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Tho regular meeting of tho Otago Land Board was held yesterday, there being present—Messrs I>. M. Oalder (Ueputy-commJs-sionor of Crown Lands), G. l . vingstonc, X. A. Aluriro, J. Smith, and U. J. Inder. Applications to Transfer.— L.P. section 11, block 111, Lake Haweu, area 320 acres, Mr; 1.1. G. Wood (deceased) to Mr Jas. Rao.— Held over. O.r.p sections 6 and 7, block IV, Lake Hawca, 331 a 28p, and m.L, adjoining block IV, Lake Hawea, 108 acres, Mr D. M'Lenmin to Mr C. W. Harvey.— Recommended for approval. S.g.r. sections 1, block IX, 2, block VII, and 14, block IV, Hummock and Ncnthorn, 4167 acres, Mr R. M'C. Jolmston to Mr Gustav Carlson. —Recommended for approval. S.g.r. run 186 d, Lee iStream, 2637 a lr 16p, Mr Geoffrey F. Dawson to lir Thomas Drennan, sen.—Approved. P.r. sections 6 and 10, block 111, Table Hill, 183n Or 26p, Mr Charles Mills to Mr Edgar Julius Thomson. • —Registration aproved. E.r. 16, 17, and part 15, blpck IV, Hawksbury, 110 a 2r, Mr Robert Jones and Mr J. Summers to Mr Archibald W. Douglass.—Original application confirmed. L.p. 10, block I, Warepa, 48a 2r 38p, Mr Joseph A. Thomas to Messrs Adam Mason and Robert B. Mason.—Held over for proof that R. B. Mason was not eligible far military service. O.r.p. section 16, block VH, Woodland, 99a lr, Mr George Irving to Mr William Casson.—Approved. 0.1. section 78, block VIII, and section 71, block IX, Loaning Rook, 11 acres, Mr H. R. M'Namara to Annio Smith.—Approved. L.p. section 45a, Windsor Park, 268 a 2r 30p, Messrs John Breslin and Jas. Breslin to Mr Joseph Judge.—Approved, subject to proof of rejection; postponed rent to be paid up. if any. L.p. section 5, blocs. XI, Grecnvalc, 320 ncres, Mr George H. M'Donald to Mr James T. Herron.—Declined. L.p. section 45, block I, Warepa, 4a 3r 08p, Mr Thomas D. Aitken to Mr Edwin Jas. Mewton.—Approved. T.l. application by Dr F. T. King to transfer his interest in timber license over section 2, block 11, Tautuku, to tho Lauriston Timber Company.—Refused : timber to'be appraised and offered at auction. R.L section 22, block XU, Tarras, 406 acres, Mr William Waide to Mr John Colling.—Held over for ranger's report. M.l. sections 18, 19, and 20. block IV, Heriot Township, 3a 2r, Mr Edward Boweh to Mr Robert Stewart.— IMd over. P.r. section 21, etc., block VII, fable Hill, 1142 acres, Mr' Henry B. <Flett, jun., to. Margaret Cutter.—Approved. O.r.p. section 27, block 11, Glcnomaru, 14a 2r 38p, Messrs' Ralph Innes and Jeffrey Innes to Mr Thomas Curtis.—Approved. P.l. section 26, block 11, Glenomaru, 15 acres, Messrs Ralph and Jeffrey Innes to Mr Thomas Curtis.—Approved. E.r. part section 11, block LXXXIII, Clutha, 31 acres, Mr James Fraser Ayson to Mr Robert Law—Approved. L.p. section 9a, Totara Estate, 119 a 3r 39p, Public Trustee to Mr Wm. Ernest Kerton.—Approved.—R.l. sections 2 and 36, block X, Waitahuna West, 53a 2r, Mr Percy D. Ryan to Mr Gerald W. Ryan.—Approved, provided Mr, Ryan was not eligible for military service.—L.p. section 4, block XII. Naseby, 281 acres, Mr Francis Sleeman Reed to ,M%John Wesley Reed—Approved. • Applications for Land—Mrs Violet Beattie applied under section 129 of "Tho Land Act, 1908," to select, without. competition, on the o.r.p. system, section 90, block I, Blackstone district, containing 19a 3r— Approved; capital fixed'at £2 per acre. Mr Walter Maynard submitted a fresh application to purchase section 81, block VII, Leaning Rock district, containing 3a 3r 27p. —Approved. Mr Thomas H. Miller applied for about 50 acres of land in Tarras district, between the road and the Lindis River, frbnting run 238j.—Declined. _ The following persons applied for. additional areas of land out of run 238j, adjoining their present holding in block XVI, Tarras district:—Mrs Annie Gaudin for same area that Mr Miller applied for. This area adjoins applicant's section 21.