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(Fbom Ooit Own Coseespondeni.)

LONDON, October 10. General and Mrs Godley aro at present staying at the St. Petersburg Hotel, North Auuley street. At the enu of the week General Godley will go down to Aiderehot ior some tune, and li© has business at the War Office which will keep iiim going until lie leaves for the Continent on Noveruoer 8. From Naples General and Mrs Godley will go to I'igypr, and they wiii join the Orvitto at l J ori cuid on November 5. From Adelaide, whore they ara due on the 27vfa, liiey will go straight through to Melbourne, wflere Generil Gouloy will confer with General lviikpatrick, and, leaving Sydney on tho last day of the year, lie hopes to bo in Auckland for trie military tournament. General Godley's health ;s quite restored as a result of the trip.

Captain Scott is to have a memorial, erected by French people, on the Ctol du Lautaret, the Alpine where, in company with Dr Charcot, the French explorer, lie spent some weeks in 1903 experimenting with motor sledges. It will be inscribed: " llio English Captain Scott, who, when returning from tho South Polo, died bravelv with ]i:a companions, for his country and lor science, March 22, 1912, Stayed at the Co! du Lautaret in .March, 1983, in order to proparo for this memorable expedition."

Dr A. Honcrieff Finlayson (Otago), who has been home for a. lew weeks from Burma, whero he has spent three years' in the eervico of tho Burma Oil Company, returned this week.

Mr T. H. B. Wayne, a graduate of the Otago School of Mines, and for some years paet engaged in mining in South Africa, leaves liondon in a week or two, with his wife and family, on their return to South Africa.

" Frcshmea " at Cambridge includeE. 0. l'ryrjo {Wanganui), who will study at Jceus Coljcgc; VV. A. Ourzon-Siggers, of Otago University College, who'has entered St. J ohn'>i College; T. F. Northcote (Christ's Co'lcge, Christchurch), who will study at Emmanuel College.

Having completed his two years' attachment to tho British army, Major T. \Y. M'Donald is about to return to New Zealand. lie was a guest of th o Army Council at tho recent army exercises, and during the .progress of these manoeuvres he was commanded to Althoro to meet the King and Que«ii. Major M'Donald will be 6t itioned in Auckland. Accompanied by his wife, daughter, and two sons, lie will leave London in a fortnight's time for Naples, there to join the s.s. Orsova, sailing onNovember 1. Miss Jean M'Donald, who has been at school at Streatham, where Miss Wallis (a sister of tho late Bishop of Wellington). :s one of the mistresses, has recently passed the Oxford preliminary examination. She lias also passed with distinction in pianoforte and theory, tho third musical examination of the Associated Boards of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal ColUio of Music.

Mr Arthur Alexander, the talented Duncdin pianist, announces a recital at tho iiJolian Hall for October 21.

Madame is about to leave England on another i rofcs«ional tour of the world, which, is to occupy two years. She pave a farewell recital in London this week, aD d, of course, delighted her audience, including all the musical critics, She played Beethoven's "Appassionato Sonata," three Chopin studies, Handel's "Variations of Brahms,' and three .Rubinstein numbers "Wrong Note" study in C major. Numerous bouquets wero presented, and tho applause was long-continued.

At tho Commonwealth Offices this week Captain R. Muirhcad Collins presented Miaamo Ada Croasley with a line gold medal, as a memento of the foundation-stone-laying of the new Commonwealth Offices in tho Strand. Ou that occasion Madame Ada Crosslev saivg the National Antnem. The medal boars a suitable inscription and tho Australian ooat-of-arms.

The Imperial Mission has started an energetic winter campaign, and Mr John Holmes has fulfilled an engagement on its behalf in South-jwest Eesex. Mr Holmes gave a loctlUN! on v " Empire Unity," entitled " New Zealand, the Outpost ot the Empire."

Mr and Mis Edgar Jones (South Canterbury) intend to place their children at school here, and they will then spend two of tho winter months at Minehead. They have abandoned their intention of wintering in % Southern United States. In tho spring they will go abroad. Mr Jones, on his recent trip across Canada, was amazed k> note the progress that has taken place in that country, duo chiefly to the immigration policy by which everything possible is done to get an increased population. Mr J once thinks New Zealand should follow suit and cncoQrage settlers, for, he saye, "every emigrant would soon return indirectly through tho Customs, and directly by railway fares and other expenditure, more than tho amount spent in taking hint to New Zealand."

