T. Howard, G- A. Scott, W. Miller (Roslyn) 14. D. Marshall, C. N. Scurr, E. -Ball, W. Giles (St. Clair) 19 beat D. Taylor, C. Grace, J. Tonkin, E. Burt (North-East Valley) 16. T. Isaac, H. Andrews, A. M'Donald, W. Foster (Caledonian) 22 beat G. Slwift, J. Logan, J. Pieteraon, H. C. Foster (Dunedin) 20. A. C. M"Leod, F. H. King, W. Begg, J. Cooke (Otago) 18 beat M. J. Hade, J. F. Himburg, T. Tamblyn, A. H. Allen (St. Kilda) 14. .J, England, T. Brown, H. J. Jefcoate, W. Smith (Te Rangi) 24 beat N. Farmer, W. 0. Smellie, A. Blackwood, D. Buchanan (Green Island) 19. P. M'Oaskill, A. M*Kinnon, W. R. Don, J. R. Glover (Otago) 32 beat W. Scrymgeour, A. M'Kenzie, J. Sanders, D. Melville (Kaituna) 18. W. Elder, D. Brown, A. Summerfield, A. Black (Dunedin) 22 beat R. Howarth, A. Mitchell, A. Thomson,. D. Fastier (Caversham) 21.

R. Haig, C. Beeby, J. S. Wilson, 0. G. Lookhart (Baimacowen) 26 beat W. Easton, D. Smyth, P. Carolin, J. 11. Hardie (Morning'ton) 12. PROVINCIAL RINKS. First Round. M"Curdy 21 beat Giles 17. W. Foster 33 beat Cooke 17. Glover 26 beat W. Smith 14. Black 22 beat Lockhart 21. Second Round. W. Foster 22 beat M'Curdy 21. Giles 24 beat Cooke 13. Black 31 beat W. Smith 18. Glover 23 beat Lockhart 20. CITY RINKS. First Round. Burt 21 beat W. Miller 16. H. C. Foster 17 beat Allen 16. Melville 21 beat Buchanan 20. Fastier 23 beat Hardie 11. Second Round. W. Miller 25 boat H. C. Foster 15. Burt 24 'beat Allen 8. Fastier 23 beat Buchanan 14. Melville 25 beat Hardie 16. ROSLYN GREEN. QuALipriNG Round. F, Archer, T. Rawlinson, S. Hutcheson, A. Rawlinson (Dunedin) 20 beat J. Botting, J. Ogg, H. Smeaton, D. Smith (Caledonian) H. L. Christie, James Miller, J. B. Kirkland, G. Miller (Fairfield) 19 beat A. Aitken, W. Kirkwood, R. . Atlamson, W. Thompson (Baimacowen) 18. McL. M'Gillivray, A. do Beer, J. H. Matheson, W. Nieolson (Roslyn) 21 beat J. Barron, P. Braithwaite, J. Crawford, D. Forrester (Caversham) 20. A. J. Shaw, W. A. Young, J. A. Haslett, T. Sanders (Kaituna) 21 beat R. Leslie, H. Barnes, A. Summerell, F. Kettle (St., ; Kilda) 16. Cutt, C. Anderson, F., Jones, W. ( Wright, (Baimacowen) 18 beat Bowman, Wateon, A. Ellis, J. M'Gregor (Kaikorai) 17. J. Armstrong, F. Lough, D. M'Farlane, A Stoneham (St. Kilda) 17 beat J. M'Tamney, A. B. Wiley, G. Hunt, H. Carson (Waikouaiti) 16. A. Steel, W. H. Adams, T. Neil, J. G. Bentley (Dunedin) 23 bfeat E. Ourrie, R. Gibson, D. Stevenson, J. Tait (Taieri) 18. F. S. Wright, C. C. Rawlinson, G. Dunn, D. Hutcheson (North-East Valley) 25 beat W. Robson, A. G. Melville, E. Falconer, H. L. Smith (Otago) 9. PROVINCIAL RINKS. First Round. Rawlinson 25 beat Miller 15. Sanders 26 beat Nieolson 15. Wright 28 beat Stoneham 17. Bentley 20 beat Dunn 14. Second Round. Rawlinson 32 beat Nieolson 10. Miller 20 beat Sanders 18. Wright 27 beat Bentley 16. Dunn 29 beat Stoneham 11. CITY RINKS. First Round. D. Smith 23 beat Thompson 19. Forrester 32 beat Kettle 15. M'Gregor 18 beat Carson 17. H. L. Smith 19 beat Tait 17.

