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ANSWERING THKJR COUNTRY'S CALL. AN ENTHUSIASTIC SENI)-Ol<'F. Tho men who loft Dunedin on January 11 on their way to serve their country either in the tropical heat of Samoa or in the yet fiercer heat of tho conflict now raging in Europe, will take with them pleasant recollections of the ovation accorded them at the commencement, of their long journey. They were favoured with the most perfect weather, and their presence in the (garrison IJall early collected a crowd in tho lower part of Dowling utreet. Definite arrangements for t,he farewell iiad on this occasion been carefully planned beforehand by the ladies of the Recruiting Commiftoo and Mr A. Washer, and tho difference mado by a little thought!ul organisation amply repaid tiie effort. At 11 o'clock the men were drawn lip in ranks inside the Garrison Hall. In front were thoso going into training for Egypt, and, perchance, Germany, while beliind them stood the squad of older men who had volunteered lor duty in Samoa. Only a few of them showed by their uniform that they belonged to the Territorials. Most have yet to learn the first rudiments of drill, but they formed their linos neatly and attended to instructions with a businesslike seriousness that promises to lighten tho task of their instructors at Trentham. AU types and grades of society seemed to be represented in the ranks, and doubtless the motives I,hut prompted tho volunteering have been very varied. None, ho-wever, could mistnko a part in this warfare for a holiday trip, and every man of them is knowingly making a greater or loss socrifico for wholly unselfish ends.

The Mayor said he had much pleasure in being present to bid the men farewell on behalf of the citizens of Dunedin, and also to say how keenly they appreciated the effort the men were putting forth on behalf of the Empire. Those of them who followed the reports of the war would realise that this wae the most important business that our Empire had ever passed through ; and not only our Empire, but tho peace of the whole world was involved in the war now going on. He bade them farewell, and wished them God-speed in the work they had undertaken on behalf of the Empire. They were giving them in trust the honour of the dominion, and -:hey wished them to remember that they were there to uphold the honour of the Empire first, and then, more particularly, tho honour of New Zealand. The duties before them would. not bo light. They would be onerous; but they felt sure they would do their duty with honour to themselves and glory to the Empire. He wished them God-speed in tho name of the citizens of Dunedin.