During tho course of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference at the Westminster Central Hall, the Rev. A. C. Ixnvry, of the Now Zealand Conference, spoke of tho effects of their _ teaching the Gospel among the Maoris, who, he said, in ths earlier days of missionary work were cannibals'. As an illustration _of tho new spirit with which they were imbued, lio told his audience o't an incident during the campaign against the Maories where the Natives, in surprising a body of troops with "piled arms," instead of slaughtering tho coldicrs, ao they might have dene, merely seized their rifles.

Tho Blackhcath Rugby Fifteen will inelude Mr H. J. I. Walker, a New Zeaknder in tho Royal Warwickshire Reg!giinent, Mr Walker came to England last February and played on a few occasions for Blackheath in March* This summer ho carried off many of the sprint races and the army championships.

CommaJider Evans has this weok visited Belgium and Norway. At Antwerp he attended a reception given by the Geographical Association in his honour, and was appointed an honorary member. Tho namo of Captain Scott is to be given to a street in Antwerp. Accompanied by jj r Q rau and Mr Mather. Commamler Evans proceeded to Christiania, where they wero met by representatives of the Norwegian Geographical Socity. Commander Evans and Mr Gran subsequently had tho honour of Iwicmng with tho King of Norway. A dinner in their honour was given at the British Legation.

At the Covered Courts Club, Dulwioh R D. Maepherson, a Russian 16-year-old 'boy' won his European lawn tennis championship singles against the New Zealander 1' R. Quill. Quill played quite a nieo game! but lie was not eo active as the Russian, who adopted aggressive methods without sacrificing anything,in style. Maepherson 's service was very strong, his driving of increased power, and hia placing generally \ery sound. The scoros wero 6—2, 6—4.

The Hon. Thomas Mackenzie will deliver a lecture on "The Birds of New Zealand at tho Lyceum Club next week.

Jlits Annu. C. Anderson (Duncdin) is to deliver her first lecture on New Zealand ; n London tho week aftor next. Then she will go to Sheffield and give another lecture, while for a third address Harrow has been chosen, and tho date some time in November. Miss Anderson has recently become an associate of the Royal Colonial Institute. Just, now she is totiring in Ucvonsliire, staying at Babbacombe, near Torquay, as the guest of tho Rev Dr Nicolson and Mrs Nicolson. Sho has 'been coaching over Dartmoor and raiting tho many pleasant Devonshire coast resorts within reach of Torquay.

Callers at the High Commissioner's offico this week hive been:—Mr and Mrs Edgar Jones (South Canterbury), Mr and Mrs J. lleon (Auckland), Mrs and Miss Borden Wellington) Mr F. F. Miles, Mr T. Rome (Napier), Miss Victoria Summers (Christchurch) Mr R. Burton (Wellington) and Mrs Burton,- Mr Duncan Cameron (Oomaru), Captain Hugh M'Lean (Christchurch), Mrs and Miss M'Lean, Dr Spencer Beard (Mastertonj, Miss Nina Calcinai (Wellington).

Tho death occurred on Wednesday at hia residence m North London, of Mr J omen Baxter, the retired manager of the Bank of I\ew /kaland in London. Mr Baxter, who was 65 years of age, had been in tie service of the bank for 43 yeara, and ho retired two years ago this month. The funeral feta place to-morrow at Golder's ureen Although Mr Baiter had never be<?n to the Dominion, he will no doubt ba remembered by many New Zealandora who have visited London. One of his eons is in the service, of the bank in New Zealand, and he recently camo to London to see his father. Mr Barter died after a very short illness, and 10 dayn before his dith he was in the bank at Queen Victoria street looking very well.