—Declined; Mrs Gaudin's son to apply. Mrs Ada F. Cowie, for about 60 acres (section 29) adjoining her section 28; Mr Albert S. Harvey for about 60 acres (section 30), adjoining his section 27; Mr John P. C. Harvey, for about 40 acres; (section 31), adjoining his section 26.—A1l recommended yfor approval in terms of section 128, "Amended Land Act, 1908." Mr David Mackie applied for an occupation lease over an estimated area of 6 acres of land in the town of Arrowtown.—Declined. Tho ranger submitted a •valuation of sections 1 and 2, < block VII, Teviot district, granted on January 12 to the Teviot-Molyneux Gold Mining Company. He valued the land at £1 per acre, and the fencing (which belonged to tho Crown) at £79' Is.—Approved; boundaries to be amended. Mr J. H. Haughton again applied for section 3. block VII, Teviot district, containing 303 a Or 9p—Declined. Mr Andrew Fleming Shanks applied to select, without competition, on the renewable lease system, section 10, block I, Benmore district, containing 12a lr lip.—Approved. Mr Charles N. Dickson applied to select section 51, block XVI, Lower Wanaka district.—Resolved to open the land on optional conditions, weighted value of improvements in favour of Mr Dickson. The rangor submitted a volution of sections 4, 6, 7, block 11, Kawarau district, granted on tho renewable lease system to Mr John Ritchie on , December B.—Capital vajue approved. Completion of survey of area in block XIV, Tuapeka East district, provisionally granted to Mrs Margaret J. Gare.—Approved. Completion of survey of area in block IV, Tautuku district, provisionally granted to Otago Presbyterian Church Board of Property.— . Approved. The Bruce Gold Dredging Company applied for a grazing license o ( ver 9a 2r 25p of land between section 287b, block XXV, Tokomairiro district, and the river. —Declined. Mr George Oabbe applied for a grazing license over an estimated area of 10'' acres of land in block n, Bannockburn district, the area bedng included in m.l. 2239, and the holder (Mrs Jackson) being a consenting party.—Grazing .license granted in terms of ranger's recommendation. Miss Agnes J. Drurmney applied for a grazing license over the closed road intersecting section 28, block IX, Leaning Rock district—Approved. Mr John Campbell offered £1 a. year, or until the land was reseleoted, for the grazing rights over about 2 acres on section 20, block XIV, Rirrra district.—Approved. Mr William 3'. Ruston applied for a license to occupy as a "crib" site an area of about 24 poles alongside Tomahawk Creek, in block VII, Otago Peninsula district.—Approved; with access provided' along the crock. Mr Finlay Mackay applied for a grazing license over about l- 1 - acres of land between the street fronting sections 8 and 9, block XXIII, town of Balclutha, and the river. Mr John BBslop also applied for a grazing license oyer the same land.—Resolved that both applications bo declined, and that tenders be called for the lense, provided that the successful tenderer (if other than Mr F. Mackay) pay halfcost of advertising incurred by Mr Mackay. Mr Thomas Ryan Jones applied for a grazing license over about 2{ acres of land m Block VI, Benger district: adjoining section 2i.—Approved. Mr James Hutton applied for all the unoccupied sections in the town of Pukeraro. Mr Robert Somerville applied for sections 21, 22. 23, town of Pukeraro ; section 29. block VII, Tokamhi Settlement; and land between those sections and the ' river— Proposals approved. The Ranger reported that Mr Michael Ruddy was living in a small hnt on section 1, block XV, town of Ranfurly, and suggested that he bo granted a license to occupy the section—Approved. Mrs Ellen M. Gibson applied for a .grazing license over 15 acres of land between sections 75 and B*, block I Cromwell district. Messrs Ray Bros, and Halliday objected to the application.