Second Round. D. Smith 19 beat Forrester 12. Thompson 21 beat Kettle 12. Tait 21 bent M'Gregor 17. FI. L. Smith beat Carson 12. OAXEDONIAN GREEN. QuALimNG ROGND. Stark, Asntpn, Cooper, Bardsley (St. Kilda) 23 beat Townsend, Hidks, M'Lu/chlun, ij'robarth (Gore) 12. T. Lambourne, Elvidgo, A. Lambourne, Gale (Kaituna) 21 beat Bennie, Hayward, Howison, Anderson (Balmaoewen) 14. Harlow. Worthington, Chisholm, M'Dougall (Roslyn) 28 beat Grindloy, lidgoumbc, Williamsofi, Wyatt (Dunedin) 7. lloss, W. Latham, (Jormaok, Dey (Caledonian) 20 boat Hutton, Silva, Wilson, Veiteh (West Harbour) 17. Moore, Heenan, Weir, Allnutt (Kaikorai) 22 beat Elder, Rolfs, Miller, Allen (Baimacowen) 12. Barclay, D. Mann, Anderson, and Mann (Fairfield) 20 beat Slpinks, Ringer, Kemnitz, Hamilton (Otago) 18. Hendry, G lasso, J. Scott, Tillie (Caledonian) 25 beat Roe, M'Skimming, Henderson. Esson (Stirling) 15. Rothwell, Pitts, D. C. Cameron, jun., White (St. Kilda) beat M'Callum, Cope, Allen, Abbott (North-Eost Valley) 16. PROVINCIAL RINKS. First Round. Bardsley 17 beat Gale 16. Dey 20 beat M'Dougall 13. , Allnutt 21 beat Mann 18. White 21 beat Tillie 20. Second Round. Bardsley 26 beat M'Dougall 14. Tillio 29 beat Allnutt 10. White 24 beat Mann 16. Dey 26 beat Gale 25. CITY RINK& First Round. Anderson 22 beat Frobartk 16. Wyatt 17 beat Veitch 16. Allen 22 beat Hamilton 13. Esson 23 beat Abbott 14. Second Round. Frobarth 29 beat . Wyatt 20. Veitch 31 beat Anderson 17. Esson 18 beat Allen 14. Abbott .25 beat Hamilton 16. To-day all players go back to the same greejis, and play will bo resumed on the three greens at 9 o'clock. OAMARU TOURNAMENT. (Fbom Oub Own Correspondent.) OAMARU, April 21. i The annual bowling tournament was opened in perfect weather this morning, when tho rink matches were taken. Altogether 32 rinks were entered, and were representative of clubs all the way from Christahurch to Invercargill. The competitors were divided into two sections, one playing on the Meadowbank Green and the other on tho Phosnix old green. Both were in capital condition, and played very true, and this notwithstanding tne fact that during the night some malicious person had eat a number of holes in both the Phoenix Greens. Fortunately the depredation wae discovered in time to effect repairs, and