Yesterday morning the Arawa left London for New Zealand, in charge of Captain Clayden, and with Dr G. J. I, Linklater as medical officer. The first saloon paasengens are: Major Ridley, Miss Ridley Uptain W. Williams, Mrs Williams, mJ and Mrs G. C. Marriott, Mr and Mrs A. L. Woollcy, Mrs M. Duncan, Miss I. Duncan and Master Duncan, Mrs M. Haldano, Airs Machado, Miss Machado, Master Ma/chado. Mrs M. Vick and Miss Vick, Miss A. Estcourt, Miss Y. St. Clair, Miss H. otevens Mr D. Byron, Mr R. lnglis-Hall, ~ r c ' e Laut °ur, Mr F. C. Machado, Mr T. M ; Keid, Mr W. D. Stewart. Second saloon: ihe Rev. S. Cooper, Mr and Mrs Ti ' r ' n d Mrs A. Brodie Afi« Biodie and the Masters' Brodie, Mr and J; I'arquhar, Mr and Mrs A. H. Gibson, Mr and Mrs J. B. Johns, the Misses Johns (o, and Master Johns, Mr and Mrs J. Mowlam, Mr and Mrs G. B. Proud, t" ® a< " er . Sadler and r S^ ler ' Mr and Mr 3F - W. Venn, Mrs ii. Bland, Mrs J. Cooper and Misa L J Cooper, Mrs and Miss Higginbottom, n k' Wobe rtson aad the Misses Robertson (2), Mrs: E. Rose, Mrs Williams, Misa B. A. Adams, Miss M. Baylcs, Mies L J. Lruco, the Misses E. B. and D. J. Hare, Miss A. Helling, Miss S. Hill, Miss E. ivent, the Misses & and B. Macdiarmid, w rt , i, ¥* rodith > E. Moore, Misa B. Okcll, Miss E. Pattinson, Miss G. 0. Stephens, Miss B. Stott Miss M. late, Miss E. 'fate, Miss A. M. Walker, Mr W. Barker, Mr El J Crokor, Mr P. Erbach, Mr E. O. Foster, n' Mr K Gerber, Mr J. Goldie, Mr F. Grady, Air H. B. Holliday, Mr W. 11. Jepson, Mr E. W. Leighton, Mr W. Macklin, Mr R. Macklin, Mr D. M'Kay, Mr J. Mulholland, Mr G. Partridge, Mr J. Purchase Mr W. Roe, Mr J. Scott, Mr Gr. biOigh, Mr J. G. S. Tonkin. Mr G. R. u- r $■ L - Wel!8 - Mr E. Yvilkin- £ Ir f ■ Williams, Mr S. Williams, Mr b. Vaughan-Williams. In tho third class there are more than 380 passengers.

Tho day beforo yesterday tho b.s. TuraIcina left London for New Zealand, the repairs rendered necessary by the fire at s'u-i „ ing been all completed. Captain BiWaism is in command, and Dr W. It. Redman is the medical officer. On txxird aro tho members of tho 'Royal Artillery i? a r u-1- are goms °H t the Auckland Exhibition, ajid who will give concerts .in other parts of New Zealand as well. Captam N. P. li. Preston, R.F.A., ia in command of the band, and Mr 0. E. Sfretton is the musical director. The names of the bandsmen are: Oorporal E. A. Reynolds, Musician E. J. Ooulstook, Bombardier J. H. Field, Musician A. B. Lewis, Corporal \V. E. Austing, Musician 0. E. Augardc, Musician L. W. Hazel, Corporal s - M ?cDonald, Musician R. H. Robinson, Musician A. E. Webber, Musician H. Ji. Mason, Musician C. W. Liddall Musician A C.. Marts, Musician C. A.'Woodhouse, Sergeant H. G. Glayshcr, Musician v - Mahchowski, Musician T. W. Siinpson. Musician A. W. King, Musician A K Baga, Musician A. E. Martin, Sergeant VV. l'crdham, Bombardier G. Gable, Corporal J. E. Wood, Musician T. Madden, Musician W. H. Woods, Sergeant J. o! Mlis, Corporal A. H. Cross, Musician H. Franks, Musician H. Alien, Corporal J. S. Bower, Musician H. E. Nekon, Musician u tv?!*• G. Scudder, Bom-b-irdicr E. D. Shernngliam, Musician J H K"ley, Muqician F. Glover, Musician f. Colin, Bombardier J. Welsh, Musician F. t 9 arn i Musician G. i ® ~rdr tt. Musician J. A. Ke.p.nedv, Bombardier L. Hughes.

Other 6aloon passengers on board the lurak.M antl Al ra W. 0. Haynes, Mr and Mrs b. H. Luke and Master Luke, m IS 3 ?' 5' £ u ,?' ar| d rs A- Mowat, Mrs A. T. Dulziel and son, Jim E. Graham, Mrs W. E. Redman, Miss ■ K F Barns, Mr f. S. Brown, Mr E. H.'FollowsMr A. Guran, Mr J. H. E, Nicholn J.r No .™ an . Mr J- Smith, inn • can . ilford. There ""are about 100 passengers m the third class.