Tho Primate (Bishop Nevill) said he had not oome to make a r,peocb. but merely to say good-bye to any among them with whom ho might be acquanited, and to ask them to convey his good wishes to their excellent commander, Colonel Logan. They might think it was a very tamo tiling to go to an island where there was no enemy to meet with and fight, and where their groatest danger was that of melting away. He hoped they would enjoy good health in that climate. His word to them was that, wherever they were, they would have to meet tho ordinary temptations of life. Speaking as a minister of God, he wanted them all to remember that this was God's battle we were fighting, for justice arid right and truth and honour and virtue.—■ (Applause.) They must, remember that they wero not only Britishers, but Christians, and lead lives that would be an example to all those with whom they were brought in contact. In that way they would do a. great deal of good, not only as soldiers of tho Empire, but as missionaries of the Word of God. Ho wished them all God-speed and good health and every blessing. Tho men unoovercd while the Primate pronounced upon them this blessing:—"Tho Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord be gracious unto you, protect you, and give you all that you stand in need of from this time forth and for ever more." Colonel E. R. Smith, V.D., then mounted tho chair. "You have heard the bugle call and you havo answered it," he said, "and wo aro all proud of you."—(Applause.) 110 added that there wero other young men in Otago who had yet to answer the call, but he was sure that at an early date they would come forward. There were too many young men who were not responding to tho call. There wero people of whom we had reason to be more proud even than of those who wore actually going away—tho mothers. —(Cheers.) Although some men were leaving homo without tho expressed sanction of their mothers, still there was no doubt that in their own hearts those mothers were more proud of their sons than if they had not gone.—(Applause.) Tho work would be arduous, and the troops would have to put their very best into it. As citizens we would look forward to tho day when they would return, and, although it might not be for a considerable time, vet there would bo no day that would be looked forward to with greater pleasure than the day when they would welcome them at the railway station again. Ono thing every soldier wanted to do was to get into action. Thov hoped everyone with the exception of those jjoing to Samoa would experience a baptism of fire, and after that they did not caro how soon they returned. On behalf of the district he wished them every suocces, and good fortune on the way. —(Applause.) When tho men, headed by Pipe-major Grant and a dozen members of the Dunedin Pipe Band, sot off for tho station they found the street lined with relatives and friends, and members of the public anxious to show their friendly interest. The attentions of friends and relatives made marching a somewhat difficult matter, but the rear of the station was reached in fair order, and tho men broke up for a final farewell. Reinforcements. Non-commissioned Officers (Field Artillery).—Patrick Devine, Francis Dobbie, John Laing, Dennis Mahoney, Thomas M'Donald. Non-commissioned Officers (Infantry).~ Harold Eric Barrowclough, Walter Henry Butcher, Cyril Douglas Gabites, John Paterson Hewat, William Marston, Ernest Phelan, William Taylor, Mackenzie John white, Charles Frederick Wilkie. Fourth Reinforcements Infantry (Territorials).—Julius Alexander Ahlbrandt, John Berwick, Cyril James Burns, Cyril Norman Brooks, William Brennan, Leonard Victor Bennett, Allan Stewart Birse, John Douglas Bain, Samuel Coard, Leonard Clelland Cherry, Maxwell .Carnegie, Colin Cargill, Robert Rutherford Dickson, Edward Fitzpatrick, Charles Gould, Alick Glen, Frederick Leonard Girvan, Stanley Gregory, Richard Neville Hawkes, Alfred Ernest Jones, Leonard James Jenkins, Dennis Kean, Richard Leckic, Fabian Aubrey Larkins, Herbert Martin, William Reid Morris Richard M'Lennan, Patrick M'Manus Syd ney George M'Dougall, Allan M'Millan, Charles Cyril Newbury, John William Prattley, Jama? O'Connor, Ernest Jotinstone Reed, Patrick Joseph Scanlon, Albert Sinclair, « George Douglas Sutherland, Charles Sutherland, Alexander Stewart, William James Sproule, William Meek Sharp, Hugh Aitcheson Wilson. Fourth Reinforcements Infantry (NonTerntorials). —John Smith Andrew?, Sinclair Arthur, William James Bravery, Geo. Henry Browning, Donald l Gunn Gampbell, John Cooper, Harry Crane, Adam Crowe, Arthur Edmund Chrisp, Robert Weatherstone Dick, Robert Fitzgerald, Edward Frye, Alfred William Ferguson, Geo. Gray, George Godby, Colin Gilbert, Albert Hickey, Walter John Heather, Robert Hamilton, William Plamilton, Edward Prvce Houghton, Alfred Ernest Irwin, John Johnston, Thomas Henry Jack, John William Jackson, Edward Kennelly, William Kilroy, Charles Lewis. Henry George Martin, George Movston. David'Mathews, William Mullms, Roderick M'Leod, William Lovat M'Laren, Thomas M'Murrav, Jainos M'Pherson M'Blain, Francis Arthur Mac. don aid, George M'Goniiyal. James Alexander M'Bride, William M'Guire, Walter Douglas M'Oall. Robert Oliver, James Primate, John Roxburgn, Charles Christie Robb, David Leonard Smith, Thomas Smith, Henry Devenish Skinner (join Wellington), John Simpson (join Christchurch), James Smith Scrivener (join Oamaru), George Jas. Sutherland, Robert Prydo Turnbull, Arthur Alexander Thomson, Peter Malkman Walker, Albert Boyee Wilson. Edwin John Wilson, Joseph Woodford, Robert Wilson. S<VMOA. Samoan Expeditionary Force Infantry.— Georgo Husrh Ackland, Duncan Anderson, Daniel Adie, Robert Bucl-anan, Henry Thomas Bray, Edward 1 chard Blike, Joseph Clenton. Charles Colomb, Alexander John Campbell, George Eraser Dunlop, Geo. Davidson, Francis Edward Davis, James | William Elmslcy, Alexander Fraser, William i Henry Fleming, William John Maekie Grant. George Horwood, Robert Gilkison. Daniel Higgins, Arthur Ilill, Alfred Richard ' Jones, John Samuel Johnson, Charles Keay, Robert Lang, James Mills, Justin Francis Huntley M'Carthv, John M'Laren, ' Francis M'Keown. James Mitchell M'Gregor, Patrick George Morrissy, John 1 <

Morrison, Bertram Douglas Newbury, Wi 1 - liam Olson, August Michael l'lever, Thomas Gray Risk, William Saunders Koid, Alfred Rile, William Strut hers, William Shaw, Wilfrc-d Smith. James Sharp, Vincent*, Francis Roherl Ncaife, William Sadler, William 'Tusliack, William Henry Hocking Thomas, Thomas Wli,alley, Thomas J high Williams, George Hutiler Winders. Samoa n Expeditionary Force Mounted Rifles. - William Burns, Michael Davidson, .fames Giiylon, Charles Lawrence, ('lias. Mack, William Thomas Sullivan, Augustus Sir.ciienski, fliotnns Thompson, .lame.s Benson Wosthnad, John Charles Walters. Samoan Expeditionary Force Army Service Corps.—John .Joseph O'Kecfc. EXPEDITIONARY EOIICE. FURTHER APPOINTMENTS Lieutenant-colonel Potter, camp commandant at TrenUtam, lias made the following additional teiuiwrary appointments of non-commissioned otiicers (says tho New Zealand 'lmicsj to tfio tiiird reinforcements Divisional Headquarters Staff. Corporal D. Galbraith to be sergeant; Private S. J. Castle, corporal; Private C. D. Warren, corporal; Private J. Jackson, sergeant. Ist Regiment Infantry (North Island). Ist Battalion. Auckland Company No. I.— Company Sergeant-major L. 1,, lirown, Company Quartennaster-sorgeajit J. W. Dowtlali, Platoon Sergeant (l) J. M. Johnston, Platoon Sergeant (2) A. R. Gillespie, Platoon Sergcatn (3) H. J. Harris, Corporal A. W. U. Rolte, Corporal H \\. D. Bold, Corporal S. Maxwell. Auckland Company No. 2. —Company Quartermaster - sergeant J. M'Hardy, Platoon Sergeant (b) A. E. Spencer, Platoon Sergeant (6) E. C. Daro, Platoon Sergeant (7) H. Tipping, Corporal J. R. Boyes, Corporal H. Hogg, Corporal H. P. Farrelly, Corporal F. Molteno, Lancc-corporal H. S. Polglase. Wellington Company No 3. —Company Sergeant-major J. Aitken, Company Quartermaster-sergeant C. N. Devery, Platoon Sergeant (9) \V. Brook-Taylor, Platoon Sergeant (10) J. Jackson, Platoon Sergeant (11) E. Clow, Corporal E. E. Store, Corporal F. J Offord, Corporal S E. Lorking, Corporal V. W. Brown, Corporal A. L. Jones, Corporal E. W Scaling, Corporal G. W. York, Corporal H. 11. Schwicters, Corporal R. W. Guy, Lance-corporal R. V. Mason