in such a way that f.ho play vtw not affected. By tlio titno play ecased a.ll tho rink matonc3 had b«.'On brought to a stage making it possible to rcach fcho finals on Monday afternoon. To-morrow will bo devoted to tho matches for pairs, of which 64 are entered. To-day's games were of a most pleasant nature, and, though there were a few runs-awny, tho contests were generally keen. The committoo having decided to devote tho proceeds to patriotic purposes, certificates only are given as prizes. Tho following are tho results: — RINKS. CITIZEN'S MATCH: Prizes, framed certificates. PHQSNIX GREEN. First Round. J. W. Chilcott, J. Mitchell, A. Riaxjh, T. Herron (Phoenix) 21 boat S. P. Leith, T. Lamb, W. 11. M'Leod, L. H. Oampbell (Caledonian) 8. W. Brown, T. Russell, J. Patereon, D. Bee (Meadowbarik) 15 beat J. Thomson, J. L. Smith, J. M'Fadden, W. S. Neill (Mornington) 12. W. Bailey, J. M'Donald, W. Connel, J. E. Broad (Phoenix) 21 beat J. Edwards, J. M'Eachern, W. Wilson, L. J. Edwards (Clinton) 15. W. Beswick, W. Macandrow, W. Waddell, G. P. Mollison (Phoenix) 14 beat G. Nelson, W. M. Hogg, D. Robertson, E. Harraway (Dunedin) 12. J. L. Dunlop, J. Kerr, A. M. Ayling, J. H. Reid (Southland) 21 boat J. B. Dunlop, T. Pryor, T. Cox, W. H. Hartley (Phoenix) 10. J. M'Lennan, D. M'Phaul, C. Summcnll, D. Scott (Caledonian) 16 beat T. Muir, M'Gregor, Brockie, E. Lefevre (Palmer6ton) 7. I. Koar, G. M'Ghie, J. Reid, W. Ailcenhead (Phoenix) 15 beat J. L. Lanham, Wil- , liams, Kingston, H. S. Cole (St. Clair) 14. P. Seelye, Rule, C. Amtman, F. Smith (Kaituna) 17 beat C. Stevens, A. Robertson, L. Pope, W. R. Piddington (St. Clair) 11. Second Round. Herron 22 beat Bee 9. Mollison 16 beat Broad 13. Sbott 19 beat Reid 10. Aikenhead 16 beat Smith 15. Third Round. Mollison 28 beat Herron 7. Soott 19 beat Aikenhead 11. MEADOWBANK GREEN. First Round. W. G. Mills, A. G. Henderson, D. E. Wood, W. Henley (St. Albans) 16 beat J. Rennie, I). Herron, W. M'Laren (Ph«mx) 10. D. Thomson, J. P. Malcolm, W. Beswick, A. Slater (Phoenix) 12 beat W Watson, W. Leek, D. J. Wasney, C. Hannah (North End, Invcrcargill) 10. n „ F. Carlton, A. Leslie, H. Carlton, W. Ourtis (Timaru) 16 beat J. Johnson, D. M. Blyth, T. C. Coull, J. Perry (Mornmgton) 12. H. J. Williams, F. Peaks* J. Hutchison, j A. Gregory (Dunedin) 17 beat P. Kelly, I Grindley, S. Mollison, W. Byrne (Meadowbank) 13. W. M'Murtie, Cagney, Eh Brown, J. Calder (Phoenix) 20 beat J. C. M'Clymont, W. Gordon, W. Dryden, D. Sloan (Green Island) 4. L. Miller, H. Wilson, W. T. Smellie, A. Smellie (Green Island) 12 beat J. Kennedy, J. Holgate, J. Botting, A. J. Botting (Mornington) 9. Shearman, Stevenson, Stewart, D. Campbell (Ashburton) 17 beat Blacklock, Halpin, T. Watson, J. Taylor (Meadowbank) 12. W. W. Dawson, F. Carter, Humphries, J. A. Nieholls (Phoenix) 15 beat K. A. Macdonald, S. J. Bligh, W. Fraer, E. C. Willis (St. Olair) 14. " Second Round. . Slater 23 beat Henley 16. Gregory 18 beat Ourtis 17. Calder 22 beat Smellie 5. Campbell 15 beat Nieholls 14. Third Round. Gregory 22 beat Slater 11. Campbell 16 beat Calder 12. MEADOWBANK MATCH, for Rinks beaten in first round of Citizens' Match. Prizes—framed certificates. PHOENIX GREEN. First Round. Campbell 20 beat Neil 14. Edwards 23 beat Harraway 7. Lefevre 15 beat Hartley 8. Piddington 23 beat Cole 16. Second Round. Campbell 12 beat Edwards 11. Piddington 14 beat Lefevre 6. MEADOWBANK GREEN. | First Round. M'Laren 18 beat Hannah 14. Byrne 22 beat Perry 18. Botting 15 beat Sloan 8. Taylor 20 beat Willis 17. Second Round. M'Laren 18 beat Byrne 17. Taylor 11 boat Botting 7. PI-ICENIX MATCH, for Rinks beaten in second round of Citizens, and first round of Meadowbank. Prizes, framed certificates. PHCENIX GREEN. First Round. Broad 11 beat Beg 10 Reed 15 beat Smith 12. ' Neill 21 beat Harraway 15 Cole 17 beat Hartley 16. MEADOWBANK GREEN. First Round. Hannah 21 beat Henley 16. Curtis 31 beat Perry 24. Smellie 17 beat Sloan 9. Nicolls 25 beat. Wills ■ 17.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16675, 22 April 1916, Page 11

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BOWLING Otago Daily Times, Issue 16675, 22 April 1916, Page 11

BOWLING Otago Daily Times, Issue 16675, 22 April 1916, Page 11