There are a good many New Zealandbound voyagers on board the Orient liner Orama, ivhicji left London to-day. Those I for Wellington are: Mi- T. E. Maunsell, , , Pa ™ r ' Mr and Mrs W. Porrv, Mr A. Anderson the Rev. E. P. Cachciiaillo and Mrs Cac.hemaille, Mrs Coux, Miss M. Duncldey, Miss E M- Ely, Mr and Mrs vr S y 'Ti P Ribbings, Miss Hackworth, Mr H. Eorton, Mr C. B. Howorth, Dr A. G. Jones, Mrs M. Maunsell, the Rev. J oMj r n' ? Ir D ' Ra )' raon d, Mr and Mrs oiddall, Miss Siddall, and Master Siddall, Mrs and Mira Sladden. For Lyttelton: Mr G R Bvrne, Mr'C. W. Church, Mr and Mrs A. Sims, Captain H. M'Lean, Mrs and Miss M'Lean Miss M. J. Supple, Mr J. lnompson and Miss E. J. Thompson. Miss E. M Thompson, Mrs J. M. Collard. For puncdm: Mr W. Dawson, Mr W. Daweon, j®~ D !f le y <"><l family, Mr and Mra W. M. Hamilton, the Misses Hamilton, Mr . Hodges, Mrs Niven, Mrs and Mi6s femyth Miss A. A. Stewart. For Auckland. Mrs A. Wilkinson, Mr and Mrs J Robertson and family, Mr Mackenzie rorbes, Mr s H. Barrance, Mr K. Barmnce. l'or Napier: Miss Covve.

r- i i d l , , October 15. Colonel Robin, who has for some timo been attached to 'the War Office as New Zealand s representative, is leaving Engj, 0,1 November 7by the s.s. Oiontea ou Ins return to tho dominion. His successor at the War Office will be Major G. S. Richardson, of the New Zealand Staff Corps. At present Major Richardson ia taking his course at the Staff College, Lambency, but at the completion of this, about the middle of December, he will take up his duties in Whitehall, in tho interests of New Zoaland.

Neiv Zealand's latest Rhodes scholar, Mr i). I'. Miles (o,tago University), who is now in residence at Balliol, has been chosen to represent his college in the Freshmen's Ruffby match. lie is playing with tho Colours team, which is captained by F. W. Thompson, of University College. Tho opponents aro tho Whites, captained by H. H. B. Moore, of Brasenese. Mr Miles has brought with him to England a reputation in football circles.

Mr and Mrs W. Allen Cambridge (Christchurch and Dunedin) arc leaving for' New Zealand oh October 20, but they are going out for a trip only, and it is possible thai at tho end of a. year in Australasia they will return to England to settle. Mr i Cambridge has deposed satisfactorily of tho world's righto of his invention.

Lord Ranfurly is a staunch supporter of the 'Ulster cause, and his son and heir Lord Northland, has taken an active part in drilling the men of the Ulster Volunteer Force, which is being raised to resist tho attempt: to establish the rule of tho Irish Parliament in the province.

An eminent specialist in mental diseases has been removed by the death of Sir John Batty 'JL tike, M.D., who passed away at Balgreen House, Edinburgh, in his 78th year. A native of Beverley, Yorkshire, Tukc was educated at Edinburgh Academy and University. On taking the degree of M.D. ho went out to New Zealand, where lie waa civil practitioner in medical charge of a wing of the 65th Regiment. ()n tho outbreak of the Maori War in 1860 ho was 'appointed senior medicul officer to the colonial troops, and served till nearly tho end of the war. He remained in New Zealand for about six years. Later on ho occupied a leading position as a psychologist. His general influence on the development of tho humane methods employed m tho modern treatment of insanity \vf)s great • while, by a Iccture delivered in 1894 ho may lie considered to have assisted greatly in bringing about a clear recognition of a condition now so well knotfn as to be spoken .of by all and sundry as " brain fag."

Mr and Mrs Scandrett (Inveroargill) and Miss Scandrett have returned to London from a tout of the United Kingdom. They loavo on Saturday for Paris, Belgium, and Holland, aijd will later sp&nd a few weeka on tho Scjith Coast. Thev have booked their return passages by the Orient liner Otway, wljich sails from Tilbury on Da. comber 19. ,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15933, 28 November 1913, Page 4

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PERSONAL NOTES FROM LONDON. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15933, 28 November 1913, Page 4

PERSONAL NOTES FROM LONDON. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15933, 28 November 1913, Page 4