—Referred to ranger for further report, there being a doubt as to the exact locality. Mr William M'Kav applied for a grazing license over section 3, block XVII, Greenyale district.— Held aver. Messrs Qum and Rodger inquired if the board intended to let the grazing rights of run 212G and section 3, block XVII. Groenvale district — Hold over. Mr Charles Wybrow applied for a license to occupy village reserve, section 1, biock XIII, Tautuku district.—Held over John Barring applied to buy or lease a small area of land alongside the bridge over the Tahakopa River, in the Tautuku district.—Held over. Mr James Walker applied for a yearly license over municipal reserve, sections 20 to 25, block IX, town of Ranfurly.—Held over. Mr Richard Broad applied for a grazing license over part of the mining Reserve opposite section 11 block 11, Teviot district.—Held over. Mr H. Richmond applied for a license to occupy an area on foreshore on Brighton road as a site for a "crib."— Held over. Mr Alexander M. Paterson applied for a grazing license over about 20 acrrs of the mining reserve at Hamilton's, in block I, Rock and Pillar district.—Held over. Mr James Buchanan applied for a license to cut flax on an area of about 50 acres on Mr Robert Wood's pastoral run in block XXI, Orookston district.—lt was resolved to approve of a license for 12 months, on certain conditions. Tho Ranger submitted a report on run 338 A, Lake Ha-woa.—Approved. Mary Faulks. tho licensee of original run 33SA. Lake Hawea, was entitled to select one subdivision under section 27. "Land Laws Amendment, 1914, Act."—Approved. The Ranger submitted a report and valunfon of .sections 24, 25. 26, and 27. block XH, Tarras district, which had recently boon surveyed.—Proposals for offering approved. Reports by Classification Commissioners — The classifications report recommended as -nder:—Run 211, Maniototo (Kyeburn)—

That run be subdivided. Run 228, 228 a, etc., Maniototo (Hawkdun)—That run be subdivided. Run 206b (M'Cready's)—That run be not subdivided. Run 203b and 203 c, Maniototo jLanglands) — That run be not subdivided at present, but that lease be renewed for a term to expire at the same date as that,of the adjoining run; with a view to the subdivision of the -whole. Run 206 d, Maniototo (Crutchleys)—That run be not subdivided. —The report was adopted. Applications for land in Galloway Run at Little Valley.—The following applied for land on this run:—Messrs J. H. Walker (sharebrokcr), J. H. Fotheringham (merchant), J. T. Hungerford (gas engineer), A. Farquharson (seed and grain merchant), A. Todd, (company manager), G. Neill (agent), A. G. Neill (clerk), G. Crow (company manager), R. W. Rutherford (company manager), F. Walker (plumber), P. T. Wales (architect). B. A. Todd (soldier); R. D. Todd (soldier), G. Todd (factory manager), H. Horrocks (returned soldier). —Declined. The department submitted, a scheme for the subdivision of the Galloway Run. and during the discussion it was pointed out that residents at Alexandra were of the opinion that, the land in Little Valley, which was being specially utilised by the department to provide suitable, homestead sites for subdivision, was more suited for subdivision into fruit farms. The department directed attention to the fact that there were other areas in the same district being provided for fruit farms, and that it would be quite impossible to work the runs without thfe land in Little Valley.—The opinion was expressed at the board meeting that the scheme of subdivision should be altered in order to fall in with the views of the Alexandra people, but eventually it was decided unanimously, that the original scheme of subdivision be adhered to.