Wellington Company No 4.—Company Sergeant-major F. W. Goodwin (H.L.1.), Company Quartermaster-sergeant, W. G. Young, Platoon Sergeant (12) H. Lee, Platoon Sergeant (13) 11. Chignall, Platoon Sergeant (14) T. E. Groenslade. Corporal S. E, Strond, Corporal T. Higgins, Corporal \V. Cunningham, Corporal E. A. Bate, Corporal H. Renwick, Corporal P. J. Gallagher, Lance-corporal A. S. Gun ago. 2nd Regimjsnt infantry (South Island). Ist Battalion. Regimental Quartermaster-sergeant G. A Roach. Canterbury Company, No. I —Company Sergeant-major W. G. Hall, Company Quartermiitur-sergeant W. E. Smith, Platoon Sergeant (1) 11 Blair, Platoon Sergeant (2) J Kitson, Platoon Sergeant (6) A. E. Hayman, Platoon Sergeant (4) E. D. Evans, Corporal J. King, Corporal R. W, Ellis. ' n ri Canterbury Company No. 2—Company Sergeant-major A. H. Whittaker, Company Quartermaster-sergeant A. E. Mortimore, Platoon Sergeant (5) E. R. Murray, Platoon Sergeant (6) J. Evans, Platoon Sergeant (7) G. Poulter, Platoon Sergeant id) L. Sangstcr. Otago Company, No. 3.—Company Ser-geaut-inajor J. M. Napier Quartermaster-sergeant H. L. Aapicr, Platoon Sergeant (9) F. Aoamson Platoon Sergeant (10) E. G. Pi ling, Watoon Sergeant (11) H. P. G. Childs, Platoon Sergeant (12) E. M. Ryburn, Corporal Scnv- ' Otago Company .(No. 4).— Company Ser-geant-major J. E. Cuthill, Platoon bergeant (13) G. Forbes, Platoon Sergeant (14) I. W Mackay, Platoon Sergeant (15) C. it. Bell, Platoon Sergeant (16) G. * • Corporal A. S. Kennedy, Corporal M'Do wall. Corporal T. Reid. The following N.C.O s will be employed as noted below: Sergeant Master Shoemaker F. A. Hox Quartermaster's Stores. . Pay Department. —Sergeants A. A. Cairns, H. J. Salmon, G. G. Priest, M. G. Boyes.

LIST OF TRANSFERS. Tho following transfers have been authorised:—From Veterinary Corps, Corporal D. Galbraith, to Divisional Headquarters' Staff. From Wellington Company, Ist Infantry Battalion, Privates S. J. Castle, C. D. Warren and J. Jackson, to Divisional Head, quarters' Staff. From Otago Company, 2nd Infantry Battalion, Privates C. H. Childs and C. E. Cole, to Divisional Headquarters Staff. From Canterbury Company, 2nd Infantry Battalion, Private C. Mowatt, to Divisional Headquarters' Staff. From Otago Squadron, 2nd Mounted Rifle Regiment, Private J. R. Copcland, to IMounted Riflo Brigade Headquarters' Staff. From Canterbury Company, 2nd Infantry Battalion, Privates H. D. 'Burt and W. R. Douglas, to Infantry Brigade Headquarters' Staff. From Auckland Company, Ist Infantry Battalion Private A. C. Reos, to Infantry Brigade Headquarters' Staff. From Veterinary Corps, Private A. M'Kenzie, to Wellington Squadron.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16296, 1 February 1915, Page 2 (Supplement)

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NEW ZEALAND AND THE WAR. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16296, 1 February 1915, Page 2 (Supplement)

NEW ZEALAND AND THE WAR. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16296, 1 February 1915, Page 2 (Supplement)