M'Cready's Run.—Mr M'K. Marshall applied for 640 acres in'M'Cready's run, 206b, Maniutoto.—Held over for further details as to locality. ' Kyehutrn Run.—The following applications were made for land in the Kyeburn Run:—Mr W.° M. Pearson (200 acres), Mr John Brown (1500 acres),. Mr J. Creighton (650 acres), Isabella Creighton (100 acres), Mr J. J. Cain (1000 acres), Mr Jas. Smith (1500 acres), Mr E. Strode (440 acres), Mr P. Fcnnessy (1500 acres).—The'lease of the Kyeburn run is about expired, and the Classification Commissioners recently paid a visit of inspection. They were interviewed by persons residing on the run who were anxious to secure titles to their homes and to increase the areas surrounding them. As a result of this visit of inspection the applications just enumerated were sent in to the board for about 7000 acres of land in all. The board went carefully into each application, and eventually resolved that, in tho scheme of subdivision, provision be made for increasing the areas held, and the limits be fixed as follows:—Pearson, 100 acres; Brown, 300 acres; J. Creighton, 250 acres; Isabella Creighton, 100 acres; Cain, 300 acres; Smith, 300 acres; and Strode, 300 acres. This included the land already held. —The application of Fennessy was declined. Applications for Freehold.—The following were approved:—L.i.p. 44 and 45, block VI, Tiger Hill, 186 acres 3 roods 33 poles—Mr Alexander Reid; 0.1. 83, block 111, Tuapoka West, 7 acres 1 rood 34 poles—Frederick Montgomery Hogg. Miscellaneous. —11.1., non-fulfilment oiconditions of lease of section 13, block 111, Leaning Rock, held by Mr W. Allan.—To be called on to show cause. Application to cancel lease of an area in the town belt at Clyde, Mr P. Harrington (deceased), 11 acres 2 roods. —Lease cancelled. Section 9, block VI, Woodland, Mr J. H. Perry, 169 a 3r 2%p. —Forfeited for non-fulfilment of conditions. Section 24a, Steward Settlement, Mr Ernest Riddell, 430 a lr sp.—Forfeited for non-fulfilment of conditions. Section 9, block XIV, and section 17, block XV, Waihola Town, Mr B. Wisnesky, area 2 roods.— Forfeiture rescinded. Miss A. W. M'Gillivray, interest cancelled, section 4, block X, Waihola town, area 1 rood. —Forfeiture rescinded. Mr R. Norman npnlied to have the forfeiture of' his interest- in miscellanecus lease .•■"cr mining reserve. Canada Reefs, block V, Table Hill, s.d., 558 acres, rescinded, with a view to transferring to Messrs E. J. Thompson and C. Mills.—Mr F. 11. Perry, an adjoining holder, objected to the forfeiture being rescinded, and ap : plied to lease the land. —Deferred for ranger's report. Section -28, block VII, Table Hill, application to cultivate, Mr A. E. Wilde, 649 a 3r 14p.—Reoommended for approval. Sections 26, 27, block IV, Warepa, application to effect improvements, Mr George Barron, 232 a 2r 36p.—Approvqd. Mrs M. Donaldson, lessee of education reserve sections part 81 and 82, block XIX, Dunedin, applied for assistance in payment of , cost of draining the land.—Declined; work to be accepted as permanent improvement. The Secretary, Otago Education Board, applied for an area of half an acre in section 13, block XVni, Leaning Rook district, for the purpose of a school site.— Approved; Education Board to pay compensation, if any. A proposal was laid befor the board that "Mr Alan Bremner bo accepted as member of Commonage Committee, in place of Mr James Perrow (resigned), section 6, block 111, sections 6, 7, 9, block XIV, Lower Hawea and Commonage, Town of Pembroke—Approved. Tho Secretary of tho committee which held a yearly license over the Papakaio portion of the Waitaki Islands forwarded the names of the new committee elected for the year commencing February 14,_ 1916, as follows: Messrs John Harper, David Brosnan, James Gibson, John Gray, _ and Tatane Wesley.— Approved. Notification of election of tho new Kurow River Bed Committee was received, the following being the committee: Messrs Henry M'Gregor. John Munro, Reginald Munro, Andrew Waugh, and William Warwick.—-Approved. The undermentioned county councils forwarded statements of proposed expenditure in, respect of " thirds " and " fourths." —Vincent, 1/11/15 ,to 31/1/16, £246 3s sd: Lake, 1/11/15 to 31/1/16, £20 6s 3d; Waikouaiti, 1/11/15 to 31/1/16, £3 15s 2d; Southland, 1/11/15 to 31/1/16, £4 8s 4d; Maniototo. 1/11A5 to 31/1/16, £97 7s; Bruce, 1/11/15 to 31/1/16, £4 6s 6d; Wa&emo, 1/11/15 to 31/1/16, £9 16s. —Approved. Run 261k, Gimmerburn, lessee Rose M : Erleane. —Tho Ranger forwarded valuation of now rental under small grazing run lease. —Capital value fixed at £820, and annual rent at £50 Ms.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16638, 9 March 1916, Page 6

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OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16638, 9 March 1916, Page 6

OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16638, 9 March 1916, Page 6